The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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Wote Weabs
We have a job lot ef note
heads on hand. They must go
quick. The price will do It.
Samples and prices (or the ask
ing. We furnish them printed
for less than you can buy them
without printing.
We bought a large con- J
signment of envelopes f
Having bought so many I
we secured a rock nnit
and hot wtamer bargains. S
Gw. W. Wagcnselltr, Editor aad Proprietor,
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science. An, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Katet: Oie Dollar Per Annum, iu Adaac
Jj i I
I z
'lne prneh crop is coming in to
The cat rpillurs i-ee 11 to own a large
pari f i liis town.
The Middleburg I and and u host of
others from this place atteidcd the
Troxelville pitulo Saturday.
Harvest He me services were hold in
the Reformed church by Rev. s. s.
Kobler Sunday evening.
The Reformed Sunday School of this
place will hold their annual picnic next
Saturday at Red bridge grove.
The public schools of the borough
Opend Monday with 80 to ' " pupils
enrolled uudereach teacher.
Don't forget the stereoptican enter
tainment in the U, B, church this
W Ineeday evening. Adra'ssion ten
E. Katz'a olotbing store will be clos
ed Saturday September 14th and
Monday September 23rd on account of
being Hebrew holidays.
.Several good single barrel breech
Loading guns, 12 guage, worth $6.50
will be sold at only $5.50 at 15. H.
( 'lister's Store Swlneford, 8-20-3t
My store win he cioseu Saturday,
Sept 1 Ith and Monday Sept. 23rd.
being Hebrew holidays. M Milliner
WM5t Kantz, Pa.
Pvery pupil entering the puhlie
schools of Harrisburg on Monday morn
ing will have to show a certificate that
he or site has been vaccinated tvithin
the last year.
The present enrolment at the Tre;s
ler Orphans' Home, Loysville, Perry
county, is 170. The ottering to the
homo on Children's Day, in June
amounted to 18,000.
The Middleburg Athletics and a team
representing the Middleburg Business
men played it game of base ball Friday
afternoon which resulted In consider
able sport and a scon- of ill to 7 iu
favor of the professionals.
The Lewistown Democrat and Sen
tina) ot .Sept. 4th says i Russell Erdley,
seven year old son of Preston Erdley,
residing on Montgomery avenue, had
his feet badly burned on Saturday by
jumping into a pile of hot ashes at the
t tnuery.
Pest Blood and Liver medicine in
the market. Buy a dollar box of Drow n
I erb Tablets, seven mouth's treatment
for one dollar. Sold on guarantee; no
cure, no pay. Sold by
d. i Buck,
-12-4t. Mlddleburgh, Pa,
Call on A. E. Soles in his new shav
ing and hair cutting parlor for your
head cleaned willi a refreshing sham
poo and a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed, tf.
Predictions of next winter's weather
are already made. ne school of
weather prophets say- that next win
ter will be a mild one because the
hornets build their nests low or near
the ground this summer. Now let us
w ait and see what the goose bono and
the corn-husk prophets have to say.
In the suit brought by Dairy end
Pood Commissioner Cope against the
p-opri'tor of the Hotel Columbus, of
Harrisburg, for serving his guests witli
oleomargarine, Alderman Caveny has
given judgment in favor of the depart,
nient for ji-iifs. This i- the first couvlc.
tion tinder the new law in this vicinity.
UtrcoM CoiTsrav, (Pa.) Farms for
Sai.k 15 farms, 7 to 117 acres, near
market, schools and churches. - Qen
eral Stores excellent opportunities. 5
town properties. Send for list describ
ing same. C. H. Ravi ii, Real Fsiaie
Agent, Box 2, West Milt in, Pa. B-22-6t
S tetter's Cornet Band has an engage
ment to play for three days at the New
port fair. The Miminburg Telegraph
'tst week said about OUT baud : The
Sletler Band of Middleburg gave the
llnest and most music at the MUHln
burg Sunday School picnic last Thurs
day we ever heard in one day.
The fall crop of caterpillars is simply
immense, far exceeding the spring
supply. They are a different species,
lelng only about half the size of the
spring edition, but they are fully as
destructive. Many trees are covered
as though a lot of i mosquito netting
was thrown over them, and both leaves
and fruit are being devastated.
Mrs. Joseph Walter is visiting her
sons iu th's place.
I. H. liowcrsox is laying a new walk
of Cleveland Flag Stone.
Mrs. T. B. MnWUllama left last week
for her home at MeVcvtown.
Barber A. K. Soles spent several days
at the Lewistown fair last week.
G. W. Durns and family of Selins
grove spent Sunday with relatives in
this place.
W. !'. Dagle spent a few days in
town last week, the guest of Gabriel
Hon. c. Alfred Sohoch and wife
attended a funeral iu Union County
last week.
Samuel App and wife and friends of
Monroe town-hip were iu our city
District Attorney Potter was :ii
Selinsgrove between trains Tue'klay
Jacob Daw ver, one of the oldest
citizens of Kreamer, was a county seat
visitor Monday.
John D. Stahlneckei
land ., Monday. 11
.'. for ( '1
las secured
emplrymenl out there.
William 11. Shindel left Mondav
evening to resume Ids studies at Lafay
ette kuiege, Easton.
Harry Uowersox, the butcher boy,
spent a few days V(.ry pleasantly up
along the North branch.
II. D. Rowe and wife of Millersburg
spent a few irUysai the home of A.ariah
Kreeger in Franklin.
Mrs. Frank Qaugler and son of
Selinsgrove spent Sunday with her
father, Aaron Renniiiger.
M. D. Wageiiseller, traveling sales
man of Selinsgrove made a pleasant
call at this office, last Wednesday.
S. A. Aurand of Troxelville was a
County seat visitor last Thursday and
dropped in to subscribe for the Post.
W. H. Ripka, wlio is employed by
the Crystal Sand Co., near Newton
Hamilton, spent Saturday and Sun
day at home.
Attorney J. M. Baker ufAdamsburg,
J. N. Houserand H. H. Sehrawderof
Doit Treverton viewed a proposed road
at Globe Mills Tuesday.
John s. Kaufl'man aud Charles A.
Bolender w ent to Selinsgrove Tuesday
to view the road to be opened from the
borough to Pen II tow n-hip.
James M. VanZttlldt .1. P. on Satur
day caught a ha weighing three and
one half pounds. The bass was taken
from Middlecreek.
D; Irwin Sholly, one of the progres
sive uitlzens of near Verdllla wusal
tin unty seat lost Thursday andpald
his paper to 1002.
Haymond Kat. lefl last Thursday
morning for a wn k's trip to the Pan
American Exposition at Buffalo and to
take iu the sight- at Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Horace II. Hall and two SOUS of
Northumberland and brother, Edwin
Qutejlus of Sunbury Sunday were the
guests of Attorney Crouseand family.
N. P. Hummel one of tbe Merchants
of Kreamer and J. Howard ITIsb, one
of the druggists of Selinsgrove, we.e iu
town between trains Wednesday after
noon. Lester (i. Smith of this place, has
resigned as operator of th" P. R. It. at
Mocanaqua ami has accepted a position
With the P. and it. at diner's town,
near Tamaqua.
Daniel Nerhood of Beavertown,
Harrison Dean of Troxelville and Phil"
ip lloiit. of Benfer, who are working
with Mr. Ripka came home to attend
the Troxelvilli picnic.
Mrs. Henry Roush of Freeburg, Mrs.
C.'orge Class of Philadelphia and Mrs.
Sieg of Steelton, formerly Anna Wet
zel of Selinsgrove, enjoyed the hospi
ta'ity of F. S. liiegel and wife.
Rev. I. H. Albright, Ph. I), of
Shamokin will give a Stereoptican
lecture on the " Life of ("r!st " in the
U. B. church WednC. -ay evening,
September 11th. Adm: 'ion 10 cents.
Proceeds for the benefit of the church.
Elijah Barnhart, of York, 45 years
old, claims that he is he champion
corn busker of Eastern Pennsylvania.
He has put out a standing challenge of
$.")() to meet any corn busker In the
United States. Burnhart husks eight
and a half bushels an hour without
presidknt Mckinley shot.
Two Bullet Wounds Initiated by Anarchist Czolgosz at
The President is now considered out of dan cr and the entire
Nation icjciccs. Full particulars will be found on last pa ;e.
Wi'Main Swart, Monday returned to
his position in Ft Pittsburg.
('has. Fry, one of our prompt paying
subscribe! dropped in to s ua Tu '
Francis F. Boyer of Mt Pleasant
MP's Is br' igiug some luscious peaches
into t w n.
Jacob Pasktis. of New York came
town Monday to look after the pn gress
of the tannery.
M. L. Shannon left Tu day morning
for Phi'adelpbia to lake treatment for
h's hearing.
.1. M. Van .midland wife attended
the funeral of Mis. Jno. C. 1 lain at
Millersburg the eai ly part of this week.
A. M. Caiman and wife of Mt.
Plea-ant Mills can ic to tow n last w eek
to get some ofC. II. Steningel's large
Frank L. Mageeand wife of Maeppa,
Union County spent a few days in
town this week, the guests of Dr. J. W.
( rw ig and wife.
Paul Billhardt, w h had spent tb
summer at At'unl ic 'ity, where In hail
been engaged In playing in an orches
tra, returned home.
M. S. Fiedler and wife ofM'Ulieim
and Daniel Hal ter and wife of Kebeis
blirg, Sunday Were the gilext of
Merchant John W. Runkle and fam 'y.
George Alvater, a farmer ID lug near
Flemlugton, N. J., i- seriously consid
ering the matter of killing bis big
Plymouth rooster, which Is causing
him no end of annoyance by -topping
the team while Alvater is plowing.
Whenever 'vnter siaris for the field
to plow tin rooster follows, and when
ever the bird finds a worm it CrOWS.
His crow Imitates so closely the word
" whoa " that w henever it is heard the
UbrseS stop. As WOI.DS become more
plentiful the rooster becomes more
persistent in yelllo'; " whoa " when it
is necessary for Alvater tochasethe
bird from '.he Held or lock it in a coop.
Big Busiacst.
The receipts of the Pennsylvanuia
Railroad ticket office at Sunbury for
the month' of August were 110,842.90.
The month was a record-breaker by
over two thousand dollars. The heavy
travel to Buffalo is accountable.
Important .Notice to S. S. Workers.
The following places will be visited
by members of the Executive Commit
i ee of Snyder Co. S. S. association on
dales and places named below. S. S.
Superintendents and Pastors will please
make arrangements to hold the meet
:,igs and have it fully announced.
Scri. Mi Saturday T.IIOp. ih., MeClure.
' 16, Mnixluy, 7.30 ' Ailnmsuurg.
" 17, Tucsdny, 7.30 " Kciin rtown.
" l'J, ThUMdoy, 7,80 " kt MidtlleburK,
for Franklin Two. and borough.
" to, Fridny, 7.30 p. m., Krat.crvlllc.
'! 21, Saturday, 3 p.Jrr., t'entrevlllo
All I'astors, S. S. Supt., officers and
teachers are specially invited ull should
h1 present. Come and hear of the ex
cellent work that is to be done.
Rev. A. I). Okamlky,
Rev. J. B. Shellenuekoek,
H. I. Romio.
-. . .
Deeds Entered for Record.
J. '. laugler and wife to W'vt
KaufTumn, !i acres in Monroe tw
Daniel Qaugler and w in
Kaufimau, ' acres and tw
Monroe twp., for J876.
Marriage Licennet
' Edwin 8. Wolf
i Delia M. Wagnor,
i . W. F.
terches in
I Hill
' .. DllUier MloW els.
errv Two.
i Dertiiu m. Kerstetter, linpmnn "
MARKIED. Au- 35, bj Pn. II, H.
Spahn, J. Allen VVehmd of MeClure
and EffieM, Ifnssiugerof Crossgrove.
B1E0. August 28, Johti Samuel, In-
"' s- f John l;. and Margaret
Shaflbr, aged I year, l' months and 30
days. I tit' i nn ni .-it (irubb's hurch.
Dev. C. C. Miller officiated.
August 31, Paul Jonathan, infant
sou of Reuben and Kmmn rtelelien
I bach, aged 2 years, I mouth and 30
days. Interment at (irubb's church
: Tuesday. Dev. C. (.', M''Ier olllciatnd.
Picnics, Festivals, Etc.
PKIDA . SEIT. 13, Co. ( annual
bean soup at Selinsgrove.
Saturday, skit, i I, the Summit s.
S. will bold a festival at the School
house. Proceeds to buy a gnu for
the Sunday school.
Saturday, skit. 28th. I'hcunnual
bean soup of Captain Michael Smith
Post No. 355 of MeClure will be held
in Cold Spring grove.
Pott-Office Age Limit,
on July :;ist the President directed
that after that date the age limitations
for all positions in tin' posl office
service be Is to l"i years, except iu the
case ot persons houoinbly discharged
from the military or naval service of
the Unit xl States on account of dis
ability resulting from wounds received
or sickness Incurred in the service and
in i ie line of duly, iu which case the
ag.' limitations are waived. All appli
cants must heat least live feet four in
ches in height and not less than 125
pounds in weight.
- -
Susqnehaaua I niversit)
Selinsgrove, Pa., The college opened
Sept. ") under very favorable circum
stances. A large number of new stud
ents entered. The enrollment for the
Fall term about 150. The new
teachers ara Rev. J. D. Pocht D. D.,
Miss Caroline Fndo. i and D. 15. Young
A. B.
The foot ball outlook is especially
bright. Almost all old players are
hack and many new candidates of
promise are in training. The Cout h,
Lang of Philadelphia will put out a
strong team. First game, Selinsgrove,
Sept. 14 versus Central Penna College.
The Y. M. C. Reception for new
students was unique.
Dr. Yutzy, dean of the semiunry
reports a good opening for this depart
ment in a few weeks. H. D. H.
The 22nd annual convention of the
Woman's Home and Foreign Mission
ary Society of the Fvati 'elicid Luther
an synod of central Pennsylvania will
be held in the Lutheran church, Mid
dleburgh, Pa., Sept. 21 and 35, 1001.
MONDAY, 7.80 f. u.
( Ipeulng Session.
Anthem - - Cbo:-
Devotional Set ice.
President's Addr-ss.
Hj .un 21)0, Rook of Worship.
Address Lev. A. Sicwarl Haitmaii,
Sec. II. II. M., Baltimore, Md.
Co1' cti hi. l oxolo ry. Benediction,
. rEBDAY, 0 A. M.
Devotional Set , Ye led by
Mis. Jacob Loy, Andersouburg, Pa.
9.80 a. m.
Business Session.
Deception of Delegal es.
Reports of Corresponding Secret a.,
Treasurer, Historian, Literature
ominit, ie, rganihig ( 'om
mittee, Run Work t 'ominit! .
Depot, of Delegate t Biennial Con
vention, Deport of Synodlcnl Organixer.
Election of Uffieers.
Noon-I ide Prayer.
TUESDAY . - 1'. M .
Praise Service, led by
Dev. D. W. Mottern, Salonn, Pa.
I ilscussion.
Is the wjrk of our Woman's Mission
ary Society n ruHilliueiit of prophesy'.'
Mrs. Lev. W. II. Sd h, New
Berlin, Pa.
Has the Christian church Is en made
stronger and more progressive b
the influence and power of our
work ?
Mis. ( ' lorgo Parker, .Mexico, Pa'
Are we os u Society earning up to the
ull standard of our opportunities
in the Misi,,n Held .'
Miss Mary F. Uarber, Anderson
burg, I'a.
What are some of the most gricvous
hindran -es in our work '.'
Mrs, Dr. Frank, Mlllhehu, Pa.
Will ( nl remove all ba. Hers in tin
way of our work, jf u. s'mply
i rust I Dm and press on in the path
w herein lie ba- led u-.
Voluntary Personal Responses.
Hymn. Prayer.
7. .'in i; m.
Anthem - Choir
Devotional Se. . ice.
Addles Lev. J. ii. Haipster, D. D .
iiiutur, I udia,
Collection. Doxology, Rem liction.
Devotional Sei vice, led by
Mr. M. E. Smith, Re "e. Pa.
11.30 a. Mi
Doll Call.
Reading of Miuuti s.
Dnllnislied Business, ew Business.
ur Cradle Ro'l and it - benefits,
Mrs. Lev. w. M. Rearick, Wesl
Milt Pa.
Hymn, Prayer.
3 I'. M.
Hj ii"i of Pra'sc. Prayer.
"Bring ye a" the tit 1 1 - Inl the si
Mis. Lev. D. W. Mottern, Salona,
( 'oin'e'eiiee of Auxiliary I lelegab s.
"Feed my lambs."
3 !'. SI.
'lllldrell's 1 lour.
Songs. lie 'iiatious.
Addres. . Mr-. Rev. J. II. Hani's,
Ne. , , Pa.
Hyillll. Prayer.
7.80 i'. .u.
Anthem - - - Choir
Devotional Service.
Address Tuo responsibility of woman
tow ard the spread the Gospel.
Lev. I. . Moser, Port Loyal, I'a.
Partiug W ords.
I loxology. Benediction.
Account State League of Republican
For the meeting of the State League
of Republican Clubs, to be held in
Scranton, September 17 and IS, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Scranton from
all stations on Us line in the State of
Pennsylvania and from stations on the
Belvidere Division, Trenton to Belvi
dere, Inclusive, at the rate of one fare
for the round trip (minimum rate, 26
cents). Tickets to be sold and good
going September 1(1, 17, and IS, and to
return until September 30, inclusive.
The Smallest Mason.
The smallest free Mason in the
world Is Casper ll. Wei-, of Philadel
phia, who has taken the degree of
master mason. Brother Weis, w ho is
34 years old, was born in Morsehlngen,
Bezlrk, Rbineland, isa watehmakerby
trade, ami stands .; feet II inches in
his stockings. He belongs to Richard
YaUX lodge No. :;s.
Exert ist r.n uici s Get.
Some one u ho h:;s , hoc to w aste has
made a calculation of bow many miles
a fanner walks iu cultivating a forty
acre-field of corn, lb- duds thai the
farmer w alks 350 miles in plowing the
Held, 50 mile- in harrowing it, and in
cultivating tl ii 830 mil. a total
of 730 miles. I'bis si,vv, that farmers
get plenty of good exercise.
Sunday School teachers of Junior
and Primary classes assembled in the
College lor Women, Kasf lOlld, Pitts-bur-,
to i be number of i wo hundred
and twenty-five for a week's Btudy and
Instrjctloii in urganixatioii and meth
ods of teaching, The school w as orga
nized and equipped with a remarkable
laCUlty by the State S lay School
Association. Mrs .1. W. Barnes, state
Superintendent ol Primary Work,
assisted by Miss Alice D Hamlin, had
charge of the Primary sect ion ; M rs. M.
0. Kennedy, of Philadelphia, Junior
work ; Prof. Vim Oi r, of Qettysnurg
College, of Child Study, and Miss
Florence II. Darnell, ol Blackboard
Sketching ami Drawing. There was
special interest taken In the school by
such men as ii, ,i. Hcltiz, Es., s. F.
0111, Peter Dick, W. c. Lilley, Capt.
Herberl and other prominent Sabbath
school leaders and business men In
Charles Sdirey ami family spont
last week uniOUg t'liends and rela
tives iii Lycoming county.
George Koltz and wile spent
Sum'oy among friends at Cabala.
Jefferson Ix'iiig made a lew Imsi
ncss trips to Stinlmry Insl week.
JacobS. Sliotzberger of I ttmmel's
hart' was down our way on an
errand Inst Sunday.
A. I,, s i uwscr trnnsactex htisi
ness at Mt. I'lcasnnl Mill;-.
t i r Auctioneer, I. W. Longacri',
sold Heal 1 . t.ite at Holler Saturday
John S. A ticker niul ivife attended
a picnic Hi ir Iviclilicld lusl Sutur
tlay. S.imiiel Sti-otiji, who for a number
ol' years litis lieeu wurking for
Charles in rich, IcflforStnington,
I!. V. Vuckcr is working for the
lioyer Mermoi ial ( !o. in ' 'umbcrlniid
( Itir ntsir house is no longer a
dream but i- a reality aid is in
working; order. Owing; to Lho f"W
another Imi'se lias bee.i rented.
Some "f our land owners pre
already looking urotind lor other
A li'w of ovv (armet's raise mora
wild carrot than btie(c w heat, a
mistake, tin latter makes the ls'st
i n s -
I MNT V I.I.I-'.',".
Cantian George Kulin ofXeita
Valley was in orr mitl'sl Sunday.
miK'rvisor of
f.'enn two. was in this vall y on
bcsiiK s Saturday.
1 '. V. 1 luiiK's mil I Ltilie Haines
were in Neit. valley Sunday.
Miss Carrie Cork ins of this place
had the poison in her I.; that she
could scarcely see.
Gumma's of this place were to
I let ndon attendi1 the funeral of
Mrs. John Wood'uig.
One of ,1. A. Mover's horses died
last wet k.
Gemberling's th,-asiinrr machine
was in this valley threshing for J,
W. Neit..
Ellen Neitz, youngest,
and son were Isit in her fathnr,
David Nauglc.
Lawrence Boger of Sunbury was
visiting friends iu this valley Si".i
day. Ivcv. Troutman, our preacher
will preach his last sermon Sept. 15,
1901, at half past seven o'clock in
the evening.