EASY FOR CONSnTOTION h Second Race, the Nw Taoht Ii Again Victorious. tEST OF IT8 KINO EVER BUILT. Yesterday's Contest the Most Remark able of All Race for America's Cup Columbia end Independence Defeated, but net Dlemayed. Bateman'a Point, Newport. R. L. Jsly 9 - The race yesterday between the HcrreshoC yachts, Coostltutloa aad. Columbia, and the Orowlaahleli yarht Independence was won baadlly by the Constitution, which finished at 4.14. beating the Columbia over three Biles and the Independence nins and ae-half mile. Of all the conquests la the history of the renowned raess for ths Ameri ca' cup that of yeaterday Is the most remarkable. The Constitution prored herself, the beat light weather craft of thla generation. Volunteer. Vigilant, ; Defender and Columbia bare In the i past achloved wonderful and glorious tbinKB In the cauee of defending the cup, hut the new Bristol sloop's work j yesterday capped the climax and es- tablishod her as a record breaker In light airs. She has accomplished what yachtsmen conaldered Impossible In so summarily beating the Columbia, while her performance has put the In dependence entirely out of the running In conditions like those of yesterday. What her showing may be in heavy weather Is Htlll a matter of conjecture, as It Is with the Independence, but the experts are now almost ready to ac cept any achievement of the Constitu tion without surprise. Mention should be made of the valiant efforts the old ship Columbia made to escape from the hoodoo of greater merit on the part of the Con stitution. The brave and determined efforts of P. D. Morgan, the plucky amateur Hnrr, the able skipper and a crew wrhnse like can never be sur passed, who kept up the great light to the finish and In the smart handling of the sails never loBt a point, were all recognized by appreciative spectators. That she lost was owing to the same reason that Defender lost the contest. She was outclassed as a veasel. REFUSE WELSH'S OFFER. Reading Railway Shop Handa Resolvs to Stay Out. Reading. Pa., July 9. Indications this morning are that the strike of Reading Railway shop hands will con tinue for an Indefinite period. The strikers held a lengthy session yester day afternoon and by a unanimous vote, though one thousand men were present, agreed to reject the second proposition of Acting President Welsh and to stand out for better terms. In their grievance addressed to the company the men have requeate I that their wages be advanced from 14 to 18 centH per hour. They want a nine hour day, claiming that the twelve and fourteen hours made are too long In this hot season. They ask for dou ble time for all over time on Sundays and holidays and time and half on all other overtime. Word has been received from Wayne Junction and Newberry Junc tion, the only points along the entire line where the company would be in a position to reload its freight, that the men there would refuse to allow that work to be done at either point. Sunday School Reform in Question. Detroit. Mich., July 8. The fourth annual convention of the American So ciety of Religious Education opened yesterday afternoon in the Central M. E. church with an attendance of two hundred. At the first session Prof. J. N. Jones, l'h. D., of Cleveland. Ohio, and Francis Wayland Parker, of Chi cago Institute, apoke on "The Sunday School as it should be." Both speak ers advocated teaching children what they ought to be morally at the same time they are Instructed in their books, In the day schools. Prof. Jones argued that normal schools should be estab lished for the Instruction of Sunday School teachers and that they should be paid salaries. Mr. Parker came out strongly against the singing of such hymns as "I want to be an angel, H and urged that the Sunday Schools be put on a more common sense, practical basis. St. Louis Starts Fsir Work Esrly. St. Louts, July 9. President David R. Francis, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition company, returned from the east yesterday and Immediately will take up the work of the world's fair with the executive and other commit tees. The selection of a director gen eral has not yet been made and the appointment Is looked for with Inter est. Wm. I. Buchanan, who holds a like position with the Buffalo Exposi tion, la no longer considered, owing to bis disinclination to engage further In exposition work. Killed Innocent Party. Cumberland, Md.. July j As John Deermer, a clerk In a drug store here, was removing a revolver from a shelf In the store yesterday afternoon the weapon was discharged and the bullet struck and killed Clinton BUlmyer, a customer. Psris Banking House for Mergan. London, July 9. "It la reported here," say9 the Paris correspondent of the Daily Mall, "that John D. Rocke feller and J. Plerpont Morgan have decided to establish a banking house la Paris with a capital of 10,000,000. (PIERRE LOWLLAlii . 1 All Famous Millionaire and Sport man a Victim of Uraemic Chi . FOUNDED FASHIONABLE TUXEDO. First Wlnnsr of ths Classic English Derby and Controlling Spirit In the reat Tebseee Heuee Which Hie Fsthsr letabllehed. New York. July I. Pierre Lorlllard died at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he was taken from the Deutschland, when that steamer arrived from Eu rope, July 4, at J. 10 o'clock yesterday afternoon. PIERRE LORILLARD. Pierre Lorlllard was the eldest son of Peter Lorlllard, architect of the fortune which made the family fa mous. He Inherited much of the busi ness ability of his father and marked success attended the commercial en terprises which be planned and exe cuted. At the death of his father he received about $1,000,000 and an In terest Jointly with his brothers and sisters in the tobacco house of which his father had been the head. He at once purchased from his brothers a control of the bouse and by shrewd management greatly Increased bis for tune. He built a handsome residence at Fifth avenue and Fifty-sixth street, and entertained In princely manner. In 1874 he became Interested In the turf. His first horse was Parole, and with Iroquois in 1881 he was the first American to win the classic English Derby. He was also an enthusiastic yachtsman and once ran Vesta across the Atlantic. He founded and con trolled at the time of bis death the fashionable resort at Tuxedo. He was nearly R years old. He is survived by his wife, son Pierre Lorlllard, Jr., and (laughters, Mrs. William Kent, and Mrs. T. Suffern Taller. He leaves a large fortune. "DAMASCUS" DAWSON PARDONED Inventor's Freedom Demanded or He Would Die With 8ecret. DesMolnes, Iowa, July 6. S. W. Dawson, who has served five years of a ten years penltentary sentence for shooting Walter Scott, his son-in-law, on Christmas night, 1895, baa been parolled by Oovernor 8haw. "Damas cus" Dawson, as he Is known, claims to have recovered the art of making Damascus steel and of hardening cop per. Capitalists who are Intereeted In a movement to develop Dawson's pro cesses, secured the evidence upon which he was paroled, as he had as serted that he would die with his se crets rather than reveal them while in prison. It was shown that Dawson was excited to the verge of Insanity at the time of the shooting. Cleaning Up in New York Morgue. New York, July 8. There was a cleaning up of the Morgue In this city yesterday after the hardest two weeks works the attendants had over expe rienced. The law compels the authori ties to keep unidentified bodies Ave days before burial and this law during the recent torrid spell worked great hardship. There are only 60 cold stor age vaults for bodies In the place and the consequence was that as the vic tims of the beat multiplied the morgue space was soon overtaxed and the keepers were compelled to place the dead In pine boxes In various parts of the building as well as In adjoining buildings. During the last week 250 bodies were sent to the morgue. Women Fell In Boiling Geysers. Helena. Mont., July 9. A report from Mammoth Hot Springs is that two women, whose names were un known, met with a shocking accident while inspecting the boiling mut "paint pots" at the Thumb on Yellowstone lake In the National Park yesterday afternoon. The women, a mother and daughter, who entered the park by the Monida route, fell Into the natural caldron where the boiling mud was waist deep and could only be rescued with difficulty. They wsre taken by boat to the Lake Hotel, where a phy sician said their Injuries mlgm prove fatal. Younger Boys May Be Pardoned. St. Paul, July 9. The State Pardon Board yesterday considered long list of application for paroie, the most Im portant among them being those ef Cole and James Younger, who are now serving life sentences for their con nection with the Northfleld Bank raid la 1176. Their application Is made under the provisions of a law enacted by the last state legislature, which gave the state board of pardons power to parole life prisoners who have served U rents. rmW sssamasskSBv Sat-' H Nit!. )ES HANGED. in a Florida Town WrV nested by Thousands. f la., July . At Vernon, miles from here, yesterday l r,g, four negroes, Belton Hamll t John Smmons, Jim Harrison and I lilWilllams.were hanged for murder. Williams. Harrison and Hamilton had been convicted of murdering a helpless negro and attempting to kill bis wife. It was adduced In the evi dence that the three had warned their victim. Jeff Davis, to leave a certain turpentine camp. Davis obeyed in structions at once, but was forced to return on account of lack of transpor tation of his household goods. He came back on October t last and was spotted at once by his enemies, who surround ed him In bis borne and stationing themseles behind convenient trees pro ceeded to riddle the cabin with rifle bullets. Davis was told to put his gun eutside, which he dla, and afterwards was dragged from his house and shot to death white In his wife's arms. During the trial Hamilton on cross ex amination confessed, saying, "I'm guilty, before God I am guilty, and I ought to be hung until dead." By bis confession the others were convicted. CROWINSHIELD CLAIMS HONOR. sys He Is Author of ths Fsmous DIs- ! pitch to Dewey. Washington, July 9. Rear Admiral A. S. Crownlnshleld. Chief of the Bu reau of Navigation, yesterday Issued a formal statement to the effect that ' he is the author of the famous dls- 1 patch to Admiral Dewey ordering him to proceed from Hong Kong to Manila and there capture or destroy the Span ish fleet. Admiral Crownlnshleld states that he wrote the dispatch In the White House and submitted It to i both Attorney General Griggs and the President, and that the only change 1 made In the dispatch as he wrote It was the addition of either the word "capture" or the word "destroy." The dispatch, according to Admiral Crownlnshleld, then was banded to j Lieutenant Whittlesby. who took It to j Secretary Iong, and after the latter had signed It sent It to Admiral Dewey, j "SOONERS" IN OKLAHOMO. Trouble May Be Csused By Settlers Locating Before Drawing Day. El Reno, O. T., July 9. Judge Fitz- ! Patrick, special allotting agent of the ; Kiowa-Comanche Indian reservation, says that Caddo county Is full of I "sooners." and that trouble Is likely to occur, notwithstanding the county Is to be opened by lottery and not by run. Two troops of cavalry, one each from Fort Reno and Fort Sill, have been ordered to these poets and are ordered to arrive on Wednesday. Lew Hornbeck, of Mlnco Newetrel, has a small following here, who declare they Intend to locate now, regardless of the president's proclamation, naming cer tain days upon which the land Is to be allotted by drawing. Already some of Hornbeck's followers have entered the forbidden country. It Is estimated that there are now 5,000 prospective settlers In Oklahomo. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILL1 a' OO' HP Safe. Always reliable. L.atle. aak 1'rugfftM ' (III) II KSl ' I X.I.ISH in Ked Gold metal Ho hoses, sealed with blue nbh Take no ol her. Kefuae dangeroaa auba lutlona and Imllntlona. lluy uf your Dnmu or send 4c. In stamps for Particular. Tea monlala and " Heller for l..ll. , in ItU a return Mall. lo.oev Testimonials. Hold limgglsta. CHICRBSTBR CHEMICAL CO. Sloe Hadleoa Nejaare, I'll I LA.. P Mention lata papar. A Labor Temple for w. Chicago, July 9. First steps toward the founding of a labor temple in this city were taken by the Chicago Federa tion of Labor yesterday. It Is the pur pose to make the "temple" a home for all the Chicago labor unions, a place where they can hold meetings, have heir offices and develop In addition. :hrough clubs and benevolent socie ties ihe social side of life that la now too often neglected wholly In trades organzlatlons as at present conducted. Acres of Wheat Went Up In Flames. Oreat Rend, Kan., July 9 Fifteen thousand acres of wheat went up in flames here yesterday afternoon. The fire was started by an unknown man throwing a lighted cigar Into a field of wheat stubble. Everything was as dry as tinder, sad soon a destructive fire waa In progress. Roughly esti mated the loss in wheat will aggregate 100,000 bushels, nearly all of which was In stack. GOOD ADVICE. Tbe most miserable beings in tbe world are those Buffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-fi.e per cent, of the people in the United States are af flicted with these two diseases and their effects : such as Sour Stomach, Sick rieadache. Habitual Costive ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming op of Food after Eating, Low Spirited, etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 76 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's Prise Almanac ' Liver Pills That' what vnn need ! some- 1 thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Avers Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. All dryggtsts. Waal roar Btuttcki or beard a beautiful raws or ite Hsehl Taeeeae BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ttn ... or bmmti, ..i.riMne.,ii, m.tt. Bspublioan Standi Coaunittso r. Mnnu, j. p. Maw. Beaver Cfesstss Dresse, Ulnar Wrtzal. eaer W . -Thee Her eater. Jeeksea Baker. tJenlre W. A. Neap. F. It. Miaa. ''bapraaa-Peter Shaffer. C. H. L'pdeavove. Franklin John Hackanburg, Gao F. rllatlee. Jackeon J. Her try Hover, U. a. lirouee. MiHdlebunr-r. W. Nperht. Frank Bait. Mlddlecreelc 1). F. How, Uao. O. Stuck Monroe W. L. Young, D P. Hitter. Peon-Harry L Krtgle, Uao H. Wltmer. Parry T. K. Hoyer. Allen Valentine. Perry W.-Joeieh Winer. C. 8. Soriexle. BallnatTore J. A. l.uro-oard, J. F. Keller. spring tuu K. rtioee, ii. 11. nnooK. t'nlon -Jacob Stall I, A. J Hlroh. Washington Myron Mnyer, W. F. Blows. I'm k Yotjxu, nhslraaatia Klmsb . WaTSSL, Secretary. J. KaaNg Ksirx, Treasurer MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Batter 14 KfrK 12 Onionn 00 Lard 10 Tallorv 4 Chickens.... 8 Side 8 Shoulder 12 Hani 14 Wheat live.... Corn .. Oats... ... 70 ... 50 ...50 see 32 Potatoes 00 Bran per 100. 1.00 Middlings" 1.10 Chop 1.10 Flour per bb 3.75 Many years ago The Hayner Dlatllling Co, finding it Impossible to prevent the adultera tion of their product na long aa it waa dtelrl liuted through IrTSSBOnel hie dealers, decided to aell direct to the consumer only. Aa a re aull. it ia now aupplying nearly two-hundred-thnusnml customer with pure whiskey, and that, too, at it lower price than poor whiskey costa otherwise, Sec offer elsewhere In this Issue, Butte. Mont., July 9. A special from Malta says all hope of capturing the Oreat Northern train robbers has been abandoned. One by one the men who accompanied the authorities in the chase to the southward have returned and the general opinion appears to be that the robbers have made good their escape. The men composing the sher iff's posse sent out from Olasgow, have despaired of capturing the men, and the chase has been given up from this eud of the line. Albert Johnson Left a Million. Now York, July 9. The will of the late Albert L. Johnson was opened and read at the family residence yes terday. Mayor Thomas L. Johnson of Cleveland, who Is named as sole executor, stated that the document was a brief one, and bequeathed all of the estate to the widow and her four children. There were no sepa rate bequests to snyone, end nothing was made public as to the value of the estate, which is reputed to be upwards of $1,000,000. Twelve-Year-Old Qlrl Shoots Burglar. Farkersburg, W. Va.. July 9. At Qrimthsville, W. Va., Minnie Waddell, 12 years old, shot a burglar aa he was entering her home during the absence of her parents, and then stood watch through the night over htm. The bur glar, who will die, has been identified as Walter Morris. GENERAL MARKETS. Phllsnelphln, July .. Flour Arm: win ter superfine. U.l(vff2.25; Pennsylvania roller, clear. t2sV(f3 15; city mills, extra. $2.4OW2.a0. Rye flour alow at t2Mi2.lM per barrel Whent weak; No. 2 mixed, spot, 68fjfiX'4e. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, spot, tx'.VUt'Jr. ; No. I yellow, for local trade, SO'V- Oats quiet; No. 2 white, clipped. IS 0364c.; lower grades, S2'34c. Hay In lib eral supply; No. 1 timothy, 15.15.M for larue bales. Reef Arm; beef hams, H9 ley 20.50. Pork stendy; family, 117317.50. Live poultry quoted at HJJUc. for hans. Sc.. for old roosters. 7c; tOc. for spring chickens. Dressed poultry at 11c. for choice fowls, tc. for old roosters, 18920c. for nearby broilers, 12014c. for frosen broilers. Butter steady; creamery, 1V ; factory, U(g9c. Cheese unsettled; fancy large colored, ire S Eggs dull; New York and Penn sylvania. lJVultc . western storage, at mark, 13VtfJ14c. Potatoes steady; Jer seys, 40450c. Baltimore, July I. Flour dull, un changed; receipts, 11,347; exports, 289. Wheat quiet and lower; spot. ttHMc; the month. 6s9He.; August. 7Vu74e.; September. MMiWSe.; steamer No. 2 red. 4Vi'tf4V . receipts, 104.07; exports. 104, 000; southern, by sample, 638Vc.; do, on grade. VaWV Corn steady; mixed spot and the month, tSOttVtc; August, 4KV449r.; September. 49c; steamer mixed, 47047Hc; receipts, 24,272; exports, 120,000; southern white eorn, 4OfSVie.; southern yellow corn, 4040. Oats firmer ; No. 2 white. 34 34 v.; No. 1 mixed, 320 32Hc; receipts, 3.713; exports, none. Rye dull and easy: No. 2 nearby, Mte.; No. 2 western, 51c; receipts, none; exports, none. Hay dull; No. 1 timothy. tl5yi5.50. Butter steady, unchanged; fancy Imita tion, 17018c; do, creamery, 30621e.; de, ladle, llfilSc ; store packed. 13Q14c. Eggs steady, unchanged: .frash, UOlSHc Cheese firm, unchanged: large, o. ; me dium, Its.! small. lOKOHc. AT E lslT ft PROCURCD V f ON LIBCRAL TERMS PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION IKE PATENT GUARANTEED OR MONr'.r KCrUNOED JlCIT AOVICt, PROMPT, rAITHfUL OtSVlCC WRITE rOR BOOK ON PATENTS HOWtSTTHEM 8I, H.A.H0LCATC gut ,ST.rrTE0,8TE"D ATTOINET. T,,T e.ao,sV PHILADELPHIA.PA.. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MSN AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old aasabllabad booae of eolld financial atandlng. Salary 170 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No oaa vasal nc required. OWe refarencea and ancloee eelf-edareearrt atajnpad envelope. Adores see cextoB wag. Mileage, e-ie-ie I 41 I I I a A Sensational Every tiling in proportion we are compelled to re duce, because we made our purchase too heavy for this season. By purchasing ten dollars worth of good", we will pay half fare. WOLF FREEDMAN, eee444eeeeeeeeee4ee4) WANTED j Our complete line of bed-room suites are ex traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and Worth your while to consider. Very respectfully, W. A. SHIPMAN, 439 Maiket St. Undertaking a Specialty. s YOU CAN YOURSELF Reno H gsirjsjlil I MATS DO Willi m Before 11 M 1 4 1 1 l 14rHM4r'frr REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATORS Numbers and assortment to satisfy most any taste. We have secured the agency for the celebrated BALDWIN DRV AIR BOX It is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator. Their poiats of superiority overall other boxes, making it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market. Everything can be removed, making it easy to clean. Patent "Lip Cup" preventing any warm air from reaching the ice compartment. Every one is guaranteed to give satis faction. Prices rat go from $8 to $17.90 with or without water tank. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Water Coolers. W. H. HEIM, Banbury, Pa. Itiet iiiitiitiitllllHtltt', mmm SALE Freed man' s Bargain Season. Owing to the Spring season on hand we ofler you WONDEH FUL BARGAINS in the beauti. Ail line of Negligee Shirts, beauti. fill Shirt Waists up-to-date. The very latest styles in Gents' Fur nishing Goods at a great reduction in prices as follows: tour's sum. $16,00 Suits eat down to 113.00 14.00 Suits cut down to 11.00 12.00 Suits rut dowu to 9.90 10.00 Suits cut down to 7.89 8.00 Suits cut down to 5.00 SIS E. M nrket Nt (Ixeb'e Old stand) HITNBl'K V. HA. ? 7 l s- PERSONS to buy a bed. ? n room Buite, consisting!),' I skill seven pieces for $lo.5o X Jsjcf" We do not deliver tlusc f suits out of town lor tliin t PRICE. I This offer la to hold good until the 1 present etock la exhausted. I Others will quote you the same grade of suite from $20 J to $23. SUNBURY, PA. Your Buying a2 w. aa ome Silver-Tongoed Talker may try to make yen kellevl ilfcj "noon laarevn e hem," sntl It dees not matter much whntnrr It la or not, bat when yon come to BUYING FARM TOOLS Don't trust him too far. Do some thinking before you buy. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU the OSBORNE LINE SEE THE SUPERIOR POINTS - Walter, MlDDLEBURGH PE NN, ittttej Pure Whiskey Is care for eo'jS Jl.l.ll. siiim aaeKlalkalV ..IDfftM U ll'l I Max I J raua w erneae- a aj -mm
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