. uonunna totii 1 1 Co W. WaftattHcr, MUor aa Proprietor. A fastir jMraal, Dtote4 to Newt, Vltict, Art, Politics! Ecosoay Corrint LluriUre. Rater Oae Dollar Per Annum, ia Adriace )L. XXXYIII MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. JULY 11 1901 NUMBER 2r, I LUCID LOCAL LACONICS L, Hhinele roof has been placed Franklin Rolling Mill. Ihort session of court was hfll last lesday and argument court I ues- If this week. Ite a great many nuctucuernr Llready being taken off Shade i. i l - - ktuin. L that the picnic and festival sea- L- opened, send in yourannounce- i for the Post. I the result of the loud explosion Ire cracker on July 4th, Mrs. Jos. lurks of Franklin dropped to the Iiu a swoon. She was troubled heart failure. Hhe is improving. (dent Schwab need 1 ook no fur for the six men that he want at IK) a year. We're one and he can le rest by using our want ad. (i. Buck, Middietmrjrn, ra., nas Jrown Herb Tablets for sale, which kond remedy for many ailments. Ion or write to him for a sample or remedy. Seven months' treat- : for $1.00. 8-204t. e nianieDurg oamt, u . ml , m 1 1 1 It-- I.1I.. I and the G. A. R. of this place numerous others took in the Is at Lewisburg on July 4th in lection with the unveiling of the liersJ and Sailors' monument at place. IBM kokSai.k.-I 19 acres 100 clear kres covered with good timber, has , i ii ii I.. r wng peacn nrcnaru, an kiiiuh oi good buildings, spring of running tr, i nines norm oi Aiuiuieuurg. Michael BlOUCH, r I 1 I 1 Vk :1m. niiauieourg, ra. to A. E. Soles for a smooth easy re or up-to-date hair cut and head nsed with a refreshing shampoo or Iruff removed with his tonic. A towel to each patron. Parlor in : building, one door east of Post- Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. he record breaking heat of last week not had a paralell in this latitude. Ih the thermometer soaring around legrees Fahrenheit, it is not very sunt for any one. That amount of makes a fellow wish he was down seashore with a nice bathing land a plunge into the cooling, Iiu: surf. luce the niihlishini; of the list of tributors in the Post John M. per, the Freeburg butcher, has con- luted 6.00 to the fund for purchas- the site for the tannery. We art I pleased to make a note of this as In is not a citizen of our town, but . mows a good thing when he sees it is always willing to do his duty. me Shoe factory and machinery was at laenm sale for hhi. it was Ight by the endorsement creditors. kether they will sell the plant or op- Ite it themselves has not yet been flounced. It is presumed they would Iiersell it to one, two or three per ks in order to concentrate the nian- fcment and get away from the worst tureof the plant in its past history. st week's Miffliiiburg Telegraph rs : A lew days ago a valuable horse longing to Mr. Jere- Hhrawder was ereome by heat as he was driving to Is place from Middleburg, and dur- the night of said day (Monday) 1, a loss to him of $135.00. He only ently purchased the animal and the is a sore one to him. Philanthropic mm Klose Is endeavoring to raise a Irse to reimburse him, in part at least) Id we trust that our citizens who can, 11 kindly help Jerry out of this fln- Icial mlslortune. Since our last issue we had the fol ding cash callers: M. MiUner, Kantz; D. Carey, Selinsgrove; Henry N. falter, Selinsgrove; Amos Musser, knnscreek; Robert Bause, New Berlin; IF. Markley, Aline; J. E. Loss, Penns- ek; Elmer Zecbman and Jobe Wal- of Franklin to whshlp; W. M. Jar- tt, Viola, Del; Edgar Rishe, Rock leu; Chas. E. Long, Catawissa; H. Musser, East Waterford; Henry engle, Mt. Pleasant MUls; Prof. W. . Kauffman, Yonkers, N. Y.; Mrs. S. iKlingler, Dry Valley X Roads; F. Schaffer, McConnel, Ills; B. H. niter, Swineford; J. R. Knepp, Bea- Irtown; Wm. Kepler, Blalra MUls; I W. Algler, Beavertown; Wm. H. look, Selinsgrove; Milton Hacken- Irg, Klsslmmee; S. Wels, Selinsgrove; enton Kriegbaum, Mt. Pleasant Mills; avid Hrover, Sch nee; Wm. Smith, one Creek; David Bller, MelservUk; l J. H. Seller, McKeea Half Falls. The genial and obliging stage driver, Jere Shrewder, of Miffliiiburg, now ports a hack neatly repaired and painted. He lias secured the mail con tract at the rate of $300 a year and while that is uot an oVerly big price, It is an Improvement on his former eon tract, so Jerry is happy. Welsh Brothers' Show exhibited lu this place on Monday July 1st and showed every thing they advertised, which very few shows do. It has been said that some people were disappoint ed because thev saw no wild animals. Welsh Brothers did not advertise any wild animals, so there was no occasion for any one to suppose they would bring any along. TOASTS. Here' o A liort life and a merry one. A good Slrl and a pretty one, A iulclc death and an eaey one. And a cold bottU- and anolhar one. Here'a to Thr toarn of friendship. May tlicy iryntallie a they fall, and he worn a genii hi tho memory of thoae we love. CHEAT SHERIFF'S SACRIFICE SALE of clothing and gents' furnishing goods will take place on Thursday July IIU, and will continue till the whole stock is disposed of. We have bought H. Kat.'s lame stock of clothing at the sheriff a sale at 25o on the dollar and we will sell it at your own prices, as the stock must be sold regardless of first cost. Don't delay, come at once and get the first bargains. Hen- are a few: 16.00 suits at $2-r0 $7.50 " $4.(10 $10.00 " 5.60 $12.00 " $" ,H $15.00 ' 18.60 We cannot mention many prices as the space is small. Don't forget U come to this great sheriffs sacrifice sale to get your bargains. The assignees or or H. Ivatz. Next to court house, Middleburg, Pa. Picnics, Festivals. Etc. Saturday, July 18th, a moon-light picnic will be held at Globe Mills. Saturday, August 10th, The Grubb's Sunday School will hold their annual picnic. MARRIED. June 80th by Rev. W. A. Haas. Joseph Calvin Moyer and Sarah Jane Dreese. both ol hreeburg. June ltlth by Allen S. Sechrist, J. P. I). V. Heintaelmaii and Annie K. At- tinirer. lioth of Chapman. July 4, by Rev. E. B. Sieger, David F. Coleman and l.illie C. Walker, loth of Beavertown. July 2, by Rev. H. H. Bpabn, Dr. Edward H. Derr of Lewistown to Bes sie O. Mechtley of Beaver Springs. June 29, by Rev. C. C. Miller, ('has. A. Mengel of Mt. Pleasant Mills to Adda Herman ofVerdilla. June '21, by Jerry Koch, J. P., Joseph Knepp and Lizzie Foik of New Lan caster. Rural Free Delivery. The POST has told of the New Star Route contracts for carrying the malls, and the privillges given patrons resid ing along the routes. If you live along a Star route, to avail yourself of the box delivery system, you have only to send a written order to the Postmaster to deliver to the mail carrier your mail, with instructions as to the proper Ux into which said mail matter shall be deposited. The department does not prescrilie any particular design of Iwx to be used for this purpose, but the person provid ing a box should see that It Is of such a character as to afford ample protec tion to his mail. If there Is a lock at tached, a key Is not to be held by the carrier, as he is expected to deposit the mail Into the box through an opening arranged as not admit ot the mail being extracted from the box thereby. The box should be so located on the roadside that the carrier can deposit mail there in without leaving his vehicle. The carrier as previously announced In these colums, is not required to collect the mail from the boxes, but the law pro vides that every carrier of the mail shall recieve any mail matter presented to him If propeily prepaid by stamps, and delivered the same for mailing at the next post office at which he arrives, but that no fees shall be allowed him therefor. When you want a modern, up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are eaay to take and pleasant in ef fect. Price. 85 cents. Samples free at the Middleburg drug store. Daniel K. Haas of Shaiiiokin spent last week in town. Misses Mabel and Dills Oriinnt are Spending several days in Freeburg. Harry Seebold of Sunbury came to town last Friday to spend some time. Euoch Laudenslager of Penn town ship was the county seat on the iSHh ult. John M. SteiniiiKcr is giving his house on the French Flats a fresh coat of paint. Mrs. Mary M. Wagner of Globe Mills paid a visit to Mrs. Foster Rlegel in this place. Harry Orinun, who had Wit em ployed in a saddler shop at Lewistown returned home. Mrs. Roush and grandson (leorge ltoush of Freeburg spent several days with Charles Roush of this place. Miss Ida Heaver of Altoona spent several days last week with her father's family in this place, Charles Haas and lady ol Shamokin spent a day last week with John W. Riinkle and family. Daniel Hackenberg of Troxelville was in this place last week in order to order the Post sent to his address. H. F Charles and wife spent a few days with their son, Edwin, In this place to attend Welsh Brothers' Show. Clayton Wetel of MiUersburg In company with some friends sient sev eral days with his parents in Franklin Charles Frain, of Akron, Ohio, a for mer Mlddleburgher, Is sending sever al weeks with his sister, Mrs. James M. Van Zandt. Now John Arbogast is accepting the congratulations of ltis friends on the arrival of a brand new daughter at his house. Mrs. Ada Reining of Mansfield, O., is visiting Elmer Zechman'i in Frank lin township. Sheexpecta to be Eajt about two months. Calvin Stetler has erected a very handsome porch at his residence which greatly enhances its appearance and adds to its utility. Mrs. E. M. Greene of Lewistown is visiting her father and sisters at this place. Mr. Greene drops in oecassion ly when begets heart ache. A. Oppenheimer, the clothing deal er of Sunbury, was In this place a few hours Inst Friday on his way across the country on :i pleasure trip. Edwin Charles and F. W. Bpechl siH'iit Wednesday and Thursday of last week at the Pan-American Kx posltion. They bud a hot time. James Beaver and wife of Mifflln burg spent Sunday June 80th with Gabriel Heaver and family, asdid also W.P. Dagle and family of Beaver town. James Bowersox of Centre township passed through here lust week on his way to Peter Klinglcr's in Monroe township where he w ill work In hay ing and harvest. Misses Mabel and Bertha Witten myer returned from a visit to Miss Englebert at Lykens They brought with them Miss Martha (ioldy of Cam den, N. J., who will spend the summer here. D. E. Kremet and wife Of Philadel phia spent Saturday June 29th with her parents, John Stetler and Wife. Ed. left the government employ and entered the employ of a bridge Com pany in Phila. L. N. Myers, wife and daughter, Jennie, and Miss Maude Moatz of Ak ron, Ohio, came In from the West to make an extended visit among friends here. The latter had been visiting her Akron friends and has returned to her home with her father here. Henry N. Walter and wife of Selins grove, speii t Saturday June 29th in this place and returned home by way of Penns Creek. Mr. Walter is better known among his friends aa"Barnum". Hc is a Jolly fellow and dropped in to pay his dues to the paper that Is best liked by his family. Prof. Wm. F. Magee and wife of South Bethlehem were in town Tues day of last week on their way to visit his brother, James, at K reamer. Prof. Magee is the proprietor of the Business College at South Bethlehem, which has the largest attendance of any col lege in that section of the state. Mrs. Reno Walter and James Ay res are on the sick list. Lester Bachmau has given his house a new coat of paint. Mrs. Mary Snyder has erected a new porch In front of her residence. Miss Fannie Bowersox of Sunbury visited her parents here over Sunday. Milton Amig and wife are the happy parents of a brand new boy. J. C. Ris k and T. H. Biseuhuth of Selinsgrove were at the county seat Monday. Miss Lesher of Easton spent several days with her cousins, the Misses Bo lender. W. P. Shelly, of die Sunbury Even ing liem was a Middleburg visitor Sun day. Miss Anna and Llssie Itipka of Sun bury siMMlt a few chiys at home on the French Flats. As we go to press Comrade James Ayers is lying in a very serious con; ditton. G. P. German and wife of West Per ry were in this plat ver Sunday to visit their sick daughter, Mrs. Reno Walter. Edgar Custer, who is now telegraph operator at Pottsvllle, sent three goats home for a nephew, niece anil Carol Hashoar. Dr. J. W. Orwlg and wife of this place anil J. K. Magee and wife of K reamer are spending this week in Rufl'alo Narrows on u trout tlsliing ex pedition. Miss Myrtle Lougneekcr of Plain Held, Cumberland County spent a two weeks vacation with her brother and wife at Globe Mills. She left for home Tuesday morning on the 8:46, and is welcome to return a visit to her Snyder County friends. Much Rending fur Little Money. The New York World has got the cost of printing down to a minimum. Its latest offer of its monthly newspaper-magazine is interesting if from no other cause than that It shows the acme of "how much for how 111 tie." The Monthly World is a 32-page maga zine with colored coyer. Its pages are about the size of the pages of the CodlM Home Journal, and it is copiously illus trated in half-tone. The .(lustrations are the result of the best artistic skill, aided by all the latest printing-press appliances, making a magazine un rivaled in the mialitv of Its contents and Its appearance. Each issue contains stories of to maiice, love, adventure, travel; stories of Action and fact; stories of things quaint and curious, gathered together from all over the World; the results of scientific research, and editorial r views, it iiuhihcrs among its contri butors the leading literary men and women of the day. A feature each mouth Is a full-page portrait of the most famed man or wo man of the moment in the public eye In collecting and prcpuring for pub llcatlon the literary matter ami art sub jects for the Monthly Wmid no expense is spared. The New York Wtrld will send six numbers of this newspaper-magazine on receipt of fifteen cents in stamps. Address Thk World, Pulitzer Build ing, New York. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deeds Entered for Record. Thomas Arbogast and wife to James Miller, 14K acres in Perry township, for $.'ii2. Matilda and George Folk to Miles Fall, one acre and 16 perches in Heaver township, for 882.81. Wellington D. Folk to John Knepp, "J.G perches in Heaver twp., for 8160, John Kepler and wife to Charles an 1 John Walter, 81 acres of undivided land in Spring township, for f2.25 and dower. Marriage Licenses. f D. W. Heintzelman, Chapman, Annie K. Attlnger, " f Joseph Calvin Moyer, Freeburg, t Sarah Jane Dreese, " j Charles A. Mengel, Mt. Pleasant M. Adda Herman, Verdilla. f Dr. E. H. Derr, Lewistown, Bessie O. Mechtley, Beaver Springs. (David F. Coleman, Beavertown, "(Lillle C. Walker, " THEATER UNDER CANVAS. The Jas. H. Thome Theater Co. will exhibit under canvas in rear of the Eagle Hotel, Middleburg for three days beginning Monday July 15th playing Rip Van Winkle" "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" and "JJast iynne" with their own band and orchestra. Special attention given to ladies and children Prices 10 and 20 cents. THE MIDDLEBURG POST AT ATLANTIC CITY. For the convenience of our readers who may visit Atlantic City this sum mer, we have arranged to have the latest issues of the Middleburg PostsJ- ways on file at the Philadelphia - iptirer's Seashore Bureau, on Young's Pier at that popular resort. The ln- quirer has, at great expense, fitted up oomraodloui reading and writing rooms on Young's Pier where every attention will be given its guests. tf. a 9 SPECI AL MUSIC OFFER. Strictly high grade niusie by mail. Evaugeline Medley Waltz, easy and Ix-uutiful American Heiress Waltz; Wholly Smoke two step and Cuke Walk; From Manger to Throne, sacred song; The Mother's Ssd Oood-Bye; Pathetic Ballad; Prisoner's Last Ke enest, a song thai ill touch your heart; 'Neath Georgia's Nodding Pines waltz song, 15 cents per copy, i! copies for26cts, postpaid. Send to-day. Mllro.N Mrsic Pirn. (Jo. (J-tt-ot. Milton, Pa. f, i Priilin, l imln Itfll I ronll' K I.I Km ciirsliiu. ( I'iui- timrniui I. ,,,.sll lull. The Pennsylvania Itailroad 'ompaiiy will run special excursions to Buffalo ou account of the Pan-American Ex position, from Philadelphia and ad Joining territory, on July IS, SI, Augusts, 16,21, -", September 5, II, 17, and 26, l!outul-trip tickets, good going only on train leaving Philadel phia at 8.30 A. M., Harrisburg 1L36 A. M., Sunbury 12.48 P. M .. Wllliams- sirt l.rK) P. M., I k Haven 2.20 1. M., and on local trains connecting therewith, and g 1 to return on regu lar trains within seven days, Including day of excursion, will lie sold at rate of 10.00 from Philadelphia, $8.40 from Harrisburg, $0.80 from Trenton, $8.40 from Altoona, $0.00 from Lancaster, fi.(H from Reading, J 10.00 from Win chester, and proportionate rates from other points. These tickets will not be good in Pullman parlor or sleeping ears In either direction. For specific time and rates consult local ticket agents, tf Chautauuua at Mount Urema. Pa. July 15-22, iqor. During the very interesting session of the Chautauqua at Mt. Gretna the Pennsylvania State Sabbath-school As sociation accepts the invitation to send two of its lecturers for one week. Sunday-school teachers will Bud the courses richly suggestive and helpful. Rev. Chas. A. Oliver, Stale Superin tendent of the Normal Department, will give Bible Analysis on Genesis, Job, Isaiah, John a n d Kphesians. These will illustrate broad, thorough Bible studies. (Rev. chas. Iloiuls I). I)., General Secretary, will give a course on Hu man Nature, Type, Individuality, child, Hoy, Youth, In tho light of modern Bible Teaching. 1. No charge for tuition lor these courses. 2. other privileges of the Chautau qua may be enjoyed. :t. These lectures at convenient hours .ne each a day. 4. Boarding rates and admission to grounds at low rates. 6. Conferences, quizzes, round-tables arranged as desired. a Address General Secretary, 018 Crozer Building, Philadelphia, or !r. J. Max Hark, Bethlehem, Pa. DR. PIERCE S FREE BtHEAL OF INFORM A T10N. RcRinttrcd Accomodation For 100,000 People. It has been published broadcast that Hiifliilo lacks accommodation for guests visiting the Pan-American Exposition. The statement is utterly without foun dation. It has been a Hint of honor with Buffalo, that all guesLs shall be accommodated properly and reason ably. For example, db. piercb'h puke BURBAU OF INFORMATION has reiiiskr- eil accommodations for one hundred thousand guests, in the most desirable homes and best locations in the city of Buffalo. Every room offered to guests has been lnsected. Many rooms have been rejected by the Bureau because of location or some other unsatisfactory feature. The rooms offered by Dr. Pierce include the choicest rooms ob tainable in Buffalo. KRKE ir IDE HOOK. In connection with this Free Bureau Dr. Pierce Issues a free guide book to the Pan-American, Buffalo and vicini ty. This book contains maps of Buff alo and the Exposition, together with such information most useful and necessary for the guidance and direc tion of strangers In a strange city. UUNDORE. The more Mowers are plucked tlic more new liuds will break forth. II. I). Bower of Herndon passed through town on his way to buy up cattle. Our school tax this year will lie less than it was last vcar. Wilson Ringaman is working st lYevorton and has a protarcted job. Our Poor tax this rear will lie onlv halt 08 much as hist year. Rev. Liemer of Lewisburg and Rev. Searle of Port Trevorton took dinner with our merchant Wednes day of last week. Our road tox will not Is- heavy this vcar as it is too hot to work on the loml. Annie Moyer of Shamokin took linner with Maria V. Dundore one dav hist week. 'The stagnant water in the Penua. canal is turning out mosquitos the size of u wild turkevand their mu- i is sacred te the memory of' that great Pcnaa. enterprise. Out of 390 tax pavers in our township 90 pay the taxes and 300 arc drones in the hive. The fretting goose never gets fat. The Susquehanna is too rily for c;iing; German carp which arc plentiful and ol good size. the Ith our town people were full of patriotism and ice water. Wm. Holtzworth of Selinsgrove is supplying our people with tre.su fish from the lakes. The harvest i greal but the laborers are few; wheat and rye has not been better for many years and every hotly is at work. Harvey Moyer of Liverpool) the piano tuner, was in town and did si iiuc fine work. Rev. Maice, the blind evangelist, left with his family lor their home in York, Pa. The hot weather of hist week was exceedingly oppressive, hut it added twelve inches to every corn stalk. George Campbel I made a present of a load of hay to Rev. Searle. Make hay while the sun shines, did not apply last week for our hot nights made hay as fast as the far mers could haul it in. W EST BE AVER. Win. Slumps of Lew istown spent a few days in Snyder Co., last week visiting fuiends. The Baker House at Me (. Mure furnished lodging and meals from April 1-t 1900 to tin- present for 2,550 persons. That certainly speaks well of the accomodation the public recieve from the host and hostess Mr. Robison Middleswarth and wife. Webster says, eritaa Odium ParU. Look it up and sec if it is not correct in a great many cases. S. H. Philips reports having taken five good loads of hay from one and a half acres. After an absence of five years Emanuel Baumgardner, wife and a little boy of Elkhart, Indiana, have Im'cii visiting some of their Snyder County friends for the past week or so. We arc glad to hear of a party of of note buying the Shoe factory at the county scat. There is no doubt but what the toot of the whistle will soon be heard in their vicinity. John Baumeardner ami wife spent Sunday with his Uncle, H. Banm- gardiicr at LoweiL BOFFBR Wm. Carlinir returned from Scrantou Wednesday ami left for Rockville Sunday. The festival at Grubb's church was well attended. D. G. Garman, while hauling a loatl of lumber for his house, fell eif his wagon and injured his brain. J. M. Garman and the Constable made a trip to Selinsgrove Sunday. Arthur Hider of Selinsgrove was at Hoffer Saturday. Wm Krotzer left for Selinsgrove Sunday. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers