TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. t Cotuttum Made from ail the Bury- vmi Gfounilx in Snijdvr County fes the Middleburqh "Post." HlDDLEBURQ CBMKTKBY. by K. 0. Hhindel. Wfington, Jennie, w of C. F. d Apr 24, ISHo, aged 26 v 4 m 6 d. thriiman, .John, h Apr 18, 1811; 1 June 7, 1898, aged 57 v 1 m 27 d. Beaver, Isaac, 1 Nov I, 1828; d Apr 17, 1887, aged .rS y o m 16 d. Brahman, Mary C. w of Henry, d Nov 30, 1889. aged 36 v 7 m 22 d. luffinartou, Robert, l Mar is.s, aged 85 y. Barber, tteed V, ? ol . (. aud K. E. .1 Dec 1891, aged 9 m 22 (1. Baubiuan, Israel Bolender, Lutber Grant, a ofDan'i. and Pabina, li Jan IS, 1868; 1 ct 25, 1877, asi 9 v 9 m 7 d. Mender, Many V. s of Daniel and S. il Mar 7, lNT'l, aged 7 U 21 d. lofcnder, Geo. . b Apr 26, 1866; l Aug 20, 1894, aged 28 y : m24d. BufBngton, V.. Ij, d Nov 29, su-, aged 59 y ;'. m 19 d. Boweu, Samuel. Gblnion, David, b Nov 26, 117; ! June 30, 1882, aged 64 v 7 m Id. CrMse, Henrietta, w of Jeremiub, l Sep 4, 1831; .1 ( M 16, 1881. Orwise, Blanch i. J of .1. i. and Alice CI) Apr -Jit, 1881; d Mir 1 8, 1882. Deobler, Muriab Margnretba, w of Lu Iwig, I) May I I, 1794; d May :!;',, IS58, aged 6 1 y 8 d. Dale, Mary Magdalene, d 184 aged y. Bfitrich, John A. M. a ol' Dubler Ludwig, I. Sep "., 1781: d Fuly 1, 1868, aged 80 y ! in '2 d. J :.. John, (I Mai 28, 1885, aged t. y 1 in lit t ,1. teiriuh, Mary Witlenmyer, w of Si .. I) June 22, 181 I, d Sep lflj, J896. Usenlii wer, Snsann, w of Daniel, l Vug 17, 1802; d July 25, I860, aged .".7 y 1 i m 8d. &b, Ellen, d of J. and R, d May 2, 1 s.ri7. agl I y 9 m ''! d. " !, Sowara, 8 of J. and I.. ! May 3, ! 857, aged :! y I 111 26 d. fob, nfuul child "i Fredrie and Lydia, b Dec 31, 1.7, aged 1 in. &b, Fretlric, b Feb 24, 1830; d Nov 10, 1861, aged v 8 in fi d, Bsenhower, Peter, ii Mai 13, IT'.il d July "J."), 1853, aged t2 v 1 in r d. Eggert, Matthaus, l Sep 11, 1856; u Mar 23, 1870, aged 12 y 7 in 12 d. Sib, Frederic, b Aug 10, 1797; d M;ir ! 5, 1 875, aged 77 v 7 in 5 !. Efeeuliower, Daniel, bOol 21, 1788 d J 1 2, 1874, aged 85 y 7 m i 1 .!. ifcterliue, Emma Estella, d of James B. and roiiisa, d Dec 29,, 1 579, ageil I y 8 d. Dora J. d of James and Lydia, Jan 22. 1884, aged 24 v 9 ... 27 d. Probably Ayers. &h, Sarah Ann. Erb, Jacob, l !'. 28, 1 s-j:',; d May "-. 1894, aged 70 y hn 11 d. RIe, Ami M. w of Jacob, d May 25, 1893, aged - y 7 m M ,f. ftrster, Harriet '. b June 17, 1841; d Nov 1 1, l,S7i. Frain, Alma II. d of Peter and Nancy, l June 12, 1 sr.r,; d July 12, 1856, aged y 1 in. Forrey, Lydia, d of N. andS. d Oct 19, 1858, aged :; , jod. Fbrrey, Mary A. d of N. and S. d Mar 17, 1X5N, aged 2 y 15 d. Fn-cr, Jacob, I) Nov 2:5, 17S2; d Feb l::, 1864, aged SI y '2 m 21 d. fryer; Suanna, w of Jacob, d Nov 3, 1873, aged 83 y 11m 21 d. ty, John, Ij Feb 20, 1804; d June 9, 1880, aged 7J y 3 m 19 d. iArster, Junes !:. n of J. A.andM. J. d Aug D5, 187X, aged 2 y 10 m 20 d. ! T r iir n I T 1 reese, imam s 01 . r . ami jcmiic, d May 20, 1895. Frain, Peter, d May 0, 1889, aged 75 y 3 m 4 d. Frain, Nancy J, w of Peter, d Nov 5, 1892, aged 70 y 8 111 0 d. (ioldinan, Meina, from Bavaria, Eu rope, d Dec 29, 1837, aged 20 years. Gilbert, Mary Ann; w of Henry, b Apr 7, 1825; d Sep 16, 1859. aged 34 y 5 m 9 d. (lauglcr, Mariab, w of Samuel, b Jan 28, 1803; d May 3, 180!, aged 00 y 3 m 5 d. Gilbert, Mary E. d of Henry aud Mary Ann, d Apr 0, 1873, aged 21 y 5 in 20 d. Gutelius; John Elmer, b of G. C. and A. M. I Mar 24, 1870; d May 9, 1870, aged 1 m 10 d. (filbert, David Wallace, b Apr 24, 187"); d Oct 29, 175, aged 6 in 5 d, son of Jacob and Ada. Gilbert, ( brrie Elizabeth, d of Jacob and Ada, b Aug 27, 1 877; 1 Feb 5, 1881, aged :'. y 5m 8d. Graybill, John R. ofC. E.and M. ' i. d Oct 17, 1895, aged 2 y 8 m 7 d. Hertlein, Conrad, d Fell 23, 1836, aged 68 y 22 d. Hetrich, 8olmy, d Dec 28, 1830, aged 2") y 5 in. Hetrich, Jones, b Nov 15, 1815; d Jan 18, 1840, aged 21 y 2 m 3d. lb trick, Catharine, d June 22, 1861, aged 13 y :; m 19 d. Hetriok, Elisabeth, w of Henry, d Nov 5, 1862, aged 7'J v 2 in 6 d. Hare, Barbara, w of Valentine, d Mar 20, 1858, aged 70 y I m 2-1 d. Hetrich, Jamb, b May 27, 1810; d June 13, 1846, aged 36y 16 d. Hare, Mary, b July 1. 1818; d Sep 19, 1850, aged 82 y 2 m 15 d. Herrold, Ada B. d of Devi S. and Lydia, 1 Feb 9, 1826, aged 2 y 9 in 15 d. Herrold, Geo. Irvin, s of Levi S. and Lydia, b Apr 20, 1845; d Feb 26, 1859, aged 13 y 10m. Hetrich', Heinricb, b of Jacob and Sarah, b Oct 2s, 1845, d Mar 1, 1810, aged 6 m 3 d. Heiter, Millard M. g of J. and E. d Feb 5, 1835, aged 2 y 1 1 in 1 d. Hoffman, Franklin, b of George V. and Lagh, b Mar 19, 1842; d Mar 30, 1843, aged 1 y 11 d. I let rich, Henry, s ol Jacob and .Sara, b Oct 28, 1845; d Mar 1 8 16, agei! 6 in 1). Hummel, Win. b May 3, 1813; d Dec 26, 1861, aged 48 y 7 m 2:! d. Hare, Valentine, d Nov 29, 1852, aged 72 y 12 d. Han-, Henry, b Mar 7, 1822; d Jan 1864, aged 11 y Id 111 2 d. Hassinger, Jos. b Nov 29, 1800; d Sep 2o, 1861, aged ('( v '. m Jl d. Hassinger, Sophia, w of Joseph, 1 Feb 25, 1807; d Aug 19, 1889, aged 82 y ;i in 24 d. Hoch, John, b June 1, 1811; d Mar 20, 1888, aged 76 y ! m 18 d. Hoch, Elizabeth, w of John, 1 Mar 12, 1818; d Oct 27, 1892, aged 7 I y 7 in 1 5 d. Hains, s of John and A. b Mar :'. 1864. Hare. Jacob F. r of John D. and Amelia, d Sep 11,1 875, aged 7 in 27 d. Hummel, Moses, b Jan lli, 1845; d Sep 24, 1872, aged 27 v 8 m 8 d. Hare, Elizabeth, w of John, b May 28, 1807; d Mar 18j 1880, aged 72 y 7 111 20 d. Hare, Angeline, v of Geo. b Feb 8, 1841; d Api 7, 1878, aged 37 y 1 in 2'..d. Hackenburg, Cora, d of Frederic and E. d Mar 7, 1H79, aged 2 y 3 in 13 d. I are, George, b of George and Ag nus, d Sep 21, 1 880, aged 17 d. Heintzelman, Harvey T. s of I), and Catharine, d Nov 12, 1890, aged 4 y 2 m 6 d. Hate, Chas. Calvin, a of Geo. and Angeline, b Dec 3, 1808; d Oct 2. 18S0, aged 17 y 9 in 29 d. Hummel, Clara, w of Wo. b May 10, 1818; d Mar 14, 1894, aged 75 y 10 m 4 d. Hare, John, b Aug 16, 1809; d July 10, 1892, aged 82 y 10m 24 d. Hetriek, Mary, d Mar 22, 1889, aged 75 y 4 m 2 d. Hummel, Elias, d July 28, 1895, 1 aged 52 y 7 in 2 d. Houtr, John F. b Sep 15,1855; d Jan 9, 1 894, aged 38 v 3 m 24 .1. Hare, Sarah S. d of N. P. andLvdia, A. h May 0, 1804; d Aug 1, 1883, aged 19 y 2 m 25 d. Hare, Bliss. Hare, Infant dan of N. P. and L. A. I b Dec 20, 1878; d Jan 5,; 1879, aged 15 d. King, Anthony J. s of lx;vis and Lydia, b Oct 10, 1849; d Nov, 15. 1859, aged 10 y 30 d. Kremer, Elmira (5. d of F. E. and Elinira G. d June 28, 185, aged 2 111 1 d. Kremer, Ann Eliza, b Jan 2, 1815; d Nov 2, 1865. Kleiner, Frederic Evans, b Jan 27. 1820; d Feb 15, 1887, aged 67 y 19 d. Kremer, Geo. b of Geo. and Catha rine, b Apr 17, lS'J7;d Oct 3, 1833. Kremer, Margaret B. d of Ceo. and Catharine, d Sep 26, 1875, aged 58 V 1 111 6 d. Kremer, Geo. b Nov 21, 170": d Sep 10, 1854. Kremer, Catharine, w of Hon, Ceo. b May 13, 1794; d Sep 13, 1880j aged 86 y 4 m. Kerstcttcr, Ei a, d of D. F. and ( 'atharine A. I Dec 17, 1878; d May I, L880, aged 5 y 1 ra is d. Kerstetter, Uriah, b Mar 29, I860; d Sep 30, 1885. Kern, Geo. il ( Icl 1, 1896, aged 77 y :! 111 d. i Lenhard, Isabella, d of Henrv and liVdin, b Nov IS, 1832; ii Nov I 16, 1848, aged 15 v 11 d 28 d. licnhart, Henry, b Mar 1Si)7; d Mar 26, 1819, aged 12 y. Limb it, Infant 1 of John and Re- bie, I. Nov 23, 1878, aged 16 d. Libbv, Harvey C. a of John and Louisa ( :. d Aug 10, 1891, aged .") m. Mover, Mariab, w ol Daniel, b Apr I. 1833; d Dec 1, 1S59, aged 26 y 7 in 1! 7 d. Miller, Joseph, ii May 15, 12 !; d May 11, 1895, aged 70 v 11 111 27 d. Moat, Barbara E. d of George and Elizabeth, d Oct 1!), 1837, aged 3 y I 111 1 d. Moycr, Robert W. s of D. and M. d July 25, 1854, aged 1 v 2 111 Od. Mei t, Emma Johanna, d of Fred rick and Eliza, d Jan 27,1857 aged 1' in I d. Moser, Johannis, b Nov 12, 1786; d May 15, 1855, aged 68 v 5 in -23 d. Musser, Mary Dealmia, d Aug 11, 1865, aged 2 y 1 in 2 d, Men, Frederic, b Sen 10, 1819; d July 25, 1866, aged 46 y 1( m 15 d. Mertz, Elizalietb, v of Frederic, l Dee 20, 1833; d Apr 5, 1S70, ti ;! 45 y 3 m 1 5 d. Mink, Henry., b July 25, 1834; d Oct K 1880, :iged 52 y 2 111 2 1 d. Mench, Susanna Alice, b Oct 23, 1870, d June 6, 1895. t Moat, Lydia A. w of ( leo. M, d Nov 12, 18! 2, aged 10 y 11 m 23 d. Moatz, George, d July 25, 1878, aged 73 y 8 111 22 d. Moat, Elizabeth, w of Georgo, b Apr 6, 1813; d Dec 22, 1880, aged 07 y 8 in 10 d. Moat, Jennie R. Musser, John ,. b June is, 1843; d May 28, 1895, aged 51 y llmlOd. Norman, Sarah, d ol' John and Catharine, I, Sep 12, 1 S I 1; .1 May 30, 1868. Norman, John, d Apr 20, 1 895, aged 78 y 10 in 11 d. Norman, Catharine, w ol John, d Mar 1 I, 1889, aged 71 v 2 in 20 d. Picard, Raphael, U Apr 17, 1801; d I May 17, 1868, aged 07 y 1 m. j Peters, Andrew J. b Nov 1, 1819; d May 25, 1S77, aged 57 y 61 m 24 d. Ptahler, Albert M. d Aug 10, 1879, j aged 0 m 21 d. Reed, Waldo, born in the State of Conn. 1803; dial June 3,1 1850, in Middleburg, Union' Co., Pa., aged 42 years. "C. C. C." on Every TabletT Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, 10c. SOME NEW JERSEY WHALES, j EKttMlTC Damncr Done to a l r- j ' Net by Onr Making i Ilia Toilet. ill "Down on the Jersey coast, where I epest the summer last" saiil a lanilsman, relates the New York Suu, "1 met a fisherman who told me a story about a wbnle a hunohback wbule. This iUhtrman bad a pound uet. planted off the beach. The net was many hundred feet lonff and cwst hundreds, I don't know but thousands, of doilars. One day after he had got the cat the fisherman saw a little farther off shore a humpback whale, sort of idling' around in the water, but gradually working; inshore. It whs not unusual to see whales off the coast, and the fisherman wasn't ery particularly struck by thi whale, even when he saw that he was edg ing in toward the lund and toward his pound net, because he expected really every minute to see him sheer off and co to pea strain. "The Idea of thewhale'a troublinprhis pound net never OCOUTKO to him, but the first tiling he knew the whale was right along-side of it. The next min ute the fisherman saw the whale rub bing, his back and sides against it, rubbing the barnacles off his back on his pound net! "The hard, lulled rope, tied up in f;;nnoiul imshis, was just the thing for this, or would have been if the net and the stakes had been a little stronger; bin apparently it pleased the whale greatly as it was. He rubbed nlong it slowly, the barnacles catching in the angles of the mwshes and being yanked olT, or else a bunch of them, or the surge of the whale, or both together, tearing the net in some places, the whale crowding in harder all the lime and being espe cially tickled when he rubbed agaiust n stakr. but making the stake bend and crack. And still n-crowding harder and harder, nibbing and scrub bing nloiiLT. 1 lie wnale finally pushed the whole blessed pound net clean over and wrecked and lmlf destroyed it. Then he up helm and put to sen. "Well, now, you know, I was in cltned to doubt this story; just a lit tle, anvhow; but another fisherman T aaw down there said, while th happened before he came, he didn't question that it was the simple truth, lie s;iid he'd seen whales rub and roll on a sandy beach to rub barnacles off. and lie didn't see why a whale should n't use n pound net for that if it found one bandy. He said whales often got gnat numbers of barnacles on them, not on the under part of the body, but on the sides or back, and that the barnacles grew anil thrived there just as they would, for instance, on a turtle, or as they do in enormous numbers on ships. These barnacles may not actually irritate the whale, but they impede its prog ress just as they would a ship's, and make the whale want to get rid of them. "The whale can't very well mb the barnacles off on the bottom, because it, would be likely to find only soft 007P and mud, and that's alout what he'd find inshore, too, at the month of rivers and such placet; but if he strikes a sandy beach, there he'll rub himself. And lie might clean himself on a rocky const; but if b did, it wouldn't be on the rocks, but on some little beach where there was a place for it, made by the weathering of the rocks and grinding up of the frag ments by the sea. The whale, this man said, certainly does come into such places to rub the barnacles off; and ho thought the pound net story was no fish story, but just a plain statement of the facts. "I met down there another fisher man still who told me about a hump back whale lie onco met off Sandy Hook, when he was going into New York on a fishing smack. This whale was lying on top of the water, dead, to all appearances; and from what showed of it above the water it ap peared to be about 48 feet long. They headed the smack up for it. and bad got within nlHiut 3il feet of it. when one of the crew dropped a sweep on the smack's deck. It struck the deck with a loud bang, nnd "Swish slap! went the whale's tail as l.e threw it up and then slammed it down on the water; and, zoo-op! down and away he went !n a grand crush and slather of foam and waves. They saw him again about a quartet of a mile olT, and thin they didn't sea him ngain nt all. "The whale, you see, had just been lying there on the water asleep. And they were glad the man dropped 1he onr as he did and waked him, be cause the smack was a small sloop, nnd the whale would have made it warm for them if they'd been over him, as they might have been, whin he woke up." for Infants and Children. Castorla la a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare, gorio. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, n contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth, lng Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulate the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural gjeeD The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bean the Signature 01 f isssssr In Use For Over 30 Years. The People's National Family Newspapej Nfiff- I'iiUi -li.M o n d a y, WiMliiemlny ami Frirtnv, I m in reality a Hue, fresh, very-oilier ly Daily, Kivinic the latent new on (lays of ituiue, and rover in( new of the other three. It contain all Im portant foreign cab e iiewi winch appears in TttE KAII.Y TRIBUNE of name lnte, iiUu Done tic Aiiti Foreign 'orres pontlence. Short Stories, K I. -if ant Half-tone IlltM t rat ions. II timorous Items, Industrial information. Fashion Notes, Agrfoill turrtl Malters and Com prehenstvc and Reliable Financial and Market Ke pi rts. 1! evil I ft r subscription price, ll.fiO per year. We furnish it with ttle Poet for $1.76 per year. York Pnbll.hed onltim nil. i Known Inr iltiM of lln- United Mali,! National i-,,,,,. v" paper of the hlS or farmers and rill, it 1 1 1 t , .ii .. : ,,. . ' I NK tin 1m t ...V ... " ... . kl lng rea.ln,k. fe,.,. member ..t ti. i,,:J oKl snd young, MkJ t'll tlH . '.. I. . r '1r,, 'I c dry '". n leu, w oaie inn ret Instructive If i' K ll I r -'lUrnp'jo, ' "" pel We film. . I, ,1 ' osTiorfi.'jsnei nat. Send all orders to the "Post", Sliddlebingh. PaJ Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payme REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCH0CH, GENERAL lNSe-?ANCE AGENCY SBUlVSfiliOTBi FA. uniy tue uidest, Strongest Casb Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and. Tornado. NoAssessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819! Assets 11,0 ,13.88 " Home " S53 9,83 American " " " 1810 " 2.4( The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Silicited. 2.40"' M i!2 HOT WEATHER I BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. "New Rochester" WICKLESS SIMPLE, SAFE. rOOKINI under tbese cirdimstnnces is a plpiisure. Tin' Rochester! t Lamp Co. stake their reputation od tie stove iu questiun. Tbe best evidence of the satisfaction enjoyed is tesUmouials galore and du plicate orilei-H from ail parts of ibe world. Send for literature, both for tbo "New Rochester" Cook Stove and the "New Rochester" l.amn. bold You will never regret having introduced those goods into y house The Rochester Lamp Co., 3 Park Place and .13 Barclay St., New York. Tin. l.nrmnii Ineabstor. 5ew South V;i!os lias not i nly tlie larfrest duck farm in the common wealth, but also probably the largest incubator in the world. The farm and incubator are situated at l'otnny, near Sydney, the latter, according- to a Syd ney paper, having a capacity of 11,440 duck eggs, or H.0S0 lien eggs. It is not necessary that it should be tilled at anv one. time. The eggs can be put in at intervals, a. they are available. With 50 eggs only it will work just as well as if it were tilled. The incubator w ai designed and constructed by its pro prietor, with the aid of an ingenious local mechanic. N. V. lierald. Chronic Kicker. First Waiter That man over at the corner table is an awful kicker. Seoond Waiter Yes; he complained the other day because there were no pearls in his oysters. "And now he wants to know what we mesa by removing the diamonds from the dismond-bsck terrapin." Philadelphia Record. T be I .1 . r of Sons?. "Now, darling, will you grant me one favor before I go'.'" "Yes, George, I will," she said, droop. in;' her eyelashes anil getting i her bps in Shape. "What is the fa tar I can grant you?" "Only a litilc! sung at the piano, love. 1 am afraid there is n do out sjdo wailing for me, and I wast to Bi-.u-o him away." Tit-Bits. Floelta of PSMtMlM. Hides Yes; Wilkins is a mind read er. You Know Hilarum, the crazy man? Well, the other day he was crazier than usual, and then got drunk, to boot. And we set Wilkins to work reading his mind. Wicks -Must have been Interesting. Hicks Interesting? Wilkins said it was just line reading a Sunday paper. Puck. Aaullirr ChsSMi Susan I just hate these uouundruaa fiends. Kitty Tndeed? Why? Susan Because the other evening Mr. Stubklns asked me: "Will you be my wife?" and when I said "Yes," he said be would give me another guess. Detroit Free Press. GROUSE, ATTOHSKY AT LAW. MjnDMCBURe.W All bunin.'is entrusted tohil will receive nroinot nttwituni- lit. M. Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as food." ft. FT. Pottiogoi', VeteriNarY sUrgeoN. SELI N SGROVE. PA. aii professional business ea trusted toavsa will r.-celvo jirompt and cureful attention. in Thero is no better investment peoplo of small or large moans tbtfl the, sharos of the Union OossOUM! ed Bfarora Co., which are now beitfl offered at one centaRhare. full-P'f non-asHessable, aud without person-l .i ii-t-iiii. I ui naniiii v. JB Inteuest Diviuenhs at thfl rate 10 per cent per annum, payable ui yearly for two years, are quabat ed. in addition to the regularly eaml ed dividends. I Wfl also call "attention to HI "Smelter Shares" ofjthe uKxttM Cdrlkw," "Bocndabt Cami" ""I "Ouuks Bkk" oomDauies; nowi ing at throe cents, with same ioW'1 est dividend guarantee- J All shares sold on the installme nln nr all ennh SAnrl for illustrated ci rculir'l maps, terms, prices, etc. Fourth Fioor, Andras BW 3-2S 26t. Minneapolis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers