The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 01, 1901, Image 8

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West Chester's Murder Suspect Morgan, it is Said, Will Allow News of Intenrt From All Parta
Granted Habeas Corpus Writ. Steel Workers to Organize. of the State.
It It Believed That 16-year-old Gerald
Zell Could Clear Up Some of the
Mysteries In the Case, Would He
But Speak.
West Chester, Pa.. July 30 T. W.
Plen ". counsel for William H. Pratt,
made an application yesterday for a
writ of habeas corpus for his client. It
wan granted, and the court fixed next
Monday nt 10 o'clock as the time for
the bearing.
Pratt was committed for a hearing
on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
befoi Magistrate Pax ton. As yet that
official doeB not know whetliur his
bearing will be dispensed witb as a
oonaequence of the habeas corpus pro
A second search of the I'ratt house
wns made yesterday, the chief object
being to find the "gray pants" which
i'ratt wore whin he engaged Willie
Wist- tn pick berries. In the party
were Chlel Jeffries, District Attorney
Baldwin, County Surveyor McDonnell
and bis assistant, Nathan Ram bo. A
pair of brown overalls were found in
the shop, but the "gray pants" were
missing, They are familiar to all
who know Pratt us being a part of a suit which bud seen its best
It was learned yesterday that Mrs.
Edward Hicks, sister-in-law of the
dead woman, kepi a close watch in
the days preceding the funeral on
certain spots near the bouse in which
she believed clothes might be thrown.
While busying herself about house
hold d Itii 8 she w:s playing detective.
In su ; i i of the statement of Willie
Wis.-, thai Pratt changed bis clothes.
Dr. M. M Cheyney, who was the first
physb ian In the bouse i.fter the trage
dy. said :
ilarly noticed ns we were
his bonst that Pratt bad
tly (b an shi't. I w.ia not
lite one such as the Wise
ies as having been worn
ihe tri - : it had a hlu.
"I parti
driving ti
on a pi rfi
a solle '.
boy desci
previous t
stripe in it.
"My ' impression is very clear. Wc
were turn ng a corner at break-neck
speed, and as I grasped the side of
the l)ULy in order not to be thrown
out, I turned toward Pratt As I did
so 1 saw the clean shirt, apparently
just put ok. and thought be was the
cleanest farmer I had ever seen."
Another interesting question, waiting
to be solved, Is, whether one of the
Sharp knives, known to have been in
tb ' lions.', is missing, it was learned
today that there were several sbarj
knives exactly similar in size and shapi
to the dull one found in Mrs. I'ratt't
hand. These were for use at butcher
ing time, and were kept in the dining
room cuplx ard, and not in the kltchi i
where the bloodstains were found. 'I
dull knives were always ki t in ib
kiti ben.
Probably the only person, except
Pratt bin self, who can say how man)
of those Bharp knives there were is
Gerald Zell, who until recently lived
with the Pratts, He could tell thi?
and so show whetl any la missing
and reveal other thingit t prime im
portance in this case, according to hb
friends. But he refuses to say a word
He told if disagreements In the i'ratt
househt ' '. l ilt has recently become
low.i Vsmeri
Den ,f'
or io
after the
meat at
anly won
Oettyt .
Work o
be of Ban
Is well rip'
I.een decli
itit'iij for
though a :
Corps of
Will H inor Jennie Wade,
Killed In Cattle.
3 la . July 3'V Women
1 unveil In the National
Gettysburg, immediately
tl nal 0, A. R. encamp
eland, a monument to the
Vii... ' IU the battle -'
the monument, which la tn
irranite an I Italian marble,
under way. The following
lor the four b! !es have
led upon:
Wade, Killed while making
i aiOn soldiers,
ver Go 1 rllU th must be.
I by the Women's Relief
1 iwa, A. 1). 1901."
Philadelphia, July 89. Flour f.rm; win
tor itiperl -. t2.20fi2.SS; Pennsylvania cleat (1.05413.26; ilty mills, extra,
$:,... Rye tleiir slow at 2.5tJJ.90l
barrel. Wh.-at off; wo. - red,
i n. tveak ; No. '
mi weak; No, 2
r grades, tl46c.
yellow, loci
Hay In boo
17 for larg
It?.:,.'. i.' .'
Live poultr
7c. fur old
. SO66OV&1'.
.!. e;r:.; lowt
demand; No,
bales, Bei f
Pork steady
quoted at 9
l timothy, lit. M
rtrm; beef hums
family, 117 jO.
i.GIOc, for bens,
isfiHe. for spring
ohickens. Dressed poultry at I.Vic. '"r
choice fowls, 6Hc. for old roosters, 18820c.
for nearHy broilers, 1214c. for frozen
broii-rM. Hotter steady; creamery, lie.;
factory, iSflSOo. Cheese unsettled;
fancy large colored, tV"''V- Exgs dull;
Now fork ami Pennsylvania, 1-.;
western storage, at murk, iridic. Potato
st. ady; Jerseys, D0160c.
Baltimore July 29. Flour firm; western
-,.r 13 iofti.H: western extra, 2.4r.4i
i. . n f-.mttv. tt.IBOi.4l; winter wheat
patent, H.ffin30; spring wheat pHtunt.
B.96C4.I0; spring wheat stmlnht. 860
291; Wheat weak, spot ami the mouth,
lidVii :.. Ausust. 7O,ti70V4c.: Septem
ber 71H0TlHe.; stenmer No. 2 red, 6614
66V- ' southern, by sample. H07ZC.; south-
mrmAm RXIlUc Corn unsettled and
lower; mixed, spot and the month. W9
Ua August. 55iU . ; September. SGVic;
Steamer mixed. 64tMB4Kc.; southern yel
low corn. HONS. Oats firm; No. white.
46tttJ44c; No. 2 mixed. MViOttO. Hye
Steady No. 2 nearby. 5Sc; No. 2 western,
4c Hy nrm; No. 1 timothy, 1- But
ee Arm imrhnn.ert: faney Imitation, W3
ISr fancv creamery, jiimc.
liuyiTr store narked. V-'Tlto
v l- frc-h 1-VH
I.,-, inur medium. lOttfilOMrS. ; small.
mvioc. 8ur flrm' unchanged;
ad coarse granulated, 66.66.
Decision Will Be Reached Today at
the Meeting of the Amalgamated As
sociation's Executive Committee.
Strikers Net Relaxing Vlgllaitoe.
Pittsburg, July SO. Everybody is on
! the qui vlve this morning in strike
circles and the coming conference of
! the leaders of the two contending for
ces Is looked forward to with mingled
1 hope and fear. Hope, however, pre
1 dominates and peace Is confidently ex
pected by the majority of those inter
ested. "The executive committee of the Al-
g. minted Association will meet at their
headquarters some time today and take
up the propositions of the United States !
Steel corporation for a settlement of
the steel workers' strike."
This statement waa made today by !
Secretary Williams of the Amalga
mated Association. Beyond this he de-
clined to discuss the strike In uny form.
There la no change In the position of
; the two contestants. Both sides hold
1 firmly to the plan of watching each :
, other. The officials of the Wtxid mill of
the American Sheet Steel company
made no attempt to start the plant.
While all parties concerned care
fully guard the prospective terms of
Settlement, from a source believed to
be reliable, it Is said that Mr. Morgan
proposes to permit the Amalgamated
Association to continue its union
lodges In the mills that were non-
union prior to the strike, but which
went out on President Shaffer's strike
order. In addition, it is said the
Leechburg, Duncansville, and Mones- j
sen plants will be unionized. The '
I'nlted States Steel corporation is to
be permitted to operate all of the mills
of the Carnegie Steel company us they
are now operated, as well as the big
Bheei mills at Apollo, Vandergrift, and
Saltsburg, provided the wages paid
shall be on the same basis as in thn
mills where the union scale is signed. 1
This would mean a gain for the work
ers' union of the following plants:
Lindsay & McCutcheon, In Allegheny,
("lark's Solar Iron works, Thirty
fifth street.
Painter's, West Carson street.
Wellsvllle, Ohio.
W, Dewees Wood, at McKeesport,
Mingo Junction.
Yi ,. ' iy was a busy day for Presi
dent tfer and the executive officers
of the Amalgamated Association. There
was a steady stream of callers from
early i.i the morning and Innumerable
conferences bearing on the proposed
settlement of the strike. President
Shaffl r was firm in his determination
not to talk on the strike situation until
after the meeting today or until the de
cision had been reached by the execu
tive committee concerning the proposi
tions of the United States Steel corpor
ation. It was intimated, however, that,
there was a very strong likelihood that
the committee would not adjourn to
day until they bad met with the manu
facturers and formally discussed the
.-eM lenient of tho strike. If this should
be the case, actual pence Is possible In
a short time.
Col. 0. Watson French and J. F. Tay
lor, i f the Republic Iron and Steel com
pany, had a lengthy conference with
1 President Shaffer, but the object of
their call was not made public.
It was said that the Republic com
pany wr.s In need of a number of skilled
j men and In search of them. After the
Visit of Col. French, Joseph Bishop, tho
secretary Of tho Ohio board of arbitra
tion went into conference with Presi
dent Shaffer. His visit was in COnneC
' tlon with the strike and its probable
set 'lenient.
' One of the most apparent facts in the
! status of the strike today Is the deter
l minntlon of the strikers to lose no
gr iund in their strugglewhila peace ne
gotiations are being conducted. It was
I explained that this plan was absolute:
1 ly necessary in order that the position
i of the Amalgamated Association should
be strong when the settlement takes
Tornado Swept Over Newark.
New York. July 80. A tornado
1 swept over Newark, N. J., and vicinity
I rtt 4 o'clock yesterday. No one waa
! seriously injured. Outside the town
'n th" 1 nth or the storm trees were
torn up by the roots and roofs w re
torn from houses. The roads are im
passable from fallen trees and wash
outs, and telephone wires are down.
The storm came out of the northwest
suddenly. As the funnel-shaped gray
cloud approached a heavy black cloud
rolled up behind it nnd burst. A heavy
f bower of hall followed.
Trolley Men Win a Point In Philadel
phia Lightning Killed An Alleiw
town Boy Reading's New Tele
phone System Other New Items.
Haileton. Pa.. July SO. At their eem
rentlon here, yesterday afternoon, the
Democrats of the Fourth district of
Luserne county, elected Daniel McKel
rey, of Hasleton, and James Welsh,
Df Fn eland, delegates to the State
convention without opposition. They
indorse the candidacy of Judfe Yerkes,
of Bucks county, for the supreme
court, and condemn the legislature for
Its failure to pass all the labor bills
presented to that body during the last
Trolley Employes Gsln a Point.
Philadelphia. July 30. Five mem
bers of the Philadelphia Street Rail
way Employes' Association were In
conference yesterday with John B.
Parsons, president of the Union Trac
tion company. After the departure of
the men from his office Mr. Parsons
said: "A committee of employes
called here and requested that the
wages of the men be increased from
IS to 20 cents an hour and that a 1(
hour day be adopted. I promised ther
to refer their request to tho directory
at their next meeting."
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick headache.
JSc. All drulat .
Wut jour momtArha or lrd a beautiful
hntl or rich Mark Tbon iu
m m. Mwn. a co. , mm, ..
Bapnblican Standing Committee-
Adam ft. F. Hlnswmnn. .1. I. Hlpe
Beaver CharleH Dreeoe, Klmar WrUel.
Saarar W. Thim Hrrbater. .lavkaou Kaker.
Centre W. A. N'aap, F. H. Stine.
Chapman -Peter Shaffer, ('. II. t'pdefro-e.
Franklin John HaekenblMW, (co t.Sietler.
Jackson J. Harvey Mover, ti. A.'Hronee.
Mlddleburjc F. W, 8pecht, Frank Helti.
Middlecreek D F. Kow, Ueo. C. Mluck.
Monroe W. L. Young, I) P. Hitter.
Penn Hurry I.. Knicle, Geo K n i liner.
Perry F. K. Hoyer. Allen Valentine
Perry W.-.Josiall Winey, O. S. Spriiofte.
Sellnirrov J. A. I.uin-ar.l..l. K. Keller.
Spring Cbas. H. Kloae, D. II. Huook.
Union Jacob Stahl. A. .1 Btroh,
WahiiiKton Myron Mover, W. F. ItJowu.
I'rrKB Yocsi.. nhalrman.
LMKit tc. Wbtsk Secretary.
J. Frank limr., Trraanrer
Kuebn, aed
Kuehn, was
Inst evening,
Killed Allentown Boy.
Pa., July 30. Benjamin
16 years, son of Leopold
going home from work
when he was struck by
Mutter. . . .
Tallo.v.. .
1 9
, Com
I Oats
Middlings" 1
.")() I
(Mi ;
li;;btnitiu and killed almost instantly
Jennie Werley, daughter of Edwin
Werley, of Pleasant Comer, was se
verely stunned by a bolt which dam
aged a neighbor's bouse. The Trin
ity United Evangelical Church was ,
damaged to the i-xtent of fl.nnn by j
lightning whb h wrecked the tower of
the church.
Hain 14 iFlourperbbl 3.76
Our rseders who bave occasion to use whle
key, neohanloally or otherwise, "ill be inter
eMted in the advertisement In tliii Daner of The
i Hunter Distilling r,,.. whlcb offers pure Bye
1 Whiskey, Seven loan Old, direct from tln-ir
ilistilh-ry. it 93 20 per aallou, expivaa prepaid.
i nis oner is aoeerving or consiaoi nuon.
Believe Reading Will Offer Terms.
Reading, Pa., July 3o. The opinion
prevails today among tho Philadel
phia and Reading Hallway company
Btrikers that the company will make
them another proposition before the
close of the week. In consequence) of
this feeling, at yesterday's meeting of
their advisory committee every man
was reported as solidly in favor of
continuing the strike.
Legal Battle Over Fire Insurance.
PlttsbuiK. July 30. In common
pleas court No. S yestorday the Ste
phenson & Foster Co. entered suit
aKainst 7.1 Insurance companies to
reooved about $inu,000 insurance. Th
Insurance people refused to pay, claim
In that the building began to fall
ten hours previous to when the fire
Reading's New Telephone System.
Reading, Pa., July 80. The work
of extending the Lehigh Valley tele
phono system to Heading was com
pleted yesterday to a point near the
city limits here. This is a part of the
Consolidated Telephone company sys
tem, which is to embrace many coun
ties in eastern Pennsylvania. Work
In tins city will lie comnvencod at
Sure, tl urn reliable, Laullea, aak DeasgkA fbf
lll ill '.:; . KM. I, ISM in Ud und
..,.11 metallli boxee, Bested witti bli rtbtion.
I'.ihi' no of Ii.t. Ilefiih. iluii.roua aubatl
lutloaannd Imtlatlona. Buy of yonr BrafftM,
or Bend le. In KtanipH for lrlleuln. Teatl
Bnonlala and "Relief Tor Ladies." ii Utt'-r,
bi return Mall. le.eeeTeitlmonlala. Mold by
uil DniggtBU,
too nadlaon dquare, fillUA., PA.
Ueatloa tbl. nnpar.
Good Words feiireev
"If wc can't speak well cf people,"
said the trcntle voonir woman, "it is.
better not to talk of them ,.t all."
"Yes," answered Miss Cayenne;
"that is why tin- weather is such a
prevalent topic oi conversation."
Washington Star.
During a tbun icr stonu a barn
owned by Abraham Warner, of Hock
Station, was struck by lightning and
James Bretz, of Schuylkill Haven,
a painter, and Scott I.amont, of Potts
vllle, a tinsmith, fell from a scaffold
ing and both were seriously Injured,
Gilbert Baulsbury, one of a party of
picknickerfl who camped In the woods
near Upland on Sunday, was Btabbed
In the breast during a liciu.
Michael Furly, aged retired in
excellent spirits at his home, In Jer
myn, Sunday ni'lit. When bis wife
went to arouse him yestenluy he was
The barn owned by C. S. Morris, of
Garland, was struck by liKbnlnK and
destroyed with its contents. The loss.
$2,5U0, Is partly covered y insur
ance. Funeral scrvievs over tV r. mains
of Alvia S. Ait land, a n.smbor of
the Forty-first Regiment Volunteers,
who died en route from Manila, were
held In Manchester.
Eaaton will receive from, the navy
department two larrot guns and 40
no h shells, which will be placed
about the soldiers' monument in Cen
tre Square.
Samuel, the 7-yrur-old son of Hev.
C. D. Clatiss, of Massachusetts, tum
bled Into a 3('i-foo: well at the resi
dence of GeorKe rJeurlek. but was
rescued alive.
The shirt waists for t Pottavllle
letter carriers. wMbh were ordered
last spriiiK, bava not yet ai rivei and
if tney are not on band In fore Thurs
day the order will be canceled.
Mrs. Prank Grubes aud her son,
Fred Grubes. of Habton. wete painfully
burned in carrying a can oi burning
varnish from their homo. The var
nish was set on fire while I ifins boiled
on the kitchen stow.
Police officers of Conni Seville last
eronlnt? arrested Charles, known as
"Judy," Shaw and bis brother Clar
ence, who are chatged with being Im
plicated In the murder of Jo'au Scuffle
at Homestead last cinht.
Adjutant ;. neral Stewart will issue
warrants today for the Individual pay
if the officers and men of the First
und Third Hrigades lor their tour ol
duty during the recent brigade en-Nunpment.
I A Sensational
fancy Indie,
Kkkb nrm.
Cheeie firm;
New Tariff Not Known "Officially."
New York, July 29. The seamshlp
ronce, from San Juan, Porto Rico,
July 23, docked in Brooklyn yestorday
afternoon. As soon as the Ponce
docked custom house inspectors ex
amined the baggage of the passengers,
SO in number. All cigars and cigar
ettes were seized and the owners were j
told to "come back tomorrow for
them." The inspectors claim that
while they know free trade now ex
ists between this country and Porto
lllco, they do not know it "officially."
Jacksen Won From Handler.
I Baltimore. July 30. "Young" Peter
Jackson, the California colored lad.
won from Jimmy Handler, of Nowark,
N. J., last night in the nmtn rouna
of the fiercest slugging match ever
held in Baltimore. The contest, which
was to have gone twenty rounds, waa
held at Ford's Opera House, with the
mercury la the aeUnbQrhood of 100.
Mistress I'ii the new servant, vhn
has overslept In rsell') ilow al.wut
breakfast, Uridgetf
Bridget- Ye nadent trouble, to
bring me up annythlnf, ma'aa, I
ain't fcelin' very hungry this Btorn-inV-N.
Y. w0rld.
Freed man's Bargain Season.
Owing to the Spring season on
hand we offer you WONDEK
FUL BARGAINS in the tumuti
ful line of XegliKee Shirts, beauti
fiil Shirt WaisU ii)-to-tlnte. The
very latest styles in Geats' Fur
nbhiag Goods at a great mlnction
in prii-Mi a follows:
Everything in proportion
we are compelled to re
duce, because we made
our purchase to heavy
for this season.
liv niirclliLMinir t . .. ilnllnru
worth of goods, we will
I. ..If
A 1'". can line
nut's Burrs.
$lf).(K) 8nH eat down tb Sl..fif
14.0(1 Suilrv SM down to 1 1,00
12.00 Suits-tit down to !. in
10.00 Suits cut down In 7.S!
.00 Suits down to 5.0
IH B, Murk"! 4
(Loeb'i Old si,,, , t
M XIH H. n
" '"" v ,
PKRSC5 to buy a bed
room suite, consisting ()
seven pieces for $ld.oO.'
.Bej?" We do not deliver these
suits out of town lor tlii-
Si Pft ICE.
Tbla offer la to bald r''oil until il.t
luro iit wtotk Is esfaauetiid.
Others will qtiote you tin
sasne graae oi sane troiii i
Out complete line of beirooiii suit-js are ex
traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and
worth your while to ctm.iilor.
Terjr respectfully,
m MaiketSt.
Uinlortiikin'' n Specialty.
j & Before Your Buying & !
oiue Silyer-Tooeoed
Talkw j
iiic.v try to make yon Iwlleve J lie I
II. ..on is uri'eii i-Iii-.'so,' .-iml It doea 3
ii. -V iimlter nun li iphelher It Is ' S
mil, lull hIii'ii on conn- lo jf
Don't trust hiiujnoj'u
Do BOme tmnig before y
, . uuy.
! i
Reno H- Walter,
German Syrup is the special pre-
I scription of Dr. A, Boschee, a clo
hi nted German physician, and is ac
knowledged to he one of the most
foitunate discoveries in Medicine.
It quiekly cures Cousrhs, Golds and
all Lung troubles of the severest na
ture, removing, as it does, (he cause
of the affection and lowing the parts
in a Btrcng and healthy condltjon.
It is not an experimental medicine,
hut has stood '.he test of years, giv
ing satisfaction in every case, which
its ranidlv increasing saleeverv sea
son confirms. Two million bottles
sold annually. Boschee's German
Syrup was introduced in the United
States in 1868, and is now sold in
every town and village in the civi
lized world. Three doses will relieve
ny ordinary cough. Price 75 ots.
Get Green's Priie Almtaw.
PATENT tiUAK'i 1 1. ''- o '
'lour inmnf aenupr. rtiTHPiir RtRvicc
HOWtS fiIel l them
ivpiQTvurn iTTnuKirv
RUl t5TATC t-M.
For Deeenry'a Soke.
"Mordstone, lend mo $lco, will
"What for, old fellow?"
"I want to pay my wife's funeral
(Writes check for the amount and
bands it over.)
"Sorry to hear of your wife's death,
Oagson. When did she die?"
"About a year and a half ago. The
young woman I'm going to marry to
morrow says the bill has got to be
paid first. Ever so much obliged to
you, Murdstone." Chicago Tribune.
nien to tmvel -net sdvertlae for old estebllahed
house ot aolid financial standing. Salary 1780 a
year and expenses, all payable In cash. No can
Tusiag required. Give references and enclose
eclfr and r cased stamped envelope. Addras
Man seer, SH Cazwn Bid. C blcaf 4-1S-U.
Numbers and assortment to satisfy most any taste.
We have eoeurod the agency for the celebrated
Tt is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator.
Their poiuts of superiority overall other boxes, making
it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market.
Everything can be removed, making it easy to
Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air froui
reaching tbe ice ctunpartment,
Every one is guaranteed to give satis
faction. Prices ranee from $8 to $17.90 with or without water
Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden
Tools, Water Coolers.
W. H. HEIM, Banbury, Pa.
. a..... a. ji " ' '-",.i.tiiI.i.i.m.i.tii us, i ! ii r
Rrer stop to think how much prW
the wholesale and retail dealers (W
from the maker and aare tJtaea Pf"5
aoods. full measure and distillers pr
ftTducenU offered br The B.rJ
Ung Co. 8m their adTertUement in