i 1- note Heabs fan. We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price wit do it. Samples and prices for the ask ing. We furnish them printed (or less than you can buy them without printing. We bought a large con- .''vo'ee ajHunni ui ciivciuiih" Having bought rC" y we secured a rock oottom f figure. Send for samples f and hot weather bargains, i i ft . W. WafMMlkr, Ulur a ad Praarietar. A Family Journal, Devoted to Newt, MtM. Art, Political Eeoaooir aad Current Llteratare. Batea: Oae hollar Per Annan, ia Advance VOL. XXXVIII MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. SEPT. 19 1901 NUMBER 87 4jf Envelopes -St? j Ms J 1 I BUM rjr Love poems should always be bound In calf. One wav to have a housewanniug is to put in lota of coal Truth is the very best hammer with which to nail a lie. The 'phones will be closed Thursday, trom 1.30 p. m. to 5.30 p. m. What's the use of buying troublt when you can borrow it? Is it the place of a bell boy to run at the call of the belles'.' It's peculiar that the product of the till makes men noisy A good mirror tells the truth no matter! on whom It reflects Spinsters probably love cats because cats are not afraid of mice. The Lutheran Synod of Central Pennsylvania meets at Mifftinburg, septum oer :tn. The Republican Standing Committee net Saturday in this plnce uud decided on a quit hunt Campaign. The Middlebtirg bund left Tuesday night for Newport, where they will furnish excellent music at the county fair. The paniplet laws of l'KJl will be sent out this week. It is the largest com pilation of laws ever printed, the hook being twice the usual size. Best Blood and Liver medicine in the market. Buy a dollar box of Brown Herb Tablets, seven month's treatment for one dollar. Sold on guarantee; no cure, no pay. Sold by D. o. Buck, 9-12-4t. Middleburgh. Pa. Little grains of powder, Little drops of paint, Make the ladies freckles Look as though they ain't Call on A. K Soles in his new shav ingand hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market square opn posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar11'!', died at his home on the 2d anteed. tf. When you're in danger, pretty maid, Of being kissed, no trace Of fear should ever be displayed. Go meet such danger unfraid, And meet it face to face ! Union COUNTY, (Pa.) Farms foh Salk. 15 farms, 7 to 117 acres, near market, schools and churches. 2 (Jen- oral Stores excellent opportunities, t town properties. Send for list describ ing same, C, H. Ranch, Heal Estate gent, Box 2, West Milton, Pa. 8-22-6 ti A New Buffalo correspondent writes thus to the Perry County Advocate "James Low, of Watts township, win lias for many years been digging for gold, etc., along the base of the Half Mountain, in said township, and lins had some ore tested that yielded $21.80 :a ton, now claims that he has found a .much richer vein, and all that is need ed now is some person to furnish the money necessary to devolop what he believes will prove to be a veritable bonanza." The writer had the pleasure of being resent at Rev. Haas' Harvest Homi Knrvlfino ill Mulitiuirrfiv,. Su i , , 1 u i , . . , , , , n ' . . v . i i 1 1 . , ','',11, iiiui ii 'ng. The Reverend preached a very Pnteresttae sermon. He had the church istefully decoated with both cereals tnd fruit. A tedious piece of work was the making of the words " Bless (Jod with kernels of corn and filling in tin back ground with grains of wheat, while a border was made with peach seeds. I hereby give notice to the public that I have this day sold my threshing utttt to Abner E. Welter, who is a thoroughly responsible man, and whom 1 can heartily recommend to nil for honesty and fidelity. He will at once take possession and fulfill all contracts made by me for threshing. All parties for whom I have threshed ate request ed to make payment to me for thresh iug done up to this date. Cuktin Boweksox. Sept 13, 1901. The Mifflintown Herald last week! Ws: H. K. Spangler, a former Mifflin town printer, son of Rev. A. H. Spangler, of Yeagertown, Miftlin county, one time pastor of the Port Royal Lutheran church, is reported critically ill at his home, in New Kensington, Pa., where he has been located since leaving here, being in the employ of our former townsman, Harry f Bonsall. He is suffering from pevere attack of typhoid fever. Three, of his children are also sick, being micted with the same disease. I H. E. Walter returned from a trip to the Buffalo Exposition. John Meiser of Globe Mills was in town Sunday evening. Charles Moyer and wife of Hartleton Kat Sunday with I). T. Rhosds and wife. naymona Kan and wife spent several days with hlsparcntsatOeorges town. Miss Bertha Ripka, who had spend some tune at home, returned to Sun bury. Misses Itosa Sehoch and Lillian Metier an' visiting Mrs. H. B. Rowd ftt Millersburg. I he Krtitor of the Post and wifd sKnt Sunday with his mother at Sclinsgrove. Mrs. Bleckley and daughter, Carrie, of Adanislmrg visited friends in town )Ver Sunday. Dr. Frank Seebold of Washington will locate at New Berlin for the practice of dentistry. Haymond Katz of this place was in the Temple of Music at Buffalo, when' President McKinley was shot. Miss Mabel (irimni Is spending several weeks with her cousin, Mrs Charles Bearlev at Lewlatown. James Dietrich and family of Swine- ford were recent visitors, at the hoineofi Lincoln Kidley at New Berlin. Airs. nr. Deckard or Richfield spent Sunday with her sister Mis. W. H Ripka, on the French Plats. S. B. Simontou and wife and Homer Rath foil left Saturday night for Buff alo, to take in the sights at the Pan- A'lieriean. H. A. Good of Selinsgrove was Middlehurg visitor Tuesday, and while here called at this office and cashed 01 ihls paper for another year. Asaph Fisher, late of Monroe town- instant, aged 72 yeais. He had lieen an invalid for several years. N. P. Hummel and Charles Herman of Kreanier were in town Sunday, evening to attend the Memorial ser vices held in the court house. Mrs. Jacob H. Martin of Goshen, End., Miss Kate A. Wagenseller. Mrs lohn P. Wagenseller and Bruce Wag- ienscllcr of Sclinsgrove last week word the guests of the Editor of the Post And wife. Mrs. Martin has been in tlnJ West for 22 years The Assassin's Name. William M. Doyas official interpret ter of Polish and Bohemian languages at the united states emmlgration office in Baltimore says B.oalgosz should lo pronounced " Choalirosz." Hie word is derived from a Polish Verb," said Mr. Doyas, "which means to drag or creep or crawl. Used as a noun, it means a creeping, crawling! thing, such as a snake." Resolutions with Respect to the Death of Our Departed President. At tae eiose or memorial service on Sunday afternoon the following resoln lions in regard to the death of Presi dent William McKinley were passed ny tne raciiity and students of Sus- uehanna University : Whebah, we have had set forth t us ibis afternoon, the beautiful life, as a statesman and Christian gentleman, of the departed President of the United States, .William McKinley, therefore Rksolvkd, 1 hat we, as an institu- tiou, put on record our high apprr ciation of that life, and that we recom mend his life and character to the students of this institution, and to all young people of our nation. Kksoi.vkp, That these resolutions be placed on flla in the records of the University. S 0 i U 1 1 1 1 A N X A U N I V E IW I T Y , Selinsgrove, Pa. TRIAL CASES. The following cases are on the calan dar for trial at the November term offl court : v Eichenberger & Wolf vs. Aucker & Knights. Assumpsit. John D. Marks ys. Henry F. Bless ing. Trespass. Dr. B. F. Wagenseller vs. Ed. M. Hummel. Assumpsit, George Shotsberger and Charles A. Shoteberjrer vs. J. C. W. Bassler. As PRESIDENT McKINLEY Died at Buffalo, N. Y., Saturday Morning, Sept. 15, 1901. The Body taken to Canton, Ohio, Wednesday. Sept. 18, for Interment. McKinley memorial meeting was held in the opera House at Selinsgrovd Saturday night Dr. 11. F. Wagenseller was elected President, and Ira C Seine i, Vice President. Addresses were made by Dr. B. l'Veht. A. W Potter, 0. P. Ulrioh, Prof. Wm. NoetMand he became a passenger on the Ug, Rev. ( ienszler, Prof. J. I. Woodruff and Editor Geo, W. Wagenseller. Re solutions of fympathy for Mrs. Mc Kinley and ai ro rlate reaolutionataT ret,'lk'ut McKinley, his widowed . , 1 , .Baud'grief stricken wife and herrelatlveaf Halation tending to killl . ,, ,. ling for legislation tending anarchy. IN MEMORIAL TO WILLIAM MCKINLEYI 01' R LATE MARTYRED PRESIDENT. Hush ! tread softly Our Nation lies in morning Mourns for the removal of its noble and grandest ruler Who has led his country on under God's divine veilence, But Martyred by the hands of Anarchy fiendish ness. A dark cloud of the deepest gloom over spreads it And the hearts of its people are strick en in deepest grief Lamenting their loss they have sus taincd In the death ot William McKinley. McKinley'i Manorial Meeting, Hundreds of citiens of town and vicinity assembled in the court hoiisu Sunday evening to pay a tribute of honor and respect to our departed beloved President. The different or ders of this place turned out in a body Music was furnished by the Middlehurg band and the different choirs of the town. Prayer offered by Rev. Win. H. Boyer, after which eloquent ad dresses were delivered by Dr. J V. Shindel, EL Harris Bower, Jay G. Weiserand Prof. F, C. Bowersox. t"H""H,H,H,H'M''H'f ff. naaaaBBiiBaaaaan, WLi THEODORE ROOSEVELT Took oath of office as President of the United States, Saturday, Sept. IS, 1901. IT l'.lllUlllU'.GmtC.tlUtlt TTTT mi On tht: McKinley funeral Train Through the courtesy of Private Secretary Cortelyou uud Geo. W. Boyd Assistant General Passenger Agent, the Editor of the Post Monday wai assigned a seat i.i Chair Car "Kalcigh' McKinley funeral train. The train carried the body of the aaanani iiooscveu ana v aoinei, iini-, ed States Senators, secret service men,! McKinley's Guard of honor and iicwuJ paper men. I'lie number of passengers on tht entire tram did not exceed 1 10 pcoph including employes ,,f the I tail road Company. All along the route people turned out in large numbers to see the Irani pass. At Sunbury where the writer boarded the train, the citizens of thi section of the state assembled to do honor to the nations dead. At llcrn- lon, Georgetown, Millersburg, llalilix, ami Dauphin people turned out in large numbers to see the presidential train pass. At Harrisburg, the state capital, tht citizens assembled In Buch large num bers that wherever we looked, we could see i ii '1 1 1 1 1 1 .- nut an ocean oi unman faces. The crowd collected near th rear ear, where the late president la and sang, " Nearer, My God, to Thee.' Mrs. McKinley sat in the next to th rear oar and was much affected as sin listened to the repetition of the last song her departed husband repeatei with his dying lips. Stout-heartei men stood with heads uncovered and ears rolling down their cheeks. The train stopped at York and Baltl more ami arrived m Washington almost on schedule time. "M"1"M"1"I"HH1 U Chief Burgess' Proclamation To the Citizens of THE BoMCOB Of MlDDLBBCttaH : We kindly request that all places of business be closed on Thurs day, Sept. Huh, between the hours of 11 A. M. ami ;t o'clock P. M., in honor of our departed President, Win. McKinley; that all the hells be tolled at 12 o' clock noon; that the public schools be closed on thai day and that the teachers impress tin the minds of the pupils the solemnity of the occasion. We would also kindly ask our neighbors in Franklin to join in as a tribute of respect to our much honored ami beloved departed President By tmler of J. F. STETLEB, Chief Burgess. I1 RES0LUTI0NS. Adiitcii by the Snydit County Republican Standing Committee, The Pint Wai Presented by Prof, f. I. Bewereox, the Second by . A, Lumbard ;inii the Third t I), P, Rltter. WHKUKA8, in the Providence oft iod the American Nation is now Steeped in leepesl gloom ami the very heart strings of the citizens of the United States profoundly touched by the said alamity which has befallen the .Nation In the foul assassination of that gem bus, pure-sou led, noble-minded statt man, his Excellency, the I lou. Wil liam McKinley, Chief Magistrate of tht l tilted States, lor whose cruel and ntlmely demise the civilized world has expressed its sense of horror, ami offered the tenderest sympathy. i herefore be it, Resolved, That the members of tin Snyder County Bcpublicaii Standing ('ommittee in convention assembled, lo hereby express their sorrow in the personal bereavement occasioned Iti each member by I he horrible removal. )f our President. That we deplore the loss to our party if Its most brilliant ami conspicuous leader, to our nation Its wise counselor and great captain, ami to Die world out who ruled not by force or passion, but who by cool, calm, intelligent states manship, proved himself to be the eipial to any emergency, ami made tht lovernment of the United states hon ored ami respected throughout the world, Resolved, That we emphatically icnounee inai svsteni oi principles mown us anarchy. That we call up hi all loyal citizens to join us in a petl tion to our representatives in Congress lo pass such laws as will make forever Impossible the progagation of cowardly wretches like t'te reu Uanuetl assassin if our President. That we give our sympathy and ail to remove from the borders of our own fair Stale, every anarchist or lndivldu-1 tl who entertains the murderous ami treasonable principles proclaimed bv Emma Goldman and her bloody as Bociates. l hat we compliment thi vigorous action of the municipal an thoritics in theit prompt efforts t crush every symptom oi anarcuistl tendency within the domains of th city of Philadelphia, That we denounce Yellow Journal ism, so called, with all our might am trengtb, and emphasize the fact that those who encourage free speech and Iberty of the press to abuse civi Iberty, and Vilify freedom, are njil friends, but enemies to the basic prin clpals of our free government. Petfh Youno, Chairman, K. Bi WETZEL, Secretary. ReeoLVED, That it is with the deep t sorrow that we leai n of the death of President William McKinley and that we mourn nis loss as a wise ruier ami a faithful Christian citizen. Resolved, That we deprecate tht growing tendency of the anarchistic principles in our country and call upon Senators M. S. Quay, Boise Penrose nd Congressman Mshon to use their Ibeat endeavors to secure the passing of national legislation that will exter minate all open acts of anarchy and finally exterminate it from our conn try. Resolved, That a copy of these re solutions, signed by the Co. Chairman attested by the Secretary, and the same be forwarded to the above named re presentatives in the National Legisla ture. Resolved, That the same bo pubs' 11 died in the Philadelphia inquirer and! the Republican county papers. Petrh Young, Chairman. K. WETZEL, Secretary. Whereas, it hathnleasedAlmbrhM . . .. . " i itKi to call hoin our midst, David K. Itau, who was u member of the Renub Hi tan Standing Committee of Bnydeti ouuty. Therefore be it, Resolved, That in bis death we re- ogllize the fact that we, as the Re publican Standing ( ommittee of Sny- ler County in session assembled, have! ist an ardent supporter of our uriiH iples, a faithful worker, a warm friend,! i courteous gentleman and an earnest nristlan. Resolved, That we n humble sub mission bow to the will of Him whol loeth all things for the best, ami ao ept this visitation of Divine Provi dence with bowed heads ami hiimbletll hearts. nnouLVKU, mat we sllieerelv sym pathize wiih the bereaved family ml ithls, their tune ol sorrow. Resolved, That a copy of these re- lutions bi' printed in tin untv pa pers, and a marked copy of the samel i. . . i lie scut to I he niiiiinimii' u iilnu- By oriler of the Republican Standi pug ilttoe oi Snyder County, Potek Youno, Chairman. S. E. Wetzel, Secretary. Patenti Issued to Pennaylvanlaaa, Messrs. Alexander and Howell. Pat nt Lawyers, Washington, D. C, n port tne loiiowmg patent-' as having . It.- r I, . . . been granted to Pennsylvania invento for the week ending Hentember 10. 1001. Charles W. Allen. Phlladelnhin "Fastener for envelopes"; John A. AI tenbaugh, Pittsburgh, "Combined bar ' 1 , row and roller"; Albert W. hfeanh. w Knoxvllle, "Kail-joint"; Win. cV, J, Botikel. PI illndnlnnln "U,-..i-.,, , , t.,v van , Win. Brown, Johnstown, "Contact. device lor electric railways": Cvrus M. Carnehan, Allegheny, "Bolster"; Geo, A. Cooper, Plttstown, ''Respiratory htsHl"; Harry Etheritlge, McKee.-port, "Olobe-tester"! ('has. 11. Fitter. Phil. Lhiladclphia, "Machine forcuttlngand naping W I or other materials"; Beiij ktmiii p. Green, Sheridan, "Thread protector"; Henry K. Hess, Philadel phhi, "Steam- propelled vehicle"; John P. Huer, PltUburgh, "Kail-joint"; mi i , ,.- i , i muuiH ii. icisav, .ieanvine, ,-witell loperating mechanism"; Isodor Kit.sts-, Philadelphia, "Device for indicating leaks in Insulating of eleetri induct ors" and "RecordillK device": .lohn Lanss, Pittsburgh, "Picket fence"; Frit Lesehenski. Philadeliihia. "Hollnhlno levice"; Henry A. Mack, Weathcrly, , r - - - 'Bobbin "; I'rank A. Meerlck, Johns own, "Circuit-breaker"; I'lysses OI losser, Itohrsburg, "Clamn for bed 'ails", Wm. S. Paca, Erie, "Median ism for removing or replacing switch board-jacks"; Peter Pattison, McKees liort, "Making lapwcld tubing"; John B. PovmII, Philakelphia, "Reneatlna (mechanism for phonographs"; Wm. K l'rindlc, Johnstown, "Car-truck": Kd win Rund, Pittsburg, "Automatic cut loll' for gas-service pipe": Henry J, Sage Pitt-burgh, "Apparatus for bending Iglass"; Louis K. Scblarb, Pittsburgh, 'Curing meats"; Jacob A. Thompsou McDonald, "Trolley and Safet y-value" Ambrose G. Warren, Philadelphia 'Mixer for saild-blast apparatus." A copy of any patent issued may lit hail by sending ten cents in postage stamps, and tin nunibi r of (be palciit leslred, to the above named firm, 'I'h 'lltent I llllcu has grantetl up to tht present time-(1-2,51)0 patents. Acquired Wisdom, Two year- ago his business Was very, very bail ; He said 'twas money wasted Invested in an ail. But he ai last consented An ad. to give ii trial, Although he said '1 would only Decrease bis little pile, Bast year his business doubled, Much to his surprise ; And now he never overlooks A chance to advertise. Advertising hues It. Hie best book ever witteii would uever sell if someone did not either see it or hear of it in one way or other Neither will any other article sell un less the public is brought into contact with it. Advertising is the thing Iwhlch brings the purchaser and thd advertised article together. Very Pleasant. IHVi.m the Lnmloll lilohl'. woman who took out a summons kiirii i n st her husband vesterdav for1 - - ill, stated that she possessed twen- - ... - - , J ty-eight hospital cards as souvenirs tu their matrimonial disputes. sumpsit. .