The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 29, 1901, Image 2

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.1 Cotiectton Mudt Jrom all tKe Bury
ing OvouwU in Snyder County
tor the Middieburqh "Pod."
Emanuel's Cemetery.
Hornberger, Aimer, l Jan 3, 1801;
(I Apr 13, lxso. aged 7'. y 3
in 10 d.
1 oroberger, Susan, w of Henry (i.
I. Nov 17, 1H IS: el Dec 25,
1868, aged 20 y 1 m 8 d.
Horuberger, Mertie A. d ol H. .
and Miiry, l June 24, 1881; d
Jan 11, 1889, aged 1 y m
Horuberger, (leu. W. d Sep 23,
1 890, aged :'. 1 y 7 in 2o d.
LLaltritcr, Lnfuut d ol W in. A. audi
M .1 Aug'J.l, L875, aged 25d.
I Feb
Alill, r.- w ol John A. .! Pel
1 1 i, aged ;" y 1 in 2:1 d
Miller, Lin
Am- :
.1. I I ot s. t .
, 1878; d
m .1 '.' y ! in.
and ('.
July 21
1887, a
Miller, Keili
Feb 23,
2:'. .1.
e S
ii 30, l.S'ill; i
1 ss7, aired 2(1 y 1 ni
( 'ocliran N . - ol
b May 7, 1859:
Amos am!
I Juue 30,
1882, agi
Miller, Sam
22 y
I, I 'd
S in
i 9, 1830; l
IgL'll III V .illi
July 12, 18
3 d.
Miller. James I)
Catherine, I
Sep 22, 187
Miller, Willie A
il of Sam ( '. :iin
Feb 13, 1877;
r, aged 7 in d.
s of ,1
.. u
885, aged l)m 11 il
Meiser, ;ifanl
Sarah, tl F
lonathan ami
1893, need
Meisi i , ( 'u urge A. - i
Mary, d Apr 27,
in I d.
.Mii-t r, Fanuic ( i. d
M. b Jum
I' I'eri am
1 1
1881, aged I
of Ferry aud
1870; ii Oct
1 y m I d.
Ferrv and Ml
h a
1 1 n Iti. 8
io. is?;
Mar I, 1 S70 !
18 d
Meiser, Xellie t Sertrudc,
I M. b June 1
Mar l() , 1 888, attei
.I of l'err
I, 1880, i
I 1 v 8 i
zg r, Katie, l of (i
Mana, .1 Jan 2, 1894, aged I I
y 3 m 1 d.
Sletzger, Scorge, l Dei
tl Pee 12. 1870, a
v I 1
in 24 d.
Alarkley, Carrie M. d of A. I!. ami
Alice M. l Mar 0, 1882; d
Mar 1 1', ! SS5, aged v 8 d.
Alarkley, Katii M. ilofA. I!, and
M. I. June . I, 1886; tl
, 1888. agetl '1 y 3 in 12
( let 6
', Francif
I Tl! ,. I
1 1 ,i'
is: is.
; ie
Marv, w ol Francis, d
3, 1 8110. tmed 66 v 1 i d,
Markley, Marv W. rl
H. 1j Feb 26, 1
1877, Bged 1 y
Markley, Mary C. d
Mary, .1 Slav i
7 in I."
Portxlinc, Evi Kli
I) Aug 3, 184
1801 aired 52
if David and
'ii; .1 May 21,
in -J I d.
f H. B. and
LJS74. iik
i, w ol' Wm,
I Nov 1G
!. Margan
M. A. d !
. Jcnt.l .,
, Laura,
1 Mar I I,
M. d of (i. .!.
p s, l S80,agi?tl
I G. J. and M
:s;, aged 10 d.
, sof Win. and
. i .it
v I.
. v i inn.
Ana 1)
1 1.
, t i
73: d Ocl
aged S v 2 m "J d.
Ulred, - of Win. V.
and Louisa, i
m 1882,
aged 'J y 1 in -J". .i.
, aiiule
B. d o( W illiam am
h 1 I .'. 1 77: d Ori '
, . ,. 1 . ' I
'i,i 8U, agetl l v 1 in.
. 1 1, i ry S. sol W in. and Lou:
d .Mar S, 1879, aged :! y :!
4 d.
Reiehenliaeli, Anuii S. d ul' T. and
Klizal-. ;li. I. May 20, 1880j d
Dec in, 1880, aged f m 20 d.
ttetoheabach, Alda M. d of T. and
Elisabeth, l May 20, 1880; d
Hov 1880, aged m 13 d
Kathloa, Jacob, b Sep 18, 1802; d
Aug io, j ooy, aged 87 y "Jfi d.
fcott, Riciinrd, b Oct 2S, 1803- d
Oct 29, 1880, aged 77 y Id.
Soik'h, Jennie, d of John and Lou
isa, d Mar 8, 1887, aged 9 v.
dialler, 1'etcr 11. 1 Jan
Her, Peler 11. b Jan 19, 1834; Wi Wm. S. sof David and Mary,
d Deo 24, 1877, aged 48 v 10 b Mar 12, 1843; d July 10,
J 5 1868, aged 20 y 3 m 28 d.
MiaftVr, Amanda, w of Henrv, b
8ep 5, 1849; d Mar 2:5, 1887,
:ietl 87 y i in 5 d.
Sholly, Mary K. A. d of J. and C.
il July 24. ISM, aged 1 y 1 in
(i d. '
Trotitman, Charles, n of A. H. ami
P. d June -1, 1S73, aged 4 in
l'J d.
Troutman. Frank R. a of Wm. and
Margaret, d Mar 15, 1S89,
Ainu .ml..!
aited 5 in 13 d
Weaver, John II. R. s of K. B. and
L. J. b Feb 12. 1885: d Anr
,i loofl , o o 7r
14, 1886, aged 1 y 2 m 2 d.
Womer, Mary I. b Dec 14, 1867,
aged S in 7 d.
Womer, Annie, l Dec 14, 1867,
aired 8 m 7 d.
Womer, Elisabeth, d of M. K. d
May 23, 1 892, aged5 y 3 m 25 d.
A RU H .AST's Cemeteby.
located at .ion's Church 5 miles
8(,u'h Fremont. Thi? cemetery
has I'll marked and 90 unmarked
Reported by ravld Siiydc.
Arbogast, Michael, b Feb 28,1809;
d s
15, 1881,
in 1 7 d.
Arbogast, Esther, w of Michael, Ii
Apr S, ISIS; d Mar 11, 1870,
aged 51 v 1 m 3 d.
Bucher, 1 laniel, s of 1 auiel am
d Feb 15, 1800, agetl 5 y
15 d.
Bucher, Marv, w of John, 1 Nov
15, !7S": il cl 1 1. 1865,aged ,
7'1 y in in 20 d.
Borkey, Barbra II. of suae F. d
1 885
7 d.
Iruggi r, Martha
10. l Sen 7,
f Benj. and
acred in
5 d.
rugger, Win. b of Gabriel and
( athcrine, b Feb 14, 1844; d
July 30, 1802, aged 18 v 10d.
tger, ( leo. A. s of i tabricl and
( "atlierine, l Api 19, 1836; d
July 7. 1802, aged "-''I y '' m.
tger, Catherine, w of Gabriel, b
May 19, 1805; 1 Iiv 27,1870
ageil ' "' v 7 in 1 8 d
Boiirgo, Frerlerick M
!)( 8,1841
1 20 y I in
il Feb i
18 d.
der, Kinnia K. w of Philip ('.
I Mar 23, 1895, iiged 32 y 7
: lid.
Bi'uger, Susanna, w if Jacob, 1)1
Apr 23, 1821; d Mar 16,1970
aged 48 y 10 in 23 d
Brugger, Jacob, b Ocl '!'', 181S; .1
Mar 2:!, 1886, aud 67 y 5 m.
Urugger, Marv A. 1 of Jacob and
Su nn, b May 1 1, 185S; 1 Dec
12, 1864, aged 6 y 7 ni 1 d.
Barge, 1 Tunry, s of S. II. aud Min
nie, il June "J I , ! S90, aged 2 in
llargo, llael M. .1
Minnie, 1 Feb
1 in 20 d.
( 'lure, t )ur beloved Henry T.
Jacub and ICIial)ctb, l
17, 1846; il Ocl 31, IS62,
lo y 11 m 14 d.
'oiirad, Inftint d ol' 'liarlcs
Cura. (I Jan 19, 1 I,
csslcr. .Icmiii' V.. ,. 1
Uebeuea, Ii I r o, 1 S80
Feb 14, 1889, aged 8 y 1
-1 d.
ssler, Lcroy E. h of Thos. and
llebecca, d Sen 1 , 1 S78, airt' I
2 y 0 in 1 1 d.
Alvir M
d leoi'ire
Marv A.
Aug 28, 1
Id. saae, Ii
Jutu 7, 1
b Sen I I,
1875; d
II in II
l s:
!S y
i d.
-I. r, Sarah E. d
Hannah, d .Ian J
l v 1 1 iii lit; d.
In inemorv of Sarah Enc
. Mai
186,4, aged y s m ,f!
Enwli. .UnnU KOni
21, 1 809; d Sen
o "
I, 1863, aged 53 j in in 13 d.
Engle, Rosino, w of Jacob, b Dec
17, 1805; d Sep 18, I867,ag
HI y il in 1 d.
Fisher, Annie M. w of E. G. d dan
27, 1893, aged 43 y 3 m 15 d.
Forrev. Simon.
',"""!' " of ames -""i
Bethany, b Dee 23, 1871; d
Mar 13, 1887, aged 15 y 2
20 d.
Fiilkroad, Wm. A. s of A. and E.
J. l duly 15, 1881, aged 1 y
8 m.
Fiilkroad, Emma C. d of Adison
and Ellen, d Nov 8, 1879,
aged 9 y 1 m ! d.
(joy, P ter, b Nov 2, 1805; d Aug
1 7, 1803, gl "7 v y in 15 d.
Goy, Frederick, b Nov 0, 1801; d
Oct 10, 180o, aged til y 1 1 ui
4 d.
Goy, Henry D. a of David aud
Marv, d Dec 5, 1SU5, aged 9 in
1 d.'
Goy, Thomas S. a of David aud
Mary, d Jau 7, 1866, aged 21
y 1 in 1 1 d.
Goy, Emilie S, d of David and
I ' -
Mary, b Deo 14. 1847; d Oct;
19, 1866, aged 18 y 10 in 5d.
is, P.u.i,a iv...:.i ...i
Mary, b Anr 14, 1850; d Apr'
lb, 1870, aged 20 v 2 d.
Goy, Mary, W of David, I) May 19,
1822; d Mar 2, 1872, aged 4J
y ! in 14 d.
Gelnett, John, b Mar 26, 1806; d
Mar 80, 1881, iiL'rd 75 y 4 d
Gelnett, Catherine, w of John, b
Nov 1. 1828; 1 Dec '27, 1865,
tieed :I7 1 ni 28 d.
Gordon, John, infant Bof Thou, and
i ony, ii .pr mat , aged
1 y 3 m :!1 d.
Gelaet, Hannah, d of Joseph ami
Caioliue, d Mar 28, ls7i,
aged l(j v '.I in 20 d.
Geliiet, Samuel, a of Joseph aud
Caroline, d Feb i, 1871, aged
1 y U in 17 d.
Garmau, Xewtou, a of laiiicl and
Mariab, b Oct 31., 1873; d
Feb 9, 1874, aged :'i m 4 d.
Garniau, tellie, d of 1. (i. and Ma
li.;, b June 30, 1885: d July
19, 1885, aged in d.
ioodliug, Alfred, s of Adam and
Caroline, b Dec 18, 1870; d
Mar -J:i, 1880, aged y in
ioodliug, John A., S of Adam and
Caroline, i July 1 , 1 7; d
Jau 18, 1870, agedll y 17 d.
Coy, David, b Jan 28, 1813; d .Inly
27, 1878, aged 05 y 5 m 30 d.
Glotfeltcr, Fetei, b Dec 9, 11; d
JU I", 1889, aged 7 y 1 in
1 d.
Glotielter, II. n y, b Apr 2, 1852;
d Uct 1 1, 1881, aged 29 v 0
in 19 d.
Glotftlter, KM. n A., dau of Peter
and Charlotte, b July 12, I'i7;
I Mar 27, 1881, aged 13 y 8
in 15 1 1.
(iiut teller, A mma .lane, dau of Peter
ami t 'harlotte, l
i, 1849;
l Nov 10, I 861, aged 12y od.
Glotfclter, Mable S. M., d Feb 1 1,
Ujjed J m C, ,1,
arniati, Peter M., I July 3, 1818;
(I b'eb i
i, aged
' y i in
Garinan, Minnie, dau of Peter (i.
and Emcliuey b July 1, 1872;
d Mar 21, 1 s7'S aged 6 y 8 m
( rurmaUj post, P) s of Daniel and
Mariab, l Apr 13, 1S70; d
Aug 21, L872, aged 2 y I m
8 d.
I looclliutr. 'atlmrin iv ul Vdain. Ii
Mar 10, IS
Jan 28,
187 I, rged 33 y 10 in IS d.
i uMidlintr, ' leoi'tri
aud Catharine, d
I860, aged '.' in 2 d.
( Ioodliug, Absalom, 1 Eel
ii tic J, -
8, 1844:
d May 12, 1 863, aged 19 y 3
m 1 d.
Goodling, Peter, b Apr 5, 1813; d
M.. .. i '. loan i . .. i
uxui iqou, Ugl nn y 11 111
1 d,
( I li 1(1 ill"'. I'l-I'l - r ..(' I'..t, i. I, 1
Jan 29, IM I: d
Ian 26, I
i vjrt i
I 68 v I I in -J7 d
Hid I
lougler, Jonathan .1
14 d.
: ( lood, Ann
lssl, aged 1 v
E., dan
dOel n
Mai" .
( 10 d, Yoilll l! II
Mary,d An
1 1 in 29 d.
mxkI, Fanny ( '.,
i n 1 1 nam am
i , 1 1
1866, aget
dau of Will
and Mary, d
Aug 30
ageu y m , d.
Good, J-!in A., 9 of William and
Mary,dSepl 1 1, 1879, aged 7
v 2 ii! Iii d.
I, Bi navill, s of William and
Mary, l Aug 8, 1869; d Sept
15, 1879, aged 10 y 1 m7 d.
I ornberger, Peter, Bof Aimer and
Lydia, b Jan I, I843;d0ot 1,
1 :, aged o v 9 ni.
High, Sarah, w of Edward, d Oct
2, 1891, aged 33 v 1 m 28d.
Helm, Mary E., dau ol II. and
Catharine, b Jan 1, 1879, d
Mar 5, 187!, aged 2 m 3 d.
stamped C. C. C. Never solH In hlk
Beware ol the dealer who tries to Mil
"lomcthing just u good."
At a large wWi
York recently the att nticn f a conj le
A Mj i irrlr n
or .'iri wat. .,t- j
tracted to & ratLvr
fine locking n a a, i
whose prematurely ;rrp.y hair and it ur
ct feature combinel in ;iin him a
distinguished appearance, "i .-ec bin
at nearly erery large wcdtiing 1 go
said one. "1 wonder who he ca.i be.
I've asked a lot of people and nobody
teems to know. "Yet he seems to be In-
1 vited "-rywhere." "Ye.. IWe noticed
L! . ;l.- .L t ...a.
him, too." Mid the other giH. "While
he apparently goes to all tbabiy waaV
i ull-s
dings, be doen't seen to know anv-
body: or. at least. Te never seen him
talking to anybody. He" such an iiv
terestinjt looking man. too. I'd love to
meet him. He looks like a man who hus
lived nnd and suffered." A young
man standing in nr. who could not he-lp
overhearing tli is conversation, laughed,
"l'ei liaps I can i h row some light upon
the identity of your mysterious hero."
he said. "Do you know him?" ex
claimed bo !i gins in the :i!iie breath.
"Will, 1 can't that I i xactlv know
him," replied tin- young man, "h
knnw who he is. lie's B DriTnte Jetc
tive. Perhapa yon have notieed that
he never straya fur away from the
tallies on which the presents arc dis
playi d. That's what he's th ro for to
watch then. Von know there are so
cial highwaymen la " "Let's
downstairs and get some claret cup,'
iutcrruiitcl otic ,.f the pirls.
The value of tl aching of lir.-l ail-to-
the-lnjured is Illustrated nlmost every
SeeenMiry l';i-V' but in 110 cn8L'
more antlv t hnn In
that of a brake
man on the Erie railroad who fell
from his train. A leg was cut off by
the car wheels, but, with admirable
presence of mind, the man construct
ed a tourniqui t with his handkerchief
and knife whereby he stopped the
hemorrhage. Even In this condition
he built 11 (ire in order to warm him
self, and awaited the npt train, which
he signaled; he waa taken aboard and
to a hospital. 'U. trsst that the time
ill come, the Philadelphia Med
ical Journal, when school children in
the upper grades may be taught so
much of "applied physiology ' as will
enable them to act sensibly In the
case of the thousand emergencies sure
to take place in after-life with them
selves or their fellows. H is strange
that nlmost all lay people "lose their
heads" in accidents and injuries, and
do precisely what should not be dune.
This is especially true When hem-
orraatre is oreaent. Mnnv runni
either faint nr are seized nrlUi nan hi
j at the mere sight of blood a jHible
of Primitive barbaric blood rite
11,1(1 ulo(K1 irenzns. Jd .supplant tins
loss .r control by calm and intelligent
fii-tioii according to the circumstances
nnd condition is one of the duties we
owe to the coming generations.
Tlie wealthy noon become satiated
and fall victims to ennui, which is
worse than weariness, says John lil
nier Speed, in Woman's Home Com
panion. See these in their boxes at
the opera. Below them and above
them enthusiasm runs riot when Ue
Reszke or Bembrich sings. They ap
plaud languidly with dainty fan upon
the gloved hand. They uo it because
they think it la expected of them;
unt their eyes r!o not light up, the
eulor does not come into their cheeks,
tleir l.nsoms do not swell with emo-
; they are tired, they are
, they have gone through tool
, . I
1 worn oat
much, nnd
!ii U.UMC eaani.i ni.At!
iucj re io oe 1H1(
..I u.guii Buuerj sit nu n ana
women who get much more out ot the
uiusiu i.iuu hum; jirujiiu. J liey P'l'luild.
mid of delight those who
have too much are soon Incapable.
A young man from Bowling Green,
Mo., applied for work in a store lo-
oateil some distance from his home,
Ha presented the following letter of
recommendation and was engaged on
the spot: "I have found him Indus-
i inous, iruiuiui, inieiugeni ana soDer.
I have observed also that his services
about the house were satisfactory to
my wife, and anyone who can eet
; along with her is a peach."
Spanish iiiiink'r.'int from I i )r:iT-
tar who arrived tit New York last
tveek hore sneh a stronir uhvslcnl rr-
Semblance to Abraham Lincoln that
the inspector, an old soldier w ho had
seen t lie war president., nutuinm a i
pnotOgraphOl the tall Spaniard.
Extreme frankness characterizes
one business man of OtterviUe, Mo.
He closed his store nnd left this no
tice stuck on the door: "(lone to the
street fair at Bedalla. AVin be hack
when I get sober."
The Philadelphia directory shows
nine men w ho bear the name of Thom
as Thomas and 11 known as Robert
lloberts, But William Williams out
numbers them both, as there are SO cit
izen!, thu named.
Of COO men who presented them
selves In Chicago to pass the physical
examination for firemen 100 were re
jected because of heart trouble. Chi
cago has long been famous for its di
vorce courts.
A Baltimore court has confiscated
to the state the skins of 2, MX) seagulls
killed in violation, of law. The skins
were intended to adorn women's hsU.
for Infants and Children.
CMtorta Is a harmless substitute- for rutnr on.
goric. Drops and Soothing Syi-usM. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotio
Buusumee. it uenroys worms ana allays everishaasa
It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Calic. It relieves Teethe
tag Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates, tha
Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural steep..
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The People's National Family Newspaper
ttlbUthtd M 0 ii l n y, 1
Wnlticmlay ami Friday, I
is In reality Hue, hwD, j
t vi-ry-o' Iut day Dftlly,
giving the luU't newn nn ,
linyi .f Inue, ami cover
inK MWI of thfl other
three. It contains all Inv
portent fortlgn o b 1 e I
news which Rppenni In
of Mma date, also Domes
tie ami Foreign Torres- j
pondencct Shori stories,
Rleganl rlnlMone tllui-
t rut ii ms, H amorous Items,
ir.iuon-. It iiiniir.uiM ItetiiM, Informalion.
Psshlon Notes, Aaricul -
tural Matter nnd Com -
iircheiisive iiikI KchaMc
KlnnnclnJ ami Market Re ;
K ex u l a r mibtcriptlon
price, l,60 ?er y:ar.
We furnlnh it with the j
POMT for $1.75 per year, j
Send all orders to the
jLlfieTJYl fi fi m nn to
h. harvey'schdch,
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No PremiumNp.tes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819. Assets 11,0 ,18.88
" Home " 853 " ii.? ,628.4
44 American " " 1810 " '. , i ,84.3
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
"New Rochester" I
fJOOKING under Uiprp pircumstapces is a pleasure. The Bocbf fiter
i-anip Co. stake I lioir reputation on the stove in question. The
best evidence of tue tat isf act ion en jo ved is testimonials galore and da
, ,,i:n. .,,,,, u ,..,., , , . .
s;,,...i Ia i;i .,.,i .,.. i.n. f.,. ii,
(he "New Rochester" Lamp.
You will never regret baviog introduced these gcods into your house-
I II, I !! III. il.lll' I, II, Mil IKJi LI1U
The Rochester Lamp Co.,
38 Park Place and 33 Barclay St., New York.
AH in the Hdjeetlve,
If Oldboy'e men ly i .illi a i'.is
Ready t. nuiu is he,
But if ,i & dos he Ii called
He thlnki it (lattery,
Chli ISO Tribune.
THE MOmniN Dt'EI..
Small Man Yes, sir, he's a con
temptible scoundrel, and I told him sol
liig Man Did he knockyou down?
Small ifan No; I told him er
through the telephone. Sketch.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
mAt . Sid
Signature of
PttbliiiheU on Thuradn$
ami known fir nearly
Ijrty years in ever part
of the l ti i ted Mtntea as a
Kntlonnl Kaniily News
Mper of tin htgbetl cImh
for fnrmera ami vlliagem,
It contnini nil the moat
important general newn
of ink daily timh
I NK up to hour of going
to pres, an Au'i u nltnr tl
Depgrtment ol the huh
est order, hae entertain
inK reading f-r e ve r
member f the faml'v,
old and young, MarCel
Reports wnii h are accept
ed as authority by farm
ers a n tl country m e r
chrnls, ami is lean, U
lo date. Interesting and
It eg u l a r ubaciiption
price. Il On per year.
We furnish it with Iho
Post for l.2S per year.
j ,
. Vl fir K I y
1 WU111J
"Post", Kiddlebiirgh, Pa.
Pvnmnt T
a ii;..:i.i
ray ma
., ,
i.v..w Di,-i...,." r,.r.L-ct... ,
.vv.k..w.?.w. v ..... UIUI
Ail L'tshjss entraste '. to ' Is
trill reoeive nroiuot attention:
a, 1 Pottiege?,
veterinary sJrcfoN.
All professional business entrusted to ray curt
will I Ire prompt nnd careful attention.
There is no better investment for
people of small or largo means than
the sbaros of the Usion Consolidat
ed Mining Co., which are uow beiuy
offered at one centasharo. full-paid,
non-assessable, and without person
al liability.
Interest Dividends at ths rato of
10 percent per annum, payable half
yearly for two years, are ouakantk
ed, in addition to the regularly earn
ed dividends.
We also call "attention to the
"Smelter Shares" ofjthe "Kkttlk
Curlkw," "Boundary Camp" and
"Qukkn Bbb" companies; now sell
ins at three cents, with same inter
est dividend guarantee.
All shares sold on'the installment
plan, or all cash.
Send for illustrate! circulars
maps, terms, prices, etc.
Nallonitl Mining Promotion t'omimiij .
Fourth Floor, Andrus Bide;..
3 23 25t. Minneapolis Minn'