(jPtaPARKD-aacpnaaaLV fo ths ETMsfBgy BY IT3 corps of- correspondents A i'i'i't'i'rirtigiiitfiw Miss Katie Troutnian will leave tor l'hila. this week. iAudlord Swineford transacted business at Oriental last week. Mrs. D. G. Stah 1 aad daughter, Bessie, were the guest of Mrs. Anna Williams Sunday. Mrs. Dutry and daughter of Sliatuokin returned home after having spent last week with rela tives. Mrs. Harry Shaffer and children of Sunhury are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ellen Kelly. On account of poor health Miss Maude Charles has resigned her position at Sunhury and has return eil borne. T. A. Hrrold and wife of Inde- jietidence were in town Friday. Mrs. Ixnnsa Carwell is spending the week with her great grand daughter, Miss Violet Herrold at Independence. H. F. Charles and wife spent Sunday with their son Edwin and family at the county seat. Miss Weaver and father of Aline passed through town Saturday. Mr. Beale of Oriental was euter tained by his friend Miss Esttlla Troutnian over Sunday. Hiram Fox and family of Sun bury and Harry Austin of Washing ton, D. C. attended the former's father funeral last week. Daniel Houtz, who has been em ployed in Potter Co. for the last three months, has returned home. Mrs. Jane Houser of Verdi 11a visited Dr. H. M. Krebbs and wife during the past week. Mrs, J. I. Charles and son, Claude, spent Thursday at Chap man the guests of George Herrold and family. Peter Stiffen, wife and several friends of Sunbury passed through town Saturday. S. P. Steflen is making study of astronomical terms and will soon start a class in astronomy. The festival held at Hotel Inde pendence attracted the majority of our young folks and all enjoyed the trip. MissMatel Atkinson and brother, Frank, of Phila. are visiting their uncle and aunt, F. A. Biugamnn and wife. H. M. Knders, one of York's most enterprising salesmen spent several days at the National Hotel last week. Misses Mayme Houser and Emma Ilafley, students of the Scotland ( )rphan School, are spending their vacation with the former's parents, Jas. Houser and wife. Editor Stroub, wife and daugh ter of Herndon passed through town Sunday enroute to Mrs. Strouh's parents, Thomas Newman and wife ofHoffer. Wm. Troutnian of Meiserville was in town Monday to see his brother, Augustus, who is in a ser ious condition. Chas. Krebbs and Miss Carrie Wolf of Dundore enjoyed a drive to town Saturday evening. Ed. Klock after working at Mt. Carmel several weeks has returned home. Master Paul Smith of Shamokin is visiting his grandfather, Jerry Hogar. M. P. Herrold is visiting his wife at Lewisburg. The new mail carriers, A. M. Stroh and D. G. Stahl, who carry the mail from town to Dundore and return and from town to Mahanton go and return respectively took charge of their routes Monday. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ond Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days' time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequent ly and have never known it to fail Mas, Curtis Baker. Bookwalter, Ohio. Sold by the Middleburg Drug Co, Miss Ruth Arnold of Shamokin is visiting relatives. Edwin Mitterling and wife of the Baker House, Lewisburg spent Sun day in town. Mrs. H. F. Charles and daughter, Maude, spent Wednesday of last week at Mahantongo the guests of the Koush family. Master Russell Knights of Sun bury is visiting his grand parent.-, n. t. Charles. Mrs. A. H. Troutnian and grand daughter, Lottie Troutnian, were to Aline tor cherries 1 iiesday. John Stahl a former resident of town, now of Williamsport spent several days of the past week with Ins brother, David and family. Clarence Hershey of Pottsgrove and parents of Dbiivillesi)ent Jhurs day with his wife and her parents, Henry Schrawder and wife in town Mrs. Sowara Herrold and chil dren spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Newman, at Mt-k.ee. Mrs. Wm. Schrawder, Miss Jen nie Charles, Messrs. Chas. Arnold, C. W. Knights, F. II. Houser, II. S. Bogar, M. H. Herrold and Rev Francis and family spent the Fourth at Lcwisourg. Children's Dav exercises were celebrated in the Evan, church Sun day evening and an interesting pro gramme was rendered. Rev. Gramly and wife of Beaver town were the welcome guests of Rev. and Mrs. Searle last week. Mr. Mowrey, wife and two sons of Williamsport were entertained by Mrs. Mowrey B uncles. John and Wm. Woodling and families the past few days. W. 8. Lenhart and family of Harrisburg are spending - a month with Mrs. Mary A. Arnold. Clayton and Ray Daubert of Mil ton are visiting their grandparents, George Daubert and wife. Misses Carrie and Lottie Reichen bach visited their father and brother at Shamokin last week. Miss Bomgardner is the esteemed guest of the Misses Troutnian. Messrs. Frank and Morris At kinson of Phila. and sister, Mabel, are spending the summer wiih their uncle F. A. Biugaman and family. Geo. Keller and Edwin Stroh spent the fourth with their uncle, Edwin Arnold and family at Sham okin. Ilrxrtburn. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too hen, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if tho digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fulhie8 and weight in the re gion the stomach after eating, in dicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by the Middleburg Drug Co. SALEM. (Sent In ImI week.) Mrs. Mary Kuster ovei Sunday entertained her grand daughters, Hattie and Mary Kuster and Sallie Erdley. Mrs. M. T. Orwig and children of Plullipsburg are guests at the Fish er home. Miss Emma Fisher visited her aunt, Mrs. Woodruff. Mrs. E. J. Go;s rontly visited friends at Painterville. Miss Mamie Kessler WS3 to Sun bury Saturday. Mrs. Roberts and Mias Ida Wolf of Slatington and Prof. Geo. E. Fisher and wife calied on Mrs. Ma tilda h isher Wednesday. H. A. Gemberling went to Lew istowu, where he will spend his va cation. R. M. Coleman and family of Evandale visited at Jacob Coleman's over Sunday. Tho llayncr DlntllliiiK Co., Dayton, Ohio, will tend yoa (our full quart of llayncr'a Seven-Year old Kyi' for 13.20, ezpreal prepaid. Write tliem for full rtlculari. bEi.j.N.M.KOVE. ro HI Mr. Strohm and family left for their home (Car lisle) Wednesday of last week. Rev. Frank Buyers and family are guesto at his father's. Mrs. Susan ( overt, who died Tuesday was buried Friday, Slit was a great sufferer from cancer. Z. T. Hetteriok and wife, who took a trip west (incidentally the Pan American) returned home Tues day, El. Kremer and wit'- of Phila. are visiting friends in this neighbor hood. Mrs. John HortingfneeMcCarty) and sou of Lancaster have taken up their abode for the summer with her parents W. H. Me Carty and wife. S. P. Burns, wife and Mrs. Annie Kistner and some friends are visiting the Pan American Exposition. Mrs. Jennie Mohr (nee Fisher) of South Dakota is visiting friends in this section. The hottest dav of the season Was Monday when the thermometer reach ed 107. The horse sale Friday was well attended and a great many mis representations being made, not many horses were sold. Misses Bertha Conrad aud Keller spent the 4th at Shamokin. They report having had a good time. Mrs Iaiira Havicefnee Berg streseer) and children are the guests of her father and sister. Mrs. Mary Miller of Williamsport spent several days with her mother (Mrs. ( jardncr) and daughter. Prof. T, C. Houtz is spending a few weeks in Center Co. on busi- n8. The school directors on Wednes day last re-elected the old teachers. A Uoo4 4 ugh Med I el ne. Many thcu8..ii 1h have been restor ed to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain s Cough Kern edy. If afflicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for it i certain to prove benelicial. Coughs that have resisted all other treat ment for years, have yielded to this remedy aud health baa been restor ed. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefii. (have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by tho Middleburg DruK Co. HUMMEL S WHAKF. Miss May Schoch is on the sick list. Brian Teats made his usual trio to Freeburg Sunday evening. James Bowcrsox of Centerville is working for Peter Klinger. Samuel Stroub and wife took a drive to Salem Sunday. Misses Minnie Trutt aud Mable Stetler are atteuding normal at Middleburg. Arthur Noll and wife are spend ing a few weeks at Freeburg. John Bower spent the 4tb at Lewisburg. Peter Bailey and wife, Sunday evening, visited their scn-in-law, Francis Miller who is very ill near Fisher's school house. Nathaniel Moyer and wife at tended the funeral of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Chamberlain at Shnmokin Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Noll purchased an organ of A. R. Smith of Milton. Isaac Bailey and wife visited his father in this place Sunday. Peter Trate and wife of Sunbury, J. D. Wertz, wife, and son Max of Seliusgrove were visitors at Andrew Trutt'" Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Newt. Nipple of Akron, Ohio, are visiting their par ents. The Dr. is attending Andrew Trutt, who is on the sick list CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMn and bMAHIet tin bstr- nnariM . luturi.nt tTOWth. Never Falls to Beaton Oray aur to lta xanwrui yoier. Cam anlp dlmn, a hair nUlu. eV.ai'ilal HI at OrtiglH t f near S linsgr t v o 'i iii - iar he ey an i fuiiih i E or at the ri -i I Eoa-t 'iii .1. A . Si i ill lilt ii me i ( 'oIuoiih i i icre he was v on a lai iii 1 lc says it wa- lo hot u there. 11. ('. Sleffen spent Sunday with friends at Middleburg. Prof. J. O. Herman and family left lor their home at Edwardsdale this week. Merchant Sechrist placed two new scales in his store at Verdilla last week, a Jones and a Fairbanks, On Tuesday of last week while ploughing, one of J. S. Aucker's horses dropped over dead. The young folks at Verdilla or ganized a singing class. They have employed Philip Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills as their teacher. The class numbers alaiiit forty." A. Ii. Stahl of Phila. is staying a few days With bis father. Mr. Stahl is employed at the Baldwin Iax:o tnotive works. Those who go to church or any public gathering and stay on the outside simply to talk and lie seen are nearly as Imd as those who go inside but turn their noses every time the latch snaps. Your Hair "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that Is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick, hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. SI Ha kettle. All antrrMs. If your druggist caunot supply you, send im one dollar and we win expreas you a bottle, lie mire andeive the name of your nearest express office. Addresa, J. C. A VKK CO. , Lowell, Maia. PALLAS NEWS. 1 1 win J, Bailey, our enterprising photographer, took a pleasure trip to Kants and Hoover's Sunday, Mrs. Maggie Gilbert and brother, 'loyd Mover of Freeburg were the imicMs of Mrs. ltuiley aud family last week. All)ert Meiser and LeHtcr Iahr look a business trip to AdauiHbtirg Monday and brought homo a tine span of mules, Mrs. Carrie Straub of Mount Car mel aooompanied bv Mist Maggie Urr of l'hila. are the guestd ol Mrs. Augustus St an ib lor a tew weeks. Win. Arbogast weam a broad smile and the hat on his leti ear. lx cause a new baby came to stay. affiaVsBM Pdl?!One?aA)5i,B 1 j. u v S(C'I ' III Clia- I tin: c v r!or Si Pr ONLY BUT Dy jif Rogers Bros." Is the Trad I that appears on the old ordinal I brand H Knives, Forks H H There many Imitntlona vH "I847"i identifying mark rH of the genuine, whii ""M H by leading dealer. Send to f the makers for booklet I W ' Mo. lyi, of beautiful new 1 m vtkM. THE INTERNATIONAL MJtA Vm SILVER CO. aMZl gal LaaaV .aa! gaKaaaW. ,u" .afl fflBaV A PI VA.NIA EVENTS. . July 9. All the at the Philadelphia ay'e large transfer e yeetiMsj granted . wages of 10 per cent. Pa., July 8. Albert d Irose and John Ruurke v. ere Ktrurk by the Dela Hudson Express, north ncea yesterday, and in i. Wlckham waa a vet- ran t:e Mo Hot w:is i Civil War. Pa, July 6. William e 10 year old aon of 3. K. ol Osterburg, Bedford County, tsed with a cramp while la switnu.lng near hla hone yesterday. His brother Ralph went to his assist ance and before help could reach them both were drowned. Plymouth. July ( Mlaa Mary Con nell. who disappeared mysteriously last Tuesday, returned today as the wife of John Rudge. also of Plymouth. They went to Blnghamton and were married. There seems to be no reason for the elopement. The young people Just thought It would be romantic. , Harriaburg. Pa., July 9 William T. Creasy, of Columbia county, chair man of the Democratic state commit tee, with his elsrk, James A. Sweeney, . of Haxleton, came to Harrisburg yes terday and opened slate headquarters. The active work of the campaign will not begin until after the nomination of the state ticket on August 16. Wllkesbarre. Pa., July 8 - John Mu ! lick, a Hungarian, while going to his . home In Dlcksvllle, near here, last I Friday night, was assaulted by foot pads who robbed him. The man was found the neit morning In the road , with his skull crushed. He died while being taken to bis home. Two men were arrested on suspicion of being the murderers. Lancaster. July 6 The court has refused permission to the Young Men's Christian Association to sell Its old building and apply the proceeds to ward the payment of the debt of the new $180,000 building. Tbe court rules that aa the building la no longer uaed for Young Men's Christian Asso ciation purposes it reverts to tbe con tributors, who paid for It. The build ing la worth $10,000. Bellefonte. Pa., July 9 The citlxens of this county, under the auspices o the veterans of the Civil War, last night gave an enthusiastic reception to fourteen young men of tbe county who have apent the past two yeara as soldiers In the far East, and who re- turned borne yeaterday. Fifteen men enlisted from tble county, but one of them died In Manila. Among those who delivered welcoming addresses were former Governors Beaver and Haatlnge. Judge Love and State 8en tor Heinle. Wllkeabarre. Pa, July 8 While freight train on the Lehigh Vail Railroad waa nearlng Pittston at o'clock yesterday morning one of th cars was found to be on fire. There was danger of tbe flames spreading to the other cars. The engineer opened tbe throttle wide and pulled Into the Pittston depot at fast speed. An alarm was aent in and the city Are department responded quickly. The burning car was one abeet of flame, but tbe fire was extinguished In a abort tint. PltUburg. July 6. Mra. White, a well-to-do young widow, waa married last evening to John Pratt A chari vari party gathered before the house during tbe wedding dinner, and sere naded with Un paaa and horae fiddles, and when admittance waa refused broke In and began to break up the furniture. Mra. Pratt atepped In and fired a bullet Into Bert Pound's shoulder, and the charivari broke up. The bride eat down to the table again, waa arrested a half hour later, gave ball and returned to tbe dinner. Harriaburg, July 6. A unique letter waa received at police headquarters fer denied hat there was any need of In thla city today, addreased to "Any his services. Policeman, Harriaburg, Pa.." from The Indications are that President James M. Searles, of Nagle, Kingfisher Shaffer himself expscts an early ad county, Okie. He manifests the de- justment of the complication. A well sire to become tbe husband of a Har known Independent sheet manufacturer rlaburg woman, either a maiden, a atated to-day that indications pointed widow, good or bad looking, Just so to a penceful settlement of the trouble. she la a woman who will marry him and look after hla 8 year old daughter Tui' Crew of Five ware Drowned. He prefers a woman about 28 yearB Houghton. Mich . July 2 The tug re? aire and la not nartlcular whether Pern, of Algenac. Mich., foundered off she has children or not. providing that there are not too many of them. Hasleton, July 6. A notice, an nouncing an indefinite suspension of the colliery and the atrlppinga, employ ing In all about 8U0 men. was posted by C. Pardee Co., at ljittimer, this afternoon. The cause of the suspen sion, which is to go Into effect Mon day, is unknown. It is said that the company took this course to forestall the mine workers in their determina tion to prevent over-production, while another report Is to the effect that there Is a dispute with the Black Creek Improvement Company on account of royalty. The colliery has been oper ated on full time for several years past. Harriaburg, Pa., July 9. Charters were lasued at the state department yesterday as follows: Star Laundry Co., Pittsburg; capital, io.000. Do-nora-Messen Bridge Co., Pittsburg; capital, $1,000. The Henry C. Hank erd Planing Mill und Lumber Co., Pittsburg; capital. 126,000, I.lbby Brothers Class Co., BbarpsbuTg; capi I n tal, 199,000. Peters Paper Co trobe; capital. 1200,000 The J. A I Campbell & Brothers Co., PhUadsl i phla; capital, $1,000. Peterson Carpet Co., Philadelphia; capital, $20,000. The Episcopal Recorder. Philadelphia; ennital 11 0.10 The Pann Nitrous liy- ld Co- Philadelphia, capital, $5,000. I SRI (E Ordered by President Shaffer n Amalgamated Association. it WILL INVOLVE S5.CCD r N. fight Not for Wages, but fee the -se-egnltlen of the Organization " Branches of the United Statei l ef Corporation Arrayed Against th Association. Ptttaburg, July I Aa a result of the refusal of the representatives . f I he American Steel Company and the American Steel Hoop Company, SUB eldlary companies of the great United States Steel corporation, to sign the workers' new scale at Saturday's con ference, circulars were sent out from the national headquarters of Mm Amal gamated Association of Iron, Steel mid Tin Workers Sunday and yesterday de claring a strike at all the plants of tbe two combines. The greet strike Is now on. hut It will he several days before Its actual extent Is known. At the outset, how ever, over 36.000 men will ho Involved. These men are employed at mills In Western Pennsylvania. Ohio uud In diana. What the strike juni Inaugurated may eventually lead to Is prohlemetl cal. Three months ago When u strike occurred In the Wood plant ot the American Sheet Steel Company at Mc Keesport, because the company re fused to allow Its man to become in n bera of tbe Amalgamated Association, President Shaffer threatened If the Mc Keesport strikers could not win with their own strength he would order a strike In every plant of the company. If tbe latter would not yiuld he would then call out tbe union men In every plant of tbe United States Steel Corporation. Such a course would now end in tbe biggest strike the country has ever seen, Involving several hun dred thousand men. For the first few weeks the Situation will not show the strength of the as soclatlon. Almost all the plants of ths company, union and non-union, will be compelled to shut down during the early part of July to give the men a rest. It will be after, perhaps, the first o( August when tbe combine makes a se rious attempt to start up in full, that the real battle will begin If no net- lenient has been reached Rt thn! time. Th, argwt onleri now on tho book, car(.)T walt throu,n juIy. Tnu, tfl MiocUUon nM allno,t a moutll or mon pr.p4r, (of comln Btrug. g, u boMl of th- Amalgm. ... .,,-- ornyinla hv that time they will control 80 per rent, ot the capacity of the combines' plants. The etrlke agalnat the American I Sheet Steel Company baa been ordered because this portion of the United States Steel Corporation has thus far atood out agalnat the Increase in union mills, now recognlxed aa union, to re main so. Tbe American Steel Hoop Company stands in the same position. Thus Is arrayed against the union or ganization the two branches of the Uulted States Steel Corporation. The strike now threatened in tho bar mills, following so closely upon that of the sheet mills, has therefore a most se rlouB aanuct and may spread to enor mous proportions. The fight is not for wuges. hut for or ganization. Either the Amalgamated Association must bow to t;. will ot the greater combine, or else the great er denied that there was any need of non-union mills The rumor that President Schwab, of the United Stated Steel eorporaUOB, might be asked to rouio to Pittsburg to settle the trouble now pending, caused some little discussion, hut both Secretary Jarreu and President Shaf- here Saturday morning. She carried crew of five men. all of whom were lost. Three were from Algonuc and the other iwo were Frank Johnson, of this place, und Will Anderson, of Ka il Harbor. The wreck of the yacht Marguerite, of H.incock. was also dis covered between hre and Eagle Har bor. Two men are jupposed to have been lost on her. President to go to Canton Friday. Washington, July I. The president saw few visitors today. Ho Is very buay clearing up public buslncHa prior to t,tg departure for Canton on Friday. and oniy tnos9 having urgent matters to bring to his attention will ho seen during the remainder of the Week, Tbe extreme heat of the past few days has not affected Mrs. Mckinley. Officer Killed in the Philippines. Washington, July 2 General Mac Arthur cables to tho war department from Manila that First Lieutenant Ed ward E. Downs, First Infantry, was killed in Southern Samar. Lownes was appointed to West Poiut from Texas In 1S96. Tornadoes Rage In Iowa. Don HoineS, towa, July 2. Tornadoes are reported near Holstoin, Cambridge and other Ii wa points, but details are locking. Communication with Cam bridge cannot hu secured uuni hurt. 'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers