s viYTT cnrr v ict nr i tu Hi! Beport Shows That Number Were Drowned in Islander Wreck. 108 PASSENGERS WERE ON BOARD "any Returning From the Klondike "v Gold'To Save Their Lives heron, captain Foote Stayed On Beard Until the Last. Port Townsrnl Wash., Aug. 20. It is now known that 07 lives were lost as the result of the apalling disaster to th sttamer Islander which struck a Oostlflg Iceberg off Douglass Island at 'i a. m. on August 15. The ship went to the bottom in 20 minutes, car rj'lm' neti. women and children to wat graves. H will be some time befo. 'u names of the greater part of the .tims ran be obtained. The Islander luul lOS passengers, and all were in bed when the veset struck The shock was so severe that many wen- thrown from their berths and the wildest excitement prevailed. Word was soon passed that the vessel was doomed, and a general srratnhle for the lifeboats ensued, many lumping overboard and attempting to swim Mhore 'he distance being short. In the scramble to get into the boats many were hurled headlong Into the chilly v. ;( r, which, according tc pas-' Stagera a: living from the scene, seem ed alive with human beings Before : al! the passengers had left he vessel ihe gave a unge ar.d went .jwn, Low first. a number of passengers ct the! wrecked steamer tell their thrilling ex- -periences during the disaster. M Blumauer, of Portland, who was bring ing out a -.in in i containing $14,000 in Klondike gold, rushed up to the, upper deck when the boat was settling1 by the head, and Captain Foote told him there was little danger. Soon there was a t ish for the boats and when he was boarding th lifeboat he Was afraid to throw his satchel of gold down from the deck i:ii the boat, for fear that the weight of the gold would stave a hole through the lifeboat and thus cause the hiss of the lives of those In tile boat, as well as losing his own chancel of safety. He eon sluOi I to abandon his gold, and drop ping the .satchel on the deck, he slbl down into the water and was hauled to the boat, thankful to save his life. One man. who had just come from the Klondike, whose name could not be learned. Is reported to have taken .his portmanteau t" the care of the purser, Mr. Bishop, and with the grip containing dust amounting to 140,000 in value, grasped firmly In his hand, jumped from the sinking steamer to a boat close by, and failing to reach the boat, he went down with his treasure. The death of Captain Foote was very pathetic. He remained on the brie :ta until the steamer -was foundering. I When the vessel commenced to sink and it was seen that no expedient could avail, the captain, it is said, jumped Into the life raft, which was already taxed. Realizing that ills weight would work havoc there, he ex claimed: "I si" there are too many here, so good-bye, boys," and swam away. He wns shortly afti rward seen to Bink. h: FROM MANILA, U. S. G i MacArthur and Staff Arrive C i Trarsport Sheridan. Ban Pn ncisco, Aug, lit. The trans port Sherid n arrived yesterday from Manila, brli ; General MacArthur and RtaiT the officers and enlisted mi ie Fourti enth Infantry, Cora pan; the Battalion of Engineers, 2i- (l rged soldiers, no prisoners, tin dl ! l civilian employes, five mar' i i . 12 stowaways. The pris on! r ai nearly all short-term men, mort ol th :n Boldiers ot the Four teen b. Lii utenant C lorn 1 Quinton ft 1 iu con man I i Fourti . as Captain Tl Irty-fourth imluent part seng s. w Voiuii on the Sheridan Newton, of the crs. who took a p in th In . pt ure of Aguinal lo. MacArthur de districts, itrlcts hive The best h : n Luzon. lor; sai'i: ' . ir.3 pines and iu. I wa The people in i relapsi 1 into barl t : 11 ism. rend ;til in not is pacific it not tranquilised, hut it will not b many months before law and oid t are observed everywhere. I.teGE GUN EXPLODED. Pnv.- ste Koied and Several Fataliy Hurt At Target Practice. Junction City. Kan.. Atti.'. 20. While at target practice about 9 o'clock yes terday on I'ort Riley reservation, half a mile north of this city, a seven inch 107 -pound .shell exploded as it was be ing placed in the breech of a section gun ot Siege flattery C. Seventh Ar tillery, commanded by Captain Van Duren, Private Watson was killed, three others were fatally injured and live si verely hurt. The 107-pound shell had been put into the third section gun, and private Watson was ramming the shell home, when there was a terrific explosion and the headless body of Watson was seen standing erect for almost 15 see onds. Then it moved as if to step and fell, alighting on the hack, with the shoulders toward the gun. In Melbourne. I TP Four masked Train Robbers Melbourne, Aug. men armed with revolvers held up a tram car in the suburbs of Melbourne ate last night and rifled eight passen gers of their money and jewelry, after which they decamped. . . If ill i rn .. a i ntx a v v rt rvi IOWA OFF FOR PANAMA. U'WT U' MK X Rumors of An Ecuadorian Invasion of Colombia Denied. Washington, Aug. 19. Captain Perry, of the battleship Iowa, now at San Frani Isco, lias telegraphed to the navy department an acknowledgment of ins Instructions to proceed to the west coast of Panama in connection with the revolutionary troubles, but reports that the boilers and Borau oth er parts of the vessel need Immediate at i ntion, It is hoped by the depart ment, however, that she will be able to s:iil sunn' tiiti" today. The most Interesting development was the news contained In a press dispatch from Quito that Ecuadorian troops aiv ready to Invade Colombia, and that a battle was niiiiiiii. Kt iH'ar 1' isto Mr. Bilva, the Colombian min ister, while without advices from his . ivi rnment, expressed the belief that ihis new expedition was a part of the. revolutionary movement, and that It was in no sense oranlxed by the Ecua dorian government. He said that many years ago there had been fric tion between the two governments, iut that in recent years no important con troversial issues had been raised be tween them. BIG Report INCREASE IN PENSIONS. Shews That L.ist Year Beat the Record. Washington, Aug. 10. -Commissioner Evans' statement of the operations of lh- pension bureau shows that the nnmbi of ponsln s on the ridls i ni 10 li was ' J "" a net i;ain of i. ' over last year. The total net loss to the roll during the y ar was 13,586 which includes 38 155 I y d nth, 8.'):! by remarriage, 1,582 by minors reaching tb :ie of 16, 1,538 by failure to claim pension and 1,460 from other causes A comparative table shows 'hat the roll for the year Just closed Is th. "high ffatei mark' in th history of the pension bureau, the t highest 1 ig : n reachi ! In 1898 01 the gains to the rolls during the year 3, My were from the war with Spain. NEFTUNi PROBABLY WRECKED. Pieces of R.iscian Bark Four.d on the Bciich Near Pensacola, Pensacola, Aug. 20. II is feared the Russian bark Neptune, Captain Zett koff, which sailed from hole Aug. 10 lor Montevideo, was lost in the recent storm. Pieces of the stern of a vessel bearing the name "Neptune" were picked UP yesterday on the outer beach of Santa Rosa Island, several miles out. Three Hundred Boilermakers Strike. Akron, O., Aug. 20. Because a non union boilermaker refused to join the unhm and the company declined to discharge him, over 300 employes of the Stirling Boiler company at Bar herton quit work yesterday, and the plant is idle. Poor Boy's Chances A verv lafcerestuifl an.l helpful book that Pverv boy should linve, Parents should see they have it. Finelv printed, 989 paces, 186 II LUSTRATION'S. Artistiq Cloth 13indiug- Mailed for 00c. Address, W. B. JONES CO., Silver Creek, N. T. MMt: "Silver Plate that Wears." The triule mark " 1847 til -s on Spoons, Porks, etc., is a guar antee "f quality the world over. The refi - lN-17 instires the genuine Rogers iialit . For s.ile by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue No. 191 , to Intrrnntional Silver Cr. Mor'den. Conn. mj I 'I ' . " I J n. II I UIUIIUU News of Iutnrest From All Parts of the State. BRCCHT'S OBJECTIONS UPHELD More Votes For Cassel, Congressional Candidate, In Certain Districts Than McKinlcy Received For President.; Shake-up In Scranton Police Force. Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 20. At yester day afternoon's session of the board of return Judgi s of Saturday's Repub lican county primary for congressman, the Brecht faction objected to the vote Of 26 distrvts on the ground that more votes were returned from these dis tricts than McKinley received for president, which, under the rules of the Republican party is prima facie vidence of fraud and must he Investi gated, The hoard sustained the objec tion In l"i districts 13 from the city, thi- third waul. .Matiheim and C'onoy. Comparison shows that the vote at this primary exceeds that or the gen eral election last November by 357 votes. The votes of the districts ol Jected to will be investigated at a meeting of the committee on contest next Friday. The official result of the primary i Cassi i, Quay candidate, 10,501; Brecht, anti-Quay, 9,569; Cas sel majority, H;i2. SHAKE-UP Or SCRANTON'S FINEST New Recorder Makes Wholesale Changes In Police Force. Scranton, Pa, Aug. no. There wasi a general shake-up of the police force yesterday. Captain Davis was reduced to a lieutenancy; Lieutenant Goerlitss 1 was reduced to the ranks; Lieutenant Day was made city detective; Lieu tenant Williams was made captain; Patrolmen Palmer and Walsh were ele vated to lieutenancies, and Patrolmen Block, Schmidt, Watkins, Rodham and Bloan wer' dismissed. Among the new patrolmen is John McHale, who was Bred by Mayor Bailey lor having supported the Connellltes, No cause for the changes is as signed. Under the "ripper" the gov ernor's ai pointed recorder need not give any cause or seek concurrence of ro'tiicils, The Are department i to get a .slia!;-up todav CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Inn, ll.it If IdsritM, ask Drnffflst RH rHU'llKKIKK-N ISNUlalNH iii Hett and Uold mi'Uill iioxofl, Mftlnd wltto t'ii" ribbon, rhr i ihrr. Krfkf r dwnsjairona asibatl- ini lona and Imlfatlona. Kuruf rourUragflsl, I, ! If TmU- monlala k Hi r Iter l.nill-." ( trller, b) return lull. 10,000 Testimonials, bolder all Druggists. ORIOBBSTSR OR1WIOAL CO. SI00 aaullaon Hqnarr, i-llli.A.. I" A. Ml'iiIIuu .alt pupar. bi HrtMl I ti KILLS SIX. Fire In FUund House Reached Explo sive, With Dire Results. Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 20. The Mohawk A,- Melone round house at Herkimer was discovered to be on ffre at 10.30 last night. Watchman Gilbrrt and an engine tender named John Deck, assisted by residents of the vl i Inity and members of the bridge building gang, attempted to extinguish the flames. While they were battling with the fire a large quantity of dyna mite stored in the building exploded with terrific force, killing Gilbert and Heck and four others. GOOD ADVICE. The most miserable beings iu the world are those suffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-ii.e per cent, of tbe people in the United States are af llicted with these two diseases and tbeir effects: such as Sour Stomach. S'ck rieadacbe. .Habitual Costive ppss, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Gnawinir and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in theMouth. Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirited, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Qet Green's Prize Almanac. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right, easy to take, easy to operate. pSc. All drug-flits. Waal you r luousUvb or beard baaatif al Drown or ncp duck i idph hi BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ftVJE .era m iMMMIf, m I 9 Hsu l CO , Nuts, H Bspnblican Standing Committal Adams C. V. Bfnaaman. J. D. Np. UnaTer-Charles Drecse. Klmar WeUel. leaver W Tlioi Herbater. Jackson Baker, er.tre W. A. Naap. F II. Mine. buuinan -l'eler MhalTer, C H. Ipdesrorr. Franklin --John llacltrnbiiro:, (iro F. Nletlur. larkson J. Harvey Mover, O. A. Brouee. Mlddltburg f. W. Spec lit. Frank Kelts. Miildlccreek D F. How, Oco. 0 stuck. Monroe W. L Young. I) P. Hitler Penn Harry L, Kiiulc, Uro M. Witmer. Perry f, K. Hover, alien Valentine. Parry W, Joslan Wlnay. C. s. Sprirolo. Srliirwnve J. A. I.iim-ard, J. F. Keller. Sj.rinit Inn.. U. KIkm, l. II Snook, t'nion -Jftr.ib SUilil. A. .1 Stroll. rVasbtiurton Myron Nfoyer, VV F. IUowu. PsTrn Youxo, Dhsirman, tun K. Wcrni . Secretary, J. I kank BjrjTZ, Treasurer Middles urgh Market. Butter.... Hjhm I Wheat To I live ."() ('urn 50 12 (Ml Onious!!! 1 Lard Tallo... Chickens. I Side Shoulder 10 Oats 32) I Potatoes 00 8 Bran per 100. 1.00 1 8 Middlings" 1.10 12 j Chop 1.10 11 IFlourperitbl ;."" , Ham.. our reader, who bve oecniitou to um wbtsv key. hum liiinicjiiiy 01 'otherwise, will ho Inter eeted i n the kklverttiemeni in tiii4 paper of The Hftyner DitMllnr Co., which offen pure Ityj Whinkey, Seven xeori Old, dlred from their illfltlllery t $9) 20 hi unllon, expreni prapsild. Tbii offer if deserving f conefderatlon. THE Best School at which to prepare for teach inn or college, or to take a thorough course in Vocal or Instriitncul.il Music is THE Literary Institute and State Normal School i,l HlooiiiNbtlris, Pa. No other school offers such superior, advantages, at such low rates. It will pay you to write for information. By re cent act of the Legislature tuition is now free to those preparing to teach. Address j. r. tTKUH, a. M rit.n.. r-inripai. lllfMini.liura. I'a. , Another Mosquito Victim. Havana. Aug. 20. The second man who was bitten by infected mosquitoes that had been set apart for the experi ments of Dr. Caldas, the Brazilian ex pert, died of yellow fever yesterday. GENERAL MARKETS. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 19. Flour steady; winter superfine, I2.1C02.3O; lvnn sylvaniH roller, clear, $!.9W3.15; city mills, rxtra, 12.4061.66. Rye tlmir slow, at IZ.SMj 2.no per barrel. Wheat off; No. red, fpot, T46T4VtiO Corn lirni. No. 2 yel low, local, Me. ( lata firm; No. 2 White, clipped, !''.; lower grades, 11043c, Hay in i;iinii demand; No, 1 timothy. 110.60 tu 17 fur large bates. Beef tirm: hei f hams, flt.60620.60. Pork steady; family, 117.60, Live poultry quoted at '.''jc. lor Ih-iih, U'-ii k4t. for old roosters. Dressed poultry at inc. for choice fowls. OHe, fnr old roosters, luitter steady; creamery, JD4c. Kkss tirm ; New York and Pennsylvania, 17c. Potatoes nrni; Jerseys, 60 7oc. Baltimore, Md Aug, 19. Flour steady: western super, t3.45fT2.56, Wheat tirm; spot. 75H07514C.J the month, 7S076Hc.i September, .t.i.-TIV. Corn tirm; mixed, spot. tlKGOSc; the month, ;iv-. ! southern white corn, iSef'c.: southern yi Mow -orn. B.V. n.-its steady: No. '.' white. 4OVi041c; No. 2 mixed, B81j39tyc. Rye steady; No, 2 nearby, KVx67c. Hay dull and easy; No. 1 timothy, 118.60017, Butter firm and un changed! fancy Imitation, ISjflfc.; fancy creamery, 20921c, K;;us firm and un changed; fresh, ISOlOVio, Cheese tirm and unchanged! large, iuv.c'. Suar firm; Hue and cnursi' orn:mh;t-jd, ?,V25. r)AT.NT R Jrl PROCURED V uLgf L.. ... . . T CRMS PRELIMINARY EXAMINA7I0N FREE' patent guaranteed V; w ok monkv i;:-,rt!Nnf:n U8E5t AOVICt.PKDMPr.rAIIMFUL CtRVlCC WRITE FOR BOOK ON PATENTS HOW;SP!STHEM H. A. HQLCATE Ti roio Tvn mrx iTTnniirv 815 HtL CSTATC JkU10 IlirUfU Al lUIVNCil TnuSTeu,Lo,NSPHILADELPHIA.PA. Didn't Interest Her. (iray Yes; I tell my wife thin"; I do; don't you? every- AVJji te 1 did for awhile, but had to quit. My wife said it was too stupid for anything Boston Transcript. WANTKTt-TRrST WORTHY MEN AND WO men to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standing. Salary $780 a year and expenses, all payable In cosh.No can Tossing required. Give references an enclose self-addressed stamped enveloped Address Manager, 845 Canon Bldf . Chicago, 4-18-14 I A Sensational Everything in proportion we art' compelled to re duce, because we made our purchase too heavy for this season. IJv purohuius ten dollars worth of soods, we will pay half fare. I WOLF FREEDMAN, - ntiiiiui.iHfWiiiiiiit -I- a a a m m m WANTED Our complete Line of bed-room suites are vx traordinary value. Trices deeply cut and worth your while to consider. Very respectfully, W. $ -13!) Maiket St. Undertakiog a Specialty. wtwstiww ITTTTITm Tin TTHttti mmtWM.a. 5 IAIiWMUIUUKTIIW More Your Buying s YOU CAM YOURSELF SEE Reno H- Walter, MIDDLE BU ROM PENN, it,t,l1't',!,'tit,tlt,llt'l tl't ttltlf ft n: REFRICrERATORS Numbers and assortment to satisfy most any taste. o htsve seeured the auency for tlie celebrated BALDWIN DRY AIR BOX It is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator Tbeir points of superiority overall otber boxes, making it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market. Everything can be removed, making it easy to clean. Patent "Lip Cup" preventing any warm air from reaching the ice compartment, Every one Is guaranteed to give satis i faction. I Prices range from 8 to $17.90 with or without water tank. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Water Coolers. t W. H. HEIM, Sunbury, Pa. AS ijHnm. BOOK fall. A 4unrDUk. A. r araaova. Mow SALE I Freed ma ri s Bargain Season. f Owing to the Spring season on hud we offer you WONDER" I FDL BAIiviAIXSi,, ihebeauti- fid line ofXcgliyeeShirts, lauti- fill Shirt Waists up-to-date. The X very latest styles in Gents' Fur bisbilt Goods al a great reiluctkn 2 in prices as follows: MKX's.sliTs. $16.00 Suits ou down to $1:5.00 14.00 Suits cut down to 1 LOO 12.00 Suits out down to .() 10.00 Suits out down to 7.89 8.00 Suits eut down to 5.00 V. Mirl, el s 'i OM Stead VSUl HY, PA. ,,,,iiitiiiiiiiiiii 25 PERSONS to buy a bed l'OOlll Mlltr. rilliuKliiic, c-eu pieces lor sjlo.OO j. tfs BsS0 We do not deliver these X suits out of town for tliis $ This offer is to bold good until the fl.OL-K III l'i!4'l-l' I Others will quote you the same grade of suite from $20 to 823. A. SHIPMAN, SUNBUKY, PA. 5 oine Silver-Toofroed Talker S may tr.v to make .um in i ;, n,,. h "i " l un-i-ii etlMaf." noil ll,iM- ? not matter mnch whether II is or J Mil, but srhen 3 011 come la 7 BUVIING FARM TOOLS f Don't trust liiin too far. Do some thinking before you buy. ' WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU the OSBORNE LINE ! THB SUPERIOR POIN1 It! T Tt 1 1 It 1 1 H Sut fi I . Ever stop to think how much profits go to the wholesale and retail dealers 7 Buy direct from tbe maker and save these profits. Puro i-oods, full Pleasure and distillers' prices are the Inducements offered by The llayner Distil ling Co. Bee their adTertlfement in this Issue REFRIGERATORS