The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 05, 1901, Image 3

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Dr. Talmage, ia This Discourse, So
Represents Reli&nn.
lie laTltea All thr Wart ta Come and
Rrrrhr It (BrUt'a Eternal
Faaatalas Satiety thr
(Copyright. 1M1. by Louts Klopsch. N. Y.J
Washington, Aug;. 11.
In this discourse Dr. Ta'.uuige r pi -
i uU religion as a great refreshment,
nnd invitee all the world to come ami
receive it; text, Genesis, 20:8. "We
cannot until all the Hooks be gathered
together and till they roll the stone
from the well's mouth; then we water
the iheep."
A scene in Mesopotamia, beautifully
patoral. A well of water of great
value in that region. The fields around
about it white with three flocks of
sheep lying down waiting for the wa
tering. I hear their bleating coming
on the bright air and the laughter of
young men and maidens indulging in
rustic repartee. I look off, and I see
other flocks of sheep coming. Mean
while Jacob, a stranger, on the inter
esting errand of looking for a wife,
ruDN to the well. A beautiful shep
herdess comes to the tame well. I see
her approaching, followed by her fa
ther's sheep. It was a memorable
meeting. Jacob married that shep
herdess. The Hihle account of it Is:
"Jacob kissed Rachel and lifted up his
voice and wept." It has always been a
mystery to me what he found to cry
sbout! But before that scene oc
curred Jacob accosts the shepherds and
asks them why they postpone the
(Inking of the thirst of their sheep
and why they did not immediately pro
ceed to water them. The shepherds
reiply to the effect: "We are all good
neighbors, and as a matter of cour
tesy we wait until all the sheep of the
neighborhood come up. Besides that,
this stone on the well's mouth is some
what heavy, and several of us take hold
of it and push it aside, and then the
buckets and the troughs are filled and
the sheep are satisfied." "We cannot
until all the flocks are gathered to
gether and till they roll the stone from
the well's mouth; then we water the
Oh, this is a thirsty world! Hot for
the head, and blistering for the feet,
and parching for the tongue. The
world' great want is a cool, refresh
ing, satisfying draft. We wander
around and we find the cistern empty.
Long and tedious drought has dried
up the world's fountain, but cen
turlea ago a Shepherd, with crook in
the shape of a cross and feet cut to
tsa bleeding, explored the desert pas
sage of the world and one day came
icroas a well a thousand - feet deep,
bubbling and bright and opalescent,
and looked to the north, and the south,
an the east, and the west, and cried
out with a Toiee strong and musical,
that rang through the ages: "Ho,
everyone that thirsteth,come ye to the
Now a gTeat flock of sheep to-do y
father around this Gospel well. There
nre a great many thirsty souls. 1 won
der why the flocTcs of all nations do
not gather, why so many stay thirsty,
and while I am wondering about it my
text breaks forth in the explanation,
saying: "We cannot until all the flocks
ho gathered together and till they roll
the stone from the well's mouth; then
we water the sheep."
If a herd of swine come to a well,
they angrily jostle each other for the
precedence; if a drore of cattle come
to a well, they hook each other back
from the water, but when a flock of
sheep come, though a hundred of them
shall be disappointed, they only ex
press it by sad bleating, they come to
gether peaceably. We want a great
multitude to come around the Gospel
well. I know there are those who do
not Uke a crowd; they think a crowd
is vulgar. If they are oppressed for
room in church, it make them posi
tively impatient and belligerent. 'We
asve hod people permanently leave
church because so many other people
came to it. Not so did these oriental
rtepherd. They waited until all the
flock were gathered, and the more
flock that cam the better they liked
And so we ought to be anxious
liit all the people should come. Go
outiinto the highways and the hedges
and compel them to come in. Go to
he rtch and tell them they are indi
gent without the Gospel of Jesus. Go
to tbe poor and tell them the affluence
'here is in Christ. Go to the blind
Shd tell them of the touch that gives
ternal illumination. Go to the lame
od tell them of the joy that will make
tho lame man leap like a hart. Gather
U the sheep off all the mountains,
Jione so torn of the dogs, none so sick,
"one so worried, none so dvinc ns to
he omitted. Why not gother a great
flock? AH this city is a flock, all New
York is a flock, oil London is a flock,
Ml the world is a flock.
This well of the Gospel is deep
I enough to put out the burning thirst
i Me 1,600,000,000 of the race. Do
not let the church by a spirit of ex-
Ic.usiveness keep the world out. Let
itown all the bars, swine open all the
iFTtca, scatter all the invitations.
I 'Whosoever will, lethlmcome." Come.
puts and black. Come, red men of
'he forest. Come Laplander, out
r ' the snow. Come Patagonian, out of
fae south. Come irrVurs. Come pan t-
Pag under Balm leaves. Come one.
Come all. Come now. As at this well
f Mesopotamia Jacob and Rachel
betrothed, so this morning at this
U of salvation Christ, our Shepherd,
Ul mt you coming up withyourlong
flocks of care and anxieties, and He
"ill stretch out His hand In pledge
f Hit affection, while aU Heaven will
7 ont: "Behold, the bridegroom
kmtthl Go ye out to meet Mm!"
ion notio that this well of Meso-
' potamia had a stone on it, which
must be removed before the sheep
could be watered, and 1 find on the
well of salvation to-day impediments
and obstacles which must be re
moved in order that you may obtain
the refreshment and life of this gos
pel. In your case the impediment ia
pride of heart. You cannot bear to
come to so democratic a fountain;
you do not want to come with o
many others, it is as though you
were thirsty and you were invited to
slake your thirst at the town pump
instead of Bitting in a parlor sipping
: out of a chased chalice which has
; just been lifted from a silver aalver.
i Not so many publicans and sinners.
You want to get to Heaven, but you
must be in a special car, with your
feet on a Turkish ottoman and a
hand of music on board the train.
i You do not want to be in company
with rustic Jacob and Rachel and be
drinking out of the fountain where
10,000 sheep have been drinking be
fore you. You will have to remove
the obstacle of pride or never find
your way to the well. You will have
to come as we came, willing to tuke
the water of eternal life in any way
ami at any hand and in any kind of a
pitcher, crying out: "Oh, Lord Je
sus, I am dying nf thirst! (live me
the water of eternal life, whether In
trough or goblet! (live me the wa
ter of life! I care not in w,iat it
comes to me." Away with all your
hindrance of pride from the well's
Here Is another man who is kept
back from the water of life by the
! stone of An obdurate heart which
lies over the mouth of the well. You
have no more feeling upon this ub-
ject than if (iod had yet to do you
the first kindness or you hnd to do
(iod the first wrong. Seated on His
lap all these years, His everlasting
arms sheltering you, where is your
: gratitude? Where is your morning
and evening prayer? Where are your
consecrated lives? I say to you, ns
Daniel said to Belshassart "The God
in whose band thy breath is, and all
i thy way, thou hast not glorlfled."
If you treated anybody a badly as
you have treated God, you would have
made 300 apologies; yea, your whole
life would have been an apology.
; Three times a day you have been
seated at God's table. Spring, sum
mer, autumn and winter He ha ap
propriately appareled you. Your
health from Him, your companion
from Him, your children from Him,
your home from Him, all the bright
surrounding of your life from Him.
Oh, man, what dost thou with that
hard heart? Canst thou not feel one
throb of gratitude toward the God
that made you, and the Christ who
came to redeem you, and the Holy
Ghost who ha all these years been
importuning youT If you could alt
down five minutes under the tree
of a Saviour's martyrdom and feel
Hi llfeblood trickling on your fore
head and cheek and hand, methink
you would get some appreciation of
! what you owe to a crucified Jesus.
Heart of stone, relent, relent.
Touched by Jesus' cross, subdued:
See Hit body mangled, rent,
Covered with a core of blood.
Sinful soul, what hast thou done?
Cruel fled the Eternal Bon!
There are men who are perfectlj
discontented. Unhappy in the past,
unhappy to-day, to be unhappy for
ever, unless you come to this Gospel
well. This satisfies the soul with a
high, deep, aU absorbing and eternal
tatitfaction. It comet, and it offers
the most unfortunate man so much of
this world as is best for him, and
throws all Heaven into the bargain.
The wealth of Croesus and all the
I Rothschilds is only a poor, miserable
shilling compared with the eternal for
tunes that Christ offers you to-day.
In the far east there was a king who
used once a year to get on the scales,
while on the other side the scales were
placed gold and silver and gems in
deed, enough were placed there to
balance the king. Then, at the close
of the weighing, all those treasures
were thrown among the populace. But
Christ to-day steps on one side the
scales, and on the other side are all
the treasures of the universe, and He
says: "All are yours; all height, all
depth, all breadth, all eternity all are
yours." TVe do not appeciate the prom
ises of Hie Gospel.
Come also to this Gospel well, all
ye troubled. I do not suppose you
have escaped. Compare your view
of this Ufe at IS year of age with
what your view is of it at 0 or 60
or 70. What a great contrast of opin
ion! Were you right then or are you
right now? Two cups placed in your
hands, the one a sweet cup, the
other a sour oup. A cup of joy and
a cup of grief. Which has been the
nearest to being full, and out nf
which have you the more frequently
partaken? What a different place the,
cemetery is from what It used to be!
OnOB it was to you a grand city im
provement, and you went out on the
pleasure excursion, and you ran
laughingly up the mound, and you 1
criticised in a light wny the epitaph,
liut since the day when you heard the
bell toll at the pate when you went
in with the procession it is a s:ul
plnce, and there is a flood of rush
tag memories that suffuse the eye
and overmaster the heart. Oh, you
have hnd trouble, trouble, trouble!
God only knows how much you have
had. It is n wonder you have been
able to live through it.
If I could gather all the griefs of
all sorts from these crowded streets
and could put them in one scroll,
neither man nor angel could endure
the recitation. Well, what do you
want? Would you like to have your
property back again? "No," you say
as a Christian man: "I was becoming
arrogant, and I think that is why
the Lord took It away. I don't wnut
to have my property back." Well,
would you have your departed friend
back again? "No," you ay; MI
couldn't Uke the responsibility of
bringing them from a tearlen realm
lo a realm o, tears. I couldn't do it."
; Well, then, what do you want? A
, thousand voices in the audience cry
: out: "Comfort. Give us comfort;"
1 For that rer.son I have rolled away
the stone from the well's mouth.
Come, nil ye wounded of the flock,
pursmd of the wolves, come to the
fountain where the Lord's sick and
bereft ones have come. "Ah," says
some one, "you nre not old enough to
understand my sorrows. You have
not been in the world ns long as I
i have, and you can't talk to me about
1 my misfortunes in the time of old
I age." Well, I may not have lived a
j long as you, but I have been a great
i deal among old people, and I know
now tney leel about their failing
health and about their departed
friends and about the loneliness thnt
sometimes strikes through their
After two persons hnve lived to
gether for 40 or ."in years and one ia
taken nwuy, what desolation I I shall
j not forget the cry of Dr. De Witt, of
ew Yurk, when he stood by the open
grave of his beloved wife and after
the obsequies hail ended he looked
down into the open pine ti'"1 said:
"Farewell, my honored, faithful ""d
beloved wife. The bond that bound
us is severed. Thou art in glory, nnd
I am here on earth. We shall meet
atrnin. Farewell, farewell!"
You get a little worried for fear that
I some time you will come to wont, do
you'.' Your children and grandehil
, dren sometimes speak a little sharp to
i you because of your ailments. The
Lord will not speak sharp. Do you
; tJilnk you will come to want? What
! do you think the Lord is? Are His
granaries empty? Will He feed the
raven and the rabbit and the lion in
j the desert, and forget you? Why.nnt
lUralists tell us that the porpoise will
not forsuke its wounded and sick mate.
And do you suppose the Lord of llenven
nnd earth has not as much sympathy
as the fish of the sen? Hut you esy:
I "I am so near worn out. and I am of
no use to God anymore." I think the
.Lord knows whether you are of ay
I more use or not. If you were of no
j more use. He would have taken you
before this. Do you think God has for
j gotten you because He has taken care
j of you 70 or 80 years? He thinks more
' of you to-day than He ever did, be
cuse you think more of him. May
: the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jn
i cob aud Paul the aged be your God for
1 ever! But I gather all the promises to
day in a group, and I ask the shepherd
1 to drive their flocks of lambs and sheep
up to the sparkling supply. "Behold,
happy i the man whom God correct
ed." "Though He cause grief, yet w ill
He have compassion." "Many are the
affliction of the rlghteoui, but the
Lord delivereth him out of them all."
"Weeping may endure for a night, but
Joy cometh in the morning." I am
determined that no on shall go out of
thl house uncotnfortcd. Yonder is
a timid and shrinking soul who seem
to hide away from the consolations I
am uttering as a child with a tore
hand hide away from the physician
lest h touch the wound too roughly,
and the mother has to go and compel
the little patient to come out nnd see
the physician. So I oome to your
timid and shrinking soul to-day and
compel you to come out in the pres
ence of the Divine l'hysician. He will
not hurt you. He has been healing
wounds for many years, and He will
give you gentle and omnipotent medi
cament. But people, when they hnve trouble,
go anywhere rather than to (iod. De
Qulncey took opium to get rid of his
troubles. Charles Lamb took to
punch. Theodore nook took to some
thing stronger. Kdwln Forrest took
to theatrical dissipation. And men
have run all around tho earth, hoping
In the quick transit to get away from
their misfortunes. It has been n dead
failure. There Is only one well that
can slake the thirst of an afflicted
spirit, and that is the deep and inex
haustible well of the Gospel.
But eome one in the audience sayat
"Notwithstanding all you have said
this morning, I find no alleviation for
my trouble." Well, I am not through
yet. I hav left the most potent con
sideration for the last. I am going
to soothe you with the thought of
Heaven. HoWever talkative w may
be, there will come a time when the
stoutest and most emphntiu interroga
tion wih evoke from us no answer. As
soon as we have closed our lips for
the final silence no power on earth
can break that taciturnity. But where,
O Christian, will be your spirit? Ia
a scene of infinite gladness. The
spring morning of Heaven waving ltt
blossoms in the bright air. Victor
fresh from bottle showing their scars.
The rain of earthly sorrow struck
through with the mrnbow of eternal
joy. In one group (lou and angels and
the redeemed, Paul nnd Silas, Lntimer
and Ripley, Isniah and Jeremiah, Pay
son and John Milton, Gabriel nnd Mi
chael the archangel. Loup line of
choristers reaching across the hills.
Seas of joy dashing to the white bench.
Conqueror- marching from pate tu
pate. IOU among theni. Oh, what
a great flock God will gather around
the celestial well. No stone on tht
well's mouth while the Shepherd wa
ters the sheep. There Jacob will rec
ognize Rachel the shepherdess. And
stauding on one side of tho well of
eternal rapture your children, aud
standing on the other side uf eternal
rapture your Christian ancestry. You
will be bounded on all sides by a joy
so keen and grand that no other world
has ever been permitted to expe
rience it. Out of thut one deep well
of Heaven the Shepherd will dip re
union for the bereaved, wealth for the
poor, health for the sick, rest for the
weary. And then all the llock of the
Lord's sheep will lie down in the green
pastures, and world without end we
will praise the Lord that on this sum
mer Sabbeth morning we were per
mitted to study the story of Jacob and
Rachel at the wall.
French Ambassador Secured De
mands In Five Dys.
Sultan's Promise Regarding the Pur
chase of Quays and Settlement ot
Disputed Claims Broken. English
Critic Say "Only Paper Victory."
Constantinople Aug. 26 M. Con
i Stsns, the French ambassador, sent a
! note to the porte last Thursday to the
! effect that he would leave Constant!
, nople August 21 unless the French
claim were settled. Thereupon Tew
flk Pacha, the Turkish minister of
foreign affair, called at the French
embassy and Informed M. Constans
that the porte had abandoned the Idea
convinced that the purchase would be
of purchasing the quays, first, because
a bad speculation for Turkey, and
second, on account ot the flranclal dlf
Acuity Involved, a the Ottoman gov
ernmont had no hope that the Paris
market would take up a loan to cover
the purchase. M. Constans then gave
the Ottoman government until Mon
day (today) to Issue an trade granting
the quays complete full right and In
demlnty for the two years during
which the company had been deprived
of those right. That M. ConstanB
bluff was successful I hown by the
baste with which the sultan Issued the
Irade oa Saturday, two dayt before the
time limit expired.
London. Aug. 26 Although the
French papers hall Turkey yielding
as a great triumph for France, more
especially as It was largely believed
that the sultan's obduracy was due to
tbo supposed friendship between Oer
many and Turkey, It Is felt In London,
despite considerable satisfaction over
the affair, that there Is a grave doubt
as to whether France has achieved
mora than a paper victory.
The British theory Is that M. Con
Stans really wished to force Turkey to
purchase quays which are notoriously
unremunerative. The sultan ha avoid
ed this, thu securing the practical
results, while leaving to M. Constans
the empty congratulations.
ays He and Yerkes Ara Friendly No
Antipathy to American.
New York, Aug. 26 George West
Inghouse who, on his return from Eng
land Saturday, refused to discuss the
affair of the District Underground
Railway of London, of which Charlea
T. Yerkes 1 In control, ehnnged his
mind yesterday. He said that there
were no differences between Mr. Yerkes
and himself and that Mr. Yerkes had
awarded to the British Weatlnghouie
company the contract for 30.000 hone
power engine and generator for hi
Metropolitan District railway enter
pris and will require much more ap
paratus, the manufacture of which In
England will be advantageous to his
interests. He said that while there
was a natural desire to see Englishmen
conduct London railway enterprises
there waa no particular antipathy to
Americans doing 1L
WIH Be of Us In Cae of Another
Mantis, Aug 26 In the city of Ma
nila there are now less than 1,000 effec
tive soldiers, and It ha been decided
to increase thl number by four com
panies of Infantry. The official reason
for the increase ia that the guard duty
la too heavy for the present fore. A
a matter of fact, however, there Is a
feeling that, although there Is no ap
parent prospect of trouble, neverthe
less, In the event of an uprising In
the future such as It always possible
among the Malay. It would be hotter
to have a sufficient body of troops
available for such an emergency.
And Sheridan, Falnt-Hcartc Striker,
Must Serve Twenty Cays.
McKeesport, Pa., Aug. 27. Mayor
Black yesterday fined John Sheridan,
a workman In the Dewees Wood mill,
$25 and costs, and Sheridan wtll have
to serve thirty days In the workhouse
In default of ball. Sheridan bad been
spotted for some time by the strikers
because he said the strike would Dot
succeed, and that he wanted to return
to work. Saturday he told reporters
he was sure the strikers or the police
would trump up some charge to get
htm out of town. He was drinking
bard on Saturday night and was locked
up. Yesterday at the hearing no In
formant appeared against htm, but
Mayor Black fined blm because he
heard he bad called htm names. He
then refused a bond for the fine and
refused to let reporters Inspect the
docket or transcript of the case unless
they would guarantee the fine and the
costs. When asked Ms r ason lor
such treatment of a prisoner he said- 1
"I Just sent htm up fur his ioalth
Legislator Extend Hea'ty Syrrpathy
to btnking Steel Workers
Austin Tex, Aug ti Th house off I
representative yesterday tidopted by
vote of & to JS the following resold
Uor. introducer" by McFall, of Travl
county after a debate of considerable
"lie It resolved, by the house of rep.
resentatlres of the legislature of the
stato of Texas that trust and monopo
lies are contrary to the spirit and re- ,
nlus of a free people, destructive of In
dividual liberty snd tubscrslve of the
principles of a Republican form of gov-
eminent; that w recognize !n the '
United States Steel corporation sti or
ganization which embodies all the j
evils of the trust, monopoly and 'com
munity of Interest' Ideas, and one
which by reason of the manner and
amount of Its capitalization and plan
of operation, may be said to be the
very hesd and front of the offending
system. That we the In hearty sym
pathy with the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Steel Workers In tho contest
which they are now waging with the
States Steel corporation for ;i
equitable recognition of their
Tennessee Mob Inflicts Summary
Punishment On Negro Ravisher.
6sid He Killed Mrs. William Because
H Had Nothing Else To Do Stats
Official Pleaded With th Mob, But
It Was In Vain
Chattanooga. Tenn., Aug. 26. Henry
Notes, a negro, waa yesterday burned
by a mob of 6,000 citizens for crlm-
tnally assaulting and shooting to death
Mr. Charle William, wife ot a prom
inent farmer, near Winchester, Tenn.,
last Friday. Admitting his crime and
asking bis friends to meet him in
(lory, he met hi fat without even a
He was captured early yeiterday
morning at Water Tank, near Cowan.
Tenn., and was taken to Winchester
by hi captors snd placed la the county
Jail. Sheriff Stewart made haste to
barricade the Jail and protect the
prisoner. Soon an angry mob of sev
eral hundred men gathered, but As
sistant Attorney General Matt N.
Whtttaker appeared and made a
speech to the crowd, urging them to
asslat him In allaying eicltement and
upholding the majesty of th law. He
promised to reconvene the grand Jury
today to tndtct the negro promptly and
have him speedily tried at the present
term of court, assuring the crowd that
hi conviction and legal execution
wore a foregone conclusion. This ap
peal was supplemented by Judge J
J. Lynch. Captain W. P. Tolley an
other. No sooner had their appeals
been made than several hundred cltl
sen from the neighborhood where
the crime was committed came up and
augmented the crowd to thousands.
They swept forward npon the Jail,
overpowered the sheriff and his depu
ties, took the prisoner and started at
10.15 a. m. for the scene of th crime,
12 miles distant
Tho mob was determined, and It
seemed that almost the entire popula
tion for miles around had turned out
to see the fate of the wretch. Tho
procession followed th mob to the
Williams horn?. Arriving at a point
In sight of the scene of the crime, the
negro was placed upon a stump and
given a chance to make a statement.
He mounted the stump atolldly and
laughed a he began hi statement He
"Teli all my sisters snd brothers tc
meet me In glory. I am going to make
that my home. Tell my mother to
meet me where parting
Ill be no
"Why did you kill Mrs. Williams?"
was asked.
"I Just done that because 1 had noth
ing elso to do."
He was taken from th stump, bound
to a tree by chain and hi body sat
urated with oil. At 1.40 p. m. a match
waa applied, and Instantly the quiver
ing body wae enveloped in flames.
P-jnce rails were piled about the burn
log body, and soon life was extinct.
History of the Crime.
Lying on tho floor of the family
room, her face splashed with clotted
blood, Charles William found his
wife on Friday afternoon when he re
turned to his home. A bullet bad
gone through her head, life was ex
tinct and her two baby children wen
crying In grief nnd fear. Tho oldest
boy, aged 5 years, told what had oc
curred. The young mother hnd been
shot and killed by Henry Noles, a
negro hand upon the Williams place.
As the mortally wounded woman sank
to tho floor, Noles shot at the boy,
tho bullet grazing the child's head.
rhen ho fled to the woods.
Tennessee Corn Crop Under Water.
Hamburg, Tenn., Aug. 27. The Ten
nessee river is higher than ever known
at this season of the year. There Is
at leaBt To per cent, of this county's
corn crop under water. What corn Is
not covered is that which stood on
high ground, and it being dry land, was
burned up during the hot weather.
Land Subsidence Entombed Ten.
London, Aug. 27. By a land subs!
dene at the Donihrlstle colliery. In !
Perthsblre, ten men were entombed,
A rescue party of four descended, but :
these also have failed to return, and It j
la feared that all have perished.
News of Interest From All Parti
of the State.
Work Suspended Because Non uniaa
Girl Have Quit Work Wyoming
Democrega Name a Ticket Heavy
Rain Clove Down Colllcrlc.
Plttston. Pa . Aug 24 An attempt
was n.ade to reattBM work at the Star
ling Silk Mill yesterday, when aoroa
trouble ensued Th mill, which la
operated by a Paterson firm, has boa
Idle for a year. Yesterday applk at loss
for work wwre received from II opera
tive. Yesterday morning while th
girls were in ihcir way to work they
were stopped by the pickets, who In
duced five of the girls to return to
their homes Tiie other six girls went
into the mill It is claimed that some
boy threw a stone at one of the nun
union girls, but no one was hurt Lata
In the afternoon the union workers
Induced the hIi girls at work to quit,
and they left the mill. Operations
then had to be suspended. Tho own
ers of the mill now say they will re
move the machinery to Peterson.
Heavy Rains Close Down Collieries.
Bhamokln, Pa.. Aug. 27. Owing te
heavy rains the Henry Clay, North
Franklin. Hear Valley and Big Moun
tain collieries, operated by the Phila
delphia and Rending ('out aud Iron
company, were forced to shut duwa
yesterday. 2,000 men and boys lielng
temporarily thrown out of employ
Sons of America Meet at Harrisburo.
llarrlsburg, Aug 27 The Patriotic
Order Son of America state conven
tion convened for a three-days' ses
sion at 10 o'clock this morning, with
600 delegates present. The parade will
take place on Thursday, and promise
to be the largest procession held In
this city for yeurs.
Plymouth Has a Suicide Epidemic
Wllkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 16 -Ree
D. Reese, a well-known resldout of
Plymouth, a town near here, our. mil
ted suicide yesterday afternoon by
Jumping from a row boat Into the Sus
quehanna river. Last Monday another
resident of the town, John Moras, a bo
telkeeper, ended hit) lift; iu the taj&a
General Stewart' Narrow Escape.
Harrlsburg. Pa., Aug. 26. Adjutant
General Stewart met with a sorloun ac
cident lsst evening while driving with
a party of friends on the Port Hunter
road. Tbe name on one of th
horse broke, and in attempting te
Jumn from the carriage the adjutant
j general fell and broke hi leg below
the knee.
Bodies of Four Flood Victim Found.
Allentown, Pa. Aug. 26. The flood,
caused by the deluge of rain Saturday
afternoon and the subsequent breaking
of th dam In Hacklebarney creek sub
sided today. The damage will amount
to $76,000. The bodies of four of the
flood victims were recovered from the
Engineers Discus Affiliation.
Bcranton, Pa.. Aug. 2C Stationary
engineers froui the anthrucite mining
regions to the number of 100 met ber
yesterday to discuss tbe proposition
to affiliate with the United Mine
Workers. The sentiment seemed Lo
be decidedly against affiliation.
Painful lanoranrr.
"That's u beautiful child," -nid th
elderly bachelor, looking with great
apparent interest nt the baby. "It
seems to be Idling' it finger nails.
Aren't you afraid to let it do that?
I was reading only the other day
aixiut the injurlouanee of that habrt
in children. It destroys the nailo nodi
is bud for their little stomachs."
"I hardly think she'll bite her n.iils
to hurt," ttiffly replied the mother.
i Sheu only three month old. (.'hi-
cago Tribune.
DomrNtle Anirnltla.
Husband (after u quarrel with his
wife) Well, let us drop it. 1 don't
, care to have any words about it; and,
i besides, I l:ls to talk to u sensible
person wfien I am talking.
Wife (with a sarcastic laugh)
Ton don't always do it, then.
Husband I don't ?
Wife No. I sometime hear von
talking to yourself (and then
music struck up again). TitBiti
That I tided It.
They met in a department store,
"Why, bow do you do?"
"I'm well: aii'l you?"
"First rate! Why, I haven't sy;a
you for n lung t Ime!"
"No; it must be five or six ye irs
All of that! lo you know I never
would have known you if it hadn't
been for that hat." Vonkqri States
man. Hunk Heresy,
Mrs. Cobwiggt r Why did you ex
pel her from the Woman's club?
Mrs. Dorcai She made a motion
that instead of engaging a professor
of Hindu philosophy we should hire
some one to teach us how to step off.
n car, how to sharpen a pencil anil
, how to curry an umbrella in a crowd.
Town Topics.
It Wnn Vary HlRh.
They were speaking of tbe wedding1,
j "It was a high church affair, I un
derstand," suggested one.
i Here the heud of the house and f-
ther of the bride became suddenly in-
"High!" he exclaimed. "High! Well,
if you had to pay the bills I guest you
would think so." Chicago Post.