The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 30, 1901, Image 4

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    I'm lI i-hed Every Thursday Msraing
01 .Oil i r j i ii if in advai ,f I..10 prr yrar if not paid
lllMTMM SI nifie copies. Five Cental.
Atlx rtliraj llnlra. 15 cental per line, nonpareil tiiwnrr-
nienl for fins InfMoc ad 10 cental per line for each mitee
qoeul in- in. hi. IWOFKK'K.- Niartlir County Court House,
HlHMD the Miai National flank and the OiuntyJall.
May 80, 1901.
Xi mhkh 21
S rME TIME ago a group of gentlemen, all
business men, were sitting in a circle in
one of the hotels of Bloomsburg. In the group
were men from Lock Haven, several from Mid
dleburg ami the proprietor ofa department store
in Johnstown. The Johnstown man picked up
a copy of the Middleburg I'ost, took cue glance
at it and, looking up to the men from this place,
said, "Your town needs some prognssive husi-
Dess men." Several of the Middleburgers looked
amazed and wondered what the Johnstown man
should see byjust a casual glance at the POST.
. ..'I I 1 ....... ( I
i nere are .-. vera, auvemsemenw 01 ounoury ,., entertainment and curiosity. Its purpose is
merchants, he continued, and none from Middle- to ,)ril)Kr tllL. 1 ot- North America, of
burg." You can always tell whether a town Central America South America into closer
has any progressive business men by looking at rt.iltionSi tt, make tht.m knov, 0QC moiwr hMvr
the liome newspaper, f Middleburg merchants to Bmooth the way for enduring f r i e n d-
would usi trie columns ot cue 1'ost properly,
easily make it unprofitable for Sun-
pertinent and to the point. The business men
of Middleburg are responsible for the fact that
the PotsT contains the advertisements of Sunbury
merchants instead of Middleburg merchants. It
is in the hands of the latter. If they see fit to
get the trade to Middleburg, they can do it.
r I "M1K Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo
is another marvel of the swift energy of
Americans, lu a ycuror thereabouts a great tree
less meadow has been transformed into a place of
beauty by day and of splendor at night. Archi
tecture and landseajH! gardening have had their
triumph there. The palaces of the magician
have risen. Towers and pillars and fragrnut
gardens and lovely waterways have grown, as it
were, in a night. There was no shabby unpre
pared ncss on the opening day. The great crowd
found a great show ready.
Buffalo has reason tode proud of herself She
will find her reward in the multitudes that will
come to her spectacle. She will have to hump
herself to feed and lodge themall; but she will do
it and do it well.
Hut this Buffalo exposition means much more
I MIE annual meeting of the Pennsylvania
-- State Educational Association will be held
in Philadelphia, July 8-5 and will be of unusual
interest and importance. The excursion rate from
Selinsgrove will lie ?,18, tickets good June .50,
to July H, sold on card orders which can be se
cured from Dr. John A. M. I'assmore, 1326
Arch street, Philadelphia. Arrangements for
pedal hotel rates have also been made. The
enrollment fee for membership is 11.00 and teach
ers and friends of education are requested to .send
same to Prof. David S. Keck, treasurer, Kutz-
town, Pa., who will return a certificate of member
ship in the association.
they cou
bury merchants to advertise. As it stands now,
the Sunbury merchants certainly find it profit
able to advertise in the Post, or else they would
discontinue advertising. If it pays Sunbuty
merchants to advertise in the Post, it will pay
Middleburg merchants twice as well. I do a
large mail order business too, and when I find
a local paper poorly patronised by home mer
chants, that paper always pays me best, because
the people in that neighborhood do not know
what new things the home merchants have to
sell. If some progressive fellow were to ask
my advice where to begin business, I would in
variably send him to a town where the mer
ships and vastly increased commercial inter
changes. May that purpose prcieras well as the
authors of this noble exposition hope !
j FOB Germany, Austria and Switzerland to at
tempt to boycott America has certainly as much
to commend it as Mrs. Partington wanting to
sweep back the waves of the Atlantic.
THE idea back of celebrating Fourth of
July in the old-fashioned style, is that the day
goes on all the better if the nrectaker goes off.
There's only one way it should be fired.
THE wives of only two Presidents have
died while their husbands were in the high office.
The first death was that of Mrs. John Tyler.
She died in September, 1842, and her bus
nhAtita do not Advertise, because either the mer- Mna remarried before the expiratiou ot his term
w " ' I I.. 4 AiP W mw a. m a a
in 1040. 3irs. JSeniamin Marnson died in the
chants have no bargains, or if they have, but
few people find it out. A new man with the
lilwral use of printers' ink can always lead ofT
in business against even old settlers."
We give space to these remarks as they are
While House in October, 1892, a little over
four months before the expiration of her bus-
Itand's term, four presidents have died in of
fice Harrison and Taylor from natural causes
and Lincoln and Garfield at" the hands of assass
The Perry County fair will be held at New
port September 17-20.
Thk Connellsville police deserve credit fi r
cleverly saving their town from the disgrace of
a lynching, by getting the prisoner safety away
If the report be true that counterfeiting has
been done in the Moy amending penitentiary it
does not speak higher for the management of the
An exchange hits the nail squarely on the
lead when it says: Some people talk about news
papers receiving complimentary tickets to shows,
entertainments, etc. The people are certainly
not posted. The newspapers pay more for
tickets than any other class of people, and there
is absolutely no such a thing as a complimentary
ticket given to a printer.
Up to March 31, 1001, the War Revenue act
of June 13, 1898, had produced 1289,404,447.
The separate items are given as follows : Sched
ule A (documentary stamp taxes), 9101,503,175;
schedule B (proprietary medicines, etc.), 114,-
236,224 beer $91,614,357; special taxes, $14,
052,001; tobacco, $43,682,530; snuff, $2,492,-
581; cigars, 88,558,993; cigaretts, $3,0:50,005;
legacies, $7,247,503: excise tax, 82,480,38
mixed Hour, 820,974; additional taxei on to
bacco and beer, 8970,103.
The tent caterpillar is becoming a public
nuisance in Pennsylvania and prompt measures
should be taken to stamp out the pest. The leg
islature might do the people a good turn by en
acting stringent legislation of some so;t that
would spur up the farmers who allow their
premises to become a breeding ground for this
'great enemy of the fruit tree.
a-.'.' If thia Btlrijtrttor li
if. 1
We will ahl, rta tr.ll
FfdM Prttl4
East of the Mississippi
Riser point westara
allowed freight to tha
Hirer. It la msoe of
aolid oak, nicely pol
ished, measures 60
indies hlah. 34 iochaa
tRM, Freight prepaid, lona, IS Inches deep,
is Uned with heary
7lnc, galvanized Iron shelves, and la Insulated
with water-prtMtf fibre felting. Its retail value ia
16.00 &7.U5 saved la burlruj ot the maker.
Our Furniture n-partment rnntslas taovseada of .Mailer
trarasins. Our Mammoth Csuliw us set paces, rise 14 a
lu1-, in, hrv tells all aliout i-'urnrtiirs also about K.rrr
thiog to Bat, L've .ad Win ronulaaoset 11.00S llluatn
ii' n, ftnet quntes wholcisle prices to coaaasases oa over
110.000 diiterrnt art!, les. It costs os M alias! aasj
fol 10 nan. whuk to etnti Jrru aVaWr rum .mr jtril
rrder . ft OO.
free 1 Ithompk.r ralatraree skews " ? A Mora 1BT.
Lilln" l.rp.t., lata, easerlsa, WaU raasr, sales)
lirU.-, HI., I i.. l.albru, Frsrar. rtetsrsa, sad
pMlaltlea la t aaaraUrse rarattara,la IMi rsal solan.
Carpels worrl I fareajkoa ollaaal aarti sad rsio on all tmi isora.
Pros MsSBfaa of BWa BeSa Is OrOar ClatMae bat
i.r. sWta ... , i atuebaa. ai rural uraoa-
iiii iMit.t iituiBn nr.
Pre Drsaa Caaaa I alalaf as aaeletae sanplas tnm lt
eeala la w rir Tlisn)TTIO.
Why iay retail prices for aapthlaff r We sail ahsohrtelp
cverrtlilii. WhUh boufc. do ,oa wsalt Adasass this wept
JULIUS HINES k SON, BaKlMrt, Md. Daft.
She ia a Bird She u.
l ne wile oi a MftlioUi-t iimhm
eaa i : . ; . " f
aanaaj huhhii nas tn-rn nurrj,,
timtn. Her iiialtteu num. Wm
ri.l.M. 1..r. Am .
, aivi iiiniy liurrursilll WHj.
Ic.lllill ll..f kl. I
, uaeassiua, hni
presriit one answerx to the nsii,
Wiiayie. mere are now tu .
Irnliilw ..ti.i Stiuirr.,..' n.,,1 .1
..'w..,-. . iHiiiiin .lull 1 ,
viia.viti. wne irnuiillittlitT isr,
and another was a Jay, but be
Tliey live on Hawk Avenue,
rirrimiaf nnrn Alter Caaea.
Suitor I have coma to ask you for
your daughter's hand.
Father Well, Hie fact is, we are
pretty crowded here as it is, and I
Suitor-Oil, I intend to take ncr
away from home if I marry her.
Father Oh, well, in that case but,
you did pive me an awful start, my
hoy. Boston Transcript.
No Room for Doubt.
"You speak with preat posit ivenest
about the sincerity of our friend's re
Ligion." "There can be no doubt whatever
of nil sincerity," was the answer.
"Why, sir. that man would rather po to
church on Sunday than play golf."
Washington star.
Dds Entered for Record
PmU LS--t-4 . , .
.'Mi. ,1 I rVIK'lirmi 1 I til r.
n. AueKer, d acres in I nion her,
iisa '
Kt.Mf er llidwntt ik us I ... :r.. a
i KMD. lot 111 the Iniro of Maali
Tillie K. ManlieeK to J. K. Bam
in MeC'lure for$ol7.50.
Lewis Fisher ami wife to V
tilass, House and let in hnvlm
Marriage Licenses.
Win. H. Charles.
(Annie V. Gilbert,
1 .laines .. nuuKc lerirvr
. . o ivna
ixiora . iicniian, KratKn
1 TT 1 . ei n
I 1 MSI I I . I rOSS.
. .
1 isaswaj 1 , isvnier, mUX
MARRIED-May 28th, by Rev. r
Miller, Win. II. Charles and Ajuj
uiiitert, txith or Freeburg,
fn 711, I,., 1).... r 1 .. ..
- j . ...... r, , ,)ru
Jacob B, Ktauircr and Leah A.
biker, both of Dundore.
I'ure wliinkev anil
Fercnt; one U be-neflcial tl.. ,.ik..
..- u. ,.lmn wy anybody win
lKx.r whii.key wlienpure whinicey cap bl
BLaliTO.ffi." !?,M' -nnin, Ufa
S . IT . . I . . 1 . . . . . . i,T - "
.wvaiitiD 111 silly IBMUe.
dl-H-t-M-M-t-1-M..t.t.t f t T t t t t t t t r 1 t
Mem Class of Thieves.
A sjiecies of theft and one of the
very meanest that of stealiiiR flowers
from graves in the cemeteries, is re
ported by several parties. It used to
be that the typical mean person was
one who would "steal the pennies oft'
a dead nigger's eyes,"' and the man or
woman who will steal flowers from a
grave Is a very close relation. Some
times such things are done more from
thoughtlessness thnn a really depraved
or dishonest spirit, but if an offender
is caught it won't make much differ
ence, he or she will lie given the full
extent of the law.
Penaaylvanla Knilroied Low-Rate- Tonr
to Ihei Fnriar Coaat.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-Conducted
Tour to Kan Francisco
Jury JLlet.
List of Grand Jurors drawn for the court of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery
ami court or quarter Sessions ot tbe Pence ot
Snvr1lr rniinrv I , 1 , 1 at f ttrii, l-Mrm ,
nil" MIC I 11(1111 I IHlHl, leaving iew "uayilluo, a, IPUI,
York. Philadelnhin. And Pittsburtr liv
special train of Pullman Hleeiiiiii', Din- ' BSin'lpaa'i'
log and Oltscrvation cars, July 8, will 1 "S wm!" f",erRn'-
Bumincr season. Stops will be made
at Denver, Colorado Springs, Halt Lake
City, Kan Francisco, Monterey, Kanta
Reduced Hair to Nan Kpssaelaro via the Barbara, Los Angeles, Kail Jose, Port
not be confined to deleuataw to tho V.n. ! Holffer, Wm.
., T " , . , ',, I t.ordon. Ailam,
worth League ( onventlon, which will , immmei, otuti.
be held in Kan Francisco from July 18 KSr7o. u' ice dealer,
to 21, but will be run for the benefit of Kreamer, John, farmer.
it i i i , , 1Jiifr. James H. merchant
all who desire to visit California and i'iiei K.J. mason.
tin. Panarllan v,rV, out ,1,,-!.,.. n... . WP- farmer
" viv.-s .hi. mi; IIII
Ienua.vlvnnln Rnllroaft. neroinit Kp-
worth League Conventlosi,
On account of the Fifth Internation
al Convention of the Epwortfa League,
to Is- held in Ban Francisco July 18 to
23, the Pennsylvania ltailroad Com
pany will sell, July 4 to 12, from all
stations on its line, excursion tickets
to Kan Francisco at greatly reduced
rates. For specific information regard
ing rates, routes, and conditions of
tickets apply to ticket agents. 5-23-2t
Railroad Company Likely to Buy Abandoned
The Pennsylvania Canal Compnny
which is now closing up its affairs has
had lor the last several days appraisers
going over its property, so that some
Idea of what the property is worth can
be arrived at. These appraisers consist
of one representative from the canal
company, "tie from the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company and an uninterest
ed party.
As soon as the appraisers made a re
port i he property of the company is to
be offered for sale. The belief is that it
will lie purchased by the Pennsylvania
Kiiilriintl Company. The canals that
the canal company formerly owned,
and which were abandoned some yean
ago, were in every instance bought in
by thePennsylvanla. The canal along
side of the Kustjuehanna river offers a
different problem) as it does not paral
lel the road ill the same manner as did
the canal 1 1 1 lit ran alongside the Jun
iata river.
From Columbia to Harrisburg the
canal parallels the railroad ami the
ground it occupies can be utilized by
the railroad. From Clark's Ferry to
Hunbury the canals on the opx)sitc
side of the Btuquehanna river, hut from
Banbury to Muncy it is alongside of
the railroad, as well as from Kunbury to
Nantlooke. it is believed that wher
ever the canal runs parallel and along
side of the Railroad that the Pennsyl
Aania Itailroad Company will buy it
in and utilize it for the extensions that
are made from time to time.
West Beaver
.VI. me
Ride the Monarch
Keep Ahead.
Mover, Harvey
Miller, JnoJ. blk
Moyer, Joseph, farmer,
Mludleswarth, Ner A. "
Meehtley, Wlllara. laborer,
Page, Jacob, farmer,
ltouah, Klljah, laborer,
Hennlnifer, Jno W. farmer,
Snyder, C. 8. laborer,
Mampsei, Sam'l, farmer.
Secnrlat, Tobias, laborer,
i -1st of PetltUurors drawn for tbe Court of
common Pleas, Court of uuarter Sessions of tbe
Peace, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ueneral
Jail Delivery of Snyder County, Pa., held as
June Term, commencing June 3, ivoi.
Name. Occupation.
Algler Jacob, teacher
Atnlg. Pnlllp, gen.
llactiman, Franklin, farmer
B"nfer, Geo.
Bollg. II. P.
IliUKaman, J. ,. "
Beaver, Jerome W. blk.
Blngaman, Koswell, laborer,
Boyer, Wm. J. farmer,
Conrad, Aaron, gen.
Coleman, .lured. farmer.
land, Seattle, Banff Hot Kprings, Kt.
Paul, and other interesting mints en
Tlie round-trip rate from all points
on the Pennsylvania RalirOad east of
Pittsburg, $188.5(1, covers transjiortation
double Pullman berth, and meals in
dining car; two persons in a berth, each
f lfiH-50. Rates from Pittsburg, $5. less.
The tour will cover a period of thirty
Persons desiring, may return inde
pendently from Ban Francisco by var
ious routes at nrouortionnti.1v hu- rnl.nK
T.V., ft.wi.-. i. r . ' ... .'!emD'Wm-H. wagoumaker,
Ticket Agents, or address George W. fSufwrn""- 'S.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger vsrmn, J. w,
i.i n.n.j i si cemberllng, Wm. farmer.
Agent, Plnladelphia. 6-23-2t Homberger. B. s- tcu her.
mmm Hendricks, J. 8. laborer,
a iiei roia, M. it.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the Annual Encumpmentof the
Grand Army of tbe Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg,
June 3 to 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Gettysburg from all stations on its lines
in the Ktate of Pennsylvania, on June
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, good to return until
June 10, inclusive, at rate of a single
fare for round trip. For specific rates,
apply to local ticket agents. 5-20-2t
Rfftnrtl Itm.s to Inrlnssatl via the
ii nay I vim In llallroiMl, nrrount 4 on
venllon of I Hoelellea of Chrlaflan
On account of the Convention of the
United Societies of Christian Endeavor,
to lie held in Cincinnati July 0 to 10,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell July 4 to 0, from all stations
on its line, excursion tickets to Cincin
nati at one fare for round trip.
ThetM tickets will be good for return
passage, leaving Cincinnati not earlier
than July 8, and not later than July 14.
For specific rates and full information,
apply to ticket agents. 6-23-2t
West Heaver
lie. row. M. u.
Hare, Melanchton, farmer,
Kllngler, A IL
Kratier. Kd. laborer,
Knhn, Geo. farmer,
Keller, J. F. tea' her,
Koch, Jeremiah, furmer,
f."nlg, Joseph, mason,
Moyer. Amos H , teacher
Musser, Klement, farmer,
Mantieck, LeWat, laborer,
Markley, Walluee, laborer,
I'eck, J. Kohler, farmer,
Portzllne, Wm. N.
Kelxel. H. b.
Kotnlg, Jno I.
Kelt., Jeremiah,
Itunkie, J. W. merchant.
Seobrlst, Allen, laborer,
Shambach- A. M. blk.
Stroub, Auguatua. farmer,
Stroub, Kllas, laborer,
Smlib, I. M.
Scharf, Wm. P. mall agent,
lllah, Wm. A. I. farmer.
v hltmer, Amiaou, '
Walter, C. a
Walter, K. K
Wolf, Wm. laborer.
Perry West
West Perry
Beaver Wept
Beaver West
A Poultry Show.
A movement is on foot to hold an ex
hibition of fancy high bred poultry in
Milton some time during the latter
part of July or in August. A number
of fanciers and breeders in this and ad
joining counties are interested in the
matter. A committee of arrangements
has been appointed and the members
are now in correspondence with all
those who might be interested in the
project, and it is thought a permanent
organization may be effected.
1 S
The Monarch is a model wheel
and will wear with any high
grade on the market. All kinds
of Repairs constantly on hand.
Bea)"' Some good second hand
wheels now on hand. "tStfjl
Middleburg, Pa.
Miss Florence Newman who has
been a great sufferer from muscu
lar rheumatism say" Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is tbe only remedy that
affords her relief. Miss Newman is a
much repected resident of the villag
of Gray, N. Y. and makes this state
ment for tbe benefit of others simi
larly afflicted this liniment is for
by Middleburg Drug store.
men to travel and advertliie for old eatabliahed
house of eolld financial standing. Salary I7S0 a
year and expenses, rtll payable In cash. No can
varuina required. Olve references and enclose
Mil f add reused stamped envelope. Address
Manager, 855 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 4-18 18t.
For 60 cents postpaid
FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY, New and up-to-date
(itukatoiilan March by Kothermcl.
Prtscilla Sal March by Uotherinel.
March De Flbatlng Population by Johnson, ar
ranged by Itothermel.
This March ready April SB. Ills the fin est
sii-eiKhth March of the 20th Century, alro ready
for band 90c, small Orchestra 0c, I'lano acconip.
15c, Mandolin Solo 16c. Mandolin A Uuitar, &!c,
2 Mandolins 4 Uuitar 32c, Mandolin and I'lano
Hand and Orchestra Leader, a postal card will
bring you our latest Catalogue. Address,
Prof. D. Noling
Late with Dr. A. H. Wells,
of Washington, D. C.
Headquarters at Jliller House, 1 23
East Market St., Lewlstown, Pa.
Consultation and thorough examination free
of charge every Wednesday and 8aturday,
(liaises scientifically and skillfully fitted. Also
all Imperfections In the eyes of children care
fully examined. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded.
onrni a i r a t i
m aaaH w m m HalaS
T s-l 1 n 5 j ..a s ss
T mai Kiii atiraeiiveiiesH ra ticsip-n ano TOlor ana excel ent minlirr
T .. ...... M
t ot tabne. combined with the reasonable nnces. make our mmh
T 1
ala I A. a.B. JI A a l II V A .1
t ffi kii w wim f i j in u ii run n tt unrinn il fioihui t i
vviiuiiivmvuui tiiui hujv uuLiiuuu in VOHUI LU ILC llt!W w aJ-Ml
T rvn f tfirna if tha urn Llrnntvn Wi irnJa A vnuxef .,., fl'...
y - - - - "v mn Mi tf Ullll A UJfCCU
T I. 1- T'l.-. l- " T ? a .1,1
T i s. 1 s I ill imi t'Ssi i"ii ii rni iiiu is. it tr u o prtiri.' in n . ti' m
T -'-'a - -ax. asoavuv x. tAi M AUCtHIUi7i J,t4Ll V ill nil,1 111 ill 1 i'"
J. a
f and prices.
n.-iM 4Afi s -.,.r c?i TriVTirri inn
t pecially pleasing. We also have a fine
Mine of baby Carriages.
Valley Street, Lewistown, Pa
1 j i i 1 i t 1 1 " 1 -1 1' ffl 1"1'1'1 t-1-t-i t 1-t-t-l 1111 1"! 1 I. 1 . ' ,T
The New Store
Tq Globe Cash Store Old Stated
442 Market St. Sunbury,
Colored and Black Mercerized Sa
teen Petticoats
Petticoats with Fancy stripes,
trimmed with clusters of tucks
corded and accordion plating,
finished with ruch edge,
$1.25 values for 98c. $1,60 values
for $1.00. $1.75 values for $1.39.
Bine Cheviot Skirts
In plain blueand gray, with ruf
fle; braided. $1 25 values for 98c.
The New Shirt Waists
They are numberless, bewilder
ing, beautiful
White, dainty, tucked percale
lawn and Madras waists.
75c black and fancy waists, 49c
$1.25 Madras waists, 98c.
$1.25 pel cale waists at 98c.
Black Venetian cloth, all wool;
50c values for 45c. Also all tbe
new spring shades.
Men's Fancy Half Hose
This is the crent ful shoving i
the latest styles and uDUBiulf
great values. See them.
Per pair, li5c.
New Wear
An advance line of Spring Hi
wear. Just out.
New Light Ginghams
fade. 12c values at 9.c.
Dress Goods Bargain
no ' si i rts . r l Uss.
rietta, all wool, will not lad
09c values for 4Qc.
Fine blue duck sKiris,
.sirsc- f.,u ..,.,.i si 91 valo
wiviij asaaa aussuc, v
at 98c.
Your money back on demand.
Striotly Oasb. Striotly one
Y. M. B. O. D.