f PENNSYLVANIA HAILMMO. Sunbury I Wigtown Dirision. IMIW1W i AM B i a io a m IN 4 IS 4 M a 4ii a a aj is M, in: a 4W al in in; a , isr; I a isri ta t mi i a ra id ta ih tm tin 7a in T III wsarrwAao. A II I MM, II l, 11 IS 10W 10 JS 10 J MM. 10 M; 10 47 11 ti! sis Ballaacra.. J Hit 2 III SM 240 IN Sit in iw in sa aa 3 JO SM M5 S4T 150 Pewliaf laetser kliddleaurr. Banter Deavertvwa Adamabura Uaube Mills Met-lure Waejv.r Saiadle ratnter.tlle !? 12 iim u ii u i 111 117 Maitlend 11 I Lawta 11 tT? T iHali I '11 40! Lrwlstowa Jun.liea. Train leav Sunbury 5 30 p m, ar- rivaM lit SmI nuifrnVM . IS n m Leaves Selin8tfrov:00 p. m.. nrriTei; at Sunbury tf:l5 p. m. j rraiiitt It-nvH Lewixtown Junction : ; 4 M A m, lu 12 a in. 1 10 i ra.l3p in 5 Hp m. 7 T7p m,l?0nn,for Alioon. Puubur..lth W.t. : For Haiti more am Waahinatoa lata IK). I M. I a 4 13. 10 I For Philadelphia aud Ne- Yorkftfts 10. Ha m. 101 1 a 4 it and llll p m Vat Hurnsburtc S 10 p m Philadelphia A Erie R R Division. AM) NOKTHEKN I'KNTKAI. K All. W A Y WKHTWAKD. Train leaves Belli agrove Jiincllna dtlly tor ganiMirjf and Wat. H tr, a in, l U l ru, p m. Sunday 9 .1 in, Sana. Train leave Basbary dally oxrept sundae: 12 as a m lor Hun" ilo, 1 2i a m lor Krle anil Can sUslgaa 6 10am for Bellofonte Krle and CanandalKiia D 12 a in fur Iek Haven. Tyrone anil the West . 12 4H for ltufTdlo, llll p in tor Hellefente lva. Tyrone and CaiiaDdiitmia 5 45p m lor henovo and Kluilm g in m lor WllllninHpoit Sunday 12 2-1 ft m for Buffalo via Emporium I 21 a m for Ki lo, 5 10 a in lor Kile and I'anim .lalKUft 8 M p in for IS i j 42 it m for Ijock Haven And llaattpaft It 50 A TAi H H I m 2 00 and 5 I-;. in lor Wilkin barri and Ha.elton 1 in a in. lu 10 am, 'I na in, 5 4.1 p in lr Shame In and Mount Carats! Sunday I 55 a m lor Wllkesliarre KAHTWAKD. Trains leave Sellaigrove Junction 10 110 a m, dally arrlvlnx at V llll adelphta 117 pm New York 6 A3 p uu Haltlinore 3 11 p in WaxhluKtun 4 IS pm :u p m daily arrlvlnc at I'hlladelphla .0 20 p in New York 3 M a m, llalllmere 9 45 p in WaslilnKtnli 10 56 p in. 8 42 p ui, ually arriving at Phlladslphla 425a in, Nw York TU I fa, llaltiuiure 2 30 a m i .i-l.i imion 4 or a ii "r.ilnu .I... Iaiii'm iiri lnirv 2 45 am dally arrlvlna at I'lilladeldhlainatn editor and stringing him up to the Baltimore 7 90 a m wMhlaaton 880 an Now . f in, lf ., ,,,i,,n York li xi a in Weekdays 10 as m Sunday. pieaiest lamppost, II tin notion IittU .no am da'ly arriving st Philadelphia 7221 struck the people, they would have , ... V..... V..rL' 11 ' a lu 111 IB Ull(i,l.iLU Hul.1. I .line' 7 20 a m. Waj.liliiKU)iioa m. Ualtlmore I 12 ;t n m. Washington I 16 U in. 155 p 111, week day arriving at Phlladelphln 4 2S p in, New York' : ;o p m, Haillmore s o,i p m WaahlDgton 7 isp m lit p in d til v. arrlvlir; al plilladelphla 7 'ii pm New York lil 2:1 p in, II ill linore 7 : p m. Wash- iDgun s u p iu Tratni alto teava Sonbory at taaasad 525 and 8 31 p ui, tur HarnaburK, Philadelphia ABd Hiiltlmors ). K. Win Hi, Qen'l Paaa Agent 1. H. HUTl'UINSON (len'l Manager. IN COMBINATION WITH THE POST. Wf give below some cluhbiri"; oinhiniitions with the Post. The rates quoted are verv low. The New York Tri-Weekly Tri bune and the Middleburg j?osT, one year, jaid in advance, only J1.75. The Tri-Weekly la published Monday, A'eduewlay and Friday, reaches a large , reaches a large .iroportioa of subscribers on date ol f'i iip.ii nun w Hviwiiwra UII UM" UI ui'. and each edition in a thoroughly up-to-date daily family newapaper (or Inisy people. The New York Weekly Tribune and the Middleburg Post, one year, jiiiiii in advance, only $1.25 The Weekly Tribune Is publisbod on l'huradny, and g-tvea all Important newa of nation and world, the most reliable market reports, unexcelled agricultural department, relltble general Informa tion ami choice ttnd entertaining mis cidlany. It in the ''people's paper" for the entire United sUates, a national fam ily paper for farmer ami villager. ine-HeW lorK 111-Weekly World ami the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, only $1.65. The Tri-Weekly World conies three times a week, is filled with Ilia latent new of the country and ia well worth tile price Baked for It. The Practical Farmer, one year, and the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, 1.50. Both of tlie above papers and the Practical Fanner Year Book and Agricul tural Almanac for 1900, paid in advance, only $1.05. The Practical Farmer I one of the best farm paper puhllnhiMl, Issue I weokly, al f l.im year. The year book contains iH page In which there is a fund of In formation that Is useful to the farmer. The price of this book alone fa M cents, and tho Year Book foronlv fl.65. an to2i TJ 22SfZ W A.N." Wo; -en to travel and advcrtle for old etahllhed I nouaa of solid Onaneial atajKtinf;. Salary $7soi I M,'" '"o"!''' stamped envelope. Addrea , Manager, 3o5 Caxton llldg., Chicugo. t-UHIt I (irand Selection. ' Caller You nrc fretting some verv 1 haantlAni , in Deautlfttl names in vour novel. 1)0 you think they will inoreisc the tales? Authoress Moat assuredly! There Are so many people who want a fancy name for the baby. Chicago Daily "we, l.orailng tkr Blame. i Fathor Whose fault is it that you , are not nearer the head of the class? , Son -If the fault of the other fel lows! Kather -How is that? Son 'Cause they're smartcr'n I be. Tit-liits. A Fair Rraaoner. Discouraged Suitor Dq you ever reason? Miss Flightie Kenson? I should fay I did. T nicked nn n nuar nnlv yesterday, end reasoned out all the I points in the Joke column. X. Y. WteMjr, CdoMYo)f Bewals With Caaaarsta, 1Qr CathArtlc, cure conattpatloa forever, uc.av H c c 0 nil aruwlitl retund money. DR. FENNER'S Blood & IVffS VarVaVlaa 1 Taiklas; aboat funeral aottces." remarked the man from th it, relates Um New OrUiai Timaa Demoerat, "you Beat a Mailers. They have no such re l'sr- haP thi! ariaea from the fact that pern take aJl aorta of liberties with the dead. For instaaoa. I know a reporter on a weatern weakly, who waa asked to write a funeral notice for friend of hU nd thij th- way it got in the paper: 'The death angel smote Alexander McOretr. and brotiirlit him iir,,ti-i.-i..,i ronnaa- ha orou'"1 ft,m Protracted repoae, he wore a checked shirt and a No. 9 ho, and had a pink wart on hla Itoae; but 1 know ho ll happier dwell inir in space, over there on the ever green short', and his friends are in formed that his funeral tukes place precisely at half-past four.' gtrnnge to s;iy, there waa no complaint about it. The people of the town took it as a matter of course. Some even thought tlie obituary poem was a tine piece of literary eomposition, and Invited the reporter around to take drinks, which Invitation he accepted several times. If thai were to hap pen iii thlfl country or up east there would either be a lynching or a big lawsuit. Anyway, the people In the south and east would not stand for any such sacrilege, anil they are right about it. Vet when a man has lived out west a long time he gets so that these things do not shock him like they would were he living in nny other quarter of the globe. There is a great deal in association, i and T suppose that ) why nobody i thought of going after the obituary done It, but they allow a man plenty of latitude out there. It la only when he abuses it that trouble comes." The perennial outcry aifainst the fruit dealers who defraud iheir cus- tomers by putting Fraud til Fruit . up their goods in Paekace. baikftt. wUh bottoms and paper "stulling" bu be gun, and several arrests have been made by the police, reports the Chica go Tribune. This w ill have the effect of frightening some of the unscrupu lous dealers and of making some pur chasers more careful. It is not to be expected, however, that the present crusade will have the effect of putting a permanent stop to the fraudulent practice. So long as the competition in 1 he fruit business is as sharp as it is at present and the margin of profit so Miiall there will be plenty of dealers who will take advantage of every op portunity to ImpOII 011 the public and increase their profits at the expense of j their honesty. Official inspection, I with its resulting arrests, may accom plish something, but the best safe guard Bgalntt fraud will remain in th rerional watchfulness and care of the individual purchaser. The man who buys fruit by the basket should see to it that he gets full measure and that he is not called upon to pay for a single layer of peaches resting upon a foun dation f paper wads or blocks of wood. At an inquest held recently in l'rov- 1 idence, 11. 1., it was learned that death had resulted from touching an incan descent lamp which Seemed to be out of order. Exports testified that in miiall towns wh4c the current was sent through n smnll wire the house- converter might become deranged, I w hen the wires would receive the en tire 2.000-volt current, instead of the VH ralta intended for t he house. This , , , ll Bain not to be possible in the larger HtiH where a current of low voltage is distributed by means of copper ,, , J " cables, and a converter is not neces- ,ur-v- .... ,, . I lty r orester Lewis, of Philadelphia. aJ's: "1 know of no scientific reason for it, but it is the Inevitable result that where ft pine tree is cut down nil usk springs up in its place. These oaks never attain any great size, remaining in dwarfed condition, and proving ouly an obstucle to the farmer in muk- ing a clearing. Another strange fact is the rapidity of the scrub's growth. The ordinary forest monarch rises slowly and with fiber firmly knit." The tipping habit was introduced, fays a Pittsburg exchange, first by those who desired to be ostentatious of their wealth and to secure the uiost at tention at hotels. It has been followed Decausc the public had not the stamina to resist thl There miy be s disposition to abolish it, but it is very luubtful if a custom so fixed in the controlling qualities of vanity and the tesire to be well served can be got rid f at this late day. It is stated that 39,872 persons per ished at the hands of homicides in the United States during the five years ending with 1900. The figures of pun ishment for the crime sre not made up, but are known to be sttvrtllngli small. Dlvoroe Notice. IN TBS OOCKT K COMMON PLEAS OF SSYDEK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Eta M. Kanla I October Term, l,Ko 11 versus I Al. Sub. No t, Feb. Term, Aaa U. Kanti. I ItaM. i iTorc. To ASA II. KANTZ, Kespondsnl lu Hie above procaadnga. Sir : You are haraby notiflad tlial your wife, Ka M Kanla. ha iualiluted proceed! aas a ainal you, atkins; a divuree from (he bomb, of malrimony. upon lbs grounds thai you have oBarad auch iBdiaulliaa and violence to bar per son aa to render her condition intolerable and lira SuNlenaorae, and tharaby compelled bar to withdraw front your home and family. Hy raaann of your default in not entering an appear aaes In not nitna; an anawer, Iba cae has bean tofarred to ma as Master. 1 base Iliad MAT L'KUAY, the POURTKKNTU day of SKIT KM SIR. lai. at nine o'eloak, A. M aa the 'time, and tba oflca of tlliarlea Hower, an , in tka borough of Sellnagrove, itnyder o , Pa., aa the place for taking treiiiiiony Id tua vauae, when and where you may attend. H. HAKK1S UOWKIt. Matter. Mlddlehurg. Pa., July .nth, lai. ASvloe t Imilriir. Ranter We're getting up An ami teur theatrical society, and we're looking for a good motto something appropriate, you know. Banter What's the matter with "Think twice before you act?" -l'hil-sdelphia Times. Where lu rind Meat. Doctor You nrc mentally exhaust ed. 1 advise you to send your fam ily to the country. Patient -lint I can't leave my tiusi- ness. Doctor Of course not you stny In the city and jret a rest. Judge, Twlas, "Any musical Instruments?" the ss aessor asked. "Two," the tired-looking citizen re plied. "What nrc thevV" "Both boys."--Chicsgo Record-Her sld. The tt'roHK I'rrma, Willis Paps, I told the doctor I wanted him to take back the baby, and he snid he would have to see you. Slimson- What was your reply? "I said that so far as I could see you didn't have much to say about it," Brooklyn Life. Time Too Limited. "What was the cause of the trouble in the woman's club'.'" The majority adopted a resolution limiting the time of each woman for speaking n any question to three hour." Leslie' Weekly Wenllli llriuits Freedom. Silas These blamed city table man ners are all bosh. If I only had a few thousand dollars I'd show you how to eut with my knife. Cyrus- Suppose you had o few mil lions? Bliss Qoihl Then I'd sharpen tho earvin' knife on my boot. Chicago Daily News. An Urr.( rimilrd Kxlllhlt. Agent Dear sir, can't 1 induce you to try our new carbon photograph system? It makes the homeliest peo ple look distinguished. Mr. Crusty No; get out! There are just 50,000,000 too many distin guished people in this country now. Chicago Record-Herald. Faith. "A woman ought to be able to trust tier husband implicitly." "Yes," answered Mr. Meektoo, "I was the proud recipient of a mark of confidence this morning. Henrietta, actually gavu me a piece of goods to take down to the store and match for her." Washington Star. Survlvad Anyhow. "Ninety years old to-day; well, Mr. Skiminn, toll me what habit you think ' ha most contributed to your long j life." "Oh, I ain't got no habits nary a one; on'y I've chawed tsrbscker ev' since I win ten years old."- Philadel-1 phiu Press. Ilnya of Reckoning;. Wife When we o anywhere now we have to walk. Before marriage you always culled u carriage. Husband That's why we have to walk now. N. Y. Weekly. Kxlraordlnary Devotion. "Why do you think she is so des perately in love with him?" "She wears a color Unit isn't br ooming to her because he likes it." Chicago Post. Ilnnninir No Hlak. Maud I'd hnte fo think thut you'd throw yourself at Fred. Mamie 'Why not? He's a good estch.- -Harlem T.ife. He innrkntile.. Ttriggs Thai doctor U rerUiitily a wonderful physician! This medicine of his cured nir firiggs Is that all he pave you? Ilriggs Yes. Told me to take ten drops after each meal, give up my business for two months uml live in the open uir. Now, look at met Puck. A Kentucky Snaplrlnn. "Do you agree with the people who assert that milk is not a wholesome article of diet?" "Well," answered Col. StilweH, "I wouldn't like to make positive asser tions. Hut I have heard it rumored that they put a great deol of water Into it." Washington Star. As Others Sea Da. Wederly What's the matter with your friend Softleigh? Singleton He's in love lost his heart, you know. Wederly lluh! Judging from the noise he makes one would think he had lost his collar button. Chicago Daily News. Sympathetic Chap. He I can't understand Phyllis re jecting me last night. She Never mind. You'll soon get over It. He O, I've got over it right enough, but I can't help feeling so doosid sorry for her. I shs'n't ask bar strain! Punch. T TUB mUHTITIIT HIS PstOPOHBD TO TDK ciriusa r no luaauiiii r.iTII KOK THalK AP- I'KOVAL OH KKIkCTIoN HY THE' (IKt EKAL AfWKMBLY OF I'll S COMtlOIf V EALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA rirt I.POIEO HY OHDBH OF THE 8CCRETAKY OF TUB COMMONWEALTH 1J4 FI RkL' ANl t OF ARTICLK Will OS- TUB -i. sTirUTION. A JOINT KKMHiri'TION Proposing an amendment to the Coaatitation of the Commonwealth. Section 1. Bo It resolved hy the Sanate and Home of Kepraesntalieas of the I amnion araa'th in Ueaerat AsMmblr mat. that tha fol lowing is eroaoaad aa aaaendmanta to Hie Cut etllulioa of tha Coiumonwealtli of Pann.yl- vaaia, in aceordanea with tha proeiaiaaa of Iks aigblaeulh erode Inersuf: Amendmanl One to Article Sight, faction One. Add al Ilia and of the first paragraph of aaid section, arter the worda ' aliall be entitled lu vote at all eleelioiia," tha worda, "eubteet how ever to BBSS) laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors aa the Ueneral AasemhSy may enact," so that Ilia raid section akall read aa follow. Section I. (jualincalton of Kleatora. Every malecillaen twenty-one year of age. p. ... lag Hie following qualinoaliona. aliall na ei- titleil to vole at all eleeliona, aubject however l such law requiring and regulating the reg istration of eleelor aa the (leneral .iinini.v nay enact: L lie ahall havi been a clllaen of the l iiilcl Stales at lcat one month. 1 He shall have resided in the Stale our voar (or if, having previously im a quallllr.1 elec tor or native lairn ciliten of the Mate, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, within i months immediately preceding the flec tion.' :i. Hi shall have resided In the election district wh. re he aim I offer hia vole al least two month immediately preceding tlie election. 4. If twenty tw., years of age and upwards, lie shall have paid williin two years a Btatanl county tax, which ahall have been SSaeaaed nl least two moolht ana paid at least one month before the election. Amendment Two to Article Bight, Bectlos Seven. Strike out from saiil section I be worda "but no elect jr shall lie delirtved of the irivllege of voting hy reason of Ins name not being re gistered." and add to said section the following Words, "but laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may he enacted I i apply to cllica only, provided that such laws mav lie ant form for cfttas of lha same class." w that the said section shall read as follows I Section 7. Uniformity of Election Laws. -All laws regulating the holding of elections bv the cities or for the registration ol electa ra shall he nnifotnt Ibrougboul tin- state, but Iswa reguta ling and requiring the registration of electors Btay be enacted to apply i. eiliesonly. provided that such laws bs illilforii. for cities of Ills same t l.lss. . true copy of lbs folnl Resolution. W, . UKIB8T, Secretary of the Ool onwealth. A MKNDMKNT To Till; rnNs'l TION l PHOKtSBD TUTHK CITIZENS OKTI1IM COMMONWEALTH FOH THEIR APPROVAL (lit REJECTION BY THE UBNKKAL As. KEMBLY OF TUB COMMONWEAL! H OF PENNSYLVANIA, IM I" Isiikii in OHDRR OF THE SECRETARY Or TdEt litl Ml iNW El I'll IN PfltsriANOKOF AilTICLE III OF THE OONbTII UTION. A .11 l NT UESOI.C TloN Proposing an Amendment to tie- Constitution of the Commonwealth Section l. licit enacted by lite Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the i ominon wealth of Pannsjrlvanla in UaneMl Assembly met Thai 'he Ibllowiltg is pTOBOSsd iisan smendmotil to the Corsitltution of the Comi iwealtb of rsnnsylvailla in ai-corda.u-e Willi the provisions of the Eighteenth Article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section fi iir of article, eight, and insert in place thereof, as follows: BcoOonL All elections by the cltiseDa shall he by ballot or by such other method as mav be prescribed by law Provided, Thai secrecy in voting lie preserved. A true cop) of tlie -Joint Resolution. W. W.iiHIEST, Secretary of the t "iiiinioi wealth. Clear Oat of Key. "Lucy, where's thut other tull beau you used to have?" "Laws', Miss Nancy, I don' went back on dat man; he didn't have no taste at nil dat man wo' silver shirt Ftuds when he had a gol' front toof." Chicago Record-Herald. A Priceless Hello. "I presume you carry a memento of gome kind in that locket of yours?" "Precisely! It is s lock of my hus band's hair." "But your husband is still alive!" "Yes; but his hair is all gone." Tit Hits. Heller Than Kvldeuce. Joggles His lawyer is getting him a new trial. Did he tlnd mire e. de nee? Waggles No. Tho prisoner's friends fonnd more money. Town Topics. Not BbIbb a Bird. Doctor Ah, you are much better to-day. You followed my prescrip tion exactly? Pntient- No, doctor, I couldn't; it blew out of ihe window. ltrool.lyn Life. Wimi ui: of the HoBeymooa, Young Wife (six weeks after mar riage Do you love me still, dear? Husband What a silly question, Why, of course I love you still and the stiller the better. -Chicago Daily News. An Expert. Hibbs T just passed Miss Klyte, your typewriter. Is she an ex pert? Oibbs She is now. She pot entirely too pert, and I discharged her. Judge. Free Tuition By a recent act of the Legis lature, free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloonaaharg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study lor teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will pay to writ for partk-ularm. Bo other school oflars auch auuerlor ad vaalagse al auch low rales. Add rem 1. W. WILSB, A. B., Ph.D., rriarlaaL MKNDMENT PktoraMKn RIDER no rii in a cant if a cent if toe bicycle l M JOT lUY ?ar, liberal oSVr has never the oaallty of oar wheels, reliabla neraoa la each tow cycle. Write today for free i urrava a bicycle. Write MEAD CYCLE af A.-miii BTVT V TTST I TITjJ lalilAtUil li fyVH Ta '. xTS Sa CM; rHB Os4asfci ten I I IsWWC WANT VAm I Law egchangt for SBBB llll SBS A,TT.BTWWrulI'VWTVVT7B k I1LUII Of tr PURE WHISKEY DIRECT FV0M DISTILLER TO CONSUMER. Four Full Quarts r Full Quarts. 3.20 I Eipreu 'A Prenald M $92.20 Prepaid. Sinn Dtaltrs' Profit!. rrtt tnti Aiulttntiont. OUR OFFER i HAYNEflS ayta-YiAS-ni" we will seed four kill quart hollies of Hayner'al 7-iear-Old Double topper Distilled Ke for SJ.20, etpreas prepaid, shipped RVE4 is piaia aackaae marks ta indkete !Wg5Tlu tSlfss a it .aj - . tenia. If not satislactor. waea received, relera St our eipense; we will relera oer SJ.20. Snch Whiikev can't brhd. tlicu hrrt for Im than J. I!FFKRFNrra Thtr l Nst'l Il.nk.naTtnn: State Nat I Hank, HI. I.uL; nr uf ILr Ll. C THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., 220-232 West Fifth St.. Davton. Ohio 40U-JII 8o. Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo Wa leerentee above flrra will Jo aa It agraaa. Kl DR. HAYNE'S, (The Great (leriuan8clenllat) improved Double Extract of Saras parills Hiid Celery Compound linl Clover, Bwf Mini 12 Vegetables, Boots ui"! Herbs, (no lilineralsi contains DOUBLE (he Curatives of an v one dollar Medicine iu tin. mgr. ki t and last TWIC as ling. The greatest Remedy ol tbe At 8, .killing all tlERMS, destroyed all MICRO BES and r sin I and certniu cure lor KDNEY aud LIVER ilisaries, RbeumntUm, Nervousuesa, Dyspe. !'Niii. Malaria. Constipation, Hick Headache niul all complaints aria itir? from impure 1' ood. Regular price $1-00 per bottle 16 rz., but iu order to get i! introduced in thin sec tion we will aell nt r0 cents per bot tle or t bottles for 1.50 until furth er notice. Do ;i"t wait, order now if you are ailing- Tlie iilxivo ini'ilii'iiii' is uc, 1 in I-'.Y-ERT HOSPITAL and by all ibe LEADING PHYSICIANS in tho world to day, n'..l tnlily endorsed l v all. Ailii i ess, rAOHAWK REAEDY CO. April 18-241. BOMB. V. WANTBIXCapalila, reliable person In sr. ery county Wi represent larsje eontpsny uf solid tliiHnc al reputiition. I 'iti s., nrv iht year, pay Able wi-ekiy; ti jier day abaolutsly ture sn,t ft'n spenstS! straight, bonavflda, ileilmte sAArVa u commission; salary isiiil each Saturday sad Apenae money adraneed each weak, sr-p A Vtl) Hot MK. u.t Daarborn St., Cblsaco. rtot..frIA REVIVO RESTORES VITAUH Made a Well Man of Me. produces tho above reenlta ln'30 days. Ilsrtt Karrnlly and uulcllr Cures when sU others (all. DH man art 11 meal Q their kal manhood, sad old Bun win recover todr youtani vujor or RKTIVO. It uulcklraodauralT aaas. Lost Tltalltv. IniDoteocr. Matbtly Lost rower, rail I ng atetoorr. Waatlmt Pllitsil.ssl lU sOactt of salt-abuss or a sc. aaa and Issttsssatssa, klch unlu ooe for atodr. bualons or marrlaca. M sot only cures by atartinc at the seat of disease, bat Is arrest nacre took) aod blood bauder. brtar lof back tha pink (low to pale cnoeks sad r stortna the flra of yoot h. Il wards off Install) sad CoasaaspUoo Insist on bsriai HJSTITOs aa other. It can ha carried In vest pocket. Dy mall 1.00 per packesescr alt lor SS-OO, with a arcuawtraa. Address Royal Medicine Co., '1 forttut in Mutaltburtjti, fa.tb MDLEBLRGll DRUG Co. sar- ksa w aaasssa. mm i3 AGENTS WANTED in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle of tvar manufacture. YOU CAM MAKE $19 19 9M WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for youraeji 1901 1$: . r$io 0$I6 '00 1 '99 Models , $7 o $12 StttV Maiid Wheeltto co taken la trade hy ear Chicago retail storea, 7J TO PO sayone tttlActil a sent dejwnt in atfruncs ami allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. You take absolutely ordering from us, as you do not need to pay the bicycle does not suit you. a whrcl until you baec written for oar rtcionv mas and rirt tutt orrn. been n,uuled aud it a guarantee ol im ench town to ditrihut citti,...,,,.- Oaa ... i.. today tor free caUUitfuc and our tDeoal uffcr. CO., Df.Ui J.Chicago. saaTaV eft. ' M M Mm W "V ' .gBfl s ,sVfsi ft PROCURtO 1 ON LIBERAL TCRMS N'C.Y EXAMINATICN f GUARANTEED dh mokm rgi'undeo inrsi soviet, ' mpi, rjm.ruL Df vinc WRI TE FC ! r. Jk. UN I'ATEiJT Ci 7T0 PitliniiRFl rng flU JSLLI ... H.A.H0LCATE Rm fi.ri JtC CI STEREO ATTORNEY TaU.T6Ua0.HH PHILADELPHIA. PA. RUPTURE Write ... the M MAW k REMEDY CO., Uoma, N. V., mimI tliey w ill tall votl how you can ftira vmir 1(1 IU uK or HKKMA and lha ONLY v AV Ihej tun nwi.bly be 'I IthU .i rbirK It ill LHMtt you hut our mil. Pon'l wii. you will never regret it. April WANTKD. npoble, relUble parton in every county rrpretwul Isrgfl coinpniiy -f Mlia tlnKnitil reptttal "ii i11,''. Nilnry er year, poy MM wtekl) i i 'l ty nbMilutot) turn n i il sptMsMr it milt I it. bona ftde definite Hilary. bocommiHion; nftlary paid each MaturIay ami eiponte nionvj ad vaticed each week . STAND ARD HOC Sc. UI Dearborn t . t I ayo. i-Mrt ESTATE) NOTIi'F- Notl. a Is lierebjr gWen that Power of attorney, in feci has liei itrantoil by 'he heirs In lbs aa. tats of Conrad I eiier. late of Pann townahlp, siivilrr County I'.i , ileoeaaeil, a 11 4rsons knowing Ihemaelvea to be Indebted to snll e Lit-- should make Imntedlate payment aiul those bating c ai in- i.;:i' i,-t it -lioui.l prcs.nt litem ilul sulbentii uti 'I for .ettletuent Al I.I.N S SKI 11 II I iT. Attornsy-in-faat, im ui. ne ha.,! ine i.lu DM1 M- THATOR'M NOTICE Let- I t.-r-st-ite ol Hi Snviler i I i Adiuinistration In the Na ali lata ol V) l' ri twii . I'l Ire il. Inivii.f l.eii r. intcil in the under. e I ;i "i i.er-..i.s Liin mi: ilipin- selvas Indi tesl to said estate are requested i.i make Intnic listu p tynient. w hils Iboss hat ins s'alntswill iresenttbemduly autbanUcatsd in the sndersigiied. J p, nai uLB Administrator. Aline. Pa., ' uu 1". IS . poor ooy 's Chnnccs I A very Interesting and helpful hook t bat every boy should b.ivr. Parents should see they have it. Finely printed, 289 pages, I8fi L , LUSTRATION'S. Artistic 01 ol b Binding- Mailed for 50c. Aiiilrt'ss. ! W. H. .)'M-:s CO. Silver Creek, M.Y. -JJ-:it. i p i Aunt GeehnvY perilil Oh, .lo- jM-k your teeth I It ii m p I it ri'.-Mtinwit, whis huwayl you musu't at tiu- table with o fork! It ain't swell I Unole Qeehaw (desperately) -What am I goin' to pick 'em with, then? I reaj you mustn't never u: your knife in your mouth in polite ISS sistv! Brooklyn Eagle. On-. Who Omi t 'eed It. "There's one peculiar feature aliout taVe truat business." "What V" "Those Interested in it don't need it." "Pon't need what?" "Trust. They can pay cash." Chi cago Post. Sterling; qualltlra. Orotrox 1 discharged my last but ler bwcau.u he pot drunk. New Butler Well, you'll newer 'ave to diachartfe me h'on that h'account. sir! HT could drink h'all day h'and then walk a crack! Puck. A Qwrattow of Prwof. la aptte of thorns let roses lira: kl :.'.: rsu'.ta. let rrlendshtps thrive anes If there were nothlas; lo rural est How could we know that lovs Is Uus? Wasklacton Star. . L JmmZXimmBaaHaaamm "-aSas