And .1 ll If if I .Ut 1 r. It i-hrvf te lit- of ll tri-'iis to IB ICCf!!. y 111!' rprf iost ter Lis'3 r eid t then N. t isa"' mbHsj hut ;i priz- j I. to fve- ucl Topi" PENNSYLVANIA HAILROAD. Surfcury & Lewiatowu Division In effect aSareu 18, 1900. Tt0. I uitwau' lit. ea JIB iu 219 IM 111 iM . W 144 too JW 113 3W S25 iX -"l l 0 4Ml M III Iff, T ST T54 7 41 7 TSS, 7M 7 F Suaaury Hall nag-rove Junction 10 , faltnarrovt ION Pawling 10 in Kraamer 10 S Meietr 1011 Jll.1ill.burt 10 1 Banter 10 IT tttfukwa 10 42 Adatnebura IttK Bauba M ilia 11 B McClure 111 a' Waarar U ; Shindle H Paiiilrrvllle 1117 Maitland 11 Uwntown 11 JJ lawtatnwn (Main Street. 1140 Lwietown Junction. 4M St IM III ISO IM 111 111 110 36 JO .147 150 Train leaves Sunburr ' 30 p m, ar rive at helinnife. v fj 40 p m i i i i , v-. ll I H I 1 1 11 arrivAD rlu :i: . r 111 Ouwwurj v. id i hi. I Trains leave Lewtatown Junction : , l yjn m.ii) U in. 1 10 ii m.lS'ip m 5 m. 7 (TTp l es r 01 n hi tor A toon, rni'oura, aaa me want. 1 1 l'!,r iliUMiicre .d. Washinatna H Oft a m V 30, I If.' I M t R I in l m rnrrmiueivnisaatn new ! h'ork ns. S0V S SOs in. 1 i 1 :w 4 M and llUpi. i Kr HiirrlKhurn 1 10 p ;:i Philadelphia A Erie R R Division. 1 A Nil NORTHERN cknthai. RAILWAY WKSl'WA un. Trait) l"sves s-ll zroa JUnoUOtl OsJly tor aaboiy and West, iHiaUHia, u in. sunilsy 9 is a m, i.i i. in. rnlns leave Sunlmry dull v exoopt Rundsv: H a in tor Itumio.t ll u m tor Krio ana can-' n.lalau-1 a in lor iicnoinnie r.ria ani .iiuiinimiKiia I :i in fnl' uiOK llnven, I j nint' iin'i i in1 fsi . ior I: : i ll". 1 in i in im i1 '. :vanc J nous aim awaaaawaj 451. in lor kennvn and Kluilra . J "I . . i . I I U " ' I IssdsTlsM for hurfaio via Bmponatn, .', a in lor Erie, 5 10 a in lor Krle and Causa- Huua S SB V m ior V US IS lor ik navun au i uniport 111. 9 W a in i (10 and 5 4K i m lor Wllket and llaeiton ii ii in It) 10 a in, in i in, 5C p in i r Miamo- l MoiiiiI caruii i jay t U s m lor Wllkeaharre BApTWARD, Train? leave BellMfrove Junetloa i. .i in, dally u rri vl uif at Plul-idelplila Ipn New York in p at a u p in Ublnxton 4 Id pin 14 i in dally arrlvlnt: at Philadelphia H i ui New York 3 It a ui, li.tluuiore 9 IB p m ,- iin.'ti.n 10 rt p in. It! pin. ualiy arnvinwr at riiiiaiieipiila now sors nam in. iiaiinnoii- zau a m sbington I 05 a n. : r.i'iis aii) leav. Nniirmrv : I". a in lil 1 1 y arriving al I'hila.lnl.lliia S VI a m BTSO a in Washlnjiton 880 a in New rk '.' a in Weekdays. HI -H a la -Sundays, , in du ly arming at I'lillmli-hihlit 7 -".', .New York IU n m. 10 88 Sundays Baltt- ll- ; .'a a in, Wimlilnton 880 a in. It. ill linore pin. WasliiiiKt'in I i.i p in. p in, week city nrrlviim si I'hi'.ailelphia in. New York V :M u in. Baltimore 0 o.i p in fliiiurtnn 7 15 p in . in i uir, arriving at pun taeipaia v sti p m York lOSI p in, Baltluiors7 :n p in, h IB P III tiinij also leave Sunlmry at 9 50 a in and B2B :il pin, tur Harrlshur, Pluladclptila and aimers 1. K. WOOD. Qanfl Pass Airent . IllTCllINSON (len'l .Manauer. COMBINAilON WITH THE POST. ma give Ik-Iow smne dubbing pl)iiuttlOOS with the Post. The iiotl are vcrv low. lie New York Tri-Weekly 'Cn- iinii the Buddleburg 1'ust, one ;iitl in atlvuiice, only $1.75. ly Is published Monday, i'ridav. reaches a lariru orlia of suhscriliers on date ot me. and each edition Is a ttinroinrhlv Ho i late daily family new spaper for By people. lie New York Weekly Tribune lie MitltUeburij B08T. one year, in sdvaDoe, only Si. 25 fhe Weekly Trlbunn is i.ol.ll.lie.l r,,, Ittraday, and gives all Imnortant news nalioii and world, the most relialda Kitel reports, unexcelled agricultural nrtmsnt, rslttbls eanaral In for ma. Bnand choice and entertaining inls- 1..10. 11 is me -people s paper ' Tor I entire Toiled State-, a it .1 f paper for farmers ami villagers. New orkTri- Weekly World In' Middleburs Post, one year. in advance, only $1.65. I In-Weekly World comes three a week, is llllo.l ,.i, n,. I.,,.. ., I S of the country and IS well w orth Ipnee asked for it. ! Practical Farmer, one year. ll'' Mi'lilli liiir r PflOT ,wo traaa advance, $1.60. Both of K)VG nanora anil 1 1 , . l'...,,.i;...,l I .". I ' , . II' , I 1 M 1 ear Knok Mini m-imil. ugitww Almanac or 1900, paid in "i only $1,66. I'ractiial Karnier i onenl the best papers published, Issued weekly. "year, The year book contains es in which then i- a funrf f i. "alien ihat is u-cliil to the faro,, ,. IHnee of this book alone Is SO cents. H e tear Book foronlv tl.flS, -:n ritt'sTwouiiY mi:nand wo. solid finanobil itanding. Salary IT8U a advertise Tor old eatabliahad i" s, un paya'.ic in Pit-h. No can 'loired. Give references and enclose "WI stamped envelope. Address Caxton Didg., i hleago, j-is int. Happy Combination, I a saving of time and other ll here would be." Mmarlrari i lie of Bventa and Things, "if a id take his lirst ocean ox- 1 his first imnlra .,t tha ma ma Vonkers Statesman. Iiiinuer- ,,r Uatrlmoar. It is said that Itavlnff out tilts will "It Will, if hi is a married wn Topics. Almoat Klarlllna;. rins itrsng! that luch an old FUJ0 te in hive with me." doesn't if.' Psually they are young . Detroit Preu Conalderate. 0,'fht, Mrs. Sharpe. Pd stop "v you were. I must ira imiediatelT. ire very kind and thourhtfirl. (of um." Philadelphia Timed. RjFENNERS ooil & Liver AND we TONIC. L:J!"f. vu wan laaoaJT The city of Washington, D. C, has et a food example to American mu Trtx IMantlaa; la titlee. nicipalities iu the matter of tree- Tjlailtlao-. Within a a 4M tts limits there are no lcaa than 80,000 19 I hade trees, and it ia unnecessary to 4 31 dwell on the added beauty they lend 4H i to the place. Paris has an even great iori er IHImlr- nl H id that $00,000 are expended annually by the latter Bty in the .ore of them and the set ting out of new one. Kvery street of a certain width is entitled to a row of trees on either aide, every street of a eertaiu greater width to a double row. The criticism has been made tat the Paris method results in too great uniformity, but, aa Mr. Churles W..I. ,' .a - iiuiiuru no ni n son, autnor or a new lbook, entitled "The Imurovement of towns and Cities," .ays it will always be a iniestioa of taste between for ,.i;., , ,.,., , .... ... . """ nd naturiihsni. 1 he cities of 1 1 :l v sometimes l'h further than l';iria - ,, . uirwcuvn ir xormmilam, irnn- ming their -trees to fantastic shapos. i For US probably the best system is a happy medium between monotonous .vtnmatix, ,i... ) 1... ,..-.i ' - ' i ""- l" ul o mucq in rogue on tnis sioe 01 the Atlantic. Viewed merely from 1 1 ac esthetic Standpoint, there is every rea son why Miir American cities shmild give greater attention to tree-plant-ing. lien- In Providence there are many miles of dreary streets that would 1m' "vastly" improved, a- .lane Austen might say, if they were Imr- dered with shade trees. In the tear l'.IOI) no less 4,UU0 trees were planted in New York city, under the auspices of the Tree-Planting society of that town. Some complain! h-ks arisen over the deadly effect of escap ing gas upon tin- roots, but very few trees, comparatively, have perished from this cause, Providence is behind many American cities in the planting of shade ire.-s. Next fall a thousand might easily lie set out here without lilling a quarter of all the blank .-puces along our residential streets, There arc jevelopmen i itartling examples of the of this capacity ill wom en for doing men's work. When fam ilies i ha t ha t o been a omen Dolna UeiCs ork. strong1 nnd prospered get started JoH ii hill, and I lie men die off, or go tm seed, or lose In-art or heajlh, il la not an uncommon thing to see the women develop under stress of eireti instance! a virile vigor that meei.s lh orm and weathers il. Very able women are developed by defects in man, and of coursu when the wheel has once fallen to them nnd their wills havu been trained to steering they will ujt readily give up a place thai they have fairly won. Nor should they, says the Philadelphia Press. The mischief, what there is of It, has been done; let the consequences abide. The chief mischief is, that, though a woman may come out .strong in doing a man's work, the man whose work is done for himif there is one il apt to come out w eak, still, it's a pretty poor ar gument when the worst it can say about woman's Working is that it is bad for men. The editor of a paper in Kansas took a wife to himself the other day. He printed in his paper the following an nouncement of the event: "For the first time we were married Wednes day. We have contemplated this step for a iotifr time, but lack of funds has always prevented, until we finally de cided to R-et married and trust to Prov idence for the rest. The subscription rates of the Itecord will remain tit the same price. Only the immediate rcla- t;v,.j ,,-.. hmm.i ,1 - j'l.-.ii, .it iiht vcicaiuui Our views on, the money question will remain the same, only we need more of it. We will go to housekeeping in the Ajaquith borne on Second street." The farmer's boy who drifts to the city finds, in nine cases out of ten, Irrearular work, a dimrv little room in , t i u,.,,' , ,,, , ' ..o.u oo.o asaainea in nil eountry home anil ir- resistible temptation to spend every dollar which Ik? can yet hold of. The city boy reaching the country finds just as hard work and longer hours, but work in the fresh air and sunshine, with comfortable lurroundings, good food ami all the. social standing of which his character makes him wort hv. A Kansas school board received the following letter the other day from one of the teachers: " would like to have the refuaal of the school as loufe' as you nro willing to hold it for me, though 1 can't :-aV' positively that I will not teach, nor positively that I will. If 1 am married, as I think I will be, of course I will not Want the school. Hut you know the old utory about many a slip, and 1 Would hate to be out of a job M well a .the other." A school pirl of Passaic, X. J., was asked this question by her teacher: "If you had $'-J0, how long would it take you to go to Washington, and by what route would yio-u travel?" The next day she disappeared with $20 of her mother's money, and later was found in the national capital, seeking a practical answer to the query. The average age of man has been in creased 7', years in the last century, and at that rate the average length of human life will be about 100 years is ton centuries. UNION PARTY NOMINEES. Men Who Are Likely To Oppose Phi la- phia Regulars. I hiladlphla, Aug 13. The suh-rom- m.ttee representing the allied orfanl- rations in the political reform move- ment in this city In opposition to the regular Republics! nominees, met yet- terduy to select candidates for a "un - Ion ticket."' to be voted for at the next leotlon. The sub-committee has not the pewar to form a ticket, but sug gests available candidates to the gen eral eotaniittee, which In turn is to submit the names to the allied oaganl nations for final approval. The follow- lug candidates were agreed upon by the Sllb-commlttee but aa la stilted tha uu couiiiiHwe, OUl, as IS Stated, tne ticket is subject to change by the gen - I eral committee: P. K. Rothermel. Jr.. district attorney. Buala eitlien rwantjr-one years of age, possess John Vlrdin recorder of daada , '"K "liwIISeaSloilS, shall oe en- U ,r(,ln. recoriltr OI llmlS. tilled to v.. Ic at all elections, aiihject however John M. Walton, city controller. lo such laws ranuirliMi ami rearulatlns the rest- Frank A. llartraaft, clerk of court '"Z';' "l'''U" " "'" Aa,,!,"',l If quarter esaiOBS. , ., , , . I Me I ball have been a citizen of the Inited Biown errata au.i n a. uuaens, board of revision of taxes O Harrv Davis and lohn n Road v. narry iiavis aim .lonn It noaa, lUdgesofthe court or common pleas. DCLEGATIOM CONTESTS. Many Fights Prout.jle At Democratic qi1t fnnuFiilinn btate i,onvention. Hariiaburg, Auk. 13, -The commlttet on credential! of Thunday's Ikmuo - ( ram si lie Convention will have ph nly to do judiiiiiK from the natiira of His contest! which have been filed with ('hail man Creasy, Beside! the contest In Philadelphia, from which city iwc completi isti of delegate! have lo rn I certified, there are contesting delega tion! in the Fourth Lackawanna and 'he Kifih Luzerne districts. All oi these contests will be determined by this committee and then passed upon direct by the convention. It is ex- pected that many of the delegates and i i..-.. i. . . , l"oi) .-,iuei.- uni ii', ii ii noli! li"l,l '1 1 and that by Wednesday the city will be crowded with Democratic workers FOR BASEBALL PEACE. President Ban Jolinson nntl Hart Cick ering Fcr Amicable Settlement. Chicago, Auk. 13. Negotiations for peace in mo inn"iiau world ar on between President Han Johnson, rep resenting the American League, and Jamea a. H ut, representing the Nn lional League, Uan Johnson said to day: "While in sotun respects )t might !i" belter for ns to go along si al pres ent, for th.. public likes a fight dread a winter campaign. We have kept clean so far iiiid Intend to do so. but thw bickering and scramble for players, charge - an l counter charges, will hurt th.- i,a , A baseball war ntivly lasts two seasons, one or the other organisation goes to the wall, u la probably butter to compromise, but there are lo many anules, the situ tion is u trying one." FIVE MILLION FOR HORSES. British Government Has Expended That Amount In Missouri Alone. Kausns City, Aiir. 12. Colonel Skin ner, one of the English officers who, haa been stationed In the P tilted I States since the outbreak of tin.' Boer war, buying horses and mules, re turned to Kansas City from New (Ir leans yesterday. With the shipment Just mado from Kansas City to Capo Town ti... British government has Spent 11,000,000 in K:iiisas City for hoi! ."; and OlUl ' r Ri rvICO ill South Africa. Colon. I Skinner says that np pr kll ately 100,000 animals have been hi;,; i-d iroill h por: ,i New Or vli Inlty through the an:', during the pnsl three years The a these snlmala is $30 crage paid foi :. h"ad, making " '' '.,-. J :ti Mis the 1 sum 5l ex; ; Utti Prun . Halifax. : maated Iron s V.'i c.'.kccl In Fcg. S., Aug. 13. ThS four bark Drutnalls, Captain Whalen, tal u, I'm from Llvi i pool, Qreat Hri New York, wiiii a cargo of 2,0nii tons of chalk, struck on Capo Ledge, two miles . ff Cape Sable, near Barrlngton, N. s , nt ; o'clock Sunday nicjit during a dense fog, and will probably become a total wreck. Boer Piisoners Tried To Escape. Jamestown, St. Helena, Aur. 13. Two Boer prisoners, Hollanders, made it desperate atlempt to escape Satur day evening. They swam to a Ashing boat far out on the harbor, captured her tind set sail. All their clothing was lost, and they were recaptured yesterday in a nude condition by the British war sloop PeaRlo. Royal Sympathy For Crispi's Widow. Naples, Aug, 13. Blgnora Crispl has received a telegram of condolence from King Viator Emmanuel an,j Queen Helena, saying: "Your husband was a venerable and valiant patriot, and he will always be remembered as one of the founder of Italian unity." The funeral will tnks place August 15. A Dignitary Ttelaxes. "What is your name?" asked the lity directory enumerator. "Cotton," answered the man of tb souse. "Any children?" "Eleven." "I suppose we shall have to let It fo," said the enumerator, putting (own the figures, "but it looks like padding the census." Chicago Trib ane. Merely an Optimist. "Xo," said the business man, "I lever lie about my business. It ioesn't pay." "But how about your advertising han?" At this he became thoughtful. "He descnues the bargains and op portunities as he sees them." he re plied. "If he has a failing, it is op timismnothing more." Chicago Til K fONSTITl'TlON Till! CITIZENS I IV I'llOIOSKO Til THIS COMMON WKAI.TH Kelt TIIKIR AP PROVAL OK KKIKCTIOX HY lit K KN ; KKAI. ASSKMlll.Y OK 1 11 K COMMON- VI 1 11 I II illf 1 I: V" k: t a V" 1 ...... i.imikh by okiiku ok thk skckktaky , gffl$wTUF$t. STI 1 1'TloX. I a Joint RScWLUTIOM ftofwlaa MaaaaddMat t the Conetitution 1 af the Commonwealth. Ilr i rc-aolvrii by the Senate ami Houae i.f Keprearntativaa of the Coinmon- wea th in l.eneral Aaarmldv met. that the. fob lowing- la proposed aa amendment to tha Cob alitution of tha Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, In accordance with the provisions of the eillhtuciilh article thereof: Amendment One to Article Kiht. Section One. Add at the end of the Urol raraph of said ,-iiiittl nil.., tlt.t u..r.l. '-I..:l I ... 1. I... I . . i vote at all slsttleua.'1 the words, "aahtaot how- :"'." "." h ''" re.iiirin ami rrKiilatiuK the lagtatlatl f electors as the (ieneral Aftaeinldy , may enact. ' so that the said section shall rend mS!T! .,;,, , ataiss st least one montn, '-' He aliall have resided In the State one year lor hay'tts; previously been a quallfled eleu- ior or native born cltisen of the Mais, he shall Itave removed therefrom ami returned, within six monlhs lliilucdlatel.l prccedlliK the elec- 'He shall Itave resided In the e tlnn district 1 where he aball oiler 111- Vole at lea-l Iwo months immediately pi. ,e.lnik-ihe election, 1 ' 'wi iily I .. years of ane and upward-, he I isIbssJI have pool wllbln two years a Wateot county tax, which shall have Wen assessed at ;;cf::r::;!;:x;,;;:;r''' " mendmi nt Ti to Article Kljfht, Bectlon tevon. strike out from said section 'he words "but no elect ir -hall lie ilepnvco of the privilege of voting by reason of bis name mil being re gistered, 1 ami add p. -aol section tliu following w ord-, "I. ill law - regulating and requiring the registration of electors may I nacted t i apply to cities only, provldeil that such laws may he uniform f..r cities ( 1 1 . - - sai '' tbal the said section -hall read aa follows : Beetlon ' Uniformity of Klcetinu Iaws. All laws regulatina the Imldlngof elections by the . itiesor for th. registration of electors shall lie uniform throughout the stale, but lews regtila lingand reiulrlug the regtatrnl I electors 1 1 ia v to- unacted to nmilv '. eltlnafinlv or... .,(... I that such laws be uniform for cities of the sumo ' class. k true root I ihe Joint Resolution, w . W . ci 1(1 BUT, Secretary of the tviiiitnonweallh. MRNDMKN P T( THK s III I'hiN' PHOPOSKll TO THE CITIZKNM OKTIIIH I OMMONWKAI.TII I in: Til Kilt Al'I'Uiit l. oil ltE-IK( TION U III'' IIKNKItAI, srmblv ok nn: 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i , i , 1 1 1 op 1'i:nns i wi , pi iii.isiiKDin oitni uok I'll t: HKCKK r.MtV OK TilKt'tiMMONWKI TII . in el hKi m i: ui AliTichu w in ui rilK 1 1 oNSTll r i io. A JOINT 111 sol. I' riON Propositi! an amendment t th- .ll-lll ot Hie I ,1 Section :. I;.- it enacted by anlth Mo- Senate and Itltll i .mi 1 i,. preseniitiive- oi ine i we, nf Pennsylvania in ( Assembly i niu -ne iiinowinu i- proHiscinsail a n.iu to the Conaittiitlnn .-I 1 1 - Cominonwenltl I t'ennsylvauin in m ..o e with the provisi i ..lie .vrn. m inereoi. Amend ment, strike out aeetioti four ol article, eight, an. oi-erl in pla.-e thereof, a- follows section I. All elections by the citlxetla slutll l.e by ballol or hy suvb other method as nut he prescribed by law Provided, Thai accrccj in oting l.e preserved. A true cop. of the Joint llesol W. VY.OKIKST, Seretarv of the Potnl wealth. Social Obllcatlon. Uttle Elmer Papa, why i- it more blessed to ejite than to receive'.' Prof. Broadhead Because', my son. if you permit yourself to receive you are compelled to give about three limes us much ill I'el urn iii oiiler lo properly express your gratitude, Smart Set. " iiui Dreams come." llobbs (ie Titewildd i- about from insomnia. Sayi is a I rani lo ii lo sleep. Dobbs Does he fear binv "No; lint the la-l lime I- dreamed of vliimr away -Baltimore American. he slept money." Blessed sleep. How bless'ij the prlceli sa boi .1 ili . p, ."rom care a benign and 01 p; When nature lulls to sweel repose Ami eures each 111 1 11.1t mortal knows. Bleep, priceless jewel thai tlm eye 1 11 poor may wear, though none . an buy! Hut oft, ala.! tn in wakes to llnd His wife lias leaPSsd bis Inner mii.d, Por secrets ho preferred to keep Kscaped while talking in his iluvp - Philadelphia Hull. un. W AV TO toil IHE INKOIIM I los. The Rector He ia the most thor-. OUgbly informed man 1 Know, upon all Imaginable topics, Miss BrownNo wonder. He (fets shaved every day at the barber shop. Harlem Life. A Neighborly II 1st ll rbnllee. First Neijflibor Well, my daughter doesn't play the piano any worse than your son writes poetry. Second Ditto Perhaps not, but it can be heard ever so much farther. Detroit Kree l'rei-s. Merely Trmnornry. Bridegroom I'm afraid we ahull look so happy and contented that ev eryone will know we are just married. Best Man (consolingly) Don't wor ry, old chap; it will only be for a day or two, you know! Tit-Bite. Her Wholeaale Way. "Do you believe the worlds' feder ation of clubs can be achieved?" "Oh, yes. I know woman; she'll keep on federating until there is noth ing else left to federate." Detroit Free Praia. A MKX1XKNT T.I ijMWli ' Wjl IDER OSje in each town a reliable oersou a bicycle. Write MEAD CYCLE PURE WHISKEY DIRECT FROM DISTILLER TO CONSUMER. Four Full Quartsk ui r Mil $3. .20 I Express Prcpsld. A.ii'1'5 Ptalrrs' I'rotils.J rrtvtntt AJult-ritiuns. OUR OFFER: HAVNFtft fl iva.i- 1 We will send four lull! ?uart Bottle olHatner'sl -tear-Old Double (opprrl Distilled H.e lor $1.20,1 express prepaid, shipped " VIN- VIAS ia-" in plain p,n kage, ma marks to indicate con-l tents. II nut satisfactory! when reieoed. return ilF al our expense; we vxdiu return vour anrn It'fti'sArv cjn't hi luA e.'ii-li'ii're tor las th in j i Thir.i Nat'l Bank.Paylon; Slate . Louis; or any ottbe Bx, Co'a, THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO.. 220-2.12 Wont Fifth St.. Oavton. Ohio. 300-311 So. Seventh St., St. Louis. Mo, REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man the '' Mit oiwie. ra.-3rvTo-: nEMHDY prodnoes the above reanlta ln30 ttajra. Knit powertnlly and qulolly. C'nren when all ottnirn fall lOUOS men will r. Hain their lout tnunbood.and old men will mover thoir youthlnl viaor by UHlng kkvivo. it otiloklr sod Buralr restores Karroos. niiHO, Lout Vitality, Impotency. Niiihtly KiuliKinna, Loi,t Power, ralllQB Honiorr, waatlhs Dtssissi, sad til 1 il 1 Is o( HeK-ahUHO orexresHal.d m In i. in.n n-bicb Qn&tS one for Study, bniioeaa or marriaKo. II not ouly cnrealiyi-tartlnirnt the east of Isasreat nerve tonic and lilood builder, bring ing bark thn pink i-l..u to pate cheek aiid ra torlng tbo Qra of youth, It Ward off Insanity and Oonsuatpttoa. Inmi t en bavin! RBVIVOi no other. It ran bs OarHsd in vail rjoekst. Hy mall Vl.OO per v i , nr nix (or l,'..mi. with a iisl the wrlttoti irunntnteo tn eora or refund tbo money. Cin-nlarfruo. Addreaa Royal Medicine Co., TmPcaWi for wile In Mid ill ebitrqh, l'i.,( miihhjjh nan drug o. WANTED, Cspaldo, relishlo person In ev ery county to-repreaenl largu company t llnaiic al S'i :i. aitlary per year, pay able weekly; i-' per day absolutely -on- Still all ipenaaa: straight, bona-tlde, delltilta nnlary o cointnlaaion; salary ponl cnoh Hatunlav nnd Ap.-nse 01 ,ne y iidvaiieed each week, STANI) 111 1 llol si:.:, 11 Denrboi 11 St., I !blogo. DR. HAYNE'S, Tho(i i nianlHi Irnliat ) improved Double Kxtracl of Sarsn parillu ati'1 Celery Compound Ut il Clover, Beef ami IJ VesretnbloH, Hoots, and Fieri), (no Minerals! contain! Il'li,i: (lie Curatives nl an v one dollar Medicine in Ihe mar l,t I and lasts TWIG as I' ng. 1 lie grenteal Retnedv of the Arc, killmo till Q EH MM, destroyed all Mldit) BES and n sine and certain, cure ior KDM'.V ami LIVEB diaiiBeH, Bueuinatisiii, Nervoiiatiegs, Dyspe pais, Malaria, Constipation, Sic!; rlendnchu and nil couiplaints nils iiij; from impure liiood. Itearulnr price si .00 oer Pot I le I'! oz , lint iu order to gat iutroduceil in 1 bis sec- liuli wo will soil it ""c iils per bot tle or I bottles I "i SLGO until furtli er notice Do not ivmt. order now if you are ailing. The above medicine is used in BV EHY HOSPITAL and by nil tin LEADING PHYSICIAN'S in tlic world to day, and highly enaorsod by all. Aihlreaa, AONAWK HDAF:DY CO. A.ilLls.u. KO.WK.9i V. RUPTURE Write to the MOHAWK ItRMKDYOO., Rome, N v and they will tell you how you can cure your HI ITU HK or llbiitNIA and the ONLY W AV Ihoy caniHiaalbly he (JUKKI). I'ne l rhargr -It will coat you but one cent. Don't trait. you will never rogret it. April 18-311, WANTBD. Capable, reliable person In every COUnty to represent Inrm' Company of solid financial reputation! W36 salary per year, pay- aide weekly; 1 PSt day absolutely mire and all expenses- slriiilflit, bona 11. le. deflnltl Salary, Do commission; salary paid each Saturday ami expense money advanced each week, 81 AND Alto iiot;sri B8I Dearborn 8I C '"ago. "-ni rSTAiS NOTlCr?- Notltvi la hereby Riven that Power of attorney-in-fact baa been Kriinted by Ibo heira In the en tate of Conrad Kotter, late of 1'oiin townabip, Snyder County. Pa., deeeaai-d. All MNOns kliow ina-thoinaolvea to be Indebted lo r.ald ea tate abould make immediate payment nnd UMaa batdng claims against It abould prcnonl tbein duly aulbeutleated for nottlement. AiXBM S. SVOHKIST, Attorney-ill-fact. Dundore. l"a.,;une 4.1901 Ba In time.. Sold by dnignlnl"- El mm mmm bbbbbbbvv MM 'flW WE WANT m i jae eichauKe lur HOYMHK X Ml i m l Ml '-anaanaaa- 1 UVaiaiBaai at ivrev mjT'ua if ia ,'"' " M0 aaaaa8s! H We UM.ntei aboTQ firm will ti aj riiolinrrnjifced tomtit naat Conuh8TruDTaLle UJ." Cat AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model oicycie f our manuiac'ure. TOU CAN MAKE SI0 TO $5t A WCEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1901 MsdslsSSIO to $18 '00 1 '99 Models. $7 to $12 ictkro to trtadffcy nr ChusK , frtj,, i . , S3 fO fSII many M u MV w We ship say bicycle ON APPROVAL to anyone without a rent deposit in uifruncc and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. ZSJX no risk in orderinR from us, as you do not need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. MSflT DIlV s wheel until ..u have wriitrn for rsir HUI DUI factoiv mas and mi tiul orr. This liberal offer hat never been auualcd and is a guaiantce of the quality of our wheels. in each town to distribute cat.ilomics f.,r ns in today for free catalogue and our .pcvial offer. CO., DP-Dt. 130 J. Chicago. le,nts, I , mi in Itnlli .01,1 ll.-lii, . il Italca lo iteiroii. aeeonal iuioiiui Mneaa 1 1 1 aaaoelatUHS, Por the meeting of the Nntionnl ucatloiial AsHocintlon nl ih'troit, Jul siniL', inoi, ibo IVtnisylvtinin llall road ( '01 1 1 pa 1 ly will sell excursii 11 tick ets to Detroit from nil stations on Us liin-s, at the rate of one fan1 for llir round trip, lus $.00, Tiekcta will be sold July T Mini s, 00,1,1 rctiiriiliiK to leave I h i roii not curlier than .Inly u later than July Ifl, Hy ileMisiting tickets wi'li Join) Agenl on or before July 12, ami tlic ptiyiuenl of 50 cents the return limit may la1 extended to leave Detroil 110I luti 1 thnu Kt'ptomlH.'r l-i. 0-20- low lr V itnVSparaauaP a.i.i sterllus i nr k Idneya ( ', lire .ill kidney Ills. Sum tuud) 1 . .Cblcago or N. V. Ilr Hi. bin tree Mr. V. S. Whedon, Caahier of tlic Pirst Natiounl Bank i Winter set, low a, in a receut letter u'iviH some 1 xpei ieuce with a cut penter in his employ, thai will Le of value to oilier mecliuiiicH. II" say-: " I had a carpenti r working tor me who was obliged to si 1 p woi k for si veral diija on nccouiit ot boing I roubled with dinrrhoi a I menliouedto blui Hint 1 bad l' en hiniilarly t rouble 1 and Hint Chniuborlaiu'H Colic, Choi el ii and Dun rhooa Itetuedy b 1 '"re me. He boughl a bottle of it from tlic druggist liete and infoi ne that one doHo cured liiin, and lie is is ngain ut t is woi l.'' For sale bv l.e Middleburu Dm;, S liid tin- Unity A.-i. "The pianist wanted his money advance," said the mnnnger. "And, of course, you didn'l have 111 to give him?" said his friend. " That's right." "What did In- do?" "(h, he did ; in- baby net said he wouldn't play." Vonkers Statesman, VI She I k cago who (.rtivt i .1 speaka, I In re's a woman offerinii $1,000 to In Chi li III an honest man. lie Sin''- different from ma ny women thai 1 know be willing I" -in- all thet fin. 1 any old kind ui a man. a good They'd haie lo I liiuuiro KccorcVIIerald. Aa 11 ntinltieas I'eoposi 1 1 on. "Purely 11- a laid the Kngli 'isit injr in A iui -u 1 I i -sit 1 11 nn lUgaireinent "Ami when fuged?" a-k.-T "(Hi. we're 111 iwcred the i- VII a II Mi Ml nee III. business proposition, h nobleman w In. wa. ricil, "would you mind innoiincemeirt of li-s ( r US?" il'd . mi become 1 In- society edit . 'I ii really engaged., itor, calmly, "bui Mil an such line nt will (five in a jf credit thai I sadly need." Chit Post. ago 1 in 1 1 1 ey, aid "Charley, the jrroi thnrp-ca ua ib Mrs ib Tm kins, corner much aa r around almost 1 w iee W oi l i," ihins are v "Why don't "If.-; such ; 1 kick?" mpllmen 1 1 shows ol, I. ion .1 In ili.- n( I v lakes couple."- c arcn t t,'oi tint; tnoiv we Inne ju a bit 1 D10 lcighborhooil is for a no I 1 I lid ma rrlcd J V. as hi not ll .s 1 ,1 r. IC v I, leu 1 1 I . i pet-je, ,1. Mr. I loon I am i wueiil thill the prooni at last night's weddinij was either a widower or a bigamist. Mrs. Iloon tlood gracious! What ma lu.s you t iii i i. -o? Mr. lioon- Why, didn'l you notice that he looked m iher scared nor in en king during the ceremony? -I'uck. Ilia 1 1 r I. - oi ii n . "Did did you ever shun: i man'.'" questioned the tenderfoot, tin. Ily, of Pepperhole Pete. "See here, young fi ller," haw d Pepperhole I'ete, :n a Voice thai shook Pike's peak, "don't you never reflect mi my marksmanship agln I Shoot a man! I never misted one, y' dern ga loot!" Ohio 8tate Journal. Baally l ooted. Perambulating Pete You can't tell me dot crows is about the most intel ligent of birds. Languid Leary Well, they seem purty smart, Pete, Perambulating Pete Smqrt? (th. hucks! One took ms lor a scare crow just now an' come an' set on my head. Brooklyn Kagle. Covet eo as, Hiarlle Boreman (who has been talking to Miss Kcene for an hour steadily) Have you a maid. Miss Kcene? Miss Keene Yes. Hut if you nro looking for a position aa a tire woman I can give you a recommenda tion. Judge. it