TOImuSTONE ' Hummd Es,her. wof M. b Nov Bardsher, Harry E. s of J. A. and INSCRIPTIONS. aged 69 y 6 m 10 d y 10 mild. Hartnian, Effie C. d of N. E. and Busch, Mary, w of S. d June 11, A Com 4um Made JromalltheBury- A- p ,J May 9, 1877, aged 3 1894, aged 76 y 1 m 8 d. mg Ground in Snyder Qwniy y 10 m 22 d. j Baley, Rebecca, w of Peter, b July Jor the Middteburqh "Pod." Hane, Charles W. assassinated Sept 27. 1883; d Dec 13, 1881, J, ISW, aged ill y 5 m 13 d. I - . , , "Ml ) AW . - SI aged 48 y 4 Ml 16 d. AKM POULTRY GROWING. Hottenatlne, Amanda, w of I. b Biley, Sarah, w of John, b June 16, ' htiNtim si o.t by . o. Gilbert. May 27, 1843; d Dec 6, 1880, 1825; d Feb 16. 1874. aired i te pciiMrm r irM, I I I.. ..; r II 1 .1 e..... .., IMiS, aged 59 y " in 15 d. j "w ' " IT .11 . T i iha.i DmL ..1.. CI! I. .4.1 1 11 I i ir Aura..!. Henry J.,d May 23, 1883, i "uut lsaac 0 1 'yoJ "T1 oryen, o ii'W 10 in 11 d. 1U.1. f,,..;. , aimiwi) a VMM v iiiiiMiilt inn ii 1829, d 1868. d 48 y 7 in 6 d. Aumillur Sank fl nf : W ,1 : Mar 1 1 ROB' mrixl :!7 v '., ; Huttenstine, Harriet R. w of D. H. The position of tin- farmer with re ran! to poultry Ii entirely different from that of the specialist with a Urge plant. To tht former Hitch informa tion as the following? from u late re- ....... Ai a n .. .i... I 1 r .ii. . o . " "iiwrt iu tl iittfl iti ui iBti 8 d. u , , - loc" "B" u 7 BOkeleSB, Elisabeth AsneS, I) 1862, 1 1 experimental farms, is eapu- I 7iuSil. d 1876 I etaHy directed: Bordntr, Melvilia, dau Of Dr. H. H. ,, , - ' ' Farmers have riven increased at- and O. J., .1 Nov 17, 1888, llumeI Mutant 8 of D. and U M. Bakelese, James Hampton, b 1866, tention during the put lew year to aired 3 v 10 m 27 d. d Aug 6, 1884, aged 21 d. (1 1872. artificial batching ami rearing of rrj ,. rt i . . Chicken, which have l)een pursued bv ... I I I 1 1 If I .... .1. m I- l; nl l! .....I 1 A 1. 1 ... ...... .... 1 Bow. r Kuimu J. l ofo. and II. n. ' 1U- naiey, uauienne, d ol r. and u. d two methods: b Mar 31, 1854; .1 July 5, d Aug 13, 1877, aged 5 y 9 m Mar 27, 1873, aged 12 y 1 ml By filling th. for Infants and Children. OMtotia Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, groric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriahiicss. It enres Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth Ins; Troubles and cures Constipation. It rcgulatca the niomacn ana isoweis, gjmng neaitny ana natural sleep. Lite Mother'a Friend. The Children's Panacea Tl The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1 'U. aged 7 y m 5 d. B - rtlmr V. - of S. and 11. U h July 4, 1801; d July 27, 1804, aged 3 y23d. incubator ami begin ning operations in late February or irlv March. i a. ,i I'll 11' IV Hill 11 rvener, wm. MX. s 01 wm. and JJ. b , , p t j vr q , , By deferring hatching operations ()t 13. ISifi A .Timoll mad oaiey, ireier, u .ua i.vm, ag.ti . . '. ' j ' ' 74 v 7 m 18 d a or mi 17 v i m 'J.ft , ' Balev.Snrnh. .1 .,i II. nnrl .1 ,1 f;.e ' llowei Klora H. d of 8. and H.B.!Keler Elizabeth, w of Wm.d June 2. 1 870. aired 3 v 1 m A , b.ian 27, 1865: .1 Apr 15, 0, 1867, aged 46 y 7 m 21 d. ... ' . ... . , . ' rfhp r V ' - ' iu- j.)n ui i ,, , , .. Baley, Henrietta, d of II. and J. d . yr ;Jr .') ', 188,,, aged 20y2m 19 d. Keller, Eliza, dol Wm. and E. d Mar 1, 1873, aged 11 n.20d.l ' ' W Bower Lewis, b June 8, 1828; d Mt aged 24 y Sm Margaret Irene ,! of 8. Cg Mar 2(, 1803, aged -Wy 9m d. aod M. J. May 15, 1858; d 'vS? -I. Kessler, Helen F b Feb 24, 1852; Dec 1, 1858, aged 6 m 15 d. nWZlX IWITiW ;'o:m!!. Marion ( '. ,,!' U.andC. 11. d Sep '., 1871. ,, ,, , ' , . , ., JWIlrlWFlr ' I r'n illl ... ... - I cr. hi ..-I i c.-it i,.i- o. , ,,ci) vaa II niBRil !! N! Corel! Miipwiii Tl uriJ I I'll fl Spi 0. IS7I n-r . IN.7.1: lis,. lscii ,- ,. . . UBobler, ,Hannah (Jatherioc, d of D. Ml .. , 7 i -' ivesBier, jamea r. n Apr u, leuuj and E. b Nov 30. 1852: d Dec 'v.. . : aov0,iom g 1862, aged 10 y 8 d. , v o.v.i i, oauie, w oi ... i. u .war , . . . .., i ivesBici . -uuiiru a. uuuue to, i oo i ; iVcblei , ( harles ( ). sofN and (' Ii d l881- Aug L2, 1852; dOct 14,1869, Keller, L. wi- D. d July 3, 1887, "J'"'1 1 V 2 m 2 d. aged 45 y 6 ni 18 d. A mem- Deobler, Catherine, w of N. d Dec poultry in coops on grass. berof'Co. I. I9tll Regt. Pa, 13, 1886, aged 82 y 11 m 5 d. until the hens have had a run outside, Vol. c i i i. i , ,. . and as a result their eggs will hatch I' ret i r.c k. ):inic i Son 98 ISIfl. , .. I ..I ii ii , . , -r lienor i .i to iii 1 1. o i ii 1 1 1, ii .1 .1 m j 1 1, i i i ; 1 1 . Jan 13, 1890, aged 78 y 1 1 in U 1 890, aged 29 y 5 m 5 d. Fish r, Uevia A. .1 of G. and A. b i 9, 1859; l i 19, 187"'-, agin I 7 y 8 in 10 d, Fisher, Maria, t! of (I. and A. I. J ti ie 6, 18 15; .1 July 7, 1869, aged 2-1 y 1 in 1 d. ' Fisl ' , Klizabetb, w of 8. h Jan 26 1 . 1 N; tl Apr 1 1, 1 s;:., aged sl y 2 in 18 d. Fisher ' 'ntherine, w of T. I!. I. Sep 17, 1818; .1 Sep 24, 187.". ajt d 56 y 7 m 17 tl. Fi.--, ' : rgaret R ! Sep 12, 188(1 .. etl 78 y 1 1 in :i d. Mss, 'J J. ,1 Nov 9, 1862, nged 61 y I'l ) in 8 d. Guise, 1 i. 15. Me. .! : 8, 1863, ng 'My 4 in 20 d. (laugh r, iniil Malicl. .1 of J. ('. ami 1 1. Ii Aug 30, 1876; .1 Sep 2 1876, aged 27 d. I ; . John, tl Aug !, 1878, aged 63 v 2 no Milholl) Elizabeth, v of Jacob, .1 Sep 1 8, 1 887, aged 72 v !i m 17.1. Miliioff, Jacob, il Sep 1 1, 1884, ajfeil 7'.' y 9 in 16 d. Maliek, David W. b Feb 19, 1823; .1 Fel in 1 1 .1 Itenn, .Maggie K. .1 of J. and M. A. b June 11, 1875; .1 Oct 2:'., 1880, aged 5 y I m 12 d. Ileun, Henry, bOet 6, 1853; d Aug L0j 1893, aged 39 y 10 in 4 d. (i oep ..., i,'.', aged bvy I m. In connection the second meth Ferdig, John, d Jan 20, l.s'.is aged "' "nl'"s farmer lias n brooding ' liu.isc, which permits of bis being ln- oz y 11 ni 1 d. , . , . , . , " , lependent of outside temperature, he berdig, Samuel, s of J. and M. tl will have to content i in if with in- May 5, L898 aged 20 v 8 to cuoator and outside bi der. tiiwom- I - i ; hide brooder is placed on the rapidly- growing gras. and with pr per care Ferdlg, Francis M. b Sep lit, 1819 and food the youngchlcks will be found d Dec 12, 1896, aged 77 v 2 to make famous progress, in 23 tl At the experimental farms when the hens became broody they were set in ns in oll- i nged . ., , - .i.". in ii. .in. i uc nests tint inuiu reruig, Isaiah, s of t. M. aud M. d of dry lawn cl Ings, which were July 31, 1884, aged 30 v 2 in fount! to answer the purpose much bet iil d. i t er thim cut Straw, drain, grit and ,. . . ., , , idrinlc water were constantly before i'erdig, Lllen, .1 ol F. M. and M. b tht, rfttera. On belngmade, the nests June 29, 1861; 1 Aug 11, were thoroughly dusted with a dlsin- 1864, aged 3y 1 in 12 d. feeting powder, andso were the sitters u as In Use For Over 30 Years. thi crNTya comwwv, tt musmy twcct. ntwvonn citt. The People's National Family Newspaper Net-York Published M o n l n y, Ut'ilnt-mlay nnt PHdjy, H in reality fine, fmb, ovi-ry-oi Iut tiny Daily, giving Ihfl IaImI nswi on dayiof Imuo, and cover itiK new i of Iba other three, it oontalui uil im portenl foreign e m b 1 e newH whlofa ai'i . m- in the daily thibunb of Mane iltttc. iili Domee lie and Foreign 'orree pondence, Hhon Btorfee, Bleganl Half-tone Mlua tratlonsillumoroui Items, fnduatrial Information, Pahlon N"ut'H, Agricul tural Matters and Com prehenslve and Reliable Financial and Blarket Re ports. it e k u i a r nubserlptlon prlee, 11,50 per .war. We furnish it with the Posi for $1.7fi per year. lorK Pabll.lied on Tlnindti nd known lot naui, sily yi-nis in even im of tlio Unltetl -i,.. . ; mil kami i paper of the higlii ,i, 1 f..r torman sml , it oontiini nil ii ,. , Important .em nil i,. NB"P ofgolu tO press, in, Uepsrtmenl et.rd..r. ban un.-ru,,,. Ing reading for evert member t.f h. i,., v old snd young, Marvel Reports win. h i ad ns Authority 1 . f,r',. 1TB h II il COIIHtl v III tt, clir nts, iin.l In il'e, to date, int. ri ill . Inatruetiva. R a i ii I a r - Ih riii,in liriee. ii. (Hi per We fnriii-li It with tin Post orl.... i . , .. ... ' Send all orders to the "Post", Middleburgh- Pa. d Feb 28, 1884, aged 61 y 9 d. i? ,. i: , i ,1 e m m , became broody they were set . ,, . ,' ' terdlg, IMizabetll, W .4 b, M. b wooden boxes placed in ruennt pens tishel, r raneis M. b Jan 17, 1826; Dec 27, 1 814; d June 20,1896 a house. The wooden nest boxes c. (I Nov 28, 1868, aged 42 y 10 aged si y 5 m 24 d. tained no bottoms and had n hing e- m , r , , , Kilter. Illl'.int il of I' S 1111I V rl IT 1! -r .-ii aa r i leforu beinir put on the nests. It WBI Gi 3, Mary, w of J. .1 Mar 20, .- ino ' 111 l-erdig, Matilda, w tif V. M. b Aug. found Dsnefldal to place two or thre, 1872, aged 54 y 9 in. a..,iwij"-' 10, 18'ZOj d Uot 10. 1864, china m in the nests at arranged i 1 r i... J a n . oAi 1 , , . a GcmlK-rling, Anna, w of S. I. Dec i lWKU V""" f v low aKe(1 1 !W" 1 1 v - "' 10, 1818; .1 Mar 1889, y K in 10 d. Ferdig, Mary, w of J. I. Jan 11, I 70 v 3m 13 d. Roberts, Granite, s of H. and E. dl 1794; .1 Jan 20, 1863, aged Greinor, Fete'r, .1 Feb 14, 1884, July 15, 1886, aged 1 m 9 d. 69yl0d. nged5 v II iii 23 d. Used, I. B. Co. G. 147 Pa. Inf. Fisher, Luther Amnion, s of . N. Gross, Lydia, d Sep 9, 1872, aged Blear, Mary, b Nov 18, 1803; .1 and E. J. .1 Mar 31, 1885, 22 v 8 in 5 ii. June 29, 1885. aged 7 y :' m 13 d. :.-. Mbert, d Sep 1S72 need 29 Blear, Jacob, b Feb 28, 1798; .1 Fisher, E. J. s of I. N. and E. J. .1 jiine .., loo, aged 08 y .. in -M" 1j 1000, ageu y .: in. 8 Ferdig, laroline, tl of F. M. and M. Sweiger, Snrali A. b NHv 1", 1863; l June 14, Smith, Henry, Co. K 9th Pa. Cal. , Slil ! 111 -1 '' . . ir 1 it n 4 Lrexler, Abml, d Oct9. 18S8. aetl """ xiarvey, 8 ol J. r. ami them for a day or two. Th sitters "7 y 1 in "Jl tl. -'l;u' 'h tooO, aged t ni having proved reliable, the china egg Trexler, AnnieC. .1 of A. and A. '. wmm WWMM. lays .1 1822; .1 V I 1 III "uruss, L eter, i Llec Dee 5, 187.;, ag. 10 d. Grosw, Sarah, of I 1830; -I July 24 I I y 6 in 2 d. Gnugle , I iniiit 1, I. Mar 20, 1 808; .1 Ii : 10, 1858, ogetl ."o y 6 in NEST BOX FOR BITTING HENS, ami allow the broodv hens to sit on 187 ngi tl It S. p 23, 1862; tl Sep 1 1, 1863, ogeil 1 1 in 17 dl Trexler, Isaac B. b cl 8, I860; d fi 4, 1861, aged 1 1 in 26 d. Trexler, Sarah, w of J. I Mar 8, 1800; .1 ct 18, 1870, aged Ga iglur, J. F. h of D. and E. 1 Ocl 21, 1871; d Mi y 26, 17' ttgexl 5 y 7 ni ,; .!. Grei Lena, w of J. h Feb 21, 76 y 7 in 12 d. 1 793; d Aug 13, iS77, ngetl Thompson, Abigial, w of E. d Mar v 5 111 22 tl. 26, 1.877, aged 72 v 5 m. Sarah, w of H. b Sep 21 , Ulrieh, Sarah, w of i. I Mar .", .;dJune 10, 1879, nged 1819; d Sep 16, 1871, aired 52 y 6 in 1 1 .1. : Henry, d June J2, 1883, ed 53 y 12 d. . Arthur, ! A u ir 19, 1893, nip were removed and replace! by the val- ,r . .. , uable ones. In the morning the doors Hummel, Harry N. sofC. and A. of the neat boxes, which had been .1 Mar 4, 1892, aged I y 1 in. closed from ihe previous day, were Hummel, Elizabeth C. d of C. and o1"'"'"! ,l,,a fbe f""""". d oppor . I i. I , ,,n0 , , tunity to get out for food, waterand A. tl Deb 0, I8i)L, aged 1 y. a siirt rUn. In early Bpring, when a m. i the weather is likely to be od, th. Harrison, Carrie, .1 of VV. and M.d,siJU r sll""M u' hern" ns l . . , , , of ten minutes, the foregoing details .Mar I, lh,, aged y , in. nri. all toportant In the successful Hane, Hettie, d Jan 22, 1896, aged hatching of chickens by hens. 23 V '-j 111 ' I':ll, Iril and ':'.v hen-hatched . n i chickens tii.l the bMt. r at the Cana- Jarreft, Henry, 1 Aug 1 V, 17'.:; d dlan farms. Inthi case. P hen-hatched beb 3, 1872, aged 78 y 5 m chickens the latter were permitted to 1 ,1, remain in ineir nest lor . i to o hours, Liberal Adjustments. Prompt Pavm3 rErVErV!B,-:r H. HARVEY ECHDCH, GENERAL iNStrCANCE AGENCY Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Mre, Lite, Aeeident and Tornado. No AssessmejLts No Premium Notes, The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819; Assets 11,0 ,lg.88 Home 3853 9,83 ,0'2SJ " American " " 1810 " 2.40 ,81.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage S elicited. DURING HOT WEATHER e. BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. "New Rochester" WICKLESS SIM LE, SAFER COOKING under these circumstances is a pleasure. The Rochester W I.IKIl 1) ( (I Sit :l llw.ii' v.ii-in i t ii , ... 41 ... . i- . I. .. 1 i 'J . V "M""ii"ll "II I 11 0 S.IOM- 111 UUUbll ItlO nest evidence of the patisfaetion enjoyed is testimonials galore u inivsrauiuB iroui an pans oi me world. Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove an J the "New Rochester" Lamn. Yoil will npvpr iamot haoinn lnlt,n.lnJ 11, l . :..i i jj-jj luuuuutnu iiusoe kviuub iuiu yuui u The Rochester Lamp Co., 3 Park Place and 33 Barclay St., New oi l.. II Mary M. 1816; d I 74 y 1 . Hi,.,., ,1 Itl, llin ,.,.,tt.i,H 1 ,. Ulrieh, J. G. b Deo 26, 1820; J Jarreft, Susannah, b Mar I, 17!6; placed in a slatted coop on the gn ' Nov ti, 1888, aged 67 v 10 m d June 11, 1873, aged 77 y 31 outside. The coop wi isoarn ngedthal I '-ii l jo ,1 m in il. 11 eotnti oe aecun y ciosea nigni M while ventihvti n cured v , in (XHliing, John . b ui A. and M- A. b June 27, 18-0; ,1 June , . T"!," ' '" J. :li s ir l T.-e si .! Hit Kulilcon, I . I. Dec -I, looo, aged 10 y 1 m 2.) Naporeon crossed the Alps, 1890. uays. Through the s!a:- the chicks could run on the grass outside, while ihe i hen remained inside, On the floor nf But men who cross thi ir wives, gadiookt, "e coop w-as sand to the di pth of two Mad better bind their teaips. K. 1 1 Auc 17 1 885. Hettri k, Olevia J. .1 A. b Dee 28, 18 101. Will I ...,.. .1 M .1 S!.. It! luiu -IM. i.ll l. IV.-s. ...ii, i .... ii ucji j 1 1, i.-i,in, Dec aged 39 y 5 m. ,"st vhi n- s-iia. WSli 1 1..,,;. i ,i .... m i-i i Master What Is the feminine ii.. .1. ii, .i nus i ' miu, lKcu of fetr9 tJ. I. and 68yl0m5 d. Co. D. 3rd First Boj Please, sir, it hasn't got tl May 30, Regt. Pa. Vol. one., David K. I. Apr 5. 1794: .1 ! 'TVl Hettri. .. Mary A. b let 3, I858;d Nov 13, 1876, aged 82 v 7 m Kirst Boy '(uidignant-That's Mar 26, 1859. 8 d. ! just what I said t XI t Hits. Hettri c, Sarah, d of H. B. and E, VVebdt, David, b July 31, 1823; d The AvrTin ThinB. d Dec 21, 1858, aged 7 y 11 m. Dee 15, 1888. I "Professor," said Mrs. Lyon-Hunt- Hcttrick, Elizabeth, w of H. 15. d W,ndt,Ana,w of D. b Oct 3, 'Zt m" 'iT July 1, 1865, aged 62 y4 m. 18Z2j d Aug 12, 1889. j the author of that learned treatise on Hettrick, H. B. d July 28, 1887, Wendt, Lorenzo, 8 of J. and 8. b ,Qenlu' A Species of Insanity.' " , i in ., i ... .).", i n., i i("T. ,i c tuoa l "Ah I exclaimed Mr. Bull, "charmed I aged it v I n JO i. 1'ee l, Lo07S u ot'P .8, lobo. i . h l o or i Alwa.vs delighted to meet a genius like Uommel, Ullzabetn, wot.). I July1 "8" 1,1 you, air." Philadelphia Press. 4, 1843; .1 Ant-22. 1866, aged 32 y !) in 18 d. Hnmmel, Infant sot' J. and E. b Dee 3, 1875. Hnmmel, Matilda, bSep 11, 1839; A Nov 9, 18U3. Hnmmel, Michael, d Mar 11, 1S91, agetl 83 y 4 m 6 d. Wendt, Mary E. d oi J. and S. d Apr 22, 1858. Wendt, Infant child of D. and A. inches. On taking Ihe mother l.en from her nest she was given fuel and water. She would be more likely to brood the chicks a mtentedly after lie ln, fed than if hungry or thirsty. How important it is to have early Chlckl carefully brooded is w ell known to all experienced breeders. The ratli n adopted wen stale bread crumbs, fol lowed by slate bread soaked in milk and squeezed dryj this for a day or two. Crushed corn was not given un til after eifrlit days, and wholewheat was not fed until the twelfth or four teenth day. As Ihe chicks grew, a mash composed of shorts, corn meal, stale bread and n small quantity of prepnred meal was mixed w ith boiling skim milk, allowed to cool, and was given three or four times per day. Milk and water were both furnished for drink. Shukinku's Cbmetkry. located along road leading from j skin' brint cycs' Perfect health Selinsgrove to Lewieburg. Contains! pascarets Candy Cathartic will ob oo l u i 101 i i . tain and secure them for you. Genu- 224 bed. and 131 unmarked and ine tablets stam d c cyc Neyer 92 marked graves. I sold in bulk. A11 druggists I0C ' Vill it pay to keep a two-pound chick Hailtli r. j that will now bring 20 cents per pound licaiin lor lO VCnU. j untii he weighs four pounds and sell A lively liver, pure blood, clean I him for 40 oents? There are poultry keepers who seem to think it will. Farm Journal. A Paradox, Th. y tell us faithful old Tray, Who post ti i o tons Jls true, Is but n nty:K One can't beTrajr Aril yet b faithful, loq. I'hllaOi Iphl . I'ri .-s. WOMEN MI MH'IIETS. AS. tt. CRO08E, ATTORNKT AT LAW, ItlSDM '" Ai! bnsiUuM entrnsted to will receive nro.u'it attontl ui 'III 1 I j ml v,'flf' n 'Si ' He You know they say a woman can't keep a secret. She That's u libel. A woman can keep a secret ns easily ns a man can all but two kinds; secrets that aren't worth keeping and others thut are too good to keep. Fun. CATHARTIC. M T1 CANDY riWTTTi i .aaTTa Surplus roosters are unprofitable, U1U1UC1 UVMUHI, ...' Ut. Ma, Genuine stamped CCC Never sold la balk. sware of the dealer who tries to set "orotthin lust ai good." fi. i Potties VeteriNarY sUrceoN, SELINSGROVE, PA. All professional business ei.n-: ' win receive prompt ana earetui attei ti There in no better investment n people of small or large means llmu the shares of the Union Consolim' ed Mininu Co., which are now beioj offered at one cent a share, full i"i non-assessable, and without persou- al liability. . Inteuest Dividends at tliR rate 01 10 por cent per annum, payablo half yearly for two years, are ooabastB ed, in addition to the regularly earn ed dividends. We also call 'attention to the "Smelter Shakes" ofjthe "KkttlK- CUBLKW," "BOUNDABY CAMP" nd "QoKKn Bkb" companies; now sell ing at three cents, with same inter est dividend guarantee. AU shares sold on the install"""11 plan, or all cash. - Send for illustrated circulars maps, terms, prices, etc. National mains; Promotion CompaW' Fourth Floor, Andrus Bid. 8-2S-26t Minneapolif.