HARRIMG LETTER ADELBERT HAY'S DEATH Measures That Ocoupy the Atten tion of the Lawmakers. The Sudden Affliction Which Comes Upon Secretary Hay. CNATORS OBEY THE SUMMONS. KILLED BY FALL FROM A WINDOW Only Thre Absent at the Monday Night Session Important Measures rapped From the Calendar, Which Mills Tham For Thla Session. Karri ibarg. June It. The re nets yaatfrdsy refused to ooneur la tha kosii ameadsaents to tha Snyder bill appropriating ll.oon.ooo to the public eahoola ao aa to make up for the cut asede In the school appropriation by Oorernor Stono two yars ago. Harristuirg June 20. In the house yesterday the Focht and Scott supalf seats) 'pills to the rapid transit acta were pamsed Anally. Tho bills now g to Ciorornor Stone for his action. Mr llcOlaJB) of Lancaster, raised anlt a breene at the afternoon ses olon of the houss by opposing the bill appropriating $25, 000 to the UnlTerslty of Pennsylvania. When the house bill appropriating 1110,000 to the Free Hospital For Poor Consumptives rame up In the senate Mr Oraily moved to amend by In serting tbe names Philadelphia and white Hares. Ten thousand dollars of the appropriation is to go for the main trainee Of poor consumptives In Phila delphia, and the remaining lOO,OO0tor the erection of a hospital at White Haven, Luzerne county. No agreement was reached on the bill Mr. Flinn gave notice that be would not vote for the bill unless It is amended Harrlsburg, June 21. The senatp yesterday defeated the Quffejr ballot bill, and with its fall went the chances of ballot reform fur the present, at least The vote was: Yeas. 19: nays, H less t.'ian a constitutional majority. At last night's session of th- Benate there as less than a quorum present. Pre?: ill Bnyder announced from the chair 11 at every senator would be ex pected to be in his seat on Monday nijiht and remain In the city until the legislature adjourns next Thursday. In the bouse Mr. nrosius. of Lancas ter, moved that the bill appropriating $25 01 i to the University of Pennsylva nia be rec onsidered. The bill again failed. 123 to 35, less than two-third! voting in the affirmative. Harrisl urg, June 21'. In the house yesterday Mr. Voorhees, of Phlladel-' phia, moved to reconsider the Shutt constitutional conventbm bill, which failed Thursday on final passage. Tho motit n was adopted by a vote of 76 to 43, alter which the bill was laid asido for the present. The intlre list of house postponed bills .:s dropped from the calendar, and n i of thirn can be considered at this session. The most important are bilis requiring candidates 'o file a sworn statement of their lection ex pens c; to prevent the empioyement ol incompetent persons as miners in the bttumlnt us coal mines: prohibiting em ployment of children under 13 years la am around oa! mines; increasing the salary of the chiel of the bureau of industrial statistics irora $2,690 to $1,500, and authorizing him to appoint an a ; lltionai eierk. Among the ' ills reported In th sen ate genei thar. J" ' ,000 for the expenses of the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the state government. It wa referred to the appropriation com nittee reported out favorably, read for! the tirt time atiJ recommlttnd to the committee for amendments Less than flv-- mir.uteg w-re consumed In passing the bill through these stages and the (Wiftn ss with wi.i'.h It was done cre ate - me amusement. Governor San l.ai sipced the 6up plemental bill to the act governing cities of the se.-ond r!as known as the Pitts 1 .re "ripp-r." Both houses have adjourned to Mon day night Han iborg June 21. The summons se'.1 - t by Pros dent Pro Ten. Bnyder but weeV bad good effect, there being ol! three absent i v':..n the r.atei wa' convened at s o'clock last night ' Senator Kemerer, ol Northampton, who has r.ot been in the senate sin".1 the early par. of January, was in his' seat. He is almost b!ind, and was led: to t.te seat ty his on Lieutenant Governor Gobin was a!s present. At: i i tl bills read th- second time rat the general appropriation bill, wb b carries more than 16,900,000 for the ..; naes ' thi legislative execu tive and Ji dii Lai ' raacbea of the state ' govera.'-.e.'.t Mr Rice, of .'i-'J". offered an atL' r;t ir.'"-av.:jg the public h'.t'r.'. appropriation for the next two years from $11,000,000 to $11,450,000.1 Tte aaaendnteiit aas 'ief'-ated. After tbe bill htd ben passed it was retotaiLitted to 'osornlttee, and la'er a afc)n reported out. this time with j saecdinents. Id the house last night Mr Bliss, of1 Delaware reported from h- appropria tlont ccisamtttee ena,t bill approprl at!? It ''.'. for a tablet to mark the1 grave 'A OovsfOf Kltner In the eburcb yard at MosnM Kock, Cumberland county Tbe bill went over. Governor fctone yost-rdey signed the Ml Uxjuk all orders. e-laeaS, dividers, I OQaepOM pi ookl or Other papa rep-1 re-uiiiig wage M earnings of an eia , ploy Bot paid la esb, and tb ne-ur rent resolution erglng the iruiAlM Ut JatcMte M. UU to be a brig adler general to tbe regular army. The Ex-Consul to Pretoria Waa In New Haven to Take Part in Commence ment Week at Yale, aa a Leader In the Claaa of '98. New Haven. June $4. Adelbert Stone Hay, former consul of tbe Uni ted Statea at Pretoria, South Africa, and eldest son of Secretary of State John Hay. fell from a window In the third story of the New Haven House In this city shortly before 2:30 o'elock yesterday morning, and was Instantly killed. The dead man was a graduate of Yale, of the class of '!I8, and his death occurred on the eve of tho university commencement, which brought him here Saturday anil in which, by virtue of his class office, the young man would have been ono of the leaders. The full details of the terrible acci dent will never be known. It Is gener ally supposed, however, that after go ing to his room he went to the win dow for air and, Bitting on the Bill, Sick . Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite Door? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? pepsia, biliousness. 2Sc. All . WaBt jmr MMHte or brS bwutif ul brown or rich MBSJB Than BUCKINGHAM'S DYE atewe sageest, m a mu a ajam a. m. FORAKER AND HANNA CONTROL The Ohio Republican Convention De feat of Ex-Secretary Foater. Columbus, O., June 25. The Repub lican statu convention convened here vniitM-ijnv :in'i i- n with n larvA at tendance. At the conferences during! It S yOUr liver I Ayer S Pills the forenoon interest centered in the are lJver n)HS; they CUre dvS- the construction of the platform and the light that the State Anti-Saloon i League was making against the re- nomination of Lieutenant Governor Caldwell. The contest for state com mitteemen resulted In what is called unanimous victory for the Hanna men, which include the friends of Governor Nash and others. The result assures the re-election of Congressman Dick as chairman of the state executive committee. Lieutenant Governor Caldwell caus ed a stir last night by announcing that he would not be a candlate for renom Inatlon. State Senator Csrl Nlppert, of Cincinnati, will probably be nomi nated for lieutenant governor. Charles Foster, ex-secretary of the treasury, ex -governor, ex-congressman, and for many years a delegate at large to national conventions, was defeated for member of the state central com mittee because of bis opposition to Senator Hnnna. I Phenomenal Prices In CLOTHING Brosious Bros.' Bopublionn St&ndiu Committor AAmm-C. P- BlBSMsaa. 1. D. Sip. HMTar-Charlaa Drtmm, KlaicrWitnl. W.Tha Harbeter. Jaekasa Bkkar. H. Mia. , C. H. t'pda-roT. ibara, Ua. t. HWIh rer, U. A.'Brouaa. autre-W. A. Naap, Y. H. Stiaa. I aaproaa - feter ShalTrr, Franklin -John iUckeal Jackuin J. HarTer llorer. MfaMlebars-r. W. ss-hi. frank Ralta. laaieareek n. r. Kow, Geo. a stuck Hearoe- w. L Youaa, D H. Kitter. Pawn Harry I., ngle, Oeo M. Wltmar. Perry P. K. Royar, Allen Valentine. Perry W. - .Ionian Wine. 0. 8. Spritsla. SelliMgrnTe J. A. l.um-ard,.I. F.Keller. Rprina eiuu. K. aiae, I . 11. Huook. I'niun Jacob Stahl, A. J. Htroh. A'aaliiiurton Myrnn Mnyer, Vf. F. HJown. 1' in (at Yoom, Chairman. tLMmi K. Wrrrjii., Secrrtary. J. KaaNK Umtz, Treiuer Avoid lidnlternlion anil anve whnlenali iiml rrtiiil prnllt.. by buying your wln-kcv .tire- t from the distillery. BeeTheUayner l)itilliiiK 1 to. aiinoiitieeinent in thin mj,t, which explains how lo r, i (our full iuartM of pure Se vcu-Year Old Bye Whlekey, exprenn prepaid, for H.yo. They iriiarautee pure good and full incaaure The Reading Strike. Reading. Pa., June 25. With a Ptr of 2,600 Iron workers of the Reading Iron company and 1.000 employes of the Rending railway on its hands the' City is in a state of expectancy as to1 whether the shop hands will resume Mrs. McKlntey's Steady Improvement. work in obedience to President Raer's I Washington, June 25. For the first order. There are no indications of a I time since she was brought home from V, tru.nrlinnr valnao in O..: . TS-X 9 Cll . -".r aiiivs iiiomui, nais aou iMiirts uitl, the store chuck full of tbe nobbiflst kinds of Clothing, etc. Prices Are Now At The Very Lowest Posnible Mark. 4 4 It Stampede and the prospects are that the light will be long drawn out, with other Interests to be involved. The executive committee of the Rending railway employes issued a statement California In a very feeble condition Mrs. McKlnley yesterday was able to go down stairs and Join the president while the latter was at luncheon. She remained at the table for some little last night in which Mr. Ilaer is called I H""1 then returned to her room. having enjoyed the break In the dally routine of life for the past month. Ap parently she was not fatigued by the extra exertion. Mrs. McKinley's gen eral condition continues favorable. Till; LATE ADELBERT S. KAY. he dosed oft and, overbalancing, fell to the pavement below - a fall of fully (10 feet. The lall resulted in instant death, and within IS minutes the body had been Identified as that of young Hay. Young Hay was one of the vanguard of the academic class of Yale '98. He bad come to his old college town as a member of his class triennial commit tee and arrived early to assist his col leagues on the committee In preparing for the festivities of commencement v.eek id general and for the class sup per in particular. He took dinner with some of his classmates, and at 8 o'clock hurried to the Hyperion thea ter, where he witnessed the evening performance. He spent a quiet hour in the hotel corridor and smoking room after the theater, and shortly after midnight retired to his room, remark ing to the hotel clerk that he was sleepy and leaving a call for U o'clock I In the morning He was not seen airain until his body came whirling through the air to its destruction. The body was clad in pajamas. Secretary Hay, worn by the trip of nearly nine hours from Washington to New Haven, and nearly prostrated by grief at the untimely end of his oldest. .1 . .ah, t O, a MV o, . - .1 , K'ltlMU yesti rday irom tne nouse was inc " uw . . " -"- appropriat'en carrying more last evening Me was accompanien oy his secretary. Mr. w nitney, ami was met at the station by R. L. McDuffle. of ' New York c ity, and Mr. Charles Wade, of Cleveland. The secretary, with his party. Im mediately entered a carriage and waB driven in great haste to the residence of Mr. Seth Mostly, 36 Wall street, where repoed tbe remains of th dead son. Here Col. Hay utterly collapsed, and prostrated by his great grief took to his led, His prostration was tem porary, and today accompanied by his wife, two daughters and younger son, 1 the secretary left with the body of his son for Cleveland, where the lnt'-rment will take place. The Hay Funeral Will Be Private. Washington. Jcne 2l -Tho state de partment yinterflay afternoon received from Mr. Babcock, confidential secre tary of Secretary Hay, who is with him in New Haven, a telegram stating that the- funeral of Adelbert Hay will be hel i in Cleveland, and will be strictly private. No official representatives will be expected. In view of this ex Bed request from the secretary the state departnint will designate no of ficial Ui attend the funeral. an "autocrat." The statement says: "The existence of labor unions Isdue to the denial of justice to workingmen. The jabor union has como, and it will stay." Responsibility of Sheriffs. Montgomery, Ala., June 25. The section relating to a sheriff's tenun of office nnd suspension from office and Impeachment, when he permits a prisoner to le taken from him and lynched, was reconsidered by the con stitutional convention yesterday and one of its features stricken out As amended it provides that the sheriff Decided Against Bell Telephone. noston. Juno 2.V Judge Brown, of the Dnltod States circuit court, yester day handed down a decision adverse to the American Bell Telephone company In the suit for infringement of patents brought against the National Tele phone Manufacturing company and the Century Telephone company. The bills are dismissed on the ground that shall be Ineligible to re-election, and i ,he Iia,,!nt Involved in the first case whenever any prisoner Is taken from his custody and put to death or suf fers grievous bodily harm owing to the sheriff's neglect, connivance, coward ice or other grave fault such shelff may be Impeached. was void, and that effecting the second either was void or so limited as not to be Infringed by the defendants. These cases have beun pending for six years. "Silver Kate Hint Wears." The trade mark 18471SS? on Spoons, Forks, etc., is a guar antee of quality the world over. The prefix -1847 insures the genuine Rogers quality, I"or sale by leading dealers everywhere. Send f"r catalorue No. 191 , to International Silver Co. Merhjen, Conn. Edncate Tour ItnnreU With rancaret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. , Wc.SSc. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Men's blue and Mack Cheviot Suits, also Fancy Plaidfl and Stripes, re gular $7.00 values here now at All kinds of Hats for Men, Hoys and children, sizes from 6 to 7.V here DOW at Shirts tor Mm and Hoys with and without collars, regular 7ic values here now at $(99 ft ft BROSIOUS BROS. SUXBURV, PA. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter I f Wheat 70 Eggs 12 Rye 50 (Juions 00 Corn 50 Lard 10 Oats 32 Tallow 4 Potatoes 00 Chickens 8 Bran per 100. 1.00 Ulc H Middlings" 1.10 Shoulder 12 Chop 1.10 Ham 1 1. Flour per hbl 3.75 I PgOCURto' V Vi ON LIBERAL TCRMSS ! I r i 3 Thirty five years' reputation in back of The llayncr DtatllUng C'o.'b Suvpii-Year Did lfy& Thta wbiakay is famous the world over for ira hit;h quality. Bit.-" buy-H four full fiinrtn of thete tl 110 old goods. See particulars m DtgaSr1 0 uueciuent in thin ItBUS, Grip brines weakness, exhaustion, nervous prostration: Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them. PROCURED ON LIBERAL TERMS PRCIIMINARV EXAMINATION FHE.fl ATENT Q UARANTKKD 1 OK MONKV RBK1JNI1FI1 ESf ADVICE, PROMPT, FAItMrUL BERVlT.r WRITE FOR BOOK ON PATENTS HOWxSlTHEM ISjbbj am BJ Bill S St fl . ar-aj aa w-m mam u OK f ri , II WLUn I L ntAL L5TAT t I'"miu;iilo r.liHIlLI. nan -o.ravti tni uvertine fur old 1 "uumi ewuu uiwuL-iiu huiikhiil;. ,iiiirv year ana expensus, all pHyalilein csU. No vosaing requirea. Vawm referenceH and Helf-addrewed HUmped enwloue. Our Great Sacrifice Sale oi CLOTHING ail GENTS' FUMES A Mi mii ,lnl. "I), you ever feel," she asked the griui novelist, "; if you bsdroaout jf ideal :ik if you were- all pumped dry'.'" "Oh. yes," In wearily repliejd, "J feel that way righi nmv,"-Qaoafb iiee-urei-II. mid. This Sale will berin on Saturday, May 25, and will continue for 30 days. It is the biggest bargain Sale you have ever heard of. "We have a large stock on liand which has not been selling as fast as we would like to have it Therefore we will keep on cutting and slashing till most of the stock is sold. The stock is reduced from 25 lo 10 per cent. The following are a few of tho many bargains : Tin 1 ea oi tin- iiiu. proposition to abolish ladies' day i t tbe club was voted down." "Yes?" "Yes, it developl that there is hard ly a n ember who does not, in point ut fact, enjoy meeting bin wife occa-Blonallv!"- Detroit Journal. Steel Trust Still Reaching Out. Pbilalelyhla. June 25. Thr- Press says: "The United States Steel eor poratlon is negotiating for tbe pur- base of the Flat Top Cosl Lsnd sh'- latWn propertl'-s, snd It Is believed tb( deal will be consummated within a few days the price of the land being fixed at tXQjtOifltQ. Tb company owns a large b!"Jtnlnous coal property mining 211.000 a res In Virginia and West Virginia, com i'o'abontas coal field is In tbls ".rn tory." v llara, Urij.'s- Women ilnu't i-ccm to 1,p any nearer governing (bis oouiitry thajl I bey ever did. 'iriirif- Ob, I dun't know. More of 'luni are getting married than ever. Detroit Free 1'reHa. A GOOD THING. MEN'S I'ANTH. Our $1.00 Pjinta reduced to GrTBMa Bjrrttp is Uli MaoIm pre- ci i.m of Ur. A,'lJorh!e, a oelo txuie'l enn ui physician, and If ac, Thfc celebrated 1 aBOWbi geel to nc of the FlU'st lortui m tt uiHCoveriits m Medicine, ft attic ly euros Coughs, Coldo and all Lntlff troubles of tho severest na ture, n tnoring, u it dons, the cause n. Bi0 Killed. Two Dlam.mberad. "I Ut f gCllon SOU lBTlBg HBSJ ISVW Trenton, June 26.Hrry Marshall, aged years, waa killed here fester in a sirens and healthy condition, i tip sv iperitneutal medicine, Tl.,,1 l.tt mkn i 1 i li ii.ui nt Vitaeu iriv day atemoon and two ,mpanlons of , KHtlfcllM.tf( n ,n evry caae, which about IM same age each bad a ' i jt0 rM,i(ll in..easing saleerery sea taken off by a freight train. Tne train gp. (.uTru. Two million bottles was atandlag aad the boys started to j .old annually- HoaehM'i Oerman cllotb across It When they were upon Hyrup was introduced in the United tbe piattorsBs of a car the train started 1 Htateg in 1 WH. and is now sold in aad threw thess enderaeath. The in- town and WW in the civi i. i. ... tah tM at svanr-ia' liwxi world. Tbrea dosae will relleva kospltaL snv ordinary oouarb. Priee 70 eta. Get Oraen's Prize Almanac. j o o o o o T l Our S."j.no Suits reducedto '. 1 5 Our 3.50 Suits reduced to 2.25 y Our 1 7,508uitfl redaced to 4.95 Our L0.00Suite,reducto7."45' t r ! Our 75c Umbrella at 42c J Oar 11.26 Umbrellas at ir, J Our 2.00 Umbrellas at 91.50 Onr Ilal are reduced 50 per ;ent. children's suits, :i to 15 ybb. hir $1.25 Suits reducedto 95c )ur 2.00 Suits reducedto $1.45 Our 3.00 Suits reduced to '-'.()() Our Our Our 1 .50 J 'ants rcdiicci I to 1.00 2.50 Pants reduced to 1.75 '.)!() Paota reduced t 2.50 vol Tils SUITS, Our $3.50 Suits reduced to $2 irur o.w Duitsreanoeato .' t ft , ,, . a. "i i I ... A IJ I'll, , 1 11lll, II IW uw ow 'vertuis reauceu to , .. ... , i . ,..,..., i.i , Our $!.(M)SilUHoHoin Shirts,) "ii ' s mm tmma s . u .a k rur IfOO Mteil stylv. i mm. , m m ma C iuii i niii.i ii win ii, te uaaaa w - Our latest style 8truvv Hats are reduced 50 per cent. com It will be tojyoup interest to come to this sale, so one and all and be convinced. fcf)c Clobber, Middleburg, Penntv P. S. We will pay half your oar faro by buying $10.00 worth of goods H. Katz,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers