( PRKPARKD BStPRESSLY FOR THE Vm."1 jLZJT c g SELINSGROVE. u, i E. Kmrick ami children LlMrs. AnuieStrohn and sons of lire siendine several weeks 7., ,u:.mll,r Mrs. P. It. Way bill! Hit" ' I -o teller. tv Kmrick spent a day or two Ling i" pW oi'lhe conimencemcnt. I'll,, coniniencement exercises were .il.ttondfld and were very interest . LurSnimr with the Society delate llkL ' - O w E eve. the Hacealeaurate sermon, t.,,,i,iivsstothe Y. M. C. A. MOD EL the class day exercise on the teams, music by the Uth Kegt IHl " ' M rv recital and the reoeptKHM of the l - I i('Miii tin: iimfiv viuvuwvu" jterary oocieews, tiie poiio twing j.vptionally fine, the active and cx- iIipn doinir honors to the invited liiest. The Clio had an exercise thidi was enjoyed, the Banquet U Junior oratorical 00 n test, anil Hie field sports were largely attended Inil highly appreciated, ine concert If the combined olubs was immense; Lie house lciiig crowded ami stand s-room was scarce. Ihe yoiiiur Ln wi re at their lcst. The triad- Ltinff exercises were on Thursday Li were very good. ( )n every hand he could liear troni the strangers in I ... i a i. : i Niir midst, wn:ii line exerciser aim Lcb excellent music Among the many at the exercises re noticed the following. Miss Blanch lable ot Harrisburg, iFred. Lllrich's. Miss Jones of Newport, at Miss isie Ulrich 8. Miss Byerly of Herndon, at J. DI. Boyer's Miss Mildred Fortney of N. Y. It Miss Hattie Zigler's. Miss Roush of Sunbury with Miss arySchnure. Miss Gibson of Sunbury at Miss ertha Meisera. Mrs. Keboch at the Keystone. Mr. Sims at H. L. Philip's. Harry Hare at Keystone. F. E. Woodley at Keystone. Mrs. T. II. Ulsh and cousin left Driftwood Mondav. Chas. Wetzel ofSteeltonis visiting datives in town. The Children's day exercise in the Irinitv Luth. church Sunday was w Wtiy fine. The most of it was ren- cred by the primary school. A Good onRta Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's leoiedy when drueirists use it in heir own families in preference to o any other. " I have sold Cham erlam s Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction lp myself and customers," ays jrustfiKt J . Uoldsmith, Van Etten, f. Y. " I have always used it in mv own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the couch follow ing la grippe, and find it very ellica rious." For sale by the Middleburj; Jfug store. UNION TOWNSHIP. A. E. Aucker and wife spent Sunday with friends at Riverside. Rev. J. H. Maice (the blind evan gelist) and wife of York Pa. are vis iting at II. H. Sechrist's. Foster C. Fisher of Salem, liiintr- (d among friends here last week. Chas. Memrle of Mt Pli again Mills is working for W. J.Herman. Charles H. Sechrist of Shamokin am spent Sunday at home. 1). W. Stehl is build pete threshing machine. Our poplar watch and clock re airer, A. EL Aucker. has liis shin gle out to indicate his trade. If our road tax this year will be P" proportion hi the amnnni nf amok fl'ine on our roads it will be small. B. It. Zimmerman fell from his pheel Sunday. He is still carrying "me external token of remembrance. You TTlftV OH vt l f.M.jw.l li vim II steam engine without water as to nnd an active, energetic man with a I.-M-". uor, you may Know man nis er, j torpid when he doeB not re- r?" uis ioou Cr feels dull and languid "iter enti Tiff ffli.li lino linmlntlin n . 1 oraet,mes dizzines. A few doses of lamberlain'B Stomach and Liver C"WMWIU restore his liver to ih II. i ri B uigesiion anu make nun wei uke a new man. Price 25 cents. tore at Middlebm'S'a drug PORT TREVERTON Mrs. Ii. F. Charles made a busi n ess trip to Chapman Saturday. Miss Dilla Sholly is visiting her parents, Daniel Sholly and wife. Mrs. (J. C. Faust and son are vis iting their parents and grandper euts respectively, Win. Rover and wife. Photographer Bailey of Pallas was in town Saturday. 0 Miss Jennie Charles attended commencement at Sclinsgrove last week. Harvey Hogaf, a graduate of C. P. C, New Berlin, and Buoknell University, Iewisburg, is enjoying the hospitality of his parents, John Bogar and wife. Clarence Lenig of Milton circu lated among friends over Sunday. Robert Ferry, wife and daughter of Kantz mingled with rclativcsSat urday. Mrs. Moses Bruhakcr and daugh ter, Jennie, of Kclipsc were business callers here Saturday. Henry Hoot and wife of Dun dore passed through our little pro gressive town Saturday. H. F. Charles was to Frceburg Sunday. Daniel Snyder and daughter, Maria, of Sclinsgrove, spent Sunday with his son, Jerre, and family. Richard Foltz. who is employed at Duncannon, spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. M. II. Hcrrold has gone to Lewisburg to sec her daughter, Mrs. David Burkey. who is very ill. Guy Neitz of Sunbury is visiting his uncle and aunt, S. P. Steffen and wife. Adam lteif and wife and William Fisher, wife and son spent Sunday with relatives of Salem. P. G. Shambach transacted busi ness at Sclinsgrove Saturday. George ltiue and wife of Kantz were the esteemed guests of the hit ter's parents, Henry Keller and wife, over Sunday. Considering the inclemency of the weather Saturday evening, the festi val which was held by the Mite S) ciety of the U. B. church was well attended. The refreshments consist ed of turtle soup, ice cream, straw berries and cake. Mrs. Oliver Spotts and children of Milton are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Arnold. George Herrold and wife, sister, Viola Herrol I, daughter, Mrs. Fred Attinger, and grandson, Frank At tinger of Chapman passed through town Saturday. Baker Shaffer of Sclinsgrove was an all around man at the festival. II. F. Charles and wife were the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. George Hcrrold and husband. Sun day. David Fox and wife of Millers burg were in town to attend the funeral of his brother, Christopher, Tuesday. Chas. Witiner of Williamsport is visiting his brother-in-law, James Scha Her and wife. T. Q. Herrold of Chapman made his hebdomadal trip to our town Sat urday night. A crowd of about sixty of the leadidg people of town were to ti mer Sunday evening to witness the Children's Day exercises in the U. Ev. church. There was a crowd i! house and the exercises rendered were very interesting and were ap preciated by all. The floral decora tions were superb. (-has. Aucker of Verdi I la was in town Friday. G. A. H. of Sclinsgrove was well represented at Christopher Fox's funeral Tuesday. Mr. Michael oi Georgetown spent Sunday at the Port Trevcrton House. George Strawser of Selinsgrove was in town several times during the week. ta nn rb faiis Host Oimjih Syrnii. TmuwUowL C In tltni. H"M by riruiwlHtfl. m .yen i - h i k mm U ULLAGES IF BY IT3 CORP3 OF CORRESPONDENTS Jf lHTMDOBS. Eoooomy in youth means an easy chair in old age. Katharine Miller of Fremont railed on Maria W. Dundore before starting for Phila. where flic h i Secured a situation. Isaac Campbell of Herndon spent last Sabltath with his parents. Henry iVitmer is a successful coal digger in the Susquehanna. J. P, Wise is on the sick list. Wilson Bingaman is working Ibr a party at Trevorton. Daniel Woll is mowing briers for N. T. Dundore. Old potatoes were very much in demand. Dr. Nipple and wife of Sunbury on their return from a visit to Port Trevorton, halted a few momenta in town, and the Dr. is full of rail road news of interest to cur side of the river. W. S. Reichenbach is confined to his room with rheumatism. Our Overseen of the Poor have $")")() uncollected outstanding taxes but have no money to feed the poor. John Houser, the deaf mute of Port Trevorton, was in town ready to communicate in his own way. Capt. Kise of Phila. called on our merchant. Alice Bollinger and son of near Frceburg were in town on business. 'Squire Scchrint held a widow V appraisement at l'ort Trevorti n. The exhibition of roses and the service of song last Sabbath evening at the Children's Day services at the Winner U. E. church were ex ceptionally fine. Maria W. Dundore made a trip to Sclinsgrove on business and call ed on her niece, Sarah Eyer. Wm. Aucker was burning brushes one night last week and Herndon, Selinsgrove and Port Trevorton used the 'phone freely to ascertain whesj barn was burning. Dr. Krebs called Toehill to look after one of his paticiite. Farmers are looking for a heavy wheat crop. J. W. Wise sold a horse to a party from Harrisburg. Susan Waguer spent an evening with Maria W. Dundore. Our town is exceedingly pictur esque at present; the scenery is en chanting and our suburbs are in the midst of prosperity, foremost among them, Toehill, Hot Springs and Battletown. John Houtz of Freeburg, the eu terprising cigar peddler, was in town on business. At Dundore's store you can have 1 Hitter at any price and get for eggs any price you ask. Maria W. Dundore and Minnie E. Eyer were to the funeral of their uncle, II. (J. Herrold at Milton. George Kratzer got anew Deer ing mower. BOFFBR J. II. Kreitzcr, who is employed at Milton, was at home on a visit from Thursday to Monday. W. H. Arnold, who is working in the asylum at Harrisburg is home on a vacotion. Wm. Hile is very happy since he is grandpa. J. T. Wendt left for MuClure last week to work. ( mr blacksmith took a trip to Sunbury iast week. . B. ltinc bought a bicycle from Jno. Hummel, the new bicycle deal er, lie does quite well for a begin ner. Albeit Lefller returned home again from Duncannon. J. P. licit and family returned home to Wintield Monday after spending Sunday with his sister at this place. Mrs. Frank Heini visited her parents at Fremont last week. Misses Mamie and Irene Krotzer spent a day at Independence last week. Thomas Herrord and Mr. Bergy of Chapman transacted business here Saturday. Lottie Heckard sent last week at Georgetown. John Rice wears a smile because brand new boy has called to stay. SNYDER QOUttTti MEISER ILLE. The rain Saturday evening was welcome. The festival at ricntiil was well attended. By all appearance some came home bare-touted. Win. Gamby our supervisor repairing the roads. David Meiser and wife attended the funeral of Henry Nagle near Richfield Thursday. Miss Minerva Stroup of Phila. was visiting her brother, Wesley, over Sunday. llobert W endt has a very sore hand on accouut of rheumatism. Stuart Hall of Me Kecs was in town last Sat unlay. (J. W. Portline was stretching wire With horses lat week and dur ing his work the wire caught at a stomp, ami in trying to loosen the wire he did not take notice that the horses were pulling, lien it sudden ly slipped ell catching him, threw him about ten feet away and landed him squarely in a mud hole; there was nothing dry about him except his number 12 boots which he couldn't get in. George Hall, our young mer chant, is doing a guild business; he is a Strictly honest and an upright man. Some of our farmer" arc cutting grass. J. A. Mover of Freeburg was the guest of G. W. Portline last Sun day. lteiley Weaver, our (umbel deal er, is kept busy every day selling his lumber. ltev. E. E. (iilhert of Fremont passed through here Saturday. Prof. H. E. Keiter, who attends Ursinus College at Collegeville, Pa., is at home again and we are glad to hear that his brother, W. S. Keiter, who is now employed as Professor of Mathematics at Prsinus Academy, graduated this spring with second honors. Gray t "My hair was falling out and turning gray very fan. But your Hair vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair ! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. $1.03 a bollle. All drat1its. if your drnri'in cannot npply yon, end na one dollar ami we will eiret you a bottlo. lio lure amlcire the name oi tout MHwet eznrvH omi A'nirrn, t . I) t II ... 1 .11 u-.. U. V. A 1 CIV V . GLOBE If ILLS Mrs. Henry Hottenstein and daughter spent Sunday in Freeburg. Charles Stuck of Cammal spent a few days with his wife and chil dren. Frank Snyder, the traveling bas ket maker, is again camping at Globe Hills. David Row's many friends arej glad to see him about again. Allen Snyder ami wife of Selins grove spent Sunday with A. A. Ulrich and wife. Mable How of Beavertown spent Sunday at home. Samuel Hummel nnd wife of Beavertown sent Sunday with B. j F. Walter and family. The festival given by the Sunday school of this place was well attend ed considering the weather. A Spriinip.1 Uakl ((ulrlilj enroll. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle,'' says 1 Geo. E. Cary, editor of tLe Guide, , Washington, Va." After usine: sever al well recomfindeil medicines with-1 out success, I tried Chamberlain's I'aiu Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily j'o'lowed." Sold by the Mifleieburg Drus Store. MIDDbEBURG. One Grand and Glorious Holiday MONDAY, JULY 1. Exhibition Lot:- Fair Grounds pirn p ROYAL IMPERIAL JAPANESE CIRCUS, GOLIATHIC MUSEUM AND COMBINED TRAINED ANIMAL EXPOSITION. THB MOST STUPBNDOUS AWB1NIC RUVISW BVER OPPBkBO I.N UISB lvl0. 500 EXTRAORDINARY FEATURES AND STRANGE SIGHTS-300 HUOB WATBR.PROOP TBNT8. SEATS I'OR POUR THOUSAND PBRSON8. 1NO liliTriiW SHOW WILL, VISIT HBRB THIS SBASON. CONSOLIDATED WITH Chas. Lee Great London R. R, Shows For This Day and Date Only These Two Monster Popular Priced R. It. Shows of America, under our Immense Water Proof Can vas for our Price of Admission. Doq't fqil o sec Gqp. Glas. LcvPis iqljis 100 ft tiiglj dKc oi Ufcffce oq soWgoqqd : 1 qqd 7 M- The C W of adms Lk ed At the alternoon performance all Children ( mDE&ViARS ) will be ad mitted for 10 cents, but at night the price will be 25 cents for everybody. GRAND SPECTACI LAR PREE STREET PARADE at 11 A. M., k7 RTE COM ING MANY MILES TO WITNESS. . i price to B7T 2
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