The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 26, 1901, Image 5

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    The U. S. Government Tests
Show the Absolute Superiority of
Royal Baking Powder.
riftt i
Mrs; David Harner accompanied
Ibv Mrs. Wetzel of Kansas visited
in Middleburgh Tuesday evening.
The schools of Franklin towuship
iHned Monday Kith with a lair at-
Win. Heimbach and wife of
fceavertown visited Austin QlfVa
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Irn Attig of MeClure visited
l.H. Attig's several days last week,
Miss Ada Howell of JJeavortown
isited her grandmother several
lavs during the week.
It. A. M. Harner spent several
lavs at Woomsburg and Danville
ast week visiting his daughter,
Edith, at the latter place.
Harry Howell of Lcwistown
pent several days in town the guest
it' his father-in-law, H. H. Attig.
Miss Lottie Gift made a two
reek's trip toSuubury, Bloomsbnrg
mil Shaniokin recently, visiting her
anthers, sisters, and other relatives.
Lester Derr, who is foreman at
UcClure for Clement of Sunburv,
neat Sunday with his parents.
The plasterers eoninieneel work
in Win. McAfee's new house last
fonday and expect to have it fin
shed so that it can be occupied by
ilr. McAfee and family this fall yet.
Mrs. H. H. Attig, after spend
ing about two weeks visiting her
anghter, Evora, at Sunburv, and
icr son, Addison, at Kenova, re
urnod home Friday well pleased
titli her trip.
Rev. Garret of Bell wood preach
il an interesting sermon in the
Evangelical church, Saturday even
Dg for the interests of his church
i lU'llwood.
Loyd Walter of S. U. Selins
rove paid his respects to his par
nts over Sunday by visiting them.
Simon Wetzel and wife of Kans
s are visiting relatives and friends
ere. Mrs. Wetzel is a sister of
imtin (Jift. They were formerly
f this place, but have resided in the
rest fiir a uuml)er of years.
K. W. Gift, wife and daughter,
'lain, formerly, of this place, but
ow of Moomsburg, are spending a
w days here visiting their parents.
T. C. Landis sold one of his
orsts and Isjught a colt again.
Lewis Moyer was making hay
ist week.
J. A. Moyer is going to market
ith a brand new covered Swab
Ed. Caw ley of Neitz Valley,
Jnrnon Hoover of Sprenkeltown,
ire in this valley Sunday.
J. V. Neitz and W. K. Garman
we to Mexico, Juniata Co., a few
iys last week on business.
fluid. Dreese and Frank Troup
Kantz were visiting in this val
f Sunday.
Corn Kissinger was the guest of
J. Mover's Sunday.
flic Mcimonites had services in
CLT. B. Ebenezer church lastSun-V-
The text was taken from
L'- 12: 8. lie v. Jiurgey preach
' Preaching again on the 3rd of
. at 10 o'clock A. M.
C. Landis visited Neitz's Val
1 Sunday.
Miss Mabel Moore was in Sun
7 Saturday.
Tlie farmers in this vicinity are
SJ' cutting corn.
Miss Carrie Corkins swallowed a
I last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Sallie Eisenhart and babe
Shaniokin are visiting Win. J.
Mrs. Annie Roniig and daughter,
'a, o Altooua are being enter
iwl by relatives.
I. I). Witmer spent Sunday at
le College.
Mi-s IZora Walter of Kreamer
a guest at the Fisher home last
Hitter of Phila., and Miss
P Fisher of New Columbia were our village last week,
rot. V. Q( yiaber and wife spent
"' u Verdilla.
Jerry Scharf and wife of Mary
land were entertained by his brother,
W. P, Scharf several days.
Mrs. Senator Hummel entertain
ed Mrs. A. C. Simpson one day
last week.
Miss K. B Earhnrt returned to
her brother's in Hanover.
Dr. Yutzy preach td at Montgum
ery Sunday.
J. A. I. milliard ami wife hav!
gone to Tioga Co., to visit their
daughter and family, and will take
in the Exposition before returning.
A great many of our citizens
went to the Junction Monday to sec
the funeral train of Pres. MeKinlcv.
C. A. Snyder and wife of l'liila.,
are taking their usual outing here.
Misses Bertha Keller and Bertha
Conrad were visitors at Sunbury
Union memorial services were
held Thursday in Trinity Lutheran
church. The exercises were very
Interesting. The business places of
town were closed from 12 in. to 1
. in.
Miss Mollie Horns is being en
tertained by her cousin, Miss
Ulrioh, daughter of Dr. M. Qlrich.
H. H. Schoch and family re
turned from Wildwood, Mrs. . ( '.
Schoch accompanying them, as she
had been visiting them for about
two weeks.
Mrs. S. A. Milly is visiting her
niece, Mrs. F. 11. Keklemaii at
Augustus Sprmgman was a vis
itor to town, lie was looking well.
Stetler's Cornet Hand of your town
gave our citizens quite V treat Sat
urday evening on their way from
Kratzerville, in the shape of some
fine music which was highly ap
preciated by our citizens.
Itevs. Geo. U. Bitter of Kansas
and J. A. Yoder of New Jersey are
visiting friends and renewing old
acquaintances. They arc pleased
with thcevidenees of the prosperity
of Susquehanna University.
Mrs. M. M. Kote and child of
Mitllinburg arc guests of her sister,
Mrs. F. H. Schradcr, Jr.
Daniel Mattis and his father of
Phils., are visiting Geo. Holmes
ami wife.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
F. J- CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 10 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and
financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West fcTicuAX. Wholesale Druggists
Toledo, O. Waldino. Kinnan fc Mar
vin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the s.vut cm.
Testimonials sent free. Price 70c.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggiits.
Haifa Family Pills are the best.
Mrs. Dr. M. Roth rock and
daughter, Margarette, who were
sick with typhoid fever, arc letter
again and on a fair way to recovery.
Rev. D. 1. Shaffer spent last week
in Lancaster.
Joseph Heim and wife and Mrs.
J. I. Yerger lell Monday for Indi
ana and Michigan to visit friends.
J. F. Heim, who is employed at
Scranton, is spending a few days at
this his native home
Calvin Fcirich aad wife of Elk
hart. Ind., who visited iu this lo
cality, left last week lor the Fan
American and Niagara Falls and
from thence to their home.
J. P. Shadle and Don. Hoover
were to Lewisburg, Milton and
Mitllinburg Sunday.
Hiram Bohnee, who was working
for P. A. Stuck at Seven Stars, re
turned home Sunday.
Harvest Home services were held
by the Lutheran congregation Sun
day. Robert Coleman moved his saw
:::ill from BroSlUS and Schnec's tract
to J. F. Buyer's farm near Freeburg
last week.
R. J. Both rock Mill leave this
week for Bucknell University,
Lewisburg, Pa.
The number of people was not so A man doesn't need a musical
great as former years at the S. S. 'education to sing his own praise.
picnic Saturdiy at the St. John's; The r lt September showers
W. F. Herbstcr ami family, John
uerheter, Ohurles Showers, and,
Lester Nerhood all of Franklin
ia 1 1 1 1 i
r..r;Ce, i.iair v.o., s,,e,i, a lew uavs ,
Ii-Te last week viiliiPLr faicnds.
... . ... ,
in i en n
.Mcwiaugniiu .-lanou ;
-Ll! . . ... I
I titbit i in. in ii iiir tn hla
place of employ, Franklin Forge.
Ncr Hoofnaugle of riru, Mifflin
- . 1' f if L ' . I
v o., was a gnesi oi .uaine cueeiy
ami mother Sunday.
Emma (lolilinan was buriil
effigy at Lowell Saturduy. Sorry ,
it was not tlie original.
It appears that Czolgos So. 2
' paid this end a visit a tew days ago
by shooting a poor widow woman's
cow. If the person could be found
out, the law should be tullv en
f the weather permits the bean
soup which is to be held al Met 'lure
Saturday will be well attended as
there are able speakers billed tin
the occasion. Dr. Parcel with his
goose story will be on the bill of fare.
J. B. Shelleuberger's horse got
hurl last week iu coming down the
mountain with a load of wood. They
expect he will lint lie able to do any
kind nt work fur (lie next two
Some parties here should be very
careful how they express themsi Ives
in regard to the" death of our mu-li
beloved President McKinlcy, Hemp
is cheap with a good share nt'
muscle for dessert.
Mrs. Elmer Snyder of Selinsgrove
was in town Wednesday.
Miss Amelia Herrold spent last
week at Sunbury.
Hush meeting was well attended
at Paige's grove by some of our
young folks.
Thomas Kerstetler sports a new
Miss Delia Fisher of Hotel In
dependence spent Saturday with her
Grandfather Wolfe at Duudore.
Mrs. Jacob Fisher expects to take
in all the sights at -Heading.
William Snyder and lady friend
of Sunbury were in town Sunday.
Benton Stroup and wife of Pallas
visited the Eisenhart family Sunday.
" For two years I suffered ter
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa
parilla, and in one week I was a
new man." John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. $1.00 1 bottle. All drugjMs.
Auk your ilnotnr what lu' tliink of Ayi-r'i
S:ir-:ii' irill.'i. Uii kllu. iill iiliout tlill I'
old family aiadlelae. Follow bli aavtea uil
we will lu atltninl.
J. C. AVKU Co. Lowell. MaHR.
Chas. Mccklcy took a business '
trio to the cotii rcLnons the fore!
part of last week.
Wm. Snyder and wife
home from a visit with friends in
C. A. Meiser of Thompsontown
visited Chas. Keck Sunday.
Mrs. John Kinney and Miss
Annie Gremberling of Salem visited
J. F. Walter's Wednesday
"..I.- '...I ( nr D-1!
vaivin .ecumaii oi ,ew ieriiii,,,,... , u i
visited,!. 11. llcintclmans Sunday.
A. G. Smith ami family spent
Sunday with friends in Selinsgrove.
N. P. Hummel and wife were in
Shaniokin over Sunday.
W. W. Kotish of I'axinos visited
his father, Janus Rouab, last week.
are Convincing that we are at tin
eve of a perpetual summer.
riinro ri.mnK.fl .,,. w.
. .. . i """ "j i
all his children, and Dr. Krebs. is
, onvaU.,mit.
George Wentel thrashed one
LJ , i BJ BA j i,...,.
i i i i i ' i I v ' i .mil llll i M i - I I I - i i l I M 1 1 K "
j wheat.
Our supervisor is giving our
i river road an overhauling ami it is
these DSavy showers will
settle the road Speedily.
n.. ...l....i i i l
.t,,..,. tirsf ,,. (i!lvc ..v,,,.,.:,.,,,...
kuliotttnrr ti.nt .. i..,,,.", .,.
rive some in
ial that will make future Presi
dents. Our overseers of the poor are
heroes, as frequent attacks are made
lu get on the township, but the last
battle they won again.
Our Tax eoUeutorsare as busy as
a bee in a cider barrel, and now is;
the lime to pay taxes.
John II. Wise is selling coal from
his yard at bottom prices.
He who hath good health is
young, and he is rich who owes
And should there be any dispute
arise at l.attletou n the women will
decide the contest.
Manv of our citizens were to
MfnV 01 OMr olnwus were t..;uav . MidJlebtirg.
"eWflon to view the funeral cortege,
i"four martyred President.
Herndnii to view the funeral cortege
Daniel Kainble of Watsontown
and Isaac Campbell of llerndoii
were iu town.
Dundore pays a big nrice for
Ed Wolf passed through town on
his wheel.
N. T. Dundore and wife spent
last Sunday at Watsontown with the
formers two brothers where they
had a family reunion.
Our coal digger- are as busy as
ever and sell Coal at a low price.
Seeding is now in order, some
have finished and others have not
commenced yet.
di ( ';ifn i hnol 1 Mini Mintiii
i -
i.. . i i, i c i i i -i
hyer clerked lor our merchant while
he was off on a visits
The school board has supplied
the schools with a new supply of
lleiirv Hoot thrashed three hun
died and fifty bushels of wheat, rye
and oats. 25.
Potatoes are a failure this season j W ills Probattd.
B8 Hackeiiberg and Kratzcr planted The last will and testament of Daniel
thirteen bushels and got only three Btaufler late of Relliwgrove was piobat
bushels. cd Tueaeay. John (f. Stauffer of
Ifnrio (al,r;t I. th utnlr l.'.t Selinsgrove is named as Executor.
Ik III. IV. K V r ail IiJH llll I k III I I
Husking corn lias commenced
among the farmers to fatten the
H. L. Hoover & ( o. are tearing
up the old aoqueduot
'Sipiiie Sechrist takes the lead in
the fancy poultry business.
Winter apples will Ix; scarce and
high in price.
II. C. Steffen sM!iit Sunday with
lriends at OliamoKin 1 'am.
I.eviStahl was visitinir friends at
. .1
Mrs. Jane Hoiiser is visiting her
brother at Tyrone. j Pennsylvania Railroad's Special Excur-
J. I. Aucker was to the Sunbury s,on to Pan-American Exposition,
market with a load of potatoes last The ,Vl,nsvivuniu Railroad Com
Saturday. ; pany will run special excursion to
Merchant A. S. Sechrist and J. nm.ln on account of the Pan-Amerl-
'Minium spent part of last week at
Bultalo, iSiagara rails and C amnla.
John D. Murks is working at
Shaniokin Dam.
Robert Aucker left for parts un
Our public schools are in running
order, (iood material keepsthcni so.
Chas. Mengle is listed with the
Tin- Rrdea Pnrt.
Mrs. Crawford They nhvays seem
hannv wliell out Ol society.
""i i j - , , ,,
Mr. Crabshaw Ah, my dear, tnat'a
!the hardeit ,wrt ()f married life.
Town Topics.
Her VU-V of It.
"Do you believe in marrying for
love?" said Mr. Ulcocker, of New York,
. . r.. iir,.ctlif of Cliicairo.
"fWyes, once in awhile," replied the , eon. For specific time anil rates, con
Chicago woman.--Harlem Life. suit local ticket agents. !t-L'ii-"i(.
Dr. Shillcr
left for
Miss Aline Knhrhta returned
Baltimore Momlav after havinv
spent her vacation at honu
Miss Jennie Charles was a busi
ness caller iu Eferndon Friday.
O. K. Xeitx and family of Sun
bury spent Sunday with his brother-in-law
S. I'. Steflen and family.
A. Y. Aucker, wife and daugh
ter, Olive, visited the old home
stead at Dundore Sunday.
Miss Martha Snyder of Selins
grove ami Arthur Heiser Shailli
passed through town Sunday enrouti
to Stewart Hull s al Mahontougo.
Hoiks Daubert ami lady friend
of Milton spen' Sunday with rela
tives. ). S'ahl, wife and daughter
1(,ssil. enjoyed a trip to the county
scat Saturday,
hisses Jennie and Dora Meiser
tj, friends of Globe
Mills passu I 1 1
trough our burg
(i. A Hu rt Neitz is speueiug a
week with I'M. ( 'harles at the county
seat and Miss Kstclla Troutmau at
G. Irwin Lleichcubach and daugh
ters, Carrie and Lottie -pent Sutur-
Mrs. Philip Arnold and the twin
Bj8teP8 hisses Eva and Alice
McConncll of Shaniokin and Ed.
I Mitterling and wile of Lewisburg
were the guests of the latter's
parents, John and wife the past
Misses Verna Fisher and Mabel
Wetzel of Selinsgrove were visitors
at tne house of ('. D. Bogar over
Ed. Charles, wife and thrcedugh
tcrs of Middlcburg. Geo. Herrold
nmi wife, Mrs. Fred Attinger and
Mis8e8 Blanche mid Mary Attinger
I i A I. A . Ill
oi v nil puiuu wci'c uic Lfut'nus 01 n,
I". Charles and family.
Master Hal oh Folt. returned
llimir illlt I IIUVIII M IIL UMll BllU a
i i i'. I ..
halt months with his grand-father
.... 8
:it S'ven Star
I'OiKT llotsE t'llll'S.
Dceils Entered for Hccord.
E, S. Stahl, Administrator of Mrs.
Annie L, Btahl, to Mis Annie Fisher,
one half Acre in Washington twp. for
Two daughters ami Bon are the heirs.
Marriage Liceoaet.
i Edward A. Vai ner, Swali
I 1 Jennie E. Sheary, Middlexworth
I William I. Dunkleburgi
Jennie K. (ilass,
r Charles m. i.aut,
I I .ana ( '. (loss,
', by Rev. II. H.I
Laut of Iieedsville to
Married Sen.
Spahn, Chas. M
LanaC Oossol Lowell.
Married Sept 22 by Rev. H.H. Spahn,
Edward A. Varner of Swales, Juniata
Co., to Jennie
E. Sheary of Middles-
Married-Sept. !! by Itev. I'. V. Miller
. wm. i. uunaieoi
(Mass of Freeburg.
I IliinL' 111 illl'irnt' . 1 11.1 i.lllll,. i
...ii. .. ju.... - - '
nan Exposition, from Philadelphia and
adjoining territory, on September -;,
October Z s, 17, .i, and 29, Round-
trip tickets, good going on s Ial train tentious, and who didn't know when
leaving Philadelphia at 8.44 A. M.( her only child was until she received a
Harriaburg 11.60 A. M., Sunbury -03 1 letter from New Vork city, in which
P. M., Wllllamsporl 2.80 P.M., Lock gUe asked her mother not toworryovei
Haven :i.iHi P. M., and on local train- uer nbsence as -he was In g 1 health
connecting therewith, and good to atMj happy, but -he gave nothing
return on regular trains within seven through which h ould I located in
days, including day of excursion, will Lnu lurge city. A m-arcli wamadi
he sold at rate of $9.80 from Trenton, I for ue, witl oul the desired result
$0.00 from Reading, $9.00 from Phila
delphia, $9.00 from Lancaster, .s. Kii
from Harrisburg, $7.25 from Altooua
(via Tyrone). $10.00 from Winchester,
ami proportionate rates from other
points, These tickets will not he good
in Pullman parlor or sleeping ears in
either direction, stop of 80 minutes
will be made at WUllamaport for lunch
The State invention iif Sunday
school workers al Cheater, tetolier H W
I 10, will meet lu street Meth-
to!,H,'t Ephwupal Church. ThereMrta
for th
year by tate Held workers will
show the moat remarkable progreaa.
County Conveiitlnns have Iwn largei
ami mure in i n . i thllll evei lirfune,
with great advances in Normal work,
Home Department, Houxc-to-MoUM
Visitation, ami DeeiMlon Day. Ths
staie (.'-on vent lou leaden like Messrs
I lei 1 1, Wannniaker, McCorniiek.B lack
all, Henry. Uill, ltn-s and others with
notable speakers from every pari ol ihe
Held will afford n pnigram rich, insplp
iiiK anil helpful, All Sumlay-seliool
workers are Invited to attend ''arJ
orders for redueeti railroad fares . : I
from Friday, Oetolier I, ui inj Sinnlaj
in Philadelphia ami credentials may
be obtained from State Assoeiiiliuii,nU
Croiser Bldg., Philadelphia.
So Promiaea The Sunilaj North Anicric in, tht
Flrat Xutnbci ol Whiih W ill lit "in Sep
tember -')
The Nntth American am nei - that
uii September Uith it will begin tin.
publication of a Sunday edition. Pre
vailing conditions demand of eaeli
metropolitan paper an issue evcrj daj
in the year, ami I he North Vnierieau
is Hensibly obeying that ileuiaud.
I in tin r of this innovation have already
been Heard and Interest niidsj illation
as In what it w ill lie like i- keen. I'lie
North American, when it does any
thing, does it better than any one else,
and in the matter of a Sunday panel
the same rule i expected to upplj .
For "lie tlllllg, The North Ann ! . :u
promises that it- Sunday Kditioii will
ne "different." Ihe standard "i text
and lllusl rat imi will be as high as that
of any monthly uiagaine. Il will nut
he "cheap" in any sense. It will nut
magnify the trivial, neither will it
make heroics Olll nt' the -.illy ami the
commonplace. The North Amerieau'a
motto i-, "A sensible Suinla m urr
paper," ami if it i- sueh it certainly
w ill be different and welcome
Il will strive, of course, to lie Interest
lug and entertaining. Thai goes with
out saying. The Sjieclal Nvritein mid
artisis are of tlie first rank ami the
magniflcent mechanical equipment of
The North American insures perfect
As In the detail- of the pnp i II elf,
this much is known. Then i'l Ix;
four colored aupplemeiits in addition to
the news sections ami sheet music,
There w ill he a supplement of eight
pages in colors, devoted exclusively in
women's Interests, a comic section of
four pages in colors, a magazine section
nf twelve pages in colors ami a sixteen
page supplement In colore explaining
the Involved and varied processes Of
making a newspaper. Thesheet mush
will lie like thai no -ale iu music storw
iu every particular. The llrst Sunday
Nnrth American will probably consist
of seventy-six pages of which tlnrtv
twn w ill he used for new-.
Miss Ma) Ituii in Naples, Italy,
Northumbei land Pn n-.
-''s May Burr ha-at last in hieveda
desire over which -he hasbriKided foi
1 years to visit Interesting points in Eu-
fQpg 'j'!,,. following from the consulate
of the United States at Naples, Italy,
dated September 2, 1901, was received
I at Sunbury on Saturday last, iithmsL
"A Mi- Burr, (no flwl name given)
I of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, L', s. A.
reached Naples this morning, mildl
insane, she escaped surveillance ami
escaped from the Prince liner in which
i r X- V. . 1. t :. I
.-.. - - i --
was traced to the Rome depot, wulthei
k is presumed she has gone, she ink'
people on the ship that bermothi i mm
very deaf and kept a hotel at Sllllhury.
Her relatives should he Informed if
known; she abould he eared for.
ltespeetfully, etc.,
s we Mated in the Press nt V ill.
1 j,lst. she left her home in Xorthumbei
land without telling her mother her ia-
lor Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have Alwa Bougti
Bears tho
Biguaturo of