The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 05, 1901, Image 1

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Hole Weabs
We have a job lot of not
heads on hand. Thff mutt go
quick, i The price will do It.
Samples and prices for the ask
ing. We furnish them printed
for less than you can buy them
without printing.
We bought a large con
signment of envelopes
Having bought so many
wc ciurea a rocs Douom
J figure. Send (or samples
Cm W. WaaraMll". Miter U Prearitter.
A Family Journal, DtvoUd te lit, Sciesce. Art, Political Inuay and Current Llteratare.
Hater One Dollar Per Annum, la Aaraace
- I
National Broom and Supply Co.
wants agents. See ad. in this iasue.
Several good single Iwrel breech
Loading guns, 12 guage, worth $.50
will be sold at only K5.50 at B. If.
Custer's Store Swineford, $-2-at
My store will be closed Saturday,
Sept. 14th and Monday Sept. Stnl.
being Hebrew holidays. M. Milliner
-5-2t Kantz, Pa.
Fob Sale. The house and lot of
Mrs. Nettle Smith next to Stetler's
l'hu ling Mill, is offered for sale. Ap
ply to Gilbert A Son, Attorneys. tf.
The railroad Company is Ailing up
the track and taking the dips out of
the road East of Kreamer. This looks
as though they did not intend to build
a new road by way of Kantz.
The attention of school directors and
the readers of the Posr in general is
directed to the Editorial in this issue
. t I . t !!..! m LI-
wii L i it? ivuiiouiiuniit ill i. luwim i
Luiniio. lie i mi iiritiuiuo hicuiicu
The I lea vert own shirt factory is do-
l' n " us sm. i :is r r un v r
I 1 1 T a rt l
Wgle loaded a full car of nhirte and
r WI't'hN Ul iri's. fM III II I'
Union County, (Pa.) Farms torn
larKf'i. wi'iKMHH iiiHi I'liurciiCM. i 1
1 l J 1 1 t t
Ml i J I . t
a 1 r J tl
i it Mill hp. i . i-i it a t 1 1 . h.miih
Call on A. E. Boles in his new shav-
tnn i' PHimi wirn a. rprr. un ntr cinnn -
j ...,.1 - .1... I t l A
site Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
The Post this week published Bomt
1 III a T..li1I A a. .. i
mi 1 r n nit i u ' i rt m r no -v uur sir
hnvnnh. Tt. will h w-ll for Pnw'r
n- Miuru ttiniimv iiiuili aiiu UMf
by them. The Post lias oine OOF
la 1 I . .ri r-i til.
it ii nil 'ins Willi w c : .1 on Tl
ndatcd in town.' Sunday U a noun
d you can not make a verb out of it
aaaing "ea." way : "Jona 0DUID
that effect.
DC itenuoucnn judicial onierence
thin week and nominated Hon. H.
McClure for President Judge. M.
HasHinger of Franklin township,
M, Haker of Adamsburg and B. P.
ktMMk .,( I.'.... . ... ......
a ti 1 a. ti nr
icr nri nr i ,n iri inn inim a
i a fa ar . a-fel ft a
..i uri. n t xi
in v niiu ituir u'i re inn i
TT. I ai 4
rhe full story of the internal war
wh u-.nit fill witliin tin. V..- 'nt L
11 tt !i. i i n. 1
i-i' l .iiin ill lukifi ii ;i if I 1 1 ..ri ii 1 1 ir.
osevelt was a member of thatcom
ssion has never been told so fully as
the chapter of Mr. Jacob A. Win's
ne jYinKimr o an American.
Ueh is published In Thk Oitia)ok
September 7. Mr. Kiis knew the
1 i h nrv in ri s iiiuiii'r uiui
dillleulties and enmities which
veil iMii'iiiriTir .1 in lilu nttcinitl
KMW - - Q
m wrtinn Ii n t mt-nr l-uafir uwin
lltlMi nrn ta-alH tn n i lin rantariuf lin 1 1 r
r rt - - r -
K ir U'nv I ii rnor 'Iijl- I 1 1 t
w i iirir i
This is a New One
operating in the tate who is mak-
money lu a new way. It is said
goes from house to house and ex-
w set is ordered. He calls again in a
rt time and gets half of the price of
piate ana men disappears leaving,
victim minus teeth and cash.
c in werpiug una waning, nui
IT II T.nn fflHI iniutanfua n . ... n i, I
of teeth. There is however terrible
Ullf UI If II HI H.
cClure Advanced.. J. V Hnook-
f, W. J. Herbeter: Fair View.
O. Wagner; BannervLUe, T. A.
er; Mountain IHle, Chas. .
er: Vardant Iavn. T,. c. Wu.
ciuney, Baker; Middlea-
Rales Paattd Par Guidance af New York
Telegraph Reporters.
Don't begin a sentence with the date
or hour.
Don't overwork "finally," "how
ever," " then " and similar words.
Don't miy " none were." "None" is
a contraction of "no oue," and there
fort; of singular number.
Don't separate the infinitive by say
ing, "He tried to quickly go." Hay
" He tried quickly," whichever you
may mean.
Don't mix tenses, such as " He said
the play will le produced tomorrow."
Write "He said the play would lie pro
duced tomorrow " or " Hesaysthe play
will lie produced tomorrow.
Don't mention well known places in
accurately. Tnere is do such place as
" Navarre hotel." It is the Hotel Na
varre. Don't write involved sentence
Many commas are awkward.
Don't benln a story with " the," "a,"
nor "it " ifavoldoble.
Dou't use suicide as a personal noun.
Don't write illegibly, especially
proper names. If you don't use a
typewriter, you should print names
Don't use such vulgarisms as " made
or," "took hold of," "got tc " or
"have got." Substitute "went" or
"departed;" "seized" or "grasped;"
"reached" or "arrived at" and
" have."
Don't say "wandering" when you
mean " strolling," or " sauntering " or
" walking." To wander is to walk
Don't say ' laying plans"" making
plans " is better.
Don't say "jumping out of the car'
unless you are sure lie jumped. The
probability is he simply stepped off.
Why not say " He left the cart"
Don't on any account sny "He
claims to le." Write " He professes to
be "or "He says he is." A man can
" claim " only something specific, such
as property, precedence or residence.
Don't forget that "opy readers are
held accountable for the t'me they 1osl
correcting bad copy.
Don't write "secure "when you
mean "procure," " get " or " obtain."
To "secure" is to make fast.
Don't say "surprised" when you
mean "astonished "or "amazed."
You surprise a man in an act or condi
tion; you "astonish" him with some
assertiou, revelation or deed.
Don't use a semicolon where a colon
is required. The colon is the sign of
sequence, the semicolon that of con
trast. Don't write, "John Smith was pre
sented with a watch." " A watch was
presented to John Smith ,' is correct.
Don't siy, " Mr. Piatt was given a
dinner." Mr. l'latt was not given.
Avoid all slang and colloquialisms.
Write from a lofty viewpoint as a
man of the world in a vigorous, bright,
masculine style.
Avoid all editorial expressions in the
news colums. The editorial page is
reserved for opinions. Do not attack
any person or proposition or write in
praise of either. Let the facts speak
for themselves.
Heware of the press agent.
Don't allude to a person by his Chris
tian name only. Use his surname as
Don't call a man " Jack " if his nnmc
be "John" or "Pat" if his name be
" Patrick."
At Heart Lake, Susquehanna county,
there were enrolled one hundred and
fifty-four Sunday School workers for a
week's study of methods of organization
and teaching. The place is cool, beau
tiful, and easy of access. It is 2,000.
feet above sea level, so that during the
hottest week it was comfortable to hold
sessions morning, afternoon and night
with eager students. Hugh Cork, of
Pittsburg, gave lectures on "The Busi
ness End of the Sunday School ;" Rev.
C. A. Oliver, on " Analysis and Study
of Bible Books," and Rev. Dr. Chas.
Roads, on " Child Study and Human
Nature." The students unanimously
asked for a school at Heart Lake for
1902. Tuition is free, the instructors
being employed by the State Associa
tion. Republican Committee Meeting.
The Republican Standing Commit lee
will meet in Middleburg Saturday,
Sept. 14, 1901 at cne o'clock P. M. to
make arrangements for the fall cam
paign. Peteb Young,
Miss Mazle Beaver is visiting at Sun-
bury. .
Charles L. M arks spent last week at
Lew 1st own.
W. S. Shollv of Jackson two. was in
town Monday.
John P. Kenrns of Heavertown was
in our city Friday.
Ira ('. and H. H. Hchoch of Sellns.
grove drove to town lust Friday.
Mrs. Carrie Lutz of Sbippensburg Is
visiting her parents in this place.
Miss Olive Wetzel of Sunbury visited
her parents in Franklin last week.
Miss F.ssie Krhart of Lewlstown vis
ited friends in Franklin last week.
Jacob S. Hoop of Miftllnburg was a
county seat visitor lust Friday.
John N. Leeser, wife and child spent
Sunday witli relations atSunbury.
Jan es Avers and wife are visiting
H. H. Leltzel and wife at Mifftlnburg
Mrs. John Katun oi (' hicagospent a
day last week with .Mrs. Calvju Stea
Mrs. .smith and Mrs. Baettges of
Willianisport are isiting Mrs. John
Miss Hertha Osiuun of Shanmkln
paid a visit to Mrs. S. I). Simonton in
Luther Neil' of Cordon, who spent
the summer in this place, has left for
his home.
Misses Mabel Row and Viola Beaver
of Ulobe Mills were MiddlebttK visit
ors last Friday.
A. J. Crosgrove and Charlie Byfllug-
ton left Monday for Alleusvltle to work
at a painting job.
Druggist E. (. Murray left Saturday
morning for Phiiadelph'a after a brief
vacation in this place.
Dr. Savidgc, wife and family of Sun
bury spent several days at the Wash
ington House last week.
Mrs. Murray Smith and child of
Lewlstown spent a few days with her
sister, Mrs. M. . Potter last week.
Win. Waltar of Cleveland and Theo
dore Walter of Akron, two Middleburg
boys, are visiting relatives in this place.
A. C. Field of Johnstown was a cal
ler at this office last Friday. Mr. Field
made a proposition at oue time to loOM
a shoe factory in this place.
Elmer K. Wetzel of Beavertown and
It. K. Smith of Troxelville, two candi
dates for County Superintendent,
were at the county seat last week.
Rev, S. K. liatemaii of Philadelphia
passeil through town on his way to
and from Centerviile where he spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. H.
Herbs ter.
Dr. A. M. Smith and wife and W. E.
Btahlneoker and wife of Adamsburg
were at the county scat Sunday even
ing, it is said that Dr. Smith will be a
candidate for Congress.
Samuel Witnier one of the oldest
citizens of Union township, died .Sun
day morning, aged 70 years. Funeral
took place Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock at the United Evan, church.
Rev. W. K. Diehl of Nitany, Pa.
Sunday was elected pastor of the
Hasalnger and Middleburg Lutheran
churches. Rev. Dr. Yut.y preached
the sermon in the morning at Hassiu-
ger's and at this place in the evening.
Mrs. David Reed of Adnm&ville, Cass
Co., Michigan and Mrs. Jacob H.
Martin of Goshen, Indiana arrived hi
Snyder county last Wednesday for a
visit to friends and relative in Snjder
county. Mrs. Reed was formerly,
Mrs. M. U. App of Monroe twp.
Mr. Oscar Lang Jr. of Philadelphia
will coach the Susquehanna University
foot ball team this season. Lang r
cieved his foot ball training at Univ. of
Pa. and was a champion player on the
famous Latrobe team. Almost all of
the old players will return and many
new ones will enter. An unusually
strong team will uphold the orange and
maroon on the gridiron this Fall.
Commodore Geo. W. Foote, Editor
and publisher of the Mlftilnburg Times,
was at Middleburg Monday to lay in a
supply of peaches. The Commodore
says he was not in this town since
1886. Mr. Foote runs a newsy paper
aud is a genial fellow. He advocates
industries and enterprises and does not
want to be listed with those who
gloried in the reverses of the Middle
burg Shoe factory.
We are please to see John F. Stetler
on the street agaii
Joseph L. Marks made a business
trip to Adamanurg to-day.
Ralph Clelan went to Letvlstown
Tuesday to assist his father.
Howard A. Walter of Mlllmont was
a Middleburg visitor Tuesday morning.
Miss llcrtie Ripka is spending a few
days at home with her parents in
French Flats.
Isaiah Walter of Centre township
made ahusiuess call at this office Tues
day morning.
Mrs. Sylvester Bowen and son of
Vlntondale sent several days with J.
G. Reuninger In Franklin.
Dr. (i. C. Mohn of Laurelton was in
the village Tuesday to attend the ju
dicial conference as a spectator.
Miss Gertrude Dunkleberger and
Lillian Ami r and Howard W. Marks
are visiting Dr. J. C. Amig and wife at
A. L. Bpangler of this place has been
appointed storekeeper and guager for
the distillery at Salemville, and left lor
that place Monday.
Dr. J. W. Deckard of Richfield was
at the county seat last Friday attend
ing to business and also visited his
sister-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Ripka.
Miss Lillle Dunkleburger who had
been with her sister, at New Ring gold
and Edwin Ballade of New Ringgold
are visiting at the Dunkleburger home
in Franklin.
J. L. Hiiuinstool of New York and
J. J. Williams of Indianapolis were in
Middleburg Tuesday on business for
the Murual Reserve Fund Life Associ
ation of New York.
Rev. I. H. Albright, Ph. D. of
Shamokln will give a Stereoptiean
lecture on the " Life of Christ " in the
U. B. church Wednesday evening,
SepteniWr 11th. Admission 10 cents.
Proceeds for the benefit of the church.
Democratic Convention.
The Democratic Convention ofSny
der County met in the court bouse
Monday and organized by electing T.
A. Btetlev, president and Charles Gobs,
secretary. Jacob (lilhert, Esq., of this
place, was nominated for President
Judge and P. M. Teats of Hummcl's
Whaf for county sin veyor.
The convention elected conferees and
Instructed them to vote In the confer
ence only for a Democrat The con
ferees areC. P. Ulrlch; William Kuhu
aud T. A. Stetler.
Hush Mettlpg Sept. i:, to 15
There will be a bush meeting held in
Paige's grove near Holler, to begin
Thursday evening Sept. 1J, and close
Sunday evening Sept. 15, services each
evening commencing at 7.80 Rev.
Chas. Raucr of Sunbury will preach
the opening sermon. Rev. M. H.
Jones of Lykens circuit, Rev. H. M.
Klinger of Milton, Rev. 11. M.Tmut
nion of Preeburg circuit and Rev. W.
H. Doyer of Middleburg will preach
during the meetings. All arc Invited
to come and help make this a season
of rejoicing. J. K. Francis Pastor.
Knlnrfil Rat-N in Krllpronlo t in Puu
Nylvimla llnllruHtl.
On account of the Centre County
Fair, to be held at Bellefonte Septem
ber 10 to 18, inclusive, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will se'l
special excursion ticket to Bellefonte
and return at reduced rates, from
Renovo, Willianisport, Wilkesharre,
Tomhloken, Mt. Carmel, Banbury,
Lykens, Lancaster, Columbia, York,
Harrisburg, Johnstown, and ali Inter
mediate Stations On the Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad Division, the North
ern Central Railway, and the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Division, including the
Tyrone and Altoona Divisions (minim
um rate, iir cents). For rates and fur
ther information apply to Ticket
Attention, Snnday School Workers.
The Executive Committee of the
County S. S. Association have decided
to have a house to house canvas, to as
certain our Sunday School population
in the county, In-llevlng that there are
more than we are able to get an ac
count of. The Committee hopes that
every person interested in the Sunday
School cause will lend a helping hand
and do their utmost to advance the
cause so near to our hearts. It is pro
oosed to have the canvas in October
and it Is hoped that every district will
be thoroughly canvassed. Further no
tice will be given. Com m ittkk.
Jury List.
List or Grand Jurorn drawn for the court of
Oyer and Terminer and Grnrrul Jail delivery
ami court of Quarter Bartons d the Pesos of
Snder county held at Oct. Term, OfsaSMnolbf
Monday, Oct. 7, 1WJ1.
Name- occupation. Itrsldcnep. II. K., tanner. I'arry
Artiuid, (leorifn v., carpenter, I'nlon
Biikar, John lt.,lu(orer. Reaver Wat
llHlley. OsorgS W.. fttrinor, Ceutre
Hottlier, Janief, laborer, Franklin
llllllnifer, Irvlu, farmer, Mlddlecrrek
leol)ler, John, laborer, Franklin
Felker, laaaO. laborer, Bptlng
Uoy. 1.. S.. miller, Washington
UfUDO, JouO C, farmer, Centre
Unas, I) V., fanner, ivrry Waal
Herman, Win. H., merchant, Adams
llerrold, David, carpenter, Chapman
lletiin k, Henry, farmer, t'luiunaii
Hummel. U P., lum erman, MlddleburK
Kaulliuan, Bennett, farmer, Pern Want
Uwver, John, larmar, Washington
PatMn. J, II., farmer, Franklin
ROW, .lames, clerk, BaUnagTore
Mear. Devla, fanner, Monroe
siepp, Henry, laborer, Union
straub, Bamual, plasterer, Washington
Ulrlch, Amnion, fanner MUMUtcretk
Wendt, J. B., laborer. Chapman
I.lrt of Pftll .luri)rs drawn for the Court of
Com mon Pleas, com i ol Quarter sessions ol i be
Peace. Court of (ner and lermlner and lit nil
tall Delivery ot Bnyder County, ln held as
oct. Term, oommenolng Oat, 7, iwi,
Name. OOOUpstlOB.
Arbogast, Jonathan, gentleman,
Auraud, Jamen, enticinrn,
Arbogaat, Uriah, u r,
Bailey, H. j.,
linker, Pbarea, tanner,
Beaver, Charles, farmer,
Itumer, Perry, farmer,
Benter, iteorge, aentieimin,
linger. BaniUel, fanner,
Blngaman, Fimuel, farmer,
Bowenoi, Frank, farmer,
Boyer, inrin. latmrur,
Drseae, Reuben, gantleman,
Krdley, William, teacher,
Usher. Qeorge p., laborer,
Fi I, j. Ui tanner,
Urosa, Joseph, gent leman,
uundrum, kd,. watchmaker,
Hackanburg, rred, farmer,
Hointulman, J. it., fanm r,
Hehn, John s., farmer,
1 1 i i ' i -1 1 . Samuel, tanner,
Hummel, Alexander, farmer,
Hummel, Wm farmer
Uiinler. Albert, fanner,
Kline. Oaorge, farmer,
lieachi John It., laborer,
Usurer, I. F. , welldrlllr,
Mengle, 11. H., farmer,
Mutzger. lieorge, laborer,
Moyer. John, butcher,
Moyer, Michael, laborer,
Muvter, Aaron H., farmer,
KcnnliiKor, JohIuIi, carpenter,
Klce, o. (1., lutrarer,
lloinlg, Milton, luborer,
Scbnner, C T., lalwrer,
hlpe, Johu I)., laborer.
Smith, Isaac, farmer,
Stetler, Boyd, laborer,
NUffle, John II., farmer.
Tobias, John, InlHirut,
t'lsh, OalTln. merchant,
UUhi I suae, farmer,
Wagner, t. A., teacher,
WOO ting, Frank, farmer.
Reaver West
Bearer Wf t
Reaver DHI
Beaver Weal
i -1 1 1 , . n
Pel n
Terry Wet'
Chupnir i
Reaver West
Bearer west
lleaer Weil
Better Western t ninn Ssrvice Needed.
It is hi'li time tltiit the Western
Union Telegraph Company gives the
people of Middleburg s ime decent ser
vice. The operators here are ready and
willing to extend every courtesy, but
the railroad wires must he used to
Lewlstown r to Selinsgroveaud when
there is railroad business on the wires,
anil tnul is iieariv all tlie time, no
Western Union business can ;ct on
the wires.
The nii;lii operator Informs the
writer that nearly every iiitflit he is
compelled to refuse to take telegrams
for the reason thai he can not get the
Use of the wiles One eVCIlillg quite
recently six telegrams had to be re
fused because the railroad w ires could
not be Used.
This town can have decent service
if the Western Union wires are extend
ed from Bellnsgrove to Middleburg,
which would involve hut a slight ex
pense in comparison to the revenue it
would afford.
In the name of the people of the
community the Post calls upon the
Western Union management to attend
to this matter at once.
ArrniiiitSuTerpla-a l.ruinl l.oilKe.
I. O. U. r.
For the meeting of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, at Indianapolis, Septem
ber K to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round-trip tickets to
Indianapolis from nil points on its line
at rate of a single fare for the round
trip. Tickets will be fold September
1 ii to 18, inclusive, and will be irood to
return, leaving ndlanapol snot earlier
than September l.r nor later than Seie
tember 22. By depositing ticket with
Joint Agent September 15 to SI and
upon payment of fifty cents an exten
sion of the return limit may lie secured
to leave Indianapolis to October 7, in
clusive. Enteri the Newspaper Field
Secretary of Agriculture John Hamil
ton has purchased a one third interest
in the State College Times, the only
Quay and administration paper in
Centre county and with the former
publishers, Burns and ( 'rug, has enter
ed into a limited partnership unt'l
December, 1000. His entrance into the
newspaper field is taken as an indica.
tlou that he promises to fight the ant i
Quayltes, who reouked him in the Rep
ublican county convention, to the
bitter end.
Tower City Herald.
.Mere hen aw amohl en celebration
oni Mahadunga g'hol uft'der Flert,un
h con dere sawga won dor (irovcr
Cleveland by mis g'west ware don bet
are sieh fimvoonel'ed we feel lult OS ill
dem lomi sin woo are un der Amerigo
Vespucci g'funua lieu. Ich wore g
billed for i n speech maucha, un ich
hob tzae kolleuner dorrlch gnlaesabia
Ich it Bhtufl greeked huh far my ad
dress, ch hob der Billy Bryan ga
dinked g'bot far es cheers uffshtarta
won ols my fonder oil is warra in der
speech. Der Mat Quay hut mlch ufl
shtarta won ol my fooderoll is warra
in der s uh. Der Mat Quay hut
mlch ufl" der shtund gtnumma un mlch
Introduced ols der gross Cleveland
orator. Der Bbtand wore about tsae
foos in tier line un iill'shtelsa g'sluonnu.
Ich boh g'frtgt far en ulawss mlloh.
Ich hobs navlch my hooha hoot uflfder
siitand g'shtelt, Oila mohJ os ich en
drink g'numa hob but der .lack
awfonga Bulla blotcha so dos ich mae
fooder somla eon. Bo naixt es ich
mlch arinnera con wore desmy speech:
" Grose oll-fcende, un gagenwardiche
untzoochl ! Ere sint licit t .annua
kent gawiss fro si os dere so en grosser
uion ga-dinked hen far eich tsu arm
awna. Der Cleveland un der Amerigo
Vespucci sin dote un farfowled, awver
era gross dawda doona oenn nuoh long
noach laeva. We bi' Clevaland der
glae karsha bawm um g'hocked hut
mit sime glaena hatchet, un si dawdy
lint ene g'frogt ware des ga-doo bet,
don Is der George grawd uffg'shtepped
un but g'sawt, 'Dawdy i'h eon net
leega. Kb wore mich mit mime glaena
hatchet.' We Ich en glaener boo wore
hov Ich fun sclera sbtory g' liar I un lob
bin draw far my worehell broofa un
hob meini dawdy en shaener yunger
beera bawm ob ga-suked. We are
bame coomo Is un mlch g'frogt, my
eiver glaener Fritz, where hut des
widder gadoo? don hov Ich g'sawt,
, Dawdy, ich con uet leega, es wore
micb mit inlnera glaena sake. Wos
hut my dawdy ga doo? Are hut mlch
shae um awren ga-nu un mich in dc
liuls shade g'feercd, Dart but aremich
g'hocked mil der fawr gashel dis Ich
rhona ufT em barlzel g'hol hop we
kolda leverwarsht. Sella molds hov
ich my mind ufl' ga mauched in meim
aevanimmy de worehell sawga, un es
s anes fun da feela goots resolutions
os ieh in mime laeva net farbrucha
Der Billy II roan hut awfonga in de
bend blotcha un sell hut deonerauff
g'shtart, un era yocht hut em oldta
Tom Heed si oldte lose farslnei ked wsi
om lemonade toover wore unich cm
Bhtand un se is wedder anes fun da
ithelsa g'sh proogna un di r Bthand Is
tzomma g'folla. ch bin grawd dorich
nunner oona g'shoupped, un di Mary
Dlckfoes, wis) finf fisis Iwer lcr
shtoomba meat, is ufl' micb g'folla.
Now Ich bin ken shtowde. mon, des
ooneht du Baena on mime plcter, awver
won ich net so din ware don bet se
mich by glnerosity in der mid obga
d ricked. Se hut sich net wae ga-doo,
usht wennich g shtouohed Im rick.
Ich hob ga-gooked wc eii sar-forrene
grut un bob net so goot g'feeled wenny
wile Ich net gons dots wore. Se hen
mich ufiga-pickad un mich ons Johns
town ni WOO der duckter Killum-tjuick
widder de ah ticker t.oinma ga-bunna
but mit ma shtriok un mich liamo
g.sliiceetl uff ma shiKipkarrick, Ich
bin widder os ich awennich essa un
drlnka con awver ich con net nunner
ons Johnstown lawfa.
Won dn ung'fare frelsht far indl lond
don shick mere iawr gooda keffer bree
odder fartzel-woss far my maw gti wid
der awennik uff toona.