TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A ( ottection Mad Jnm attthe Ihiru imj QyOHndt in .S'iyi.r Count i tor the hfiddiebunjh "Pod" Globe Mills Cemeteby. Rrportul by Qm. W. WmftMiwlier. Bister, Elisabeth, d of Bliaa and Judith, l Nov 25, 1863; d Nov 10, 1882, aged 3 y 1 1 m 24 d. EM-.. i i. I , - i odo. l i-ovj, .MOiuri, i) IOOO, II " Apr 25, 1883, aired 20 y 10 d. ... 0, ,,.,000 Srdley, Simon, l Jan 6, 1838; d Erdl Ben 12, 1889. Private ('.. I)., 1"' Kegt, Pi. Vol. Faceiy, Mary Ann, w ol Geo. K. l". Feb 17, 1849; d Sep 1,1809 uged l!i y in 1 1 .1. Fagely, Mary A, Nora, il of Geo. K. ami M. A. d Sep 1'.', 1870, aged 1 y in 10 d. Field, ( 'ora A. ,1 ol John and M. I. June 'J". 1874; d duly 23, 1 - 79, aged 5 y 1 in '' d. Fi.ll, Emanuel, d Feb 28, 1 888, aged 04 y 7 m 25 d. Foye, Klizubetli, l of I. F. a n il Lydia A. li Dee (J, 17": d An,' 2, 1891, aged 1" v 7 in 20 d. Freed, Mary A. v. of Abram, l Dec I, 1 87 1, aged 27 y '' in. Freyman, ( 'Imrlef, I' June 7. 1 8 1 1 ; ! N'.v 17". a'r''d 04 v 5 in 0 d. Freyman, Emma J.d of Wm. and ' Savilla K. b M 21. 1887; l -Mar 1, 1808. treynmu, Sarah Ann, d of and U. b July 27. 1837; d July 2- i, 1 S 13. Freyman, Savillii I!, w of Win. I Apr 27. 1849; il Mar 1868, ag d 18 y 10 m 12 d. Gariiiiin, Meurv O, s of Geo. Gar man and ( 'lara I Straub, d A ng 10, IS89, aged :'. y 1 d. Gemb 'i ling, Anna J. E. d of Alfred S. and M. M. d Mar 29, 1882, aged '.i m -J7 d. Gembcrliug, Adam Wilson Vituiis, g ol Alfred 8. and M. M. b Apr 18, is-r,; , Mar 4, 1891, aged 5 y 10 m 6 d. Gemberling, Sallie '. d of same, b Feb 22, 1,-73; d Sep 1, 1892, aged lit y (5 m 12 d rilbt rt, 1 liana, w of Win. I 80, 1826; d Mar 28, nged 5 I v 7 ni 28 l. 1 illy idl, 111 ... , ... r l e w i . Uilbert, lara J. u ol W m. and . h May 18, 1866; i 1 870, ncetl I ". v I m 18, Gilbert, Maria '. -! of Sarah, Ii Mat 4, 1 857j ugi 'I i y i! mi. Glaze, .loin). Hni I ..r 1 .... i .....t i.. tin. Arietta, il May 8, 1887, i assit i -. I ivtlin, w of I evi 20, ! 895, agetl 52 y I m. Heckiuan, Samuel, I Apr 10, 1803 il Feb I, 1 883, agei! 7'.' v in J! .i. Ileiut.t'inmn, Arthur V. .Ian 7, I860, aged 2 in 1 1 d. Heioteliiinn, Foster S. h hi' Jacob and II. K. .1 Fell 15, 1871, aged in in :'. il. Heintzelnian, Henrietta K. Jacob, l Apr L851; ol Inn 1871, a'r n v Heim, ihn S. d Oct 1 14 y 8 in lo d nge II fill ! 'I.-, ,!i .-. M.i: w i ii baniuel, li :d Dei- !. 1888, JllU e 12, L8O0 i S ii a 'eil v Hendricks, Sam d.Inn L2. 1 .1 an a i . 1799 i y 11 ii rt, Ii 1802, ng I - in ! d. Hotitz, Mary Aim, w ol All S, 3, ls;,,:;. d Apr 1 ' a: I 28 v 7 m "id. Hummel, Hen';, b Dec 17, I803j d .Nov 2, 1800, uged 02 v 1 in ,1 1 hit mi il, Sarah, w of benj. S i. 30, 1835: d Jan li l. I, 1802 aged 26 y :) m 15 d. llu n i, Harriet, d of B. and C. d el 22, 1854, aged 1 y 28 d. 8 m Hummel, Carrie E. d of Wm. and Eliza, d Aug 31, 1872, aged 9 m 26 d. Hummel, Calvin E.s of Wm. and Eliza, d Aug 31, 1870, aged I 3 m 16d. Hummel, .Chaa. P. a of Win. and I ' Eliza, d Apr 6, 1 869, aged 2 00 Leesman, Ambrose, s of W. and A. 2d. d Mar 13, 1384, aged 11 y l Hummel, Mabel 8. d of Wm. and m 24 d. Eliza, d June 11, 1882, aged 'ijessman, Amanda, w of Win. d 1 m 4 d. June 19, 1884, aged 40 y 3 m Hummel Danlnl. h Jan 1S IR1K.I 24 d. d Jan 27, 1873, aged 58 y 14 l Hummel, Maria B. w of Benj. b Sep 18, 1833; d May 29,1889 aged 58 y 8 m 17 d. Hummel, Catharine, w of Simon, d Apr 25, 1885, aged 55 y 7 m 12 d. Hummel, Simon, d Oct 25, 1889, J aged M J J m 18 d. Hummel, Elizahetb, b June 27, 1S25; d Dec 29, 1893, aged (38 y 0 m 2 d. Hummel, Henrv, h Aug 1, 1820; d Mar It!, 1889, aged 62 y 7 m 15 d. Hummel, Eliambeth, w of Beoj. d Apr 13, 1895, aged 90 y 3 m i d- Hummel, W. Anion, b Jan 7, 1804. aged 33 y (5 ni 9 d. Keck, Anna, w of Bliaa, d Jan 21, 1893, aged 78 v 0 m 29 d. Keck, Elias, b Dee 20, 1822; d Dec 3, 1875, aged 52 y 10 m 10! d. Keck, Catherine, l Apr 17, 1785; d Nov o, 1863, aged 78 y 6 ni 19 d. Keck, Michael, b Mar in, 1789; 1 Sep 7, 1851, aged 63 y 7 d. K.rk. Man . b Apr 20, 1820; d Sept 20, 1894, aged 74 y 5 m 10 d. Keck, Mary S. d of Henry and Mary M. d .lime 16, 1875, aged 1 y 1 in In d. Keck, ( 'harles, b M 27. 181 I. Keck, Frank, b of Michael and Catherine, I. Sep 22, 1826; d July 1 1, 1847, aged 21 y 0 m lI.I i 1 1. Keck, Johnson, son of Elius and Anna, li June 22, 1855;d Apr 21. 1856, aged 10 m 2 d. Keck, of Elias ami Anna, b June 2n, 1849; d Mar 13, 1858, nged 8 y 8 in 2;'. d. Keeler, Emma Jane, d of Kli and Matilda, h Apr 2'.'. 1855; d May 7. 1864, aged 9y I d. Keeler, West, h Mar 10, 18 13; d Mar 28, 1 si'' 1, aged 20 y I in 18 d. Keeler, utlicrine, d of Eli and Ma- tilds, l.o. t 18, 1851, d Jnn 2, 1871, aged 10 y 2 ru 1 1 d. Keeler, Matilda, w of EH, d Dec 7, 1 805, aged 75 v 8 in 1 5 d. Ki . ler, Jacob, 1 Aug 22, 1849, uged titi y 5 in 15 d. Kelzlcr, Elizabeth, l .Vug 22, 1792 il May H, 1852, aged 59 v 8 in is.d, Kinney, Mai v J. d of H. and L, d June 25, 1858 aged 2 v 2 in 16 d. ixiine.v i.ii a ii in . nsen m. ai U 2. ' 1." It.... i M ; i . i' T. 1. li I ntarv u iuiie .', touu: u 1 1 .nine y, Sep I, 1861, aged 2 v 2 m 2.". d. Kline, Edwartl, of John and Mary M. I. Mar 1:'., I832;d May '.i, IS55, aged 2:'. y 1 in 26 d. Kline, Fleiiora, il ol' S. M. ami Amelia, d July 22. 1864. aeed 1 1 ni h i Kline. John, I, D,c 1.", I7'.ii;; , Feb 1 7. 1865, aged 68 y '1 in 2 d. Kline. Magdalena, w of John, Ii l'eli 21, 1801; J Aug 17, 18(11 aired til I y .") ni lili (1. Lawver, Jacob II. s of Solomon and Fannie, b Nov 1857; 1 Mar 7. L8S2, agetl -1 y :'. in 12.1. rawver, Solomon, l Feb 0, 1 s-J;: d Dec 11,1894, nged 08 y 10 m '' d. Leitzel, Catherine, d l Sem ami Eve, d Mav in, 1802, need 10 1 y 8 in 2 1 d Leitzel, George Wnsliingtoii, -on oi I.. I,., I ' ..,,.1 M. ,,!(!,.. .1 Q... ' ' -lou ..i. oio. i, ii .-i i 2'. i. 1870, nged 2 m 25 d. Leitzel, Reuben II. s of Sem and fel 7, 1837; d IV" 20. 1882, nged 45 y U in 13 d. Lcitel, lialpb Howard, sofHoward and Ann Elizabeth, Ii Oct 20, L894; d .Ian 21, 1895, aged :'. in 1 d. Leitzel, Samuel C. s of Sem and Eve li June It:, 1845; d Apr I, 1873, aged 27 y 9 m L5 d. Leitzel, Sem, d Apr 17, 1 S1. 7, aged 84 y 1 1 in 22 d. , Leitzel, Thomas Jeff, s of Sem and Eve, b Aug :;, 1848; d Sep 18, ! 1863, agetl 5 y 1 m 15 d. Leitzel, Eve, w of Sem, d Feb 15, 1896, aged 80 y 1 m 2o d. Leiteel, Kate Ellen, d of John P. and Martha, b Sep 1, 1877; d I M 13. 1893. atred II v 1 m Lejsman, Cbarle?, e of W. and A. d Mar R 1K7P, nrroA K m 91 .1 Lessmau, Wm. sol W. and A. d Like Diogenes of old, Mrs. Naney Mar 13, 1884, aged 5 y 5 niB. It-ring, a Chicago book publisher, 16 d- . aiitinu fx. is ! , ... , , n'n 1 1 ' Mengel, Cora M. d of Henry H. and I j. A. d I W '(. 1SS3. Mnsser, W. H. Co. C. 172 Kegt. Pa. Vol. Inf. Nagle, Anion, s of David and H. d July 21, 1872, aged 11 y 3 m 27 d. Nagle, Ijewis Milton, s of David and H. b Apr 14, 1S75; d Jan 27, 1877, aged 1 y 7 m 13 d. Pontius, Daniel, s of Thomas and Catherine, b June 29, 1832; d Nov l, 1855, aged 23 y 9 m 8 d. Pontius, Irwin W. s of George and Sunn, d May 4, 1804, aged 1 y I in li) d. " l'ontiu, Henry C. 8 of I'. and S. b Aug 1, I M S, aged 2 y 7 d. Pontius, John, s ni" Peter and Sarah b June 1H, is II; d Nov 6, 1871, aged 3" y I m 17 d. Pontius, Lovina, d of Peter and Sarah, b Oct 10, 1855; d Aug 17, 1875, aged in y 10 m 1 d. Pontius, Peter, b June 12, 1807; tl July 1 1, 1888, aged 81 y 1 in Pontius, Sarah ( '. d of Peter anil Sarah, h Mar 7, 1851; 2:;, 1802, aired 1 y 1 1 I Feb I 111 10 Piatt, Isaac, b Jan 17, 1827; d Dec 2", 1895, aged 68 y 1 1 m :' d Piatt. Susanna, w of Isaac, b Nov 1::. 1895, aged 68 y 11 in 3 d Rati, Agues, w of B. F. d Jan 31, 1883, aged 21 y 1 m 21 d. linn, Simon, J Sep il, 1885, aged 56 y 8 in ii d. llaueli, Li i lie, d of ieorge V and Mary T. A. M.. 1875, aged 1 y 19 I Oct 25, 1. ieiuard, t 'atlierii W of William. lieinard, William. Reich, Sarah '. b Aug 20, 1851 Lteiter, Mnrv, vv of Geo. b Fel eh -1 , I 8: itz, r86; d May 1868, aged . y in. Andrew, d Oct 15, 1 8461 ogetl 6 I y. Kcnmnger, Emma P. d of Levi and Catherine ! Ian 2. i urtq. . ... . '-'i - , ticil 1 y i a, Renninger, Bllisabetti, :1 Mar n, 1885, ap-il 7;', y Q m21 J. rleooioger, Abraham, s or Jacob atu Sarah, b Uct lo, loop, d Jan 2, 1853 of a WOUOd received in the battle ol' Fredericksburg Va. Was a private of the 131 Kegt, aged 26 y 2 m 15 d. tenninger, Jacob, b Hoc 23, 1700; d Apr 2, 1873, aged 7:5 v 3 m 9 d. tenninger, Sarah, w of Jacob, b Aug 12, 1801; 1 July 7, 1864, aged ii- v 10 m 25 d. lienninger, Catherine, w of Adam I) Sep I I, I SI."; J Mav 1 870, !it,r''J "-" v 7 m 17 d. Licnnino-er. Geoii'c. li Fel li. ISO I- r. , r- I V ft 1 - (I .Nov lolltl BITeO O0 VO III ! lienninger, Marctret, b .Ian 4. 1802; d Dec "J:;, 1867 c.:. v 1 1 in in .1. 'j-,' " Itemnger, rienryd. B01 .Adam andlchinea ami fixtures, value $::o, C. d Mar O, 1870, nged 0 mj 2'2 d. i Keninger, Phoebe ('. d of Levi and' nod, tl July i5f 1870, nged 3 HI lid. Keninger, Pliocbc II. d ol Adam I and Lnvena, d Mar 27, 1870.1 nged in m IGd. Kitman, John, d ( )ol aged ."tl y I m. Kitman, .Maria A. v 10 -a . i . . ...... 1 1 i ,. .,.. tf iovi aged zu y t in to llomig, Daniel, d July 11 n rt aged 1- y 2 m d. 'were scarcely extinguished in strick- Koush, Clara .Mav, d of Ezra and; tu Jacksonville vh u word came i n r Mary .1. Ii Aug 25, 1870; dj the wires: "Order prevails, and the June 27, 1887, aged 10 y 10; Roush, I ieorge Wesley, s of .Taints AtK Emma, b Feb is, 1877J , peb L3, 1885, aged 7 y 11 m 2:5 d. i0,Isi, Mnrv Ann Jane, w of Ezra, m d. b Dec 14, 1849; d Apr 13, 1881, aged 31 y 3 in 20 d Roush, Mary Ann, w of Joseph, b Jnn 0, 1842; d May 30, 1805, "Red 23 y 1 m 24 d. 'ionsn' Margaret A. d of Ezra and Mary, d -Nov 15, 1873, aged IP m u Roush, Mary A. w of Ezra, b Oct 18, 1844, d Jnn 10, 1871, aged 26 y 2 ni 28 d. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! All druggists, ioc. .seiircninp ior an ' honest man. She has made the announcement that she wii pay the sum of $1,000 to the first ! bmdnrM or profesKiwual man who can prove conclusively that he haa carried on hie work for one month without lying, the proof to be pre sented to a commit tea of Ave for it decision. Mrs. Irving does tutt expect to lose the money, hut she is quite lire that if she does lose the honesty of the person securing the $1,000 will hare reduced hi in to sush straits that he wirl need every penny of it. She is convinced that it is a practical im pnssihTity for one to live a strictly honest business or professional life under the present conditions of so ciety. It in hard to believa, comment ed the Troy (X. Y.) Times, that Mrs. Irvine; is entirely correct in her views, though it may be admitted that de ceit is sometimes practiced in many forms of business and in most if not all professions. l!'it. regardless of all hair-splitting, there are plenty of honest men. The fact is that busi ness and professional success is based on integrity, and without it perma nent prosperity would be Impossible. There may be niul doubtless are "tricks of trade" in very many occu pations. Yet as a rule honesty and good faith are the qualities which lead t-o confidence and keep the world's affairs In healthful motion. Character and uprightness are still positively valuable possessions, and the honest man is by no means as scarce as the pessimists would like to have us beli ve. Two-cent stamps (Buffalo exposition series) worth considerably more than their face value. Much ftiulit may be tin' seit)rl stamps. t0 a blunder said to have been made by the bnrenii of print ing and engraving at Washington. It is said that a sheet containing too stamps was reversed before being run off, thus caU8ing tic picture of the ex press t rain to be printed inverted with in the rid border. There are 100 of them in existence, ami collectors are already looking for them. The sheet was not noticed by the authorities at Washington, the story goea, and it is further reported that it was sent in llie ordinary course of business to Brooklyn, where it was placed on sale. A manufacturing firm bought ten of the stamps, and wrote to the depart ment at Washington complaining of weni. uatng ona ol tne very stampa in transmitting i,s letter of protest. Thus the fact came OUtgBnd an enter prising philatelist at Waahington at once set about trying to seen re as many cf them as possible. He secured four by paying a Brooklyn man $20 each for 'hem. A stamp firm here is said to naTe secui-t-d two more of the stamps. The extent and rigor "f the sa! ion imaahlng crusade in Kansas may be Work of Snliiou Sinitahera. judged from the following items of a petition fi 1 e tl with the court in a suit brought by a keeper against the men and women who smasJiecl his saloon: "Two bar rels whisky, value $;jl)(); three half barrels whisky, value $250 ten gal lons apple Jack, value $3U; ten gallons peach brandy, value $30; ten gallons ri". value $o; to jraliona wine, value Tli. ...1,.... .. I.... . .....1 I... 11.. . ....1 v.uvi .iin- .urn im.iuu.vs. .iiue $so; 12 cases, each containing 12 quarts rye whisky, value $141; six cases pint lii.Mlec rva whtot trnlna H.?'. Rr. eases wine, value .S;a: 15 gallons black- berry brandy, value $20; two slot ma- anil damage to huilding, which plaintiff is uneble to more definitely state, fits, R,J otner damage to said plaintiff in the ama of $1,369." By a new regulation consumptive inunigranta are not allowed to land tIlis country, if they fail to pass the examination they are sent back 1827 "f the 001,1 "f ""' Btoam8hiP company. ci Wilmington, but throughout it all, ' The marine hospital at New York has the colored messenaer in Gov. Ay j ruled that tuberculosis, even in an cock's office maintained his gravity. I COD. 11 ,tnt.1v tn cta ': flnnfrprnoa nnn. I nn... ..wj ... .:..: ,1 ihil t.ii,. .-,.. ....... B o Jtagions disea e. The American spirit is sure to show work of rebuilding has begun." And in the opposite direction went the question: "Do you need help'.' Some lenrneil unit, -M,r r,,,.Mlv ,.. cused college iris of acting like luna tics at basket ball. 'Now we learn that the crazy women on Ward's island play basket ball like sane people. It's a topsy-turvy world. A Toledo boy fed on pt nny dreadfuls killed his brother and sister and com- itted suicide. The taste for criminal .ore grows with what it feeds on and its dietary is to be had now more free ly than ever before. Northern winter resorts are a new suggestion, the programme for vis itors including tobaggan slides, ice boats, sleighing, skating, sun parlors and big log fires for evening entertain ment. A Kansas minister told his concTfga- Um. ll.l Bniilll. II. nt .... . . . . r . .: . . "r"l"sfc in aen neea not piace anytning in tne x. ine couecuon was aouote ine usual amount. for Infants The Kind You Hare Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chaa. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal auperrision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Junt-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the SIX In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt cgwTauw cowaawir, tt wgwuv tct. mw vown city The People's National Family Newspaper iMihliilimt M o n tl n y. j WedncMlAJf ami Friday , In fn reality Hn fresh, j every-ot her ly Da i 1 y , giving tin- lult'Pt iiiMVt oit ilny of Imus, ami rover iiiK new i at the other three, it oontelui ail ltna portMit foreign o a i ) t now which iippeert in TrtK DAILY THIBUNE of -aim tlate, al-o Dotnee i New Tort tie ami Porelsi Cvrree ppndence, Short Btorlet, ' Elpfrant Efftlftone !Hut trAttone.Humoroui Iteam, Induitrl! Information, ' PaKhlon Notes, iTgrtoul turat Matters ami out- I iifebenslvs and Reliable I Inani lal ami Market Re ports. Reffu la r mibserlptlon price, 11.60 per year. 'e fumlah it with the Post for $1.75 per year. Send all orders to the Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Pavm: H. HRRVEY ECH0CH, 6ENERAL iNSfcANGC AGENCY Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Conipanies, Fin, Life, Accident and Tornado. IP-Assessments NoPremium Notes. The Aetnn Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 Home " ' 853 " 9,83 ,62S.4 " American ' 1810 " 2.40 ,81.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage S ilicited. Dl!RIN0 HOT WEATHER I SE BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. "New Rochester" rOOKINi under these circumstances is a pleasure. The Rocbestet , Lamp Co. atake their reputation oo the stove in question. The best evidence of the satisfaction enjoyed ia testimonials galore and du plicate orders from all parts of I ho world. Send for literature, both for the the"NeW 0chcstcr" LamP' YOU will never rearet havinar introduced these ueorla into vour hoiw- hold. The Rochester Lamp Co., 3S Park Place and 33 Barclay St., New York. At a recent game cf baseball at Baleigh, X. ('., there was an immense demonstration when Raleigh defeat- i nutrii UDAtU . nj tiZ Uiv. lint J..H ll.'l pate, lie replied: "From my official poaiuon an worm uarouniana iook alike to me. A divoree eourt judge in New York I r3 decided that a club man, living nt a fashionable hotel, ought to eonfins his personal expenses outside oj board and lodgings to $jGo a year, di vided as follows: Clothes, $'50; news- ?Flsi 1 "F" smUBS, manicure, stamps and doctor's bills, $200; laundry, $50. No allowance Seems to be made for charity. The movement to inculcate in chil dren ideas of kindness toward animals has reached South Dakota. The stats has now passed a law enjoining the teaching of such principles in the schools, and forbidding experiments upou live animals. One of the latest feats of electricity is to make every steak a porterhouse in quality Mi c C C N.ver sold ta bdk. Beware oT the dealer who tries to ssl "something ui J Jood." CANDY CATHARTIC sfimii i.i.u uas'p "' and Children. Signature of 4- 4A& Publlsbed on Ttaundti mid known f.,r ; . sivty yearn In . t'erj ; , ..I llie I lilted Stall ,. , National Family ..,,' paper of the hljrlinti lot fsrroen ami vlliaui r It contaliu all i ,. m imp.. riant Bern nil 1 1 ol Till- DA1IA I UNE up to hour ! , to preM, an Aiirlvultur il IN'partineni ,,i iii. hijh eflt nr'ler. hn. en) inu reading f..r . ,. r member ol the hi , olil ami younir. !:,b.. Tort Reports whit ii In? accept. er a n il connti v m c t ehtnt. ami i- . ii-an, ui t. date, Inten sti Initruotlve. It eg u t a r -lit... rlptlori prioB. II.0U i. r . .ir. We fiirni-ii it u t:,, i nsT ior 9uja per y. nr. "Post", Middleburh- Pa. WICKLESS SIMPLE, SAFE. "New Rochester" Cook Stove ai 1 JAB. O. CUOL'SK, ATTORHKT AT law, MlDDLKBlllia, PA. All bosluoss entrusT".i to his i will receive nrotunt attention; VetefiiSarYsUrceoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business pnlrii-'oil to mj will receive prompt und esjraful atti ntlot.. There is no better Investment for people of small or large means than the shares of the Union Consolidat ed Morula Co., which are now being offered at one cent a share, full-paid, non-assessable, and without person al liability. , Interest Dividends at tha rate oi 10 per cent per annum, payable half yearly for two years, are ouabaKTH -ed, in addition to the regularly earn ed dividends. We also call Tattention to tbe "Smelter Shares" ofthe "Kkttlk Cublkw," "Boondaby Camf" and "Qckkn Bkb" companies; now sell ing at three cents, with same inter -est dividend guarantee. 4 All shares sold on the installment plan, or all cash. - Send for illustrated circulars maps, terms, prices, etc. N.II.H1 Mining Promotion Oompsnj Fourth Floor, Andrus Bldg., u MinneaDolis. Minn- 3-23-26t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers