The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 29, 1901, Image 5
piSCMIR DIN I .'.vX-iPRKPARID EXPRB38LY FOR THK FOfiiY i lie. UUNDORE. Profanity is a disease introduced by mosquitoes. T. W. Stahl of Verdilla is thrashing for seed for our farmers. The Susuuehatma ecu! diggers are very busy and all that need coal should loose no time as the river is in fine condiliou. Our school teachers ought to lie cutting a few sticks while the sap is iu them, they may Deed them to compel attendance. Ist week a numlter of our farmers made older, the rest looked on. J. H. Wise, our coal dealer, has a fine lot of coal on hand. Frequent rains and sun shine have pushed the corii to such a height that farmers fear of loosing some ot the ears by nusking ume. Pears are a plentiful crop this year and of line quality. A Hitting pissed through town oue day last week. Anplfl butter tailing should not go out of fashion, better boil over what remains of last year's crop. Even the political bee has a sting. Samuel Witmer is on the sick list. Dundore has reduced the price on coal oil. Our overseers of the poor are better financiers than politicians. Some of our roads need patching J. B. Staufer made a business trip Herndon. to Herndoi George Deppen of Herndon spent a few hours iu town. Frank Wagner was seen on our streets. 'Squire Teats of Hummels Wharf was in town for a short talk on his way to Oriental. Mr. Cooper of Soydertown was in town on Boairiess. : The Penna. Canal is pasture for cows and hogs, and turns out mosquitoes by the car load, which breeds malaria, and make an un limited market for quinine. J. D. Riegel thrashed more thai ;"00 bus. of Wheat, Rye and Oats. Michael Hrubaker was in town selling nursery stock. George Wolf is building a new coal flat. Daniel Krebs took a load of potatoes to market. Sallie Aueker and her daughter of Port Treverton were seen on our streets. It. S. Meiser was in town. Rev. C. F. Garrett of Bllewood will preach the word next Sunday in the U. E. Churches. J. C. Shafer of Port Treverton was in town. Onions are in good demand and the price has advanced. The Hayner Distilling Oo., of Dayton. Ohio, will ahip you four full quart! ot Hayner'a Sev-tn-Year-Old Hye by express, charge prepaid, lor $3.30. See their advertisement, which ap pears elsewhere in this Issue. , HUM MEL'S WHARF. Miss Katie Trutt of Sunbury spent Sunday with her pareutsS. W. Trutt and wife. Win. Sassaman of this place and Harvey Reichenbaeh of Shreiner attended the picnic at Mt. Pleasant Mills Saturday. Adam Inch and wife spent Sun day with the family of David Cooper in Northumberland County. Charles Herman and wife were Kreamer visitors Sunday. On Friday the remains John H. Baley were laid to rest. He was the third son of Peter Baley and Catherine Trutt. He was a broth er to Amos, Andrew and Wm. of this township, Edward and Mrs. Harrison Thomas near Centreville, and Mrs. Levi Herrold of Kantz. Mr. Baley was married to Hettie Row aud is survived by a widow and one son, John P. Mr. Baley was a civil war soldier and a large number of the G. A. R, members at tended the funeral. Deceased suf fered for nine months and would have been 54 years of age on the day of his funeral. Do not tail to road the offer made by The Uaynet Dtstilllnir Co., of Dayton, Ohio, which appears elsewhere in this issue, offering tour '"NS""1!?' Seven-Year-Old Hya, express pre PM, far 9$ .SO. FLINT VALLEY. Nathaniel Trivits and G. A. Hot dorf were to Trevortofl moving the latter's saw mill last week. J. A. Mover took a load of I n . . S a ai l peaches to OUUtHiry last Miturtiay and sold them at lair prices. C. E. Haines made a business J trip to Selinsgrove Saturday. James Haines shot a around host last Wednesday. j . . , James Haines ami son U'tran burning lime last week. Uev. Troutman will have church Sunday, Sept. 8, 1901,at It) o'clock A. H. T. C, Laudis and wife were v's iting I'ercival tiarman's Saturday. Notice to all people, don't forget the picnic at the Lbeneser church Saturday Aug. 81, 1901. Qood music and able speakers will be furnished. Mrs. Maud Martin of Neitz Val ley was visiting J. W. Xeitz's Sun day. Chas. Moore, who is working at Sunbury was at home. J. W. Neits was visiting in Neitz Valley over Sunday. C. O. Garman of Altoona is at home. Miss Ellen Brassier was at home over Sundav. Died Aug. 20, Rose Shaffer, wife of G. A. Shaffer, aged 27 years 10 months and 25 days, she leaves 3 children to mourn her loss, one daughter and two sous. She was buried Aug. 23, on the burial plot at the Lbenezer church, of which Sunday School she was a member and all mourn her loss. CENTREVILLE Thomas Kleckner and wife of Milton were the guests of J. W. Keister over Sunday. Ranks Dreeseand wife of Middle burg visited Mrs. Susan Walter on Sunday. F. J. Hartman of Williamsport is visiting bis father and relatives. Mrs. (i. W. Slieary of Lewistown it spending several weeks among friends. O. H. Bowersox and wife of Millmout were the guests of S. S. Bowersox aud family Sunday. James Mitehel aud Prof. Amnion Steese of Mew Berlin were iu town Sunday evening. Our school board met Saturday evening and elected Miss Sallie Stahl teacher for Berge's school. They have adopted Morton's Geogra phies and The Pennsylvania Citi zen" Thirty-five years' reputation Is hack of The Hayner DlKtiliiiiK Co.'s Scvcn-Ycar-Old Kye. This whiskey is famous tin- world over for its high quality. $3.20 buys four full quarts of these iroodx. See itaiticulars hi big announce ment this issue. KUEAMEH. W. H. Hummel and family of Lewistown are visiting relatives. Mrs. George Hoke and children of Sunbury were visiting Perry A u rand Sunday. Jerome Walter and wife of Idaho are visiting the former's parents and friends in this vicinity. J. E. Mager drove to Middleburg Wednesday Miss Edna Smith and Miss Ella Kessler of Selinsgrove spent Wed nesday with friends iu town. M. E. Edley purchased a fine horse at the Mifllinburg horse sale. The carjtenters are making rapid headway in the erection of A. D. Kramer's new house. It will be a handsome home when completed. William Bickle of Marion Height was iu town the fore part of the week. George Gordon was heme over Sunday. There was no picnic on Saturday owing to the rain, but there was a festival iu the evening. Howard Weist of Freeburg was in town Monday evening. When you want a modern, up-to date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plenant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at The Middle burg Drugstore. 1'JOkl MKOif MLLAGE8 F SNYDER CQUNTkX BY IT3 CORPS OP CORRESPONDENTS SELINSGUOVE. The outlook for a large school at the university, is very promising, There has never been more inquiry and eagerness to become students. ArranaeoieoU hare be made to ruKrv accomodate all who come. The teaching force is very enthusi-1 aatic at the prospects. v are glad to learn that the condition of your townsman John F. Stetler is not of as serious a nature as was at first supposed 1 ' C. I?. Neotling Bpent a short time with his parents last week. The App re-union was largely ut'euded bv the relatives from this place; it is possible that the next re union may lie held at this place. Rev. S. V. Dye of Keewaydin was in town renewingold friendships he having graduated here fifteen years ago. ed at tin He is very much idea progress his old alma mater is making in keeping abreast of the times in educational lines. Quite a number of our horsemen attended the sale at Mifllinburg Thursday lost. Some horses were bought by persons here. Mrs. Dill and daughter, Lizzie, of Patenon, N. J. spent several days very pleasantly in town. Jerome Walter, brother of Mrs. Samuel App and Mrs. James Row, is visiting them and also his parents at Kreamer. Jerome was a formal Selinsgrove Ixiy but of late years has been in the west. Prof. Foster C. Fisher has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Spanglcr, niece of Dr. Spang ler. S. B. Hare, Esq., of Altoona was seeu on our streets several days last week. He is the same Sam, that he used to be when attending the University. Mr. and Mrs. Seig of Steel ton were entertained by Prof, and Mrs. Noetling. J. B. Forrester and wife are rusticating at Ocean Grove, N. .1. Wallace 1). Raker and Miss Lnudeneleger were married last week by ltcv. Suable. Mrs. Arlxigast of Freeburg and her daughter were guests at the Marburger homestead last week. Prof. E. E. Pawling has been elected Principal of the Berwyn public sub. 00 Peck v ingard returned from his trip to lhitlalo, where he spent most of his vacation. Miss Manic McCulloin of 1'lv moth was a visitor in tow n several days last week We have had an excessive amount of rain the last two weeks. Every thing is growing w ild. Cant. Davis Post attended the funeral of J. H.Bailey Friday. Mr Bailey was a member of the Post. The Bums re-union was held as formerly at Clement's park and the Slear re-union at Brook Park Lewisburg Thursday last. A brother of H. L. Phillips is visiting him. Harry Conrad and a friend from Danville spent Sunday with the former's parents. Heartburn. When the quauityof food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likey to follow, aud especially so if the digestion has bee" weakened by constipation. Kat slowly and not loo freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse be tween meals and when you fetl a fullness ai d weight in the stomach after eating, indicating that you ate too much, take one of Chum berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may bu avoided. For sale by The Mddleburg Drug Store. There YVna an Antidote. "How is it that Miss Young broke her ngsgament with you? I thought she doted on you?" "So she did; but when she learned that I had once been engaged to het mother's sister, it proved an anti dote." N. Y. Herald. Purity is the irreat consldcrlion in what we drink or eat, All risk of ircttliiir impure whis key is avoided by buying direct from The Hay wbolei ner instilling; Co. tncy Jlslllllng sale and Co. They also save you the retail dealers' profits, ltcad their announcement In this paper; it means money In your pocket. PALLAS NEWS". B. P. Stnub nd wife took atrip tn Kock (ilcn Sundav. Wa'ter Straub sports a new eighty nve dollar, rubber tire trotting ouggy. Calvin Bailey returned home form M' i 'lure ti stav. Frank Martin, Jaoob and Calvin inch have repaired and painted the steeple at Grubb's church. Newton Bailey has gone to Steel ton to work iu the Transfer Com" panv blacksmith shoo at two dollar per day. Newton is an excellent mechanic, as well an an artist. Miss Nora Leiiig iicnt Sundav with Miss .1 clinic Straub. Uev. Shaffer of Mt. Pleasant passed through here this week solici ting money to Ik- used on the parsonage at Fremont. Many from this place attended the funeral of Mr. Amnion Shaffer ast Fridav at Ebeneser sympathis ing with the bereaved family. Remember the annual picnic to be held near the hbenezer church next Saturday. An excellent programme will be rendered. Kverybudy in vited. Mr. Dannie! senhart ol'Sliamo kin is visiting his son-in-law, Merchant B. P. Straub. Gray Hair " I have used Ayer'i Hiir Vigor tor over thirty years. It hat kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn ins gray." Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayer s Hair Vigor it is a hair food, not i dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back, all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. fl.N a ssttls. All frsufaU. If your drunrlst cannot sunplr you. r-nl us mu dollar and we will express yon a tattle. Besnre and clro the name ot your nearest express nfflre. Address, J. C. AYER CO., l..i wen , Mass. UNION TOWNSHIP. J. S. Aueker and wife spent Sun- """H- wno IS ou U,L' day with their son, Kdwin, who John Field of Kreamer and Jennie resides at Riverside Pa. and Willie Bolig of Selinsgrove Mrs. J. M. Staufler and two Sumli,y with 8usaDa Kr,il-V-children of May City., Iowa, are Benjamin Hummel spent a tew visiting her father, Levi Stahl. ' Beavertown. Married on Wednesday morning George Erdley's many friends eon- Aug. 21 at home of bride Lottie gratulate him on securing the school Spangler of Vedilla and Foster C. at this place. George is a son of Fisher of Salem by Rev. W. A. lone of Snyder county's old settlers, Haas, after which they left for ten an industrious lad and in every way day trip to the Pan-American. I deseiving of the school anywhere. A number of our boys and girls Eimer Stuck and BennieRowof are at the Granger's picnic at Wil- Kreamer were seen on our streets liamsgrove this week. Sunday. Norton Hendricks has a nice lot of ripe water melons and cantelopes on the Island. l'ure whiskey direct from IHstillery Is what tilliiiK Co., of tlayton, Ohio. They are orferiiiK four full quarts for til express prepaid. See their offer which appears tint where in thin ' sue. vuti uet when you hoy riuni I he Hayner DIh- SC1INKE Hiram Schnec of Seven Points, Northumberland county was visit ing friends in our vicinity Saturday aad Sunday. Rev. C. C. Miller preached in the St. John's church Sunday afternoon mm a I ..,1.1 man? oi tror peuuiu nucuueu uie i festival at the St. Johns' church last Saturday evening. i John A. Kreigbumo, Grover L. Schnee, Charles Troup and Charles Arnold were tsallers at JohnSchuet' s Ia8t SuIKla-v- ! The public school will open in our township, next Monday Sept D' r C3i p fai! i Grover L. Scjinee of Miftiinburg WM iti otir vK-inity fora fewwceks. X. L. Stuck and Ins three sisters Floyd, Delia and Dora were cuter- tained by Bessie Lantz of Sunbury. ! Stewert (ielnet and sister wsJM visiting Elmer Troup last Sundav. j H. nrv Hart inr liMran to remodel , . , . , his house and store. o o FORT TUEVOlirON Thou as Mullner of Sunbury wi s in our burg Sunday. George Bine It d wife of Kantz and Chariot Keller of 8e!intgrove, were the welcome goesta of the latter's parents, Henry Keller and wife. Miss Maud Uliarles and Miss Annie Charles went to Sunbury last week to work. A. W. Aueker, after spending a month vn'-ution with lii- tamity returned to his work amin al Brusious tiro's, Sunbury iiutc a number ot our youn folks attended (he festival whi. was held at Independence Saturday evening. John W. Michael- and wife, returned to Milton, Monday. HI i i i. ...... .1.... ii... ( sVao iiviii i i i i i 1 1 1 i n on iii sick list. Kdwin Mittcrling and wife, formerly of Freeburg, and this place moved their furniture to Lewisburg one day last week where they intend to reside. illiam Schawder, who is work ing at Lewisburg, spent Sunday with his wife. Henry Charles spent Sunday in Sunbury. Editor Straub and wife of Hern don were seen on our streets Sunday. Daniel Snyder and wife of Selins grove are spending a week with t,ejr sull j, guyder Miss Leuora Shanibaugh ofPhila. is spending a few weeks with her parents N. F. Shanibaugh and wile of this place. Quite a number of our "fresh air kids" expect to return to their former homes on the 1st next mouth. The way to buy IT UK WIIISKKY is illre.t from the dlntlllery. You avoid the poseihility of adulteration anil Save tin JoLliers' mitl hiiihII dealers' profit. The Hay net litilliii Co . Dayton, Ohio, will send you four full quarts ot Seven-Yeiir-Olil Itye, express preald, for IS.W. Hee their a mtOtllrWttttltt appearing, elnowhcn I in thin issue. ULOHK I LLt) John Shannon and family of Mid dleburg spent Sunday with J. A. Smith and family. .lames ltiegle ofVicksburg stieut Sunday with his son C'alviu at this place. George Erdly left Monday to at tend the Grangers' picnic and visit friends at Carlisle. Kate Hummel of Beavertown is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Walter. Mable Beaver, who wtus on th sick list, is slowly recovering. Jacob Benner returned from Lewistown, Thutsday. No place like Snyder county. Mrs. J. ('. II mimic! spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Charles 1 . . i i .i -it. SALEM. Uev. H. I. Suable and wife, Mrs. Mary D. Moyer and Miss Ida Allllcr clljoyco B drive W W11II11I1- ..ii l l . irm- town last week. Miss Hael and Harry Shipp of Shamokin are visiting their aunt, Mrs. William J. Koyer. Miss Annie Luck moved to Dun dore Thursday and Jordon Luden slager and wife moved into the vacated house. H. ii. Kni'Ie. wife and children . , ver BUD(jav at Riverside. George C. Woodrufl is spending W1lks .. Montour coiintv in lw t of ))is g8teP Mrs, Charles S,ultz. Miss K)lit, vitmer B spending a in Freeburg the guest of her gfjudnjother. William J. Hover and wife enter- tojBed Mr gudth and wife of TamaquaSatnrday. Jerome Walter and wife of Idaho R p Wilker nml wi((! ol B. Gem- , .. , j ,.,..., 1 Salem S. S. will hold their Plc Beptembar 7 and a festival evening. Itev. 11. Vr. onauie win nave comunion Sunday Septcmb er 1st. An Old Pastor. Uev. Jamea l'olndexler, i, O. No man in the capital city of t ho staU otOhioia better known than the Hot. James Polndexter. For many year ht haa been the iccceiiful iutor of th Second Haptit Church of that city. Every day his venoralilo lluro and kindly face may be seen on the street of the city where ho lias labored fur ne many years. What a history Of benov nlencesnd lelf-gacrlfice miiit bo writ ten by simply Kivlnti the details of th every -day lifo of ihiofuilhful putoi aud slotjooot preacher. Butoldsge comes to the beet ot men. The rheumatic! peculiar to advanced ago had already begun its Ineldioui rav ages when it becamo necewsry to tind a remedy, if poggible, that hll dsyi of use fulness might not be shortened. An efficient nerve tonic that would gtimulalo tho circulation, Improve the digestion, and increase tho tone a. id vigor of his whole system, w an needed. The only remedy capable of mooting all these Indications was found to be Pe runa. In S recent letter to I)r. I Unman, bo states: "My attention was called sume time ago to y 'iir medicine for rheumatic troubles by Mr. r.iol., tin old reliable druggist of this city, and take ploMUN in Haying that I have tried them and found thorn gi .id. 1 1 is my opinion that the remedy, Pcruna,ig Justly entitled tc the (iimi which it lias throughout the United State-." Address The Peruna Medicine Co, Columbus, ., for f n o catarrh liook. TiJOXELVILLE. J. W. Swarts and son ot Frank lin were visiting Howard Swartl at this place. John Shamory of New Merlin was the guest of W. S. Shamory, his sou. l'rof. H. V. Smith will boa can didate for Co. Supt. Adams township may possibly have a candidate Register aud Re corder. The wet weather has kept our farmers back a little in the prepar ation of their soil tin- tiill seeding. Huckleberry -aon U about closed lor this year. A gisul mauy of our people took advantage of it too while it lasted; carrying out from fifty to sixtv dollars worth. J. (i. Mover has a gang of men at work remodeling his house on the old Troxel farm. The present compulsory school law Bnould be read by everv parent and should be enforced. It seems some people don't know that it is unlawful for a pcrsou to give tobacco to another pel son un der sixteen years. The school directors have adopted the Hlaisdell's Physiologies and elected their teachers for the coming term. The salary which is to keep soul and body together i.- $-!." per month. The teachers are triad to hear that their neighboring teachers are getting better wages, but sorry that they have no) also been favored the same way, and still other people would rejoice if it would be but fif teen or at most eighteen. Why is it so? $100 Reward, $ICC The readers of this pain r w ill be pleased to leiirn that there is at least o"ie dreaded disease tliat science has been able to cure in all its -times and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fruternlty. Catarrh beinc a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional t"at ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upou the blood and muoous surfaces of the system, there bv destroying tho foundation of the disi use, and Riv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro orintei s have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars ior any case mat it fails to cute. Send for list of testi monials. F. J. Cheney o Co., Toledo, O. Sold by DruggiBts, 7Sc per bottle. Hall's Family Pills ere the best. Good Placo to I.enrn. Judge My boy, do you know the na ture of an oath? Youthful Witness I guess I ought to. I've been page for two years iu the state lejritdature. Harlem Lite.