Publish!1 Every Thursday Morning GEO WJVAOKN8ELLKR. A. M. EDITOR AND OWNSR. SUHSCKIPTION KATES, m.on per jtu if paid in advenes. 81.50 pet year if not paid In aoVaaee. Single copies, hive lent. Advertising KntcN. 18 rents pet line, nonpitrril IISSSSSHI inent. (.ir tlrst Insertion ami III cents per line for each subse quent Insertion. tVOPFICR.- Near Ida County Courl House between the Fir- National Hank and the Gouul'y Jail. REI'UHLICAN TICKET, President Judge, Hon. II. M. McCLURE. County Surveyor, GEO. A. BOTDORF. Vol. xxxvnr. Aca. 22, 1901. Number 88 N THE OKLAND LAND LOTTERY ( V tlmt tin- drawing for homesteads in tiic Kiowa ami Comanche reservation have been brought i an orderly conclusion, the Interior Department can justly congratulate itself on the results ol the ingenious and novel scheme devised for opening tins new portion of the public domain to entry and settlement. It was the purpose of the department in discarding the i)ld "devil take the hindmost" rush for choice allotments for the new "wheel of fortune" method of assignments to end the disorders and violence which had marked the past struggles of land hungry "boomers" ami "sooners" for coveted aites in freshly opened territory. Certainly, whatever minor disturbances have been reported from El Reno and Lawtou, there has Ix-en ao repetition in the Kiowa and Comanche reservations of the scenes of brutality and lawlessness which marred the race twelve years ago into the older parts of Oklahoma. Friction and disappointment were inevitable under any plan of. allotting titles in the new territory; for with a list of applicants running up toward the one hundred thousand mark, the proportion of prizes to blanks to be drawn was cruelly discouraging. But evidence has yet to be brought that the lottery plan put in practice by the Federal I .and Office did not on the whole offer a creditable and satisfactory solution of the allotment problem. Some complaint has been made that distribu tion by lottery encourages the filing of claims by speculators who have no idea of making bona fide homestead settlement, but who hope to sell their titles subsequently to Jese fortunate participants in the wheel of fortune scramble. Lottery winners like Miss Beals, who drew j already been mad to throw wine light on the second prize at LawtOO, would not, it is argued, subject. Several of them are mentioned by Dr. think ol pre-empting land under the ordinary Howard. Right on Staten Island, not long ago, operation of the homestead system. Certainly it a local country club is said to have Stopped the would be impossible to fancy a "homesteader" breeding of the culex for a s'ngle season bv using of that sort engaging in one of the old fashioned petroleum. The nine ageut was tried with rushes for a quarter section. But, on the other equal raooeai at Summit, X. J.4 on woodland hand, one American citizen has, theoretically, as pools and swamps. Similar stories come from much right as another to clajni a share in the tMtg Island, Bridgeport, Conn., and even plana domain the govcrmcnt releases for individual a M Palo Alto, Cab, and Sierra Ixone, entry, and the purpose of such claimant to sell ' est Africa. An Old Pastor. his land, after fulfilling the requirements of the Homestead law, in no way concerns the authori ties charged with effecting the distribution of titles. It is also suggested that the lottery plan, by drawing to centres like El Reno and Lawton a vast 'number of claimants certain to be doomed to tr'a(nK',lt 'Vt'ry few weeks. Fresh rains may disappointment, burdens the new territory with lorm ',),Is '" new P'aoe9- Mosquitoes are often ;,........) .. i . ... i an army of Stranded "squatters," whose presence qualifies the full possesion by actual title holders of the lands they have drawn. It tnav be that some of the new land owners will have to appeal to the territorial courts for protection nofunot o Already it is evident that the virtues of the system have their limits. A crusade of ih's kind is more successful where the water stands in inland ponds than in salt Bed marshes. Again, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from this pest. It is necessary to renew the Rev. James Peladexter, Columbus, O. No man In the capital city of the State of Oh tola better known than the Rev. James Poindexter. For many yeara he haa hncn the successful pastor of the Second rtantlat Chiirnh of tliat oirir neighboring towns. Still, they are rarely found j Every day his venerable figure and far from their birthplace. They are not such i T" TY b! Tn VheJ8treeU II of the city where he has labored for s travellers as birds. Once destroy the larvae by many years. What a history of benev imported, too, from comparatively distant place) by railway trains or borne bv brisk winds from lillimr nn tUm tvnnrla ..,..,;.. l , ...;tii..;i i olenco and self-sacriflce mieht be writ- squatters. But this condition is by no means a i L , , . , .. ... bT "imply giving the details of the ... i . i . . .. . . a"(l "W W reasonable chance of immunity tor , .yerv-dav lifo of thiafaithful nastor and novei one in newiv ooenei rerritory. It lias . . . . , - j l v.. . " "an I aniaira .it t ..... t i' ...I..I.. eloauont nreachar. .... , ... w. . linn. . ri III l.lllllll Ol illlli;" r-"VMi , 1 occurred ueiore, sua win occur under any system (iem)llt 01 entry, it win De six months, perhaps, before the workings of the new method can lie fullv nnl fairly judged. So far, however, it seems to mark a distinct advance in the administration of the Homestead act an advance for which due credit should be given the Secretary of the Interior, who encouraged and "auctioned the lot tery experiment. FKIHTING THE MOSQUITO Butoldage cornea to the best of men. The rheumatics peculiar to advanced The benefit of these isolated attempts is tem- age had already begun its insidious rav- . .. , , .. I ages when It became necessary to find a porary. et the recorded results are encourag- remedTilf pogsibl0i that hig d8yii o( Uie. ing. What is most needed now is an attack all I fulness might not be shortened. i .i , T. . An efficient nerve tonic that wonld along the hue. It is not necessary that the iUma,ate the circuiatlon( improTe th work 1m- conducted by the medical authorities. I digestion, and Increase the tone and Tr li it c i . . j . vigor of his whole system, was needed. It local elubs of residents were organized ineverv . t ' . . ' o The only remedy capable; of meeting all town and village in Southeastern New York, these Indications was found to be Pe Connticiit and New .Ipps. wl.iel. i.ns qiiITopmI runa- InareocntlettertoDr.Hartman, J ha states : from toe (test, and campaigns like Dr. Doty 8 WHEN one bean of the measures adopted ! Wc're ""dertaken simultaneously, the resultcould by Dn Ioty tor the suppression of the I nart,Iy to be most gratifying. The problem is more serious in some localities than in others. In a few it is hopeless, perhaps. Hut there is mosquito over on Staten Island he is filled with admiration of the Quarantine officer's energy and public spirit, yet may be a little sceptical as to the practical result. Time and time agf in the public has been advised to employ kerosene to get rid of this annoying creature. Dr. Howard, the entomologist of the Department of Agricul ture, has beeh advocating the policy for years. Dr. Ross, of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, who is promiaently identified with the theory that the rnospuito propagates malaria; reason to believe that by far the greater part of the terrirory here outlined might be practically freed from the mosquito in a single year by con certed effort. Frank Busier at one time editor of the New Berlin News is now in the Sunbury jail on a charge of forgery. Once upon a time Bilger worked the same game on the Middleburg bank. Comnassion saved him from tail that time but TV . a . W ur. Biggs, ot the Aew-Yoak City Board of justice would perhaps have avoided the second neaitii, and other well known experts have also offence. talked in the same strain. But has any good been accomplished by following their admoni tions? Is not such warfare like trying to sweep back the sea with a broom? It is the wise Merchant who understands business and advertises his goods in the I' st. In last Thursday's Post Samuel W. Trutt of Hummel's Wharf advertised his horse for twlo Well, enough experiments of this kind have The next day the horse was sold. Picnics, Festivals, Etc. Thursday, Aro. 22, the Burns fam ily ie-union will beheld at Clement's Park, rain or shine. Thursday, August 22nd, The Sec ond annual A pp reunion will be held at Milton Turk. Saturday, August 24th, the Union Sunday School of Hnnnerville will hold their picnic in the grove, mile west of that place. Saturday, August 24th, theannu al picnic of St. John's Sunday school at Mt. rieasanl Mills will be held nt Fremont. Thursday, August 29, the fourth annual re-union of the Bchoch family will be held ot Row's church near Sa lem. Trains will stop at Clifford siding on day of picnic and busses will eon vey passengers from the train to the grove. BATURDAY, AUO. 81, the Kbenezer C 15. Sunday school will hold their nnmiitl picnic 1J miles south-west of Freeburg. All are invited. Monday, Aug, 28-81, The Granger's picnic at Willianisgrovc. Saturday, Aug. 81, a union picnic will lie held in Hitter's Qrove, near Hitter P. (). Festival In the evening. SATURDAY, AUG. 81, Lawyer's and Samuel's Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at the usual place. Sati'kuay, Skit. 7th, The four Sun day Schools of Troxclville will hold their annual picnic. Saturday, Skit. 7, Daniel's Union 8. S. and Pine church S. S will hold n union picnic in Aucker's Grove near Gordon's school house. The Fremont baud and the Arndt Bros, of Milton will furnish the music. Good speakers will be present. Friday, Srft. 18, Go. J.'s annual bean soup at Selinsgrove. Saturday, Sept. 28th. The annual dean soup of Captain Michael Smith Posl No. 856 of MpCJure will be held in Cold Spring grove. "Through the months of .Juuo and July our babv Was teething and lock a ruiiimm on or tro bowels and sick uPBH of lire stomach, ".-a.vs O. P, M. Holliday, of Dealing, ind. "His bowels '"oiild move from live to eight times a day. I had a bottle of cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy in the house and n&ve him four drop. in a teaspoonful of water and aot better at once." For Divorce Notloo. IN TnE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS OF 8NYDEK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Kra M. Kantz versus A-a 11. Kim!. Oetohn Term, lM, No It. Al. Suh. Mo. II, Feb. Term, In DiTorce. To ASA II. KANTZ, Iteapoiident In the above proceeding-. Sir : You are hereby nniiflefl ttr.t mm wife 1 Kva M. Kantz, haa Instituted proceedinga a- Kami" von, axklliK a lllvoree Iron llle iMilltls of lualriinony, upon the grounds that you have nllcred such Indignities and violence to her per son as to render her condition intolerable and life burdensome, and thereby compelled her 16 withdraw from your homo and family. By reason of your default in notcntcrlngan appear ance in not flliim an answer, the ejuu Iian Itcen referred to me as Master. 1 have filed SAT I'KUAY, the KOI'KTKKNTU day of SKITKM BKlt. mm. ,.t nine o'clock, A. M as the time, and the office of 'harles Uower, Kaq., in the borough of Selinsgrove, Snydi r Co., I'a., as the place for taking testimony In the cause, when und where you may attend. II. H AIUUS 1IOWKR. Master. .Middleburg, Pm., July 3Uth, IW1. A Brokea F nmgfrarnt. "I hear your engagement with Miii Minks is broken off'.' How's that?" Bill Well, you see, that best of a parrot of hers was always yelling: "Oh, Charlir, you shouldn't." Hampson Rut what difference did that make? Your engagement was not a secret. Hill Xo, and my name isn't Charlie. Glasgow Times. "My baby was terribly ick with the diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak. of Williams, Oregon. "Wo were unable toeure him with the doctor's assis tance, and aa a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. lambappyto say it gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale by the Middleburg Drug Co. PENNSYLVANIA, ALLENTOWN. Located la the beautiful Lehlgb Valley, unaur passed far health and comfort. Regular aad special courses of study. Efficient faculty. Instruction thorough. Gymnasium. New furniture. No requisite lacking. Specialties. Music, Art and Klocution. Best references furnished. For Illustrated catalog, address, J. W. HNAPFEJIVEaUER, A. M., Pre. -ao-Sm. Bedford Springs, 10c Celebrated Chalybeate cure, an ointment made from mineral deposit Bedford Chalybeate water. Cures niles. ituhitiv ml.. , .,., u skin diseases, chafes and galls. Kndorsed by physicians. Send 10 cents, with 2-eent stamp to J. II. HAFKK, Bedford, Pa. If you want Pure Whiskey. It will pay you to investigate 'I he llayner Distilling" '.,., of Day ton, Ohio, before purchasing elsewhere, They are offering four full quarts for $3.20, express prepaid See their ad. which appears elsewhere in this Issue. 0. h. OWENS, ATTORN KY-AT.L AW. Oca Speciality : TYRONE, PA. CoUectloDsand Report!'. References, First National Bank. Nearby Towns Represented :-Bellweod, Altoonu, Hditt daysburg, Huntingdon aud Bellefonle. 8-s-iyr. GrttlnK Rten. Citizen Fifteen dollars charges fot mending' that, little hole m this lead pipe? Plumber That's what I said! Citizen -(ioodncss! You must be pel ting pretty near well-enough fixed to give away libraries. Puck. START A Chewing Gum FACTORY. An article tliat sella every where. No capital or experi ence required. A nice, clean business that will yield you a big prolit. This with live other nioney-niaking secrets for 18 cents in stamps. Ad dress New Idea Mf g Co., Central State NORMAL SCHOOL Lock Haven, Penna. F. l.FLICKIXGER,A.M.,So. I). Principal. Full Term begin Hrpt. 9lh, IBOI. Offers FREE TUITION to prospective teachers. This institution is one of the fore most Normal Schools in the slate. Has the handsomest and most mo dern buildings, a well educated Faculty, and a beautiful location. It also offers excellent courses in Music, Elocution, Shorthand, and lias a thorough college preparatory department. jeKxpcnces absolutely lower tlimi in any other Institution of equal rank. Address for illustrated catalog, S-H-;t. The Principal. Prof. D. Noling Late with Dr. A. H. Wells, the KLKBRATED KVE NPECIAI.INT of Washington, D. C. Headquarters at litler House, 1 23 East Market St., Lewistown, Pa. Consultation and thorouicli examination free of charge every Wednesday and Saturday. Glasses scientifically and skillfully fitted. Also all imperfections in the eyes of children care fully examined. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. VT ARTIFICIAL EYES IN8ERTEU. "B "My attention waa called some time go to your medicine tor rheumatic troubles by Mr. Cook, an old reliable druggtat ot Mil city, and take pleasure In saying that I hare tried them and found them good. It is my opinion that the remedy, Peruna, Is Jastly entitled tc the tame which it lias throughout th United States." Address The Peruna Medicine Co, Columbus, O., for free catarrh book. Th Rectat Tobacco Law. The Juniata Horaltl says: "Hn J i. incr, our iiifinoeruf the ,vj, tore, sulmiitUHl several question Attorm-y-Ot'iifral John P. Elkin til IV.-1'l'tIv ll.lww.ul lllk, 1 1 ----- -.T i ... IUIKII HI l.lll , Ijjj are subjoined, together with il, t same. Mr. Heaver asked: "SOwiiil.l .. - - - - I i"ciii .-rtiu mi oruerttl flii.wt i... ...i . . ....... ..j a iin-n Mum, fffniaining M Is'ihhis, gnc-eries mid tolmeco. wmjM permit toe BMtOiUUK to rill mli to lie earrietl home by a ralnot child under li vmuu of age'.' ill it iwmii u i i . 1 . .. '.llt-l , , . M Kaudtngordartoa merchant, th,tL sliimlH Miiti rili.,..n...i.i ii sent ror upon on a written order! Li t in, or her? t.At i . .i . uc i. .11. in oik; is IMC reply Of , ,J toriiey-geiierai : i i..i... . . . . iwpvusaj io your letter of rwJ tlate, with regard to tin-art i.t-nhibitiJ tne sun- ano mrnummg of lohao til iiiiviiii i i I..I..1- t 1... ... M a.. ....i,,-, UienSl. ,,i n, yeajfl ll'.llll.l Ultl'lu,, ...... ..' ........ ..v. . .1T Jim, Hiwniciaiiy, tj seeiion ot the art of July 10 ft ferrrd to u lileli ramAm m.i..., . ,ir n..,. i ..I. -II I... 1 fiisuui sunn iiv puronase, other means furnish tobacco in Jj form to a person under the .n.. ofl years' is broad enough toooverfl ...i.t..i . i mmam nun ii jruu auajajm ill yoilf Icla1 Uy the terms of tins art the i r,, i, ..(- ...I... j iuiuisuuih w hiisww, uniier :inv I'M lilltllulollfhlu 4.. .1 HM.I . J I , u.iir-iiii.. rn, WmSUUB II 1 1 1 1 1 - r I'i VtSjl is aiisoiutcly prolulntcil. THE MIODLBBUBO POST AT ITlAffll CITV. ror.the convenietiee of mir reidl mIia ....... ..,.,; a ni. ., . in. mii inn rviimiiie i ny iril 11111 iner, we have arranged to have t. ....... Iuulln., ..r.i... iiij.ii 1.. ,. ways on file at the Philadelpiiia 'imtri s onwiun jiureiin, mi lutinH Pier at tliat popular rtwirt. The quirer has, at great expense, rittcd eommodiousreadingaml writlncnxi on 1 oung-s rier wnere every Mtentl will be given Its guests. I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM UN IM tmi m Ihl I affEH ffllllll Wutnutci ft lmufitnt frowtk MiTdf Tavlla to Beitore dm Hftir to Uft Toutbful Col CftTM tCftlp dilMMM A llir IfeXfl .IH I H I-H-t-H-H-H lllliMHIIIIIIII It 1 1 M 111 I H4M SPECIAL SALEoi CARPETS, MATTING RUGS and FURNITURE the immi In ie-estate of Tohias Kamer I In the orphans' late of Chapman Township, I Court of Snyder Snyder County, I'a., (.ee'd. I'ounty. The undersiKiied auditor, appointed hy the orphans' Court of Snyder County to distribute the funds In the hands of AuiftistUs Strouh and lvi M. Ramcr, administrators of the estate of the said Tobias Kamer, dee'd, to and among tlioae legally entitled thereto, will meet all par ties in interest at the oftlceof M. I. Potter, Esq., Ill the borough of Middleburg, I'a., on THUKS DAY, AUOL'ST Kind, ltftll at 11) o'clock A. M., at which time and plaeo all persons having claims against said estate are requested to pres ent theiu duly authenticated, or be forever de barred from mining in for a share of said fund. A. K. OILUKKT. July 24, 1901, Auditor. Executor's Sale of Valuable Real Estate The undersigned as executor of the last will and testament of Samuel Hrunner. late of Cen tre township, Snyder County, Pa., deceased, and by authority aad powers therein conferred, will on M PLETE v IE 08T m VER DISPLAYED 1 " Marked attractiveness indesign and color and excellent quality 1 1 of fabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season1! ! patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminsters and Tnft&1 Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains. Rag Carpets in nil stylo and prices. Our stock of new FURNITURE is es- pecially pleasing. We also have a fine ! line of baby Carriages. W. H. FELIX, i Valley Street, Lewistown, Fa. l-l"i-l"l"l"l-l"I"I-l"l"I"t"l"I"l-I"I'l 1 I W l ! iu M 1 1 1 M inn h-h SHERIFFS Saturday, August 31, 1901 he premises herein described, offer the i ublic sale, the same consisting of a far 114 acres and 25 perches situated in Centre township, Snyder County, I'a., on the main rond leading from Middle burgh to t'enlreville. bounded on the north lands of Katharine lloyer and .lames liinga man, on the east hy lands of Levi Young and Klias Hrunner, on the south by lands of I'eter Ilally and Cyrus Kowersox and on the west by lands of Cyrus Bowersox and Harrison llac kenburg. On this farm are erected a good DWELLING HOUSE ami a large HANK H. UN with all the usual outbuildings. Barn and house both sup- filled with water. Two orchards, one of the he choicest apples and the other of peaches. The peach orchard Is young,Hud in good bear ing condition. This farm contains about 25 a."res of fine timberland, the balance being cleared in a high state of cultivation. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock P.M. of said day when terms aud conditions will be made known by KLIAS nitl'NNEn, ICxccutor. ADMINLSTKATOR'K NOTICE Let ters of Administration in the estate of Henry Nauglo litle of W. Perry twp., Snyder county, Pa., doe'd, having hern granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, while those having claims will present lueui duly authenticated to the undersigned. SALE KEGISTER Notices of sales wit. he inserted free under this heading when the hills arc printed at this olllre. When the bills are not printed at this ofllee 6ft Cents will be eurged. Persons expect ing to have sale should .select a date aud have it inserted in this column. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, Dr. W. W. I.ongricre and Dr. II. M. Krebhs. attorneys for the heirs of Q, M. Huuscr, will sell, near Vur dilln, a Til acre farm. SATUKDAY, AUGUST SI, Klias Hrunner, ex ecutor of Samuel Hrunner, latu of Centre township, will sell a 1U acre farm on the premises in t enter township. GREAT SACRIFICE 11 of Clothing and gents' fnrnisbinl goods began Thursday, July 11th, and will continue until the whM stock is disposed of. Wo M boneht H. Katz's lartro stock ofl Olothing at the Sheriffs Sale at 25c on the dollar and we will sell af your own price, as the stock liiust b sold regardless of first cOst. Dnl delav. come at once and tret m first bargaiiifr. Here are a few : 5.00 Suits at $2.50 $ 7.50 Suits at 1.0 10.00 Suits at 5.50 12.00 Suits at 7.00 If 15.00 Suits at $8.50 We cannot mention many prices as the space T hi null Dnn't taravA iAnnma tn tlm Slmriffs GM1 M jaaai -mr n.r - . v ay a r aa w a m. a.a w fc-r -w ? Sacrifice Saktocct vour BARGAINS. The Assignees of JJ JTfl TZi Next to Court House, . .. MiddleburgbliiS Kaie by tne Aiiucueyum J. P.N.