" .PREPARBD KXPRE33LY FOR THE FOQTy 1 ' Y 1 F3 CORPS otr COWRE3PONDENT3 V H. Hoffman and wife now of K'ulmioiul, Va. spent seYcal days in town last week. John Stetler was seen on our streets Saturday. Mrs. K. L. Schroyer is visiting her sister Mrs. Fullmer at Hunt ingdon. Jolm Faust of Sunbury spent Sunday with Ins parents. Miss Etta Leisenring of Altoona is being entertmined hy friends. Jas. Norman and family spent several days with H. P, Jarrett and wife. J. S. Burkhart was a guest at the home !' Mrs. Margaret Sohoch several days last week. W. B. Nipple and wife have moved to Akron, O. Win. Haunt of Milton spent sev eral days with his mother. Miss Mary Boyer of Cleveland, Ohio, is a welcome guest among friends here. Mrs. Ira C. Sohoch and Miss Annie Keener have gone to Buffalo to take in the sights at the Pan American Exposition. Mrs. Kate Kantner returned from her trip to Shamokin. H. E. Laudenslager, (Ass't. P, M.) and wile have taken a trip to Plnln. James K. Davis entertained his eolisin, Harry Engle of Sunbury. Mrs. H. C. Salem and children are spending several weeks with K. Z. Salem and wife. T. Benton Ulrich of Kokomo, Ind., (formerly editor aud prop, of of Selin8grove Times) is visiting friends and the scenes of his boy hood days. Great excitement was manifested in town Saturday when the report came from Sunbury that the boiler of a steam boat bad killed and in jured a number of persons. Rumors Of all kinds were nre. When youwant a modern, up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in ef fect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free atthe Middleburg drug store. K.KEAMKK. I). F. llau, Albert Leitzel and Frank Denim are on the sick list. There are but little hopes for his re covery. James Magee and wife spent last week with a fishing party West of Forest Hill. Over 300 trout were landed. There were 29 in the party. The citizens are begining to realize mat the Aliddleburg Font, the leader of Snyder County journalism, knows what it is talking about when it says Kreamer ought to have some manu facturing plant. The Post is the only paper iu the county that has had enterprise enough to advocate building up all the towns of the county and by the way the Fokt has taueht Scotty, tlie ego, a very useful lesson. Iryin E. Buck and Ralph Clelan of Middleburg were Kreamer visitors Saturday evening. J. Alvin Schroyer of Globe Mills and Miss Myrtle Iongnecker of ofPlaiufield, Cumberland Co., drove through town Sunday evening of last week. Frank Seaman, F. I. lioush, W. J. Heintzelman and Miss Malel Gutelius are attending normal at Middleburg. r Our enterprising farmer, A. D. Kreamer, sold his heavy bay team of horses last week to the Danville Fire Company for $450. There w as no better team of than this and Mr. Kreamer had to take them out of the binder. We congratulate Mr. Kreamer on his success. ' During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctors had trivon up aJl hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, UioJera ond Diarrhoea Remedy to the bouse, telling them I felt sure it wou d do good if used according to airechons. In two days' time tho ?bild had fully recovered. The child w now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequent ly and have never krownit to fad Mortis Baker, Bookwalter, Oluo. Bold by the Middleburg Drug uUNDORK. Where there is honey there are lee9. H. F. Witmer ha- a g( od mar ket for the coal he takes out of the river. The onion crop this year is un usually large and prices arc satis factory. Mary S hater ot l'ort Trevorton an afternoon one day last week with Maria W. Dltndote. J, S. Shaferia our most successful onion farmer; his favorite is the yel low Denver. During a thunder Btoriu last Thursday lightning struck n tree near the residence of J. V. Wise and split his pump stalk ami -tunned some of the family. There is market in town for a few shoats. The town bell will ring when the belle of town will exchange single missery for married felicity. H. II. SechrUt has an abundance of all kinds of berries this season. Ed. Witmer has finished hay making and expects a good market tor his crop. Some of our young people took in the festival at l'ort Trevorton last Saturday evening. The whistle of the threshiug ma chine is heard already but wheat l uot shelling out as expected. Nathan Haekeuberg and family s)ent a few days last week iu the harvest held near Kratzerville. Hay making aud harvest is about over in our community. Uncle Sam makes his boys smile every ninety.' days; pensions are bandy at. a 11, times of the year. Henry K. Sertoli made a trip to Seunsgrove hist week ou business. Our merchant Is shipping butter and eggs to Shamokin from Herndon by the P. & It. R. ' Park Shambach of Port Trevor ton froze ice cream and prepared other delicacies at Dundore's last Saturday for their festival at Port in the evening. He is old e. perienced hand at it. Heartburn. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if tho digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat Blowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly Let six hours ellipse betweeu meals and when you feel a fuUncs and weight in the re gion the stomach after eating, in dicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by the Middleburg Drug Co. ULOBE MIL Lb Miss Annie Hummel visited her cousins, Misses Mable and Viola Beaver, Sunday. John Fields of Kreamer was transacting business at this place Monday. J. E. Hummel of Eewistown spent a few days visiting relatives at this place. Miss Wilhelmina M. Sonimers of Phila. is spending a few weeks with S. O. Ulrich and wife. Jacob Bickle of Salem spent Sun day with J. Alvin Schroyer. Mrs. Henry Ilottcustiue visited her daughter Katie at Seliusgrove, Thursday. Masters Bruce and Orr Longneck- er accompanied their Aunt, Myrtle, to Plainfield to visit their grand parents. Beau. Hnrtman and Samuel Bach- man of Middleburg spent Sunday at Asaph Beaver's. . Amrnon Yerger and wife spent Sunday with his parents, Daniel Yerger's near Middleburg. Joseph Eudwigand wife of Selius grove made a pleasant call on S. O. Ul rich's Friday. Albert Leitzel and Katie Herbster are on the sick list. Kyer Smith and wife of Sunbury spent Sunday at B. F. Walter's. Tho Ilaynrr hi-tillou: Co., Dayton, Ohio, will mik! you four lull quartn of lli.yncr'a Scven-Year-Old Rye for SX.'JO, express prepaid. Write them for full (.articular. Hmdaehti and Neuralgia cured by 0ft MILKS' PAIN FILLS. "One owl a 6ooLr PORT TBE VLB TON BALEM. Master Archie Aucker was to Shamokin Dam Saturday, Miss Lizzie Schrey of Yerdilla was the guest of Dr.. Krebbe and wife over Sunday. The festival which was held by the members of IJ. Evan, church Saturday evening was largely a' teuded. The Misses Hafley days of last week ai the guests of Landloi i family. spent several Independence I Fisher, and Miss Maggie Attinger has gone to Shamokiu Dam to spend the summer. Sheriff Weiser of Perry County and John Nicholas of Mahantongo were business callers in town Satur day. M'-s. Anna Stine and children of Sunbury are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Dr. Nipple of Sunbury spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Eve 1 looser. Miss Toledo 1 1 out z and niece, Miss Until Arnold, of Shamokin, returned home after having spent several days with their grandmother, Mrs. .lane Houtz. John Arnold of Soranton visited li. M. Shaffer ami family the past week. Edwin Shaffer and wife, Benja min Shaffer, wife ami daughter, Jacob Shatler and two nephews of Sunbury visited the Shatter home stead in town Sunday, Jacob Charles and son, (Jeorge, of Phila. mingled with relatives a few days during the week. Reuben Aucker and wife and Jacob Aucker and wife of Shamokin were in town Thursday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Anna Aucker. Albert Qejnberling and niothca of Seliusgrove visited his wife and young son over Sunday. The (L A. U. of Se'linsgrove at tended the funeral of Israel Charles Monday. Chas. Michael of Sunbury was the guest of D. G. Stahl aud family over Sunday. Misses Mary Bine and Helen App of MoKees called on F. A. Bingn man and family Sunday afternoon. Misses Lizzie Schrey of Verdilla and Louisa Sechrist of Sharaokic were the welcome guests of Dr. Krebbsand wife over Sunday. Miss Dilla Krebbs of Dundore spent Saturday bight with her sister Mrs. A. W. Aucker. Mrs. Stewart Hall and Frank Rohrer of Mahantongo sont Sun day at the Port Trevorton House. Miss Cora Reichenbaoh of Dun dore was the esteemed guest of her cousins, Misses Carrie and Lottie Reichenbaoh Saturday. A merry crowd of our town's people enjoyed a trip to Shade Moun tain for huckleberries. Misses Maude and Jennie Charles of town and Messrs. Atkinson and Charles of Phila. were the guests of Edwin Charles and family at the county seat Tuesday. Edwin Charles of Middleburg attended his grand father's funeral Monday and was accompanied home by his aunt, Mrs. Louis Charles. Uriah Kelly of Wiliiamsnort visited relatives in town. Miss Hattie Geist and Jacob Hoffman were callers in town Mon day. Win. Davis of Washingtonville entertained the Bingaman family with vocal music one night last week. A oacl 'oiiRh Metltelne. Manv thousands have been restor ed to health and lianui floss bv the use of Ubamherlain S Cough Rem edy. If afflicted with any throat or limp trouble, cive it a trial for it ia certain to prove beneficial. CoughR that have resisted all other treat ment for years, have yielded to this remedy ana lienltli ens been restor ed. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, bave been permanently cured by its use. For ea'.o by the Middleburg Drug Co. ! A. A. Conrad and wife visited Wm, .). Hover's, Sunday. Mrs. J. (). Bilger went to Williams port Monday to attend the funeral of a relative. Mis-es Lillic Row and Mabel Kustcr visited iu Lewisburg, Samuel Hover and wife ofSelins-l grove and Emanuel Boyer and wife of Shamokin Dam were entertained at the home of J. W. Row, Sun-j dav. V. s. Stahl and wife attended the funeral of the former's Aunt Mis. Aucker at Port Trevorton Friday, Oscar Kaltriter after spending, Several week- at W. J. Hover's returned to his home in Fremont. John Stetler, one of our most aged citizens, die I at the home of his niece Mrs. ( 'lias Krb Saturday noon, funeral services Tuesday morning, Deceased was 7 ye.rs of age, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of fcJi WEST HKAVE The few small rains we had last week was a benefit to the corn and potatoes. M. (i. Keitz and wife were the guests of their Snyder County friends Sunday. gl Some parties who attended the Christian endeavor meeting at Bik er's church Srnday evening may find out to their sorrow what it is to tam per with the mail boxes along the public high way. Charles Wagner was home Sun day to spend the day with his par ents. Homer Gundrum of Lewistown was a Snyder County visitor last week. Mrs. S. H. Phillips paid her old home a visit last week and found it about the same as when she lett it. Mi.ss Cora Phillips of l'wistown was home last week to spend a day with her father. Long Hi air "About a year ago my hair was coming out very fist, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It topped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 4 5 inches in length.' Mrs. A. Boydtton, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for Instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy.fii. I.M Mtlc. All draffWi. If your dniggiat cannot Ku'l'r '"'. lend us ono dollar aud wo will express you a bottle. Be sure ami ItflTO tho name ot your nearest ex press office,. Addriof, J. C A SXB CO., Lowell, Mas. HOFFER G. A. Brown sports a new wagon. Sherman lictihart and family of Ilarrisburg visited W. I. Rine's Wednesday, Mrs. Win. Bubb of Georgetown was the guest of Henry Howell's last week. Daniel Keitz and family were th guests of W. R Rine'sover Sunda Annie Krotser, who was working at Nanticoke, is now at home. Mrs. John Ross visited Mrs. Win. Reiohenbach. PARKER'S lain V ClMam and bmotifhl th hair. Prcjiuutci a lozuriaat frowth. MsTar Fall to Baatora Oraj uair o lie xouuuui volar. Cum aealp diaeatei a hair tallu. append 1W at bratlWe h Brrna. TaaMa Uood. Vm In time. Sold br drunUU. HE PENNSYLVANIA EVENTS. W'llkwbarr. Ta . July 16 VaJuabl copper Jepoett.' bavp Sen dlacorered at Evans Kulln, Wyoming county Sicirtit'n8 ot the ore werw lubraitted to Prof. Horn. f DICktSMHI C lUngo, Carliale. and lie found thai Si perl tent. a copper. A Wllkaabam byu dicHte ha purrhaaed the land and will develop tho mines. Harrlsburg, -'"'y 15. Loo Bod lsh, of Wllllamap irt, was found d ad yesterday In a nvij near RoekviUe bridge, one mile east of MarysvlUe. Hts tliroat was cut In four places and by his :ttdo lay a bloody razor. The authorities are not posltlva whuthcr Itodith committed sulcidw or was mur dered, He was 24 years old. and wai a wood worker. Reran ton, Pa., July IS. A mogul un plne of the "hofi" typ on the Dela ware. Lackawanna and Western rail road, while Ijolni into the tank switch at Qouldsboro, I'u.. yesterday, run Into two connected "hoja" coming out. Fireman Howe, of this city, on the inbound engine wan killed, and Engi neer Harrington was fatally injured. Fireman Phillips, ot the out-eoming engines, was injured, as were also brakemen Proper and NssJ, Lancaster. Pa, July 11. The s!th annual convention of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of the districts of Pennsylvania, Maryland. Delaware and tho District of Columbia, now in session at Rocky Springs, was yester day addressed by the following speak ers: Rev. A. K. Funk, New York; Rev. M. R. Fuller, missionary to In dia; Rev. 1.. B, Quick, missionary to China; Rev. E. D Whiteside, of Mtts burp, and Rev. F W. Memlnger, of Chicago. Reading, Pa,. July 11.- William Jones, a negro, aged 44 years, win placed In Jail here lust evening on the charge of being implicated In the mur der of John Edwards, whose wife and daughter Mary are already under ar rest on suspicion of connection with the crime. Jones had no statement to make. Tho mother takes her arrsst coolly, but the girl has been crying from time to time ever since she wa locked up. Neither knowB that ths other Is In, prison. They have told some contradictory stories. Scranton, July IS The United Mlus Workers' convention of the First dls trict closed yesterday, to meet again In Wilkcsbarre next January, It being decided to meet semi annually here after. The request of tho Seventh i district miners that the other districts Join them in a movement to curtail ! the output was discussed, but It would not be given out whether or not an) action was taken. At the afternoon aesalon a gold badge was presented to Fred Dili her. the retiring nations! : organizer. Altoona, Pa., July The Rial: Ccunty Dfinooratic co.iv.tton bel( 1 1 her wsterday elected A. V. Dlvely, J K. Shute. T. H. Clreevy. R. A. lien-, derson and Iuls Casey delegates tc party triumphed at the convention let the state convention. Resolutions wer i not them visit their disappointment adopted condemning the Republics.! I upon the state ticket, but rather see state administration for profligacy anc' . to the nominations of senators and general unfitness, and endorsing Judg representatives who will select a trust Yerkes for the supreme court nomlna- worthy senator. Let them see to it also tlon, and Representative Coray. Inde I that the state platform is made at the pendent Republican for tbe nominatloi for state treasurer. The county com mlttee wae Instructed to name a countj ticket at Its earliest convenience. Indiana. Pa., July 12. Oue of tin, largest coal deals In the history of tin county was completed a few days age and the particulars In regard to tin matter Just cameTout yesterday, wuerj tho deeds for the transfer were flledj The land iucluded in tho deal is Ui( famous Eldersrldge field, whloh liei partly In Indiana and partly In Ann j strong counties. It consists of 6.001 1 seres and Is considered the finest coa fluid which yet remains unopened Is this part of the state. The price puic was $126 per acre and the total amount Involved In the deal la a trifle ovol $750 000 r.r'.n.h,.r- p. Juiv 10. TheJaml- son Coal and Coke company . of tbll town, with a purchase made yesterday bow own the largest body of coa!' owned by an Independent company lr western Pennsylvsnla. The rompan) has Just closed a deal for 2,300 aer of coal in Salem and Hempfleld towu- ships, practically acquiring the eotlr Pittsburg seam of coal north of th Pennsylvania railroad In this county The consideration was $1,111,000. A modem plant, consisting ef structure, at Lemberg," says the Vienna corres steel tipple, shaft, railroad siding, etc. pondent of The Daily Express, ' grow will be erected at once, and employ- ing out of an attempt by the police to ment will he given to 1,500 men. I stop street parades held in damon Altoona, Pa., July 12. One hundrsc Btratlon on behalf of the unemployed, thousand people viewed the great pa- The mob threw up barricades and de rade in this eity last evening In honoij fled the police. The troops wero called of the Altoona company of the Forty-, in and charged again and again, using r.i,, .hi, h r4i.rnd vester- bayonets and bullets. Ultimately the day after 17 months service In Philippine islsnds. Of the 75 men whe went out to the Philippines two woi killed, two died of disease, and ou was wounded and sent home. Tin captain. John S. Fair, and privat Oeorge Steele, have been appointee lieutenants In tbe regular army and sergeant McClay has been recommend ed to congress for a medal of honni for unusual gallantry and persona; bravery in saving the life of an officer Carnegie, Pa., July 16. Brother kill ed brother during a quarrel over a game of craps, in East Carnegie yea- terduy afternoon. Paul Butler, color- the court room was turned into a bed ed, and his brother Frank, In company am. A number of women tainted, and with several other colored friends others screamed in terror. Whon they went to the -ills back of East Caraeg1 , tried to leave the room thov were near Idlewoofl, and began to snoot crap. The men were all playing pleas antly, when a quarrel arose between the two brothers, over 5 cents. Thev were sitting on the grass beside each other and after several angry names had been called hack and forth, tbe two men rose to their fee'. Frank pulled a 88-callbre revolver from hto pocket and fired twice at his brother. 1 head. Both shots took elect BRYAN W THE M 1 So Siivs Eminent Nebrasl:a:i In Speakiug of Ohio Conveution. 6HOULD HAVE BEEN PLATFORM Ohio Democrats Criticised 'ir Filing to Reaffirm Kansas City Plank. Money Question Not Yet Dead. Nominees of Convention EndorsnW. Lincoln, Neb.. July 16. In extended comment on the platform adopted by tho Ohio Democratic convention, w. J. Bryan criticises the convention for Its failure id realBrm the Kansas city plat form and for what he regards aa the weakness of some of the plonks It did adopt, Mr Bryan m ists that the ronventlon made a mistake In mak ing himself an Issue, aud says: "Mr. Bryan is not a candidate for any offle . and :i mention f him might have been construed by some as an endorsement of him for office. The vote should have b.-en upon the nuked proposition la endorse the platform of last year, aud then no one could have excused his abandonment of Demo cratic principles by pleading his dis like for Mr Bryan " Referring to the platform he con tinues The convention HOI only fail ed, but refused to endorse or reaffirm the Kansas City platform, and, from the manner In which the gold element has rejoiced over this feature of the convention, one would suppose that the main object of the convention wns not to write a new platform, but 'o re pudiate the one upon which the last national campaign was fought. The gold papers assume that the conven tion refused to adopt the Kansas City platform because it contained a silver plunk If so. it would have been umro courageous to have declared openly for the gold standard if the eld standard is good. It ought to bave been endorsed if bad. it ought to have been de nounced. To ignore the subject en tirely w as Inexcusable, "The money question Is not yet out of politics. Every session of congress will have to deal with it. Republicans declare that it Ib dead, but they keep working at it." Mr. Rryan comments on parts of the platform, especially those referring to state and municipal affairs. He en dorses the nominees of the convention and urges their support. Referring to the beuatorial fight and the reported candidacy of John R. Mc Lean he says: "Did the leaders Ignore the money question in order to please those who bolted? Or does Mr. Mo Lean want to be left free to affiliate with the Republican financial ques tions in case of his election?" He concludes as follows: 'if any of the Ohio Democrats feel aggrieved be cause the re organizing element of the primaries next time rather than at the convention." HANNA VISITS McKINLEY. Ohle Senator Hopes Steel Strike Will Be Adjusted. Canton. O., July 16. Senator Hanna spent yesterday aftornoou with i resi dent McKlnley, He arrived from Cleve land was met at the station by Secre tary Cortelyou. He returned to Cleve land last night It is said there is no significance in his visit, that ho had not seen the President for a long time aud that be came here to puy his re I poets and to talk over sonm personal matters Senator Hanna expressed himself as pleased won tne political prospects or ,ne c0UBtry general and in Ohio In particular. Prosperity and the lack ot reason for a change, he thinks, will be the slogan of the Republicans in Ohio. He says the contest will be on national lines. Of the steel strike, he snid. it threatened some lalsir trou bles, but he hoped it would be adjusts'.' without serious trouble. Riots in Austria. London. July 6. "More than l"'1 per sons. Including troops and police, were wounded yesterday in an encounter demonstrators were dislodged. Lem berg is strongly guarded by troops, but It Is reported that the mob Is prepar ing for another fight. Free Fight in Court Room. Upper Sandusky. O., July 1(1 Dur ing the progress of tho Jolnif n mur der trial here yesterday Willis liller, the defendant, attacked Guard Gmndt isch of the county Jail, who had just given testimony which Miller charac terized as perjury. A brother und sis ter of Miller Joined in the attack on Grundtisch, and a desperate struggle ensued A general fight followed and trample.! on by the excited moo. Ex-Senator Pugh Very III. Washington. July 16. Ex-?nnstor ; Pugh of Alabama, is serioualy ill at ! his home In this city with liver trou j ble. Saturday night the senator was , In an extremely critical condition, bnt I,.. i-ulM.,1 nn,l voaUnl.v hi- ,,;,,,,.- -avorable. HI. ad- over s0 year( ,. alc.t lim.