I A TRAIN TAKES ITS OWN PICTURE. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrh, Coughs and Colds. Publistud Every Thursday Hnraing 1E0 W WAGENSKLLER. A M EDITOR AND OWH1R. 9 issi inn iii. mm rasa, 1.00 pel year .'imi.l In advance. Bl.itO per rear If not paid Id advance Single copies, t'.ve Ceate. Advertising KM". II ten's pel llM nnparetl rinavirp ment. for Aral insertlot. and In rents per line fur each aubae e,oent Insertion. tav-oKKU'r- -Near I M County Court House, eetweeu the Kir National Bank anil the Ountyjall. REPUBLICAN TICKET. ; Justice of the Supreme Court, WILLIAM P. POTTER, iif A I lejrheny. Statf Treasurer, FRANK (i. HARRIS, of ( Jlearfieltl. President Judge, HON. II. M. McCLURE. County Surveyor, GEO. A. BOTDORF. Vol. xx.wiii. Oct. 10, 1001. Nvhbbb40 I fiyp if 'jk BKfl Hal THE evidences are on hand from all parts of Snyder County this week that Judge MeClure will poll even more than his party vote. He has made us an intelligent judiciary and the vote on November 5th will be even more deci sive thau it was at the primary. There is not a single! district in danger. They will all be for MeClure. Allen Ayrault Green, a young pho tographerof the University of Chicago, was called on recently to take a picture for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad of their fast Chicago-Denver train.'The Burlington's NumberOne," while in motion. After several unsuc cessful trials with the usual apparatus, he made an electric switch, attaching it to the rail so that when the engine struck it the circuit was closed. This switch communicated through a metal lic circuit to a set of dry cells, and thence to a shutter -release. The shutter- release was a complicated machine, consisting of a pair of low resistance coils, acting as electro-mag nets on closing the circuit and attract ing the armature, it in turn commu nicating with a series of levers so constructed as to minimize the resist ance of the stout spring it was to release. The instant that the engine struck the switch it closed the circuit, and instantly the electricity commu nicated with the high-speed shutter and the picture was correctly regis tered on the center of the plate. Thus the Burlington's train took its own picture while running at full peed, and it may seem odd, yet it is true, that a railroad locomotive has at last joined the Igreat army ci amateur photographers. LITERARY XOTES. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Mr. William Dean Howells in the October number of the North American Review pub lishes the first of two papers of great interest from a literary point of view, entitled "An Italian View of Humor." These two papers are professedly a review lunik of humor by Paola Bellezza, hut they make as a matter of fact an interesting and exhaustive essay on the humor of the world. In Mr. Howell's genial style the comprehensiveness of Senor Hellezza's lxxk as well as the comprehensiveness of humor throughout the world is suggested. REVIEW OF REVIEWS President McKinley's assassination and Mr. Roosevelt's accession to the Presidency are the two dominant topics in the October Review of Reviews. Aside from the editorial treatment of those momentous events, a fully illustrated account of the last days of President McKinley is contributed by Mr. Walter Welhnan, the ac complished newspajicr correspondent, who was himself at Buffalo and writes from personal, first-hand knowledge of all the details of the tragedy. Mr. Wellman's comprehensive article is followed by a brief characterization of the last of our great trio of martyr Presidents, from the pen of Commissioner H. B. F. Macfariaud, of the District of Columbia; there is also an article on President Roosevelt, with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and the six Roosevelt child ren. The Review presents the full text of Mr. MeKinley's Buffalo speech, made on the day Wore the shooting, and of Mr. Roosevelt's Minneapolis address of September 2. Companion is of particular interest to women. Mrs. Lamed, the noted writer of fine cookery, crntributes an article of "Modern Savories in Antique Settings." Mrs. Kretschmar writes about "Servants." Sallie Joy White and Mary Graham talk about matters pertaining to the household. There are five pages devoted to iall fashions. The great Cincinnati Fall Festival is the subject of an illustrated article. Other features deal with Girard College and the life of its eccentric founder; "The Southern Girl of To-day." The fiction includes "Love's Re compense," by Lewis E. MacBrayne; "The Awakening of Caleb Swift," Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey; "The Stimulus of a Hope," by Grace S. Richmond. Published by The Crowell & Kirkpatrick Co., Springfield, Ohio; one dol lar a year; ten cents a copy; sample copy free. woman's HOME COMPANION. The October number of the Woman's Home MR. AND MRS. PETER HOFFMAN, KYLERTOWN, PA. Mrs. Peter Hoffman also writes: MR. PETER HOFFMAN, Kylertown, Pa., writes: "I was deaf for five year and could find no help. I was completely deaf; was afflicted with ahortnen. of breath, bronchitis, trouble In the throat, so that I was in misery. Through one of Dr. Hartman'n almanacs I decided to try Peruna, and bought a bottle. "I took three bottles and now feel real well; my hearing is good again; I can breatho without dillicultv; my throat is no longer Inflamed. I followed all the directions, and can now say that Dr. Hartman's Peruna has cured me. "I recommend it to all suffering with catarrh. am seventy-one years old. have an appetite again and can work. I feel ten yean younger. ' ' When old age comes on, catarrhal dis eases come also. Systemic catarrh la ut most universal in old people. This explains why Peruna had become so Indispensable to old people. Peruna Is their safe-guard. Peruna is the only remedy yet devised that meets these cases exactly. Such cases cannot be treated locally; nothing but an effective systemic rem edy could euro them. This la exactly what Parana is. "I was sick for many years ; suffered with the liver, stomach and kidneys. I had seven doctors, bnt none could cure tne, as they did not know what ailed me. "Every one who saw me said that I could not live very long. I began to take Peruna and grew better every day. The severe pains in the stomach have disap peared. I am now well and have a good appetite. I am seventy yean old and can do my work without getting tired. Peruna It the beat medicine In the world for catarrh. Your good Peruna has saved my own and my husband's life." Mr. Robert Metters, of Murdock, Basi Co., Neb., Box 45, writes : "I hod catarrh from my head all through my system. I took Peruna until I was entirely cured. I am eighty-thre? and a half years old, and feel as young as I did ten years ago. "I visited recently among some old friends, who said I looked as young ar I did twenty years ago." I Aaaress Tne reruns Medicine Co., O Iambus, 0., for a free catarrh book. ladies' home journal. A youug man recently wrote to the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal asking . "What have you to say, squarely and fairly, to a young man of twenty-niue who is about to marry ?" In the October Journal Mr. Bok uses a page for his answer, Its salient points are these: that a man should make the woman of his choice his chum, as well as his wife; that he should show her the highest consideration as well as love her; that he should remember that he owes his wife to her mother, and treat his mother-in-law with respect. Liver Pills That's what you need; some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness Gently laxative 2..r. All druKltf. Want your raoattaebe or beard a beautiful BTOWO or rich Mark ? Thou me BUCKINGHAM'S DYE $rA. 1(1,., or O.liMl.T.. O. R. P. M.IL CO., NMUJM. FLINT VALLEY. Samuel Straub re-roofed his house on Friday. James Haines and son were the carpenters. Lewis Mover got a new tin roof on his porch in this valley this week. J. B. Shirk and Frank Glass did the work. Chas. Dreese and Geo. Kline be gan husking corn last week. Mrs. Geo. Hauler, youngest daughter and sou visited in this valley Sunday. Mrs. Chas. More and family took dinner with our noted plasterer, Samuel Straub, Friday. Win. Sprenkel picked apples for S. D. Straub Saturday. Miss Cora Kissinger visited James Haines Sunday. John Woodling's steam carousal was well attended by the Pallas and Flint Stone Valley people Thurs day and Saturday evenings. ( me (if Chas. Dreese'a horses was sick last week. Dr. J. W. Mover broubhther back to, health again. Washington Bickhart, Curlin Marklcy, Missis Mabel Miller and Clare J y kens attended the Milton fair last week. Geo. Kline and wife wife were to Beavertown over Sunday. Mrs. Maud Martin of Ncita Val ley was in our midst Sunday. J. A. Meyer's had a load of Ori ental visitors Sunday. Zinc and grinding double the wear. ' For three days and nights 1 suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers." says M. E. Low ther, clerk cf the district court, Ceuterville, Iowa. "I thought ' I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy is for sale by Middleburg Drug Store. PORT TKEVORTON A. W. Auckcr spent Sunday with his family. Chas. Stroh and Harry Neitz, who are employe! at Sunbury 6pent Sunday in town. Miss Maude Charles of Sunbury and Harvey Lcuig of Miltou spent Sunday with their mothers. Our town was well represented at court this week. G. A. Neitz has accepted a po sition iu Berlew's dry goods depart ment at Sunbury. Mrs. J. C. Schaeffer spent part of last week at Sunbury. Mrs. Ed, Wolf transacted busi ness at Sunbury last week. G. B. Rine and wife of Kantz were the guests of the hitter's par ents, Henry Keller and wife over Sunday. L. G. Herrold, one of the lead ing pedagogues of Union township, was entertained at the home of F. A. Bingaman Saturday night. Mrs. Susan Snyder is visiting her son, Jacob, and family at Shanio kiu Dam. Susan Stroh, Sarah Shader and Ix'vi Wood ling, three of the town's most aged inhabitants, are on the sick list. Rev. Romig of Maryland, the newly elected pastor of the U. B. church, delivered an interesting sermon to his congregation Sunday evening. Mrs. H. P. Charles and grand son, Russell Knights, visited the hitter's mother at Sunbury. Geo. Strawscr of Seliusgrove called on fiiends Saturday evening. P, G. Shambach ofSunbury call ed on his parents Monday. Mrs. Sue Beistle has gone to Lewishurg to spend the winter. lieu ben Aucker and wife oi Shamokin were the guests of Mrs. A. W. Aucker Monday. Mi. Berlew of Sunbury was in town one day last week. A oew remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Middleburg Drug Store. It is called ChaniberluiuV Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon hs the first iudicition of the disease ap pears. Price. 2.3 cents per box. Samples free. Andrew Trutt. Andrew Trutt was bom Dec. i!4, 182), died Sept 28, 1901 aged 71 years, ! months, and 4 days. Two sons, Samuel of Hummel's Wharf and Henry of Danville and two daughters, Mrs. James Wertz of Hummel's Wharf and Mrs. Kate Trate of Sunbury andja widow survive. When you have no appetite, not do relish your food and feel dull after afllincr vnn muv Liwur that vtwi rimtA I a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach j and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Sample freo at Middleburg Drug ! Store. Is Life Worth Living? Then don't neglect cough or cold, especially when only twenty-five cent will buy a bottle n( Mexican Syrup. It la an northing;, and so many conaumpti vea have been made well by It uxe. head some of the testimonials on the wrapper around each bottle that prove this remedy more i sure (or deep seated colds, haliltunl coughing and even consumption, than any other remedy known to physicians. Many of whom recommend and prescribe It where less effacacio-is remedies fail. Pale, Puny, Children. If a child lias a bad smelling breath, if It habitually picks its nose, if It Is cross and nervou, If it does not sleep soundly, if it is hollowed-eyed. If it has a pale, bloodless com plexion, if it Is growing thin and lifeless, give It Mother's Worm Syrup and you will remove the cause of its distress quickly. Then will its little cbeeks get red and rosy, its appetite and digestion improve, and its health be better. I'rice only 25 cent. No other worm-killer so effective. Be Mat Deceived. Don't think you can neglect your health and rouch old n;te. The way to longevity Is to be kind to nature nnd then nature will be kind to you. (.'onstlimtion, Inactive liver, etc,, arc foes to nature. Try them. They cure by cleaning and Mtrcngthriiltig lHln run Be Cared. WlivnufTcr pain? I'ain Is trying to kill you. Why not kill pain. Nothing kills pain, either inti-rtuil or external puln, so quickly and so effectively as Uooch's Quick Relief, Cures OTSjlnp nnd colic. A Complete Car. When you take Hooch's Soraaprllla you And it a complete cure for bad blood. Ptlelae Cares PJIa. Money refunded If It ever fails. Anti-Auuii cures Chills and Fever, Susquehanna University M. C. Lec ture Course, opera house, Seliusgrove, Pa., Oct. 20th. Dr. Charles Steck, of Shamokin, Pa., Elocutionary Enter tainment. Nov. 7th, Hon. Emerson Collins, of Williamsport, subject : "Ab raham Lincoln." Nov. 19th, Gen. J. P. 8. Gobin, Lieut. Gov. of Pa. subject: " Providence in War" Nov. 26th, ltev E. D. Weigel, D. D., of Mechanicsburg, subject: "The Mis. of Music." Dec. 5th, ltev. R. H. Gilbert, D. D., subject: "Man's Destiny." Dec. 10th, Di Charles Steck, subject: " Hamlet." These entt rtainments will be a very high standard, Interesting and instruc tive, and will be a rare treat, as they are the first of the kind to be produced In Seliusgrove. Course Tickets 1 Single Admission 2-" and IJ5 cefits, Reserved seats 10 cents extra for each entertainment. When you cannot sleep for cough ing, it is hardly necessary that you need a few dosee of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possi ble. It is good. Try it. For sale by Middleburg Drug Store. PREPARE FOR WINTER We have a nice line of Winter Stock, MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVER. COATS, FULL LINE OF UNDERWEAR, HATS; CAPS AND UNDER WEAR. ssttOtfeX You are cordially invited to I examine onr excellent stock, whether you buy or not. Our stock is all marked in plain figures, and you can see all prices for yourself. We have a strictly one-price to all. Thanking you for. past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same. I remain Kesp'y. WOLF FREHDMAN, 318 East Market St., Sunbury, Pa. senator Beveridge returns Home. Indianapolis, Oct. 8. Senator Baver idga yesterday arrived home from his six months Journey around the world. Most of this time was spent in Russia and the Orient, but particularly in Manchuria and the Philippines, al though a brief time was spent In Eng land and in Germany. The senator de clined to be interviewed. Fatal Fight On Excursion Train. Dallas, Tex., Oct. 8. In a free light on a negro excursion train on the St. Louis Southwestern railroad, ten miles from Dallas, yesterday, one ne gro was killed and two were mortally wounded. It was negro day at the Texas State Fair, and all the railroads ran special excursion trains, bringing to the city probably 20,000 negroes. NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles' Path Piixb. "Onscent ft doso." Atalldniselfite First Frost In New Jersey. New York, Oct. 8. The first heavy frost of the season occurred on Sun day night in the vicinity of Freehold, N. J., and yesterday farms and gar dens throughout the county showed the efTects. In many places the far mers report that the frost killed to mato and lima bean vines and put an end to all harvesting of late growths. Czolfloaz Shut Off From View. Albany, N. Y., Oct. . State Super intendent of Prisons Collins has given orders that Czolgosz. the murderer of President McKinley, must be the sub ject of no notoriety while in Auburn prison awaiting electrocution, must not be seen by visitors. I A nMlWISTRATOHS' VOTICK. I-H ; A. Ura of Admlnistntion la the -" ' Andrew Trutt. late of Monroe lownrhiv, der County, P., dacewwd. havlniilwe" t.'rn" i . .i. i i j ... i lorn I ..l....4.J.MInuiH ar. rt'll BSSMI I m.k immediate payment, while thoav M claim, aiainst the said estate will prcenl t duly aatbeaUeated to the unleriKm'i. aiStTII.W TMIITT JAMES D. WKKTZ, Admlniiitmto"- Oct S, 1931. ORPHANS' COVKT SALE OF Valuatole H.ol TTlM.n.-fco IN i KNN TOWNSHIP, SNYDER CO., N !,. virlua nl nn nrilnr lulled llV the I ' ' I Court ol Snyder County to the UDtwg a . iui.i.t... ( ' T k Hernial RlOueS, K1 ! Mid Townahlp, deceaaed. I wi I MP i public sale on the premieea on ... 1 Thursday, October 31st, 1901) be following- real eatate: .in All t.iat certain tract ot lann " jjS A."""", "-'.r.,. T ,:. I land M in' no I Sulem land 1 rond, lien : acren, more or Ickb, wiiprccn an- '"yMfU I dwelling iioune, Kiauie aim )V..r o.-inif i iu ,''"- ,", Daniel nroiinu w mo nmv. - - , r0,. occupied daring her ratural life,, saw J la situated III tne village 01 ?".r (rsflBl plenty of choice fruit tree and V1"(,1. .jtel It; aiao good waier. inuim.-- a atore or other hiifineaa. . ,v,cla Salo to begin at l o ciock r conditions will be made known. A. B. Keck, Auctioneer. Wlll'am II. Rover. AdmlnlstratorCiini " Anm IS Ckns Pi Dlrtoh Ksn., Atty. for cutatc. ran y m i n rrtWi Church, on the eaat by B P"',".c"u f Matilda Usher, on tne souiu "'Tiu and on the west by land of tl'' ': rv .Mover, deceased, and coma in ... . nAW For sprainta, swelling " "o0dJ ness there is nothing so PT I a a I".. Iln 111. ! Chamriorlain-s rain ""JT'-fll For sale by Middleburg Drug ol pin Vr own w, I G H. 1 "ays at mi to Pa bit Ut Pr- Mrs "Win set pah Arj F?town V. Su, Ma'usl)u ente oi