The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 23, 1901, Image 1
i IV Co.Conn'wione rf . 1 v" Wageosellcr, Fditor aid Proprietor. A Family Jaarmal, Dtvattd to Newa, Science. Art, Political Ecoaomy and Current Literature. katea: Oat Dollar I'tr Annum, io Adrinct VOL. AAA V 111 MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. MAY 2.3 1U01 NUMBER '21 LLC ID LOCAL LACONICS g 1 I'nurt OpWU laonuagr 11 irvni I will pay highest cash prioe for hides, and wool. J. u. ineuion, Lewisburg, Ha- . I. miVIhi. tln.r.i IIIIIV ill!ir:ii i vi . ...... , pod husbands, but no good nus gil beats a Kil wife. If Mine people woraed as much as ev worried, there would be more iiltb and fewer poor bouaea. I will pay the highest prices for U and unwaahed wool. ;;t M. MILLNEB, K.'lllt., fa. . . . n..jt...i i jl. gneciai ntte in jiiiiKiiu uiu ii- f...i.i Mi, 1,11, i.o.-.. as advertised m ii""' n where In the Post this week la only Igood going Thursday May 23rd. fbe Governor haa approved the hill .1,;.,,, w ,i nrima in administer knock- .. I..... in f'.Kiil III- lll'illL Mllll t i X 1 1 1 LT I "11" - " (punishment at 15,000 Hue and ten m Imprisonment, Bince the Columbia Dam has been i.i k?iiaMuinf limn Is man v shad caught in the Juniata river and in Susquehanna below Clark's ferry A certain farmer who could not raise .. i n.... ,.. ti! liiniii, nnnni si-nt nt-unum i'" r. '" rii" gee dollars to an eastern man to learn i ..f i.-,.,.i.inir hntter froiii uret- L II.. ioul tin, rimlv ml it." The nervices of J. G Beck as l k- .. .1 Bl I hum ll , ,.,.,,,!,., I M IV llirl; all BAUVI l uwn nci m i ,,ii,, . .-.., ... I .. .. I mtai 1.. wilt annn ho , I I I- Mini nint in.. mi us reguuu ij Farm fob 8 ale.-1 19 acres 100 clear 1 1.1. 1 ' ku yolinfj pencil orcnaiu, an Minis "i l i i 1.:...!.. Michael B lough, lo-Vm. Middleburg, l'a. (in tii A. E. Soles for ft smooth easy lnvt'nr it i-m-naio nan uut nuu ucuu urn mil n tiinvi'il with Ills tonic. A lean towel to each patron. Parlor in If vim would invest a dollar now that , A 1. .1.11.1 trail it in it oRnvrtar Count v mar- ure hook. I an itu ims in uuuuio iliimn article on first page of this pa- r. We arc in receipt of a remittance 'I'm sn,i,.l.- tdi'itu.rlvr iiniiiiv- ' ' .." " "-J 1 J at the Central Hotel in this place . ... .. .. , A gentleman from New Jersey was nilii.- ulace last week. He is Interest- I in the Bhoe factory and is willing to -.UUU ,,, II1VJ Jilt, III till, I 111, ,,,, Bin aii' cleared up. Those who have . 's "" ''' " "III , Linus sihmiih ii. lh..,....l.l 11. 1 f 1- A.. 1 WUIC M IIW1UHI IU UIUC1 kUKIl M plant starU'tl at an early day. In this week's issue of patents grant- American Inventors 66 were .I ,!,, i,. ...... i ... , . . . . , .. , . . " icBiueuu "i ""ii ii owki cribers of this paper a descrip- nli .1 t . a . .,, , " ' 1 1 .i , lilt; ill .in, hi 1 1 1 1 l i hi i n 1 ' mi uuuw DnaKcJ v i.i'. "in Attorneys, Washington, 1). C, printed heading cut from this pa- Knee the rehabilitation of the Read- i- muaii ii. mi' prospects are mat ''K't n ran man on tins sine oi . i near irom noon a in nor it V ii ii j . , ,ii,- mid hisc ii no iner i i entra ""an, u inn, i,,r which w as surveyeti ..Miiuiiiv in jiariisourir on mis J0f the river about Dine or ten year i'! ill i.iii i, ,v I T ii I ii t,i,' vnnry .v m J...,.,. "care iii receiot of a letter contain- 9 omittance from E. W. Young of u 1 U, Minn., formerly of Snyder uu .V. The letter was written Mnv I'loHPH with (ho fVillnnri mi uon. i nutri iuis evening ior xn- """WMj aaj witness in ine "'ted States Court for the govera- rr irtai oi a man wno Deat an mil;..,, ui i i... ninuiei out oi ois oension F which I investigated and report- In ... Ii . . rension office in Washington, fit Qln ,1 a i . mm m . , - "-.uuiieu in inaian lemiory as wuiuc n lew yKam bjii. 'Tht Christian Endeavor Society will hold n festival at Smithgrove on Dec oraiion Day, May 80th. Tho Ladies Mite Society of the Re formed Church of Middleburg will hold a festival on tl lawn in front of the church on Memorial Day evening. it iients government bonds and even Northern Pacflic It. it. stock. A dol lar does the trick for one week only. Head ''Bottom Dropped Out" in this paper. How to make a dollar go as far as Hint.' dollars. It is no trick. We ex plain it in the article, "Bottom Drop ped Out," in this paper. Drop the dol lar in the slot at the right time. Would yon like to invest a dollar that will draw "ill per cent Interest lor all eternity? Head the double column ar ticle on first page of this week's Post, entitled, "Bottom Dropped out." The annual convention of the P, ( . S. of A. Catups of Snyder County will he held at McKees Half Falls, June I. IU01. A full turn nut i- requested by order of M. . Stcininger, District President. The Post's Job department is un equalled in this section of the state, Friday we shipped u job of 20,000 Im pressions, Monday one of 2600. Same day we sent a completed job to Nunti coke and have now ready lor shipment four different jobs for Vundi rgrift, l'a. Jobs for teli different pluccs in the slate are now on the hook. Our work Is of such u nature ouc sntislled customer brings us more patrons. Thnt is the way we do it. Try it. Sjtmplcs and prices on request. The 3rd Quarterly Confi i 1 -oof the r. H. Ihurch will belli id liuin mel's church, Saturday ...... .- .a ai 2 P. M. Rev. C. Bauer of Sunbury, ex pects to be here to officiate On ac count of the memorial services We Will dispense with the regular service, and instead will have preaching and com munion Monthly evening May 27th. Rev. Bauer will have charge of the meeting. The public i cordially in vited. Wm. II. !Vn kb, Pastor. Capt. U. W. Ryan Post's Program f. r Mem orial Services. Sunday evening May 20th, at t.":i p in sermon in the Court House, by Rev. V. H. Dover. Thursday May 30th, at 8 a m sharp. Post will assemble at the Post room, proceed to Meiser cemetery, services at 0 a m, Dev. V. 1!. Hover Orator. At 5 p m Post will meet with Rhoad's Lady Cadets and W. C. No. 515, P. 0. S. of A., at the Posl r n, from thence march to Franklin, parade the streets, returning, will be joined in the public square by tin-Sum lay S. In mis of Middleburg ami citizens, parade through town to Union Cemetery where memorial and decorative services will he held at 6.80 p. Ill, Rev. V. II. Hover will address the assembly. The Middleburg band will accompany both parades at Meiser and Middleburg and furnish music. Washington Camp, 1'. . S. of A. No. 515 will meet at 8 a m at Camp room, proceed to Paxtonville holding memorial services at '' a m. also at Hassinger's Cemeteries at 10 n m. By order of the Host the Commander has appointed committees composed of members and other old soldiers to see to the proper performance of the dec orative services in their several locali ties, viz., Centreville, David Reichley, chairman; Fry's, J. c Schoch, chair man; ion's Cornelius Bowcrsox, chair man. The Sunday Schools in the Vicinity of each cemetery are expected to furnish the flowers for their respect ive cemeteries and lei no soldier's grave in; overlooked. All loyal niitl patriotic citizens are cordially Invited to turn out and assist us in giving honor to tic memory of our tlead comrades, the defenders of our common country and show at least by their presence that they appreciate the value of the services given for the perpetuation of our glorious nation. By order of Host, J, Y. Shtndel, Commander, Q. C. (iutelius, A. Adjutant. Committees ! Centerville, David Reichley, chairman, Daniel Hunt, J. Mi Bingftinan, Charles S. liingnninn, Samuel Bolig. Fry's cemetery, J. C. Schoch, chainnnn; Philip Ainig, Elias C. Minium, Allen Hassingcr. Zion's Cornelius Bowersox, chairman; Samuel Nagle, Daniel Hackenberg, William Zimmerman. MARRIED. May 16, at tho U. B. par sonage. Mt. Pleasant Mills, Henry 8. Hornberger to Jennie S. Gray bill, both of Richfield, Pa. jPERTIN'ENT PERSONALS g(ti Joe Potter tries to ride anew bicyole. ( i. Alfred Schoch spent last Friday at Sellnsgrove. Dr. A. A. Voder of Sellnsgrove was in town Monday Joseph Heim of Aline vas at the ( lounty siat Saturday. W. W. Rlpka, R. H. mail agent was at home over Sunday. s. Barber Simon ton visited Mifflin burg friends last Thursday. Miss Anna Rlpka of Sunbury is vis iting her parents in this place. Perry Aurand of K reamer was n Middleburg visitor last week. Mrs, A. O. Bashoar and sou returned from their visit to Maple 1 1 ill. II. II. 'lister and daughter visited friends at Richfield over Sunday . James Dieiuer ami wife spent Sun day with his parents at Kreamcr. Ueorge Broslusof Mt. Plensni I Mills w as a County seat visitor Monday. T. J. Speeht and family speul Sun day al Benvertown with his parents. .1. K. Shelly of Nanticoke wa in this village last week telling big tish si ii. -. V. K. Stahlnecker and wife of Adamsbttrg were in this ilu e over Sunday. E. W. Snyder, insurance agent of Sellnsgrove, was in town Monday af ternoon. J. J. Mitchell and J. R. Deemer f Kreanior were Middleburg visitors Monday morning. Mrs. W. P. Thompson of Mexico is visiting her son. Cashier Thompson at the Central. Isaac Spoils ex-Cominlssloner, and son of Meiserville wi n- at the county seat Tuesday. F, P, luster and wife of Penn tow n ship spent Sunday with Frank Bower sox imtl family. Wm. McNitl of Reedsvllle waa in town last Friday on his way home with an elegant lot of horsts. Mrs. O. S. Shaffer and son, Roy, of Mt. Carmel have been visiting tie' family of Wm. Smith. Mrs. Wm. II. Rlegle ami daughter, Elsie, of Adamsburg were in this place one evening last week. Dr. A. .1. Herman look Herbert Smith lo Philadelphia to have a cataract re moved from Hie hitter's eye. George Blckhart of Benfer was in this place Saturday and bought a hi eycle of John A. Dink. Misses Bertha Beaver and Delia Hampton of Berwick were visiting Swineford friends this week. W. w. Rlpka, mail agent, hasbeen placed permanently mi the route be tween Tunkhnn k ami Montrose. Dr. I. 1". Neffand wife ami Hcston Neff and wife of Gordon visited A. s. Beaver and wife during the past week. C. S. Sprlggle of Richfield, Republi can Committeman from West Perry township, was in town on business Monday. Mrs. John Moyer, Mrs. John Renn ngerand Mrs. Henry Renninger re cently paid a visit to J. B. EnterUne's at Riverside. rvin A. Herman of Buffalo Roads, Union County was in this place Sntui dny evening and ordered the POST sent to his address. o. s. Gilbert has purchased the house and lot on Front and Water streets, from Mrs. Eve Erlcnnieyer for 1500. Freeburg 'ourier. Wlllian Ayers of Paxtonville, Mrs. F. T. Ranck ofWilllanspori were called home on account of the serious illness of their father, James Ayers. Barber A. E. Soles went to Hunt ingdon Monday to attend the funeral of his grandmother who was 83 years old. Newton Feehrer of Selinsgrove was his substitute at the barber shop during his absence. Charles Benner cf Vicksbtirg came over to the Snyder County Capito Monday morning to tjike the train for Lewistown. Mr. Banner is a promis ing young man of good habits in search of some business venture. Rev. J. W. Shannon, of Elysburg, Pa., will preach in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Hassinger's on Sunday, May 26th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and in the Middleburg Evan gelical Lutheran Church at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Letter from Cbina. Ed. Post, 1 herewith send you a copy f a letter I received last Friday even in; from a friend of mine in Pekin, China, Rosa L. Jones, formerly oper ator at Selinsgrove. Pekin, China, April ii, 1901. bvin J. Bailey, Pallas, Pa. Friend Irvin: -! suppose yon have he ird by this time of my enlist ing aa an operator in the Signal corps last July for service in China, if so then this letter w ill he no news to you. A man must be an expert telegrapher m get iii this branch of the service, conse quently was fortunate In passing the examination! If there Is anything in line g, relies that 1 can brim; or send you boys, let me know, ami if ii is possible I'll get it. Pine count rv here and there is a great deal to learn, as a man associates daily w ith BOidieiS of all nations. I would like In say a great deal more to you of the country and its people, hut as you see by this penmanship, it is a torture for me to write as I have been iisinga typewriter lor oxer 0 years, ami am out of practice with the pen. Just shipped my typewriter to Manila for repair-, I have however written a letter to the 7'iiii - in Selinsgrove in which I gave an account of my trip from dear old Selinsgrove to I'ekill, hiiia. Of my ow n observations of 'hinti and ( 'hlncse life, their rellglo. i, also my experience with foreigners serving here. I write to that paper in order to enable all my friends w ho would like i" hear from me to read the same accounts as my parents. Vou know I never forgel a friend, no matter how far away I am, On account of my letters appearing in Lasher's paper, uou't think me a Democrat. I'm a stiff old Republican. I write Losher because we are chums of old. Hoof course keeps the political Bide of Jones quiet as 1 tlont meddle with polities. Ihina is a good place to keep away from, unless one either has capital behind him or is a soldier. I wish io till the peopleat home with all the know ledge regarding China, as I used to thirst after the same myself. I remain in China permanently as a member of Legation Guard, in charge of the telephones. Respectfully, Exoi ii R. L. Jones, Signal Corps, Temple of Agriculture, I'ekiii, !hina. Reduced Raicnta ErnurlNCO tin Hvniiajrlvnnin Hnllrond, account 1 i wiirth Lcaifttc Convention, ( )u account of the Fifth Internation al Con vention of tho EpWOrtll League, to he held in San Francisco July Is to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell, July I to ll.', from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to San Francisco ai greatly reduced rates. For spec! tic information regard ing rales, routes, and conditions of tickets apply to ticket agents. 6-23-21 Special Notice. Prof. D. Nblingof Lewistown, l'a., late with Dr. A. II. Wells, ihecelebrut ed eye specialist of Washington, D. '., is in town this week with headquarteis at the Washington House. Thislieing the Prof's, flrsl visit to our tow n, he will give all examinations ami profes sional advice free of charge. All our people can safely consult him, as his years of experience places him fore most among opticians, COURT lim SE ill 1 1 S. Deeds Entered for Record, Lydia and Francis Naugleto trustees of the .ion Evangelical Lutheran Con gregation of Kratzerville for $126, Adam Showers and wife to II. E. Walter, lot of ground in borough ol Middleburg for $860. John Lash ami wife to Mary Scbroy er for lot No. 8. In Bannerville. Con sideration, for $130. Wm. Stcininger ami wife to Polly Schroyer, lot in lSanuerville for $2.". Marriage Licenses. ( Henry S. Hornberger, Rich Held. Jennie S. Graybill, " Married, May 16, by Rev. H. M. Troutman, Henry 8. Hornberger to Jennie S. Graybill, both of Richfield. John Bowersox traveling salesman, spent Sunday in town with his par ents. liev. J. H. Hertz, the former Evan gelical pastor of this place, was in town Wednesday. Simon Speeht and wife of Beaver town were at the county seat Wednes day morning. BOTTOM DROPPED OUT. For Oi)c Week Oi)lv bte Srvder Counby Marriage Boole Will be SolJ ok Onlv Ope Dollar a C opv. PRIOE REDUCED FROM THREE DOLLARS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY MONDAY TO SATURDAY .11 E3rdTO 8tu, BOTH DAYS INOLUSrV E. A Tribute to Prof. Daniel 8. Boyer and a Contribution to Hi- Me- moiiul Fund, Por one week only court w eek Monday to Saturday, June II 8, both days inclusive, the Middlelmrg Post will make the mosl marvelous book oiler over presented to the reading public. The I k to be sncrltled i the n SNYDER COUNTY MARRIAGES, compiletl by the Kdltor of the Post. The marriages recorded In ihi- volume cover the period from 1836 to IHIMI. The flrsl section Includes the man iageH taken from the files of the Pimt front 1KIIH to Oei. 1, I8S6, when the marriage license law wen) Into cU'eot ; the mfontl, the marriages taken from the mar riage docket from i t. I, I8H6, to Apr, I8IHI; the third, marriages taken from the official record of Rev. Adolf 11. Casper, 1832 N2; fourth, those of Rev. John P. Shindel, Jr., 1835 '88, and fifth, the record of C. . Krlenmyer, IMo '75 There are In all about 7600 marriages i rded in this Innik, or u sum total of 16,000 names of Snydei lounty pitiple vvlm livwl between iSill ami I '. there are the names of your fathers and grandfathers, your mothers and iri .1 mothers and I he very day day they were handsome grooms ami blttsl ing brides, also the mime of tho minister who Joined in wedlock ihwe h rl whose pulsations gcncnitetl the blood thai courses through your vein I re cords your own marriage ami thnt of yon rchildri'ti and puts down tin Ii ' ii hie evidence to posterity of your existence as a factor in ihe pi n i f the race. The hunk has no peer, yea, it ever been published Hint contains Information "i so many Snyder County people, It Is a book that when you own one, rend ii and imdei i ml the in. exhaustible data it contains, ytiii will preserve il and mention h in your last will and testament as an heirloom to be handed down from general m to it eration for time and eternity. And why should ii nol huso prizi IV ll bad a similar Issik of marriages covering the same (icriod of the lasl cctiltiry, no amount of money ild Induce yon to part ith It, if you could nol . i an. ol her. The history of the world is nol made up by Presidents, General . nnl r and ( Congressmen. The very essence of history is made in the honn llresidc, The history of Snyder County is made by the men and won f to-day residing in the towns and villages of Snyder! 'ouuty ami their iianu h in such a I k will go thundering down the nges as a perpetual tcstii ml of their existence undasuu ineflhceable landmark (showing their fool print- on the sands of time whereby the endless future is ludlssolubly conncctetl with Ihe distant last. An hour spent perusing this I k of " Snyder ( 'ouuty mnirini - an hour spent c inning wiih the men ami women, w ho, during the las century, tilled tl esoll you an now tilling and pavctl the way for a more en lightened clvili.ution which we all enjoy. The hook is nicely hound In substantial cloth binding and ct ntnii 2(10 pages. At the end of the hook there is aii index of surnames, h whii Ii j . can tell at a glance on what pages every family name occurs. There is n it a family residing In Snyder Ceunty or has res ided here for any length of time who will not liuda record of many of their own number and that of their families. The real history of any locality is the detail information of its e:iple, We have reached the heart of our subject and have unburdened the records of the past ami now are willing to unfold these valuable documents so thai you ran have them right In your on n home fora great deal less than actual cosi of i im- pilatioii and publication. 6623 Per cent, is a Big Discount. We do not propose to run a bum iu (or public charity, but we do assert lie. yond the fear of successful contradiction, thai ni account tif the small number of hooks printed, tin si of compiling, printing and binding brings the i os of producing them up to Three Dollars a volume, the regular Helling price. We have learned thai mosl of the people of Snyder County, either are unwill ing or unable to pay $3 u copy, no mutter how vuluublo its contents. Our money is t led up in the books. Ine copy Is all we need for our use. lur motto now is, convert the hooks into cash ; if we eau nol not cost for them, we w 111 gel what we can. At tho negiiiuiug of this, we said we were going to make the greatest I k offer ever made. We w ill do it. Are we going to throw oH'oin fourth of the cost V No. One half of the cost which is Three Dollars'.1 No, What then.' Wopnqiose to throw ofl'ij of the oosl or make a discount of Mi per cent, for one week only. Hid you ever gel so large a discount V No, I think not. for one week onlv we will reduce the price from Thret Dollars hi Only One Dollar per copy at this office. If sent by mail, 15 cents extra. Wewanl tin righl dow n, or wo will keep the I k. 'ash tail,-. We need the money, you need a I k. Let's exchange, Wewanl ii dis tinctly understood that this dollar rate shall continue for oxi.Y oxt wi;i:k as staled ahnve. Those who wish to place advance orders can do so. Plrsl oi Icm placed, will be filled first on June 3rd. Orders will be filled during tho week as long as the supply lasts. n case there should lie any danger of exham tig the entire stock during the week, we wish to rcservo tho last ten copies, of these ten copies, the first five will be sold at $6,00 each and the losl llvt al (10.00 each. Tho lab comers must help make up the loss. This I lie only reservation we make, if every book is called for during the wi k, oui itj es, Ifmorethan ten copies are left at the end of the week, the price jumps t ,0t) per copy. When we say w e will make this oiler of a dollar a volume for no week only, we will do it. 1 1' you oiler us one dollar th e minutes after mid night, June 8th, for a copy of the honk, we will refuse It. If you want to take advantage of this offer, toae It while it Is good. ! i ask us to do ii after the time has expired. We positively will refuse. Put your dollar Into mr pocket al the right tii mall will look as big as three. June 3to8 an our bargain days. It Is court week. Some of your friends and neighbors will be here. Ifyou ask them, they will bring a book along. If you w ant a hook, don't put'it off. You will never have such an offer again. The supply i small ami may he entirely exhausted. Ifyou want a book reserved till you come to Middleburg, semi your dollar in time ; we will wrap up the book, put on your name ami await your arrival. Prof. Boyer Memorial Fund. The late D. S. Hover of Kreeburg took a great Interest in this hook on "Snyder County Marriages" ami as a testimonial to his interest in local his tory, we will agree to contribute ten cents out of every dollar received for the tale of books during the week mentioned, and place il into the hands of the Boyer Monument Association, providing the person who buys a book, says at the time of making the purchase he is doing so to help the monument fund. In conclusion note : One dollar pays for a book duting the week beginning June 3rd. If sent by mail, 15 cents extra. You can drop your dollar now to make sure of getting it here iu time. Book will be sent June lird. Act quick. Gko. W. WAOiiNSKLLKB, Compiler, Middleburgh, Pa. has no equal mid no rival. N i In '. Ii lias