fflRNHUHwm i mum PREPARSD EXPRESSLY FOR THE POST SELINSGROVE. Mrs, Mary Bordner (nee Kant- ntr) of Steclton is visiting her nioth $ md friends. Harry Focgev and wife who spent i 0w (lavs wmi nia niomer, leu lapiin to his bridging Work, but his wilV will remain in town tor a trine. Forest Gregory and family of IWilliaDUport are visiting his parents 1!. V. Gregory and wife. II. o. Reynolds of Booth Fork, It bo graduated from the University I in June, spent several days in town. K. C. Burns of the State College tfimes visited his mother on South Market St., Mrs. Isaac Hums. Thompson Hilbish and family re- Itiiriied from tlieir trip to Buffalo. II. 1 tenner, one of our bridge Ibuilders, returned home Thursday. Mrs. Rev. Follmer and children I are visiting her parents, F. J. Behoch ami wife. I. C. Bohooh and wife spent Sun day at Benveuue. Mr. Kissinger and family of Wioonisoo were in town Friday. Dr. It. P. Wagenseller and wife have taken a trip to New York and Saddle River, X. J., the latter plaee being where his son-in-law, Kev. M. L. Snyder lives. li. C. North and his mother ac- Ieompauied by Mrs. Mary Wilson of l'liila. are taking in the Impo sition. llev. J. Peters and wife, (nee K rouse) were guests of their friends I in town. There were quite a number of I picnics Thursday. It. M. Wagenseller is visiting his Ijarents. Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Ber- Iwick were visitors in town several davs last week. G. W. Oeker of Lewisburg re- I presenting the Buffalo M'lliug Co., was in town interviewing our busi ness men who handle flour. Major Rollback spent several nava ot last week at laucaster. John F. Bohooh and wife of New Berlin are guests at A. Marburger's. Clayton Kantz, clerk at Wagen- Isellei's drug store, i off on his an- llliial vacation. John Rine of McKees was in town Friday attending the horse sale. The Ann re-union will be held at Milton Park Aug. 22nd and the Selioch re-uuion at Salem on the (29th. Dr. F. P. Manhart filled the pul pit of Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday the 4th. His subject was 1 he Deaconess work. 'My baby was torriblv sick with the diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, of WillianiH, Oregon. "We were unable tocure him with the (lector's assis tance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to By it gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale by the uiddleburg Drug Co. KKEAMEK Miss Verda Fields is visitinir her lister Mrs. Jacob Hummel and Mrs. V. A. Hummel of Lewistown at pnsent. Miss Lottie Maurer is visiting friends in Northumberland County. Reuben Hummel of Lewistown was home ever Sunday. Charles Mitchel and familv visit ed Mrs. Mitchell's parents at Cen- wrviiie over Sunday. Miss Cora Rau returned home from a few months visit at Paxinos. Mrs. Jackson Miller and children of Paxinosare visiting friends at this place. lefTcrson ilnmmp! nnrt fiimilv nf West Milton visit Tvi Krd lev's I Sunday. Amnion Gearhart and James Zeig ler left for Milton MnnHnv. where they secured work. C. C. Stuck and Chas Bowersox of Globe Mills drove to Selinsgrove Saturday. Miss Katherine Hock and Miss Carrie Haas of Shamokin are . visit ing N. C.Guteliusand family. FLINT VALLEY. The Mennonitcs had services in the Ebeneaer church Aug. 11. Text was taken from Mark, 13: 32. Rev. Banks Winey did the preaching. Services again Sept. 22nd. All are invited. Flint Stone Valley was well re presented by our young people at Grubb's picnic Saturday. Philip lamer visited his parents over Sunday. ( )hristopher I raines and Jonathan Trevits visited James Haines Bun day. C. E. Haines is employed to reroof the bridge at 1 reamer. Mrs, (i. A. Shaffer is on the sick list. Miss Polly Swartz, the famous fortune teller did a rushing busi ness Saturday. G, A. Botdorfs saw mill hands were at home to attend the Grubb's picnic. J. W. Neitr lost u flock of tur keys. Quite a number of people of this place attended church at Freeburg Sunday morning. Jonathan Grubb of this place is building an excellent house. (.'has. More, Sr., is working in the silk mill at Suubliry. Miss S. B. Shaffer is going to tench the Flint Valley school, and many wishes of success to her. V. R. Garmau was going to Se linsgrove twice a week with huckle berries and hlacklicrries. liast Tuesday C. E. Haines was lucky, he shot a hawk before break fast. M. L. Moyer also got one some time last week. Chas. Dreesc and Wm. Sprenkle spent Sunday with J. W, Neitz. Samuel Straub, our old plasterer is working at Kreamer. It is quite a time since the readcis of the Foot had the pleasure of reading the Flint Valley new, but I am again with you. "Through the months of June and July our babv was toothing and took a running off of the bowels and sick ness of the stomach, "says O. P. M. Holliday, of Doming, lnd. "His bowels would move from live to einht times a day. I had a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy in the house and gave him four drops in a teaxpoonful of water and cot better at once." For sale by the Middlcburg Drug Co. ADAMSBURQ. Mrs. J. W. Snook visited her father in Lewistown Saturday. Misses Anna and Miriam Smith of Berwick are spending some time very pleasantly at this place. The Lutheran church will hold a festival on the lawn opposite the church. All are invited to attend. Mrs. Jonathan Spangler and grandchildren, Carrie and Mary, were entertained by relatives in your burg Thursday and Friday. The Carriage works are fast Hear ing completion. Ground has been broken for our new wagon factory. Mrs- Jerry Harkcnberry is spend ing the week with her son John in A ltoona. Jas. Benfer and family of Benfer spent Sunday with H. 1. Koniig's. Prof. Win. Moyer of Freeburg was seen on our streets last week. Miss Lizzie Boreman of Paiuter vi lie visited her parents at this place. Rev. Zimmerman and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Beavertown. When you want a modern, up-to date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are ea?y to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 35 cents. Samples free at The Middleburg Drugstore. FBKHBUBO. Quite a number of the Freeburg people have attended the Pan-American Kxpo.-ition. On Tuesday of this week a party left for Akron to attend the Hilbish Re-uniou which will be held there on Thiusday, upon their return they will spend a week at the Exposition. The party consists of: S. G. Hilbish and and wife, Mrs. James Artley, Miss Mary S. Hilbish and Geoi F. Hilbish. CY ITS CORPS OP CORRESPONDENTS Avfl SHAMOKIN DAM. .!.. Bilge r and wife of Salem were visitors to hi sister. Mrs. J, N. Young and family. T. A. Stctler, J. P., held a short session of court in his office Satur day. Edward Fisher and wifeofHum mel's harf were teen on our streets Suuday. Saturday, August 3rd, George E. Hartman and .li-s Edna Wendl were married by T. A. Stetler, J. P. Harry Wenilt, wife and family of Sunbury were visitors among friends Sunday. After spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Vouug of Nor thumberland, Mis- Lillian Wendl returned In 1 1 1 - Sunday. Mr. Waltinnn and wife of Milton were visitors to It. ('. Fissailtl fam ily Sunday. Annie W'ini i iek and brother of New Jersey were visitors to P. 11. Hottenstein and family Sunday. Mis. Sallie Harper of Sunbury and Miss F.ldia Bnyer of Paxtouville were vi.-itors ot' Mrs. Wm. Snyder Sunday. Mrs. Tratc and daughter, Annie, of Sunbury were visitors in our place Sunday. Mrs. Mary Walker and son, Har ry, and daughter, Catherine, of Nor ristown were visitors at Conrad Dutry and family one day last week. J. F. Bhipton and Fred Steim ling of Middleburgh returned home Monday after spending a week with Edgar Derr and wife. Chas. Motter, wife ami two sons, Walter and Foster, of Montgomery were callers of Mrs. A. R. Bhipe Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Hafley and daughter, May, were visitors to Conrad Dutry and family Sunday. Mrs. Blylcrand daughter of Lew isburg were visitors of W. 8. Kuhn Sunday. Mrs. John Malick and son, Dan iel, of Shamokin visited A. R. Shipe and family. E. K. Hottenstein and wife were out for a pleasure ride Sunday. Justice and Ira Fiss, John Fair child and Harvey Hottenstein took a drive toward Selinsgiove Sunday. UliOlITMlLliSi Miss Wilhelmina Bommers of Phila., who has been visiting Mrs. S. (). IJlrich the past 1 weeks re turned home Monday. Jacob Brunei- has accepted a js sition in the steel works at Lewis town. John Dark of Mt. Carmel visited relatives and friends at this place last week. Samuel Erdley spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Chas. Stuck gave a picnic in honor ol her daughter Vcrna's 11th birthday. It was well attended. Antes Ulrich was to Selinsgrove Friday. Mrs. B. F. Longneoker Is visiting relatives at Plainfield and Carlisle. Geo. Clelan d' Middleburg was seen on our streets Sunday. B. I' . Row took u trip to the mountain Monday bringing home about 2 busliels of huckleberries. Billy Thomas was camping at this place a few days. Misses Mabel Rau, Mabel and Viola Beaver attended the picnic at Kratzerville Saturday. Miss Sallie Krat.er of New Ber lin visited J. A. Sehroyer Sunday. Miss Elbe Bolig, Miss Eva Laud enslager and Mabel Spaid visited the Misses Beaver Sunday. Sydney Walter of New Berlin spent Sunday visiting his parents. llenrlburn. When the (inanity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likey to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Kat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse be tween meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the stomach after eating, indicating that you ate too much, take one of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by The iiddleburg Drug Store. . f- l.u VUNDORK. The PdfiT shows the way through the jungle of event- and every fam ily ought to have a copy of i. Isaac Cumphell and family of Herndon spent lasl Sunday with his parents. The Herndon campmecting had 77 tents, 20 Du ine- led by Bishop Dulilis of Chicago, aud the people Sunday no man could number. The Sunday Schools of Port Trevortou will hold their picnic next Saturday at Beui Spring I'ark, Arhk'h is a rival to Asbury I'urk. Dundore has reduced the price ou sugar. After the heavy ruins of !." week the winter springs were (failed into play. New potatoe- and sweet corn are sidling at good prices. The I'enua. e null is a fruitful source of malaria and many along the line are shaking. Far i s are busy plowing and arc getting read, for seed time. II. It. tleichenbueh Heiif Suuday I at Toe Hill with his parents. The Tel ephoiie ( 'o. made substan tial repairs along the line. The river is in line flatting con dition and has not been low once this season' Our supervisors have returned from the sea shore aud are now ready to give ns better roads. Prosperity has greatly reduced the Dumber of paupers and our overseers are all smiles. Next Sunday Kev. Senile will preach at Witmer's at 10 A. M; at Hoover's at 2 P. M. and at Olive at 7 P. M. His discourses are most masterly. Our school teachers are sharpen ing their lead pencils and no doubt will make their mark next Tuesday. Our school board is alxive the average and nre not capable of mak ing au error in stationing the teach ers. J. H. Wise and wife visited their daughter at Harrislmrg. Our Susquehanna coal diggers are busy and successful. My Hai "I had a very severe sickness that look off all my hair. I pur chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, III. One thing is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. SI.M 1 bottle. All dmrrliti. If your draqrilt ratmot MlpplT 'u, rend us ono dulur and . will ezurciia you a liottlo. Il suro und ivo th" nana of your nearest expres!. ollii-c Aildrcss, J. C. AVER CO., ixiwell. ltUM, CENTREVILLE, By all appearance the hot weather ceased for tiiis suntner. The whistle of the threshing en gine is heard in nearly all directions. James Haokeuberg and Melvin ( )lerl in attended the picnic at the Grubb's church Saturday. Wm. Napp, son of Henry Napp thought it was not a wise thing for man to le alone so he concluded to to take unto himself a life-partner viz, Mrs. Annie Luck. We wish the young couple much happiness anb success through life. Henry Bowersox and wife visited Mrs. IVs. mother one day last week. A. W. Keiehley filled the ap pointment Sunday for Kev. S. Anr and, he being unable to go himself. Theodore Bingaman came home last week on account of his sick child. l'ure wbtikey direct from DMUlfry is what you get whan you buy from The llayner Dls-tilllng-Co., of Iiayton, Ohio. They are otTerinu four full qunrta for IS.20, express urspald. sre their offer which appears elsewhere In this It su. YOUR MONEY BACK U IkU Btlriicralor U Ml I WKrlM For S 8.95 W will ship ov tblt Refrigerator, Frtlil PrtpabJ Eflfttnf thrMlstUftlppI Hiver potato WtSl ar allowed freitit to the Kivrr. It u mad uf atihil oak, nlctly Khrd, pMuurfi R0 Inchrh Hah. 1 tncries $8J95t Freight prepaid. lonr, 18 mcHea deep, U lined with havy r!nc, ailrsnlred Iron helve, aud It innlaled with water 'proof ftbra leltlnc. It ratall valusll 916.00 17.00 MVtd In buying uf the maker. turgaint. Oui MMSSIotil ( Our Furaltur IVpartmettt cntalnt thiUands of ilmllar 10', tnilie, irlli all a''.iot Pumnura alao about Frry thlnt ti ht. Uaa i ad Wsu aaaaaassfsi I MM Uhtatra , ' uf " ; ' riaSi and qisotn wliolesale -rt le ctsusner on oer I&0.000 itirTcient an I. lag. It coata u I H nialled I . y ni tot to rata, anttVA tj ttnit diduit rvaa ptm rtt eratse f p ao. Praa 1 ithraph! Malafia M VlalOVI kt- LiHU" 1 arrta, ltug, llrapsrln, W all Papff NlaR rhiHM, MasBfta, (nfria, Wnmw4 PMaraaj a1 hprrUltlM In I t I. . I.i. r . -t t rallar. U tkrlr rral rulwr. Carpet mwpiI frrf, I Intag furaltkMl altawat fhsr ud MiMl.lt I nil) US ALL THI AtlOVI. Praa Catalasja t Umt lata ta Oiiaf riotMa - m larfla 'loth aaaiklai MtUstsstk v i huh Kit KRsa auk ami ICABAHTBI Tti PIT, Kr trrM Baa4fi fatslagwa tastalaa "( from it', rests to I.:.U. K I' At TH AKKIIlKT A Till!. why pay retail prli foe aayUilapf We n aM'dutety evri) ttiii. WhJcn t oeh t!o you wast f Ad ltetA tlili way I JULntS MISnS k SON, Billlraort. Md. Icp1. STHOtll'roWN. file outs c.i pii : II harvested and the thresher whistle can le heard daily. A heavy ihuuder shower imissihI through In re Saturday afternoon do ing much damage to the plowed tields. liobl)ers broke into the llichlield store and look a lot of clothing aud some money, They were prowling around this neighborhood for a leu davs preying on the tanners' wives for guild eatables. Such fellows ought to lie punished under the tramp law to it full extent. Maggie Gelnet had one of her fingers bitten nil and tern out ofits Bucket by a cross mare. I'r. Deekerd dressed the wound. Daniel Arndt of Milton was vis iting his father over Sliodaj . Clemmie Furry of Phila. is home on a visit. The communion Berviccs at Pine church was well attended, Presiding Elder Stapleton had charge of the exercises. L. S. Qelnet, merchant at Stroup town got in his fall stock of goods and sells at rock bottom prices. Try him aud be convinced. CASTOR I A Fr Infants and Children. Tbi Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears the rf sr$TT dignature of KutZ 444 UNION TOWNSHIP Marry Aucker of New Columbia Bpent Sun lay at home. C. K. and Oliver Aucker Inith of Riverside mingled among friend here over Sunday. ('. H. Sechrist ol Shamokin Dam spent Sunday at home. Dr. W. W. Longacre of Mt. Pleasant Mills was here on business Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Naugle of Selinsgrove spent a few days of last week With her parents. Our public school teachers have been selected for the coming term and almost everybody seems to be satisfied. One of the severest electrical storms of this season passed over ; our section Saturday evening. Iii order to be up with the times and meet the increasing demand of lour traveling luiblic our genial mail carrier, John F, Minium, who carries the mail from Pallas to Vcr- dilla and Selinsgrove daily got a ' new two seated carriage. HOFFER (Too lulu for Iuul week ) Miss Katie Qarman and Miss Alice Meiscr returned from Miclli- The Rockville fellows were home Sunday. j H. H. Swartz returned from Johns town Saturday. Adam Tresslt r and Etta Wise of Shamokin lam were seen here Sun day. G. A. Paige made a business trip to Sunbury la t week. W. P.. Leffler and father, who were working in the woods, return ed home Wednesday. Quite a number of our people at tended the campmecting at Herndon. I Miss Lulu Mover, daughter, of I Ihmtou Moyer, was buried at St. I John's U. B. church Thursday, Aug 8th. I Cyrus Tharp is sporting around here since the fellows left for the I woods. PALLA l.w Mrs. Sarah Si hriefacr and duugli erl'aire and Bertlut were vifitu .it this plm Stttunlav snd Shu Lne Urubb'n pietiiu d .-w an im meuse crowd trtim all parts if the county, even a t'.ir a Adatnsburg, Sieavertown and McClure, Nor humbcrlaud, Uuubury, Middleburg I ilobc Mill-, Siilein, uivi ri I, Iteichfivld and liuudre !- uf other place-. All went well as a in in i lire belt, the immense crowd unjoving them deles with old trieuds, listening t.p the niii-i.-, ufwhich then- were three and sampling the various refresh uieiils servetl on the grounds, Imth 'in private tahlcs and on il de stand, until ub ml thrc i 'clock in th nAernoon hen a thunder sh w- er druvc the p itple to seaire 'ie!t- er. It was s.i leareil ufl .md the picnic progroKcd as U'tbre until live o'clock wheu the second he:ivv r un arose and scattered every ihthou for the day and evening. I he speakers pr ul during the day were Kev. S. P. Ilrowu of Pillow, la., Prof. (!. . NVallwrn, Itev. Wetzle of Siinbiin and Itev. Shatter of Mt. Plesanl Mills. The proceeds of the day uinoiii teil to the II 111 of S I '. I . ( M I. I . PI.BAMAN I M I l.l..- I' ariners are busy plowing. I he ( i. '. hand will play for pi nie tit ( Jrieiital, Saurdav Aug I 7. I he i. . baud and quite a num ber of others attended the picnic at ' irubb's church Saturday. Alvestu Schnee, who was working in Scruutou, returuedl home last week. A daughter of F. '. Ilackenberg ami will died at Northumberland Siittirdav morning of inflammation of the bowels, aged 1 year aud ." months. Interment in St. John's cemetery Monday. Rev. I). I Schaefler officiated. 1'. A. Schnce is remodeling his louse. J. A. Sliadle and son are loing the work. TBOXELVILLE. The rain Saturday evening was welcome. Some farmers are nearly through plowing for fall sowing. Jno. Middleswarth, who wan working at Lewistown, is at home again. W. S. Shamory's entertained vis- Itors fr New Merlin and some from Missouri. Hattie Swartz of Cleveland was here last week visiting her brother. I Inward. C. P. Erb, Edward Fetterolf and son, Waldo, were at home last week. The festival held by the '. E. Society Saturday evening was a partial success, Kev. Ott will preach a serfion on intemperance Sunday afterndi in Aug 18. Text Prov. 20: I. The potato crop seems to lie a poor one in this section. Some .'ar iners say they won't get enough for baking pin K)scs, The apples are scarce and the apple juice for apple butti r will conseiiuently be scarce too. SALEM. M. T. rwig, wife and their four children, alter sojourning in u n r midst the pasf -ix weeks, returned to their home in Philhiisburg Mon day. Friday evening Mi Verna E. Moyer was tendcriil a birthday sur prise by about twenty five ol her friends. Mrs. C. K. Fislu r and children -pent several days visiting her broth er Oscar Herman. The artesian well on Henry Laudenslager's premises is .. track ing many vistors. Oscar Kaltritcr of Fremont speul several days at Wm. J, Beyer's. Robert Coleman and family arc staying at Jacob Coleman's several days. B01INEE N. K. Stuck of Seven-Points was in town last Saturday and gave US a pleasant call. Carrie Yergcr of this place was visiting friends at Richfield Sunday. F. C. Landis was visiting firiendt near Salem Saturday and Sunday. Farmers are busy plowing fur their grain.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers