The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 23, 1901, Image 8

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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
OVAL ftAKIftO rr-rp CO., MEw von.
Your Tongue
Mra. Bonlne Say She Killed Ayr
In Defending Her Honor.
Washington. May 20 The mystery
attending the killing of James Seymour nPrlpr A vr' Pills will clean
Ayres. a census office clerk, in the Ken- 0TQeT' 8 rUIS W,U C'ea"
mora hotel, early last Wednesday yOUX tOtlgUC, CUfC your Uys-
pepsia, make your liver right
Easy to take, easy to operate
Uc. AUtfraflHsts.
Presented by Andrew Carnegie to
Four Scotch Universities.
The Donor Stipulates That Neither
English, Irish, Colonials or Foreign
ers Shall Become Beneficiaries Un
der His Princely Gift.
London, May 21. Andrew Carnegie
aas given 2,000,000 to establish free
education In four Scotch universities,
Edit ' lirgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St.
Andrew He stipulates that the bene
ficiaries be his "Scottish fellow cutiu
trymen" only, no English, Irish, colo
nials or foreigners. The fund will ap
ply 10 medical as well as to commercial
education, and will be placed in the
hands of trustees, who will pay the ox
pensei of Scottish students benefitted
nder (be scheme.
A m 1 ting was held In Iindon Sat
urday to consider Mr. Carnegie's gift.
Among those present were Ird KIgin,
rhomas Shaw, M, P., Mr. A. J. Bal
four. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman,
Mr, i hn Morley, Mr. .lames Bryce and
The matter was discussed at
h, bul DO conclusion was arrived
the 'cst methods of administering '
the rift.
Mr, Carnegie desires that nil Scotch
mi n and Scotchwomen shall enter the.
unlversitli 1 n an equal footing, hence
the money is not given to the students
to pay their fees, but to the univer
ili ' Ives. The system !:
,n nallj free, and will probably be
in ' r government auspices.
1 urdlng to the educational author-
.! tho administration of Mr. Car
's glfi present considerable diffl-
li . 'nil for this reason the Scotch
for the present, are rather look-
the cift horse In the mouth, while
' v. It press Is Inclined to cavil1
method of Mr. Carnegii 's munlfi-!
at 1
leading Scotch paper, the Edin
bui '1 Scotsman, says editorially that'
Mi Carnegie's offer is "disconcerting
fn in Hs vi ry magnificence," and pro
ce Is to show the gift might disorgan
ize the whole educational system, it
po ntl out that the fees which studcrttit
p., only a small part of the cost
of educating them, the remainder hf
fhg supplied by endowments, and that,
if Mr. 1 arnegle's project were to bring
nr Increase of students, the universi
ties WOUld he compelled to appeal to
the public f'.r further furtls, Thrn, If
university education Is freo, the coun
try will soon be asked. The Scotsman
eonti nds, to make secondary education
also, in conclusion It asserts that
eptance of the offer demands the
careful consideration, although
it Is tin offer which Scotland cannot nf
ford 10 decline without the best of
good reasons."
'I he London papers reflect these dif
ficult ics, while expressing admiration
and gratitude. "It is obvious." Bays
Vhe Times, "that this splendid gift can
rot Wave Scoteh education ns It was
Cambridge has not been lucky
enough to be associated by birth or
i' i . wise with a transatlantic million
aire but nobody south of the Tweed
will envy tho Scotch universities, if we
ca:i only be sure that Mr. Carnegie's
nerous donation will be well applied
u d administered In the best interests
ol education, splendid as the prom
ised gift may appear, it ought not to be
allowed to pauperize the whole system
cf university education In Scotland."
The Dally Telegraph Bays: "Croesus
w a commonplace compared with Mr.
C le, It reoulres little insight in--,
01 of the deepest characteristics o4
h life to realize that this is p re
el , y an act calculated above all oth
Srs to n;:.!e the name of Carnegie ns
P rraanent as that of John Knox him
Doubtless the Result of "Dr." Stanley's
Heroic Treatment For Rheumatism
New York, May 20. Friends of Fa
ther Phillies, the miners' friend, of
Hi steton, who was found dead in the
root IS of "Mr." Kirk Stanley. No. 730
Ninth avenue, late last Thursday night,
say he was not murdered, nr. Dough
erty, a nephew of the priest, says Fa
ther Phillips was undoubtedly killed
r,y Stanley s heroic treiient for tho
cirp of rheumatism. Stanley Is in
The only enemy that Father Phil
lips had in the world, so far as Is
: ,vn, was his appetite for strong
drink, and In satisfying this appetite
hi met his death in a strange city,
away from home and from friends,
and with none to administer the last
rites of the church he had served long
and well. So far there Is nothing to
Indicate that Father Phillips was mur
dered, and there is nothing except the
vaporings of one drug-deadened brain
to suggest that the companions of the
priest's last hours were Magdalenes.
Stories were afloat yesterday after
noon to the effect that the priest died
while passing an evening with two
women ot the pavement whose ac
quaintance he had chanced to make.
It will ba a satisfaction to his family,
his parishioners, and his friends to
know that there Is no justification for
these stories.
Beach the Striking Machinists
From Many Sections.
Want your aouUeht or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black T Than m
HntH Miaw. , hh a to .. ,.
Republican Standing Committee.
The Men of the Big Carrying Com
panies As a Rule Are Not Involved.
Work in Private Establishments to
Ee Adjusted First.
Washington, May 21. Approximate
ly ' machinists throughout tho
country struck yesterday for a nine
hour day, a scale of wages equal to
the present ten hour per day scale
anil other demands. This Is the rough
estimate of President O'Connell, off
the National Association of Machln I
ists. based on tho telegraphic advices'
thai have readied him from tho ma
chinists' headquarters In the VaV
rious cities. The strike thus far
bus not extended to the allied
trades, save in one or two instances.,
us at Scranton. Pa., where men in a
part of tho allied trados are out. No
machinists engaged In government1
work are affected. This Is duo to the1
fad that on such work an eight hour
a day scale already prevails.
Railroad machinists as a rulo are
no', involved in tho strike, though the,
nu n on several roads are out. The
Ce itral Vermont Shop machinists at St.
Albans, numbering probably 2011, have
struck. Tho Lehigh Valley railroad
: 11 I Inists at Buffalo. Sayre, Wilkes
barrc and Blmlra are out, aggregating
about BOO all told. The Delaware.!
I. a I awanna and W stern men at Buf
falo, Scranton. Wllkesbarre and Inter
ne I iate points are out TheOulf, Col
orado and Santa Fe men also ure out.
Tl 0 Btrike order, however, does not
api ly to the railroads generally.
it is explained at headquarters that
th ire is no competition between the
ra roads and private work, and that
work among the private establish
m tits la to be adjusted first.
1 he situation was summarized by
Pi dent O'Connell in the following
sti ement:
"From the present indications and
tho statements issuing from headquar
ters at the various points the orders
are being generally obeyed and in
1, . , 1 r, 1 . . ,.u than inn. ti n H ,i ttn t I 1
In pi rtain eases where only a few
hundred wen" expected to be involved
th" Indications are thai the numbei
will be increased 50 per cent. The
number of firms signing indicates that
In localities Where the agreements ar
being made the Btrike will not last
over a few days. In other localities.1
where a larger number of men are be
irg Involved, I look forward to an ad
justment being reached within the I
present week."
Mr. O'Connell said last night that up
to 5 o'clock reports showed that 904
firms, employing approximately 30,000
men, had signed the agreements for
the nine hour day or made satisfactory
arrangements with the local organiza
tions. Following Is a statement of the num
her of men out at important points:
Hartford. Conn., 1,000; Ansonia and
Derby, Conn., 500; Hamilton, O., 1,000;
Buffalo, 1,200; Scranton, 2,500; Cin
cinnati, completely tied up and 3,o00
men out; Connorsvllle, Ind., 200; Pal
estine. Tex., 200; York, Pa., 300; Fast
Orange, N. J., 800; Oswego, N. Y., 300;
Norfolk, Vn.. all shops out, 500 men;
San Francisco, 6,500,
Telegraphic reports to Mr. O'Con
nell show the following as the number
of firms which signed the agreements
yesterday: Kenosha, .Wis., all; Mil
waukee. Wis., 5; Wilmington, Del.. 2;
Toledo, IB; Auburn. N. Y., all; Anacon
da. Mont., all; Denver, all; St. Louis,
all; New Orleans, all; Danbury, Conn.,
all; Pittsburg, !io per cent; Franklin,
Pa., all; Youngstown, O., nil; Cleve
land. 1"; Roi hestvr, N. Y 9o per cent;
Puffal". B0 per cent; Niagara Falls,
all; Tonawanda, all: Trenton. N. J
To per cent: Baltimore. 1.1; Philadel
phia. 25; New Haven. 8. These estab
lishments having conceded the de
mands their men are at work as usual.
morning, and which be a use of the pe
culiar circumstances s irroundlng it
has aroused Washington more than
any tragedy in several years, was solv
ed yesterday by a voluntary confession
from Mrs. Lulu I. Bonlne, a married
woman, and a guest at the bouse, that
she bad fired the three shots which
ended Ayres' life. Mrs. Bonlne, whose
husband is a drummer for the whole
sale drug house of Dewltt ft Co., of
Chicago, explained her presence in
Ayres' room at 2 o'clock in the morn- fisSn IT r Wasmsn. I. B. tips
Ing by saying that he had come to her 1 !:.r"urh";
room complaining of a chill and ask- Oet.ire--w. a. Nsm, k H. Btitw.
! ing for medicine, and had Induced her;j&
to follow him to his room to talk over Jaokaoti J. Harvey Mover, u. A.'firmiM.
some matters of difference there had 'SISSlitilTsSl''
been between them. I Monroe W. I.. Young, n c. Hitler.
She said that she dressed herself la ' tZs'
a wrapper and went to his room. He PiTr W.-Joslah wlnajr, C. ft 'prlggle.
. . , , . . , . Semii) J. A,.l K.Keller,
had precedeil her, and when she opened Baring Uhaa u Kloae, l. H. Bnofck,
the door and walked in he quickly giton Jswob Rtahl. A. J Wroth.
. ... .... . . , . , , waablnaton Myron Nojrar, W. K. Blown.
closed it and Informed her he had en- romn ,.irmM.
tlced her te th room for his own pur- ki.mkh Wurzne. Seoratarr.
poses and said if she did not submit to l.tmun Ratrs, rrea-mrer
his wishes he would kill her. Ayres, .
she said, was undressed, and had I re- 1m war to buy Pure Whiter l. .li-ct
volver in his bund and in a struggle for rom DtaUllara, Vou avoid adulteration and
Its possession it was discharged three 1 htm!'.
different times, the shots striking ottering four full qiiatia for SS-tsO, sxpraaa pra
Ayres at each discharge, tho last one fJ In
proving fatal.
Charged With Embezzlement.
Kansas City, May 21. Frank Slegel,
late president of the Slegel-Sanders
Live Stock company, was arrested yes
terday, charged witli embezzling $.",.000
He was released on a $2,000 bond.
Frank Rockefeller, who owns a con
trolling interest in the stock of the
company, last week tiled a suit In the
circuit court here, which resulted in
the appointment of a receiver. In bis
petition Mr. Rockefeller alleged that
the company had suffered a loss of
$lon,()ii0 as the result of Siegel's pecu-.
lations and mismanagement of the1
company's affairs.
Vice Moderator Presbyterian Assembly
Philadelphia, May 21. Routine mat
ters occupied the attention of the com
missioners to the Presbyterian general
assembly during 1 ho greater portiun of
yesterday's sessions. During the after
noon session Moderator Minton an
nounced the appointment of Robert
Pitcairn, of Pittsburg, as vice moder
ator. A resolution was adopted depre
cating the action of the directors of the
Pan-American exposition in opening
the gates on Sunday, and earnestly
urging the closing of the exposition on
that day.
if it's coated, your stomach J Phenomenal Prices In
is bad, your liver is out of T
Brosious Bros.' ;
Extraordinary values in Suits, Hats and Shirts with t
the store chuck full of the nobbiest I
kinds of Clothing etc. Prices Are a
Now At The Very Lowest Possible I
M iirlr
. cm
III iifiipniT!
Four Full Quarts
- JP Express
Saves Dealers' Profits'
Prevents Adulterations.
Wa will aead four lull!
9uart bettlr of Hayner'al
-Year-Old Double Copper 1
Distilled Rye lor SJ.20,1
, Ml
fi M
Wa SLVU- viar-ol"
express prepaid, ahippd
in plain package, nokl
aiarka to indicate en V
tenia. Knot IStH(actoryl
nhea received, return in-.
at our expense; vte vtill!
return yoar j.U.
Sach Whiskey can't he ha.
elsewhere for less than f.s
Kcfkhrvcfr: Third Nat'l Bank, Dayton; Htntr
rial i nana, hi. i.uuis; or any vi me j.i. cu b.
I AS.aerl Ufuai VL a a. n.... AUU
Sa0-aaE TTCSl r II III JlM UUJlUtlt VillUi
3Qg3l1 So. 8evnth 8t.. St. Lou ft.. Mo.
We roarantee above firm will do aa It agreaa. Ed
Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervoa
prostration- Or. Miles' Nervine cures
Men's blue and black 'Cheviot Suits,
nlsn Fancy I'laids ami Stripes, re
gular 87.0U values here now at
All kinds of Hats for Men, Boys
and children, sizes from ! to 71 here
now at
Shirts tor Men and Boys with and
without collars, regular 7"c values
here now at
4 o a
idjleburgh Market.
Butter 18 Vr'heat 70
Eegs V2 Jiye 48
Onions 00 Corn 4S
Lard 10 Oats '22
i allow -1 Potatoes 50
( 'hickens ,s Bran per 100. (J0
rurkeys Middlings" 1.00
Shoulder 10 j Chop 1.10
Ham 12 iFlourperbbl 4 00
roan totrsv -1 and advertise for old eatabllsrsd
bonae of solid Snaneial standlna;, Sulary $.i-0u
year and expenaea, nil payablsin cnsti. Ho can
vaaaing required. Gtve references mid anoloaa
tt-lf-Httdrt'-'st-ii ptniniu'il i-nvelnpe. ddn-s
Hanager, BOB Cajtion Bids, Cbiesga, 4-io-iu.
If you want IMTRK WIIISKI'.V .lirrrt fra
tlic aistlllerr, write The llayner t)i-tilhni(0
l.i" 01 nuyners seven-1 tin i nu m
u, expiesx prepaid.
r x
CQ i
o m
Our Great Sacrifice Sale of
This Sule will begin on Saturday, May 23, and
will continue tor 30 days.
It is 1 he biggest Bargain Sale you have ever
heard of. We have a large stoek on hand which
has not been selling as fast as we would like to
have it Therefore wo will keep on cutting and
slashing till most of the stock is sold. The stock
is reduced from 25 to 10 per cent.
The following are a few of the many bargains ;
Mother Poisoned Two Children.
St. Louis. Mich., May 21. Mrs. El
mer Qtiimby, wife of a farmer living
five miles south of this city, on Sun
day night gave her two children, a boy
aged 7 and a girl aged 9, large dosef
of morphine, and both children died
early yesterday. Mrs. Quimby then
took 18 grains of the drug hergilf, but
the dose was so heavy it acted as an
emetic, and she will recover. Family
trouble Is said to have induced the
woman to commit the crime. She la
under arrest.
The Boer Still Active.
Cape Town, May 21. Eight hundred
Boers have crossed the Orange river
from the northwest and have reinforc
ed the commandoes in the eastern dis
tricts. The latest reliable report lo
cates De Wet near Phlllppolli, In Or
ange River colony, and not far from
the Cape line, with 40 horsemen. All
the commandoes in the Orange River
colony have Instructions to cross the
Orange river. Several British patrols
have been ambushed.
o o o o o
Our 3.00 Suits reduced to 3. 13
Our 3.50 Suite reduced to 2.25
Our 7.50 Suite reduced to l-'-1"'
Our 10.00 Suits reduced to 7. 15
( )ur SI .00 Panta reduced to 76o
Our 1.60 Pants reduced to $1.00
Our '2.30 Pants reduced to 1 .73
Our 8.50 Panta reduced to 2.30
Our 75c Umbrellas at 42o
Our 1.23 Umferallaiat 7."e
Our 2.00 Umbrellas nt 1.30
Our Hats are reduced
50 per cent.
children's suits, 3 to 15 VRS.
Our $1.25 Suits reduced to 95o
ur 2.00 Suits reduced to $1.45
Our 3.00 Suite reduced to 2.00
vouTns' SUITS.
Our $3.50 Suits reduced to 2.95
Our 3.00"
( )ur 7.oo Suits reduced to
)ur 50c Overalls reduced to 48C
Our 35c Overalls reduced to 2ft
Oiir 50c Working Shirts
Our 50c Dress Shirts 3
Our 1.00 Silk Bosom Sbirla,
Our 50o Fine Ties reduced to 2ft,
i, On lo(,,ot .! Pons -1
Knee Pants reduced, 5 pair-
Our latest stylo Straw
Hats are reduced
50 per cent.
It will be to
one and all and
tn this sale, so COfltf
JUUI lllbvl VOV V WliIV V W va-aw 1
be convinced.
HIAJ7 be Clobber,
A I Z-n Middleburg, Penn
P. 8. We will pay half your car fare by buying $10.00 worth of goods.
M m t m m i m m 1 1 t i i i i .: nil i J. i t a t