Hote Wea Envelopes I jna 7 note 1st go We have a job tot heads on hand. They I Weboug: ! a 1 n- 4 sitmment of ,n quick. The price willo It. Samples and prices for ask ing. We furnish themlrinted ..pes I so many I Havincr J we q& -a a rock bottom f for less than you can bi them Send for samples t without printing. 1 and hot weather ! t C. W. WagMtcllcr, Fditor J Proprktar. A Family Journal, Devoted to Newt, Scleact, Art, Political Economy and Current Llteratore. MIDDLEBURGH SNYDEli COUNTY PEJNA. SEPT. 2U 1001 Katei: One Dollar Per Annum, ia Advance VOL. XXXVIII :t .l.-izdl 'J' r PERTINENT PEKSOAlsffi$ 'RW LUCID LOCAL LACO', IS ffifrf ' .rv.i-utAira2 The Union County fair i thia week. Zno Mid grinding, P, Co., Box O 432 Now York. Court ieiis Monday a w ok. rh ere nrc S OUM on the civil list. Mir Hist Full showing of Fall Hall nf millinery occurs this Week. L. DUM K I I.IIKI KH. Tn cigar wagon if Basder Jt Her nlci tf Freeburg :ls seen at tiie coun ty seat Monday morning Zino and grinding, p. w. Devoe d Co., Box ( 182 New Vork. sutler's Cornet Baud furnished the music for the Knit.t rville j icnic Satur day. Wantbd Potatoes and applet want ed by Hummel anil Hummel. I Cramer, Pa. tf. The Reformed tndav School held their annual ptci Ic in Kel Bridge Grove. A very pleasant time waH H'nt. The railroad officials, announce that Middleburg is to have a new depot That ia certainly good news. A new depot was needed long ago. Zincand grinding, P, W. Devoe A Co., It. x 0482 New York. Just received a new lot of Fall hats, Tailor made suits, Jacket, Reefers, Furs and Notions, etc. Mks. C AtTBAXD. We should have stated that the Memorial poem to McKlnley pnbllahed in our last issue was contributed ami 'cm posed by It. H. Walter of Peuns Creek, Pa. Hist Blood and Liver medicine in I he tii'irk'nl miv. n onllAr rmt or arm. 11 i ferl T'"r ' ' 1 4 M ' ' 11 . . . . . i re. no IH&V. ouiu mj u.u u.. D, G. BUCK, -12-4t. Middleburgh, Pa. Zinc and grinding, F. W. Devoe & Jo.; Box 0488 New York. Call on A. E. Soles in his new shav- logaua nair cutting puuui hh bead cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron i ..-ii, ui,i M.irkct oii- poaite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar- ,,m....l tf. Rev. s. Aurand will preaoh at Cen- tervill.-, Sept. ', at 10 a. m., in German. Commence revival services at race or Rovers churcn, repi. at ::); prayer meetiny the Hrst evening preaching, Saturday at 7:30, Sunday ai 7 a. in., communion at St. liters church; Oct. 6, 10 a in, at Centrevilh; Oct. 6, 2 p. in., at Salem; Oct. 0, t p m. at Grace. Rev. J. Lawver will preach at all i if the above places. A serious conflagration was narrow ly averted Saturday evening at the home of D. T. Rhoads. The oil stove was the cause of the trouble. For tunately the stove was in the chimnev. The llame rushed into the air like wild. It burnt the mantle drapery. Rugs wen thrown on to smother the lire, but the tire refused to yield, but at tacked the rugs, Water was then ad ministered and the flames were stili- Qned. Zinc and grinding, F. W. Devoe & Co., Box O 432 New York. Jacob Walter Shot Himself. Jacob P. Walter of K reamer commit ted suicide by shooting himself tins ( Wednesday) momiug about B o'clock at hi- home. He died in a few min utes. THEY ALL 80 TO MILTON The Milton Fair Leads Them all in Batertala iug ti e ueople. Everybody within a radius of fifty miles or more, who can get away, goes t the Milton fair. This is oue of the oldest successful fairs in the state and 't has a reputation of always giving its patrons a good entertainment some thing new every year in addition to the races, the exhibits and the lively fakirs not gamblers for there are no gamblers there. And then it is the beat fair in another respect. The people are a good half of any county fair and you see them all at Milton Mr. Hundreds of people look to this fair as a sort of a short fall outing and ' thev nra nil ,mlnir tlla voar lwenusc the wtu Ull i.u, -. J . ' Management tell them that this will a record breaker and the public knows the fair managers never lie. (progress I Devote) I A. (i. Baslmar made a business trip to WilliamsiHrt Thursday. John A. Buck of Wllliamsport spent a few days in town last week. Miss Mollle Bolender left Tuesday morning for Hull'alo. Miss Mina Long of Jersey Shore is visiting friends in this place. Miles (. Snyder of Selinsgrove was at the county scat Monday. Perry Aurand of K reamer was a county seat visitor Tuesday morning. t'ashicr J. N. Thompson spent the latter part of the week In Philadelphia. Mrs, Lauai Miller and children of Baltimore are visiting her mother, Mrs. Do in. Jacob Buyer and James K. Reish of Mlfflinburg were Middleburg visitors Saturday. Jay (i. Welser is spending several ilays in Philadelphia this week engagi d in political war tan . Mrs. David Reed and Miss Mary Kil ter Sunday drove to the hitter's par ents at Bitter P. . L. Dunkelberger will spend next week in the eastern cities in the inter est of her customers. Miss Cora Holiaban delivered an In erestlng address Sunday morning In the chapel of the Lutheran church. Charles H. Walter of Gravel Hill is now the moal contented man on earth. It's what he was looking for, a boy. M. Millner of Kant Is In Philadel phia and New Vork this week buying in a OHOloe supply of fall and winter goods onus. Sarin luel Reen of New port, who is in 1 tteitiiua thai .MiWarv,.V-. - veiiUnT-75-..t-Tk;,-,,Vfwii afteroVon Oli er Bowersox of Vicksburg was a Middl ehurg visitor Tuesday. He pro poses to sell his funning stock and move to Sunbury. Mrs. J. L. Mtirks, who spent a week very pleasantly visiting her daughter, Mrs. J, C. Amlg, at Lewistown, return. ed pome Saturday evening. I iruggist W. H. Spangler, Dr. A. J. Herman, John J. Bolender and T. I!. Hostermac made up a happy carnage load to go to the Kratzeryille picnic Saturday. Mrs. David Reed of Adamsvllle, Cass County, Mich., and her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Wageuscller of Selins grovesient several days of the past week with the editor of the Post and wife. Rev, w. K. Diebl of Nittany, the pastor-elect of the Hassinger and Mid- dleburt; Lutheran churches, preached . i i . ., in i mgrcguuouB sunaay. itov, Diehllia accepted the call and will locate h December 1st. I). A. rn er and wifi 1 'I and wife of 1 Wetzel ami 1 the sights Exposition l: and wife, Harrison Moy this place, (has. 1. Fiss 'xelville and Prof. F. F. of Beavertown took in BurTalo Pan-American week I lev. W. II. I'.oyer, Pastor of the I". B. church of t! place, will preach his farewell aeril'o; : the following yp- prdntiment, Sui iy Sept , 29th; New Berlin at 10 A. L; Hummel's 20; Middleburg 7:80. Phe public Is cordi ally invited. Ill iKNEL OPENS. September 21, Bi knell University Lewisburg, Pn., opt ed the fall term with one hundred ad thirty admis sions to the College f Liberal Arts, one hundred and thru of wheni are Freshmen. The othe departments also have large enrollmcla, Professor ;. C. L. Bakuer, of Har vard University, assume, the chair of Modern Languages. Otl new in structors are Thomas Jobnpn Morris and Miss Grace Slifer. Death of Daniel Stauffi The death of Daniel Staufl .cured riday, at his home in Selinsgrove Sept. 18, aged almut 8 yei deceased was a member of the The A- B. having served during the Civ Wi ar. He was a member of the M. E urch and interment was made in thelnion cemetery on Ai outlay. Jte leak to survive him one son, Jim. 8tal, of Selinsgrove, and two daughters,Mrs. William Eyer, from NescopccaiHofrs. Adam Showers of this place. Zinc and grinding, F. W. Co., Box 0432 New York. eve & THE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Where the Convention meets MISSIONARY SOCI ET V C OX V l NTIO X Tlic Tw ill , iiml Amiii il OaVtli M'injj "t I lit' l.ul lu'niu A uincn y issioiiury Vtirlcrs. Middleburg Hiis m.-. U h the meci-a fdr Ml-slomn . ikei - tin' -Jii'l annual convention oi the Woman's llomciirtU Foreign Mi.-siotiary Sueieiy of the Kvangclical Lutheran Synod ol Central Pennsylvania i in e-inn beie. The societies represent the most devoted .vonieu of the church who give of their time and their means to support ini-alon churches in this country and lor the spread of the Gospel in foreign lands among the he il lien where lit i t , i r i nothing is known of Christ, and his go-nel. Our isit.-r- .is. iv dcvoii'd I'hrislmii women u ho cherish dewwMo. .. i I ri;ice lor I heir cause as " 7 . " vnrtaUaM I TI... " lll.vl the! hlgl.ctt ui.d foiukst auibitiiMi. MONIlAY I he opening session was held Monday e ..hitm in the Lutheran church. The Scripture b.ssi.n was read by Rev. A StewaTt tlirtnu:i, S -eratat v, It. H. M., Baltimore, Rev. R. W. Mottern, SaloQa, pia. olfjrad a fervent prayer. M is Lottie ( ! rouse, of the home society, in a few well chosen words extended a most hearty welcome to the many gtii sts. The President, Miss K Cora Holiaban of Lojk Haven, responded to the words of welcome and delivered her annual address which Included a report of the work of the Society for the pasl year. Miss Holiaban i n devoted worker in the cause she loves, She spends all of her lime in the work and sacrifices a lucrative Inooin ! front ol her sources for what she feels is In r duty to fallen and neglected hu inanity. The address of the evening was the splendid ttlscoursc of Dr. Han man on " Home M Isslons." He is the secretary of t lie Horn i Mis-louary board and us such cotii. - in contact more with the needs of the hour. He is a scholar, n theologian and a devotee of the cause. I t KSHAY HOHMN'O, Devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. .1. Loy, Vndcrs mburg, llusiness Session Opening prayer by Rev, Schoch. Baoeption of delegates t the convention. Beading of Rules of ( Irder, Report of correpondiii)j secretary, Miss Purst, n ad to convention and referred to committee. Report of his tor Ian, mis. Pair, referred to committee. Report of Literature committee re ferred to committee mis. Julia Delnlnger. Report af Box Work committee, road and referred to committee. Rejairl of Synodlcal Otganlzer, Miss Com Holohan, referred to committee Flection of oflioQN resulted as follows: Pres., MissC. Holohan; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. H.fiohotB! Rec. Sec'y., uiss An nie Kelser; Cor. Sec'y., Miss K. Purst; Treas., Mrs. V. L. McCollllel. Words of encouragement were spoken to convention ky visi;ing pastors, Revs. Zim merman, Rearlck, Mottern,. McConnel, Schoch. Appointment of eommittei i by President. Closed with noon-tide prayer by Rev jicConnel. TUBHDAY AI'l'I'.lwNOON. l'rai?c Bcrvice led by ttov. II. W. Mottern. keport ol Treasurer read :!ti(l showed rroeipts (11!V).3G. Ilcporl of delegate- to l?i-cnnial t on veil ti on. "Is the work ot our .Missionary society a lullilltiieni ol prophesy?" Mrs. Rev. Vf. H. Sciioch, New Berlin. "Has the Chris tian ('lunch been made stronger and mure progressive by the influence and power of our work." Mrs. (i co. Darker, Mexi "Arc we a a Bociety coming up to the lull standard of'otir opporti.jitii s in the mis sion licld." Discussed by Mrs. Fair. "U'luit are sine of the mosl grievous hindrances in our work." A paper on this topic w..- written by Mr-. Dr. brank of Millheim and was read by Mrs. Kilmer. TUESDAY EVENtHB. Rev. A. N. Warner made a plea to the missionai V societies to fur nish :i mom in the Ladies' Dormitorv, at Susiiiclianna University. Rev. J. H. Harms of Newport delivered u masterly ami carefully pre pared production on some phases of inissionaay work. His die! ion was remarkably good and his thoughts worthy of deep eons'iieration. The further proceedings of the convention will lie given next week. DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION. I Name. Dr. A. Stewart Hartuian, Rev. W. K. Diebl, Miss Cora Holohan, Miss Anna R. Kciser, Addbkss. Baltimore, Md. Nittany, Pa. Lock Haven, Pa. West Milton, Pa, Miss M. Katharine Purst, Saiona. Pa. Mrs. S. A. Pair, Mrs. W. P. Kilmer, Mrs. G. W. Kilmer, Mrs. Julia A. Deiningcr, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Annie M. Duck, Mrs. Maggie C. Musser, Saiona, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa, Kilmer, Pa. Millheim, Pa. New Columbia, Pa. Millheim, Pa. Millheim, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Harms, Newport, Pa. Mrs. Effle Parker, Mexico, Pa. Mrs. M. Ort, Mecbanicsburg, Pa. Mrs. Anna Phillips, Yeagertown, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. Mottern, Saiona, Pa. KVOk, v, EMTgHtAINK.6 BY. Mrs. G;, H. Steiningcr. 1 " Mis. D. T. Rhoads. " i Mrs. Lizzie Smith. Miss Libbie Dunkelberger. Mr-.IA. S. Beaver. I " Mrs. t. H. Beaver. Mrs.tfohn Moyer. Mrs. G. V. Wagensellcr. Mrs. M. .'.Steiningcr. Mr. Blckhart. Mrs. Oalvin Stetler. Mrs. D.U. Balr, Mrs. H. Ftts, Mrs. D. B. Ftka, Mrs. Jacob Loy, Mrs. Adam, Miss Margaret Masters, Miss Sue Daniley, M iss Itesse M. ( ioss, M Iss Mart ha Johnston, Miss Margaret Aikens, Rev. and Mrs. w. Rearii Mrs. J. S. Headings, Blanche Phillips, Mrs. Simon Smith, Mrs. N. F. AUetnan, Rev. ami Mrs. Schoch, Mrs. has. Oldt, M is. Win. Grove, Miss Fannie A. Stahl, Belleville, Pa. Belleville, Pa. Mifflin town. Pa. Andersonburg, Pa. Landlsburg, Pa. Lock Haven, Pa. Pine Grove Mills, Pa. Belleville, Pa. Yeagertown, Pa. Veagertown, Pa. West Milton, Pa, Allenvllle, Pa. Allenville, Pa, Reedsville, Pa. Selinsgr ive, Pa. New Berlin, Pa. New Berlin, Pa. Ma.eppa, Pa. Maeppa, Pa, Rev. and Mrs innnerinan, Iteaver Spring- Mrs. Alice h. Wlney, Ueavertown, Pa. Miss Minerva Middles worth Ueavertown, Pa. Mrs. F. J. Schoch, Selinsgrove, Pa. Rev, and Mrs, McConnel, Mlfllluburg, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. Warner, Selinsgrove, Pa, Mrs. F. D. Oldt, Mrs. Jemima Spangler, New Uerlin, la. New Berlin, Pa. New Merlin Pa. New Uerlin, Pa. New Uerlin, I 'a. New Uerlin, Pa. New Uerlin, Pa. Sew Berlin, Pa. New Uerlin, Pa. New Uerlin, Pa. New Berlin, Pa. Patterson, Pa. Patterson, Pa. Patterson, Pa. Belleville, Pa. Mittlintown, Pn. MiiHinbunr, Pa. Mrs. Laura Sclinure, Mrs. J. P. Scl h. Miss Annie Franck, Mrs. Fli.abei h Springer Miss Sallie i licit, Miss Pauline Schoch, Mr-. James Bchoch, Mrs. Kmnin Bliifler, Miss Florence Shitlcr, Mrs. J. II. Partner, Master R. Partner, Mrs. M. ,1. McKillips Mis. M. Kenneily, Mrs. M. M. Hencli, Rev. Aurand, W. H. AM) FOREIGN MI88I0MARV SOCIETY flu' Olluci-. tniiiiiiilUi.B ami iii-ihik.ii una .... Compiltd for the Post. As the 22nd annual convention of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission ary Bociety meets here this week, we publish some data concerning this body if faithful workers : OKKICEB8. 'resident, Miss Cora Holahnn, Lock iven. Pa. V. President, Mrs, Rev. V. H. Schoch, New Uerlin, Pa, Bee. See., Mi-s Annie R, Reiser, West Mill Pa. Cor. Sec. Miss M. Katharine Purst, Halona, Pa. Treasurer, Mrs. Lev. I . I.. Mei onneii, Millllnburg, Pa. Historian, Mrs, S. A. Pair. Saiona, Pa, STANDING COMMITTEES. tmilANlZINd ' OMMITTKK8. Juniata i lontereiice. Mrs. Rev. W. H. Pahs,Mlllllntown, Pa. Mrs. Flla Pleuung, Rellville, Pa. Mrs. Itev, I. P. Zimmerman, Reaver Spring-, Pa, Northern Conference. Mrs. Rev. W. H. Schoch, New Berlin. Mr-. Rev. O. V. Lelsher, Boalsburg. Mrs. Rev. W. M. Rearlck, Wesl Mil ton, Pa. MTKHATPItK COM MllTKK. Mrs, Julia A. Denniuger, Millheim. Mrs. G. W. Kilmer, KilmCr, Pa. ' Mrs. Blanche Smull, Rebersburg, Pa. j Mrs. s. A. Fair, Saiona, Pa. 1 Mrs. Cora Stover, Millheim, Pa. i OMMITTEEON IIO.N WOKK. u vv p ic nit ii. Bellefonte. l a. ion VCN'IION DATA. Organization, Mlfflinburg 1880 Second Convention, Newport 1881 Third " Aaronsburg 1882 Fourth Fifth Sixth " Seventh Eighth Ninth " Tenth Eleventh Twelfth " I. nek Haven 1883 Saiona 1881 Aaron-burg lsv'i Bellefonte New Berlin 1887 Lewistown lvss Newport 1881) Lock Haven 1800 Marysville 1801 Rebersburg 1802 While DeerCh. Buf- Thirteenth " Fourteenth " Fifteenth " fa Chg. 1808 Belleville 1804 Snydertown 1896 New Berlin 180(1 Iteedsville 1807 MifHlntown -1898 Allenville 1899 Mlfflinburg 1900 Middleburgh -1901 Sixteenth " Seventeenth " Eighteenth " Nineteenth " Twentieth " Twenty lirst " Twenty second Zinc and grinding, F. W. Devoe & Co., Box O 4: New York. Among the names mentioned more or less prominently for the candidacy of County Superintendent we find George w. Walborn, Freeburg; Elmer E. Wetzel, BeaverUtwn; B. P. Smith, Troxelville; A. K. Gilbert of this place; R. L. Schroyer, Selinsgrove, and Allen Ste tier, ShamrWn Dmb- Mrs. Ripka Mr- .1 P, Stetler. Mrs. ;. F. Hassinger. Mr-. Andrew I'lsh. Mis. Prank Reigle. Mr-. Mary Walter. Mr-, i (live Hnstorman. Mi-, a. t ;. Bashoat'. Aaron Renuliiger. Mrs. J. Y. Hhlndel. Mrs. ( :. Alfred Schoch. Mrs. Daniel Bolender. Mrs. J. w. Irwig. Mr-. I la nk- Drotsw. mi- R. II. Custer. mi-. Gabriel Beaver, Mrs. Calvin Si hoch. Mrs. Geo. Stein luger. MI'S. M. I. Potter. urs, ( 'arhon Seebold. Mrs, J. P, Stetler. rs, Prank Reigle. Mrs. w. il. Reaver. mis. m K Schoch urs. Dr. lassi tiger. Mrs. ( 'ai l. .a Seebold Mr-. Aaron K in. Mrs. .1. V Stetler. Mrs. K.C. Aurand. I Zim- and grinding, P. W. Devoe I '- .-.1 I old. I!, , . I I ;.i V..... V 1. Peons Creek, A merry creek Plays hid,, ami sek With paih oblitpje Before my yard lis currents treke Where shadows reek Ae ro Its cheek In promenade. The ripples tweak The waving fleakn Willi many freak In e-rapade. The lilies keek I leinure anil meek An elite clique Beside its sw ard. A mountain peak With foliage -leek Ami clouds areek Ii- hitherward, Tile hi rds tipe heak. The Insects -creak. ml music leaks All uncontrolled. By Die moon's streak The crickets cheep Ami the frogs u reak A sen nadu. When turtles sneak And fishes leek. Katydid- shriek I n wrath absurd. When eyehd- eki Their full of sleep, Like iih, it keeps Within its bed. "Pis mote antiqui Than aucieul Greek, ( ii endless weeks i If this old world As if ill I weag 1 1- currents creak A ml seem to speak A solemn word. 'Ti- my receipt When fate i- bleak, Let ache or pi Ue In it be hurled. T. . Haven. Zinc and grinding, F. W. D' & Co., Box ( i 132 N. w Vork. Union County, (Pa.) Fabmb pob Sai.K.1 15 (arms, 7 to II" acres, near market, schools and churches. 2 ( .en eral Stores excellent Opportunities, fi town properties. Send for list describ ing same. C. 11. Ram ii, Real Fstate Agent, Box 2, Wesl Milton, Pa, s-2-it Zincand grinding, F.W. Devoe A Co., Box 0482 New York. At the 1'. B. parsonage in Swinefonl a large number of the members of the U. B. church, gathered on Monday evening Sept. -rd to surprise their pastor who passed the 27th Mile-stone of life. The surprise was complete, ami the parson was subject to the ear pulling match. He also recieved many gifts to remember theoccaisou.