The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 20, 1901, Image 8

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    f m
Thirty Pasaenpers on Eoard Mirac
ulously Escaped Death,
rave !'.-.. jagemaster, Though G-rious
ly Wounded, Crawled Back With a
Lantern and Saved an Oncoming
Freight Train From Destruction.
Runlet, N. C, June II. Late Snn
day night the north bound Seaboard
Air Line Atlanta special turned broad
side off a trestle Into a pond about a
mile north ( Rockingham. There
were on board about 25 or 30 passt-a
gets, ull of whom were more or less in
jureil, several very aerlously, and two,
a white man and a negro, probably fa
tally. There were three lad ins and
some children aboard, none of whom
were seriously hurt.
The engine and two mail ears pass
ed over in safety, but the combination
baggage and second first class and two
Pullmans turned over. On account ol
the rains the piers of the trestle save
way on the left side. At the first ( rash
all limits went out and water rushed
in waist deep through the windows.
Baggagemaster Smith, though sari j
ously hurt himself, at once thought oil
the freight following close behind He
crawled out, and selling a lantern hob
bled down the tradi and flagged the'
freight, thereby preventing a second
tatastrophe. When the freight stop
ped I f was lying on the ground un
abl" to rise, but still waving the lan
tc rn, He fell time and again before be
succeeded In getting far enough back
to ili'i; the train. He hail to be car
Tied lia '.. on a stretcher.
The newsboy also did heroic work,
crawling through the cara through the
transom over the doors and helping
the almost drowned passengers to es
( ape.
A relief train came from Hamlet
with doctors, and another from Rock
Ingham, The hotel h re is being use.:
as a t imporary hospital.
If Convicted the Case Will Be Taker
to tiie House of Lords.
London, .lune 18. Lord Russell was
yc... i day held In 110,000 bail upon th
charge of bigamy preferred by tin
da htcr of Lady Scott, from whom
th earl Mints he was divorced.
I tlves arrested Lord Russell nt
Wat rloo. station ns he left the train
II was charged in How street court
tn the afternoon, before Magistrate
Lushfegton, with having married Moll)
Cook, otherwise Mrs. Somerville, at
Denurook, New, on April 13, 1900
w lie I e had a wife still living In Kng
land, and returning with his second
wife lo Maidenhead. England, on Ma:
8, 1900, where they have since been
living a: man and wife. Counsel tot
the earl pointed out that the prosecu
tion omitted mention of
proceedings institute! by
in America In the evi a'.
the divorct
hi i lordshli
a convlc
tion tic case will be t:l;er.
to the liousi
of lords, as Earl Rut Bell
a trial by his peers.
entitled tc
Insurance Of.'cial Under Arrest.
New York, June 18. William 0
Walker, who is now Bpecial agent ol
the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance
company, of Philadelphia, was arrest
ed In city yesterday afternoon
.I irged with fraudulent conversion
Early In 1S9S, when Walker was as
sistant treasurer and secretary of tht
United Security Life Insurance ami
Trust company, be was arrested, ac
cused if erabewllng S.rt".it from thi
company. He pleaded guilty and wai
bi ntom od to two years in the Eastern
penitentiary on .June 1898. He was
pnrdoi ed Pec. Tl. The American
Suret) company, of this city, had t(
pav '"i.?,';ft.
Big Coal Deal in West Virginia.
Fairmont, W. Va., .lune is. The lai
pest coal deal ever consummated it
i ,. ;: was closed yesterday, the
Watson coal operators having practl
ured control of the entire
Ft n region. A new company.
v 100,000 cnpital, has been or
1 and is known as the Fairmont
Coal i in pany, The Watsons have as
io lai d with them several New York
taj Italists, but they will retain the eon
trollii if? Interest. The mines absorbed
in this di a! comprise practically every
oi p n this district, a total of 37
The annual outDUt will be ovei
6,1 10 not tons of coal Over
on the monthly payroll
r.-;i?ral Cailles io Surrender.
Wash ngton, June IT. Otflcials ol
the war department are very well
p as( ! with the prospective surrender
ef Hen Catllos, the Filipino insurgent
lead) . t'iiille.s la a man of consider
ald Influt nee. and v. 1th his harting of
some hundreds of m( n has been a men
ace to the efforts of the military ati
thorlties to stamp out the rebellion in
I uzon. Mis capitulation, therefore, is
regaraca wnu uiu '
, 1 . u . ii,,,, a-r in
f.iithoiitles here,
tll' o l lie. ncc
it another evidence of the general dis
IntegrrlWon of the insurgent forces.
Ex-Governor Pingree's Illness.
London, June 18. Ex-Governor Tin
greVs physicians left him at midnight
last night. There is continued appre
heusion as to his condition. The
strongest drugs have failed to checl
the dysentery, and the only hopeful
symptom is that the patient is enabled
freely to partake ot nourishment. Mrs
Plngree sails f(.r London Wednesday,
and the phyislans hope that Mr. Pin
grte may at least be able to see hi I
wife, as he remains perfectly rational
Watfncsday, June 11.
The Interna" nil Machinists' asso
elation, in convention at Toronto, re
flected President O Tonnell.
President McKinley has put a s op
to the third term talk by an official in
nounrement that he would not accept
a r nomination.
The acceptance by the Cuban rfcnvsn
tlon of the l'latt amendment makes it
likely that absolute Independence will
be a reality by Christmas.
William J. Samtord, governor of Al
abama, and es congressman, died at
Tuscaloosa, aged 66. Hen. W. D. Jelks
president of the senate, succeeds him.
Thursday, June 13.
A movement Is on foot to combine all
coal mines not adready secured by the
steel trust.
The thermometer in Chicago yester
dap reached 88 degrees, and there
were several prostrations.
The battleship llllnis, in her trial ofl
Boston, proved herself the fastest ol
her class alloat, covering 17.31 knot?
an hour.
Joseph H. Thing, the lawyer charged
With sentence frauds in Maryland, was
sentenced to two years' Imprlsonmen. ;
and $1,000 tine.
The steamer Cleveland, now nearing j
completion at Hath. Me., Is to be
christened by Miss Kuth Hanna
daughter of the senator.
Friday, June 14.
Ex-Governor Hazen S. Plngree, ol
Michigan, is seriously ill In London.
At the Eastern high school in Wash
ington male students in shirt walstt
were excluded.
Sir Claude MacDonald, British min
ister to Japan, has arrived at San
Francisco en route to London.
Secretary Gage yesterday formal!)
accepted the new Philadelphia mint
and transferred it to Superlntendenl
Nebraska's supreme court decided
that the bondsmi n of ex state Treasur
er Hartley, now In prison, must mai;t
good bis $545,947 embezzlement,
President Loubet, of France, yester
day received Mr, Henderson, speakei
of the United states house of repre
sen tat Ives, and Rpresntative Glllet
Saturday, June 15.
Lightning killed three men at Scotl
Lake. Mich.
Julian Phelps, United States consul
at Crefeld, Germany, has resigned.
Mexico's building at the I'an-Ameri
can exposition was formally opened
and dedicated yesterday.
The total German losses In China
have been iv officers, 32 non-commls
: loned offii era and -50 privates.
The Citizens' association of ChlcagC applied for an injunction to ro I
strain book making unit pool selling
Sir Thomas Upton favors a race
across the Atlantic between the Anier
lca'S cup competitors, regardless ol
which may win the cup races.
Monday, June 17.
Miguel A. Otero has been reappoint
ed governor of New Mexico.
A foot of snow fell on Friday night
at LeadVille and Cripple Creek, Colo.
The National Association of Naval
Veli rans has been called in convention
at Cleveland Bept '.' to 1 1.
Mrs. Lulu-Price Kennedy, who klllet:
hi r husband at Kansas City, was sen
tenced to ten years' imprisonment.
It is asserted that ex-Congressman
Peters, of Kansas, will succeed II
Clay Evans as commissioner of pen
The a with which the Blondln wo
man was decapitated was found Salu;
day near the scene of the murder, at
North Chelmsford, Mass.
The Jury In the third trial of Dr
Kennedy for the murder of "Holly'
Reynolds, in New York, disagreed, it
is believed he will be liberated.
Tuesday, June 18.
The legislature of Porto Rico
meet In special session July 4.
Housemaids In Chicago are for
a labor union and will demand nn i
hour day.
it Is behevi I that Hr. Kennedy
alleged slay r of "Polly" Reynolds, ii
New York, will be liberated.
u i: , lai i lial tlio battleship wis
consin will show a speed of over If
, krp.ts an hour on her official trial.
I ItiispiaV ( ?.ar litis invited KinK Alex
i under and Queen Drags of Servla
make a stnto visit to St. Petersburg
i New Pennsylvania postmasters.
i North Hope. Harmon Soaton; Elder
Ridge, John C. Ewlng; Tanoma, Jo'
sepb ll. .Myers.
Philadelphia, June 17. Flour weak: win
' ter superfine, 111091.23; city mills, extra
I2.4092.6S; Pennsylvania roller, clear, X'Sh
1.25, Rye llour quiet at U.VSol.'M per bur
rel, Wheat steady: No. 2 red. spot. 75'-!
7BV4c, Corn steady; No 2 mixed. pt. '.
946Kc : No 2 yellow, for local trade, 47V4o
1 Oats quiet; No 2 white, clipped, 83?84c.:
I low grades. 50932c. liny qulot; No. 1
! timothy. (16.60 for lame hales. Beef quiet:
i beef hams. 119.5092.50, Fork steady; fam
tly, 317917.50; mess. tlS.760U.ftV Lard
iteady; western steamed, 3S.S5. Live poul-
try (pint.
1 at llHc for hens, 7c. for old
22016c. for spring chlckon-
',,. , , . ih. to the oalr and ir.1i 20.
for sprmgera weigning I1 10 tyt ms. pe.
pair. Butter firm, factory, 12(iii4ViiC ;
crenmery. UOttttO.; Imitation creamery.
IMilTc.; New York dairy, It'll lSViC ; fancy
Pennsylvania prints Jobblns at 2K&24C.; do
wholesale, tOc, Cheese firm; funcy largl
and smali, white and colored. 8c. BggS
firm; New York and Pennsylvania. i:W
13H: western. unraded, 11012Vic. ; do
candled, 13irl3V4c Potatoes quiet; New
York $2!&2.2r.; Nonolk. cxtrag. 33.50. Cab
bages steady: Norfolk, per bbls.. 25975c.
East Lllierty, June 17.-Cattle lower; ex
tra ti.SWut.. prime. 35.6595.75; good, 35.354T
6.56. Hogn dull and lower; extra heavy
hogs 36 0596.10; assorted mediums, 36.05;
beat Yorkers, 36.05; light do. and pigs. W'u
6.05; skips. 34.3095; roughs. 3495.50. Sheep
higher; best wethers, H.8094; culls and
common, 31.5092.50; choice yearlings, 34.21
04.36; common to good, 24.1.
Interesting Sequel to the Theft on
the North German Liner.
The Bedroom Steward Who- "Found"
the Stolen Gold l Believed to Have
Been Only a Tool of Shrews) Ameri
can Robbers
New York. Jane 18. Since the ar
rival here a few daya ago of Arthur
Carl, chief of police of Bremen, Ger
many, on the steamship Lahn, some In
side Information concerning the mys
terlous gold bar robbery which occur
red last April aboard the Kaiser Wll
helm der Orosse has leaked out.
Thus far but one arrest has been
made in connection with the crime, but j
the prisoner. Theodore Magers, the
bedroom steward, Is believed to have j
been only a tool of shrewd men who
planned to reap a large quantity ot
yellow bullion by the plundering ot !
the treasure vault aboard the liner.
Magers. who got the reward for finding 1
the stolen gold, is locked up In Ger
The North German Lloyd offlf Mis.
When the robbery was reported, of '
fered a reward of I2.H00 for the miss
ing gold liars, and three days after the
vessel reached Bremen Magers claim ;
ed that while ( leaning the woodwork :
In one of the second cabin passage
ways be found the bullion hitmen on a
protruding cornice back of some steam
pipes, The reward was paid to Ma
According to the story now told
Magers left the ship, saying that he
was going to have a good time with
his sweetheart, who Uvea In Bremen ;
He did not return to the Kaiser del j
Orosse before she started back fOl
New York, but a week or so after
wards he put in an appearance at the
Bremen pier In a deplorable condition.
He explained that while on his way tc 1
see his sweetheart he fell In with a
man who had been a second cabin pas
senger on the Kaiser WUhelm der
Crosse, and that the latter hypnotised
and robbed him of the reward money.
He wandered about for days with thr
stranger, whose name ho professed
not to know, and one day broke the
hypnotic spell by pimping into the
water at Amsterdam, Holland, tc
Which city they had traveled. He was
rescued, and being without funds had
to work his way back to Bremen as
best he could.
The detectives, suspecting that the
place where Magers said ho had found
the gold bars was not its hiding place
again Questioned the bedroom steward
and ns he made conflicting statement!
and damaging admissions he was ar
rested on suspicion. Before ho was
arrested the French detectives pet !n
formation about two strange men. be
lleved to be Americans, who hnd l er r
couple of days chartered n sair.!! s.i'l
boat r.:id In the crafl j it-re-! n'jo :
entrance to Cherhour? hlflnr T"iej
were suspected to be in the mni- irrcy
to steal the gold ah:).-!:-.l l!i I . a set
Wllhelm der Grose? and asked about
the route of that vsfsel when it ar
rived from America to land her Cher
bourg passengers, saying that they
wanted to Intercept the vessel and gel
a message from friends on board whe
were bound for Germany. These men
vanished before the alarm about the
robbery on the steamship was raised
but they since have been traced back
to the United States.
Safe. Always reliable, LAallea, ask Prasitat fbi
..i.i metallla h-ivs aenled with blue ribbon.
Tube no olhvr. ilanuercMiH aMbatl
lutlnnaauid Irallallnna. rtuj ofrourOruttlat,
..r send I-. In ttamni for Particulars. Teall
inoniiiio and -itellei' Tor Ladle," In Utter,
bl return flail. I (I. ((() lixiiminiul.s. !-uld by
all Drucitiata.
gluo Btadlaon Square, 1 u i .. .. .. M.
Mi nilun ihls paper.
Jackson's Last Dispatch to Lee.
Hagerstown, Md., June 18. Mrs. Ja
cob Delllnger found among some old
minora in a trunk at her home, near;
WilUamsport, this county, a copy ol
the last dispatch written by Stonewall
Jackson to Gen. Lee before the haul,
of Chancellorsvllle. The dispatch if
dated May 2, 1863, at 3 o'clock p. m.
and states that the enemy has made a
stand at Chancellors ville and express
es the belief that a "kind providence
will blcs3 us with success." It is sup
posed that the paper was left at Mr.
Dellingcr's house, which was occupied
as a hospital during the war, by a Con
federate soldier.
Tbo most miserable beings in tbe
worldure those siifTerini? from Dye
pepHia and Liver Complaint. Morp
than seventy ti.e per cent, of the
people in the United States are af
flicted with these two diseases and
their effects: such as Sour Stomach,
Sick neadache. Habitual Costive-r-ess.
Palpitation of the Heart,
Heart-burn, Water brash, Gnawing
and Hurnintr Pains at the Pit of the
Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated
Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in
the Mouth. Coming np of Food after
Eatiuc, Low Spirited, ete. Go to
your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
noses will relieve you. Try it- Get
Green's Prize Almanac.
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
thing, to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Aver s Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation and biliousness:
Gently laxative.
All druggiiU.
Wal y oar mnuiUtb or brord a betut'ful
brawn or rich black ? Than ua
en, a dmt, a hu a Co., Mam n.n.
Eepublioan Sttndina Committee-
iW- C. r. Hlnajaaaan, D. Mm.
HaTer--Chrleo Dreaac, Kliuer Watael.
Baarar w Tha Hrrbaaar. Jackaoa Makrr.
antra W. A.Napp, K. II. Hlina.
OkMMNM Fttw Shaffer, C. II. ('pdaarnvr
Pru kiln-John Hackanbura;, (lo t. Sutler,
laekaon J. Harvey Mrr, 3. A. Brouaa.
MlddleliurK-F. VV. Nprcht. Frank Kelfe
Miitdleoreek 1 K. Kow, Urn. ('. Sluok.
Monroe W. L Younx, I) H. Kltter.
Penn Harry I.. Knyle. i ;.- M. V ilmer.
Perry V. K. Uoyar. Allen Valentine.
Perry W. Jo.iah Wim-jr, 0. s. Sprtawla.
BStlnaSmTe J. A l.un.-ar.l.t V. Keller.
Spring rhiw. K. Klma, D. II. Snook.
Ifnion Jacob Skabl. A. J Htroh.
vVaaliinitton -Myron Mayer, W. K. BUown
i rn Yotnta, OiialrnMMi.
Ki.Ukii U. IVii7.ii., Heeretury.
J. IfnAS k VLm iv. ireaaHrer
Avoi.i il l ullwatttfti and iv wholttMl and i
retjii proflti f huylnff Jfour whNkev tllrwcl
from toe ditliUerr. BMTbi Hmfnw U)bIII11iu(
Co. ftiinoiini-umenr lit thin -r t , which Datplftttll
how to net four full imrt4 of pure Se vni Yt'-'ir !
Old Kye Whlatjr. tiprxn prapAtd, fr U.flOej
They Kiinritutet' pure . .U anl f 'ill mttituro
Four Full Quarts)
Saves Dealers' Profits.
Prevents Adulterations.
We will aend four Mil
quart bottles of Havner'sl
7-Vear-Old Double t'opperl
Diatilled Rye for $3.20,1
epreaa prepaid, shipped
in plain Dackaae.
murks to indicate con-l
tenia. If not Mtialactoryl
vben received return ill
at our etpenae; ne "dn
return your sj.u.
Such Whiskey can't bchj.ll
elsewhere torless than I5J
RKFKHp-NrFfl- Thlnl Nat'l Bank.DaTtonl Htntcl
Nut'l II ink, HI. LouiB-, or any of tut- Ex. i I
820-232 Went Fifth St.. Dayton. Ohio.
309-311 So. Seventh St., St. Lou it. Mo.
Wepiarantca above firm will do a It aRreefi. ED
Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervoui
Drostrationi1. Dr. Miles' Nervine cures them.
a Mm,
Our Great Sacrifice Sale of
This Sale will begin on Saturday, May 23, and
will oontinue for 80 days.
It is the biggest Bargain Sale you have ever
heard of. We have a large stock on hand which
has not been selling as last as we would like to
have it Therefore we will keep on cutting and
slashing till most of the stock is sold. Thcstock
is reduced from to 10 per cent.
The following arc
o o o o o
ur $5".00 Suit
Our 3.60 Suit
reduced to $3.45
reduced to
( ur T.'iG Suits reduced to
Our iO.OO.Suits reduced to
Our $1.00 Panto reduced to
1.50 Panto reduced to $1.00
2.50 Pants reduced to
8.50 Pants reduced to
Our 75c Umbrellas at 12c
Our $1.25 Umbrellas at 75c
Our 2.00 Umbrellas at SI. 50
Our Hats sire reduced
50 per cent.
It will be tojyour interest to come
one and all and be convinced.
We will pay
P. S.
Brosious Bros.'
Extraordinary values in
Men's lilui' and Murk Cheviot Suits,
nlso Fancy Plaids antl Stripes, re
gular $7.00 values here now at
All kinds of Hats lor Men, Boys
and children, sizes from Ii to here
now at
Shirts tor Men and ISovs with and
without collars, regular 7-e values
here now at
Hotter 12
ltTis 11
, Corn
Bran per LOO.
Middlings " 1
Chop........ 1.
( ihickena
Hani ....
... 10
!2.IFlourperbbl4 00
Tiiirty Que years1 reputatton i baok of The
Ilayner DfatllHng Co. 'a Bsven-Year-Old liy.
T lis whiskey is fSTOOOl the world i-er for its
hlh qqaJUy.' IS J" btivi four full qaartl of
thaa line obi troods. See uarticulnrs in bitran
iiouneenient in this issue.
a few of the many
( hir $1.25 Suits reduced to 95c
( hir 2.00 Suits reduced to $1.45
x Our 3.00 Suits reduced to 2.00
H . Katz,
half your car fare by buying
Prices in
Suits, Hats and Shirts, with
the store chuck full of the nobbiest
kinds of Clothing, etc. Prices Are
Now At The Very Lowest Possible
jotOT ADVlLt, rrluMPT, rAITHrUI EERVirt
Bisn to travel and advertiae for old ( -i i:.;iheil
house of solid financial Mandlnff. HalarIMa
year and expenaea, all pityahle in cnMli Aocaft.
fatting required, tiive refereiicen and endow
ttl-aqairtltte stamped envelope. .'d(lri-
anaeer, 8M Caxton
('biettgu. i-lvldl.
YOI "i lls
-I ' I I
( hir i? !.""" Suits reduci
Our 5.00 Suits reduci
Our 7. IN' Suits reduced t
( )ur Tide ( )veralls rcduc. 1
,1 to I8fl
d to 25c
Our 35c Overalls red lie
Our 50c Working Sliiri
Our 50c Dn-ss Shirts
Our $1.00 Silk Bosom Shirts, 50c
Our 50c Sine Ties reduced to 25c
Our 25c latest style Caps l'v
Knee Panto reduced, pairs, -"'
Our latest style Straw
Hats are reduced
50 per cent.
this sale, so come
ltf)e Clothier,
Middleburg, Penna-
$10.00 worth of goods.
,, , , ,