Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or disused. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be boi 1 afflicted with weak ki neys. !' ii e child urin ates j i "en. if the urine scalds th Tie- r hen the child reaches ar ot ' ..tiould be able to contro. vhe p jz. it is yet afflicted with ied-wctUng. oe; end upon it. the cause of tb difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not te a habit as most people suppose. Vcmcn as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail iree. also pamphlet tell- none of swamp it- ? ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAQ. Stiubury & Lewistown Division. Iu effect March 1H, 19(H). aratrwaa&i I BaSTWABb" am pa 1 H-J) SOU t 4 N III 4 i h n n Ml 4.11 N Ui 4 t 4ti 4 n SI14 4 m 8 KB 4 l7 S I It S 1.1 U .V, H HT It 4'.l 7 i7 :i :i 7 M I M 7 19 8 an 7 U .1 Jl i T3.1 :i IS . 7 :cj I Ki J iu 1 10 e M AM jm l ti oai tunbury J IS M ' HvlliiOKrov .Innetlou j 19 1015 ballnairrovfl 2 28 I0W Pawling fi ID 2 Krrjinier 2 81 in n Metser 241) 10:14 .UiilillrlturK j 1081 Itenfrr VS6 10 47 Heajveriown .100 1HW Ailiimnliiirit ,I'J7 l"'- luiuhi Mills !1 18 I1H4 Met lure r n in Waircer .121 11 ltl Bbtnala 380 11 81 PalntervtlU :t:tn 11 27 Maltland ;i45 1 1 98 Lewistown .147 1! 'X7 LswtltoWn (Main Street. .150 1140 Lawiitown Junction Train Ioiivoh Sunlmvy S H0 p m, ar rives at Selinsgrove 5 4.r p m LeaveBSelinsKroveBiOOp, mM arrives at Buobury i:i") p. ui. I'rains leave Lewistowri .Itinctlon : i vi n m, io in in. i in p m,U0i m B ftp m. ; nrp nti 11 0J a is for Altixiim, Plitsburu itnl the Wt. Pur Kaltiniiire am1 WSfhinirton 8aiam 1130. I Oi!. I 33. 4 33. 8 10 p m Pur l'hlll'thla ami New York 8 88, 8 or, B 80 a m. 1 01 1 88 4 88 and ii io r in Km llurriHtiiirK 8 10 m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division a.M NORTHBBN t'BNTRAt. RAILWAY WESTWARD, Train l"avox Belli SgTOVe Junction dtlly tor Hunbary and west. H 18 a m, II 58 p rn, p :n. Sunday 9 23 a m, 141 p SB. Trains lenve Sunbury dsllf except Sunday: II 23 a m turBu(Iilo,l li a m tor Erie and (Jan- andatgua 6 10 am tor Rellefonte Krle unit (lanandalxua 1 12 a m for hook Haven. Tyrone and the west, .'it for Buffalo, 110 p iu for Htillefttnte Kane Tvrone and ("anantlnlifiiu Ii45pin lor kenovo and Khntra t III p m lor Wllllamspoit Minilayli-J3 a w for burr.ilo via Emporium. I . : a in for Erie, 5 It) ID lur Krle and !auan Mtmm 8 (3 p in lor v- H U42am for Iy!k Haven and llamiport t BO a m, 9 M a m 2 00 and 48 1 in tnr Wllkes Iwm and Hamilton H til a m, 10 in it in, - iW p ui, ,'i 4.1 p in Inr ishaui' Itln and Muunt OartDel Sunday 9 S3 it m tur Wllke'barre EASTWARD, l'r.iin - leave SellBJgrova Junction 1000 in, dally amvlDK at Phlladelpbli 1 17 pm New York 8 68 p u Baltimore 3 II p n A itsliliiKton 4 18 pin S34 p in 'i. in t arriving at I'liiiitunipnia ,090 in New Yurk 3 88 a Halllmere 9 4Sp D Waahlngton in .it p m. h 42 p m. ually arriiitiv at PhtladetpbU I 4 Us in, New Yurk 713 a in, Baltimore 2 30 a in "iVuxIrinirton 4 ii." a in Tra'us alM leave Sunhury : Jtlam dally arrlrlnv st PhiladsfdblS D M a in , Haltlmors 7 o a in washleaton 880 am No ' York 9 33 a in Weokilay, 10 38 a m Sunday, 310 an dally arriving at Philadelphia J2-J am, New York 93 a in. 10 :i8 Sundays Halll '.ncle 7 40 a in. WaalllnK'"" 830 a in. Ualtluiure lit it p in, WaSUDaion l It p in. I5.i ,, m, week in-, - srrlrtoK at Philadelphia IU p in. New Yurk 9 30 p m, Baltimore t 00 p n Wsiblngton 7 is p m i:ilpinilailv. arrlvln,';r Philadelphia 7 3i pm New Yurk 1023 p in, Baltimore? ." P m, Wauh Int'lun 8 35 p m .rain.' SISO leave sunoury at vwiminu a il an.1 H 31 p in, lur HtrTisburg, Philadelphia js. ! Hal timers ). K. WtMli, Qen'l HauM AKent I.B, UUTOHINftON Oeit l Jiaoairsr, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS J"'. Aln-avv reliable. Lnillca, ak HriiRiil:.t Tin J "II IIKSTivK N IM.I IMI In Ki ll and M metallic boxes. Mated with blue ribbuu. Take no other. It l u-e ilaiiiirroui auball- uil,innlli Ii inn,. ItiivofyourlmiKKl"!, Of nud le. In stamps for PnrlirulMra. Teall """liila and "Kellrf Ibr InSlft inUtlrr, return Mall. lo.UOO iesliinonialH. i,. hy ui iJriiuitista. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 81110 JImMmmi Huarr, 1'HIL.A., VA. Mention thlt raper. A Monthly Journal HUNTER-TRADER- TRAPPER tells all about hunting, trnppiiiK nnfl Raw Far TradinR. r .. lishcil by an old ex perienced hunter, trap per and trader. Sam ple copy. Sets. Only SO cents a year. Address, A. K. Harding, Publish' cr, Galllpolls, Ohio. . G. U OWENS, ATTORN KV AT-L AW. Spbcialitt: TYKONK, PA. Collections niul Keports. Heteresces. First National Bank. Nearby wwai Ucpresented :-Be)lweod, Altoons, llolll Jlrgi Huntingdon and Bellerome. 8-8-lyr i,wounas,ltbriiiuautn,Nauralgli ii CD If 52 INFLAMMATION irilbroat, Headacliv t uiUiut), TooU a tmis Bmoit in all S'fri'Oirru, tl . 1 1. . '. ,,.),,,.,-, T.w.lh Jljl" (I minute I, Cold s ros.Kfluin.'eti'utc. -wins. - Forming revers GRIP, )K OUT VORESaMVpATN lNRlTlR O In one to tltlrtv minutes. M Ha alst by mail Ha IS8BeSIJ Xot nr. ("holly She called me a cwank, don'cher kuow. Miss Pepprey How ridiculous! Why, a ornnk is a man of one idea. Philadelphia Press. Ilia Ann rii'l. What fearless irirl Miss Travel is She got - everywhere without an cs eort. I stiletto for a hat 1 PS. M e usi pin." Chicago Bed rd-Herald. Owhmlve. Sin Vre j sure you love me? He Buret r hy, 1 never had any Sgony In my life that made me so lairoy! Puck, A . .. n report says that Sen lator Daniel, of Virginia, lives in very I modes! style In that city and cannot iifTtird to spend much money, beoausa everything he gtl goes toward the payment of his father' debts. Daniel jhus p in SO years paying off these it btS, a: ! ii will probably be a life work. His fatfier was Judge William I Daniel, of Lynchburg1, He was consid ered well-to-do, but when he died it was found that bis fortune had been swept away in the panic of 1873, anil that his liabilities were more than SlllO.CUit iii ,xt- of the assets. Al I though Benator Daniel could have re pudiated these debts, he chose to as sums them. Thai was nearly 30 years ago, and all that time Senator Daniel has been pa,i: g off the debts with iu terest. , Gladstone's humorous advice to the farmers tt convert their superfluous turnips Into beautiful jam has been abundantly acted upon, even In the Vicious CiiiU'.i Siiii.s. Around one case of the agricultural department'! exhibit ut the Pan-American exposi tion, it Is said, bang squares of cloth, originally white, now yellow, orange, scarlet, crimson, liluo and purple, nil coloreil by aniline dyes extracted from commercial jam aud jellies, In com parisou with such nefarious iidulteru tiou, comment would be colorless. The first patent medicine, it is us serted, ever put up for sale in Amer ica was a proposed cure for con sumption. It was ealletl "Tuscarora Rice," and was compounded and .solU by n Mrs. Masters, who erected a large establishment for Its manufac ture in New Jersey, about 1711. At Derby, Conn., the othi r day, a leading pastor ran tnailly through iho village and disappeared in the wooils. A swarm of hornets hud nested iu the Clergyman's rural free delivery mail box. Two mile away the chase uiiine to an end by the pastor plunging into the reservoir. One county of Vet Virginia has among its politicul subdivisions, the Slub Fork, the Marsh Fork, the Shady Spring, the Clear Fork, the Shady Hill districts. Another has the Pipe stem and the Jumping Ltranck die irieta, What It h and General Denuncia tion of Its Methods. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S STAND Followin gthe Action of the State Con vention, the Republican Club League Takes Vigorous Action Governor Expresses Himself On the Subject. What Is a yellow Journal? That Is a query that been made fre quently kIiko the assassination of President McKinley by CsolgOSS, Who has confessed that ho was prompted to shoot the president through tho teach ings of Emma Goldman, the "Queen of Anarchy." Long before the terrible deed of Czol rosz the Republican state convention of Pennsylvania, In the platform unan imously adopted at Hariisbur)?, vig orously denounced certain newspapers which have been assailing the Republi can organization of this common wealth. In this state, what are known aa "Wanamaker newspapers" are con stantly arrayed against the Republican party and they do every thing in their power to disrupt the Republican or ganization which has refused to obey tho behest of Wanamaker and send him to tho United States senate. In tho platform of the Republican stato convention, held at Harrlshurg on Aug. 21 last, this declaration was made: Wo hellovo In surrounding the press with every constitutional guarantee vouchsafed to it since tho foundation Of our govornment, but it Is a public menace that these constitutional guarantees should be so misused as to have permitted many of our newspapers to have degenerated into a yellow journal lam, such as is detrimental to any elate or country. We charge the so-called yellow Journals with being subsidized by the full paged advertisements which they carry. THE ADVER- , TISER IS PERMITTED TO DIC TATE THEIR POI-ICY and at his behe3t these newspapers have per verted the news columns and the editorial page from being an hon est record of daily events to a la bored attempt to misrepresent facts. At the state convention ef the Re publican Club League of Pennsylvania, Which was held at Scranton, after hay- ing been postponr-i on account of the death of President McKinley, there was a positive sentiment among the dele gates assembled from every county of the state on the subject of yellow j' urnallsm, and tha Philadelphia rep rwtntatlvea were particularly Im pressed with the Importance of some declaration on this tonic iu view of the ' attempt of the Wanamaker newspaper. the North American, to Interfere with the police authorities when they de- termined to prevent Emma Goldman from addressing meetings in the Quak- er City. The mayor and the director of public safety were at that time defied by this newspaper to arrest the Gold- nian woman, anu it was generally re garded that the purpose of the poll ticlans back of the North American's championing of Emma Goldman waa to win the support and votes of the socialistic lalior element for the Wana maker Interests. After a protracted conference, In which active spirits iu the State league peaches are now being produced from of Clubs participated, the Scranton 'he trees than they would bear if they convention adopted the following: were not Interferred with, ami the ASSASSINATION OF M'KINI.EY. I fruit is improve,! and brings a higher "This convention denounces the prhse. Another important point about assassination of President McKinley as thinning out the fruit is that a a re ft direct blow at the law making power suit of the operation only one-fourth of the nation, shocking the civilized world ami outraging the holiest sentl-, produced, ami as the development of ' ments of humanity. The act of the th.se is the greatest drain upon the assassin demands the attention of law-' vitality of the trees, a profitable econ makera In the national congress and ha my la effected and regularity of vield ! every state of the I'tilon. This action la "... . .... demanded, not only that the un-American (lflftrlnA tt imnrt'liu , I. .11 I,., al. , ,,, .1 ....... ' factually stamped out, but that the, causes leading to anarchy shall be up- rooted ami destroyed. Among the cau see Is the defamation of private char acter, tho vilification of public officials. the reckless criticism of the legislative. admlnletratlvfl and executive branches ! of government and the outrageous car- tracts in Georgia are now solely oecu I toonliiK of public and private character! pied by peach orchards, a single one for ridicule, malice or profit. ,,f w hich will pack mid -hip more than THIS CONVENTION VIEWS WITH 8,000 peaches a daj In July, which is I ALARM THE GROWING TENDENCY the height of the season down there. ur llWfliBrUNBlUljia AM) AIIVKK-; TI8EMENT-8UB8IDIZBD NMWSPA- PKUS TO UNDERMINE TUB FUNC- TION OF COURTS OF LAW IN THE j ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. IT CONDEMNS TUB PROPAGANDA OF DI8C0NTENT AND UNREST PREACHED HY THESE SO-CALLED NBW8PAPBRS, AND INSISTS THAT, SUCH SENSATIONAL AND MALI- CIOUS PUBLICATIONS WHICH IN CITE THE WEAK AND VICIOUS TO DEEDS OF VIOLENCE, SHALL HE PROPERLY CLASSIFIED IN THE CATALOGUE OF CRIME, "Realising that the liberty accorded to unfair journalism In Ita criticism of t0 rectangular blocks. After the official representatives of tho Kepubli-! peaches are lucked they are sorted in can party of Pennsylvania bus descend-j to three grades, according to quality, ed to gross and BQfdld license this con- This is expert work. Outside of the" ventiou demands that the proper prose- three grades nil peaches overripe for cuting officers in counties whore ac-' shipment are put aside for the evap cusatlons of a crlmnal nature are made orator, and the grower makes his profit in newspapers against public officials. on them dried. Scientific varden-r. shall proceed to put to proof or punish them for tho wrongs and libels for which they are responsible, "Representing the younger men of the Republican party of Pennsylvania, this convention stands for the princi ples of Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, James A. Garfield, James o. Blaine and William McKinley. it stand for Republican rule, because tho na tion has prospered when the Republi can party has been In power and be- cause higher wages have been paid to moor nnii Because capital lias noen ctr- culated by tho business world with greater confidence and security." GOVERNOR STONE SPEAKS OUT. Governor Stone In a recent speech in commenting upon HiIh subject nsked: "What Is a yellow Journal?" anil In reply he said: "A newspaper that has no party and no country and whose God Is the ad vertiser, and generally a full page ad vertiser. They strive by every possible means to Increase their circulation be cause advertisers pay according to the circulation. They llvo on their adver tisements. No paper could llvo If you take the advertisements out of it and so they hunt up sensations and scan-' dais to print and make people buy their ; paper to seo what is said about their i neighbors. They challenge tho honesty j of public officials. They are opposed to men in office. They are always for the) underdog In the fight, no matter I whether he Is a dog or a cur, anything j to sell their papers and ralso their ad vertising rates. "They feed the (lames of jealousy, envy, hato, prejudice and ambition whilo honest people sleep. They are the witches of Bndor and dance through tho night around their caldrons of boil ing scandals and falsehoods and serve up tho nasty brew for breakfast to an innocent and absorbing public. "These yellow journals, by some called smart newspapers, become tho pliant tools of unscrupulous men, who through these libelous sheeta hush their political opponents. Some can't stand it. I can. I am getting used to It, "They are anarchistic In so far ns they teach that governments nro cor rupt and fraudulent without proof that It Is true; in so far aa they teach want of confidence In public officials who differ with their paymasters politically. The best way to overthrow an admin istration of any kind Is to taach the people to have no confidence in It. "But the yellow Journal will fail, an archy will fall. Our system of govorn ment will triumph. "William McKinley will be avenged. "Out of his martydrom will come wise and effective laws that will drive anarchy and anarchists out of this country and all extravagant and whole sale charges of corruption in official life not sustained by faets will be re buked by the people at the polls." This will be a banner year lor peaches. The crop throughout the A Uaaner hu whole country ia tstimatcd to tie about 76,000,000 fur Trachea. bushels, and rather over than under that amount. The prolonged drought in some parts of the country has af fected it somewhat, but not to anv Xreat ttt, and the hot weather of ,lu -v ua helped to atoue for the luiek- Wl,rit summer iu developing the fruit, - sajrl the New York Sun. Finer peaches and a larger quantity of them to the acre are being produced every year, and this Is due not only to careful til- luge and cultivation, hut also to a ruth- less thinning of the fruit when it first appears on the trees. The old-fashioned peach grower would have thought it sheer lunacy toeut oft three fourths of the peaches just M they were beginning to develop. Yet it is by just that method that more bushels of of the usual numl f peneh stones is iroiii season io season is promoted. The peach cane from China originally a",l reached Kurope i way of Persia, . ' . ,, T " 3 1 1 1 1 1 .a nti, i ne peaen season now nas been greatly lengthened by the ship- inent to our markets in refrigerator curs, sent nt expn ss speed, of sonth- uiarkcl s in refri cm ami California peaches, Immense It isu't nee. ssarv anv longer, in these days of refrigerator cars, to pick the fruit bef.irc it has come toils full ma un ity, and trusl to il ripening on the way to market alter it is picked. The peaches are allowed to ripen on the trees and are picked so far as possible j,lst before they begin to soften. The pickers are trained lo know the right tage nt a glance. Every peach, a- everybody knows, has its sunny uiul its shutly side. It is by the hue of the shady side that the degree of ripeness is judged. To insure all the peaches getting the bene lit of the sun the or chard is divided by straight avenues In are trying to Introduce Into this coun try sonic of the peach-growing meth ods of Prance and England, which pro duce wonderful peaches, though few. Over there pencil trees ure Usually t mined Hut against a wall with u sunt her n exposure or on ii t nil is a foot or so away from such a wall, and only a few branches of eneh tree are allowed to grow. Then most of the peaches on these us soon the fruit develops arc cut olf, only a from the flower dozen or two, sometimes a score nt most, being allowed todevelop. Such a peach tree as Ibis doesn't look much like a tree. Hut the few peaches that are allowed to ma I ure on it are marvels of beauty and juiciness, and half a doz en of them iu a cotton-lined basket cost from three to eight dollars iu the marks tst. Borne "soulless corporations" of the "wild west" have lately given a prac tical demonstration in good morals. An Attempt was mnde in Omaha to conduct Jsiiimay exhibitions, It cameS. to grief because the railroads center- to ther'' r,,I11S111 increase the Sul"y w,,rk of l heir employes. Ii is their policy to decrease rather than increase the number of Sunday trains, The wise among even the irreligious admit that the weekly rest day i profitable liotii for capital and for labor. The St. I'nul Pioneer Press thinks the drought in that state will open the eyes if farmers who oppose all forest reservations and vote for legislators "WOO will detent, if possible, all bi'iisd-mlsded schemes for reforesting 01. : waste lands and fur administering our forest wealth on scientific princi ples." Farmers like Unit are l he nu- I thors of their own calamities. The Irwin (Pa.) Standard says that the following outfit f eatables and drinkables was ordered for a recent wedding feat in the colony of adopted citizens of Hahntown: Three tulis of cucumbers, one wagon loatl of pota toes, two barrels of whisky, 54 eight gallon kegs of heer, one wagon load of cabbage and one calf weighing about 2.'i0 pounds. Now the drug fiend has discovered a method of squirting a liquid into fruit in eueh a inuiiner as to prevent its decay. If this sort of thing keeps up it will not be long before it will be impossible to obtain anything that is pure and unadulterated. It is stated that 39.S72 persons per ished a Uie hands of homicides in the United States during the five years ending vHth 1000. RIDER oae in each town tucvclc ot jvO A WEEK 1901 '11211 JL WW W tit ken ia trad turn tooil f INS We ship amy meyefa ON anyone without u cmt dep no naif in a cent if the This lltteral exchange for a bicycle. Write MEAD CYCLE ShaynerI! I PURE WHISKEY rA , HH DIRECT FROM DISTILLERS M 111 Ii TA i'iIiIL T U I'll 1H i j bunauiTixK. u Four Full Quarts sF p'rcpaid. i Sai'M Praters' Profiti.' rrtHMt AdulleraUont. . OUR OFFER : HAtYNEtf We will send (our lull 9uart hut lies ul Ha? iter's -lear-Old double topper distilled Rye for tf 20, express prepaid, shipped 'HAYisorKinKtCO marks to indicate (on , "YtnfrTf'irV tenia. If not Mlisfactort III II I A i it iimi kali.- ix. vrnru tririvci( it'iurn ill at our nornae; we ml return our Vj.sfU. Such Whiskev can't b$Hm elsewhere forttis (Aji $5 RVFIMntCnil: Third Nnt'l JUf.k.Iftvtnn; Htitti Nari Biak, St Louli; or tuiy of tot Kx Co'i i Ills. l LIJ I ILLI11U W. Ml a 220-23C West Fifth St., Dayton. Ohio. Ii JOMSo. Soventh St., St. LciuiPjVUj We guktrantre iit.avn l)rm will i)u tut It egret?. Kd DR. HAYNE'S, i The Great (toritianSclentlet) improved Double Rxtravt of Harta piiiillu iii' l Olery Compound lied Clover, Bief and 12 Veiretablos, Hoots and Herb, (no Minerals) contains DOUBLE the Curatives of anv one dollar Medicine in Iho mar ket uiul hints TWIC ns long. I hu greutesl Rnioedv of tbo Ane, killiiiLr all GERMS, destroyed nil MICRO BES and n sine ami certain cure lor KD NHY and LIVER disasea, Bheumntlsm, Nervousness, Dyspo pflia. Malaria, Constipation, .Sn-k rlendaclie and all complaitits ai is ing from impure blond, Regular price $1.00 per bottle 1(1 nz., bul in order to get ii introduced in thi sec tion we will sell at 50 cents par bot tle or I bottles for $1.50 until furth er notice Do not wait, order now if you are ailing. The above medicine is used in KV ERY HOSPITAL and by all the LEADING PHYSICIANS in tbc world to day, fitiU highly endorsed by all. Address, AOHAWK REABDY CO. Apill 18-241, ROME. s. Y. rhotoirr.pbfll REVIVO lr- in ii.. RESTORES VITALITY Made a the ' .sfflJBr.. of We. GnEAT -mf4; m SaStw produces tho aliovn reaall s ln'30 days. It srti powerfully and iiulcltly. Cures when all others fall, young men will rogatti Ittoir lost manhood, and old men will recover lie ir yotitlitut vigor by ualDf III; VIVO. It quickly and Hurely restore ISWBt oess, Lost Vitality, ImpoteDcy, Nightly Eralulona, Lost Tower, Falling Memory, Wasting Iitscasee. and 111 effocta of Mlf-abuso or cxeeisand Indiscretion, irblcb unfits ooe for sturly, lniFlnrss or marriage. It not only curt-s by starting at thn seat of disf aso, bul Is a great nerve t onto and blood builder, bring- j ing oacs loe pinK (law to pais eneetts anu iw itorlng the Are of yontb. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having It K VI VO, no other. It can be carried la vsst pocket. Dy mall, 1.00 per package, or alx for SO.OO, with a post ttve written guarantee to care or refund She money. Circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co., SSTvS: For Bali in Middlchurqh) Pa., by MIDDLBEUROH DRIjG CO. sHIBF Alt FISF TlllS Rest Cough Syrup. Tastes Ootid. t' in lime, sum ny rirugKists. flgHBBU no rialr in ordering a cent if the bievi DO NOT BUY 1 WEwX - i i m tarn raft 7 ft s CURfS HNLRE All ilSf FAILS. C3 AGENTS IVAnTEC to ride ami exhibit a sample 1901 model our uiauutarttire. TOU CAN MAKE 110 TO besides having a wheel to ride for yourself Models S5$(0 to $16 'UU Best P"Sf Clifa 3U H5bWk?TI) VIL WW m4S 500 Stcond Hand V'ook 38 by our Out ¬ Kt retail hi ics, ajy II. w AP?'lr ,'AL to I allow 10 DAYS FE; ;itu You i.,kj a ; ' . lutcly ordering from us, a need to par bicycle doea not suit i u a wheel until v. h ha v. v f ir emr f ACT0KY I'K! I S ntl FliU IIIAI IIFFf-S. offer has nevtr been I lUall I . - . is 0 .:'.' rantcg of the qunlity ol our wheel, a reliable person in each town to distribute catalogui I f r us iu today for fret catalogue and GUI spei lal i Scr. GO., II . . go. sT.1 yvaii I WINDSOR HOUSE w. ll. ill 1 1. 1 it. Irotrfo(r 418 Market St., Harrisburg, (Opposite I. I,'. It l'M"'l Kntntiiee) illicit lur vil I'mliiD h, Rooms, J.s.iini Mic. tiood Meals Pa. 25c 8l.ti in .2o per tiny. 1 1 Ml tn i lino i it, k'ttintnoilsUon Mtr week. tt Sure BnoUHth, Little Rimer Papa, what is the hand of Providence? 1'rof. Broadhead The hand of Providence, my son, Is what we usu ally see in the tllisforl lines of others. Puck. Unite n Dtffeeenee, "Von announce in your paper," said the wrathful iniii!,' woman, "that I would not he marrh'd, all reports to the oontrari iiotwithHtnnding." "Well. Isn't flint the report you sent In?" nsked the Bocletj editor. "No, it Isn't," answered the wrath ful young woman. "The Inference is all wrong. I said I would not bo mar ried to tin particular young man to whom 1 u.-i-i reported engaged, which Is quite a different mutter." Chioago Way ul IVIIInsr. Ctirlej See that fellow looking over there? lie um tl I go to the same col lege that I did. 1 w under if he hurt me ? Burleigh Ask him for the riinem- loan of flvu dollars. Curlcj What for? Burleigh I f he renu mben you, youi won't 'et it. Judge. Tin- ii In lots It, n old In .-trt harAiy Mill Time a recall n rover; Why grli vo about the milk you iplU When tin re are cows anl clover? Atlanta ( Constitution. I. lll):v. Church Settlement Young Ladji (kindly) I hope you brush youv teeth regularly, Maggie, Maggie (indignantly) llriish rm teet? Wot would I do Hint for? There ain't no hair on mo teet! Brooklyn Eagle. A Bummer Trniieil)-. Ho wrote the k!i 1 it Itemed a novel plnn Ills heart's propositi oh it palm-leaf fan. That cruel girl oh, What n erline, lntteed Handed It rouin! the iKirch for all to read. Chfeago Rtoord-Herald. What lie VVna After. He Well, I've just been elected pres Ident of the road. More yachts, more diamonds, more corner lots. She Hut haven't you enough, dear? "Oh, I've never cared about my own 'enough.' I want tho other fellow's." Brooklyn l'fe. '.''!,' ft) 9;,- i iri.'. -i Wi WMMl Uillill ft MR 1 1 H KSsAIti .raV- - fa . A