NSTLVANIA RAILROAD. bury k Lewis town Division. In effect Mar eh 18, 1900. JSP. SVAT ( Ml negro ve JuncMoi 10 1 Ml negro hwllni InM Mstsrr Mld.ll.burf Bsnfer Ittfwlawi Adamaburg Rul Mills McClere Wagrar Shindl. Palntrrvills Maillaud T,ewle4owa . L.tiinwn (Mala 10 n it II ion :oi 104" 10 : . 114 11 U 111 m'i II 1 .B lurwiu- ami ra ta la) tOW 414 t(M 445 in is nt in 44 4 144! 4B Mi 4 14 its 4ir ; 4 Its ; tT I4t tit in TS4 III ?4t, IK T4I 14 Tt III i. la ia t 1 10 . !.. Snnburr 5 80 o m. ir- Q IM " " - t si.,!, iixi'n ivi K 45 n in . UluMHt Itttln m . arrives i i.'....nrv fi'lli n in .. l.-nv.' Lewlatown Junction : a 10 13 m. 1 10 p m.tSOp m 5 Hp t 07p .' (or AlUKJim, Pittsburg nl tin Wan. Maininere and Washington 805 am in, 42.1 10 i m I'or Philadelphia and New B ' .. .v .. ... 1 in I II 1 11 n.l lilt n I J s m. 9J ill, a vm aw vv " r . i . 1 1 r a 1 ri n T'l i.j.inKi- JL Pno R K lliwimnn. uauciuiiia fci' - A I .-aanwBM I'KNTUAI RAILWAY W KMT WARD. - oiiin arov innnrlnn Stilv for ..... 11-. ml u, U 5H p m, P m.-sunday 9 a m, lu. ....... nimhHfv .lull v meant. Runilav: ;ll (,r Bun 110,1 -ii a in lur nt ana van- ?or BalltfbntS Krle anil Canandahrua . (,,r I., ell Haven. Tvrnhl' 1111(1 tile West. " ...mi., in) n m fur lt..llt..iit kane . I t'annnilii urua n ter MavnaH asauiai : lor WUUtmaport . ,.i .t a an fnr ftufTaln via Emnorlllm j or r-rie, 3 i" i 8 IS p tu lor mu ter Lock Haven ami . o W a m 2 00 ana 5 48 pallor Wllkes- iml llaselton m lu 111 a in, '2 OS p id, 5 45 p in far Shauio i Mount Caruiel luinaa lor wusesoarre EASTWARD. Trains leave Sellnsgrove Junction i m. ri n 1 1 v urrivlnir nt riiil.uli'liihlu . Ni w Yrrk 5 53 p ui lialtlinora 3 11pm mutim 4 la p in a a dally arriving at Philadelphia ml V...I. S 1U . m Hi. I i i iii ..... a IK i. in III M il I HI a a ml ui, uaiuiuoig a i y mi ii m. mill y arrlvlnK at Philadelphia n, New York Til a ui. Haltlmure 2 3D a m in, 'lull I h'i II ir. : ni'ns ttl) leave sunnury : n dally arriving at I'hllndeldhln tliam n,U m Washington n:n a in New I u m Weekday!, in .w m Sunday'. mi) daMy arriving at Philadelphia 7 M ini in, wssaipgton Boll u in. uaiinuorv ii. Washington 1 15 p III. in, week days arriving at Philadelphia , ork V 3u in, liaitnuure o uj p m nvm i i:i n i u mvi arnvins at ruuaaeiDDia i u m ill p in I. K. WHIIU, Oen'l Paaa Annt II IHIHfum Itan'l manairar. MKinin i inni an H u a- uiivi rIVU IR'lllW ISOllie ClIlDDlllg . il mi lllilllllllM Willi lllfi I us I IIB iiotl are very low. ! Xt w York Tri-Weekly Tri- aml the Midclleburg Post, one paid in advance, only $1.75. eTri-Tieekly la p iiesday and r'rida; i - : iy ana r riuay, reaiiies a large t nil III Ill IUI r 1 I U' rai Ull lllllal nr I, and r.nii edition la a thoroughly New York Weekly Tribune e Midilleburg I'ikst, one year, advance, only $1.25 ,M "ii iriiiiino la jMiiiuaunu on and choice und entertaining uita- nmt ior lanucra imil vlllaitera. t'W 1 OrK I ri-H MiK V Wlir 111 ! Miildleburg Post, one year, ativ:uui nn v n I rri-Wcekly WorM comen three il WPP It lal II laa.l HI I 41.. ..t... 1 aa ma ii "i f tilt nilliitrv and iaa aH .mitl. Practical Fanner, one vear. i:.i.ii..i ii : 1 - i ii in hi hi nr i I is n w i ' i'i r . w..l,VilV, ''- advance, 1.50. liotli of iv nannrfl aiui t in 'i-'i.-ti.xi J " Miaaa 1llV, aV IUVIIVjUI xear Book and Atrricu!- IlirllKw. Iaaaa 1 I ii i, 1 M ! 1 I fil I mi I'ltrinnti I ...... .1. .. 1..- a i ' 'in ill tin- 1M--4 wri .niniislnKl, iHHiied weekly, 1 '''tr. The year hook contHins -in, n mam uiriuer. e iter Hook foronlv 11.60, . uiiu 1 ir..N A?iu eii HianiiiiiK. fi.litrv fTMii , r.'mrmt wraDifj in win no ciin- live rr iTi'in cs mill ciw nu - a-iHwii envelope, aoi h-hh I I 111.... Ill.l .iit a ... uiuK,, i iiii,ii, 11)1. , urged the Oagcnt, if --.a IlllltillCU rWllllMli). ioi or IooUahn498 about aatJii Ull KUriaS OI I U'UJl illi nl , aa a t a aAta ...... V44 J-o, BUC BMU . 1 any stock in it myself, stors didn't reuort to uv Mil wlo itlniittd the ajrent; "and "0 rult. Thov mpA all Wy H Dvollnrd. a cr. sir!" .hrieked the &J to the Heevy Villain, I- a.l l . ill a a ht(l 111 bt AaMltltavl 1U AH. J away arviT.aai u U ID XaA" V Kft,aa-.a Va. A 1. af '"-'VIV. UUa IL WHS IO UTl to rllBn VI. - aa aaa. tt "ib uinur ttBavirs vo r One of th Dqyen for a big Milwau kee dry poods firm had an astonish karvreadM H xpe r i e B Q I while return In i Wtmmim. ((won New York e law days agio, report! an ezoheiife ol the beer citjr. With characteristic foresig-ht ha had reserved his a lee pel buak several days In advauce, and took hi train for hone, proudly eoa acioua that he had a ticket for "tewee six" nicely stowed away with hi mile age. A few aula a out, big party ol theatrical people boanlaal the tralo and aeveral tried for plaoea In thi sleeper. It waa the luck ef ike Mil waukeean to draw two airy aad lo quacious woman for the upper aeotloi of his berth, and they kept bin. awake over half the night with their loud talk and laughter, but the early morn ing brought with it an ooourreacJ which astonished all whe heard H The man in question is au early riser, and just as the sun was "peepln o'et the hills," he frot up, partially dressed and went to the washroom to "fix up. No sooner had he left thau one of the women coolly slipped down into th lower berth nnd calmly uuil contents edly proceeded to go to sleep. Th4 porter had to rescue tho balunee ol the Milwuukeeuu's wardrobe, and the woman .slept soundly until 11 o'clock. I'ur an exhibition of cool nerve this Incident is entitled to honorable mention. Loved II I in for Ilia llorae. Friend I of n farmer in llrown coun ty, Kan., are divided as to whether he lsu man oru mouse, and this is the rea son, says a local ex- change: He hod for a year past been oourting a girl, anil as one way oi reaching her heart had on numeroua occasions taken her driving behind a flue hnrae he owned, lie finally pro posed and was accepted, but the tiext time he called it wa.s with a different horse. Thereupon the girl wanted to know what had become of the hiph stepper she knew so well. "Sold him for this morning," was the reply. "Well, you'll have to get him back Sfrnin or get someone else to go driv ing with you," said his adored one. The man vainly urged the difficulty and absurdity of doing as she demanded! The young woman would not listen. Thereupon he went to the purchaser and offered him $M bonus, but was re fused. Then he was foolish enough to tell the whole story, which is why his neighbors are unable to agree as to whether he is a man or a mouse. Few of us, it seems, are able to dis tinguish any large number of odors. A writer in nature, discussing the rise of the new chemical industry of pro ducing artificial perfumes, remarks that the sense of smell is us yet wholly uncultured. "In walking through the country," he says, "we can rarely identify a particular odoi until we see the plant from which it emanates." He suggests that the neg lected sense of smell may be capable of as artistic developments as that which color perception has attained. There nro signs already that shirt waists for men are to be tolerated, if not t ucouraged, at informal functions in and near New York in the coining summer. Members of yacht clubs and other out-of-door amusement associa tions which givo evening entertain ments at their clubhouses welcome the shirt waist a a happy solution for those occasions, and the shirt waist is therefore sure of meeting atleast some measure of popularity. Pennsylvania papers are telling of a woman 30 years old who walked 2S miles from her home to Newville, that 6tatc, one day lately, for tho purpose of taking a ride on the cars toCarlisle, she never having seen a railroad train before, but when the engine came nois ily and smokily into the station she was so fright cued by its terrible aspect that she hurried away and wulked home again. The recent panio In Wall street woi relieved by one delightful Incident, sayi a New York paper. A countryman, who heard of the excitement and had evi dently read of the scenes, wanted to see the stock exchange. Some one di rected him to the old building, which U in process of demolition. "Plumb Wrecked! (lean destroyed! Well, well, that beats me!"washis comment. 0-0, UaaUoB forever. A woman minister who married a OOUple in Pennsylvania a few days ago (and it. is said to be the first marriage ceremony ever solemnized by a woman in that state) at once turned the mar riape fee over to her husband. Minis ters' wives have so long been accus tomed to receive the weddingfeesthat the act seems to bu quite just to the sterner sex. A store in New York which makes a specialty of fancy articles for woman's wear recently displayed in a window two chains of coral beads. One was round, smoothly polished beads ana bore the legend, 'Immitation coral, II cents." The other, of ragged, uncut coral, was marked: "Beal ooral, ti cento." A 14-yenr-old boy has been suspended from a West Uoboken grammar school because he refused to sit behind a girl whose hair was not done up to suit him. ACanadlan traded his wife for a dog, traded the dog for a shotgun, traded the shotgun for a keg of apple brandy and died of delirium tremens. , Although there are hundreds el thousands of women occupying posl- A RaY.lt, Aa..., tioM ot ln business world, in- Har Sea. stances are ex ceedingly rare in which they have vio lated the confidence reposed ia them. What had almost become a happy tra dition under the new business condi tions by which women have bees so generally admitted to equal competi tion with men la many of the vocations f life asvs had rude disturbance. A news Item from Philadelphia relates the fact that a young woman, for five years confidential bookkeeper for a prominent firm, has been found short In her accounts $10,000, and has disap peared. So far as can be recalled, this is the most serious act of dishonesty yet charged to the account of the busi ness woman. Bo successfully has she stood out against the temptation to emulate the conduct of her male as sociates in this direction thut tho world hsd come to regard her as ssfe against the embezzlement habit. The Philadelphia Incident will, it is to be feared, tend to shatter this fond be lief. Consolation may be found, how ever, in the reflection that the Phila delphia "embezzleress" stands conspic uously uloue among the thousands of honest women who are faithful to the trust reposed in them ninid u deluge of bud examples set by the stronger sex. Heading Off a Kulaance. A well-known woman of a large city received (he following note the other day: "Dear Mad am: I take pleas ure In shipping to your address a rug valued at $50, fur which I shall be glad to receive your check. If you do not desire the rug, please return it." "The ideal" she exclaimed. "I never knew such im pertinence." Then she sat down and wrote the following: "Dear Kir: I have ordered no rug from your estab lishment! and I sec no reason why I should go to the expense of returning thut which I do not want, and which was sent to me unsolicited." To (his she received the following answer in due time: "Dear Madam: I will scud for the unsolicited rug, and 1 trust you will do me the favor to send for the unsolicited charity entertainment tickets which now lie, with about H others, on my desk: "Tho discour teous boor!" she exclaimed. An American who was in Peking re cently says that nobody madu any suggestions to Gen. ChnfTeo about "picking up" rare bits of plunder in that city after the unpleasant experi nce of a wealthy American who thought it well to get a share of the treasures for America. This gentle man intimated to the general that he would gladly liear the expense of transporting two magnificent temple bronzes to New York as a gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art if the general would overlook their removal. The answer he got was conclusive: "The Americaii caught looting will be shot on the spot!" John Allen, cook, "got religion" at a negro camp meeting in the suburbs of El Paso. It affected him so pe culiarly thut the police run him in and locked him up, pending an ex amination as to his nanity. Elder HuggiiiH called at headquarters and remonstrated. "He nint drunk or crazy," said the elder to the chief; ' he's just chuck full of the spirit. Ho has been ft very bud young man, a crap shooter and a rn.or toter, und now the spirit hus at last taken hold of lunx" ray herself in the manner that tae general judgment of her sex ap proves, and to do this demands time, money and anxious meditation. She admits that she likes to feel well dressed. Yet what a relief It would he, she adds, if, like the sisters be longing to religious orders, women would put on uniforms and make no change except, say, from thick gar ments to thinner! At first thought this seems a reasonable preposition. It would be so if applied te ike eeker aex; for man already pays an esthet ic penalty for his efforts to aavs him self trouble in choosing his clothing. Members of secret societies evade the penalty for an hour or two when they decorate themselves with sashss and awords and feathers; but every other assemblage of men Is necessarily a somber and cheerless spcetacle. The members of any ouch gathering are clad so uniformly that ona might log ically demand they put on uniforms. Happily woman's instinct permits her to be more original. Probably the only reason why one particular wom an suggests a uniform Is that some penurious man has charged that she and her sisters sinfully wunto their time and money on dress. Hut that is not true of many American women. For one family brokou up by the wife's extravagance, a hundred are ruined by the husband's folly. More over, the woman who takes peine (o show herself at her best does a goodl deed, since she adds just so much more to the charm of life. Runaway marriugoH are becoming so common that it is Interesting to reuall a stem parent of Philadelphia) who refused to ever again Bee his only child, a daughter, who had of fended him in this manner. Years passed, and tho time came for his death without having brought to him any softening toward the girl. As ho was a man of great wealth, connider nble curiosily was felt to know whether she would be mentioned In his will or whether In death, as in life, she was disinherited. After many and generous bequests to charity the following cluiifc In tho will wbj rornd; "1 give, bequeath and devise to my daughter, June, the sum of live dol lars, in order that she may purcltnso Mime strongly-written tract on lillal obedience." In Montgomery county, Indiana, a few farmers bought a switchboard and telephones for their own use, pay ing three dollars initiation and 25 cents n month. Tolls from uonsub scribers met the salary of tho oper ator. This system has been extended until it serves 40 towns with 0,000 tel ephones, In a Massachusetts county -'00 farmers provide their own tele phone facilities for six dollars each u year. When asked by his wife for money to liny some Hour, a resident of a western town handed her a ten-dollar bill. She refused to give him any change, saying that she was a mem ber of tho HufTaloes. The husband had her arrested, but the local jus tice dismissed the cose. liOnalaST foi Uniform. A woman In Adrian, Mich., who pro tested without avail against a gam bling den which got all of her hus band's weekly earnings, set out the other night with a can of keroseno and burned the place to tho ground. She was acquitted in court. A certain married woman who "glories in her sex" confesses that there are times when she enviea her husband. With a business suit and a dsess suit, she says, ho is "prepared for any occa sion," and to choose such convention al clothing costs him hardly a mo ment's thought; whereas with every changing season she must complete ly rearrange her wardrobe, not the gowns uloue, but the "gewgaws to match." The older she grows, the woman says, the more heavily doee this burden weigh upon her spirit. Although she is not a society woman, nays Youth's Companion, she meet many people; it seems a duty te ex- Long-range wmithcr prediction has yet to show that it is of the slight est value. Probably tho June just ended has been in the Mississippi val ley the hottest on record. Yet it fol lowed an unusually late spring. The heated spell dropped dowu without an intimation of any kind. On Sun day, June 10. the maximum tempera ture suddenly soarud up to 9S.5, and there have been but three days slnco with a maximum of less than UtS. Tho avcruu maximum since the middle of the month has been 95.57. I-nst year, for the same half month, the average maximum was 3. Perhaps this indi cates a hot summer, and perhaps it doesn't. Nobody but the charlatan pretends to know anything about it. There is one form of wealth which Is distinctly reprehensible, the kind that distributes big tips along the summer routes of travel, it is done for display. The man who has made a strike wants to show off, and his way of doing it is with five-dollar gold pieces, or munificence of that com mon sort. The extravagance nimply demoralise! waiters, it is no good to the hotels or restaurunts, and It makes everybody else who has not five-dollar gratuities to distribut; less comfortable. James Stlllman, tho millionaire banker, has the reputation of being a verv close-mouthed man. Mr.Stdllman is the owner of a yacht, and one dmy lie naked Frederick D. Tappen, of the Gallatin nuitoual bank, to go out with him on u cruise. When Mr. Tappen re turned, n friend asked him how he had enjoyed himself. "Oh," said Mr. Tap pen, "we had a very lively time. We were out five days and Btillman spoke to me twice." When the United States government makes hazing at Aunupolis and West Point unappealable cause of dismissal the brutal pastime will cease in na tional institutions and begin to grow unpopular in all others. The red In dians were the first hazers on this continent and showed their victims as much pity as many colleges do. In New Hampshire the state govern ment pays a bounty on dead grass hoppers at the rate of uue dollar a bushel. Aeeewsited For. Qrierson (winding up the discus sion) Yes, I daresay. But you must admit you didn't know much when you married me. Mrs. Qrierson- Yea; no doubt that account for It! Tit-Bits. A Delnltlon. little Elmer Papa, what Is spring fever? Prof. Broadheed Spring fever, my son, is an all-absorbing desire to sit back and see other people work. Puck. Coached Vt All Be Had. Yeast The doctor's not otter-ding you any longer tor your cough? Crimsonbeak Not what's the use? He made me cough np the last dollAr. 2 had. Yonkere auteim.a. .asm I I t aaar uu a. uuinii ml ft LW "chaDKt for r MEAD RIDER AGENTS WANTED one in each town to ride and exhibit a sample iooi model tacycle of oar maanlacture. T0U CAN nst fig to DM A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. I90ll.alt.!t3$l0to$l8 '00 4 '99 Models E.SI it $12 taaaPaadPawL CaKagu rv(i!l.?ra$3 tO S8 aaar seed as are- We ship any bicycle QN APPROVAl,. ml ra udronce ana allow Yon Use absolutely anyone tMUeut a rent deposit 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. no risk in ordering from us, as you do not need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. MSJfIT DIlV a wheel until oo have written for oat HUI DUI rAC104t Mkis and fill tint OfPtS. Uberal offer has sever been equaled and is a guarantee at the quality ef our wheels. reliable pet neraea in each town to tILstiitiute rataliaruea lor us la a bicycle. Write today Cor (res catalogue and our ipeciai offer. CYCLE CO.,BnIlt.l30j.Ghicaetv HH AY NEH Sa fe HAYNEfiS Wa S-va-0tS WW -amw PURE WHISKEY DIRECT FROM DISTILLER TO CONSUMER. Four Full Quarts aV MM Eisreaa 'A Prepaid. Sni'M flearri' PrefYIM rrirtnlt AdulHratioM. . OUR OFFER l We will sead loar lull r art hoi Ilea ol Havner'al I ear-Old Doable Copper. Ilia-tilled Rye for $3.20,1 Merest prepaid, shipped 1 in piam package, not marie to indicate con! tents. Knot an tilled on I vtnen receives, return ill at ear eipenaej we will return oar J. ill. Such Whiskev can't bthad tlsru-htri forltuthan J v IUkkkiiknckh- Thlnl Nnt'l llank.riaTton; State! Hal l Hank. St. Iiuia; nr any or tlir l-.l. L'u'i. THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., I 220-232 West Fifth St.. Dayton. Ohio. 1300-311 So. Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo. Wegusrantee above firm will Uu aa It agreei. Ki l'b Ui. r. hr J n-uai uia. r aBWaa arvv s to -cfVha a av mum F9 tW" MM BWl BaBV REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man the ,,4rB1.of Me. GrIUOA.T ,1 V FRBWOH XUBTAXSIXyY prodaoee tho nbocciroeultaln-30 days. Itsctl powerfully and julcaiy. Cures wben all others (all Voung men will regalu their loat manhood, and old men will recover their youthful visor by using 1UCVI VO. It ijulckly aud surely restores Narvoua neaa, Loat Vitality. Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Loat Power, Falling Memory. Waiting Diseases, and aU affects of, self abuse or cxeeaaand indiecreUon, which unfits one for study, buaintaa or marriage. II not only cures by starting at tho seat of dlaeaae, but lssgrost nerve tonic and Mood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re torlng the Ore of youth. It wardi off Inaanlty and Consumption. InaUt on having UK VI VO, np other. It can bo carried In vaat pocket. Dy malt, S1.00 per package, or six for fOS-OO, with a posl live written guarantee to rare or refund the money. Circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co., mIScM' for tale in Middl eburqh, l'il MWDLLBl RQH DRUG Co. WANTED.- Caipuhle, reliable person In ev ery county tu repreeenl I urge conipeny of stihii (Inenc ai reputation; S'.' tti Mlexy per year. py .ilia weekly; t jut day absolutely sure Mnu nil i prases; stralgHt. bona-flde, definite salary . ii co vi ml salon; wniitry i.til eacli Haturday ami A pense money advanced each week. STVND BDHOUSK.I 4:1 Dearborn St., Chicago, DR. HAYNE'S, The Ciresl Clerinsn8cientlst) : ..I It. ...I. I.. 1.-.1......1 .,( Haraa 1111 ri o a on IUUU1D inawai "i ijwnaa- pnrilla urifl Celery Compound Red Clover, Beef and 12 Wffetables, Routti and Herbs, (no Minerals! contains DOUBLE the Curatives of an v one dollar Medicine in the mar ket and lasts TWIG"! as long. The greatest Remedy ol the Age, killing all GERMS, destroyed all MICRO BES itntl a nine and certain cure for KDNE1' and LIVER (Imamm, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Dyspe. nsia, Malaria, Constipation, ttiek Headache and all complaints aris intf from impure blood. Regular price f 1-00 per bottle 10 oz., hut in tinier to get it introduced in this sec tion we will sell nt 50 cents per bot tle or I bottles for $1.50 until furth it notice lo not wmt, oiiler now if you are ailing- Tho above medicine in used in EV ERY HOSPITAL and by all the LEADING PHYSICIANS in the world to-day, and highly endorsed by all. Address, AONAWK REAEDY CO. April 18-2(1, RONE, St' V. RUPTURE Write to the MOHAWK BBMBDV CO., Rome, N y and they will tell you how you i nn cure rosr RUPTUKE or H URMIA Sad lbs ONLY W Y they can possibly be UUKKD. Ire." l ebnrsfS' -M will oosl yos '"it aneeesil. "on t wait, you will never regret it. April ls lMt, WANTED. Cspabls. rslisbls pcraon In every Bounty to represent liinro company ol solid flnanolsl reputation! NM salary it year, im.v- . . . ..... .1.... ,. I... . 1 ii I,. I i u null i.l I alile wockiv; i-i -"-j , expenara- atrniglit. tmna BdSi definite aalary. DO Commission; m.iiarj "i ra.. ................. expense money advanced eathwssk, staho ARU HOt'Sc; 331 Dearborn St., Cb'-ago. H-U Notl la hereby given that Power of attorney-in-fact has been grunted by Ihe heira In the es tate of C'onnwl Fetter, Into of I'snn townahlp, Snyder County. Pa., deceased. All persona knowing themaelvea to be indebted to said es tate ahould make Immediate payment and thoae having claims againal it ahoulil present them auly.utbe,.ticedfor.ae..lemeHtisT Attorney-in-faat. Dundore. Pa., June 4,1101. . iii LLSt f WIS. a. Tastss Oood. Pensi; Ivnnlii Hallroad Kt-dured Ratea ti IletroK, ii ( omit Xailonnl i:tlne- llomil lisoi laiioa For the meeting of the National Ed ucational Association nt Detroit, July stoiu, 1901, the Pennsylvania Kail road Company will sell excursion tick ed to Detroit from all stations on its lines, ut the rate of one fare for llic round tript plus $2.00. Tickets will ls sold July ti, 7 and 8, good returning t leave Detroit not curlier than July B later than July 15, By depositing tickets with Joint Agent on or before July 12, and the payment of 50 cents the return limit may he extended to leave Detroit not later than September 1st. 6-is-i;t low Are lour lildnrya I Or llobtia' Bparagui Plllsottrtsll kidney Ilia. Ram plefree. Add BterUttg Remedy Co , Chicago ur N. Y. Mr. W. S. Wbedon, Cashier of the Kirst National Hunk t.f Winter set, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, thai will be of value to other mechanics, Ho says: "I had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several days on account of being troubled with diarrhoea. 1 mentioned to him that, I had been similarly troubled und that Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and 1 liarrhoea Remedy had cure me. He bought a bottle of it from the druiiuisl here and informed nio that one doso cured him, and he in is n(.iiiii at l is work." For salt, by the Middleburg Drug S Public Sale of JFLJEVIL. ESTATE. The undersigned attorney-ln-laol for tin iieim of Bpltratiu Walter, dee'd, will m-ll ui public aale on Thursday, Augiwl 15, 1!)01 tin- following described real eetstc of anid de cedent . TKACT No 1 ia ii certain farm iltuated In Centre township, Snyder county, l'n., contstn- InsllOscresi r le-, of arhloti there urn 11 acres of good tltnberlsnd and tin- remslndei under gootl cultlvstion, with n good l.ou r RA MB HOUSE, HANK It A It N . g I 11a new, snd all oilier necessary outbuildings, n weli near the door snd choice orclisrd. The above I- bounded on Ihe north by public road, eaat bylandsofcl A, llingsinsn snd U, s. Htroub, aoulh by Isnds ufl.eali llsrtinsn snd others, and went by lands of tin- heir of Nslluinlel le sblersnd tisrbSrs roretnsn TRACT M . 2 being Ihe homestead of the aald decedent, Itustod in Ihe town of Centreville, Snyder Co., Pa,, containing It seres nioroor lca bounded on the north by win, Hsrtman, east hi church ami road, south by rum 1 1 rtreel and west by public road, whereon nro erected DOUBLB HOUSE n SUMM1CR HOUSK, n well near the door, ;i H.MtN and nil nc-eaanry out buildings, This trm t la lo lie mild in three Iota TRACT NO. 3 Iwinga liouao and lot In tln lown of ''entrevlllo. Pa., Iiotindod north by sn alley, east by lot of Charlua Kubns, aouth by Ml.rkct Strtel lln.l wi'at liy lot No. I, I ontllil.ini! acre, more or le-a. TRACT No. i beings lot ol ground situated as aforesaid, I ted north by an alley, enat by lol No. 3, south by Market St., west liy lutid off. lierger, containing sere more or leaa. TRACT NO.ll being a lot of ground sltiisted si sforesald, lioundcd north by main street, eaal by lot of Jacob linrtman. south by landsol C. M Showers iiti.l w. si by lot of Kiina Umt lusiii containing 1 , of an sere more or less. TRACT No, r, being u certain tract of hind under good cultivation situated in township, county uuil atstc na aforesaid, bounded north hy landaof.1. F. Kanawell, caal by a public road and alley, south by public road and west by lands of Henry lions, containing UH acres more or less, the half of this trad M ill he sold in town lots, TRACT NO. 7 being a tract of good timber hind situated a- aforesaid, bounded north by iiiiiiiaof Allen Snook, east by same and Km antiel Sssaaman south by triict No H and west by lands of Rciab m il Jackson Dormun, con taining 1 1 ncrci more nr less, TRACT NO. s being a trad of tlmlwrland situated a- aforesaid lioundcd on the north by Inndsof .Inrckaon Dornian, east by lands ..I Kmanuel Hsckunburg, aoutb bylandof J. W. heister ami west by land of June Rrlsh, con taining I8acrcs n ore or less. Tracts Sos. '. and s will he sold 111 Hue. liadM. TRACT NO, in iu i certain tract nearly nl under good cultivation situated as iilnri sal, bounded on the north by Jacob Uaaslngur, east hy land of U. S. Htloub, aouth by land ol A Blngsman and west by Imnl ill Jacob "uning ' it, containing llrcrcs more or less. Bale to commence nt 10 o'clock A M. or said day when due attendees "ill he Ki , 1, and con. dltlons of sale made known by I. Ii. WALTER, Attorney-in-facl i. , Heirs. I ACOB GILBERT, Attorney. SomethlBg vurth KnewlnaT, Book Acjint If you'll buy this book, sir, I'll guarantee that you'll learn one tliinp that will save you lots of money. Man of the House I'll take it. What will it teach me? "Never to buy another book from a book sg-cnt." Harlem Life. The Canny Folk. Bport Did you see the Derby when, you were abroad? Travels No, I did rvec a close raoo in Great Britain, lliough. Bport That so? Whatwasit? Travels The Scotch. Philadelphia Tress. It Made Business. First Suburbanite What was tho strawberry and ioe cream social at the chapel given as a benefit for, last night? Second Suburbanite I am not sure;' but I guess it was to make business for the now doctor. Puck