You enjoy reading the POST, because it contains all the News and is foremost In assisting to build up ALL the towns of Snyder County. Why not get your neighbor to take it? note Heabs Envelopes j We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do It. Samples and prices for the ask ing. We furn'sh them printed pr less than you can buy them without printing. We bought a large con signment of envelopes Having bought so many we secured a rock bottom figure. Send for samplus and hot weather bargains. Go. W. Wageimeller, Fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Icyottd to New, Science, Art. Political Kconomv anil Current Literature. Ratcn: One Hollar fcr Annum, in Advance VOL. XXXVIII MIDDLEBUlKill SN V I) Eli COUNTY PKNX A. Al'C. 22 1901 NUMBEh I I ft Wfi LUCID LOCAL LACONICS The Commissioners bad business ietal' m Monday. The public tobooli of the borough will begin Monday, Beptember Bth. Ihni't forget to tell iih if you have rlnltors or go visiting, we wish to make mention of it. Gravel Hill is Doted for 8ullrvansand CorbetUi as well its :i Concert Band. When they sturt out, all others must -urn ndtf. Principal I .y to this year was unable i find young men to till nil the post- (Ami- for which he was asked to recom mend Millcrsviile's graduatea. in Balk. The house mid lot of Mis. Nettie Smith next to Metiers Planing Mill, la offered for sale. Ap ply to Gilbert v. Son, Attorneys. tf. The teachers examinations by the 'ouuty superintendent will le com- iiictci iins wees wiiit the exception 01 i special examination to beheldSepI bin! in this place. Juniata Sentinel and Republican: li ii- many years Bince .iiinuua county bit-rested as large a corn crop as she larvcst tliis coming fall. Even the jorn that was planted on the 12th and t iih of June is makings first-rate cron Cull on A. K. Soles ill his new shav- I hi: and hair cutting parlor for your lead cleaned with a refreshing sham- I inula clean towel to each patron pn Hie norm sine oi -Market siiuaie oti- site Centra Hotel. Satisfaction guar Dteed, tf. It i- -aid that Dr. L. C. Havice of If New Merlin thinks of locating at Creamer, this eounty. Cnl was a stud- it at Susmiehannn University in 88-0. We shall be glad to welcome e Hector to our county If he decides oomo. Here Is an old puzzle : A man with ents in his pocket was compelled to e a dollar. So he pawned his 75 tsforpO cents and then sold his mt ticket to a friend for SO e -nts, During the dollar needed. Who i by the transaction? t' any intelligent educator nanus If a dozen ofthe great Normal Schools tbe-country, the First Pennsylvania pie Normal School. Millersvllle. la ttyn found In the list. Pennsylvania p reason tooeprouuol the reputation tliia institution cf learning. strike has been (ill ill the irrltirliiicr tin Mann Edge Tool Company I i severe.' days because of the ing to 1 1 iward Kaley being il torcinan from the blacksmith irlinent, but the trouble has b en ttled by some ofthe men going within a day or two. 1 Mifftlnburg Tom." last Week "rof, E. I '.. Pawling and wife are - the lady's parents Mr, M. h and wife, The Professor has elected Principal of the Borwyn 'N. at a salary of $110 per month, i nl lortu i- ten mouths, lie I Hi i w vn M, week one night burglars at- 1 rain nil entrance to John 'blocker' residence. There Iscvl- I' ' Mlllll" 1 1 il Oil. .I iiMmt i i , I II 11 hir hn.ii. MI..1 .1............... ,i... HUHB LI..U I I II WUUCI I I II l'V UOtMn linnl ,,!' I.....I Ii, II, I . .,' u i-. the better It will be for the pity of our people. MUlersville Normal School has boasted of being a "cheap" lis standards for scholar-hip professional training have been Ptaiued, and its rates have never reduced below a living price, (Kb they ale lower Muni manv aim. IkhiIk. The granting of Ireetui- ii jrivut reduction. $14(1 will now Or an entire war's sihmilmir nt treat sohooL U Juniata and Bnsquehanna Tele- I o. hiw ,.ii.,.l li i '..i.i. to answer the charge of having i . . a r, , i, nni ii nun own telephone poles they had M "ii his property on the hill be- r " wcreeJtl. Mr. Oaldsen eUlmlnar hud rulued a number of trees for Mainst hu direction not to erect M where they did and In spite "icnng to contribute towards P'uring of poles long enough to "e wires over the tops of the It is said that xrk will be SOaroS this full. Holy Com mu nion will be adminis tered at Krd ley's church, Sunday, Aug. 25th. All are invited. The champion pike fisher in Perry enmity is It. II. Prlesler. Since 1890 he caught 1,638 pike, ranglugfrom l' to 25 iie hes in length. The ISlsl Regiment P. V. I. will hold their annual reunion at .Muncy Sept. 17. This regiment held its reunion here t wo years ago. The Williams drove picnic will be held Aug. 26-31. The rate from Mld- aieourg is 92.42; Beavertown, 12.68 Adamsburg, 12.76; Selinagrove $2.06. Last W ednesday evening while Am nion Spangler was out driving hi horse became frightened and ran away Not much damage was done and im one w as hurt. The Democratic primary election will be held in this County Saturday, Aug. 31, betweeu 4 and 6 P. M. The Ccnvention will hi- held ill this place Monday Sept. 2nd at II A. M. The only positions to be tilled is County Surveyor and President .Indue. This week wo begin the publication of the tombstone Inscriptions of Perry township, We conclude the Inscrip tions of Monroe town-hip. The re cords ofPenn town-hip should have come nest hut those who have the matter in charge have 1 n unable to tret the matter here. It is . iid that a factory manager if Mdroy recently employed 160 git - by drlviug over the wist end of the eoun ty. They were employed for factory work and il was all done in a day. Those who have been hunting for do mestics have found that article scarce. Full Information concerning i lie Firsl Pennsylvania State Normal School, MUlersville, will be cheerfully furnish ed by Dr. Lyte, Principal. Write to him forn catalogue. A number of com fortable rooms are still disengaged for the fall term, which begins September Union County, (Pa.) Farms kom SALE. 15 farms, 7 to 117 acres, near market, schools and churches. 2 Gen eral Stores- excellent opportunities. .") town properties. Send for list describ ing sa ('. II. Ranch, Heal Estate Agent, Box 2, West Milton, Pa. 8-22-61 Last week's Belinsgrove Titnea -ays : "Joe L. Marks, proprietor of the Mid. dleburg Distillery was In town on Frl dny. It Is reported thai Joe will b a candidate for County commissioner, next year. Joe has the business quali ties and would be a safe public servant. There would be no extravagance or waste of the taxpayer-' money under his management." ( lovetner Stoneon Saturday announc ed his appointments on the commission to the Charleston exposition, which opens Dec. I. The Governor's appointee- are: Ex-Senator J. Donald Cameron and Postmaster E. J. Stack- pole of Harriaburg; .1. ('. Darlington, Frank Keller, Joseph M. Gazzam, of Philadelphia, and Paul M. Gaither, of ( Ireensburg. July, 1001, was a record breaker in heavy freight traffic over the Middle division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Following arc the figures of the freight movement nasi Lewistown Junction : Eastward Loaded cars, 87,002; empty. 1,164; total, 68,840; trains, 1,107. West ward Loaded cars, 18,058; empty, 63,- oii; total, 71,064; trains, 1,286. Total Loaded, 85,764; empty, 54,105; total, 130,910; train-, 2,463. Compared with July, 1900, these figures shown gain of 8,692 loaded cars, 2,008 empty and 209 trains. Dr. Helsler's Resignation Accepted. On August lOtb, the Hoard of Direc tors of Susquehanna University, at a special meeting, accepted the resigna tion of Rev, C. C. Heisler, 1). I)., as President. 1 1 is successor has not yet been elected. Ample provision has been made to carry on the work ofthe institution; in the meanwhile, Prof, J. I, Woodruff, dean of the faculty, has lieen authorized to act as President un til the vncan.-y has been filled, atul Dr. J. A Focht, pastor of the college church and a former instructor in the institution, has been appointed to teach In the department of theology. The college department will open Sept. 5th, ami the theological department, Oct. 3. M. L., Secretary of the Board. --irs--o I PERTINENT PERSONALS J. '. Heck of Belinsgrove wa in the village Friday. Walter Bros, have had a well their livery stable. lug at w . 1'.. Iney and wifedrnvt to Mif- Hinburg Monday. I Miss Blauche Swart i- visiting irienas at snamoKln. I). A. Kern last week visitetl Chain liersburg on business. W. W. Wittenmyer has laid anew pavement on Sugar street. Mrs. Frank Bousum of Patterson is visiting her sister, Mr-. M. I, Potter. E. C. Murray and wife of Philadel phia are visiting friends ut tills place. I ruin E. Buck and Earl Wlney were at lleuvertown Saturday evening. Operator P. I!. Kinney and uifi spent Sunday with friends al McCluru. Michael Erdly and John Fields nl Creamer were al the county seal Mon day. Attorney C. P. L'lrlclt of Belinsgrove was at the courl house Saturday after noon. Miss Bertha Crouse wonl to Phila delphia Monday tovlsll Dr.Wullisand family. Mrs, K. . Prlui ger of Eliitabethville was the guesl ofW. F. Feeseand wife Monday. Rev. K. E. Beger of Beavertown paid short vi-it to this plai al ly M lay morning. Miss Jennie Keller of Adainsburgls visiting al the home of Bonneville Smith. Job Walter of Franklin township wa- it caller at this ollice on - day Inst M eek. y Mrs. C. B. Witmer of8uuburyis paying ll vi-it to her sister, Mrs. Jus. (i. Crouse. .lame- ShUIIiall has purchased a lot of timber from L. M. Mot., on bis land east of town. lev. A. E. Cooper and family of Maple Hill an visting A. ii. Ulsll ami wife in Frankllu. X. : 1 1 T i : 1 1 i : 1 1 1 Mower-ox of Kalniliaoo, Michigan, i- visiting hi- brother, Cor nelius Bowersox. Miss Bertha Erhnrtof Lewistown is visiting Miss Minerva Stetler and other friends in this place. Mi-. Jen i lie (iiKidlini;, who had been to her home at Oriental, has returned to Reno Waller'-. Miss Sadie Wolverton of Bhumokln i- nyiug a visit to Prothonotury Shindel and lamily. '.. s. St rou b of s Ineford dropped n dollar in tin 1'u-i glol Monday and he'll he happy for a year. Loyal Fisher of WilliumsM)rl Isvis Ring hi- grandparents, Assariah Kreeg er and wife in Franklin, Geo. F. Brosius and Dr. Maraud Rothrock of Mt. Pleasaul Mills were in the village Monday morning. Edward Erdley and family of Lew Mown -pent Sunday at the home of j pn Ins pAretits, James Erdley and wife. Mi Amanda Howe, has returm id l rum a vlsil to her grandmother, Mrs, Amanda Geraberllug at grove. elms- Mi-s Kan-A. Wagenseller of Selins- bognst; Male Quartette, M. -i Moyer, grove spent several days last week with WleU, Glass, Brown; ir. hestra, selec her brother, the Editor of the Post and I tloi i- from Lender Chorus, '-Re. no) Wire. Mr. Long and wife of Michigan after payings visit to his sister, Mrs. E.C. Aurand, returned to their home on Monday. Mrs. James Dietrick had a birthday party for her seven-year old daughter, Marie, Friday evening. A pleasant time was spent. H. 1. disk and wife of Abilene, Kansas, and his sister-in-law of New port were the guests of W. , Carman and wife Sunday. G. Nelson App and wife came up Saturday evening to spend Sunday with Charles Mensch's oliove town. They found that Mr. Meusch and his amiable wife had gone to MlhTinburg to visit some relatives. When the host and hostess returned they found their guests had ipiite successfully entertain ed themselves. Visiting relatives at Lewistown. Miss Katie s. Bowersox if Carlisli Visiting friend- in town. J, Merrill Barber of Mifrlinhurg spenl several hours in town Tuesday. Jacob Boob and wtfeof Mifilinburg were recent visitors in the village. E. K. Mtisser, Boyd Stetler and II M. Amlgl i(ht lots iii Franklin re- cently. Jay G. Weiser and II. Hani- Rower attended the State Democratic Con vution al Hurrisburg last week. Miss Lottie Grouse's Sunday school lass had a picnic on the church lawn lusl Thursday. Henry Bwineford and Eitiesl Swine ford of Mlllllnburg are visit In D, T, Rhoadi and wife. Supt. Bowersox was one ofthe -peaker- ai the picnic in Vearger's grove, Alfarata, Salurday, F, S. R logic, wife and daughti r, Har riet, and Mrs. ( 'has, Rousli attended the Choir Convention near Freeburg Saturday. Geo. 8. Roniiir, the Sweel Hope black smith, and Reubens, Meiser of Belins grove were county seal i-iim- lasl Friday. John Miller of St rode's Mills was visitniK tlii- place l!i-t week. John likes to read the Post and ulwavs keejis hi- date ahead. Morand S. Royi i nl I'axtou ville wa nt the county scat Saturday morning, lie lett tlii- week for Hie southern limits of the great state of Texas, Isabella Polish of Wesl Perry town ship botitrht the house nnd l"i of . E. Soles on Wist Market si reel and will move to town in the spring, Rev. father Tboinas ll. Rosenteel, formerly pastojofSt. Matthews Catho lie cinirch nt Tyrone, has I u trans ferred U i sharpsbiirg, Allegheny coun ty. He will be succeeded by Rev. bath er I 'liilip llolan oi Jahustown. (' I). Mancval and wife nnd two children of Muncy paid n visit to their sou, Geo. I . Msueval, In Franklin town-hip. They made Hie trip In n carrlnge. It Is 20 years since Mr. Mnne val visited his son, which made the vlsil all the more enjoyable. Geo. A. Colt. f Jackson town-hip was it county seal visitor lasl Saturday and moved the dale of Ills paper up o 1903, Mr. Foltz -pent hi- youth in tlii vicinity and has manv frii mis here who were triad I" si e him. I fe boiinht the horse advertised In last week's Pi ist by B. W. Trult of Hummcl's Wharf, i I rwin E. Ruck, i b" !. is lieon em- ployed jn this oilic- for the pa-i 8 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 Ii-. inn voluntarily t preparatory t' ed his a trip '.ii. k a obllir- inkini west. We havi faithful employi found 'Mr. courl i- am iic- nnd while u iv We W Isll llilll nblllld t li iii u he undertakes : 1 : pa rlti re, in any- CHOIH tow i ; i Owing to the rain the 1 1 Mi annual Snyder County Choir ( 'on vein on was hekl in Freeburg Opera lb i r. I". I'KOGU M hestra, "Ainerica,'' thotiudli nee: er. Rev. Haas; sell I is I'lioii Leader "; Solo, May An l i . com- panist, ( 'has. Arbogast; Aiitheui, Ref. Choir rreeburir; Amh. hurt;; Anthem, Lutliemii Choir Freeburg; Trio, m and Erlenmyer: Rwitai Mover. Mav Ar- afrni 1 -Khiah: So o M. ArboL'a-l: An them, Rearing the Cross; Hcnodietlon, Rev. Unas. The chorus was conducteil bj Prof F. ( '. Moyer; nstniineututions, Mrs, c. A. Ricgle, organist; W. H. Grimm and Brian Teats, violins; w. F. Brown, trombinn; Wm. Mover, alto. The executive committee elected the following officers for the ensiling year : President, Win. Moyer; Vice Pre-., M. L. Wagenseller; 'Secretary, J, H. Hall; Treas., Brian Teats. The loth annual convention will be held on the old grounds near Fnvhurg, n the ;ird Saturday in Aug. MAHKIED. Aug. 17th, nt Salem, by Rev. H. Q. Suable, Wallace I), linker and Anna M. Laudentlager, both of Selinsgrove. . i . Try lour full quart of lUyiier'nSovrii Yor Ohl Ityr, riiroanirrinll. tor Z.H0. Kin pur ticulkm, Mp nnnnunmoiit oflM lUvn. r 1 Mk tilliiiKl'o.. Olu... l,, IppMri elM wberv In tbii Issue, Dallas Mark- i John P. Stctlei Hurt. Lasl Monday morning Chief Burgess John F. Stetler, the architect and builder, while working with a gang of men al the new in ry buildings, mel with a u i painful accident. They were put tiny iii place a piece of timber 6x6 and 30 feel long. John was at one end with n long pike trying to handle the Joist. His hold on the timber slipped ami it fell striking llilll mi the hack of I lie head while in a stooping posture, He was rendered unconscious and carried home by the workmen. He regained consciousness iliiriii-j ibedav. Dr. 1 1, ilium was sum moned ho administered to the Injured man's necessities, 1 1 i- a little ilifllull ai ilu- time tu as certain the extent oi hi- Injuries, but we trust nothing serious uill develop and that he w ill soon he able In In out, PI Hi ll SCHOOL TE VCIIEHS, I'll.M'M AN I'OWXSllll', Meiscrville, Homer Swart; 1 (.rove, !'. J. Mehols; Houtz's, J. iocusI lurry Kxeitzor; Smith's, Jonathan Rohrer; Arnol Ph, f H. Vttinger; Rohrer's, John H ceroid; I udepemlence, Thomas Herrol I. I Mi Narrows Si Vertlilla, Mrs. E. s. Wolf; Kt Hen-old's, Ed. Herrold; Porl Henna- Hern iry, J. D. II ei i row ssiiir, IiihiI, Howard Elmi r Vagle; W doll's, Geo, K Bhafer; Fiantler'i Treverton a d v Id; Pin t 'Vrv erti tel. Beholl; inner'-, Beholl; : havi. I i ll 1 n prim t-KX l l,' I ; l i w n -1 1 1 1 . Centreville (trammnr, A. 1 1, .-henry: Inten Mate. L. (.'. Riugaman; Prim ary, Miss Stella Trout man; Ocker's, J, J, Bhnmljaeh; Hnrtnian's, I'.. E.Sbnm bueh;.Hermun's, J, A. Bowersox. M IDIll.Kt KKKK TOWJJ8HI I. Meiser, (i. s. Erdley; Kreamer, F. I. Roush; Wetel's, Frank Seaman; Sail er's. Win. Grecnhoe; Krouse's, Geo, Dunkelberger. - . . (Ol RT HOt SE CHIPS. Deeds Entered tnr Record, lb-it- of Joseph (i. Wlney to Fannie Wlney, 11 a ere. and II'.; perches in West Perry twp., for (t2C0. A. M. Smith and wife to J. W. S k part oi a lot in Ailamsburg, forfl25. J. ( '. W. Bassler and ife to Hettie 1.. Herrold, 12 acres and Ml perches in Washington twp , i r Win. H. Droese ami wife to Ellen E. Aurand, l"i of ground for $00, Ellen E, Aurand and Samuel F. Vurand to A. M. Vuraud, lot In Ad niiiHliurir, for Sim, .h'iui A, Kearns and u Ife t" A Aurand, lol In Adnmshurg, for A. M. Aurand and H Ifi to E1M M M Ki.i rn- lot llf irloUlli daui-h lor s'.l.i. Chas. A. .-. Im ren and wife to J. Kcnms, lot in Adamsburg, for r-i-io. Maraud Rothrock ami wife to Ba in i Trewitz, . racl in Perry twp -i,t in, The lasl u ill and testnmenl of I.y Swnrtz, late ol wasiungton twp., WI1S aturdtiy. I Ii t husband, B. 1 N. Swart.', and her son, W. II. Bwnrtz, an i c 1 1 1 1 1 1 i executors. Her children and j grandchildren are the heirs, The lasl will and testament of David Ishambai-h, late of Frankllu tow n-hip, was probated Monday. Howard and Andrew Shnmhach are the executors j ami heirs. Marriage Licenses. i ( 'lenient A. Shemorry, ( Lillle J. Hosterman, Kantr. i Foster '. Fisher, Salem, I Lottie S(angli r, Verdllln. ( Wallace D. Baker, Belinsgrove, i Annie M. Laudenslnger, - - - David Sbambacb. On Saturday at Paxtonvllle the re mains of David Bbambach of Paxton vllle were laid to rest. He w as one of the oldest sons of Christian Shanibach and Mary Walter, daughter of David Walter, a Revolutionary war soldier. He wusn brother to George Bhambach who died some months ago in Franklin tow nship at which time the Post pub lished an aOCOUnt of the remarkable longevity of the Shanil Bch family. Mr. Shanibach is survived by two sons, Howard and Andrew, who are named the executors and the heirs of his estate. Deceased sull'ered for a long timeand was about NO years of age. llliaitm Grot t Picalc. The L'-th Annual iireat Grangers' PlCllIc Exlllbitklll Mill be held at William-' i Irove the w eek beginning Aug, 26th, The exhibit loti of Fann Machin ery will sin p i.- that of any former year and undoubtedly will be the great est ever held in the Eastern state-. Tin' beuut nt the exhibit w ill be that -ii much of it mi i- runniug. Five saw-mill-, two shlngle-mills, nl least 15 traction engines ami threshers to gether with numerous fodder cutter, and other small machinery will make the irranil old irmve a hi vi .,1 IiiiIiibIw limine, the week the platform ofthe large Auditorium which seats '.on 1 pie ill I 'iiplcd by prominent () rangers, ngrieultunsls, educators and silltieians. The cvenlugcntertnlninciits will con sist of concerts and illustrated Ii i lures Thursday and Friday eveutugs, Frank R. ItolK-rson, mi Japan and the Philip pines, A -p. eial ell'm t will he made to put on an tii-tiMlate midway, embodying the best tented attractions obtainable' They will In run under the spee-lal di rect I r a profi sslonal B tree I Fair Promoter, and nothing immoral or objectionable will be toll ratetl. Any woman or child can attend nnj -bow "ii the irroiuid u ithoiit fear of being of fended . I In principal shows engaged ate a Tl'oupe oi tell I'.. dotl ill Arab- in Lofty Tumbling, Pyramid Ruildlug, Gun Bpitiiiing, Whirling Derovlshers, Etc. M. i. nil. - I Mu. iti d Hon -. eight in uiumber, are th. h,-t in the iiti-i-iii-s. The Ri(i Eli Fi rrls Wheel, IS H High I. nil. It. I ii. Flying Lady. A Miniature Railroad, u ierfeel Locomo tive, Jl Inches high an. I ten ear-, seat ing 2 people each. Great novelty. No admission fee to the ground and a one fare carries you from your station to Wlllinms' Grove and return. Set calces Vcsr Locastt, Next summer is aboul the time the seventeen year locusts w ill again l due in this and adjoining counties. They were last herein the summer of 1886, and then bored the tender branch es of trees, especially oak and chestnut for dep. siting their eggs for their brood tonppenrucxl Mar. The leaves of the trees in Home sections upiienfed as if they bad I u - ched by fire. The eggs and grubs gradually dropped tu the ground, and the young worms then went under ground lor n seventeen year-' stay. The insects appear al different plan. - in different times, but only once in seventeen year-. At pres ent they are having myriad- of thelu in western Pennsylvania, and iii parts of New Vork and New England. Reduce.! Rates to Cleveland via Penn ,nni.1 R.nlrjad. til I. Mill .. I II II . 1 1ll . Ill .1 1 . ( in account of the Thirty-fifth An nual Encampment of the fimnd Armv i reuusyivai it rates. 'I !; - ll . I to (1 Kor-p,eiti mat ion, niitiR il . ed REDUCED 1 LS i.i l. i.n-l vanlii Bnllroiiil Ircoiiiil I ro mi 1 1 tiio liM e. Kutistttq I nifilitr. ( Mi account of the Triem lal ( ton clave of the Knigis Templar, to held in Louisville, Ky., August 7 tool, the Pennsylvania Railroad Conijiany II sell excursion tickets from August n to 85, inclusive, to Louisville and re turn, at rate . if first-class fare for the round trip. These tickets wUI bo good to return until September 2, inclusive, but tf ticket Is deposited by the ori ginal purchaser with Joint Agent a! Louisville not earlier than August l'.s, nor later than Beptember -, and a fee of fifty cents is paid at the time of de posit, an extension ofthe return limit may Be had until September 10. Ct't M iliii .i friiin ilu- 1 'ist i I U-ry Thin mvi- wholo- mIi' ami rrtuil ilraluiV tiruSU, also Inline purr UOO.I-. Th llnyurr DfaMlltag Do, will -hip you four full part of Scvcn-Yel-Old Kv., fxtirrns in t-iiiti.t. Im sl.Ji'. sci' InrKP ilvrrtmciuviit hi thin l-.;i.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers