The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 01, 1901, Image 1

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v 1 oi
W. Waftnaeller, Editor aid Proprietor .
A Family Jour Riil, Devoted to Xtwa, Science. Aft, Political Economy aad Current Literature.
Hatei: One Dollar Her Annum, Advance
roL. xxxviii
L County Commissioners had a
fang Monday.
Lrn to John Libby and wife of
leford, a ion.
L cim)I weather we hal last week
; on a vaeation.
lit her oi me tannery oiiiiuings "
. . . i
hi Saturday.
i banner of proeperlty can be made
.1.... ...I 41 .
lilt over any store mnii iuh ci usvd
ratnlng Friday morning struck in
Luiiin NV. Shaffer's house in Neitz's
tv. Two different bolts entered the
and Ignited the uarpel In the sit-
. I. .i 1 1...
Iroom. "ui u was exuuguwucu up
much damage was dune.
I mi A. E. Soles in his new shav
ing liair outuiiK imriui iui yuui
cleaned with a refreshing sham-
luda clean towel to each patron
e north side oMIarkel square op-
Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
H. tt.
ting the fourteen years of Dr.
Is prlnelpalship of the Millersville,
Jtate Normal school no student
n dropped by the State Board
bmtners at any Onal examination.
Us a remarKaoie n ru ana speaKS
u s for the standing of the gra
of this famous Institution,
corner stone of the new Zion'i
iLi ii'-ai i.uiiieran cnurcnoi ivrai-
was laid flunday. Rev. J. .1
of New Hanover; Rev. . P
zer, oi tsiizarjetnvuie; Kev. u. u
lie, of Salem, and Rev. ('. ('. Mil-
Freeburg, delivered addresses.
illustrated catalogue of the First
tylvanla State Normal School,
rsviUe, for 1901, contains many
features. Send to Principal E. o.
i for a copy if you or your friends
of going awav to school. RooTllS
Sie fall term may be engaged at
lie Sellnsgrove sciiool hoard elected
owing named teachers to serve
ensuing term as follows ; Principal
H. L. BCbroyer, salary (60.00
ft. Principal, s. M. Smyser, salary
Oram mar, Ralph Wagenseller,
Irv :;.; Asst. t.rammar, 1). I,.
hberling, salary .'!"; Secondary,
Jennie .Miller, salary '!; Primary,
lis Fisher, salary (30; Ass't. Prl
ry, Ajgie Damberson, salary fao.
Island school was abandoned.
Beaver Townahlp Teachers.
Heaver township school hoard
elected the following named teach-
for the ensuing term: Beavertowu
ntnar, Elmer E. Wetzel; Second
John A. Wetzel; Intermediate,
In P. tTasslnger; Primary, Nelson
id; Dreese's, Irwin Fr 1; Bobb's,
Via. Engle. Salary $30 for Gram
hool and each for the othe
Deeds Entered for Record,
el Benfer to Mrs. m. E, Verger
Xtl - anil IH Here he- in M idi lccrcck
Tin. Woodling and wife to Sarah
(Sod, 27 acres and 21 perches in
His; tow nshin. for 1 ( M H I.
bnS. Stahl toWm. I. Neitz, life
Me in lot in I'nioii two fur $"3110.
i Arnold, J. E. Shaffer, ct al. to
PI. 1. Neil, lot ill I'oi-t
snivel Walter, adm'r.
nShawverto F. p. F
if estate of
lor, , acres
lA.lam- I u n for SRA1
Psnry Hlme and wife t Benjamin
tberllng, one acre and 03 perches
Villi Probated.
fhe last will and testament of Kath-
I Minium m a .,.;.,
loennee and Martha Jane Fisher
I"' k'et SoO. Arthur Luther M in inn i
I the balance and is named as the
Marriage Licenses.
M"on S. Yerger, Mt. Pleasant Mills,
;-miieii, "
Nm A. Houtz,
pry J. Smith,
New lierliu.
HARRIED. July 127. bv Rev. C. ".
Per, A. H. Ycnrernnd MazieHteffrn.
fli of lit Pleasant Mills.
fbe Millersville State Normal School
era free tuition to all students ire-
rtllg to teach in the Public Hr-hook
rennsvlvania. Surelv no nnp otin
w niaae proper examination for
worn oi teaching when it en lie
hn ...i.i . o
p wuuotll COSt.
Most Effcctiual.
Newspaper advertising u the most
effective way Of talking to a treat many
jieople at the same time. Rail hike
The United Evangelical Camp Meet
ing will be held In Wolfs grove, about
one and a half mile cast of Herndon.
commencing August Bth and continue
eight days. August Mh and Bth Mis-
Imp Dubbe will be present. Everybody
What n Watering Trough Will Do.
It may nol be generally known that
any farmer who maintains a watering
trough on his premises along the public
road with flowiug water, will bo allow
ed two dollars off his road tax every
year, while If the trough he high en
ough for a horse to drink without be
ing unreined, four dollars a year re
duction u ill he allowed.
House i" House Visitation.
Snyder county stands at the head of
list of banner counties in Pcnnslvania
in Sunday School attendance, Ac. The
Executive Commith f the County
Association al a meeting held las) Sat
urday decided on plans which will lie
Submitted to the Sunday School work
ers in the county to make "House to
House Visitation," thereby Increasing
the attendance in our Sunday School-,
bringing in more sheaves, reaching the
unreached. The people, yes, every
family in the County, w ill sunn he vis
ited by suitable canvassers, May every
pastor, superintendent and teacher lie
inspired and pray for 1 1 1 1 definite
Christian effort.
of clothing and gents' furnishing goods
began Thursday .Inly Uth, anil will
continue till the whole stock is disposed
of. We have bought II. Katz's large
stock of clothing at the sheriffs sale at
i'x: on the dollar and we will !i it at
your own prices, as the stock must be
sold regardless of first cost. Don't de
lay, come at once and get the first hat-
gains. Here are a few :
16.00 suits at 12.50
;.")() " 4.00
$10.00 " ?".u
iU.tHi " $7. on
$15.(10 " !ji.N..-0
We cannot mention many prices as the
space is small. Don't forget to come to
the sheriff s great sacrifice sale to get
your bargains.
The assignees of H. Katz, if.
.Next to court house, Middleburg, Pa,
I iui; Days.
Some time between the first week in
July and the second week in August,
for authorities are not agreed, the so
called dog days occur. There is a po
pular impression that the hot weather
prone to dog days because of an ob
served tendency of dos to become
mad, orat least because of an Irritabil
ity due to heat that makes (hem more
dangerous at this period than at other
times of the year.
This tradition i- only another ex
ample of the well-known exhibition of
words to usurp the function of facts
when tl riginal meaning of a word
becomes obscured. The visitor to Lu
cerne may believe tin' folk-story that
Mount Pllatus is so called because
Pilate in his wanderings from Jerusa
lem committed suicide there, until lie
finds that pileatus is tin- Latin for
eaped, ami perhaps the uame is due to
the fad thai the mountain i- frequent
ly capped with clouds. The doe; days
.are so called because of the heliacal
rising of Slrius, the dog star, at this
period. Dogs arc, however, no more
liable to go mad at this time of the
year than at any oilier.
This is UnfortUUOSely the only sea
sou as a rule in which any serious
though! token of the danger from
hydrophobia. The danger exists al all
seasons of the year.
The disease is perhaps a little more
frequent in the early spring than at
any other time. Asa result of the pub
lie carelessness with regard to hydro
phobia there is al least a score of death
from it in this country every year.
For the convenience of our readers
who may visit Atlantic City this sum
mer, we have arranged to have the
latest issues of the Middleburg Post al
ways on file at the Philadelphia 7n
quircr's Seashore Bureau, on Young's
Pier at that popular resort. The ln
mtirer has. at trreat expense, fitted u p
commodious reading and writing rooms
on Young's Pier where every attention
will be given its guests. tf.
The '('earner's Normal School will
close Friday.
Wm. Dunkelberger is visiting his
sister at New Ringgold.
Qeo. W. Hums of Sellnsgrove was in
this place last Wednesday.
.lames Botteignr of Richfield was a
Middleburg visitor Saturday.
Mi-- Annie Ripka, who had been
visiting at Richfield, returned home.
Mis- Jennie Bibighaus of Mlftilnburg
has been visiting relatives at this place.
Harry Bibighaus of Philadelphia
was a Middleburg visitor last Thurs
day. J, E. Ross of Trevorton, formerly of
Rlehfleld, was at this place Thursday
Of last week.
. O. Uobinold of Milton dropped in
to see us Inst Thursday and sul.-crihed
for the Post.
a. M. Bowersox and wife of Bcaver
town spent several days with E. K.
Freyinan and w ife.
B. F. Buoy of Limestone low nshlp,
iTnion Oountv. wa-a Middleburg visi
tor Wednesday of Inst week.
Winner and Bryce llarter of Bun
bury came to Middleburg Saturday to
spend a month w ith their grandparents
Dr. J. W. Irwig and wife.
W. H. Ripka left Monday to work
for the Crystal Sand Company near
Newton Hamilton, Mlfliln '.., Pa.
Prof, Theodore WahreiidorfT, the
piano timer of Sellnsgrove, will
.,t Ih.. Knele Hot. 1 forolie Week
send order- by mall.
Mr-. John Ellenberger and two
children and Mi-- Lttella Bowersox of
Karrisburg are the guests of their fath
er, a. W. Bowersox.
Messrs. Denlua A 'o., of Laurel tan
have moved their saw mill on M. K.
Schoch's farm cast of Franklin and
w ill saw for everal months there.
John C. stuck, w ho had been In the
grocery business at Yeagertown, paid a
Visit to his friends at 1 1 1 i place last
Thursday. He has just sold bis inter
est in the storeand w ill again locate In
Lew is town,
Milton Miller and Clyde S. Hen
dricks of Kantz were county scat vis
itors Saturday. The former came to
pay his subscription and the latter to
In c nil.- ii cash-ln-advancc subscriber
to the Post.
Rev, Hai ry D. Newcomer, of Allen
town, Pa., will preach In the Evan
gelical Lutheran Church at Hossinger's
on Mm. lay, Aug. Ith, at 10 o'clock A.
M. and In the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Middleburg In the evening
of the same day at 7:30 o'clock.
O. J. Roush of Krenmer . ailed here
to pay his subscription. He has been
it subscriber to the Post for 34 years or
ever since I on. J r inlab ( liouse began
publishing this paper in Middleburg.
Mr. Roush would like to know
whether any one has as good oro better
record than thi-.
Rev. Walter . I. Dice, wife and two
children of Liverpool -pent part of
Molldayatlheliolileol' V. F, Fee-e,
w hile on their way to visit Mrs. Dice's
parents at Beavertowu and the Rev's
parents nt Logauton. Rev. Dice lust
w eek preached the funeral sermon of
liar tier who was executed at Harris
burg. Clem Stetler of Homestead has been
spending a few day- in this place visit
ing his parents. Clem, left this place
several years ago in search of a job. He
first handled trunks in a hotel at Al
tooiia and then drifted into Homestead.
He is now employed with a surveying
party. He owns a lot in Homestead
nnd the fates promise him a most pros
perous future. This shows that poor
hoys with a little snap and economy
can make a success.
QrantMengel, aged about 17 years,
the son of Philip Mengel, near Fre
mont, this county, met with a serious
accident Monday afternoon. While
hauling oats, young Mengel was on the
loail aud while driving past a cherry
tree, lightning struck the tree, and
stunned the boy so that he fell off the
load. He was severely stunned and
was unconscious the greater part of
Monday night and small hopes were
entertained for his recovery. Dr. W.
W: Longacre was called and under his
his skilful treatement, It is thought he
will recover. The horses were also
severely stunned, but none was killed.
D. K- Haas of Shaniokin spent Sun
day in town.
F. 8. Rleglcand wife spent Monday
with relatives at Freeburg.
W. P. Shelly of the Sunliury Krcn
ino 4tfi spout Sunday in town.
John M. tfteltilnger and wife visited
friends at Hummel's Wharf Sunday.
Mrs. E. M. tireeiie of Lewistown is
paying a visit to her lather and si-ters.
Miss Lulu Smith was elected teacher
of the Primary school of this borough.
Morand S. Buyer of Paxtonville was
at th county scat Saturday evening.
Jacob Piskusz lett Saturday for a
-hort visit to his home in New York.
Chief I'.Jigcs-.). F. Stetler and wife
spent. Sunday Willi relatives al Krat
zervlhc. afia. C. H. Dunkelberger is visiting
hei daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. (1. Sallade at
New Ringgold.
Martin Meii-ch and w ife ol Mifllin
liurg spent Sunday will' Charles
Mensch's west of town.
Dr. W. vV. Longacre of Mt. Pleasant
Mills wasut the county scat on busi
ness Monday morning.
W. F. Dagle and Jno. P. K earns of
iieavertovn pa .d Ihr.m-h town on
t heir' way to Fiv.-burg Monday.
Chnrlcs Koil-h and Frank F. Walter
accompanied : l'!llt.v
tains Sati nliiy for a week'- stay.
H. Kut :'s i- running a branch -tore
in New Ikrlin where he oiler- hargain.-
for ten day-.
Kitty Pittcr of Sdinsgrove is visit
iug District Attorney Potter and w ife
at this plee.
D.V. ('rouse of Norwood m ar l'b ila
deiph'la, ivas a Middleburg vi-imr f"f
-everul dys last week.
JayG.Wciserspcnt Sunday with bis
brotr, Sheriff John I.. W.i-.r, at the
Juobtta jnunty jail at Millliiilowii.
Simon Dong, the new landlord of the
l-,.rt.,'verton Hotel, was at the coun
ty scat Wednesday "f last week.
' Harry FL Harter, proprietor of the
Keystone Cash Grocery, and wife of
Sunbury were Sunday visitor! at Dr.
J, W. Orwig's.
Eilai Brunner of Centre two., cx
ecutorof his father's estate, was n call
er last week to order bills and adver
tisement for the sale of n al estate.
Misses Bailie and Isabella Snyder
Laura Shambach, who ale working in
the Susquehanna silk mill at Sunbury,
spent Sunday at home m this place.
Wm. H. Ripka finished his Job al
(irlmm's mill and left Monday to work
for the Crsytnl Hand Co. of Pittsburg at
their works near Newton Hamilton.
George Tharp of Pallas was n Mon
day morning visitor al Ibis place, Mr.
Tharp is a fireman for a saw mill mi
pany and we arc always glad :. see him.
Qeo. Illusions of Mt. Pleasant Mill
was at the county seal M lay morn
ing and took home his daughter, who
bad been visiting the Col Issioiiers.
Clerk, J. N. Broslus.
L. N. Myers and family of Akl
are spending a few days at Ibis place
preparatory to Mr. Myers' departure
for h.mie. Mr. Myers at one time re
presented Buyder County in tllC Male
Tonaorial Artist A. E. Soles uowd
into his new room on the N Itteumyer
lot opposite the Central Hotel and
Druggist Spangler will occupy the en
tire room in the bank building.
Jennie Wtaeof Allentown, an aunt
of Mrs. E. C. Grayblll, Mrs, Jacob Gil
bert and Mrs. James P, Smith, spell! a
few days in this place, she became
ver ill while here and was taken
home Monday by Mrs. Gilbert.
Mrs. F. F. Ranck, who had l.e. ii vis
iting her sick father, who is now much
Improved, left Monday for Mlltlinburg
where she will visit her Bister, Mrs. H.
H. Deltzel, preparatory to leaving for
her home in Williamsport.
Prof. Wm. Moyer of Freeburg; M.
L. Wagenseller of Sellnsgrove; H, L
Romlg of Adamsburg and Rev. A. D.
(Jramley of Beavertown were in the
village Saturday and had a meeting in
the interest of the Sunday School
cause for Snyder County.
Feehrer and Wetzel, photographers,
of Lewistown, have rented the photo
graph gallery, formerly used by W. N.
Engle and will place it at the end of
the flag stone walk on the Howes' lot.
They will be ready for business Tues
day morning August th. They guar
antee first class work. Call at the gal
lery and see samples, the quality of
which they guarantee to duplicate.
Cashier K. C. Walter and family
moved to Adamsburg last week.
James Erdloy and wife spent Sunday
with their son, Charles, near Freeburg.
Postmaster Hassluger, w ho was rus
ticating for a month at Clifton Springs,
N. Y., returned Monday.
Miss C'ary Willis and her Sunday
school class will picnic along Middle
creek west of town Thursday.
John F, Smith and wife, Joseph
Mil--or and wife, Henry Miller and
wife ot Swineford attended the church
dedication at Kraterville Sunday.
Miss Minnie Mary May fruit of
Hummel's W harf, who is attending
Normal school, called at the Post
prin ting office to pay sulmcriptiona for
her father, Samuel V. Trutt, and Dan.
Sa aiuau, ,1 r.
Sunqueliannn'a Xea Teacher.
Mis-1 aroline B. E oders, of York
Pn., was elected to the faculty of Sus
iUehanna I uiwrsity at ibis place.
Miss Ender's eventful lite began In
Decriield, N. J., June 'i, IH75, great
care was exercised to make the firs!
step-of her education thorough, she
entered the Kindergarten at Richmond
I lid., but her progress was so rapid she
was soon promoted to the Public school
of that place.
In 'H'i her family moved to York Pa.,
which gave her excellent cducatlotuil
advantages. i Hie early age of eleven
years she entered the Vork Collegiate
in-tii ute and after live years of earnest
Study graduated ill 'III. She then went
to Llltliervllle Seminary, now Mary
land College, Llltliervllle, Md., and af
ter two abort years of faithful study
graduated with honors in the classical
department . The same year she enter
ed Patrick Business College graduating
ill VI.
The nexl few years Miss Enders
taught music and also German in the
V. M. C. A. in the fall of '98 she ac
cepted a position as teacher of German,
English, and elocution in I but wick
Seminary, New Yorkfr which place
she w as called to Susquehanna, who
w ill receive ail excellent teacher,
Miss Euders, a talented young lady
of refined habits, is musically Inclined
being at home with the piano, pipc-or-gatl,
violin, and banjo, She ha a ridi
alto voice. She has always been as
sociated with Christian work, being a
faithfuls, s. Teacher, C. E. officer,
choir member, organist, ami recently
Leader of a young Ladies' Bible class
iu the . M. C. A. No better testi
monial could be desired by the most
extravagant than that of I lr. J. G.
Tmver of HlirtW Ick Seminary. He
writes: "Mj-s Enders i- a young
woman of excellunl education, gissl
habit-, fine social iiialities, pleasing
appearance and high christian char
acter." . D. H.
Applicants font teacher's certificate
will I xaiuincd iii the several dis
tricts of Snyder County for tic year
I'.ol a- follows :
.Monroe, Shaniokin Dam, Vllif, -
Washington, Freeburg, " S
Perry, Fremont, " ii
Chapman, Rtihrer's S. Hi, " 7
Perry West
... I',vandure i
Cross Road
Mid.llel.lllg 1
A- Franklin ,
Peilllj Sal. ui, 'i
I iilon, p. irl Trevorton, " 13
M iddlecreek, K reamer, " II
Jucksou, Kratzerville, " l "
'cutre, ( 'entrevllle, " 'in
I!, aver, I'.. avertowu, " lit
Spring, Adamsburg, " 20
Adams, Troxelvllle, " l'1
West It.av. r, Met line, " -I'l
(leneral Special, Mlddloburgh, Sept. 2,
Examiiintious will begin at BO
o'clock . . M. prompt y.
All applicants must be examined in
district in which they intend to teach
Unless compelled by valid unavoidable
circumstance- to take it elsewhere.
Persons under seventeen years of age
need not apply, as a certificate cannot
be issued to them.
Directors aud friends of the public
schools are cordially invited to le
present at the examinations.
1'ruly yours,
F. C. Bowersox,
Co. Superintendent.
Middleburg, Pa., July Z 1001.
A beaullful Illustrated txsiklet con
taining a brief sketch of the history of
the First Pennsylvania State Normal
School, Millersville, is on our table. It
gives the reader fair idea of this great
school. A postal card to the Principal
will secure a copy for you.
Tin) Flakea Createa Breath leu A
toniahmcnt. Flakes of snow fell moments Friday
night nt Phlladelobia creating breath
less astonishment In the vicinity f tho
Forty-fourth street entrance to Fair
mount Park and contiguous neighl sir
hoods. it seemed iiicreditablethnl Icy crystal
should drop from the sky oil part of the
earth that wa- parched ami baked by
tt fierce tropical heat about a week or
two age, but there was a chilly air
coining from the north-wesl and with
it swept along tiny flukes that inieht
have been mistaken for particles of dust
in the day-time. I'nder the electric
lights and against the background of
the night there was in. mistaking Lhem
for anything bill what tiny were and
that wa- -now .
Persons with th. ir umbrellas raised
caught them .n lop and examined
lhem w ith curiosity. The trolley ear
motoriiieii caught them on th. ir coat
sleeves and gasped with wonder. The
tliidit of the tiny crsytals was very
brief, ll wa- like a passing cloud of
line dirt , but ii was snow just the same
falling in the hottest summer or record.
Union Union County Agricultural
Soeiety, Lewisburg, Sept. l'I-.T.
c. ntre Centre Count Agricultural
Exhibition 'oiupaiiy , Itellefont. , .-. pt.
Columbia Columbia County Agri
cultural, Horticultural and Mechanical
A o. ial ion, Itloomsbiirg, Oct, H 11.
Northumberland Milton Driving Park
and Fair Association, Milton, Oct. I I.
Perry Perry County Agricultural
Society, Newport, Sept. 17-20.
Montour Montour ( 'ounty Agricul
tural Society. I lanville, ct.
Lycoming Muncy Valley Farmer-'
Club, Hughesville, Sept. 17 'u.
Juuiatu Juniata County Agrietil
rural Society, Port Royal, pt. 17-30.
Dauphin Grats Agricultural ami
Hortloullual Association, flrats, Aug,
gi .mi Viiitora ui a Single Day,
For the coiivenienceof the t hnusands
Who spend vacation day . at Atlantic
City, the "Philadelphia North Ameri
can" has established a t ree Reading
Room on the spiicloiir Auditorium Pier
at popular resort. Here writing materi
al is suppled fm. of charge, and amid
luxurious surroundings, fanned by
lialmy sen briM'.es, thousands ol letters
lire written t.. the loved ones at home.
Over 1100 letters hnve been written and
mailed from ibis reading room in a
simrle day.
Admission to i ho reading room is en
tirely flee.
ill addition to hundreds of newspa
pers from all parts of the country on
file for visitors, there Is a large Isiok
case filled with the latest w ork-of po
pular authors for the ii-. of patron
free of charge.
Copies will he found on file in ibis
reading room, and a cordial in vital inn
Is extended by the "North American"
to nil of our readers to make the Audi
torium Pier headquarters during a Isit
to Atlantic City. For convenience have
your mail address .1 .
'fhe North American's" Frw leading
Auditorium Pier, Atlantic City, N. .1.
either, unless you visil the lN irtli Am
erlcnn's" Sanitarium for Poor 'hildren
and see the inagnlllc ni wtirk brine
done there . the iiuf irttmate waifs of
the slums.
Newnpaci I i Best.
We never could iniik. sp,., -i-il publi
cations, posters ir signs lyinnuysort
of comparison of regular in -paper ad
vertising, liimlicl trog Phi de'phla,
Inreatnien, Nut Expense.
Advertising Is not an exiK'iise; it i- an
Investment, and if judiciously made,
no outlay w ill yield so large and so sure
a return. This is the testimony of wide
awake business men everywhere-
Watltinqton Star.
A Ncs License l.n .
I'nder the act of assembly, just sign
ed by the governor, the peddling or
selling of goods, waresor mer handise
without a license is Illegal. The pun
ishment is from three months to one
year. The licenses ate to be issued by
the county treasurer. The fee is ten
dollars a year for traveling and selling
on foot, and twenty dollars for using a
horse wagon. A person selling goods
of his own manufacture or product, is
exempt from the provision of this act.