The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 03, 1901, Image 5

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PREPARKP KXPiucaaLY f-or tub. YfSGy BY 1 Ts CORf9 of ckresponllkts
The carpecters raised Frank Mil
ler's new house Mouday and are
very busily engaged to complete the
structure. This is the sixth new
house that has been erected in our
town this summer.
Wm. tt. Zimmerman and Frank
Graybill accompanied by Miss Ma
tudah Graybill aud Miss Amy Mit
chell attended the Lewisburgh fair
On account of the convention
some of our schools were closed
Thursday. Some of the teachers
having participated in the exercises.
Calvin Derr erected a new norch
to his new house last week which
adds greatly to its appearance. The
1 jrch was manufactured by A. W.
Kngle of Beavertown.
Jacob Huiuc of Beavertown was
one of the visitors in town Wednes
ihy and Thursday night attending
the convention.
The It. R. Co., has placed switch
i;rhte at the switches here, which is
a great convenience to the train-men
and an improvement to the railroad.
Mrs. Droose of Adamsburi; is
.-pending several days with her
parents, Uriah Klose's.
Mrs. Maggie l lassinger of Ohio,
is spending several months with her
father, Joseph Brunner. Mrs. Hass
inger was formerly of thie place but
lelt for the west about 6 or 7 years
F. C. Graybill, who is employed
at Greenwood Furnace, Huntingdon
Co., is spending a short vacation
with his parents.
Miss Mabel Gutelius of Kreamer
was a guest of the Gift sisters sev
eral days last week.
Mrs. Knouse o f Richfield i s
spending several weeks with her
i si-tor, Mrs. Chas. Mitchell. ,
Rev. Blmer Gilbert of Fremont
, was in town Saturday the euest of
Chas. Boyer.
Mrr apt! Mrs. Price of Lewistown
were visitors in town several days
during the week.
... -
K. and Amnion Horamel, who
were employed at Ijaureltou the
latter part of the summer came home
W. D. Gift and wife attended the
bean soup at McClure Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Specht and Mrs. Weir-
iieh made a visit to Middleburgh
at 1 1 may.
M. C. Haruer of C. P. C. New
Berlin, came home Saturday even
mg to spend several days with his
I mother.
Jacob Freed and wife of . Beaver
town were visitors in town Sunday
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
anuot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
I wire.
jr. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0.
We. th undermonerl hnv known
K. J. Cheney for the last IS yearn ,
Ittd believe him perfectly honorable
f all business transactions and
wancially able to carry out any
"Mirations made by their firm.
Jot aTrcax, Wholesale Druggists
Toledo, O. Waldi -o. Kinnan k Mab-
I t bolosale Druggists, Toledo. U
I Hall's Catarrh Cure ifl taken inter-
Muy, acting directly upon the blood
I mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 70c.
Per bottle. Sold by all Drug git ts.
nan a Family Puis are the best.
Continued prosperity everywhere
Ittd in everything.
Buckwheat is bought up by a
"nbttry party at satisfactory prices.
Potatoes are a paying crop this
The corn cron this season is a
ord breaker.
Squire Secbrist and Sadie Kam-
were delegates to the Sunday
tool Convention at Paxtonvillc.
H. K. Soholl picked thirty bash-
1 pf winter apples from one tree.
R T. Dundore of San Diego, Gal.
g with his brother, our
(fir coal diggers are making a
of their business.
George Campbell is convalescent.
John P. Wise is improving and
w to return home m a few
N. T. Dundore is pitying the out
side price for butter and eggs.
Our Overseers of the Poor are
moving slow but sure and the tax
pavers are pleased with the result.
Our township will show up we'l
at court next week.
Sweet corn is delicious during i
this month.
Winter apples are not plenty;
and (piality inferior.
There are two vacant houses in
008 of the suburbs of this town.
J. A. Wise is supplying coal for
our poor house.
Fcetpient lains is retarding the
progress of seeding.
The constable of Chapman town
ship is transacting busiuess in Union
Some of our fanners 'ire to the
Milton fair this week.
H. 0. Hoover and wife were to
Centre Co. on a visit.
I.-aas Burkey of Verdilla was in
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Geo. Houser and Miss Haficy
visited friends in Selinsgrove and
Freeburg during the week.
Mary Boyer left Wednesday to
spend a week in Sunbury with G.
Clarence Faust aud wife.
Mrs. N. F. Shambach and Master
Dale attended the K. L. C K. con
vention at Paxtonvillc last week,
and are visiting friends and rela
tives this week in Lewisburg, Mif
flinburg, Centreville and Middle
burg. C. W. Knights attended the
State Convention of County Com
missioners at Bellcfente; took a peep
at the Lewisburg fair and transacted
business at Shamokin during the
During a game of ball last Fri
day, Clayton Hoover was badly
hurt by being struck with a bat.
E. C. Scliafler, our own Ed., of
Sunbury was in town last week.
J. C. Neitz, who was home a
week on account of his sick wife,
returned to his work in Duucannou.
Mrs. Mary Meiser of near South
Bend, Intl., is visiting her sister,
Mrt. A. H. Troutman.
"Over the hillstothepoor-house"
is now a reality to our poor, for the
first time in the history of our
The people who spent Sunday
here are as follows : Peter Daubert
and wife, Elmer Daubrt and wife,
Clarence Lenig of Milton, Clarence
Faust and wife, Adam Aucker of
Sunbury, Jerre Bogar, Jr. of Sham
okin Dam, Jerre Bogar, Sr., of
Miliersburg, Geo. Rine and wife of
Kantz, N. M. Enders of York, an 1
Richard Foltz of Duneannon.
Mr. Hettrick of . Mexico and
Reubeu Mitterling were with J. W.
N eitz Saturday afternoon.
' Mrs. Isaac Deppen and Mrs. Geo.
Tharp visited friends in this valley
James Haines shot the third
ground hog last Moudav.
Dolan Hendricks and Joseph
Heimbach visited J. W. Neitz's
T. C. Landis visited Percival
Carman's Suuday.
Geo. Kline and B. F. Duck
bought Tcm Kuhn's crops. The
latter had been fanning for Geo.
Kuhn of Xcitz Valley.
Misses BertHa Shaffer and Mabel
Miller took dinner with Cora Kiss
inger Sunday.
There will be teacher's iustitu e
in the Flint Stone Valley school
house Friday evening Oct. 18. All
are invited.
Nathaniel Trevits and family of
this place were to the Arbogast
church attending the fuucral of a
i Ground was broken for the main
building of the Ladies' Dormitory
wellies. lay Willi appropriate ever-
Miss Neta Hummel accompanied I
n. w. ocnuure, wire too aaugnter
to the Exposition.
last r riday.
Mess Siuiill and K. '.. Burns,
former students, spent several davs
very pleasantly in town last week.
Wm. Joues and wife Piiila.,
spent a short time in loWUluat week.
They were on their way to Lewis
burg their former home.
Mrs. Anna Alleman and Mrs. F.
J. Schoch attended the meeting of
the W. H. and F. M. Society in
your town last week.
Kev. C. M. Nicholas of New
Bloomlield spent a day in town on
his way to Central Synod at Mif
flinburg. Harry Hover and i. K. Hen
dricks and wife took in the fair at
Allentown last week.
The game of football played on
the Athletic field between ( '. P. C.
ami the University teams resulted
in a score of tit! to o in favor of
Rev. Warner took in the meeting
ol'Ctntral Synod.
Mrs. Harry Boyer, who -pent
several weeks with her .si-ter atj
Scranton returned home Thursday.
Harry Weis and John Schoch,
who are attending the Law Dept.,
of the University of Penna., re
turned to their studies again.
J. W. Farnsworth of Danville
spent Thursday night here in the
interests of the Masonic Fraternity.
Mr. Davis, one of Susquehanna's
foot ball team, was unfortunate last
Wednesday in breaking one of the
bones of his ankle.
Dr. h. F. Wagen seller attended
the State Medical Society in Phila.
last week.
The Women's Relief Corps took
an outing to McKees last week.
They had an excellent supper at
David Bussler and wife (nee
Clara Gregory) of Elkhart, ltd.,
are visiting friends in this place.
H. L Phillips was to Phila. last
week replenishing his stock of goods
for fall trade.
A game of toot ball was played
at Carlisle between Dickinson Col
lege and Susquehanna Saturday.
Hany McCarty son ot Win. Mc
Carty is on a visit to his parents.
H. Snoddy and wife (nee Mary
Ing) of Oklahoma are visiting
Mrs. Snoddy's friends.
Jonathan Rcitz is the guest of his
niece, Mrs. Kate Kantner.
Daniel Biissum and wife of Wil
liamsport are visiting the former's
uncle, A. J. Gross.
A. Cough
" I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
eases of the lungs it never disap
points." J. Early Finley, Ironton, O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
won't cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia ;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
Throe sixes: 25c.. cnotiKh tor u ordinary
colli; SOc.. Jnt rlKlit fur nronchltli, hoarc
ii- - hard eo!d&, etr.; fit, imiflt ecouomicul
for chronic r:itn mui t.. k vv on band,
t'i on hni
, Lowell,
Zinc and grinriinK double the wear.
Miss Stella Hoover and Mrs. 101
iner Troup are on the sick list.
Alice Meiser of Metlerville was
keeping house for V II. Wendt a
few days last week.
Borne of otjr people ere taking of,
jg'ig to the Milton fair this week,
J)avid Ht(OVcr Ullll Howard ;
alul Qaj were to Hoover's Island
to hunt last Saturday.
Henry Harding and V. II.
Wendt and wife Bnent last week at
Merchant Bine of Beavertown
was notiml in town Saturday.
ilev. Shatter, the Reformed min
istef, preache I in St. .John's church
Sunday afternoon.
J. A. Shadle was doing some re-1
pairing for K. S. Meiser at his house
in town a few davs last week.
Hiram Schnee, who was formerly
working at Seven Points, has been
working in our vicinity for the
last few weeks.
V. II. Wendt and wifi
part of hist Sunday at Aline.
J. P. Shadle clerked for
Harding last week.
F. C. Landis and Hiram
were to Richfield Sunday.
R. S. Meiser and wife we
lers in town Friday.
Sell nee
re cal-
Milltel Harding visited Wm.
Reichenbach's near Summit Sundav.
. t t v f i I
Mrs. J, 1. 1 erirer went to Micln-
gm last week to visit sonic of her
friends in some parts of the state.
Zinc and grinding double the wear.
Revival meeting was ommenced
by Rev. S. An rand at Grace church
Mrs. Sarah Shambach of Port
Treverton visited friends here over
Prof. O. W. Reichly was home
over Sunday.
Quite a number of people attend
ed the Lewiaburg fair last week and
a pood many contemplate going to
the Milton fair.
A. A. Bingan an intends moving
to Monroe twp. where he is teaching
Mr. and Mrs. Seivel, llev.
Aurand's. son-in-law are visiting in
Zachariah Bowersoxand two sons
visited Cyrus Bowersox's Sunday.
John Duck and wife from near
Hassiuger's church passed through
our burg Saturday eoroute for
. " '
l inon county.
Atnmon Moyer and wife are the
haimy recipients of a baby boy.
' a r . '
m. Nunpsell, James Kline and
Win. Steiueling left Ibr West 'ir-
ginia where they expect to work in
the timber belt the ensuing winter.
Mrs. T. H. Spigebnyer anil chil-
dren left Tuesday for Painterville,
thence she expects to leave for
I'ittsburg where her husband is
working at telegraphy.
pallas Tews.
The Harvest Home service held
here was well attended, the church
being beautifully decorated, with
choice ripe fruit most of which were
donatcd to the minister afler the
John Minium has returned from
Buffalo and reports a grand time.
Geo. Straub, Miss May Hoffman
and Edith Brown were the welcome
guests of Miss Gertrude Straub
Master Maxwell Straub of Hern
don is visiting his grandparents, A.
H. Straub and wife until his par
ents return from lluflalo.
ReV. C. K. Miller, wife and son
took dinner
Sunday at A. H.
Jamb Shirk and Frank Glass ot
Freeburg passed through here Fri
day morning with u load of spout
ing fur the barns of John Teats and
John Kreitzer.
Last Saturday preparatory ser- Klnley. In all probability the Insur
Vices were held at (irubb's- church had received, he said, only mea-
i r' i .it ii o eer reports of the tragedy, and poest-
and Sunday the Lord's Supper. Ay befleveJ the hootmg , ,, . th
Henry Tharp came home from result of some popular outbreak
WatSOntOWn. where he worked the against the President. The natives
,,-wt in.un ,,1B(I KfiZ''rt the opportunity In the flick-
pHI l OIOUK L. , pHng h( j)e r),trU.vln( wm f tu,ir
Mrs. Mary Bailey lost a Hock of lost, ground.
turkeys (an old hen and from 12 to
17 young turkeys) Sonic reil and
brown. Old htn mixed witji bronze.
Anyone to whom they have strayed
will be well rewarded by informing
Mrs. Bailey at once.
The United States Gov
ernment Report shows
Royal Baking Powder to
be stronger, purer and
better than anv other.
Samar Rebels Kill 48 Soldiers of
Company C, Ninth Infantry.
Twenty-Four Men Escaped, of Which
Eleven Are Wounded Insurgents
Capture All the Storei and Ammu
nition of the Company.
Manila. Sept. 30. a disastrous light
between United States troops and In
surgents occurred on Saturday lu the
island of Samar, near HalaiiKiga. A
large body of Insurgents attacked
Company C, Ninth Infantry, only 24
members of the company escaping.
tnp ntherg are ropnrted to have
been killed,
he compaay wag at breakfast when
attacked and made a determined re
sistance, but the overwhelming nam-
hera of the insurgents compelled them
to rotreat. Of the survlvora who hare
arrived at Basey 11 are wounded.
i,,nii., ,n tv,,. i..,0 inni.
atrongth of the company waa 72.
Captain Kdwln V. Bookmlller, of the
N'lnth Infantry, reports that General
Hughes is assembling a force to at
tack the Insurgents.
The Insurgents captured all the
stores and ammunition of the company
and all the rltlea except 26.
Washington. Oct. 1. Owing to the
distance from Manila of the scene of
the massacre of Company C, tha offl
ciala of the war department do not
expect a respouaa to their. order for
a fall list of the casualties before some
time today. However, they feel aa
aured that the officers of the ill-fated
company certainly perished. These of
ficers are:
I A question having arisen as to the
i accuracy of the cablegram received
i the Wftr department on Sunday
from General Chaffee, the cable com
pany was dlrocted to repeat It. The
repetition disclosed some inaccuracies
that materially change the message.
As corrected the dispatch reada:
"Manila. Sept. 29.
"Adjutant General, Washington.
"Hughes reports following from
I Bassey, southern Samar:
"Twty-four men, Company C,
I Ninth Regiment, United States Infan-
Uy u woundoj navo jugt arrived
! from Halanglga; remainder company
klllL'd- Insurgeata secured aU eom-
I pany supplies and all rides except
tnroe. Company was attacked during
, breakfast, morning September 28;
company 72 strong; officers, Thomaa
W' c"nnte1!; "f1; AB "urm"
! pus, first lieutenant; Dr. R. S. Grls-
wold, major surgeon. CHAFFEE."
i The news created a sensation in of-
I "c,al circles, it was me nm severe re
verse that has occurred lor a long
time. Still the officials were not un
preyared for news of Just this charac
ter from Samar, In which the revolu
tion started by Aguinaldo still con
tinues. Samar Is a country about aa
large aa the state of Ohio, and the
American forcea of occupation numoer
In all between 2,000 and 2.500 men.
These are distributed among various
posts in the island, a large number be
ing located at the more important
Spain never made any effort to oc
cupy Samar, and It only haa been for
probably three months past that the
United States haa undertaken that
work. The latest report made by Gen-
' era! Hughes to the war department
waa that the number of insurgent rifles
In the island aggregated about 300.
The Filipinos carried on a guerilla
warfare, and operations against them
were difficult. The disaster to Corn
triumphal entry to the City of Light.
roH It In hnlived while it wis imiaenil
an expedition to clear the country
of roving bands of these insurgents.
The fact that the Americans were at-
tacked while at breakfast Indicates the
daring and pluck of the Insurgents,
A well-known official of the govern
ment, in speaking of this outbreak
against the American forces in Samar,
said he regarded ft as a consequence
of the assassination of President Me-
Company 0 was a portion of the
Ninth Regiment of United States In
fantry, which went to China at the
time of the Doxer outbreak, and where
they performed valiant service. Later
the troops went to Manila and were
engaged in urovost duty in that city.
During the past gammer battalion
of the Ninth v;ib Mat to S.imar.
(Jeneral Corbln expresses thi belief
Umt many of those who are now r
korted as killed will "turn up in a
lew days." This is a trequt nt expert'
ence in Philippine campaign The
missing often have to secret) tli"iu
selvas for a time before risking au
attempt to net back to tl eir :' t i .-ini b
Hut hk the report now stair!" tills Is
the worst sliiKle loss that our forces
have suffered in the entire Philippine
it will be recalled that about n week
ago General A S Hart, of the Tweuty
filth Infaniry, who had recently v
turned from the Philippines, gave out
an Interview, in which be '. excep
tion to the successive viius i f Gen
erals litis and MacArthur thai the war
was over, Baying that the .
Samar was still unsubdued a. ! was
giving General Hughes some hard
lighting. He added that be believed
the troubles in the Philippic la would
hot cease during the lifetime 'if h
present generation. The officials oi
the department hero roj'i.t ! tl. I
gloomy view, particularly In regard to
Samar, on account of its sir. ill ipula
tion, although acknowledging tliat its
people were putting up a very vigor
ous light. Spain is said to 1 nevor
subdued the island or to have derived
any revenue therefrom; its i .mm.-, and
waters are treacherous, and Its moun
tain fastnesses offer great opportuni
ties for retreat.
Our forces hail been In t!ie Philip
pines a long time before they male
any attempt at its occupation. A de
tachment of the Forty-third Infantry,
under Colonel Arthur Murray, made
the first landing on January 27, 1900,
as a result of General Kobbe s direc
tions. The Impression prevails In
aomo quarters that our first occupa
tion was only about three months ago,
an error due to the fact that the Isl
and was transferred on Ma 7 lust
from the department of soul hern Lu
xon to the department of the Visay
ans. Then the Third Squadrun of the
Ninth Cavalry, the Second BqMdron
of the Tenth, the entire First Infan
try and the Second Battalion Ot the
Ninth Infantry were assign: for serv
ice there.
Disaster Does Not Mean There
Wide spread Revolt.
Chicago, Sept. 30. General Elwell S.
Otis, in command of the department of
the lakes, said last night that the
slaughtering of members of Company
C, of the Ninth Infantry In Samar did
not mean that there is anything like
widespread revolt in that province.
Concerning the disaster General )tl"
said: "Samar Is In the department ot
Vlsaya, over whkh Brigad ei General
Hughes has command. This depart
ment includes all the central Islands ot
tht Philippine Archipelago. During the
last month our soldiers have been ru
tlve In an attempt to subdue rebellion,
which is confined to the boundaries of
that Island. The insurgent leader,
Luckban, heads the natives, and he aud
his Tagalo followers have been instru
mental In keeping alive the spirit of
opposition to this government's au
thority there.
! 80u,ht.rn Sam;
"The location of the ambuscade is In
ir, of which the iuliabl-
tants are iunorant and barbarlous.
Probably Lucban got a party of bolo
men together and surprised the
Amerlcttu soldiers while at breakfast.
I thick Lucban knows something
about the attack, at any rate.
Former Captain of Company C Eulo
gizes Tom Connell.
Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 1 Lieu
tentnt Colonel Jesse M. Lee, com
mandant at Fort Leavenworth, was
deeply affected yesterday by the news
that Company C, Ninth Infantry, had
been nearly wiped out. "1 waa iaip
tain of Company C for many . ''ars,"
said Colonel Lee. "Company C was
in the first battalion of the Ninth
and the one I commanded In the Chi
nese campaign. Company C hi a tlu'
I record, and was made up of , aMant
soldiers. Captain Tom Col D II a as
my second lieutenant, and has been
with the company for ytars, I onusl)
was a vigorous, j-aiiant yo
He possessed great energy i
age. and was very popular,
with Company 0 in the Chin
1 cour
I g was
e cam
tell at
paik'ii and distinguished 1..
the battle of Tien Tsln."
Opposed -ii tii:
Lady (to new servant)
tolerate gossip, I lit II J'Ofl
interesting MWS J"OU may
Tit- Hits.
An Infallible Cur
surest Wa to kill
remarked the 01
i rver- oi
tt v-ai
Events end Things, "is t"
ried."--Vonkcrs Statesman.
jg7 7t3aj