The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 08, 1901, Image 4

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    Published Evtry Thursday Horning
HI . on pat If paid In advance. I.5A per imt If not paid
i t nt ,-. UI....I. kI.. H.. i'-....
Adverlialna; Halm. IS cents per Him, nonpareil msasare
iii. ni for rir.t luserttni. ami 10 cento par line for each subse
quent Intu'rtlon. fOKKICK. Near fna County Court llouae.
in uirrir nnuinni ntni ami toe ununvyjail.
President Judge,
Hon. h. m. McCLUUE.
Comity Surveyor,
Vol. xxxvtn. Acq. 8, 1901.
Among the full-pagt- ort raits of distinguished
men of the day contained in the Magazine Num
ber of THR ()ltixxk for Augu.-t (the fourteenth
annual Educational Number) are those of Gov
ernor Taft of the Philippines, the late John Fiske,
Henryk Sienkiewicz (from a painting by a Polish
artist), President Hadley of Yale University,
President Draer of the Illinois State University,
President Wheeler of the University of Cali
fornia, President Northrop of the University of
Minnesota, President Kemsen of the Johns Hop
kins University, and President Gilman, late of
the Johns Hopkins University. ($3 a year. Thk
Outioik Company, 287 Fourth Avenue, New
The Cosmopolitan for August reveals the
late Grant Allen in a new light that of a keen
and clever satirist of modern society, not only in
England, but in the world at lanre. The Cos
lnopolitaa, immediately on his death, secured
from his son all his papers, and the clever alle
gory "The Temple of Fate" in the August
number, is one of those selected. Like "The
British Aristocracy" in the April Cosmopolitan,
the present article impresses itself on the reader
with a direct fearlessness which is a new quality
in the author's work. If it is true that all the
world loves a lover, then Edgar Saltus's clever,
epigrammatic story of the princes who have re
linquished thrones, position, wealth everything
to marry the woman they loved, should indeed
be popular
Clifton Johnson, whose travel-sketches and
artistic photographs have made him one ot the
most valued of magazine contributors, has writ
ten for the September Woman'$ Home Compan
ion the story of his visit to "A School on the
Irish Bog-Lands." It is in an out-of-the-way
cerner of the world, and the description is very
fresh and charming.
review or REVIEWS.
Entomologist Howard, of the United 8tates
Department of Agriculture, contributes to the
Review of Review for August a valuable article
on "Mosquitoes as Transmitters of Disease." In
the course of this article Dr. Howard describes
the remarkable experiments conducted under the
direction of the War Department by Dr. Reed
in Cuba, which have demonstrated beyond
question the part played by the mosquito in
transmitting yellow-fever germs.
ladies' home journal.
Every reader of Ernest Seton Thompson's
graphic animal stories retains a deep impression
of the author's profound mastery of wood-lore.
I he wonder is how he accumulated such a never
failing fund of it. Some interesting information
about how iie lives in tamp and works "in the
ojren" is given in an illustrated article. "With
Seton Thompson in the Woods," which The
1 idles Home Journal will soon publish.
Jesse Lynch Williams, who has written
for Scribner'8 a number of articles about aspects
of New York City, describes "Rural New York
City, showing how one may go shootine and
fishing; see Chinese farmers at work; visit a typ
ical country store; and get lost in the woods, all
within the city limits. The illustrations for
these unusual phases are by such artists as Child.
Glackens, Shinn, and McCarter.
ketropolitan magazine.
Beginning with the August number The
Magazine will be reduced in price from twenty-
five to fifteen cents per copy, and many new
features will be added.
Each number of this remarkably successful
periodical will hereafter contain, besides many
illustrated articles of timely interest, at least six
short stones by famous American author. Thp
new Metropolitan will be exceptionally strong
in notion, ami each story will be illustrated bv a
well-known American artist
The tone of the Metropolitan has always Iron
one of decided patriotic principles. "An Ameri
can Magazine for the American People" has
tieen its slogan, and nothing has been or will be
admitted to its lavishly illustrated pages that is
not in accord with the spirit of our country and
the best that is in it
So the Pilgrim says he will not be a candi
date for Sheriff. As he has promised Chas.
Sampsell and Kohler Peek lo have them nomi
nated and elected, it will be iuteristing to note
which way he will flop. This is due notice to
Geo. Shindle, John Brosius and others who
would not be williug to refuse the nomination
for prothouotary, that a wide swath will be cut
by the Ajbp for the clerkship of the courts.
THE Centre County Republican Convention
had a stormy time of it last week. The leaders
on both sides failed to kiss and make up.
To know what newspaper space to buy and
how to fill and use that space is of greater im
portance to the advertiser than the price of the
space. If all business were conducted on busi
ness principles, there would need to argue
about the advantage of advertising, for every
business man knows that advertising is one of
ths most important of the principles which makes
sucess tor business.
Howard G. Frederick of Millersburg
presented to the Town Council Monday evening
a proposition to erect a system of water works.
He proposes to put in 18 plugs fo the use of
the borough at an annual rental of $250 for fire
purposes, to erect the plant and allow the people
of Middleburg to take the bonds, if ttiey wish
them. Whether the council accent or reWts
the proposition, it establishes one point beyond
a doubt, that the discount on insurance will pay
the water tax. A discount of about ten per cent.
will be allowed on three-year insurance and
twenty per cent on yearly insurance. The sav
ing of insurance on a private residence will pay
the water tax on that property. The saving of
insurance on a business place and business will
run from two, three or even four times as much
as the water tax will be. One and two-thirds
mills will pay the wate rent This makes it a
business proposition, even if we got nothing in
return. But we are getting something for our
money and even if it were to cost more than the
saving of the insurance, we should have it If
the counaj would rather give it to a home com
pany, and; the home company is willing to do as
well, that would be the thing to do, but the home
impany should get down to business and make
their proposition. We seed water works and
tne town is in lavor of having them.
a tku a if am b
For $
We vffl eats yea Mi
East of the M
River point, west are
allowed treia-ht to the
Hirer. It la eiese of
olid oak. nicely pol-
Uc h kleh. M laches
leaa, IS laches deep,
stat, lull 1 1 baa shelves, aad Is (assists!
wttfi water-proof fibre feltta. lu retail .alee Is
Sie.0O-t7.0S eared la bar& ol the ssaksr.
tersaSM. Q MMr C.aky 1 est pegs.. 1.. II
KGEblmE s Sal PMhara etaeSbM Esa
WKi Bel. Usseai Wear isesss least nissaa
see aad spates vkehssle p esesaaasai ea era
gfgjjjjHgJj ceea eeW M gg fcsgg
Trm IIS1 1 sill Miln 1 1 ekeae - F1BOC1 BiST
U" CerpeK es raaerba, Wei reprr, dates
i aii in an 1 1 ni, Ciena, pmhs rw.r, aad
tenia el Sea, IliSa Bsrahese sMIia! ah led
rsaissT MB ill Tal A Bora.
tree rklilmi at Ivi BBSl to Bedel
tmm imiIm sttBSssf. wiruniu
trm Beaa ease, BBbsMBe Mania, mmflm tnm MM
Wr per MMlt arlcH fat BarsMac t W. Hll abKilataty
tmrttilac. WklcB fceak de fee trull ASSreM tkW eeei
JULIUS aiNES a SON. SsHlsMr. Ma. Deal,
Annual R, Ksrur.lon to At
lantic City !.. In I'rnn-ylTnnla
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged fur three low-rate ten-day
excursioiiH for the present season from
North Bend, Troy, Bellefonte, Wil-
liamspHrt, Biocanaque, Kunbury, Shen
andoah, Dauphin, and principal inter
mediate stations (Including stations on
branch roads). to Atlantic City, Cape
May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Ava
lon, Anglesea Wild wood, or Holly
Beach, on Thursdays, August 8 and 22
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will be
old at very low rates. Tickets to At
lantic City will be sold via the Del
ware River Bridge Route, the only all
rail line, or via Market Street Wharf,
Stop over can be made at Philadel
phia, either going or returing, within
limit of ticket.
For information in regard to specflc
rates and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S. Har
rar, Division Ticket Agent, Williams
port, Pa g-i.Bt
A"gggg SS "I com
S A r i.vuiii am IDE i
U'irirTU i . V Bv........ Vil
A.i.-nr.if ni uiuiu ur THE SKd,, rl
t)rr TliK IVHT1I TU ... "r-.A
311 LI US. IU
ProposlnB an aiarndmeat to the
of the Coramonw-elii. '
Section I. Re It rreolred by thtS,-.
nouae or neprreenlallrea of t,
. .1 , ' IDkl ,L.
ftlitullon of the ('oiiiniiiiiu -..ui. -I . . "
. - Ill M.
VllK. In u.ill. tl... .
. . . . 1 . . HW1 II lit.. .
riKUH-ri in ariK' e in-rnir-
Aoiendmeal One to Article Eieht
ajj-.. . . .. . . ion
A'jti nfj em o
er tlnn. eft. r thr
oi we. aril psrairrenh
rnSTT es rniiM
toll .1 .11 ,. " .K. '"'
enieieemBiBBBp niv wtnilK, SUhlet
ever to such lawn iwouirind ....( . ' 11
.i.f.,1.0,.: -atasi
S.. lint. I li..HAn.l .S rr,
T . " ej-wiiiisfiiwii VI salector. tv
a . . 'XTLW " . ' . ueetn vi
Saad i, r""""! JV k.
--. T'. i i " Nnran
-- : - ivkuwi imtL.
iniratKin of elector ma the QtMMl i"
t He ihull httrelbecn a cltiten Bfftk-
8. Hi. ItaVll l.avo mmlAmA Ida SV.- v. .
... .,..... i it lir .UlC ...
Inr I f I. ....... ,..,.i .. . ipt
tor or iiMlve Inim clttien of tl,,- Ut i
IMVe fi Oinloii I inrefr . ' ''
tlJn. ' '"""tl.
3. He shall hare resided In the lni. j
Ull.IV I... BllBll ..IT... I-1 . .-him
nail hv. liki.. ... .. .. . ".
"T " PW Be.
r:".. V. . earenaenajel
Amendmeot' Two to Article Klehi
Strike out from said nectlnn n. .... ..
no clcctar ehall be H enrlvMi ,,r .
at i . , "'r Inri
... e-.ea-rr-.ria ws II lei IHIIIH'
Wltt-ilM "hilt Hue e. t .;.... I "I
roiriiit nation ..fU. i 1 Vnnl
to (ties on v. nrovldle-dt that .....i. H
HIIIIUIIU IUI UI1CB Ul llir rUSltH' i l.tsi, "
the twiil section nhal) redu follows
Section T. UnlformHy of Election I
IV.WB rrKuiiinK iiie uoiaingor eltc(inni bv
... (iiiuuBiiimi hid ciiete, mil -tlniranH
rxnii.ii.. th. ....I.. .... . '
iiia. urriiKiniluilinT.
A true copy Of the Joint Rcnolutlon.
Secretary of lite'Ceauona
Picnics, Festivals, Etc.
8atttriay, ArorsT 10th, The
Grubb's Sunday School will hold their
annual picnic.
Saturday, August 10th, a cake
walk and festival will be held at Mt.
Fleaaant .Mills.
Saturday, August 10. The Evan.
Lutheran church of iieavertown will
hold a festival.
Saturday, Am. 10th. the Leinin-
ger's Union Sunday School near Ori
ental, will hold their annual picnic in
the grove near the church.
Thursday August 15, The Suuqur
hanna Lutheran Re-union will be
held on Island Park, near Sunbury.
Prominent speakers will be present
who will deliver addresses.
Saturday, August 17, the U. B.
and U. E. Sunday Schools will hold
their annual picnic at Bear Spring
Saturday, August 17, a festival
will be held by the Sunday School at
Kreamer. All are invited.
Saturday, Aug. 17th, the Salem
Union Sunday School will hold their
annual picnic in Beale's grove, one
mile west of Oriental. All are invited.
Saturday, August 17th, The 14th
annual choir convention will be held
near Kreeburg. The "Choir Leader"
containing the choruses for the day
can be had for rehearsal for 5 cents of
Wm. Moyer, Pres., Ereeburg, Pa.
Thursday, Aug. 22, the Burns fam
ily le-union will be held at Clement's
Park, rain or shine.
Thursday, August 22nd, The Sec
ond annual App reunion will be held
at Milton Park.
Saturday, August 24th, the Union
Sunday School of Ban nerville will hold
their picnic in the grove, J mile west
of that place.
Saturday, August 24th, the annu
al picnic of St. John's Sunday school
at Mt. Pleasant Mills will be held at
Thursday, August 29, the fourth
annual re-union of the Schocb family
will he held ot Row's church near Sa
lem. Trains will stop at OUflbrd siding
on day of picnic and busses will con
vey passengers from the train to the
Saturday, Ai g. 81, the Elnmezer
U. B. Sunday school will hold their
annual picnic 1 miles south-west of
trseburg, All are invited.
Saturday. Sept. 7th. The? four Sun
day Schools of Troxelville will hold
their annual picnic.
Saturday, Skit. 28th. The annual
dean soup of Captain Michael Smith
Post No. 856 of McClure will be held
In Cold Spring grove.
Mede hie ewa Callow.
Ten thousand persons saw Jim An
derson a negro, hanged at Little Rock,
Ara., last f rlday.
Among the spectators was young
Lemoyne Jayne, a son of Porter Jay ne,
a carpenter. After the execution the
iad inspected the scaffold, and Wednes
day completed a miniature scaffold.
e inytttd his playmates to take the
role of the condemned man. Failing
In this he sought to take the place of
the executioner as well as the nerann
He adjusted the noose and stepped
on the trap. He had figured that he
had enough rope to reach the ground.
The sight of his body dangling In mid
air caused his playmates to snread th
alarm, and neighbors reached the scene
in lime to cut the bodv down befnrw
the lad was strangled to death. His
neck was not broken, but he is uncon
scious and doctors give no hope for re
For this and the scene enacted. Gov
ernor Davis has made known his In
tention to recommend the immediate
repeal of the act which permits the
public to witness hangings.
Located In the basinful Uhl(h Valise', brsbf
passsd for hesllb and comfort.
Regular aad special courses of study.
Ifflclenl faculty. Instruction lhoroub.
aymhaslum. New furniture. No requisite
Specialties. Music. Art and Elocution.
Sect references furnished.
For Illustrated calalos. addrsaa.
I. W. KNAPPENBEHttEK, A. ., Pres.
Bedford Springs, 10c
Cslsbrated Chalybsats curs, sn ointment
m,.''.1:?.r'f "..Pe?" CheJybeata
r" , ' Piiee, seisms, all
kin -
mm V 1 " HUB,
4. U. HA FKR, Bedford, Pa
JJC weni r-ure wnisKey, II will par youto
I""' ! The Hsynsr DUtillln, vW., 'J
ton, Ohio . before purchael n elsewhere, They
are offering four full quarts for $.20. express
TO. Uu! ' whUh mmmS elsewbrs
Prof. D. Nolinjr
Late with Dr. A. H. Wells,
ofWashington, D. C.
Headquarters at niller House, 123
East Market St., Lewie town, Pa.
Consultation and thorough examination free
of charge srsry Wedneedar and Haturriae
aiassee sclentiHcally and skillfully fitted. Also
an impsFfsctlona In the syce of children care-
iuy sxamlneo. Satlafaction guaranteed or
money retunded.
0. h. OWEJNS,
Oca 8rmuuTT : TV HONS, PA.
CoUectlonesnd Reports.
Referaaces, Flnt NsUodsI Bank, Nearby
Towns Renrenen Id. a.llwMH a i .. ...
. , ..mj,Aiiwua, num.
daysburu, Huntingdon aud Bellefonte. ,yr.
$100 Reward, $100
The readers of this paper will be
nlnaaOrl In hAnrn hot ihem i. .4 l.i
Ss ft eeewsw id bii irjnnb
one dreaded disease that science
nas ton able to cure in all its tagos
and that, in Oatarrh. TTallV ret...t.
Cure is the only positive cure now
Known 10 me niedicii fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a ronstitntinnnl fraai.
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mu.inlln aiirfanoa nt ..
system, there by de. . jying the
f An n lu i rr. t9 i I. .1 : 1
ivuiiumviuu VI duo UIBCttntJ, UQU 1V-
itiff t.h rmtienf airanolh Ur ).nil,l;.,
up the constitution and assisting
uuiurn ui uuing us worK. Tne pro-
DrifltfirS hnVA BO mnnh fn,"Ili In ;t0
curative powers, that they offer one
nunarea uonars ior any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall'B Family Pills ere the heBt.
Central State
Lock Haven, Penna.
F. R. FLICKINGER, A. M., 8c. D.
Fall Teres begins Sept. sth, loi.
prospective teachers.
This institution is one of the fore
most Normal Schools in the state.
Has the handsomest and most mo
dern buildings, a well educated
Faculty, and a beautiful location.
It also offers excellent courses in
Music, Elocution, Shorthand, and
has a thorough college preparatory
tar-Expenses absolutely lower than In any
other Institution of equal rank.
Addreas for illustrated catalog,
8"8-6t- Ths Principal.
In 1 e-entate of Tohl.. R.n... I I. .u- ,
late of Chapman Township, Court of Snyder
Snyder County. Pa,, dee'd. County.
The undsraigned auditor, appointed by the
Orphans Court of Snyder County to distribute
the fund In th.! nt A ii. ....ii- u. l
, iii w. hi.iui "iruuu ana
ljCTl M. Kam.r um kUmI . .1 .... .
I .w. - - mT7. ' i- "- eeeaw OI
I . ""se namer, aee'd, to and among
' f how Imll. .ntltl. IV........ Lwil 1. TP
j ...... ..... . . 1 1 nil, mm ail uar
ir.Jrilite.,Ml",.,SSi,!Boeo' L ter. Ksn.,
1 1U o'clock A. If.,
at which time and place all person! basing
r aim. ..In mi mmtA .- . . . .
-m" are requemeu to urea-
'hern duly authenticated, or be forerer do
barred from coming in for s share of said fund.
. , . A.P.UILBKRT.
JulyM,H01. Auditor.
8HKKT MUSIC snd BOOK 8ALR Tn close out
-lock of Music, we will send by mall, 10 pieces,
full reicular else Popnlar Sheet m nsle. eithl
er vocal or inntr union tal. with piano aocom
psnlmenta, all fortS cents, sample copy with
cetalczuc 1 6c. S60 popular songs including very
latest up tc-datc popular hits, 187 with ltSne
only 10 conts. charming complete populnr
novel, by faroour. author. 10c, nlnglo coplee 8c.
Money back if not satisfactory. Address
, SHAW 4? Co.,
DoxS87' Canton, Ohio. It.
Executor's Sale of
Valuable Real Estate
The underalfraed. mm executor of the Itut will
and letamenl of Samuel Brunner. late of Cen-
Ire tnwnih Hnvrlas f..,,..s- t- . ".
and by authority and powers therein conferred;
Saturday, August 31, 1901
on the premises herein described, offer the same
at public sale, the same consisting of a farm of
114 acres and 25 perches
situated In Centre township Snyder County
Fa., on the main road leading from Ulddle
burgh to CsntFerille. bounded en th, 7mS&
lands ot Katharine Boyer and James Blns-a-raan.
on the east by lends of Lsel Young snd
Ellas Brunner, on the south by lands of Peter
Bally and Cyrus Bowersox snd on the west by
lands of Cyrus Bowersox and Harrison Ilac
kenburg. On this farm are erected a good DWXI.T.INn
HOUSEand a Urge BANK filRN wiVh2ll toe
Tht Black System.
That portion of the eastern division
of ths P. V. E. railroad, extending
from Sunbury to Willlambport, Is now
being operated under the block system.
The new order went into effect Wednes
day morning. There are nine blocks
In this stretch of track. Sunbury to
Kappa; to MontAndon; to Milton; to
Watsontown; to Dewart; to Montgom
ery; to Muncy: to Loyalsock; to Aliens
Tower; to WllllamsporL The Northern
Central Susquehanna division has been
under this system for some time.
a Mlatster-s Good Work.
" I had a severe attack of billious
colic, got abottle of Chambealain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, took two doses and was entirely
cured," says Rev. A, A. Power, of
Emporia, K a n., "My neighbor
across the street was sick for over a
week, had two or three bottles of
medicine from the doctor. Housed
tl em for three or four days without
relief, called in another doctor who
treated him for some days and gave
him no relief, so discharged him. I
went over to him the next morning.
He said his bowels were in a terrible
flux, that they bad been running off
so long that it was almost bloody
flux. I asked him if he had tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and he said,
'No.' T wnt hnrriA and Vtrmiohtliim
- mm mm ... - .
my bottle and gave blm one dose;
told him to take another dose in
fifteen or twenty minutes if he did
not find relief, but h tnnlr nn mnn
and was entirely cured." For sale
oy tne Middleburg Drug Co.
MRNnvmrr Tn thv ......
NEMBLY OF THR rnitMnv u'i . '! . .. 9
I nr.HK! 'H R r A M v ilk phi..
i anSBras "s n t
lupuiiiix am imfnnmrn tn i ,n c
ui uir iimmrtnssa. I a I.
Section 1. Be It enacted by the Serai.
Bouse ol Kepresentetives of Hie c umm!J5
Of I'Sfttte Mn a ln i . -iB
us saw lutsvwinar in Dronnsssi .,. a
5' 'onsiiHinon of the t'ommnw,ni 1
Pennsylvania in aeoordaam i,k ,i, . " 1
.i l . . . . . . " ."l riurisoa
. ...... it .ucrvoi.
iJS?i'!.O"i'j!;i?l:ur0! rt!cl,i elKbi.
ssw.r lUCirAII. si ft lOIIOWt
I : w " y " eysasiga vslrcr rjltl lCVl Ba nas
a-- w . a ivTiuca, i nat mnn
Hn votiiit be preeerved.
OPT of the Joint Reeoluttnn.
tar tar o.ltlM,
0 m vr VMtsfi,
BUmmmrm of the CoaimoiiweaJta,
Dtese bured fer Rtcsrd.
T . 1 a a .
is ii isbssfb ass DUVt IUj iy Vtat,
a -wsrssseaev at1 fV,
AaairettaH Isna. 1 i M t AS.
sju..mvu IV AJIMIIB A' CI CUV IUI 111
r . . . g e . .. . .
in esiAuf or I arm ins Lu-er k
Tl O . . J' . i . i
xscv. tj. o. vjcnsenioru. n imu
oi n. v, Boyer to (ieo. Hendncki
Wills Probated.
The last will and testament tl
LsWh RnfflpV Isto nf VrnnLl;,, (n
was probated July 31st, Alvij
Haffley was named as executor.
Harrlage Lictastt.
( W. H. Nann. Ppnnsfrffi
Annie M. Luck, Bente,
fJ. W. Kratzer, Hok
( Laura A. Swartz,
(jr. h. Hartman. SlmnmLin 1)ibl
Anna Edna Wendt, "
Aug. 4. bv Rev. E. E. Gilbrt
T ... . . - ,1
j uiucn , r . nraizcr ami i.ii r a
Swartz. both of Hoffer.
Aug. i, oy nev. n. ii. sm
W. H. Nappof Pennscreek, to An
se -r . . .
m. xjuck ot iienter.
Ancr. 1 K Pair v v mt i 'to
ne Xj. nerman ot Middleswartn a
Anna M. Moyer of Beavertovrn.
ing condition. ' " " "uuu DW-
e, T&1" . 'S,m S0"?1;" bou, M "ne
timberland, the balance being cleared In a
high state of cultivation.
Sale to begin at 1 o'clock P. H. of said day
whsn terms and conditions will be made
known by
ELIA8 BRUNNKR, Executor.
Notices of sales win be Inserted free under
this heading when the bills are printed at this
office. When the bills are not printed at thie
office 50 cents will be carged. Persons expect
ing to hare sale xhould select a dutc snd have
It inserted in Ib'n column.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, I. I,. WaHer, at
torney.ln.fact for the heirs of Kphralm
Walter, late of Centre township, w ill sell
9 tracts'
TUESDAY. AUGUST 27. Dr. W. W. Longacre
and Dr. H. M. Krebbs. attorneys for the
heirs oK.. M. Ilouser, will sell, near Ver
dilln, a 7;i ni re farm.
SATURDAY. AUGUST 81, Ellas Brunner. ex
eculor of Samuel Brunner, laic of Centre
township will sell a 114 acre fsrm on the
premises in Center township.
i 8k
aiiititi it tit it, m, M , n-ft
I ----------------a
tme mm
Marked attractiveness inesign and color and excellent quality
of fabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to .the new season's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminsters and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains. Rag Carpets in all st)I
and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es
pecially pleasing. We also have a fine
line of baby Carriages.
Valley Street, Lewistown, Pa.
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