The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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    A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Katet: Oae Dollar Per Annum, ia Advance
V 1J m mm
W. Wagcnatller, FdiUr 111 Propritlof .
wn i-vvii' xw..w .
1. I ... ,1... tunlli l.llil.l-
' ii ran c w "i ! in'
.r the tanner; wm erected last
. . 3 U 1........
if. milium "' i-ii "" -
1 n( ,11 fit
rk to put up longer polee between
l in- ill I' l a v m -
Sunday, July 28, the Lutheran
. . in in n,.
unii m ' . .
.i. i. ....... ..I,, I,
III I CTl. ' . ' "
aces morning, amnioon iiiki .--
lie Freeburg Rod and Gun Ulub will
md 1 1 1 ir4 week at their rendecuoui on
Blue Juniata, and ita member- an-
hmte a season f iort and recrea-ii.
'he 44th annual Teachers' Institute
Snyder County will begin Monday,
cember 2, 1901, in the Mlddleburg
nit House iiiul continue for one
estimated that the Pennsylvania
llroad pay.' over a million dollars
li year in wages t its employees in
, 'I' 1 ... 1. 1.. . AimifHifu
111)1 rv. i uo nuij wuiuciiu
nints to nearly eighty thousand dol-
r I If. II in l v filing iii ii i ii i..i' 'ii. i
ti ii i ........ i - ii...
II IM I .1 1 1 1 1 1 II "Ml l'i IIOjl i"i mi ii
rv sustained hv ('has. Itot.lorf on tin1
I'lli .11 .llllis Isii'ii ill. li nijcatia i mho
t?k. A defective plank was the cause
Mr. Botdorf falling.
A rainaiammen. of 50.000 envelopes
bed this offioe Tuesday. This lol
- hi n nil inn ii r I t' i in I l; . 1 1 1 1
cured a very low price on this lot
tm a . . j
. tl Villi 1111111 Til l'i' I: 'i i'v semi
samples and prices.
Cull on A. K. Soles in his new shnv
Ltand hair outtlns narlor for your
ii and a clean towel to each patron
the north side ottfarkei square op
lite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
t i tf.
ut you nave paiu your suDScripuon
r in the Roll of Honor this week.
Dok at the date on your paper. That
in 1 1 1 1 j i hi w uovuui j 1 1 1 1 1 Bum i iji iii
due or not. If you are in arrears,
f,asi Wednesday morning when
'!ui A. Moat of this place came otit
ic of his residence he discovered a
dder standing up at his house aimed
the second store window. The
Hi. .. 1 . 1 A A 1. il...
i fie was loo -noli 10 re: e e
., .. 1 ... i . : . . i i. , . i. ... ... .1 .1
mil"!!. ii is 11111 lm ii iniiii
nil lice i i :m ii'i .
jiinnor nas it mat . eiurai i n. onege
1:1V e cinee inn anil IIIIMI1I If Willi
Ibrighl College, Myerstown, erect a
iv seat of learning al Hnrrisburg. It
-aid that this schi me is favored by
e heads of the East and ( lentral Penn"
Ivimia Conference- of the Culted Kv"
ileal I 'hurch.
A vote was taken by the citizens of
ihldleburg, June '.s, isn; for and
kaliml waler works. There w ere Us
Irtcs polled of which 66 were against
ihI 1 1 in favor of a system f water
'orks. A change of seven would have
liaiiL'cd the result More than that
luber have changed their opinion
in' opposition to the favorable
! nt ,lannia Railroad s Spai al Excur
soms to Pan-Amencan Exposition. -
i i ' I eiinsylvauia Railroad Conipany
Hill I ' I ini- 1 I . I " I I I ' I I i I I I i ,.-
sition, from Philadelphia and adjoin--'
territory, on July 81, August 5, 15,
1. -7. Seliteliilier S 11 17. Mini SA.
, . . J , - i
"uini-irip tickets, goon going oniy on
flin lenvlii.r pi, ;i.,.i..t. .1,1,. t u.oji A
.Mtitii a llllll'li HUUMI HI HWV
I., Harrlaburg 11:88 a. M., Sunbury
r. m., wuuamsport ISO v. m.,
ook Haven 2:20 P. If., and on local
aili- I i i I 1 I i i. t i I i ir t 1 . . i, . i l i I I i niwl lliuili
uuiiiai uii liiv ivn nil) uiiu gvu
return on regular trains within seven
livs ; i,,.l ...I ,i.. . . ... mill
l I iiiviuuill uaj Hi I Al nisii'ii, nil.
sold at rate of tWHJ from Philadel-
.t- . . . .
t v'.w ii tin nuiinuuiUi cFnu uvui
I'ntiti.i, 0O In all... aWk AA a
'vwii, .. jiMriilU AIUHUIH, fPaUU lfUIIl
iwaaut tp7,UU 1IU11L liCnUIUi f IUiW
1 WineheHter. and proixjrtionate
111 "i in i jHjiuih. x iiwi tivnctn
i noi ue good in rullman parlor or
IV llllir niiM ln ..111...- .11-.....!....
1 O Ml III I'lLliCI lillCClCIII. A Ul
Pcific time and rates, consult local
fcket agents.
Horrnwcd Money in Snyder County.
The Post puhlishes below a state
ment showing the amount of money
on interest in each of the districts of
Bnyder County aa shown by the asses
sors' returns. We give the list for 11"'
and 1001. There Is about $10,000 less
reported this year than last year.
Hither there is a falling oil' in the
amount Of money on interest or else
there is less reported than is actually
loaned. In im1"., it waaf604 084; l'.i,
sili'l 71s and in 1897, there was J000,
884, Now it is down to (684.300. The
banks of the county have about $460,
imki loaned. This makes nearly a
million dollars on interest for Snyder
County ow ner-. Counting what has
not been returned, the amount will
exceed a million dollars The detailed
statement is as follows:
lHSTKIiTS. P.MIII llllll
Beaver West,
( 'hapiicili,
Perry West,
Seliusg rove,
I nion,
lil l,'.l 7
Is, 4i l".
81,770 I
"J-177 !
.),s..i I
88,803 I
08,127 !
f"l4,L'"in ,
13, 105
68.1N i2
II. li. Moyer, Secretary of the Daniel
S. Hover Monument Association, has
received the following aido lills :
Am't previously acknowledged. .';S4 77
Camp No. 151, 1'. . S. of A " nn
.1 W. Cisenhauer, Relch'bach's uo
II. P. Arnold 2 (hi
W. L. Hassler 2 00
II. M. Wiest 1 00
Mrs. E. J. Wiest I 00
Mi TvTary Wiest 1 M
Mrs. IShner Riegle l 50
Mr. Stahl, Nebraska l oo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paehulcke l oo
W. 1'. Moyer, Preeburg 1 no
Mrs. M. C. Dill, Paterson, N.J, i 00
Miss EHzabatb Dill, " " I no
Wm. L. Dill, " " 2 no
Prof. F. Schnee, Cuyagoga F., ., 2 no
W. C. Garman, Grlswold Iowa, l on
W. c. Hilblsh, Preeburg I 00
Cash 10 00
Cash 5 00
II. I,. Sholly, Tyrone ". no
Jerry Charles, Freeburg 1 00
William Roush, Preeburg I no
Total 1:14.77
Capt Urlcker Her.
Wm. II. Bricker of Beaver Falls,
Beaver Co, I'a., who is serving his ho
eoud term in the legislature was in
town on Wednesday, and shook hands
with a number of our town people.
We are glad to say thai Mr. Brluker
while hero paid this ofllce n visit, Mr.
Bricker always finds time to call on
newspaper men, he himself having
been at one time engaged in the news
paper business, lie Is, however, present
engaged in the real estate and Insur
ance business in his native town.
Mr. Bricker is the author of the
loose stone road law which appears
elsewhere ill this IsSUe, This oiieacl it
self will show that he is a painstaking
and efficient legislator. He is a memb
er of the Solders' Orphans' school
commission of which our representa
tive Dr. A. M. Smith is also a member
Mr. Bricker is a civil war soldier
having seen a long Hue of service and
having, been Imprisioned at Libby
and Danville, Vn., Macon, (ia, and
Cbarlestown, and Columbia, s. c. lie
appeared before the Snyder Co. pen
sion examining board for examination
with a view of getting a pension in
which we hope lie may he successful,
at we are confident he deserves r g-
nitlon at the hands of the govern
ment he helped lo defend. On ac
count of his war record he is more
familiarly known as ('apt. Bricker.
He is a member of tin.' legislature
from Quay's home county, a staunch
republican, and a strong defender of
Quay tain.
Wo hope Capt Bricker may find
time to return to this county often. X
DIKD. July 3rd, in Jackson town
ship, Benjamin Hotlensteiii, aged s2
years, 10 months and IK days.
MARRIED. June 22, by J. B. Shin
kel, J. P., Maurice Oberlin of Lime
stone township, Union Co., to Daisy
W. Bateman of Pennscreek.
J. M. Stetnlnger has given his house
a fresh coat of paint.
Daniel Hachenburg of TroxelvlUe
at the county seat Friday.
Alfred Spccht of lleavertown was a
Mlddleburg visitor last week.
M. I.. Wagcnseller, salesman of Se
llnagrove, was at the county seat last
Win. K. Miller Esq., of Salem was
at the county scat Wednesday of last
Adam 1'.. Walter of Paxtonvillc made
a pleasant call at this office Thursday
l.. W. Walter of Franklin township
drove to SellllSgrove last Thursday ev
ening. Cal. Htetler gave his house a fresh
coal of paint which improves the ap
pi 'a ranee.
Mi-- Louisa W alter of Franklin twp.
is visiting M. I,. Hassillger's family at
Barnes, I'a.
Levi Bowersox and family of Sha
lliokln -pent Sunday among friends
and relatives in town.
Rev. Jacob Vutsy of Selinsgrove
dropped in t nee the editor Monday.
Sorry we were out of town.
Mrs. w. F. Mageeof South Bethlo
hem and Irma Magce of Lewisburg
were in Mlddleburg Friday.
W. N. Kngle and wife were called to
town on ac a. mil uf the sljkueSS and
death of Mrs. John Howell.
Misses Mabel and JMlla Qrlram n
turned home Saturday afternoon after
ten days' sewing in Preeburg.
Mrs, J, , Snyder and children re
turned Sunday morning fruu a two,
wceks'jfislt to relatives iiwttlchljeld.
Johir Arhogat has re-'gned IiIh pi si
tlon at tin- Washington House aiul
has accepted a position at Lewlstown,
Dr. J. W. Orwlg and wife and the
editor of the Post, wife and daughter
visited friends at Macppa over Sun
day. Aaron .1. Crossgrove of this place
painted and lettered the Strauh car
riage factory. Aaron knows how to
put up a good job.
Simon Long has purchased the hotel
at Port Treverton now kept by Knian
tie! Swineford and will occupy I he same
in a sborl time.
William Bolender, a sun of. I. K. l?o-
lender of Adamsburg, just returned
from the Philippines ami spent last
Thursday in this place with relatives.
Prof. Geo. K. Fisher of Selinsgrove,
who hold- the chair of science in Sus
quehanna I iiiversity, was at the coun
ty seal Thursday afternoon between
l. I.. Walter ofFrankiln townshhip
was a caller at this olllce last week. He
will -ell the rial estate of ICphralm
Waller, Aug. 15th. See advertisement
in tie1 Post.
J. N. Thompson, 'ashler of the Flrsl
National Bank of this place, was elect
ed by the creditors as trustee in the
bankruptcy proceedings f M. K.
Haines. He received 12 of the 1 1 votes.
Rev. A. N. Warner, Financial Secre
tary of Susquehanna University, was
in this place Wednesday of last week
in tin- interest ofhla institution. He Is
raising money for a Ladles' Building.
O, A. Bolender and family of Rock
Grove, Stephenson County, Illinois,
are visiting in town. Mr. Bolender is
a cousin of Kx-Shcriir Bolender, and
Mrs. Bolender a cousin of W. W. Wlt
tenmyor. Miss Caroline I!. Enders of York has
been elected to a position on the Facul
ty oi Susquehanna University, she is
a graduate of York Collegeiate Insti
tute, Maryland College and Patrick's
Business College, York.
Mrs. Nettie Walker anil daughter,
Claire, of Philadelphia, Miss Kthel
Showers of Mitllintown, and Mm. Dr.
Deokard of Richfield were visitors at
the home of W. H. Ripka over Sun
day. Miss Annie HipKa accompanied
them to Richfield where she will spend
a few days.
D. L. Swartz of Newport, bloekman
for the Deering Harvester Co., was in
our town and stopped at the Washing
ton House to meet Ills agent, Geo. W.
Reaver. Mr. Reaver had a successful
season, sold 23 of the Ideal Deering
Hinders. George is a live and ener
getic agent and sells the leading
machines on the market.
D. B. rspeeht of Beavertown was a
Middlehurg visiter last week.
Rrof Wm. Moyer of Freeburg was at
the county seat last Wednesday,
J. E. Colt of Northumberland was at
this place Wednesday of last week.
John. F. Romig of Selinsgrove was
at the county scat Wednesday Morn
Attorney A. W. Rotter, Esq, of Selins
grove was at the county seat between
trains Wednesday afternoon of last
J. F. Itomrg of l'cnn township call
ed at the Post printing place Wed
nesday of last week to renew his silt,.
W. V. Romig of Kant and Simon
Buyer of Freeburg were at the county
seat Thursday of last week. The form
er renewed his subscription to the
The Fallowing Pcraooa Rave Paid Tluir Sub
criptioaa to the post to the Datii
Oppiaitt Tbtlr Names,
Should any mistakes occur in these
credits or on your paper, please notify
us at once.
('apt. Bricker of Beaver Falls, a
member of the Legislature and author
of the Hew road law, WttS in town
Wednesday lost week. While here he
made a pleasant call at this office.
Normal School Students,
Arbdgast. J. W., Ml. Plea-ant Mill
Raker, ( 'luiiy, Md Inn
Bnfbaker, Michael, Port Treverton
Bowersox, James, Pennscreek
Blhgaman, I. e., I 'ennsereek
Bolender, .1. .1.. Mlddleburg
BAney, Michael. Kant
Crouse, Lottie, Middlehurg
Frdley, Ceo. (ilobe Mills
Erdley, Win. A., Kant
Engle, Win.. Ileavortow n
Freed, William, Bi avertow it
Foreman, Letter, Troxelville
J'Hiher, Harry, Huiiuuel's W harf
YiAl, Nelson, Beavertown
tl Jos'i. ( '. A., Troxelville
tiift, Maud, Paxtouville
Gu'icluis, Mahel, Knwuucr
Giaybill, Elda, Pnxjrinvllle
(ifecllhoc, Win., Iteaxertown
(i' gruih, Frank, Qvendalc
(5'ihi, Umi rude, KratMawUle
Hai'ner, Ed. P., Paxtonvillc
Hornberger, Wilson, Richfield
Herman, M. P., Selinsgrove
Herman, Miss, Mlddleburg
I errold, 'has., Port Treverton
i teintzelman, W. J., Kreanier
I larding, A rthur, Schnee
Hendricks, Krsk, Selinsgrove
Hendricks, Heber, Selinsgrove
Jurrutt, Cora Humniels1 Whuri
Ivnltwriter, Wm.. Mt. Plcusunl Mills
Lepley, Miss, Krat.erville
Ockcr, R. S., Dunilore
Itoush, K. I , Creamer
Itothrock, Eva, .Middlehurg
Romig, Clynier, Beaver Springs
Romig, Stella. Reavi r Springs
Rhodea, Jennie, Kuousetown
Smith, John Troxelville
Smith, Lulu, Middlehurg
Smith, JohnS., Swineford
Shambach, Jesse, i Iddleburg
Shambach, Thos., Middlehurg
Shambach, John, Middlehurg
Scholl, Howard, I luudore
Seaman, F. 1 1.. R m i
I Stahl, Sallie, Middleswartlt
Stiller, Frances, ShamoUiu ham
Istetler, Mabel, Huinuiers Wharf
Stroub, Gertrude, 1 1 illbr
j Snook, .1. P., M. i line
I Swart, W. II., Pallas
Trutt, M. M innie, Hummers Wharf
Tharpi W. S., Freeburg
Wagner, Ira, Md hue
Wagner, ('has., I'liissgrove
' Wagner, M. K., Crossgrove
j Wetcl, Clare, Sw ineford
Wct.el, John, Bi avcrtov n
Whltely, Albert, Rlchflehl
i Wincy, Anna, I Iveiidale
Winey, Frances, Rvuudalc
Wolf, EC S., Dundore
Weader, H. R., Troxelville
Walter, Vernie, New Berlin
Zimmerman, Wm., Paxtouville
I h II ' I '.runner,
( I D ( loodliin,
Lewis Meugcl,
Jac Herlwter,
llohcri Walters,
I'.liza Kepler,
I Icnrv I lane,
Joint .1. Yetter,
Mrs. l. I',. Uomig,
Sal he Slilnbbig,
Da .1 F K ana well,
Daniel Rower,
W ( ' Fecher,
I'' II (ial-el.
Lewis Minium,
Willis Lnll. v,
.1 II lloiveu.'
Aimer Aigler,
lames Mcnjjlt',
Lincoln Luck,
M. Millucf,
A l Cnrcy,
John W Aigler,
Wm II Snook,
? tenit'l I liiekcnhurg,
m Smith,
Rent on Kricgliuiim,
1 lavid I oovtT,
S Weis,
Milton I rai'kcubiirg,
i W Row,
David Siler.
Henry N Walter,
Amos Musser,
Itoberl Rausc,
.1 F Maakley,
.1 E Loss,
Elmer Zeclmiaii,
,I.,Ih Wa'itef,
Wm M Jarrett,
( 'lias E Louir,
11 W Miiisser,
Etlgnr Kislie,
Henry Mengle,
Pjof W L Knuflfmau
Mrs S .1 Klingler,
F II Sohaffer,
Will Kepler,
John It Kncpp,
1 1 .1 ( 'ulbei'tson,
T i Lanili-,
( has Ertllev,
Aaron 1 1 M iissi r,
( 'ynis 1 nmmel,
( 'lias Sprcr.kli',
Alex Houscr
E W agle,
(i A Hover,
II W Kulins,
Mrs I 'i ter Klingler,
John S Duck.
C E Lo V.I.
IID Swim lord,
K A Treastcr,
I' W Treastcr,
E I sun k,
.1 F Llomig,
W W Uomig,
A.lam Waller,
W ( ' Fechrer,
( leo E Fislier,
John Row, Sr.,
( ' I.' Smitli,
.1 M Mattrcr,
II II Anrand,
Etl win Bower, .
Li vi Art lev,
( ' Hnckenburg,
Dr .1 V BhiiKlcl,
Elias Brunncr,
Mis E M Gaueler,
i jo
'l I-'
Deeds Batered for Record,
Harvey N. Mitchell and wife to EJ
lizabeth and Lillie Mitchell, no square
perches in Franklin township for Joo.
Wills Probated.
The last will and testament of David
R. Harner was entered for probate July
10th and letters testamentary granted
to Ada S. Harner, widow and legatee.
Letters Granted.
Letters of administration in the es
tate of Phobe A. Snyder, late of Union
township, were granted to Wm. Moyer
of Freeburg.
Marriage Licenses,
f Clottle I. Herman, Mlddleswarth
Annie M. Moyer, Beavertown,
A. Ij. Spangler, who had lieen at
Ellzabethvllle as store keeper and
Sager, has returned to Mlddleburg
r a short vacation.
I, '02
I. '(:'.
I Ml
May 1, Ml
.lime 1, '02
.Ian I, '02
.Line S, '02
Sept I, '02
June 1, '01
Feb I. '02
Ian I, '02
.lime 1, '01
Dec 1, Ml
.li 1, '02
Sep 1, 1808
( M !"., I SO;"
Fell 15, ''-'
Apr 20, '02
.1 line I
Julv 1
June I
May I
Apr I
July 1
July I
Sep! , 180.S
July I, '02
June 1, '02
.Ian 1. "'.IT
July I. '01
May I.
Feb I
.lime I, 'if-'
Aug 1, '01
Aug I, 1895
lot 10, Ml
Sepl 1, '01
Jan 1, '02
July I, '02
Sepl I , M I
Apr I, '03
July 1, '02
, Mar I, '02
July I, 'oi
July I, '02
Mar 1. '"it
Nov I, 1801
June I
Feb 1."
Nov I,
Sept I
Mar 1
June I
.1 lllle I
Mav 1
May I.
July 1
June I
( ot I n.
Feb 1
Apr' I
J:m 1 , 'I '
June 1. '02
N..v 1, '02
Apr 1, '02
Nov 1, 1S1 17
Sept 1, i II I
.Inly I, Ml'
June 18, '('J.
.lau 'Jit, Ml
Kcportof the Condition of tin- First National
Hanltot Mlddli-burgh. at Mlddlelmrgb, In the
State ol Pennsylvania, ,a tbecloaeol imnlni'iui
Jul) i- tool
Limn and discounts
ovcriiratis, weured and iiiiimn ured.
('. s. tin mis in aeciire circulation 88,000.00
r. s. Bonds en li ind
Prenlutns mi r. s. Ihinda .
count) Ki .tuts
SlOC Ita, securities, ole 8,300.00
Ban Klnff-houoe. rurnlture, and Bxturin 15.uoo.00
Olber real eii. ite nod monniircH invn.-d
Duo from National Banks (hot Itescrvu
Duerrom State Ranks and bunkers ....
line trout approved rosirve uycuts
(Thecka and otlier eaali UinM
Nun's oi other Natloual Hanks
Krai paper uurrency.nlckles. and
Lawtvl Mosst la. mK is iunk
Bpecle s,M4.ari
U'tfiU-tcuder notcB 8,420 mi
Hedeinptlou tunil nil li p, s Treaauror
is per coat, orctrcuiaUon)
:i7 HUM
VI'.. t
. cxpenaca ami
842 00
; i. 083 21
. '02
, '02
. '02
is: is
. '02
I v.. 7
I, '00
IS. is
1. '07
1, Ml
I, '09
I, '02
I . 'i
1. '98
".. :7
2, 'i 12
7. '02
Capital Rtock paid in,
HurnlUN fund
Unulrldisl proiits, lei
taxi s i.alil
KatloniU llank notes imtstaudlii),
line mother National hanks
Hue in si. oo n mks nut Uitnkors
Dividends unpaid
Individual in posits Miibjacl
loclieck 100,848.71 i
Demand certlllcaies ol do-
l.sli 21,534.8! I
Notosaud hiin redlocountod
STA'I'Kdt' I'l NNsi i. m.,i
i. .i. N. TlloMPStiN. Jr.. Ciwhlnrof the above
nnuied bank do sohiiunl) sweur thai Mi" above
-i .ie i Is true to the Ih'.si of lie kuowledse
ami belief.
i. n. Thompson, .if. cashier.
Subscribed nnd stvorn t" Is.foro mo this mivI
do) nt o ol) luoi,
l.i.. WEISEH, SoUirj I'ul'ttC,
14. ALKHICD si Hi ii II.
tin Mrs.
Applicant- I'm a teacher's certificate
will lie examined in the several dis
tricts ol Snyder 'utility for tin
Hull as follow.- :
Monroe, Hiaiin .kill I lam,
Washington, Kreeburg,
Hetty, Fremont,
( Ihapman, Itohpeci B. 1 1.,
Parry West i . . ' ,, ,
& Evaudalc , ' R nA
MiddleburK I ,!,,, ,
& Franklin , M'WMurg,
Penn, Balem,
I nion, Port Trevortnu,
M Iddlecreek, K reamer,
Juckson, K raty.ervllle,
Centre, I'entreville,
Reaver, ReavertoM u,
Spring, Adamsburg,
Adams, Troxelville, " Jl
West Reaver, McClure, " -JJ
fleneml Special. Middleburgh, Sept. 2,
Examinations will begin at s;:;i)
o'clock . m. promptly.
All applicants must I iitniiued in
district in u hicli lin y in tend to teach
unless compelled by valid unavoidable
circumstance- to take it elset hew.
Persons iindi r Beventecn years of nge
llecd not apply, a- a cel t ill. ati cannot
in- Issued to tin in.
and tie litis ol tic public
cordially invited to be
vtunintil ions,
friily yours,
I.e. Rowi
! b
1 1
schtsds are
preseul tit ll
Middlebiirir, I'a
of clothing and cents' furnishing goods
began Thursday July 11th, ami w ill
continue t ill the whole stock is disposed
of. We have bought H. Kate's large
stock of clothing at the sheriffs sale at
Joe on the dollar and we w ill sell it at
your own prices, as the stock inti-t be
Bold regardless of first cost. Don't de
lay, come at once and net the first
galns. Here are a few :
$0.00 suits at -.'0
$7.50 " J-LIHI
$10.00 " $o.o0
$12.(8) " $7.00
$15.00 " $S.50
We cannot mention many prices as the
space is small. Don't forget to come to
the sheritrs great sacrifice sale to get
your l.nrtrnins.
The assignees of H. Katz, tf.
Next to court house, Middlehurg, I'a.
rin: mil i.i.i l.i ii.. Posi t ai i nc
For the convenience of our read' rs
who may visit Atlantic city this sum-
Lit i
ways on til" a' lie Philadelphia In
quiver's Seashore Hureati, on Voung's
Pier at that popular resort. The Zn
quirer has, al n rent expense, lilted up
commodious rcadii ijaud w t it ing rooms
on Voting's Pier w i, '"Hi r. a: ti lit 'mil
w ill he given its guests. tf,
Ponnaylvnnln Rallro i s , l'..
camions to I'niiiAnierlemi I usiiion.
The Pennsy tvanin Railroadt'oi ipany
will run special excursions to liutTalo
on account i .f the Pan-American lv
position, from Philadelphia and ad-
joiniug territory, on July K 81,
August 6, 16,21, 27, September 5, 11,
17, and 20. Round-trip tickets, good
going only on train leaving Philadel
phla at 8.30 A. M.. Harrlsburu 1 1.88 A.
NL, Sunbury 12.48 I'. M., Williams
port 1.60 P. L, Lock Haven L'.2tf P.
AL, mid on local trains connecting
therewith, and good to return on regu
lar trains within seven days, including
day of excursion, will be sold ai rate of
18.00 from Philadelphia, $s.-l() from
karrlsburg, 19.80 from Trenton, $8.40
from Altoona, 0.00 from Lancaster,
$0.00 from Reading, $10.00 fnun Win
chester, and proportionate rate's from
other points. These tickets will not 1m?
good in Pullman parlor or sleeping cars
In either direction. For specific time
and rates consult local ticket agents, tf
I i