SFOSTV JuBBY IT3 CORP3QF CORRESPONDENTS V UvfflSfc PRBPARBD EXPRESSLY FOR THI UUNDORE. PORT T ;E. KB ON Man is the arohiteutof his own fortune. !,;. Witroer. who has Urn an invalid for two years, oalled on Dr. Emerick at Hickory Comers ami received encouragement The IVmia. oaoal along here has enoiiiili water to make it ooilswim niii) for the brownies, lut not a orati went up or down yet The bridge bill Is an assured fact ind the present Grand jury will have the satisfaction of opening the doors of prosperity for our county. Many l our farmers have finished corn planting. Our Overseers of the Poor receive many congratulations for house cleaning, but they rented a house i .. . .1..... aOO nave oil uuu mi uwuui iii) mine) would like to rerent it to a small fcmi'y. Our supervisors should at an early day find time to look after the river read. II. ('. Hoover passi'd through town on his way to Port Trevorton. Maria W. Dundore called on D. G. Witmer and family. Merchant Troutman of 1 'ort Trev orton and his daughter, who is a graduate oi C. P. C., and a school mate called on our merchant and t'anhlv. J. V. Rambo lias employed a I number oi' hands and is peeling bark for Meiser and W eaver. Toehill baa exhausted its supply oi coin. AVilsoii Hingamau and Daniel Wolf are working on the N. C. liy. Amnion NVitmer is looking for a good horse. 'Squire Sechrist has many profes sional calls. .. Seven of the boys and girls of our township are attending the Freeburg I Academy and report it in a most flourishing! audition. Henry Bower of llerndon made a trip through thiscommunity buy ing up cattle, and he savs the bridge at Port Trevorton will benefit every township in Snvder Go., and your correspondent says "Amen." ULOJJE MILLS On Sunday evening our young Ifolka spent a very pleasant evening with v, B. Herman's familv .Mu sic was also furnished and all report ed having a good time. Communion service will be held at Zeiber's church on Sunday morn ing by Rev. II. G. Suable. All are invited. Wm. L. Snhroyer of Chillisqua que spent sunday with his family. Antes fjlrtch made a business trip to Selinsgrove Friday. Mrs. RenoSholly, and the Misses IMaurer and Sholly visited at Hick ory Corners Monday. Michael Schrover and wife of ISclin sirrove called on Antes lllrich I Sunday evening. Daniel Herbert and family of B bite Top spent Sunday with bis tather. Chas. Herbert. John Moyer and Forest Pontius lot Freebunr snent Sundav with rel- n i j I wives and friends at this place. (forge Duvis and di lighter of Pvlinsirrove were seen on our strnets Sunday. John Kratzer of fieavertown was Idoing business at this place last I Week. J"lm Zeiber anent Sunday in ISonbtiry with his daughter, Annie, who is renorted unite sick. B. 0. Ulricb built an addition to bis store. It adds greatly to the tpperanoa of his borne. 15, W. Yoder is remodelling bis home. When completed it will be Iont of the moat convenient and hand "one residences in this community. 71'imfi anpi.t paoday with his friends, the Hum- u,e' brothers. Born on Fridav to Daniel Snvder aDd wife a son. Miss Nellie Shaffer has gone to Selinsgrove. Walter Stroti p of Pallas passed through town Monday enroute to 1 lerndon. II. E. Euders, one of York 'si sides men was in town Thursday night. John Rice has gone to the woods. John Michaels and Ghas. Smith of Milton were Suuday visitors ui this place. Elmer Tharp and lather of Se linsgrove were in town over Sunday Ijouis Williams of Chapman pas -ed through our village early Mem day moruiug enroute to Snsquehan na University. Misses Grrrie and Edna Fisher ol the Isle of tue were the esteemed guests of Miss Jennie UliarlesSatur day evening. The Shotzberger IJros., David Strawser and Mr. Gilbert of free burg were among our Sunday cal lers. Misses Mayme Arnold and Eliza beth iCelly made a business trip to Selinsgrove last week. John Herrold one of Chapman's handsonie young gentlemen, made several calls to town before leaving tor Akron (). R. S. Meiser and Dr. Kantn r of Selinsgrove were Monday callers. The Y. P. C. IT. of the 1'. B church held an anniversary meeting Sunday evening. Daniel Snyder of Selinsgrove as Misted his son, Jerre, last week. There was a large crowd in at tendauoe at the festival Saturdi y evening. Wm. Moyer of Freeburg trans acted business here Monday. May Wedding, Sunday even ing, May 5, 1901 a very quiet wed ding took place at the home 01 ltcv Searle, the U. Evan, pastor. The contracting parties being Thomas II. Bogar and Miss Linnie E. Auoker. ISoth ludougto familiesof distinction. The groom is the son of our mosi influential businessman, John D. Bogar, and wife and a brother to Jerre D. Bogar, who was marriei to Miss Ethel Marsh of Selinsgrove about a year and a half ago, Mi J. (i. Snvder. Harvey S. and Miss Sue Bogar. The bride is the beauti ful young daughter of A. W. Auoker and wife and a Bister to Master Archie and Miss Olive Anchor. The bride and groom have lived neighbors for the past few years and although they were always friends it has onlv been for the last ten months that he has been paying he court. The bride was most beauti fully gowned in white and certain ly looked pretty as she stand's second to none in the line of beauty in our town. Although she is onlv in her eighteenth rear she is a talented violinist. John Snvder conveyed the bridal party to and from the pastor's home. May their life be one sweet strain of joy and happi liessis the wish of their many friends. WEST BEAVElt. UNION TOW NSH1P. John Bolts and wife soent Sun lav among trie l at Kant. Lizzie Schrey attended the fun rai of her cousin, Earnest Schrey at Montgomery last week. V. S. Sechrist transacted busi iess at Sunbury last week. Howard V. Scholl and Cora Stoub are visiting in Northumber land county. Geo. Auman of Herndon was on his side of the river Suiiday. The new law which provides that the loose stones be removed from our road is a good thing but I would be a better thing if it would be done. We actually have officers in some townships of our comity that should nke a temperance pledge and kecj it. By traveling a little you wil ind at about every third house a die (about I or 5 bu.)of yard sweep int;s which consists of glassware full sizesWieeusware boots and shoes oid tinware in the middle of tin oad, this is no benefit to the road ind no credit to the home. St II M E Prank S. Riegle of Middleburg was in town last Saturday. David Hoover and wife wen visiting at llarrisbiirg over Sun lay. (). N. Kalriter and W. A. Hard ing are attending school at Free buig Merchant Henry Harding and W. H. Wendt each bought a new bicycle this spring. Elmer Troup and family wen visiting friend at Richfield last Sunday. Rev. C. C. Miller preached in St. John's Church last Sunday. Charles Troup and John Kreig bum were callers at this place last Sunday. CENTRitVlLLE Emmanuel Peter has a force of hands pealing bark on the Hassing er tract. P. W. Treaster, wife and two boys of Lewistown spent sunday and part of Monday last, visiting some of their Snyder county friends. J. B. Shellenberger spent a few days last week at Maitland, exhibit ing his span of greys after having them clipped by Prof. Wagner of Mc CI u re. There is still some oats to be sow ed at this end. A few of our farm ers commenced plant ig corn Monday morning. James Steely is putting up a wire fence along the public road which adds an improvement to bis home. Michael Weiand's little boy bad the misfortune of breaking his arm last week by falling off the ste ps. Emanuel Peter, F. C. Peter and Jacob Erb claim they are im proving in health 8' nee their visit to Hickory Corners Wm. Peter and daughter took a drive across the mountain last week to visit bis brother Robert and other friends. Frank Boye and Elmer Mohn were home from Keller Business College over Sunday. H. F. Mohn transacted business at MirHinburg last Friday. Miss Cora Stine was home from Laurelton Sunday. L. A. Stine made a business trip to McGlure last Friday. horn to Frank King and wife a son. Chas. Berger and Harry Markel were home from Eaurelton over Sunday. J. E. Spangler visited friends near K reamer Saturday. W. H. Shinkel and family of Mifflinburg were visitors in town Sunday. A. 15. Sheary transacted business at the county seat last Saturday. J. C. Showers of Susquehanna University wits home over Sunday. Levi Young is the happiest man in town. He's grandpap now. S. C. Dundore made a business trip to Mifllinburg last week. W. A. Snook shipped another carload of staves Tuesday. SHADEL. SE ., ... Mrs. Hurry Laudenslager si en Wednesday ofhisi week with friemb at Herndon. Rev. Ililbish, formerly, of M. -( 'line, now of Bueit I lorn speui rev cr I davs with In- liuher in law, H . J. Lutx, Hurry ugei seller rettirui d from Medical College in Philn. I Mtunl iv las. . He will rt main Li n until t Ic fill tei in miens. r M, , Potter in towu over Sitiidai . the (jnesl of I is lather-in law. J . A. I .iiml aid. Rev. Haviee and family of Mil on are guests of 1 lauiel Ikigstn h -cr. Mrs, Uiie;i Jarretl has gone lo Minneapolis to join her husdand, ivho i located theie in the inter B f W cstcrn Itnilroads. I'. r. (iregi iry and m ife tin ik trip to VVilliiimspori to isit theii son. Forest, and family. A. Potter and wife arc belli) i-utertained by friends at Lock Httvei . Rev. I Kuner I Irich and wife of Dunville attended the confereiiei held at Salem liH week. Mrs. H. LI. Kistner, Bister ol Senator Hummel, and Mrs. Ciniper died at Sun bury Thursday. She wa mried at Simbiirv. Quite a numbc- of ourcitizeus attended the funeral S. Opjienheimer and family inov id to 1'liila. last week. Mark Hums came home Iron Halifax last week, on the sick lisi learn that it was nothing serioie Mrs. Jac. Holsapple and son ol) ii m tier land arc visiting In Father, John Laudeaslager, S, . lion. G. A. School) mid ( a lie rhompson were in tow n bciwc. trains Thursday of last week. S. Weise returned from Phi a with additonil goods for his already large stock of mercl andiee. How's This? We offer one hundred dollars r vi d for any ease of Oatarih tint 'au not be cured by Hull's ChIi.it Cure b.v F.J. CHENEY A CO We, the undersigned, have knowti P. .1 CHKNEY lor t he hist 15 t a -i d behove him perfectly bono al.l i nil business transaction an tinaucially ubln to carry out any .hligatioiis made by their firm. Wkst.V TrUAX, whole. sale dm Is, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is inkon inter nll noting; directly upon the bin onl raucous surfaces of the system Sold l.v Druggists, price ".V. Hull's Family Pills are the ho-t The Lamp of Steady Habits a nmp uuu dovM i bato up or mnosM. oroAttn m i .i MtuffUAtfv ; iit lamp tiuu hmmm booii uin-n it nti.l njij n foml . iImm liitnii UuM u MW Wrflk r w nil, in i it iiai' i . Ittai mm tbc New Rochester, OthT l.itups in i 1h elT.Tt 1 y mi iim " JtMt MKOOd may Mi, in m n-1 ' In t 'lt "r Ml Mruwnu Rood" t i n onlv om Tiiv Vnc Kochratrr, T HUUtfl wn tUe !.imin iT.T. l yu is rentitm. luuh Ur Um uauio vu il ; v r lnnii has u. (800 VarintkW.) cii LampN Mnclai Newt Wq can 1 1 11 i'vT lamp vaau Nomattf whfjihuff yu wunlaiii'tt lamp or Woiv, nnol-l nun rviniirf! or n-tln- IumhI, vaaa noutitad or utmr make f lamp transform ed into a New Rochester, wn can do iu LbI us r"i.i .in literature no the Mmject We arc M .CIAI.ISTS in thr trmtmrnt l UtscMMS ol l.iiiups. Cnnultiitiiin I kl.li. THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., s a n UtOt, su, Ut. I I I t I ! I ! ? 1- BUILDERS' HARDWARE Is an absolutely ueeosMity if you intemi to Imild. On will iicc.1. iimny tbi ij.s on which I can save mi iiimiev Ni V Sk K IS A I.WAYH IUiK ( l.l iu Ni . aii IMI'I.E i ; ( .' AND Ci M 11 l l IV Reading Hard are Companies' CELEBRATED !. K and IXSIDE Tit 1 MSI rXGfi. Send me ifoitf Hjxviliratioiut, and I will rladh ouotf ioii Hit' itriee, C:.- Al l. GOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. WIJ IB I he. Mn. i,. Helm SUINBURY, PE1NNA. t I f I SI'MII ISIII l iu IN70 m I Mm I T II THINKING m i 7m Em Mm ft' l ,.A rami II Before Yoir Baying t Some Silver-Tongoed Talker umy fry to innkc n ltrllv- I In 'fj 4mtMin lnfrf-ii rhrwi'," mil It tfloe M nl innltrr much nlicihrrlt l ar mil lllll Hlll'H III! cMD( lo BUYING FARM TOOLS Don't trust liini too fur. Do BOme iliinkint; before you buy. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU the OSBORNE LINE i YOU CAM YOURSELF SEETHE SUPERIOR POINT". Reno H- Walter, MIDDLEBURGH, PE1NNA. l'lantin corn is now on the pro trani. Some farmers have finished already. Mrs. James Mengle is on the sick list. William Hiee and wife were the guests of Geo. (ioodliug's Sunday. A. H. Troup of Port Treverton was seen on our street last week. E. S. Stroup and U. G. Horu berger have purchased a timber tract of J. G. Fortzliue at Meiser ville and are pealing bark and sawing boards on the same. The people arc bitsy pealing bark especially those who have bought timber tracts. The Sunday School at the Aliue church is in a flourishing condition. Peach trees are in full bloom, by all appearances there will be abund ance of peaches this year. Over half a century of it is one of the reasons why goods stamped "1847 Rogers Bros the product of this long xperience are best. They are sold by leading deal ers. For catalogue No. 191 explaining points of in terest to buyers, address the makers I .it, runt I.. mil Ml.t-r I ulu;.alij'. Mt rl.l. 11. I .i.i.i. s 1 i t i 1 X WANTED 7& 70 1 tif,- e (i Sllits nut WilCK. mi4 1 I'EItSONS to buy a bo I room tiuil ' , consist inpof seven pieces for $ 16.60 i nol deliver these if town for this offci is In liolil kooiI nniil Ilia nt -t.i k ! exlitiutnl, illole Vnll (he suite from SJi i Out complete line of bed-nGi suites are r. traordinary value. Prices deeply cul and worth your while to consider. Very respect fully. W. A. SHIPMAN, 439 Maiket Si. Undertaking a Specialty. SUNBURY, PA. Miss Florence Newman who has I been a great sufferer from muscu-: In t- rheumatism say Obamberlain's Pain Balm is the --uy remedy that affords her relief. Miss Newman is a much repneted resident of the villag nf Gray, N. Y. and makes this state Bent for t lie benefit of others simi holy nflbeted this liniment m for by Middlebuig Drug btoie. WANTED TB08TW0BHY MKNANI) wo-1 men In travi'l anil ailvcrtice fur old PHtabliNlicil In. use of nolid financial itundin. Salary t7W a year iiikI cxit!iiH4'i, all payable in caah. No can Yaiwlnic reiuired. (live refernc-en and encloHC Helf -add relied stamped enveloM". Adlr ! Manager, 3M Caxlon 111.1k.. ChlcaKO. 4-18 16t. BeWMrc i Confh. a coucli is not a disease but a symptom consumption and bronchi tis which are the most dangerous ud fatal diseases have for their firs, indication a peniBtent oougb, ant if properly treuted as soon as tins courIi appears are easily cured. Obamberlain's Cough Remedy his proven wonderfully successful and gained its wide reputation and ex tensive sale by its success in citrine the diseases which cause coughing If it is not beneficial it will not coHf bou a cent- For sale by the Middle yurg drug store. Direct from Distiller to Consumer, is the plnn l.v wliicii The Haynrr Distilling Co.. of Dayton. Ohio, are disposing ol tbeir entire output. Try four full quarts for !.'J0, cxprea prepaid. See their offer appearing elsewhere In this issue. fteMlels ,Et' PAIN CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of GOOD ADVICE. The most miserable beings in t:io world are those suffering from Dyi p -psia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy ti-e per cent, of the people in the United States are af flicted with these two disease and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, Sick (ieadacbe, Habitual Costive pesB, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Unawing and Burning fains at the l'it of fhe Stomach, Yellow Skin, (.! 0 a t e d Tongue nod His tgreeablc Taste iu the Mouth. Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirited, etc. to to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 7.ri cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it et Green's Prize Almanac l'ure whiskey and poor whiskey sound great deal alike, but they aro really very dif ferent ; one is lieneflcial, Ihe other Is harmful. Wo cannot understand why anynody will huy poor whiskey when pure whiskey can l had direct from an old reliable coinny IlkeThe llayner Distilling Co , and at a lower price.. See offer elsewhere lu this mnic.