The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 09, 1901, Image 7

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tT Titrable Makes Ton Miserable.
everybody who reads the news
sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
i Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
I the great kidney, liver
i and bladder remedy.
It is the treat medl-
f-S. cal triumph of the nlne
im teenth century; dis
covered after years of
" jM scientific research by
4Vg Dr. Kilmer, the eml-
i 1 - iicm smucy ana oiaa-
'j-ZZf--1- der specialist, and is
(Jerfcllv successful In promptly curing
E back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou-
, r.jLO. Tr.nnr i, i. . I
"XT. - "
, cf kidney trouDie.
r. Kilmer s swamp-KOOl Is not rec- for everything but if you havekid
, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
the remedy you need. It has been tested
many ways, in hospital work, in private
tire, amonp ma neipit: iuu poor io pur-
juse relief and has proved so successful in
ry case that a special arrangement nas
n made by which all readers of this paper
r . . . , i . i j .. u- : .
ho have not aireaay iricu u, may nave a
Inr.le bottle sent tree Dy man, a, go a uook
tiling more about Swamp-Root and how to
tiout it yu nave Kiancy or Diaaaer irouDie.
IKK writing mention reading this generous
L .,, 1
;r in mis paper anu
id vour address to
Br. Mimer ot Wiuiuj-
-n. N. Y. I he
Iriar fifty cent and Homo of Swamp-Root.
jllir IIIM are soia Dy an gooa uruggisis.
i Sun bury v uewiBtowu Ltvision.
In effect Marou is, 1900.
rwaao. I rrATioxa, I
A x
id i" BellniiiiTove Junction
n i', tlinajfrove
lottij Pawling
lOits Krsaniei
low M-iwr
in:ll Mlddleburf
108V Banter
hi 17 Beavertowti
i Adanvsburs
i in Etaubs MiIIh
u M Met lure
1118 Wagim
11 in Bhindle
II tl Paintervtlls
II jj Maitland
I t", Lewistown
; :;; Lewlitown (.Main Street,
il ii Lewiatown Junction,
oers i
Fl (
BSD ft'li
'J Oil 4 .VI
'.l III 4 l'
s 88 4 88
sll 181
s Ml 4 '
h 4n 4 n
KM 4 id
n 8ft 4 117
- M 4 it
M i.i :t :li
h or a in
7.M 3 86
7 111 ;l :m
7 i :i ji
T 31 8 IS
7 .11 Kl
7 W .1 10
riin leaves Suubury 5 80 r in, ar-
rives nt Sehnsgrove 5 45 p m
leaves SelinsKrove 8:00 p, m., arrives
at aurjbury 6:15 p m.
tins leave Lewiatown Junotloo i
i m, 10 II .i in. 1 10 p m,180p in 8 in. 7 i)7i
,'it.:t tn i,,r Alnmmt, ulttilniric iin, the Wat.
or Haltlmure and wsshinKton 808 am 980,
i 3 88 8 10 n m For Phl1ajelihla and Na
Irk 5', 8 0", 80a m, 1 t 1 .13 4 88 and 1118 p
I K"T H;irrnturu s. 10 i 19
Philadelphia & Ene R R Division
northern i'bntral railway
Triin lava' s'li igTore Junction dally tor
Ion i iv iiml West.
1110,1858 p in, ft 80 p m. Sunday B is a ra,
I p IU.
alriolxavp Bnnbnry dully exoiit Sunday:
p in nr nun UQ,I il u m tor dtm ami an
Ualirua i in lur II 'Hi'loiitri Kris iiihl ('nnnnilulinm
lam lor iiok Havan, Tyrone and the west.
Hi (or HufT ili), 1 10 n m fur Hcllelnnto Kaao
Inme mill Cm ur.ilnfituu
iii in Inr kennrn ami hlinlra
u m lor WlUUitnspo! t
lay r.1 ii a m for BtitTalo via Bmportum,
lamiur i. . u w a in r.rie and auuti-
Imua H M n in Inr " i
Bum for Lock Huren an l
i in, 'i .i in lilt i!. 1 A 4S ii hi lor Wllken-
mill Hiifltou
M in. I" III a in. -2 lift p ill, 5 4.1 p in Inr Sliamo
I and Mount Uarmol
luDiia 'j a m lor Wllkenbarre
rralns leave Dellnsgrove Jnnetton
n, i iiiy arriving at Pnll idelpbla
put Now York 5 88 p in Baltimore 8 U n m
liiimtoii 4 In in
i p in daily arriving at Philadelphia
p in Now Ynrk 8 88 a m, Balllmere y i.'i p tn
ungtou in 58 in.
!i. nail y arriving at Philadelphia
. in, No ork 713 ii in. Baltimore .in a in
Kington I 05 it:
I'ra'ns aim tonvo Bunbnry :
it . l ul arrtvina at Phllariafdhla n via in
. ! 20 in W'.isliii ul-ni Ran ii hi ISI.-u
11 i "1 Weokdaya, in Ha a iu Sunday,
'.in ila'lj arriving t Pbtladelphla 7'.".'
,New Vork988 a in, 10 88 Sundays Baltl-
: W i Bl, WimliliiKion u m. Ualllumrt'
'i' in. Washington i i' i tn,
pui, week uyi arrirlnu at Philadelphia
Mow org D :in , in lliititnnro 6 Oil p m
'lillialnli 7 IS III
V ra t uy, arriving at Philadelphia 7 88 p m
' -1083 i in, Baltimore? :;i p m, Wash
on 8 aa p in
jini ai. leave Bnnbnry at v so am and ii'i
31 1 ic, lor Harrlabnnc, Philadelphia and
., ' H. WOOD. Gen'l Pans Agent
nt u IliNKOH uen'i Manager.
Wf irivil Iviilntu I,, I I.:....
. ' I I I I I I I , ' I III
nWnatums with the Poerr. The
quoted arc very low.
flic New Vcrk fri-Weekly Tri
neund the Middleburtr Lt. one
I in advance, only $1.75.
i " lil ci.klv ,i. .... .1 Mnnclny,
"''In, -lav n,,,l l.i.i... i.... i.. '..
i"'l'"iii,.ii ,,r lubeoriben on lnti' "t
. and :. t edition is a thoroughly
."nil,,, dally fainlij newspaper fr
apypi is.
'"' New Yurk Wpfiltlv Trihunn
I the Middlebttrg Fobt, one scar,
l advanoo, milv $1.25
11X11111 I I,'- I U OH
""Jiay,andglveaaH Importanl nitr
I"1 nail,, i, ,i i.i .i. .
, '" iiiu-i rriii.niu
I,,,; h,, ri'pnrU, iitifici'llml nirricnltilral
I,,;,, ':",, rainnia general iniorma.
nand ohpioe ami antartalntag ntlav
llie onii, '""I'lo'a paper" for
' niin- l 1,(0,1 suit.', iiii f,.
,. papei fur larraera and rlllaareri.
i New York Tri- Weekly World
P we Mlddleburg Post, one year,
I 1 ill lltlvniif'o nnln ftl AR
tJS Trl W-okly World coni three
wrok. in iii,., I 0,1th ii,.
i- norm eninvn inree
. '"k,i tilled with the httexl
jwioi the country and lo well worth
Pine 1..L...1 f.. i
r "raotieal Farmer, one year,
AYiiaaiebnrg f06T,one year,
1(1 "I advance. 11.150 RntJi nt
j vwtvan vaa wa
0Ve DsUMH and the Prnetical
tttr Year Book and Agricul
11 Almanac for 1900. imid in
i only $1.65.
'aloi'nr011"1 one of the beat
u," Paper aublltbed. lun.,1 .ki..
TU!? oaeful to Iba farmer.
IU hTv' 'hJ' '" H eaato.
xu Year Book foronlv II tn
3erlptloa of mm Economical siruc
tnre Thai Ha Bern la I - for
Several Years.
The first cut given an exact repre
ii'ii tut inn of the house iu UM by the
writer. The dimensions are: Width
10 feet; heig-ht in frout, 14 feet;
lenirth depouda upon the uumber ol
hog to be kept; width of fending
alley, 5 feet; size of pens, 7x11; size
of door (A, Vig. S), 2x3 feet. The doi
slides up und down. Underneath the
upper floor is pulley over each. A
cord thfongh this from dool
to alley, s-o that the door can bt
glosetl or opened at will.
H 11 are doors, the height of parti
tions, and are u'n Inches In width,
hung on hinged. These nre fastened
to a Mi. standing flatwise to the al
ley, and supported upon tloor joists
one on each side of door, to which
partition boards are nailed. Parti'
linns ure II feet in inches in height
The door la fastened with a stick oi
liar made out of an inch board, a lit
tie above the center. Tlii.-- proves of
t' C nre troughs made out of -t
rrtiil 2x8, whole width of each pen
The door extends down to this only
and not to the tloor. and swings ttbi t
a threshold nailed to trough ami pur-
tltions. This avoids climbing ovei
partitions, and if a scale is arrnngeti
in alley, it is an easy mntti r to edu
cats one's self in the art of feeding
by passing hops out and in.
1) 1) are doors to slide up and down
supported by two 2.4's in each stall
so as to transfer smi . or to lenvi
open, it nd close one of the outsidi
doors nnd use one pen sleeping
the other for feeding, i uiuket
separation possible In winter, largei
and smaller sows to be fed together
F F are fenders in each pen, Be
Ourely fastened, made out of 2xti oi
I-'x-n and set from 8 to 10 inches froir.
floor, fastened edgewise as protectioi
against overlying the pigs,
G 0, front yards to hog house, witt
a permanent fence built 20 feet dis
tant from building, .v drive gate it
left on each side of this yard, and 1h
yard iteelf was divided by a movablt
fence. 'I'll is forms, iu breeding time
n yard for each sow Tx-'o feet, Vfhei
not needed panels are removed unc
the yard is free as a driveway U
gather manure.
K K are up-and-down slide gain
tx2 feet, fastened with iin :tline
or to be raised so only small pigs cat
The lower room in ling house is f i;
feet in clear between joists. The up
per floor is supported by using 2x(
three and four feet apart and floored
With inch boards nailed so as tt
avoid any danger of slipping. Tht
loft is used for bedding, which keepi
the house warm from above.
cr each pen nnd directly abovl
the fender is a board fitted to lei
down straw and serve as a ventilator
The loft is filled through door open
tng into yard. Each pen has a hal',
window of 7xS g'ass directly our tin
fender, which slides sideways, so tin
house Is well lighted and warm t-ui
gets in each apartment.
Size of cook house. 14x16, with H
foot studding, jliu lot'- is used foi
Corn C'lb
I I 1 11 1 I
f Fttdii Hilly k "
7KJJ 7,,; I 7K1j
J J ... J
JJica" 'v
Ptn rn
'ZO 72.0 72.0 i.
6 6 0
ground grain. The lloor needs lo h
well supported with 2xS joists. Qraio
descends through feed ehute, ( 'hum
bcr is reached by ladder adjusted be
tween two joists in center of the
building under the upper alley way.
hung on an iron rod and is swung
U) between joists when not needed.
The opening from cook-room to
shed is provided with u slide door.
1', door nt end of alley. Hogs may
be loaded here by having a step board.
U, door into alley.
Jf a hog house only is required, the
cooking-room can be omitted, to be
built on Inter. Hut for the propel
rearing nnd fattening of hogs that
adjunct should not be omit ted. --Theo.
Louis, iu Kami, Stock nnd Home.
Aa Ideal Coach Horse.
The tpualitiea desired in a coach
horse are size, symmetry, style, sound
as, color and action.
frovfd ( ontlKlun ufiuunir) Ituadi
11a Helped the Cotlun IMaat
era of the South.
The building of of turnpikes, which
has been active only of late yean
over the entire southern portion of
!he I nitrd States, and which has
brought about much improved roud.i
for public conveyance iu all sections,
and notably in the territory imme
diately contiguous to Memphis, Inns
resulted in the planters nnd country
merchants sending iu a much larger
jiercentage of their cotton on their
wagons Instead of turning it over
to the railroads for transportation.
There is nothing that is so bene
ficial to the planters of the south us
good roads for the easy marketing
of their produce, and the farmers
within a ratlins of 30 to 40 miles of
Memphis have learned that these
roads represent a great deal of sav
in'." to them on their cotton crop in
that they make it possible for then
to sentl their cotion into the city
without too much strain on their
teams ami without too much Wear
lint! tear on their Wagons. At (lie
same time it is a reasonable proposi
tion that since the roads have been
Improved ns they have the planters
and the merchants iu the small towns
who wish to market their col ton at
this xiint can have much larger loads
than they could before the turnpikes
were extended anil multiplied as they
have bet n within the last decade.
In the early history of the cotton
trade of this city almost the entire
crop of this district was marketed
on wagons, the railroad facilities at
that time amounting to almost noth
ing. The wagons offered the nnlv
solution of the question of getting
their cotton to this city, and, al
though there were no turnpikes, the
cotton was brought here and larpf
loads ot" groceries and provisions nnd
other necessaries of plantation life
were carried back.
Willi the growth of the extensive
network of railroads entering Mem
phis quite a change took place. These
mean; the solution of the problem
if marketing cotton, nnd the wagons
were Inrgely relegated to the renr,
Tli.' prlocs of cotton were high and
the amount paid in freight for trans
portation tnflnlteslmally small com
pared ith the xalue received for
the staple when sold. The farmers,
tin- planters, the merchants, nil
lumped at the conclusion that the
railroads were best, that the wagon
method was too slow, and that it rep
resented too much expenditure in the
way of time and the wenr and tear
of the running gear of their wagoni
and only n small portion enme in tlii
But the reduction in the price n'
cotton within the last few years and
the fact that transportation rates
were not reduced iu proportion to tin
value of the staple made those own
ing cotton in this district. Within a
certain rndius of the city, east around
for a new solution of the difficulty
with which they were face to face.
And the building of the turnpike
proved the solution for which they
wi fe looking. These roads made it
possible for larger loads to be hauled,
for less wear and tear on the wag
ons, for less strain on the teams, nnd
for quicker time, ami the farmers felt
that they had the railroads beat.
Turnpikes have been gradually in
creasing in the neighborhood of Mem
phis for the last, 1.1 years, and with
these the people living along these
roads have gradually increased the
amount of cotton coming to this city
by wagons. The turnpike lately ex
tended to Colierville, Tenn., hits
caused the merchants and owners of
cotton in that town and between lure
ami there to bring almost their entire
holtlinns to this market on wagons,
while before that time Hie bulk of
the crop found its way to market on
lite railroads passing those points.
The same is true of Holly Springs
and the Hernando district, and other
instances could also be given, but
these will SttffiCC,
The turnpikes have made it pos-siide
for the holders of cotton to fight the
railroads on their rates by acting
cut inly Independent of them in
bringing their cotton in on their wag
ons. The latter N much the slower
way, but there is generally some sac
rifice neeessnry 1" bring about re
forms of any klr, '. ant! the farmers
and planters along the turnpike roads
do not mind making the light when
ever they find it necessary.
The turnpikes and the railroads
hnve both come to stay, and, since the
latter are being gradually extended
ami are continually tapping new ter
ritory, the percentage of cotton
brought in over the turnpikes, as
compared with that transported by
th,. former, la steadily Increasing.
The higher prices of cotton promised
the farmers this year may make them
willing to pay the freights, but with
the low prices, Judging from the ex
perience of the last two years, there
will be n marked Increase in the
amount of cotton finding its way to
this market on wagons. Memphis
Canrofttabie imtrr Cows.
..t ,i... i,,,-.'.,t tliino-s to ret
fanners to do is to cull out from their
herds the unprofitable cows. The
dairyman that carries on his business
la m thoroughly scientific manner will
he all the time culling out the animals
that he believes to be unprontnble.
Some of the heifers that are kept, year
after yenr in the hope that they may
develop milking qualities. Yet some of
these are 60 ill-formed in their udders
that it. can be easily seen that they can
never be good milkers or profitable in
nuy sense. If they are used for breed
ers they are not likely to produce off
spring that will be profitable. The ani
mals that are unprofitable must bs
hunted out and disposed of. Farmers'
C0.O tCMMt MlhBBUgMIng
la many reapecta Scrofula and Consumption are alike ; thsv develop from the
eBEMjWBK. f'-xl . the blood
Ill TaJgMr jeucrationa has
v. bmic w nimuii in wiiik couuiuoH wian DeioTe.
S. S. S. is the oulv medicine that con reach deep-seated blood trouble like Scrofula. It goes down to the very roots of
IM disease and forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. 8 S. S. is 'he oulv purely vegetable Wood purifier known,
me roots and lierbs from which it is made contain wooderful blood purifying properties, which no poison, howavei powerful, can
aWa m ayas ayg a? m 0 mm mm aTaTAaFA '"K rwt B. M, S. stimulates and purifies the blood, increases the
s3l W ML Int. CV km I LjJWXtLNm ,Pl)ti,e Is the digestion ml restm.s health and strength to the
, ., . , . , ,, , , enfeebled body. If vou have reason to think vou have Scrofula, or
vour child has inherited any blood taint, don't wait for it to develop, but begin at once the use of S S. S. It is a line tonic and the
oest blood punlier and blood builder known, as it contains no poisonous minerals. S. S. S. is pre-eminently u remedy for
When Say dsughtet waasalnfsal she had axevrrr s,rfiila for Which She wmnin.irrthrroB.
nwtaareot pttysiclaas tor more ttaau two years. She wu worse at the ead of that time however m.)
wc almost despairadof br life. A tew bottles of Swift's Specinc cured her completely, as it teemed to
odire.ttethr,auof thetrsuble Idn,,i believe it lis, r,,u.i lot Mabbora esses 'of blonddtaeasH
which arc beyond the .wrrf uthrr aoalled LI.h! rrmr.lir.. s 1 Iik.h.ks MoaUcello, Ca
Our medical department is in charge of exix-rirnred phvsieians who have msdc
Scrofula and Other blood disesses S life Study, Write them atout your esse, or anv one
you are interested in. Your letter will receive prompt and otuelul attention! Wr make
no cnarge wnatever tor uus.
One reason for the comparative dis
appearance of Women from the lec
. . , ture platform was
imrti ms
i xplalm d the ol b
I ii re ra.
er day, says the
New York Sun, by an agent who had
just received from an authoress, who
had acquired u certain reputation
through her novels, a proposition to
arrange a course of lectures for her.
"The women's clubs have done the
most to settle the demand for lectur
ers of the same e." he said, "chiefly
because they are able to hear women
talk so much for nothing and arc also
able to talk themselves now tn such
a degree that there is no longer any
thing unusual or specially attractive
to them in the idea of a woman who
is able to stand up and talk cleverly
before an audience, Nowadays they
think they all do that, and nmst of
them, rather than sit still nnd listen
while others are talking, want to get
up anil do it themselves. Under these
circumstances, of course, they're not
going to pay much to hear women lec
ture to them. When a woman's club
does engage a lccturcr,,it usual! j wants
a man."
A Massachusetts physician recently
cave an amusing illustration of the
dread some people have of fresh air
in their sleeping-rooms. In the wtst
ern part of the stale a few years ao
lived a family who were accustomed to
keep doors and windows all tightly
closed. The head of the house was a
carpenter, and one fall undertook to
remodel a part ot his dwelling. The
task was Dot completed when winter
set in, and the family, to their horror,
had to endure tin amount of fresh air
that tilled them with alarm. The wife,
speaking about i: afterward, said she
"didn't know how they could have
stood it if it hadn't happened that they
were all in better health than usual."
The editor of the Fairfax i Mo.)
Koriim inserts this notice iu liis pa
per: "W. U. Ilambaugh, J. P. All
kinds of marriages performed while
you wait. Magazines and old books
bound in the best manner. All long
standing accounts except those
against this paper collected in rap
time, Orders for good printing , -cuted
promptly, Information on legal
matters imparted at cost. Subscrip
tions taken fnr the best newspaper ill
the lnglish language. Try our triple
knot marriage ceremonies. Satisfac
tion guaranteed."
There has been grcal progress in
the sie of electrical machinery
the dynamo began to. bean Impi rtani
factor in Industrial affairs. Twelve
years ago machine absorbing ' -horse
powi v ami able tn maintain 10 can
dle power lamps was considered very
large, and machines of this si, were
the exception rather than the rule
.' .
; .
. .
working at Ai.iy.ii.: falls.
t'niler the headline "Bounce the
Blabbers," a t d'.ir Kapida paper
makes vigorous protest against the
chatterers who disturb theater and
lecture audiences, it i Sera a reward
of live dollars to the first usher who
will "tro ufter such idiots in the prop
er manner," ami refers to one of them
as having a lnoutji that "would be a
profitable enterprise if turned into a
There nre 44..'-'7 schoolhouses, dor
mitories and other buildings iu the
United States devoted to education,
and they arc valued at S8,M9,255.
There are Ili.tiiiO teachers 131,703 men
and Utvt.sTo women, in lv.Hl the people
of the United States spent 3197,381,603
to educate their children, which is $?.l'7
per capita of population and 33.80 per
capita of childreu of the sclisol age.
Kxcitcmcnt of the wildest character
prevails in Warwick county, Ind., over
the discovery of gold and silver near
Lynnville. The land where the ore
has been found is of the poorest, but
owners are paying up back taxes in
the hope of realizing handsomely.
Hotels and restaurants ore crowded
with strangers and many more are
arriving daily.
tiinixi, mn ic iirminarv bbii uopenucni upon an impure and ini
poviahed blood supply. Iu consumption the disease fattens itself upon
me mugs ; tnocroluia the glands of the neck and throat swell and suppurate, causing nglv running tores;
the eyes are iuflanied and weak ; there is an aluiot continual discharge fresn the ears, the hinbe swell,
bone ache, and white swelling is frequently a result, causing the diseased honea to work out through
the skia, producing indescribable pain anil sufferiug. Cuttina- away a sore or diseassat aland doe no
ta poisoned. Thr old scrofulous taint which
polluted every drop uf blood.
Scrofula requiree Vigorous, persistent traatineut. The blood must be Wrought tack to a healthy
condition before the terrible disease can lie stopped in its work of destruction, Mercurv, potash anil
other poisonous minerals usually Riven in such cases do more hanu than good ; they ruin the digestion
Address, THE SWIFT
one in eacl I a
t QS
V. i hip
WE WANT 1 rt
t lot a btcv'cie, wnu
Iu Rush county, Kan., there ;is s
tie In the votes received by Mr. Me
Cormick and Mr. Anderson for the
otliee of county attorney, Before
drawing straws, as provided by law,
the men agreed that the winner
should make the loser his deputy,
and equally divide the salary, Mr.
McCormick, the populist, mm, and
Sir. Anderson will be hi.s deputy,
The United Stutt s has an electorate
four limes as numerous as that nf the
United Kingdom, and two or three
times as large as that of the entire
self-governing Brll ish empire through
out the world. It is also about as large
as the electorates of France and Ger
many put together,
Ohio's cities and towns gained ivf',
ti"i in population during the last ten
years, or ?'.' more than the increase
in the entire state. The rural region
is not ipiite holding its own com
paied with either 1800 or lv-n.
The potato, hitherto grown as a
tuber under ground, is now being
produced like fruit from the stem of
the plant. The ilaxor of ti.isc puu
tucfi is excellent,
Fr st ,ries move the reader more
powerfully to pity and to indignation
than those of tne
It n ia i-1 on,
ranacii us :n n e v
1 I.M
victims, which figure so often in the
newspapers, Taki a casi that lately
i-aine t . I 11' t . "i
Vouth's i n. A iu .u a
pa) t at tl-.
. l-'ur a ,
pit. At the
' ' '
. . ..
... an charge. .
to have done long In fore. He laid the
ease before a trustworthy lawyer, whe
gave the loan agency its choice of ? lp i--ing
a iu full r fighting the
ter iu court. The receipt was signed
without remonstrance or argumi at. It
i soften Kiid that anyone w ho will sgri 8
to pay usurious rates of Interest de
serves no sympathy. It is . : always
true. Circat (oily In matters of this sort
is often born of great need, and any of
fer Is welcomed w hich promises present
relief. In Chicago whore the "louu
sharks" have been peculiarly op
pressive, a number of businse Brmi
have established a fund from vhich
their employes w lsn arc in need can Ur
rv at low rates-. It is admitted thut
employes dislike to expose their finan
cial difficulties to their employer but
it is really better for both parties that
the fiicts be know n, particularly when,
os iu this case, it is promised that nc
one whose need is legitimate shall find
his standing impaired by asking; assj.-t-oner.
If a man still seeks the loan
sharks, the inference that his debt n
something he is ashamed of will be
natural, and he will receive little SySDr
mm 1
ft I ft m.M
Disease ot
same gttu-
has probably come down tfcsvugh severs!
to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model
bi 0111 manufacture, YOU CAN WAKE 110 TO
f,;y A WEii besides having a wheel to ride for yourself.
m Mis seas $10 to sib
'mi 39Bod9isS.$7ts$l2
l,y our chicaKo retail stmts, aJ7) lw aPU
any bicyt le ON
UUnmci and allow
i"t'i it vi in tr nosir ii
ii take
Mfaa ai ilutcly
no ritk- in ordering from us, as you do n t ncu! to pay
a cent ii the bicycle docs not suit you.
r MAT Dliy until "ii I out
This liberal offer has never been equated and ... ....... ui
Hie Quality 't niir wheels.
n in rh ti wn lo ill ml ute cat in
today lortrei esiaiogue ana our n i u :.
Sot So Dellarhtfal.
Down- s tell j mi Brow n is a rco? t
delightful fellow when y u get to know
him in a remlnisci nt wood.
Uppers Um-m! Think so?
Downes Yes, Didn't u ever find
him 1 bat way 7
Uppers Well, I ft in il him in that
sort of in ! once, He recalled a ten-
dollar loan hr made me. Catholic
Standard am! Times.
Manlilnira linry.
They talk aba it the busy bea
In moral iter nts tornnir.
AVe'il work ull summer, too. If we
Could loaf all winter Iuhr,
Washington star.
imu: so VIII.E.
An ol I.i
Vork ...,h
know 1
b u t
first i
the custom was lo l n i liu
street i . . .
President Hardy, . f the Mi sippl
Agricultural and Mecl . ..l -e,
says there is not a boy in tin in
stitution who smokes cigarettes, and
there are 400 students there. Six
months ago more than half of them
smoked, but he convinced them of
the cii results, and they gave up the
In Philadelphia a charitable society
that has been in operation s.l wars
has given away every day for it
weeks during each cold season T."
gallons of soup and HiK) loaves of
bread. The superintendent has beer
connected with the work tit years.
The success of the late Thilip D.
Armour as a business man proves
once more what an American boy
With pluck and energy may do. The.
man who succeeds is the one who
goes after success and docs not wait
for it to couio to Uiiu.
Miss ,1 ' ' ': t
it t o a
The I narlflal r.