The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 06, 1901, Image 5

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    , ,r vttET.1 ai
n I
nnn imnn
.1-1 V tll
r the ci
-t II II V llltl
Numbei -ill assort men t to
Wi bTi Keeured the genet
It in t Ik original "scientifically built" refrigerator
Their poi ts of luperiority ovt rail other boxes, making
it the liest and cheapest refrigerator on the market
I m... .' ,fiiiiiur of one iroo habit is
I 1 in iw -
Ljrc dimouK task than to Decome;
. . . i
Home of our farmers expect to
btoorn tins week.
- a J A.-l
j) (i. ltiner is an nivalin ior
t three years tod lux ease is
Our tanners are not planting as
Ly potatoes tliis year as usual.
....... ct I . L i
BPavid W inner ot 3aie.ii suoweu
respects to hisold friends by call
on Philip Hoot, J. 8. Wolf and
I .1 ll -
m iici tiiuuw.
he canal is full of water but the
Ltsare few and tar between.
The river lias been high all last
and hut little damage was
.... i . l
lAminon W itmcr bought a good
rm horse.
The prospect of a bridge at i rt
levorton is full of bright anncipa-In.
Our Overseers of the Poor BSsilt
Ir paupers in helping themselves.
Our supervisors make slow prog-
Ir .hi account 01 the excessive rains
IiDr. Kreba was called to town.
W. J. Rarobo was seen on our
iTIie Bellea of town may hear the
Hiding hells in the near future.
iSquire Seohrist plead the cases
his client before 'Squire rage.
I()ur bachelors ar- very conserva-
Eclipse, Toeliill and Hot Springs
d new inspiration?.
ICourt this week promises to be in-
Rev. Haney has moved to Port
evorton so that he may serve his
pgregations more acceptably.
fhe caterpillars have crippled
kny fruit trees in this community.
Inulia Rice of Port Trevorton
lied on her parents.
George Kratzer and wife visited
pir daughters last Sunday.
IN. Backeoberg and wife enter-
faed a few of their friends last
h'he Mahanoy is in its full glory
kl is an ohieet of admiration.
Bile wet weather the past week
i kept the farmers from nlantinir
, a o
sir corn. Some of the corn will
late this year.
Darius Sipe and wife and her
lie neice were the eucsts of B. T.
kiclienbach Sunday.
Elsie Reichenbach, who is work-
; in r reebars at L. Fisher's Hotel.
ks home to visit her parents Sun-
H. J. Heiser made an improve-
EiH to tus house bv biiildinp- an
Iditiun to it.
ISome of the P. O. S. of A. from
avertown were seen on our streets
Iturday on their way to McKees A
aiis where they had a convention.
It is reported that Daniel Gar-
10 1 dwelling house with all its
ktenta near Hoflcr was destroyed
lire last Saturday night.
ISpotts and Graham have finished
wing lumlicr for A. H. Troutman
I nomas Shaffer's ti nntr true!
pi have moved their saw mill to
m. ArUigast's timber tract near
Fl'hli s church where thev will saw
Imher for Clemens and Aurand.
Isaac Feirrick, an old soldier of
VU war, died in Richfield and was
Med Friday at Grubb's church
Charles Amie: of Newark N. J
pending a few days with fnends
Mrs. Wilson Swartz and Lillian
uig s)cnt Sunday at Paxtonville.
Mrs. John Houts and daughter
piieu at Frank Musser's Sunday.
William Fisher of Port Trever-
spent 8unday with friend 3 here.
I8amuel Spitler made a business
H to New Berlin Monday.
Mis Nellie Shaffer has returned
Harvey Ix'nig of Milton and Miss
Maude Charles of Sunbury spent
several days very pleasantly in OUT
Adam, not the "first" but the
"chorister" was home Sunday.
Miss Laura Rine of McKees i
Fails spent a week with the Binga
man sisters.
Hon. Gaily Neits attended a fes
tival at Hoffer Saturday niglit and
enjoyed the eompauy of one of the
t'a ir si x. W hat will the sister- say
or have they already siid it?
"Where ignorance is 1 1 1 i : 'tis
folly to be wise" that is the reason
the reporter withholds his name.
Merlin Francis made two trips to
HtTudon all on account of oue shirt.
Rev. Bauer and wife oi Suubury
were the welcome guests of Kev.
Francis and family and S. P. Steflen
and family last week.
Commissioner Knights spent a
day at the state oapitol last week.
Jerrv Bogar, who is employed at
Millersburg is spending several days
at home. .
Ed. Arnold, wife ami daughter,
of Shauiiikiu are spending a week
in town.
Miss Maude Charles, who is em
ployed at Sunbury, is spending a
week under the parental roof.
Rev. Haney and family have
moved to town. The Rev. will
preach for the Evangelical Associa
tion. Many of our town's people at
tended Memorial services at Chap
man Thursday afternoon and enjoy
ed listening to the address of Hon.
Jessie Lybarger of Harrisburg,
which was delivered in a most elo
quent manner, Mr. Lybarger was
scheduled for an address which was
to be delivered in the U. B. church
Thursday evening but owing to
business at his home it was impossi
ble for him to be here, so the worthy
pastors Revs. Searle and Francis of
this place rendered addresses in bt
half of the soldiers.
The Children's Day entertain
nient held in the U. B. church Sun
day evening was a decided success.
A. W. Aucker of Sunbury was
home Sunday to instruct his band
of singers in the U. Evan, choir.
Wm. Reidle spent Sunday with
hia parents.
The Kant, band passed through
town Saturday en route to the P. O.
S. of A. convention at McKees.
Our town was well represented
at court this week.
James Neitz is spending his va
cation at home.
Miss Effie Hornberger of Aline
called on the Trautmau sisters Sun
day. Edwin Arnold, wife and daugh
ter, Ruth, of Shamokin, are visiting
relatives in town.
S. S. Neitz, Elmer Daubert, H.
F. Charles, B. B. Neitz, C. W.
Knights, E. U. Swineford, M. R.
Herrold, James Hotiser, Win. Fish
er, Wm. Arnold, A. H. Troutman,
Dr. Krebbs, Dr. Rogar, J. D., T.
H., C. D., J. D. and James Bogar
attended court this week.
Miss Delia Charles of Phils., and
Mr. Strail of Susquehanna Univers
ity were the welcome guests of Miss
Jennie Charles during the ast week.
Victor Rogar is the happy father
of a bouncing baby boy.
Mrs. Louisa Car well returned
home after spending several weeks
with relatives in the country.
Mrs. Victor Bogar, Mrs. John
Charles, Mrs. R. M. Shaffer and
Mrs. M. P. Arnold are on the sick
The Whitmer S. S. will have
their annual children's day on the
16 of June.
The cram and crass fields look as
O o
thought there wonld be a good croq
this year.
Francis Kerstetter was to Shamok
in Friday.
The G. A. R. and S. of V. deco
rated the old comrades on memoral
Mrs. W. S. Arbogast of Mifflin
town is spending the week in town.
Mrs. J. A. Kepler is spending
several days at Aline.
Smith's show was pretty well a1
tended Friday evening.
Jonathan Kreigbaum and wife
visited at Lewiatown over Sunday.
A. F. Selmee, Jfife and daughter,
Lera, and A. S. Yerger and Maie
E. Steflen were the guests of Isaac
Stcflcn's Sunday.
Mr. Haney of Port Trevorton
wa- in town Sunday.
II. ('. Haas of the Freemont Ho
tel, who was on the sick list several
days, is out again.
Mis. Kate Minium is very sick.
The Auditors of Perry township
met Monday, June 3rd in the town
school building and audited the fin
ances nt the school board for the
year ending June 3, 1901.
Some ot our people arc attending
COItrt this week.
Our supervisor, Philip Mengel,
is busy working on the roads.
Children's dav services will be
hehl ill tin L. and l. ehui
day evening June 9th.
Some of our young Inns attended
the festival at Holler Saturday even
ing. Memorial Day passed of! very
quietly in our town.
The T empireiue Loyal Legion
composed of young ptoplc of Trini
ty Lutheran Church gave a very
pleasing entertainment Friday even- x
.Memorial Day was observed here
as usual. The Post assisted by the
various Sunday Schools and citizens
visited the different cemeteries and
In th
Everything can be removed, making it eatsyto
Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air from
reaohing t lie ice compartment, -' Vriifflffi
Every one is guaranteed to give satis
Prices ranse from $8 to $17.90 with or without water
Screen Doors, Window Screens, Ijiiwn Mowers. Garden
Tools, Water Coolers.
W. II. IIISLN, Sunbury, Pa.
e even-!
J. A. Kreigbaum and F. C
dis were to Holler Saturday.
Smith's show eihibitcd at this
place Friday evening.
Merchant Henrv Harding and
Wm. Wendt were to Sunbury last
John Stuck and W. A. Schnee
were to Freeburg Wednesday.
J. P. Wendt and son, Paul,
of Aline were in town last week.
A. F. Schnee and family were
visiting J. Steflen Sunday.
R. and J. Freed of Freeburg were
callers in town Sunday.
Stuck and Carman are busy
making ties for John Schnee.
C. A. Kalriter, who is working
near Middleburg, was at home over
James Heigle of Yieksburg vis
ited his children at this place.
Mrs. J. I. Romig of Wagner
spent a few days with her parents,
Charles Herbster anil wife.
Henry Hottensteiu and wife, w ho
had been visiting at Heading the
past two weeks, returned home.
Mrs. B, F. Waiter spent a few
days in Selinsgrove last week.
B. F. How spent Sunday in Bea
vertown. Antes Ulrich is remodeling his
Irvin E. Buck aud Howard Marks
of Middleburg called on J. Alvin
Sohrbyer Sunday afternoon.
Thomas Marks and wife of Nor
thumberland spent the week with
Andrew Hummel.
Wm. Schroyer and wife spent
Sunday with friends at Kantz.
Pearl Uarman of Fremont visited
Anion Yerger and wife.
Jacob and Fannie Meister of
liicliiield spent Sunday with friends
at this place.
Albert Hunter and family spent
Sunday with his cousin A. Yerger.
Foster Duck and John Forrv of
Kantz were taking snap shots of the
beautiful scenes at this place.
The Sunday School of this place
will hold a festival Saturday June
22nd for the benefit of the school.
All are cordially invited to attend
and help a good cause.
Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of
the First National Bank of Winter
set, Iowa, in a recent letter gives
some experience with a carpenter in
his employ, that will be of value to
other mechanics. He says : " I bad
a carpenter working for me who was
obliged to stop work for several
days on account of being troubled
with diarrhoea. I or entioned to him
that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured
me. He bought a bottle of it from
the druggist here and informed me
that one dose cured him, and he is
is again at his work." For sale by
the Middleburg Drug Store.
perfbpmed thai duty.
ing a memorial address was deliver
ed to the 1'o-t and citizens in the
opera house by II. 8. Knight, Esq.,
of Sunbury. The address was high
ly appreciated by all who heard it.
Hiram Ulrich and wife tire spend
ing several weeks among friends in
Union Co.
Mrs. E, B. Killingcr of Trenton
X. J., who for the past three weeks
has Ih'i D visiting her mother and
friends, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. M. L. Snyder of Saddle
tiiver, N. J., who has been visiting1
her prreuts, Dr. 1. F. Wagenseller
and wile, returned home.
Dr. Chas. Smith of Adumsburg
spent Su day with friends. Doc.
looks as though the business agreed
With bun.
Miss Lvdia tteese spent Saturday
with friends in Suubury.
Bennie Shields and wife of Phila.,
after, spending several days very
pleasantly, returned home last week.
Beiil)cn Ulrich, who was the rep
resentative t.: Grand I.odge of I. O.
of O. F. which met at Gettysburg
last week, was accompanied by his
wife who took in the scope of that
famous battle field.
Word was received on Saturday
of the deaths of the following per
sons, former citizens of this place,
Kev. S. Doiner, D. D. Washington,
D. C; Henry Bell, Cincinnati, O.j
and Miss Miriam Oppenbeiiner of ?
rhila. Dr. Doiner was a pastor
here for many years and married
one of our daughters. Mr. Bell
was the uncle of Mrs. Prof. Noet
lingand for many years was an in
mate of their home. Miss Oppen
heimer with her parents just moved
from here to Phila., a few weeks
Chas. Snyder and wife of Read
ing were the guests for a few days
of Ass't. Postmaster Laudenslager
and wife.
Miss Bess Hendricks of Sunbury
is circulating among friends.
An extremely heavy rain fall ac
companied by hail visited us Sun
day evening. It lasted only alnnit
half an hour but in that time two
inches of rain fell.
Will Nipple and wife of Williams
port are visiting relatives and friends.
John and Ethel Sohooh, who were
away at school, returned home for
their summer vacation.
vH-W-ii-5- -I-1 -H 5 -!--HS-i -HI-i-l' -I-; -I- ? -1- -I- !
i muivnnn vnnn mmmTiLTi
a 9
! ft
..... ,,...M, I'll Mil. lie r II I- r M
noli ! "
Don't trust him too far. '
Do Borne thinking before you buy.
Before Your Buying
(line Silver-Tongucd Talker
uiny irv to make yen belle tUr
"iii'uoM Iktrri'ii i liiri . ninl n
Reno H- Walter,
4 Jh.
"i. "
PERSONS to buy a bed.
room suite, consisting of
seven pieces for $ld.M
JfcjV We do not deliver these
suits out of town for tln
Tliin offer It V' hoi.) Rood until tlir
prMcntalock ipx1ibu14-1-
tliers w ill quote yi ui the
same grade of suite from $20
t.. $2:;.
Our complete line of bed-rooni snitea aro
traordinary value. Prices deeply cut
worth your while t consider.
Very respectfully,
439 Maiket St.
. Undertaking B Specialty.
" I have used Ayer's Hsir Vigor
for over thirty years. It has kept
my scalp free from dandruff and
hat prevented my hair from turn-
trav. ' Mrs. r. a. souie,
There is this peculiar
thing about Ayer's Hair
Vigor it is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
But gradually the old color
comes back, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
St.M a bottle. All traulsb.
If vour drofnriat cannot mi
nond u ono dollar and o ill exprrits
you a liottle. Be mre and jrlvo tne name
of your neareu expreat ofnre. Addreai,
J. C. A YEK CO., Lowell, Mats.
Ills Hnprratltion.
Hicks Do you believe that it U un
lucky to postpone a wedding?
Wicks Yes, when the young man
needs mony, and the girl is rich.
fomerville Journal.
Gall at Middleburg's drug store
and get a free sample of Chamber
lAin'a Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They are an elegant physio. They
blso improve the appetite, strength
en the digestion and regulate the
liver and bowels. They are easy
to take and pleasant in effect.
F-reed man's Bargain Season.
Owing to the Spring season
hand we offer you W XDEK-
R'L BARGAINS in the beauti
ful line of NegligecShirts, beauti
ful Shirt WaistAiip-to-date. The
very latest styles in Gents' Fur
nishing (toodsat :i great reduction
in prices as follows:
Everything in proportion
we are compelled to re
duce. becnuHe we made
our purchase too heavy
for this season.
Bt purchasing ten dollars
worth of goods, we will
pay half fare.
Slti.tH) Suits cut down to $13.00
14.00 Suits cut down to 1 1.00
12.00 Suits cut down to 9.90
10.00 Suits cut down to 7. Sit
8.00 Suits out down to 5.00
lis F.. Murk. I St
(Uk-Ii'ii Old ntawl)
SI Mil Ul . PA.
Try four full quart of Uayner'i Sevrn-Year-Old
Kye, exprw. prepaid, for .. For ir
tlcular, aw announcement of The Uayner
Sllag Co.. Dayton, Ohio, which appaara ele
where in tbta lafuc.
(."urunioroiRi e r
vice. Typewriting Course Free. l'a ins l'oi
tlon(iiiaranleed. (MaloKue Free, l ink I'ele
arniph School. Lbaoo. ISx, S-i-2m.