n&V,,PREPARED BXPRK33LY FOR THIS Fte SELINSGROVE. Rev. G. E. Frotitz ami wife of Chicora srrived at the Noetling residence Tuesday. Kev. Haas, Mrs. Wagner Miss, s 0f Milton are visiting their grand Jackson Moyer and wit'cofMif Jentiie I.otig and Victoria Decider parents Kmauuel Neitz and wife. flinburg were the Eucste of S. C. took in the Choir Convention. - . r II I I miss paary rergpm-er ..as re- . . i. ..... ...... t.. . UUIM liVUJ 11CI II IJP HI UUHIIU She is well pleased with the l'an- . 1. !a! American-exposition. Mrs. II. L. Noll and wife (nee (iemocrling) of Meyerstown are being entertained by Mrs. Win. H. Gmberlinff on High street Miss Sarah C.ortner is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wra.Gortneron Pleasant St. Boyd Bleokner and family have returned to their home iu I'hila. S. Weil put an aeyteliue gas plant iu his store and (. It. Hendickshad his plant remodeled and put in good shape they are both working satis factorily. Rev. A. E. Cooper and family are visitiug his parents, John L. Cooper and wife. At a special meeting of the Hoard of Dirictors of the University held Friday President Heisler's resigna tion was accepted. He takes a charge in Albauy, N. Y. The first Lutheran Sunday School held their picnic Wednesday of last week at Salem. Trinity Lutheran Sunday School held their picnic in Long's woods ou Tuesday ot this week. Gen. Gobin, of Lebanon, 1). K. Ramey, of Altoona, aud DeWitt Bodine of Hugheaville were among the members of the Board of Direc tors at the special meeting held Friday. Mies Minnie Reiser has returned from her pleasant visit to Eagles mere and other points. Rev. 8. N. Carpenter and wife of Pottsburg were guests at the Phillij s home Friday and Saturday last. Rev. R. F. Fetterolf and family arc visiting friends in town. Albert Lupfer aud wife of Steel ton spent several days with W. O. Holmes and wife on their return trip from Buffalo. James A. Rohbach, Esq., and litt'e daughter of Indianapolis are we' come guests of Major Rohbach and wife. Charles Shaffer and wife were entertained by Burgess Miller and wife last week. Rev. W. B. Lohr of Cleveland, Ohio, made a flying trip to town to see old time friends. Rev. H. N. Follmer and family' of Huntingdon are being entertained by F. J. Schoch and wife. Trinity Sunday School has just replenished its library having added almost two hundred volumes. Rev. Hayden of Scranton preach ed in All Saints Chapel Sunday. Mrs. Aarou Conrad is making an extended trip to Danville Bloom and Vicksburg. Several bathing houses were put on the river bank by the Neptune Club enjoyed by the members. Rev. T. K. Bateman spent several days with his parents. The game of base ball that was to have been played between Liver pool and Selinsgrove Saturday was alwindoned on account of the rain. Mrs. Eiseiihuth is entertaining her siaer, Mrs. Stocker of Phila. Mrs. Stocker is a fine singer. A Minister's Uoou Work. ' I had a severe attack of billious colic, trot ar.ot.flA rvf llh Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- City, took twodnnnn nml wan ,.ul Iv.J , cured," says Rev. A, A. Power, of Emporia, jvan., "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used ttem for three or four days without relief, called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave mm no relief, bo discharged him. I went over to him the next mu :iing. He said his bowels were in a terrible lux, that they had been running off JO long that it was almost bloody Mux. I asked him if he had tried hRmberlain's Colic, Cholera and -v l Toea Remed.v ard he said, o. I went home and broughthim my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in nfteen or twenty minutes if he did uwfcnna ieuei, but ne took u6 more TOUT TBSVOBfON Chester (Jpplfl of Buubury is en- tying a visit i.. town. Misses Marv and Florence Rover Mrs. Loyd Speece of Johustown fa lm. nm Benton Bice and wife ol Bhamo- kin and Mrs. Anna 8teine and chil- i dreii ot Bunbury visited li over Sunday. ' Miss Jennie Charles is spending several weeks with her Bister, Mrs. Wm Brubakerat 8unbury. Misses 01' via and Lula btepp ol Sunbury spent several days of the jwst week with their Aunt Miss Sue Gensamere. Warren O'neil of Harrisburg called on friends Saturday. Win. Reidle has accepted the clerkship in deo. nines store at Kantz. Miss I i 1 la Krebbs of Dundore was the guest of her brother 1 )r, 1 1. M. Krebbs and wife Sunday. diaries Arnold, who is employ ed at Milton, spent Saturday in town. He was accompanied back by his sister, Mis Maynie, who will remain there for quite a while. We regret of her departure as she was one ot me most rctinco young ladies ot ttwn, Miss Coin Reich en bach of Dun dore spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Carrie Reichenbach. Master Russell Knights has gone to Suubury for a week. Miss Mary Xeitz of Sunbuiy is visiting her uncle and aunt S. P. Steflen and wife. Miss Estella Troutman spent several days at Ccuterville. Miss lienors Shambach of Phila. who visited her parents for the past tew weeks has gone fo Ml. Union P. G. Shambach is clerking in Pontious' Confectionary store at Banbury. Jacob Snyder, wife and son of Shamokiu Dam mingled with friends during the week. Harry Charles and James Lenig of Milton were home over Sunday to call oi some of the fair sex. Mrs. Win. Rine, son and friend of Holler were town callers Satur day. (. I. Flanbcrs and sou, Wm. called on the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Flanders Sunday. Jerre Snyder left for the Pan American exposition Monday and from there he will go to Akron to visit his brother, Eugene and family nil i r n -it inc u. J. tV U. J'.. van. picnic which was held Saturday was large ly attended by people from far and near. When we reached the grove the sun was bright and not a cloud over shadowed the sky, but we had hardly more than partaken of the sumptuous repasts, which were pre pared for the day, when we were compelled to take a liath about half an hour and after that we enjoyed the sun light for a few moments and then were warned by threating clouds to withdraw or take another bath. The festival which was held intown in the evening, was also well attended and only three refreshing showers greeted the people. vHHMk"- The Hayner Distilling Co., of Dayton, Ohio, will hU'i you four full iUiutH of Iluynui-'H Suv en-Yeiir-Old Kye ly vxpri'-w, ohMgM prepaid, for ft'I.'JO. tsev. their advertisement, whieu ap pears elsewhere In this inane. MT. PI ,E AS ANT MLLt. Mrs. Frank Kandels and four children of Sunburv and Mrs. Wm. .Oampbell and son of Millershurg arc visiting at Jonathan Troup. Dr. M. Kothrock sold his farm near Shadel to Saaiuel Trevits lor $G00. The band and qui tea number of our ditizens attended the picnic near Mental Saturday. W. .1. Verger and two sons, Charles and Amnion S. are sick list with typhoid fever. Miss Byerly of Dalmatia is visit ing at Albert Schnee's. Tliirty-flvc yeiirs' reputation In Imu Ic nf 'I'ho .Unyiirr UlBtillins; Co.'n Bevan-YoBrOld Kvo. Tina wlimkey In iiiiuuuh 11m- world over lor it high quality. 18.20 liiiyo four full quarts of T3Y IT3 CORPS Of CORRESPONDENTS' i''i;'-i''ij'!i'g't':1'a';'i'i!','S'W'Hif'-'.--..)'...-NtA.f:. OENTUU' ILLS. Albright Hoch of New Berlin wa8 ;n town Saturday, c E mpum ami family visited friends at Beuvertown over Sunday. Dondore and family Saturday. C. T. Berger and H. P. Markle were nme irom uauretion nunaay. Mrs. IV. 1. R. Kothrock and ttives daughter Helen of Milton are visit ling her mother, Mrs. Susan Walter. to A. A. Bingatuuii lias heeu elected the Beaver Schoo in .Monroe, LOWUSIlip, The wet weather having set in de tained the fanner- some what Iroin ploughing. The estate of Rphriam Walter was disposed of on Thursday, Ellas Hartmau the farm for $1250, Nor man Kitter, the lot occupied by him i m i . tor 9303, Chas. Walter the land tor $1980. Cyrus Bowersox mane a business trip to Beavertown one day last week. ( 'has. ( ). Tmitli was home over Sunday. It'Hrthiirii. h'.;ii the quanity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likev to follow, anil especially so if the digestion hits been weakened by constipation. Kat lowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticute the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse be tween uieuls and when you fed a fullness and weight in the stomach after eating, indicating that you ate too much, tako one of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets und the heartburn may be avoided. For Rale by The ifiddleburg J)rug Store. FLINT VALLEY. W. It. Carman and a party of other youog men, and ladies were on Shade Mountain tor Hucklc-lierries. They killed) two copper heads and a rattle snake. The rattler Mr. iarinan brought along home; it had nine rattles. George Kline and Charles Dreese of Kant, were on the mountain aud also got a hold of a big rattler with nine rattles. Emery Straub and family were visiting his parents of this place for a few days last week. C. K. Haines made a peach shanty for J. A. Moyer. C. E. Haines J. II. Ar'oogast aad Calvin Miller are employed remodel ing, Oscar Gilbert's house. Misses Pearl (iarinan and Mable Roush were visiting T. ( '. Landis' Saturday. Ed. ( aiding was in this valley Sunday. Miss Carrie Corkins of this place attended the picnic at Oriental, Saturday. The poor house of Washington township is commendable. The poor have been reduced from thirty or forty to two persons. Mrs. Annie Landis, and Mrs. Catherine Haines were visiting G. A. Shaffer Sunday. Jacob Walp of Berwick is visiting his sister, Mrs. ('has. Moore, Sr. Our lupervuer T. C. Landis lias many calls to repair damage to the roads, caused by heavy rains. When you want u modern, up-to date physic, try ChnmberliuuV Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are oaey to take and pleasant in effect, l'rice, '25 cents. Samples free at Tne Middleburg D ruStore. UNION TOWNSHIP. Merchant S. J. Btroub and family of Hummel's Warf spent Sunday with J. S. Stahl. A. W. Potter of Selinsgrove spent one day of last week on his Klon dike farm here. Ii. S. Aucker of Slumokin was hereon business last week. Jockey and Francis mcI-ci spent Sunday with friends at 1 'alias. namuel 1 roup mingled among friends at Pallas Sundav. Jennie Wenriofa was bitten by a snake one day last week. I'nioii township schools will open Sept. Ifith. . The names of the teachers will be found else-wherein this issue. The Post is a welcome visitor at DUNDORE. Men have 1 i tellin j ti-li s trie: ever since the days of Jonah. Our coal diggers in the Susque hanna are busy. The Sunday School picnic at Bear Spring Park was well patroniaed and the dinner was sutnptious. Ed.Whitmerclei.uiHltln-Whitinei eeraeterv and the improve nt. i marked. H. K wer ot ibrndon tlx cattle dealt r, was in to.vn, tapt. Kisewas iu town selling gruceiies. " Dundore is se ling v. .fie at ro. k Uittoni i,i ices. George Troutman ofP.rt Trevor- ton is ropply-ng the community w.th first class Beef. Sadie Rambu lias returned from Sunbury and is doing some sewing for her friends, Minnie umbo and her son of Uerndon pu wed through town. Delia Waguer and some of her lady friends were in town. A man may own a watch tl at is a goiMi lime-keeper and yet he I may not have a gond time. ( lorn along the river ui ver l ed bettea. J. E. Witmer has a n ntra t k-' l r mason work at Port Trcvortoil, Bogar v tiingamau's team wo seen on our streets delivering feed. J. 15. Stamfer is the ,,h, impion hiltti er muKer ol me townshin ami the always get-, the higeBt market price. Our school board is to be com pleted for supplying over schools with efficieut teachers of our own raising. See names elsewhere in the Post. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. (t.M 1 bottle. All draiililK. If your dniRpist cannot ranply you, jwiirf u duo Ui'lUr ai l Wfl will eipr'i. you a bottle. Ho Hiiro anili;i0 the name of your nearest eiirea onVce. A.litn .p. J. C. A YKK CO., lxiwell, Mau. GLOBE MILLS Miss Mabel and A'iola Beaver arc on the sick list, the latter is slowly improving. Iu last week's issue it was stated that Miss Sallie Krat.er of New Berlin visited J. A. Sehroyer Sun day. That was a mistake, it should have been visited Miss Mabel Rau. Asapli Beaver made a business trip to Middlebur , Tuesday of Isst week. .Lost between sun rise and sun set two golden moments, each sec ond set with 60 diamonds, no reward is offered for them for they are gone for ever. Antes Ulrich made a business trip to Middleburg Friday The rumor was that scarlet fever was in this community, Such is not the east.', the patients are afflicted with a bad cold and sore throat. Quite a number of our young folks attended the festival at K reamer Saturday evening owing to the con- ditions of the weather. We the people of Middleereek Township feel that we have lost a great treasure, especially when the school term begins thai we can not find 1). F. Rau instructing the .. . r .... voimir mini s. llewa- one o t ie 'best teachers in the township and none that have the record that he had. Sttooemful, honorable and a kind teacher, both public and sabbath school. l'uro whiskey .lirect from OUtlllrry in what vi,ii irnt tvl.i ii Vim litiv flnm Tilt' li.i ;i I)M- tillinK'o.. of fhtvton, Ohio. They are nfterimc four lull uuartF, fi.r J3.20, cxpreM cretiilil. S- w Joseph Wagner t !v the contract to deliver hucklelierrie t. Ling A Co., ul Cross-grove .u ntieceil ;i li. from parties who !; tve their nam in New Lancaster. TheLiwel! i li r mill i now re for w rU with prietor. .lerrv K p. . J, 15. 9hcllenherger lets Kin keepiug one firm busy munfici iri io buckets for his huckleberry s!iipnoui this season. By all ippearanee from the reuorts the potato crop will be small ul this ?"d tl,,,m,Mly- Plenty of stalu.- but 00 lwtatoe8- Some parties who have thr.istied ' plenty of straw Km very little K1"01"' From five to seven bush. Is to the acre has been reporfetl. Robert Peter of NVv uinenster v:,v very much dissapp linted be- 1" ,aKl ftiH prietfiur ilelivr- ing his Ivrries u tier the iicconioda- tio" l,eCftV1' iu r&r'h Ul t,,cir '"" 'fuuo' '"urge, a i purl kh n,nt,w. "ther8 ,l" ""' wiWl It is has been repotted thai Rev John Gill and family have s ihl to Long ti Co., at Cross grove ST:!."" wortli of huckelbcrries of their own poking this season. Charles Guudrum being iu Klon dike for the past few years returned home last week. He expects to take another trip to the gold fields in search of the balance ot his snare I gold in that county, The way to buy HUKE WU18KKY i tllrecl from the dlntlllery. Vou avoid the Kaalllllt) of adulteration and nave the joblwra' aud email dealera1 profit. The Uayner Olfltllllng Co.. Dayton. Ohio, will nettd you four full quarts of Sevan TaaM)fd Kye, axpram prepaid, forSMti, See their a unouiicanieiit ui.p.'i.r i i tic elaewhcre in Mils is. nr. KAVKia'()V. Commissioner John P. Wetel w.is at the county seat Monday. It is said that he will lie a candidate for re-election. Charles L. Wet.el, J. V. is the owner the Fall property having paid $2()1 at the sale. Prof. W. J. Harrington has an interesting (Mass in music at this place. The I'rof. understands his business. Kiimor was that this place is to have a newspaper. Thecounty basal ready six newspapers that ought to be patronized better than they arc. there is certrainly no excuse for another weekly weakling. The L'OST has many friends at Beuvertown. its editor tries to aid the town to eet industries here and elsewhere. Monday the editor of the l' ST sent information t thi place in reference to a manufactur ing plant that can be secured. trust our business men will act promptly and secure it. All hats oft to the Editor of the Post. He lias done lieavertowii a kindness I that should be appreciated whether we e;ct tlu? industry or not. MBISERV1LLE. Kev. F. D. Weaver, of the Sill. burg charge is visiting his parents. He will attend the Tuscarora Cam meeting and the Bible Conferenci at Lewisburg betore returning to 1 his work. The young folk- of Meiserville attended the picnic at Oriental Saturday. Mrs. George Hall visited her parents, Lewis Fisher and wife, last week. County Superintendent F. C. Bowersox was ivith u- one day last week. One of our fanners, (Collier Moyer, made a Hying trip to Orien tal Saturday night. I rot. . r Keitcr was married to Miss E. Blanche Fry of Mexico, Pa., at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Keiter will : make their home in Medford, N. J. where he is principal of the school at a salary of ninety dollars a month for nine months. The hoys called upon them to pay their respects iu the shape of a serenade. After a 'short time, Mr. and Mrs. Keiter invited all to come into the house and treated (hem to wine and cider, Our miller, David Mciscr. WCuld like to grind, but he has no Hie chuck hugs are playing havoc ".I I i ci i el I W1H1 .biuanuci ociianer wru. R. S. Mei-cr was a visitor in (own lat week. Mi- Effie Rice visited her parents, near Hotter, on Sunday, Veterinary Surgeon Willel Moyer, of Freeburg, dressed a horst lor u. V. I'ortzline and the horse is doing It ,,oiild pay every fanner to YOUR MONEY BACK H tkU Etfrltjcrtur Is not u 6&aktA For s 8. 95 We wi.l Ailp tri fMt Brfii;cfiiL.r, Frtlfht Prreci4 Eautoithf Mwvl-tlppl Hivr-iiitrnt .ire All i wed fttUM t the Ktwr. It b in ula of t!ul oak. Dice! i-ol-ishfd, mMsurM f50 hictltl : I inches lonsff i Iim Iim dtisft i- linni n th ti 3Tr $8,93 Frrig t ptpa t J. tine, fulvanlml tron shtlvd, iad ia iixnUtad with watt p? ot fibre feltliw. lt r t'ntlt filfl.Ott V7.0!) mimhI in buying ot tin u iker. Our Punkltura i1" urhntnl i duibIm fnnnasndi rf lmllr bsnttiu. Oui Msjmh nh i ii ut ot ' i si- u lis IsckMttvlll 111 ahotil I ..mUiite Slto Stwul l-ery thug to Eat, v i tn IWa n i nulatam is nooftiuttr. tin and quotes wholeaaie prtiM In ci BMMMtl oc llt.OM iHfftrcBl irHi lea. It . ttssl M sasllsd In t lot lei ient. wktt n to .' j sfsnu I .'' jfrtt ftrr miiffsslit fstslsffn "nmna ihkt. I.(NI)" trpU. Hug. 1. IftartM, WM mirr, Smmimg stMtsS BtsnhHa, CnmfoHa, trtm4 PIHsrvti m4 NprrUlltr In 1 . linlit. rrU I hi Hue. In Uwtf Ml rvl. (rprit tmwtt f-, Ualsg rvralabad ui.- ui m4 PIIBISHf tm 01 ti l ir aHtivi. Vrss CaialngM nf ImS InSa ts Otsnt ri-tMug - n ISFft rllb MHBplM illSffM WKI'MJ. kii UJUS- it.R SHU i.i InURTBI TO fit. iff lliwa OssSS tn'' fruai u $1 io. w i i' 4 TtaRtfOtTiTtOII. W hy ;av prictt fbf inylhlns We sell lutely wtytlilnfi WhUn i k t you wsoll A.i ttaU ayi JILILS NIMRS k SON, Baltimore. M.' N-Pt. 1 t fml In ii v ,,( ' nun ii i ti ITitr nwle Uy The i '( I Hiytou, Mn... w liloh ttiin ittiic. ollcritu; four eat old Itysj, oxireni4 iro i 'i 1 1 iitnrt if ; ai l, r..t W HQ TOUR TO THE PACIFIC COAbT ltOtlltr o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i mttj to t l.il t'.llfor- nln iiiil.r il.' tn.iu . ol iiio I'rnn NylvnulM HallrotaU'a lVr.oiiuii.i ( ou iliirlfii s, nt in In view of the (real popularity o. transcontinental travel under the I'er Bonally-Condiieted SvHtein, as evinced in the recent I'eiiuxvlvaiiiii Itailroad 1'ourtti the I'a.-ille '.:ii ttnd ('ana llan Northwest, that (company lias de sided to run unotlier tour to the Pad- He Coast, iiiehidiiiu in the Itlnenirv a viit in the world-fainoiiH Grand Canon of Arizona, in the early fall. The tour will leave New York, Pniladelphla, Ualtlruore, Wafhington, nml other sta tions on ill.- Pennsylvania llallroad ennt of Plttshurg, on Monday, Septem ber 28, ami reaeli New York on the homeward trip Tuesday, October 22. As in former tours to California un der the auspices of the Pennsylvania luiilroad, a special train, composed of the highest class of Pullman iii ment, will be utilised during the entire trip. Excellent meals will be served in the dining cars attached to the train during the entire journey, uxeept dur ing the stops at Sun Francisco nnd in Chicago. An observation ear will aj- peul t all who delight inaeenery. Few trips afford so great a diversity in Na ture's beauties as the one outlined he low. Westward bound, the tourists will pass through the wild slopes of the Colorado Rockies, around the Great Salt Lake, ami over the fastnesses of theBierra Nevada. After visiting nil the im nt i fnl resorts on the sunny Cali fornia slopes, the eastward journey will be through the Arizona desert t) the Grand Canon of Arizona. It beau ties cannot be painted in mere words. Magliilicent in coloring, awful In itn depths, it stands among the natura wonders of the world. Thence acros" the plains to st. Louis, and eastward through Illinois, Indiana. Ohio, and Pennsylvania, the toiiri-Jt reach their destination just thirty days after leav ing home. file various transcontinental lines having made low rales on account of the General Triennial Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the Pennsylvania Itailroad i 'ompany Isen aided in offer this superb thi vacation trip at the low rate of$lM fur the round trip from New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington, or any point on tlie Pennsylvania Itailroad east of Pittsburg, one in a berth; and IIm for the round trip, two persons oc cupying the same her ill. 'I he rale from Pittsburg w ill be (5 less. Diagrams are now open, and a the number who can he nccommedated will be strictly limited, nan.es should be registered Immediately. For further information and descrip tive pamphlet, apply to George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street station, Philadel phia. B-22-2t Parity la the ifTaal ionaldartlon In u..u we drink or eat, All risk of gettlna' Impure wliis kry i- avoided by buyltig direct from i li' liny iwr Uiatilliiut Co, Tlif iiUo nave you tbe nrbolrsulo anu retail li hU-is' i f.:it- Itoad theli announcemeiit in this aoari h oana luoai y in your pocket. $100 Reward, $100 Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased to leni'n that tin re is at lea it one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cliic now known to the medical fraternity. Uatarrh bein.' a constitutional dis- isf. requires a constitutional treat ment. Itall s Catatrn t. ure is inKen internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there lv destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strenn'h by buildiug up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much f:.':th in its curat. ve powers, thai i hey cuci one Jlundrcd Kc Unisior any case thai it fails to cure, bond For litt of testi menials. F. J. Caamn A 0o., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c per bottle V,,-