$900 nun Toarly Hen an 1 rom-n of fooi addrea lo represent aytime to travel apimlnHf .-nt, other for Mil work looking after our interests. SSOO anUry Buamateed yiriy; astra c.iiiimlion esiasoses, nviml artfinoimmt. old etat 'ialied SSSSSi Qfand chance for ritrnont ai in ir woman to secure plefiNiiit. Pel IIMIIHIII BOOH tlon, liberal lueoUM Mid future. New. brilliant lines. vVrite ut oaoo si I I IIHII PKI'. iH Chll rcll .SI., .rw Hatcn. ( on.. . WRITER CORRESPONDENTS or REPORTERS Wanted everywhere. Stories, news, ideas, poeuie, llaatratej artiolea, ailvauee news, drawings, photo graphs, unique articles, etc, etc , purchased. Articles revised and pre lared for publication. Books pub lisked. Send for particulars and full information before sending ar ticles. U The Bulletin Press Association, New Ysrk. Next to making complaint! there la thing so unprofitable as listening to small trials. Learn to forget the Blights, errors iu taste, and gossip you sec or hear. Forget to roniem ber the puzzles and wrongs you have had to meet! as soon as you have done Kur best to straighten them out. Forget worries, small und great, ensibly advises the Detroit Free Press. They only wear out heart nnd brain. Forgot humiliations, cares and trials. Let your mind nnd heart be filled with the goodness and justice and beauty that are in the world. Do not be like the soldier who has fought one hard battle and who spends the rest of his time thinking and telling about it. There Is nothing so inspiring as to ment a wholesome, unselfish, happy human being; and there is nothing so de pressing us to meet one who insists upon dwelling in misery and sharing it ail with you. Learn to forget your roubles, small and great, and to al low others to forget fhem. Care in the wording of a will is something which can never safely be negleoted. A man who died lately in New York left his house, "with furni ture and contents," to his wife. Oth er relatives were named for specific bequests or as residuary legatees. The inventory of the estate disclosed the fact that among the "contents" of the house was a safe containing over a hundred thousand dollars, be sides which there was nothing of account, either i -she house or out of it. The widow naturally claimed the safe, with all it contained, but the courts have decided against her, on the ground that the money can not be considered as a part of the "contents" of the house withis the testatoi's probable meaning. The Ousted rMieti 1 Times rel-itea I , ,, , . ... . . that while the choir of the Uaptist rhurch was about to sing on a recent Sunday evening a small brown dog, with a consequential air and a cork icrew curl in his tail, strutted up the aisle and ranged himself beside the fingers, with the starry gaze of the crane-necked tenor who usually does one end of the fashionable vocal eoo crt. When the choir sang he shut his eyes, gazed toward Heaven and howled as though his heart would break. He was removed from the church, but lin gered .i round and Fang in full diapason ' whenever he heard the ehoir. According to the report of the chief Inspector of the pot office department for the last fiscal year no less than ,0S8 post oflrcrs were robbed, 37 stasia oosches were held up and 656 mall pouches were stolen. In a smaller cuntry. these figures would evidfcnoe a-n. epidemic of eriaso against the mails, but this is a big country and the at-' tistics given are not so startling as nay appear at first glance. Uncle Sero, irpon the whole, guards his prop erty very effect uetly. A correspondent of the Lewisten (Me.) Journal suggests that come eo : ttrprising individual could get abun dant wealth by startingan angleworm farm. In the height of the season at Rtngeley these worms sell at one dol lar a quart, and the supply is never, tqual to the demand. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If rod bsvenl a regal, ' ultliv inv,-mi'iit of thr , . , ry ilnv, nii I,. ill or nr. iverp yum Kowais open. ann ua wrii. roroe.in on- Mnor vio lent pIivcmmpI' 1. 1 1 1 " sun, I iliOiirt o,n-. The Ktnnoth OSt,aBaiet. moil perfect way or Iceaplag lai howeli cli'urnml clsan lito taka CANDY CATHARTIC EAT JEM LIKE CANDY Pleatnnt. I'.ilMnbl", PoUnt. Taate 0 1. DoOMfl Never Si, -I.. -ii. Welti. i n nr i.ilp,- in i.n-l! no iier luix. Wrltn fin- loi r-,tiniW, uiel hooLiel on health. Add roil I3S rruuiMi stainr toar.iY, rimiuoar r.w voim. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN HER IDEAL MAN. OOOOOOOCtOCKrOiC I. (J VOL see, Mr. Spencer, I want to I know exactly what men think bout things, anil I hoped perhaps tbitt us that ns, you know" "I understand perfectly. Miss Ash- ton. As 1 am old enough lo be your father, you thought that my point of view, though moss grown, might be interesting. This is an age in which a dignified imirtanca is allowed even to the luo'ern antique. As a modern antique, let me place myself entirely at your disposal." Of course, if you are going to be horrid" Truy don't run away. Miss Ashton, this is to le a perfectly calm delilirr- at ion between vouth and age. Noth ing niflh-s the surface of debate so rapidly as the least hint of impa tience. If you would allow mo to smoks thanks, very much. 1 am now all attention." "Oh, if yon are going to be formal and polite, Mr. Sfx-nccr, it makes ev erything so stupid." "Let in apologise at once for bit politeness and my stupidity. Now, suppose I lie-in this discussion instead of you." "How cun you. when you don't even know'.1" "We are sitting quite in the shade. Mtea Ashton; except as a defensive weapon, that parasol "If you are going to be tiresome, I j "hall go in "Well. I ink-lit lust start the sub ject perhaps, and if you found me wandering from the point you might gently" "Cannot you see that I am really serious, Mr. Spencer'.'" "I am sure you are, an I will begin at once. You appeal to my ripe ex perience. I am 43. The vicar will con firm ths, he christened me. You, I think, are 18. I beg your pardon, 19 last June. You arc staying here un der the cure of yonr atrni. Your aunt is highly to lie esteemed. You and I both agree that the opinion of the estimable person is valueless on all practical questions. You, therefore, come to me. A younger man would feel flattered, while I merely gather ! that, in your opinion, I am not estima ble." "Thank you, yes that Is a very comfortable way of putting It." "Your encouragement. Miss Ash ton, is gratifying. Ie me see, where was I? Ah, yes. being 1!. feminine and perplexed, you want advice. This seems to narrow the topics to two only, say either a frock or a love affair. Nowadays the man milliner is doubtless a personage, but " "Oh, it isn't a frock, Mr. Spencer." "I feel so immensely relieved, thought it would have been undenia bly flattering If H had been a frock; however, we wltl take H for granted frightening the ladies out of their tfcen, that It is a lew affair. How lives perhaps for nothing. It's prob I think, Miss Ashton, that it is your ably only something smouldering in turn." the kitchen, there can have been no "Oh, well, you see, you can perhaps other fires lighted in this weather, hardly at least, I mean" J Let us Bee where we are first. Come "No, I see I have not brought you along, boys, I'll show you the way." to the point of fluency yet, so I will j When tha smoking room party in eontinue. For the purpose of this 1 vaded the aacred precincts of the oiscussion, ici us rougmy oivnie love 'affairs into two groups the first in wWeh both parties are equally con- vtneed. What they are convinced of wemhi be a little tedious to specify. ' Let me, however, refer you to nny third volume of any novel of the early Victorian period. The more re eent works are not always orthodox. The second group comprises those eomphcationsin which oaly one of the two parties "Have you ever met Fred Norman, Mr. Spencer?" "So it la Fred Norman, is it? Dear m. Met him? Yes, of oourse I have. His ploee Is only five mites off." "Yes, I know, he was at the Andes som' garden party oh, and lots of other places." Tie is a comely youth, and M is a pretty property." "How stupid men are. You sll think that because a man is young and good looking " "About 3,000 acres of the best mead ow land, I believe." "I wish you would not interrupt me, Mr. Spencer; you nil think that could be dons was to check Its spread toe whole sex must worship him." Ing from the west wing of the houae "Pardon me, I never mentioned by keeping up as oonstant a cascade worship, or even hinted of love. To of water as possible with stable buck arrive at a sound conclusion from a rts upon the rooms adjoining the out discussion such as this. It is necessary break. - The fire, however, continued, to duly marshal the facts. Kindly to extend its borders fn all directions, let me resume, Miss Ashton. The as the now white-hot brickwork of bases of our discussion is now youth, the chimney communicated dest rue good looks and the 3,000 aores prin- tion to the paneling of all the rooms cipally meadow land." that surrounded its glowing shaft. "Mr. Spencer, I hate yon. I won- ' The noise of hese proceedings had der whether you were ever in love in the mean time roused the whole yourself." house. Amy Ashton had hurried into "Miss Ashton, let me reassure you. a peignor and a pair of slippers, and I am a man with a past. At four was just hesitating at her door before years of age, I made matrimonial ovee- making a dash over to her aunt's bed- tures to my nurse; the good woman room for consolation and advice, when still llyes, and my life is shadowed by Spencer, begrimed with smoke this youthful indiscretion, lint come, rushed along the corridor. Confronted we are wandering from our moutons y sudden temptation, human nature and the pasture liind. Our problem is but weak. This glorious and tin- now is a one-sided love nffair, in looked-for opportunity of holding in which Fred Norman Is heart broken, his arms, for just five short minutes, while you are scathless. Had it beeti this most tempting and tantalizing otherwise, I should never have keen of girls wan too much for him. lie consulted. I am sure." knew that, to her, he was merely a Mr. Spencer, how clever of you to middle-aged fogy; in a few months " she would probably marry Fred Nor- "Lct us confine ourselves to facts, mini or some other young cub. His please. Miss Ashton, and do remember bouse might burn to cinders for all that the on rtv is 3.000 acres in if that he cared, but the wild intoxiea- ring fence." "Oh, bother the acres! Well, Mr. Norman wants me to let. him know by what train I am giang bnck to town on Wednesday. Now, do you think he would be I mean if I did, should I be You sec. no cir-1 in these 1? davs like to be thought absurdly "Let me put N to yon In this way. Miss Ashton. We will sgree that you don't particularly care for Fred Nor man. Somewhere, lurking in a quiet torner, you, no doubt, have a girlish (ileal. Let me suggest, perhaps, a hero with raven locks and a sweeping noustache, who bites his nether lip. snd paces the npartment with long, Irregular strides. "Please, do be serious, Mr. Spencer." "Well, now, I must really be quit serious. Miss Ashton. Suppose some flay that you meet this ideal or some other ideal, would you quite like to tell him that you wrote to young NoSrman about your train as the Strong probability is that. If you do, he will be your follow traveler." "Thank you very much, Mr. Spen- rer. You can be "so nice, whea you like. 1 am going in now to make my- Mji pretty for lunch. I wonder where the others have been all the morn- Inrr." II. It was more than an hour past mid night: the men of the party staying at Wllmer'l court were still louaging In the smoking room. There is an entirely baseless superstition among all men in all country houses that their combined conversational powera are equal to the task of keeping each other amused for three hours or so nightly. It is a superstition that will never die, though it is proved to be an absolute fallacy in hun dreds of houses night after night. The flow of talk had gradually died nway into spasmodic inanitiei, when the signal was given for abrupt de parture by the remark: "I wonder i whether any of you remember that red setter of mine called 'Victor?'" The drowsiest of smokers jumped to his feet with miraculous promptitude and made n dash for the hall, the dreariness nnd glaring impossibility nf the after-midnight dog story are beyond human endurance. Fishing exploits stimulate healthy imaginative rivalry, but dog stories are funeral. The yearning for bed was universal There are two or three little details which are never omitted at the d Journment of the smoking room par liament. The first thing is for eviry one to express his surprise. In an Bl most Injured tone, at the lateness of Ihe hour; snd then, in deference to the sleeping household, heavyweight men creak about on exasperatingly noisy tiptoe and exchange hoarse shouts of good-night with one an other in what thy fondly imagine to be a subdued whisper. As these in teresting ceremonies were being per formed with all due punctilio, some one noticed a strong smell of burn ing wood, indeed, it was so strong that he actually ventured to break in upon the hoots of good-night around him to draw attention to it. "You may be your life. Spencer, my boy, that this old barrack of yours Is on fire. You had better rouse the servants, and get the womenfolk down stairs quietly." "Don't be an ass, Ted, it is no use aucnen uiere was no longer room ior doubt about the fire. The roar of the flames could be heard in the enormous rnvern of the old-fashioned chimney, snd a brilliant red light shone upon the hearthstone and the kitchen floor, "Cut over to the stables, Charlie, will you, and get them to saddle Quickstep for you, and hurry into Lilfield as hard ae you can go. The fire engine is at the town hall. They may perhaps turn out a little quick er for you than they would for a groom, and you needn't mind knock ing the horse up; it can't be helped. Send the men frojn the stables over here as sown as they have saddled your horse." "Come along, you men, we can do nothing down here. Ill take you up on the roof by the back stairs. Came up nn quickly as you can. We had better get the blankets out of the spare rooms and try to stifle the chim ney. There are . some water jugs in that pantry, they'll be useful." All efforts t extinguish the fire were, however, in vein; the most that tion of having her in his arms for those few minutes, he resolved shouVl lie bis. With a resolute mnn, to think is to net. He huraied toward her. "There is not a minute to be lost. Miss Ashton; trust yourself entirely to me." With these words he lifted her boldly from the ground Amy .snion nsa no lime to mins.; uer arm . . . , . i i . . , i . . i 4. ,11 n .i I 1 1 1 1 1- ononirli iinw, tila Y-irrlit. " aam aj -."""IS- -f a"- ahosMer as he lifted her with Mat left arm and carried her out to the main staircase. Every one who was sufficiently clad to make an appearance in public had hurried to the seat of operations in the neighborhood of the back itairs and the kitchen. Spencer carried his fair burden down the deserted staircase and through the hall, and set her gently upon her feet in the garden. As Amy Ashton touched the ground once more, the flames leaped from the burning roof and chimney, and her i era determined to rid their farms of eyes n;ct Silencer's by the weird glow ! all forms of objectionable weed life of the fire; something she read in his i will attain the ends sought. Individ glance roi!sed all the womanhood in ' al activity In this direction ia high her. "Mr. Spencer, how dared you touch me? How dared you carry me? It was a stupid schoolboy trick. I could have i e, down stairs perfectly easily. It WSS cowardly of you to take such advnntaire of my fright." The exciten.cnt was over and the re-action hail set in. Amy Ashtonis feelings at this moment were difficult to analve. Hatred of the mnn who bad dared to do this thing and con tempt tor having been so easily trapped were both fighting for the mustery of her mind, while lioth these emotions were in turn almost numbed by the sickening recollection that her hair whs as she had arranged it when retiring for the night, nnd descended down her back in the severe sim plicity of a plaited pigtail. She grew hot all over with shame as she fancied that she could still feel the pressure of the man's arms about her body, and then her hair 'how can nn un fortunate girl assert herself with her hair in a pigtail? The position was I their tops be kept cut off at the sur hideous; maidenly dignity cowed by j 'ace of the ground, no stems being us own pigtail, totally vanity won the day, as it is apt to do with men and women alike. "Meing carried, aft er all, was not so very dreadful, in fact rather rather Well, at any rate, that part was not so dreadful but the plgtah?" That thought crushed her. Her mental torture was suddenly broken in upon by shouts, the noise of grinding wheels, the thunder of hoofs and the jinple of harness, The fire engine had arrived. Amy Ashton stood by Spencer's side, in the warmth , of the summer night, fascinated by the scene. The ruddy glow of the lire turned the tree trunks and foliage of the avenue bright red, and lit up human faces with a curious vivid beauty. The wild energy of the inexperienced amateurs gave place to the cool, methodical strategy of the fully-equipped trained men. There was hardly a breath of air atlrring, and the Are rapidly died down as soon as the engine got steadily at work. The color faded out of the landscape, and the threatened house stood out black against the sky. "I must go in at once, please. Mr. Bpencer. It feels quite chilly now." "Please say you will forgive me, Miss Ashton, before you go. The temptntlon was great." "I don't want to hear about the temptation. Pray, what would my ideal man say to the confession that I was imbecile enough to allow a man to carry me about without any suffi cient reason?" And Miss Ashton laughed a mirthless laugh. "Well, you ran at any rate explain to your ideal that the man who car ried you proposed to marry you on the same evening. Any sensible man, ideal or otherwise, will allow for an other man being a bit of an idiot when he is on the verge of a pro posal." "Mr. Sencer, this began by what I suppose I must regard as a joke, though it was in wretched taste, more especially with a guest in your own house; but to enrry it further is a deliberate insult." "Amy, darling, I don't care a flg for the Meal man' and his fancies; I want you, seriously, myself. I have loved you since the day that you first came here. You always treat me as if I were, your grandfather, but I love you as dearly as man ever lowed woman." "Well, supposing that I say I for give you for daring to carry me, and that we part In a friendly "No, I will accept no compromise; I will have an answer now." "It is very unfair to keep me here in the cold; besides, think of Aunt Charlotte. Well, perhaps I will then some day when I have quite forgot ten the fire and all the rest, you know. Frank, you must let me go, that was the worst part of It, because it was s simply hateful trick to play on a girL Why, I never knew it myself until yes terday, when you began talking about my ideal man. Oh, Frank, I had quite forgotten my hair for a moment. I'll never speak to you again never, if you don't let me run away at once Frank, I said at once!" III. "Looking at the house from the outside, Frank, you really would not think that much damage had been done." "No, considering what might have been. It was a very cheap entertain ment." "Don't be stupid, Frank. When are the builders coming down?" "My darling girl, that is just what I wanted to consult you about. I thought that our wisest plan would be for you to marry me at once. The men could begin ns soon as wc came home from our honeymoon." "Frank, you are horrid. I won't hear of it yet." "We must have a roof on beforo the winter sets in, but in the meantime a roof is not one of the first essentials to housekeeping." The King. The Denr t.trlo. Miss Tellit Susie Anteek Rays that young Bimer, the poet, has written some verses entitled, 'Lines to Susie's Eyes." Miss Sczit Well, I don't call it very kind of him to draw attention to her crow's feet." Baltimore American. , THE CURSE OF WEEDS. Holloas Plaat Growtk Do.es More faan Aarthlnar Elae to Leaaeo the I'roflta of Farming. How are weeds to be eradicated? : Know what kinds of weeda infest your premises. Know their characteristics and habits of growth. Learn how they propagate themselves. Study them from every standpoint. Then apply the remedy which will suggest ' Itself. Concerted action among farm- ly desirable, but without harmonious I iction among all interested it will require a much longer period. Indi- ridual effort will beget larger inter : rst and purpose, and the result will i he that in a short time the entire ! country will be inoculated with the ' weed-destroying fever. Then weeds will go. The destruction of nnnual weeds is accomplished by preventing them from producing seed, which involves the cutting off of tops before seed is produced, Hiennials, which propa pate by root stalks and seeds, re- quire more rigid methods of eradi- j ration. They yield only to persistent i cutting off of tops which prevents ' seeds from forming and deprives mem 01 piant 000 from the air. Perennial are still more stubborn than either of the others. Most weeds are perennials. Annuals are the most easily destroyed. All kinds of weeds, whether annuals, biennials nr perennials, may be destroyed if permitted to develop. This results In the starvation of the roots, as it were; the laboratory with which they set in harmony being removed their own functions are destroyed. Many kinds of weeds may be smothered oirt by Bowing the infested land to grass or other crops which are known to possess hnrdincsH and thick-grow- ! ing habits. Let everv farmer eonsider himself a committee appointed by his best Interests to eradicate all the weeds on his own farm, lie thus may be gin the weed destruction movement whose outcome will' bo the total elimination of the thousands of va rieties of weeds which so seriously menace agriculture and so materially lessen Its returns. Farmers' Voice. HANDY CORN MARKER. Will Mark Two Rowa at a Time nia tlaetly, No Matter How Rongh the Urnd May Be. The implement shown in the illus tration will mark two rows at a time, and make them distinct, no matter how rough the ground may be. The construction ia readily shown in the accompanying illustration. The CORN MARKER WITH (H IDE. guide, c, is so arranged that it ctn ! be reversed on turning, by simplj throwing it over to the other side. It is bolted to the block, r, and be ing in front of a, is held in place; I is s round iron and springs readily If it comes in contact with a clod or stump. This arrangement lor at taching the guide ' is much better than using a chain. Orange Judd Farmer. Bis Loaa Cauaed br Iaaeete. It is estimated that a tenth of the agricultural output of this country is ruined annually by insects, hence the necessity of keen, careful observation on the part of the farmer. As a rule It is not the creature responsible for serious loss of crops that is first seen, but the damaged crop itself. The re verse should be true. By using his eyes more freely, the average farmer could foresee in most cases damage to hla crops by Injurious pests, and arm himself with the weapons of defense. In some instances disastrous insect Invasions oould be largely averted, if faets were generally reported to the varloaa esperiment stations. Orange Judd Farmer. Fla-ht on American Corn. "' Americsn corn is now the object of sttsck of the French agrarians. United States Consul Thackera, at Havre, makes this subject the basis of a considerable report to the state de partment. He says, in brief, that the agrarians and some other interests be came alarmed some time ago at the increasing use of foreign corn and have succeeded in having two bills re ported for passage, the first regulat ing the temporary admission of corn and the second fixing the duty on grain at 90 rents, instead of 5S cents per 100 kilogrammes and increasing the duty on flour made from corn from live francs to eight francs per 100 kilo grammes. Insect In Stored firntn. The best way lo kill these insects is I to use bisulphide of carbon. This liquid quickly exhales ns deadly gas, i which is heavier than air anil rinks down through the grain. Put the bisulphide in B deep dish at the top of the grain. Close the bin ami make it us nearly airtight as possible by throwing blankets or bags over tho 1 top. 1 M liquid will evaporate and the pas will work down through the grain. The gas is deadly and very quick to take fire. Do not breathe close to the dish, or bring any light near it. liural New Yorker. MOTHERHOOD lis a natural instinct which shows itself I in the girl as soon as she is big enough to play the mother to her doll. Unfor tunately the womanly health does not always keep pace with the motherly in stinct, and when real motherhood comes it often comes to mothers who suffer intol erably during ma lty and who are unable to ssrse the weak ling child which frets snd moans in their arms. Motherhood is Tirenarivl for a nit fi Bl provided for the use of 'Dr. MB & Pieroe's Favorite aw i.A..;..; 1 11. iipuini. II cures nausea, tranquilues the aau nerves, gives a healthy appetite JH and promotes rest- ful sleep. It makes the baby's advent practioallv painless, and gives the mother abundant strength to nurse her child. Accept no substitute for " Favorite Pre scription, a There is nothing "just as good" for week and sickly women. "Two yean mfo I wan very aick and began Uklnx Tour 1 Favorite Prescription.' " writes Mrs. En. Huckrtt. of Chardon. Oeauga Co., Ohio. "When my liahy boy carat he weighed twelve poanda and a half. Have had good health ever aince, until about three week ago, when weaning my bsey, 1 contracted a heavy oold. Am UkiasTour 'Ooldcn Medical Uiscov rrv I am thankral that poor mfferera have aurh a grand chance lo regain their healtk bv uaing Dr. Pierce' medicines, ft would take pagri to tell the good it has don iu our family, and in a great many more families under my obaervaliaa. "I thank you for your kind medical advica." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of ai cents in one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Docking horses' tails is a needless cruelly. It is strange in this day A Barbae...' when 80 D,uck ls said and written on Practice. . . . . . the subject of cruelty, when humane societies arc wielding so beneficent an influence, that men will still persist in the prac tice of so barbarous a taste. There Is much suffering caused to a horse ay this, besides that of operation. He is constantly annoyed by small flies and mosquitoes on tender portions sf his skin from which he has no relief ex cept by the use of his tall. While the man of wealth may keep coachmen to care for bis horses, there are hours out of the S4 when he is left to himself and has to bear his annoyances as best he oan. And when this "stylish" coach, horse has served his purpose for this use and must be replaced by younger and more spirited beasts, he is sold to more plebeian labor, and cannot receive auch care as has been his, what then? It ia gratifying to know that doclM horses will not be taken into the reg ular service of the armies of the Unit ed Statea and Oreat Britain, and every cavalryman long enough in the service to know is dead against the practice of docking. An influential paper on questions pertaining to horses, the Livery, says: "If the ladies refuse to ride behind docked horses this mutila tion will soon cease." What thinking, feeling woman is Willing to bear the responsibility and blame for this cruel outrage on that noble beast, helpless in our hands, our willing servant, f He horse? From an artistic point of view the docked horse is hideous. The sot -ur 1 tail, long and full, is just the touch to Perfect the outlines of this beauti ful aaimsL The docked tail is mutila tion and. a deformity. Do not deprive your hoiae of his right to the conven ience and beauty of that which is by nature hi. Adnlterated flowers are the latest blow at civilization. A bright oarna tton used as a btutonniere is composed of sliced turnip, dyed with acid ma genta, and scented with a combination Bli called "oeillt t" Proof ot Bllnaln.es. I Well, William, cid you give the gov amor my note?" aiked the gentleman of hts rustic servant. "Yes, sir, I gave itto him, but there'a no use writing letteis to him, he can't aee to read 'em. Het blind, sir, blind as a bat." "Blind!" "Yes, sir, blind. Twfct he asked me where my hat was, ancf had Ron my head all the time. Blint as a bat, sir. No doubt about it!" Chicago Tribune. Tm BaajaT.tlie. Planngan I didn't setvou at the baseball game yesterdayfafternoon, Madden. Madden No. Th' onmpai has shut down on th' men goin' to kll games any more. 1 Flanagan What's all thatVor? Madden Shure, they dot want 'em to hear the umpire ealn 'em out on strikes, I guese. Judg. What Klale Said. "I'm afraid I can't interest U five-year-old Elsie in fairy tales any longer." "And why not ?" "I was telling her about the iTdrtJ Thieves,' nnd when I got to the 40 oil jars with a thief in each jar, vlnt do you suppose she said?" "I give it up." "She said: 'Wouldn't that jar yot?' Cleveland Plain Dealer. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Life away ! You can be cured of any form of tobacco tislnir easily, be maile well, itrong, magnetic, full nt new life and vigor by taking NO-TO-BAO, that makes weak men strong. Many gala ten pounds In ten days. Over BOO ,OQO cured. All druggiat. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice 1'RKK. Address STKRLINd KKM&DV CO., Chicago or Mew York, 431