The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 10, 1901, Image 1

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    Dote THeabs
We have a job lot, of note
heads on hand. They must go
quick. The price will do it.
Samples and prices for the ask
ing. We furnish them printed
for less than you can buy them
without printing.
W. U U. I
tisnm Cowmlwonert. 1 1
Having bought so many j
we secured a rock bottom !
figure. Send for samples j
and hot weather bargains, j
c. w.
tiler, Editor aid PrapritUr.
A Family, Devoted to Newt, Scitact. Alt, Mitical Economy and Current Literature.
Ratea: One Dollar Per Annum, In Adranca
Envelopes Hf
HON. W. P.
Republican Candidate for
Zinc and grinding double the wear.
When in need of printing, call at thin
The tannery buildings are nearing
Zinc and grinding double the wear.
Blank receipt books for sale at this
office. 25 receipts in a book, 10 cts., 3
for 25 c. tf.
Court is in session this week. The
full proceedings will be published next
Wanted Potatoes and apples want
ed by Hummel and Hummel.
Kramer, Pa, tf.
Tickets will be sold to WiUiamsport
and return Saturday for $I.!H) on ac
count of the game of Footbull between
liueknell and the Carlisle Indians.
The Executive Committee of the
Snyder County Sunday School Associa
tion met in Middleburg and set Satur.
day Oct. 26th as the day for taking the
Sunday School census.
Walnuts wantkd I w a n t loot)
bushels of walnuts and am willing to
pay 40 cents a bushel.
Chables Boybb,
tf. Paxtonville, Pa.
Fire was discovered iu Geo. Hall's
More at Meiserville last Friday night
about 12 o'clock The lire was extin
guished, but not until considerable
ilamage was done.
Free of charge for our services we
purchase for you anything you may
desire, from wearing apparel to house
furnishing goods. Send for circular.
1888 A 40 Race St.
io-3-2t. Phlla., Pa.
r six tons of dried apples and am
willing to pay 0 cents a pound. Boybb,
tf. Paxtonville, Pa.,
Call on A. E. Soles in his new shav
ing and hair cutting parlor for your
bead cleaned with a refreshing sham
poo and a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market square ojt
poslte Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed. I would rent bouse on farm with
garden to a good man with small flam-
'l.v and furnish hay and straw for one
horse and cow for one year from next j
1.1 - 0 a .. , . A I. .
'mi oi April, in exenange ior worn, ou
htm near Buffalo Bonds mail.
N. B. Meixel,
Buffalo Itoads,
10-3-2t. Union Co., Pa.
J. H. Miller of Lebanon, the inven
tor of the American (Dry Powder) Fire
Extinguisher, was in town last Thurs
day and sold some of his product. Ho
ww looking for an agent for this
territory. Anyone desiring a goad
position should write Mr. Miller. The
extinguisher Is a remarkable success.
Q&solene or Oil fires are readily extin
guished by throwing powder on the
Supreme Court Justice
Zinc and grinding double the wear.
S. O. BtrOUp oilers a nice line of
bricks for sale.
I take special pride in supplying the
right thing at the right time.
L. Dunkelberger.
The statement ol the First National
Bank appears iu this issue. It is a
splendid showing of a safe and prosper
ous Institution.
In carpets and linoleums, yon can
rest assured, that your money will buy
more carpets and more linoleums at
Magee's store, Kramer, dollar for dollar
than elsewhere.
CIUM of biirb standing would iu
aT crease corps of representatives call"
on physicians. Our eighty men now
average $40 weekly. Exclusive terri
tory. Steady employment.
10-10-St. NEW YORK CITY.
Persons going to Buffalo can save
money by calling at this office before
going. Will sell $15 worth of tickets
including :i days' hotel board for a big
reduction. Boarding at Statler's big
hotel right at the grounds.
The chic and charming outing and
street hats at L. Dunkellwtger's nre
especially attractive.
We have a complete line of stable
groceries and am headquarters for Plank
and (iottshall 's Best Hour, corn meal
and Buck wheat Hour.
A. s. Skchribt,
Verdilla Pa.
James E. Magee of Kreamer Is in
Philadelphia this week buying a new
supply ot fall and winter goods. Mr.
Magee, by honest dealing and fair
prices, lias built up a big business and
deserves, as he will receive, his fair
share of patronage.
We now have our winter Isiots and
shoes including rubber goods in stock,
Our shoes wear well, look well, fit well,
and the price suits the buyer well.
Verdilla Pa.
Agents Wanted A good active
agent is wanted in every township and
borough in Snyder county at once.
Will pay a salary of $1.50 to $2.00 per
day to experienced persons. Will pay
commission if preferred. Apply at
this office at once as we want entire
county covered by Saturday or Mon
Reduced Rales to WiUiamsport via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
On aeeount of the football game be.
tween the Carllse Indians and Bucknell
College, to be played at WDllamsport
on Saturday, October 12, the Pennsyl
vania Kailroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to WiUiamsport, good
going on October 12 and returning
until October 14, inclusive, from Belle
fonte, Renova, Elmirn, East Blooms-
burg, Mt. Carmel, Lykens, Harrisburg,
Middleburg, Coburn, and Intermediate
stations, at rate of a single fare for the
round trip (minimum rate, 26 cents)
Fare from Middleburg $1.90.
F. W. 8pecht was on the sick 1st.
1 John Leeser and family spent Sun-1
day at Sunbury. !
Mis Anna Bertha and Llss'e
Kipka spent Sunday at home.
W. P. 8helly of the Sunbury Item
was a visitor in this place Sunday.
A. H. Moyer of Franklin twp. wasat
the county seat Monday morning.
A. E. Soles, Iteno Walter and wife, I
attended the Milton fair last week
M. L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove
was at the county seat Saturday.
J. A. Duck, who Is employed in Sun
bury, called in town Saturday evening'
Albert H. Kllngler of Washington
township was a county seat visitor last
W. W. Kipka of Montrose, is send
ing a Weak with his parents in this
The tomlistoue inscriptions of Peun
twp. are now running on the inside
of the Post,
Henry Stepp, a veteran of Union
township, (IropjKHl in to renew his
subscription Monday.
George, Btrawser and Mr. ltaom of
IU hlleld were at Middleburg Saturday
on business and pleasure.
W. H. Kipka, who Is working new
Newton Hamilton, ami all biscbildreu
were home over Sunday.
W. W. Wittenmyer, Ueo. 8. Smith
and Amandus B bam bach are taking in
the Pan-American this week.
A. H. Troutmau, Administrator of
the Estate of David Weaver, was in
town ou business last week.
Peter Bench of Shade! was in this
place Saturday. He was willing to pity
25 cent for a chance to akin ( 'zolgosz.
W, H. Bayer of Sajem dropped In
Monday to order advertising in the
estate of Daniel Brouse. Sale will take
place Oct. 3 tat
Win. H. Ettinger of Troxelville was
a caller Monday morning to order sale
bills for the public sale of his personal
property Friday Oct. 20, 1001.
Harvey A. Long and wife, of PfoUts
Valley, Perry County, visited relatives
in this place tins week. They were
callers at ibis office and ordered station
ary, J, W. Kiester of Pennscrevk, P. S'
Riegel of Preeburg, Henry Dietrich of
Franklin and M. S. Brubaker of
Mahontongo were among our Tuesday's
Mrs. David Reed f Adamsvlll
Mich, and Mrs. Jacob H. Martin of
U isheo, Ind. who spent five week visit
ing relatives iu this countv left Inst
Friday for home.
Geo, A. Kline of Beavertown, Ceo.
Thar) of Pallas, A. B. Becbrlstof Ver
dilla, I). A. Port-line of Meiserville,
Jane Freed of Frechurg and S. S. Wal
ter were cash callers Tuesday aftel
Samuel W. Trutt and James I).
Wert, of Selinsgrove were at the county
seat Tuesday and took out letters of
admlnstratlon in the Estate of Andrew
Trutt. The administrator's notice ap
pears in the Post.
Among those from a distance attend
ing the funeral of Rev. Bower, we
noticed the following: Miss A. ('.
Bower, Phila., Mrs. W. W. Deans,
Coluyn, Pa., F. H. Harrison, wife anil
Miss Harrison, Mt. Union, Pa., W. H.
Bower, wife.and daughter, Elkins, W,
Va., Bryant E. Bower, Sunbury, Pa. ,
Fleming 0. Bower, Erie, Pa., Thomas
Bower, Elkins. W. Va., Jennie and
Anna Hiblghaus, Milllinburg, Pa., Miss
Lillian Amig, Cumberland, Md.,
Edwin Bower, wife and son, Kenovo,
Pa., Hon. Louis K. Atkinson, Mifflin
town, Pa., F. E Bower and wife,
Lewisburg, Pa.,
Statistics That nre of Interest to Our
The Census lMletxn relating to Penn
sylvania has just been issued and it
contains some figures of local interest.
In Northumberland county the popula
tion is divided as follows:
Native born malt's 88 12
Native born females 39 013
Foreign born males 7 510
Foreign born females 4 500
In Milton there are:
Native born males 2 884
Native born females 3 125
Foreign born males 86
Foreign born females 80
Republican Candidate
The Highly Respected Old Ccntlctiiiin reached
the Age nf Na years.
Rev. Frederick Power tiled at the
home Of Mrs. Catherine Mower In
KrapkllnTownshlp.on Thursday morn
ing, October third, 190, He was born
at Middleburg, April 19th, 1H1H, the
son of John ami Mary (Barton) Bower.
The children of John Bower were
r'muel: WiHlam H., Habra (married
Dr. Robert Raird), Harriet (married
John Cummings), Thomas, Maj. ('has.
C. and Fretleriek, who was the young
est of the family and the last to pass
away. He was married, September
Twelfth, 1848, to Mallnda I, daughter
of Isaac Smith. They were without
Mr. Bower, in bis early days, was at
different times a merchant, a justice of
the peace, ami a teacher, near his birth
place. At the age of thirty-six years
he determined to enter the ministry
and went to the University a) Lewis
burg (now Bucknell), where he spent
two years in study and during the
second year filled the pulpit at Au
gusta, Northumberland county, After
this be was ordained as minister in
the Baptist faith and served his first
pastorate at Milesburg, Centre county,
remaining there five years, when he
was called to the Baptist church at
Selinsgrove. He was then sent into
the mission field In the Western states,
and after closing bis work in tbe states
of Missouri, Dakota and Nebraska, was
pastor of the church at Lena, Ills., and
afterwards at Waterloo, Ills. His last
regular service in the ministry wasat
West Union, Iowa, and during bis
thirteen years of work there bis wife
died, February 23rd, 1891. In 1894 be
returned to the scenes of bis childhood
and remained here until bis death.
He occasionally tilled pulpits in this
vicinity, despite ids extreme age, and
only last summer preached bis Inst
sermon in the church at Mount Union
I'a., at the age of eighty-two years.
The funeral service was held at his
late home Saturday afternoon, October
5th. Dr. John H. Harris and Prof. T.
A. Edwards, of Bucknell University,
assisted by the Lutheran choir of this
place, conducted the services. Out Of
respect to the oft-repeated wish of Rev.
Hower, the remains were taken to
Lena, Illinois, and ou Monday laid to
rest by the side of his wife.
The Post ventures the assertion that
there was no man living in this com
munity who was more highly esteemed
than Rev. Itower. lie had a smile and
a happy greeting tor everyone, JJur
ing his declining years spent in this
Place, he was frequently asked to Mil
vacant pulpits, which he always did
with pleasure. The mere announce
ment that Rev. Bower would preach
was a guarantee of a full house. Ho
kind, so sincere, so devoted, so pleasant,
so upright the old gentleman earned
and received a righteous and peaceful
Of all the obituaries mankind Is call
ed upon to write, no subject can
furnish more good nnd useful traits
than the deceased. He was the symbol
for State Treasurer
I of love,
the embodiment of righteous
representation in human form
noblest virtues, the emblem
and the leader, like the llrey cross of
Scotland, to carry out the highest and
noblest purposes of mankind.
Sunday North American Announces it Will
Maintain High Standard of First Issue.
All records, both as to quality of
matter and number of sales, were brok
en by the Sunday North American last
Sunday, when Its first Issue was offered
to the public. In each of scores of
Pennsylvania towns several hundred
more copies might have been sold if
the supply bad been equal to tin
demand. There was a great curiosity
to see what the first number would be,
and newsdealers everywhere report
"clean sales."
Curiosity is quite as strong in regard
to the next Sunday North American
The question is this Will it maintain
the pace and keep the high standard
set in its first Issue? The assurance is
given out that next Sunday's paper
will be even better than the initial
The sheet music supplement, which
is printed on heavy paper and Is in
every way equal to the music purchas
ed In stores, will b ' " Ida from Idaho,"
by John H. Flynn, the author of that
(treat success, " Annie Moore." This
new song is just as catchy as the oni
w hich the people of the I'nited States
are now singing and whistling.
In the Women's Supplement, In
beautiful colors, are Illustrated pages of
new fall jackets and some of the latest
mourning costumes; the very latest silk
waists, which will interest those who
make their own clothes; Marion liar-
land has some good new eooumg
recipes, and discourses on household
topics, including the care of children
Mrs. Henry Sytncs gives many mor
recipes for beauty, and tells how to
acquire health by new breathing exer
cises; McDougall contributes wonderful
stories for children, besides which there
is a puzzle picture and some interesting
In the comic supplement there is an
excruciatingly funny scries by Walt
McDougall, called "How liims Lost
the Flection." There are other comic
shetohes in colors to excite hilarity,
nnd two pages of short humors prose
written by the men who have made
"Puck, " " Life" and "Judge"
The cover of the twelve-page maga
zine shows Pope Leo and his "Cab
inet." It is a wonderfully striking
color page and will attract national
attention. There are ten more pages of
attractively illustrated and genuinely
interesting news features.
Marriage Licenses.
(W. K. Miller, Heaver Springs.
"(Carrie E. Youngman, Beaver Springs.
f Solomon Klose,
Bessie Knepp,
(Brian Teats,
"(Dora E. Brown,
JohnC. Klinglej,
Sallie V. Leitzei,
Globe Mills.
Hummels Wharf.
Globe Mills-
uess, i lie
ol Ood'i
Ki'portnf (In' Co hdltiol of the Klrst National
Bank of NMdlebwfh. a) MkMtobunrh, in tha
BtaUi of Pennaytvanla, at thectowot dosumss
S'. .Ill, 1901 :
Loani sad dlacotinta
Overdrafts, wcurodand unaecunxL...
U, s Bonds to secure circulation
r.s. Bonds to aeon ra r- s I ' inii h
r. s. uohiis on hand
Premiums on 0, 8, Bonds
Count) Itnnitx
Sttvks. M'ciirllli. etc ......
iiaui itut-iiouse. furniture, and nxturm
other icai palate and tuorvagns owned
Duu from National Banks (not Reserve
Due from Maic itanks ami bankers
Due from approved reserve agents,
Checks and other cash Items
Notes of other National Hanks
fractional i.ijm-i uiirrency.nlckles, ami
Uwrta. Moniv lUMaava in iusk
Specie tlt.m.Z)
Iotml-teii1r notes l.ton.oi
Kudi'inptlmi luml with V. s Tre.isurer
i.t per cent, "f circulation)
1 1 '.
5,613 OH
1,09. 8S
N Hrt
Oapltal stock paid In 180,00003
SiirnliisFjind Su.OW.00
i unit mii-.i tnniui, less cxptmsca and
taxes paid
National mink notes nuKiainiiiu
.' l ..animal UUIlKn u goi rt'i
DUO '' Male Itanks ami Hankers 'M ,is
Dividends unpaid ou
Individual deposits subject
"""'"k 307.101.JR I
iiciiiainl i 'i ti Ideates "f de.
I"isll oj MM ul I
Moiosund iiiii ludlseounted.
s.N llhll 1 III .N TV, sh: I
I. .1. n iimwiMis .if .i ,
. . -"- llllll I III- UIIUMJ
hi al I'll a1 ii f Is 1 1't i . . t.i ti,.. i- , i
laliiril Link 1 1, , 1 1 ! . . i i i , uu
Mid bell!. ' M"""'"
J. N. THOMPSON, Jr..('nslilpr.
suiisitiii ami awora n before me nils mi
lay nf net. turn.
.1 l. WL'ISL'W V. ........
Zirve and grinding double the wear.
Pennsylvania Railroad's Special Excur
sion to Pan-Ainerscan Expositicn.
The Pennsylvania Com
pany will run special excursion to
BufiDkk) on account of the Pau-Amcri-t;an
Ex)ositlon, from I'hilaiMph in and
adjoining territory, on September M,
Octoicr 2. 8, 17, and 'M. Round
trlp tickets, good going 00 sjs'clal train
leaving Philadelphia at H.44 A. M.
Hurrisburg 11.50 A. M., Sunbury 1.08
P. M., WiUiamsport ..' P. M., Lock
Haven 8.0G P. M., and on bs-al trains
com ting therewith, and good to
return on regular trains w ithin seven
days, including day of excursion, will
be sold at rate of $!0 from Trenton,
!.) from Beading, .!i.uo from Phila
delphia, (0.00 from Lancaster, if.s.40
from Harrisburg, $7.35 from Altoona
(Via Tyrone i. f 10.00 from Winchester,
and proportionate rates front other
points. These tickets will not be good
In Pullman ktrlor or sleeping ears in
either direction. Slop of ,'!0 minutes
will be niadeat WiUiamsport for lunch
eon. For specific time and ratios, con
sult local ticket agents. D-20-6t
Zinc and grinding double the wear.
A ii Older Kniiti Texas.
The Post is iu n Ipl of an order to
print :iiHNi copies of a book containing
160 pages on the " Resources of Texas."
The Post has been sending work to all
parts of the state and the fact that such
large orders ar tiling in from the
greatest state In the Union shows that
our work is satisfactory and appeals to
the best trade. It is not necessary for
anyone In Rnyder County to send
orders for printingaway. Ourpriullng
s good enough to go to Texas.
ni1' ami grinding double the wear.
Hotel For Salt.
The Centreville House, one of the
oldest and best established places iu
Snyder County will be sold for cash or
on easy terms, decently remodelled,
painted and papered, Reason for sell
ing, lack of health and old age.
PUTEK 1 1 It I'M AN,
lo-:i-2t. Pennscreek, Pa.
Zinc and grinding double the wea
Married Teats-Brown-On the 2nd inst.
by Rev. W. A. Haas, at the bride's
home, llrian Teats of Hummers Wharf,
and Dora Kdna Brown of Frerhurg.
Married-Oct. 1, by Geo. M. Shindle
Clerk 0. C.John ( '. Kllngler of Kratset
villi' and Sallie V. Leitzei of (ilobo
Married Oct u', by Rev. ( has. H.
doodling, Solomon Klose of Globe
Mills and Bessie Knepp of Lewistown
Seit. 28, by Rev. D. Mast Cordon o
Philadelphia, W. B. Miller and Carrie
E. Youngman, both of Beaver Springs.
Our winter Millinery Opening will
begin Oct. U4th and continue three
days. L. Dunkelberger.