The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 09, 1901, Image 4

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    Published Every Thursday Keralaf,
;wwwt. JeV" vy v '
r year if tmi.l in advance. RIJM pet nil if not
li! :vlvaucr- Single ctiilpi, live Ontt,
Advr-rttnlng; itnira. a cents imt Una, nonpareil masmrn
went for tint Insert! or. and 10 rents ht Una for each suites,
qui m insertion. JfoKKlrK Nearttra County Court Mouse
l ween the Kir National Itini k nl tin- Oninty Jail.
Vol. x. win.
May it, 1901.
Number 19
rcmurkable raoord nf growth since the war with
China, seven yean ago. Both articles are illus
trated with pictures of fighting ships,
An excellent prepratioD for preventing and
removing freckles and tan, and which will whiten
and refine the skin, prepared thai
Pun boaey
Rest) fled spirits
PUN citric acid
RseSaQS of AtnbrrKria
Mix the first two by gentle heat. Diriolvethe
aeid in the spirits and add the essence. When
the (irst mixture is cold, put the two together
and agitate till mingled. This is also excellent
to render the hands soft and vhite.-Sn:i.i.A Sn -art
in May Ledger Monthly.
....I ounce
l ounce
.3 drm-limn
6 drnpit
(' is.Mol'OI.lTAN.
No broader distinction can be made between
men (ban that which divides them into two
clussi -. To the first class belong those who al
ways have a good excuse why the thing required
cannot be done. The second class is composed of
those w ho manage to fo. Foremost in this latter
class stands out the figure of (Jen. IV Wet. Al
len Stingree who haw ju-t returned from the
Transvaal draw a vivid picture of the character
of tlii must remarkable general of modern times
for the may Cosmopolitan, and the article isil'us
tratcd with the most complete collection of phot
ographs and drawings yet published.
TlIK Outlook is making a point of publishing
in each of its monthly illustrated issues, portraits
and brief sketches of men and women of immediate
interest. The May issue contains line portraits
of (lovenor Odell, the Countess Tolstoi, the new
Attorney-General Knox, Prince to (the Jaiianes
statesman), Mr. Ben Foster, whose painting,
"Lulled by the Murmuring Stream, " is one of
two American landscapes recently purchased by
the French government for the Luxembourg: por
traits of the men who have made the Pan-American
Exposition at Bullalo possible are also includ
ed. (93 a year. The Outlook Company, 287
Fourth Avenue, New York.)
review of reviews.
Two articles in the May Review of Reviews
deal with the linsso-Japanese situation. Mr.
Charles Johnston explains in detail Russia's ap
perient readiness for waras shown by her state of
prepration on the militiary as well as the naval
side. Mr. Samuel E. Motfett, on the other hand,
describes Japan's navy, which has made a truly ranks among the liest colleges of the state.
''IIIF propost n made by Representative
Voorhees of Philadelphia to remove the
( !apital from Harrisburg to Philadi Iphia is being
very much discussed. The bill provides that the
question of removal be submitted to the people
at the fall election. Whythecapital should he re
moved is a question that has not been answered,
except it be to enrich Philadelphia at the expense
of the Siate. Harrisburg is centrally located with
railroad connections diverging in all directions.
The state has millions of dollars worth of proper
ty at Harrisburg which in case of removal
would be a total loss.
Business interests in Philadelphia are d
diverscund the best interests of the Coram -wealth
would not be promoted. Harrisburg
lias always shown her ability to handle lie
crowds. Besides if Harrisburg shall no longer
be considered the State Capitol, trad a removal
proposition be in order, we suggest Middleburg
and we call upon Representative Smith to intro
duce a bill to submit Middleburg as a candidate
for public favor.
1 v KSI'ITK the numerous case- ,.f .is-auo
' in -p'p' T editors icceiiln I ue H
iiiii l: Xeis. ii i comforting to Hole thai the
s!ii a are in,., i it- have not yet putvtl Itetu in
clas nl "extra liaaidou- risks,'' ,i, . win
men who livi uitrtiglyceriiMi vyhuui , tni In
lug Willi gen nhiiri s in oie Adiii ... - or
upon a couie nf instruction al li .
1 he editoi i- i rdinary hiiiij
Stiraiice companies have done t-i in keepi
him among the "preferred risks." A editor i
stand almost any shock except, possibly, i
payment in full y H subscriber w ho lias allow
his liill to rill for ten years.
tVtwt P
.lid the
WK AUK in receipt of the annual Rata
' logue of Susquehanna University,
Selinsgrove for 1900-1. It contains 80 pages
and (lie list of students shows a total of in
attendance during the past year. The growth of
this institution lias been marvelous. It now
President McKiuley has recived the Culm
so kindly that they will return home dclightc.
with their visit. The President is undoiibt
ly one of the most charming men personal!
that the country has ever produced.
Secretary Hay will be acting on a certain tv
when he submits propositions for a new a isth
mian canal treaty to (treat Britain, as two-third
of the Senators have told him just what sort nl
a treaty they are willing to vote to ratify.
PY appearances from the Selinsgrove Timet
last week we infer that Kditor Lesher must In
afflicted with a torpid liver or else has been to
Hickory Corners.
Tin: Job printing department of this office
Well equipped to execute with neatness and des
patch all orders, whether large or small, lbr all
kinds of printing. Do not semi your orders awaj
to larger places for neat work. The Post turns
out as neat a work as any city office, and by
reason of lower rents and cheap living expenses,
can save your money on every order. Give us
a chance to show you what we can do.
The "hobo" question is getting a little dan
gereous i'r tramps who want to make a living
by preying upon the generosity of the public.
There is no occasion for vagrancy in Pennsyl
vania. When any one is poor and not able to
work the Overseers will provide for them right
at their own home. Men who art able to tramp
over the country are able to work and they
should be compelled to work or pay the penalty
of idleness starvation.
Wednesday. May 1.
A combine of all stove faetorlei In
the country Is being perfected.
KIiik Kilward of Great Britain con
templates the purchase of Mm. Paul's
castle in Wales.
Fire destroyed the hom of Joseph
Parton at HurdTllle, Ont., and five
children w ere burned to death.
The fight of Buffalo ministers
against Sunday opening of Pan-Ainerl-can
exposition has been abandoned.
Governor Dietrich, of Nebraska, has
resigned to accept the United States
senatorship, and Lieutenant Governor
E. P. Savage succeeds him.
'I' h 11 radii v . May 2.
The Pan-American exposition at Buf
falo was opened today, though Incom
plete. The Twenty-second volunteer In
fantry was mustered out yesterday ut
San Francisco.
A bill Introduced In the Florida leg
islature combines the general features
of the South Carolina and Alabama
dispensary laws.
President Frrazurls, of Chile, Is In
ill health, and will turn over the presi
dential duties to the prime minister,
Senor Anlbal Zanartu.
Amos Stirling, William Perry and
Henry Ivory are under sentence of
death for the murder of Prof. White,
In Philadelphia, last May.
Friday. May a.
The wages of glass workers are to be
increased 15 per cent.
The indemnity te be paid by China
has been fixed at $273,000,000.
At Wyoming, Pa., yesterday John
Sickler, a farm hand, was struck by
lightning nnd killed.
Mrs. Rebecca Packard, aged 105, died
Wednesday night at her home in Cov
ington, Tioga county, Pa.
W. H, Moore, ex-clty clerk of Ports
mouth, N. H., was arrested charged
with embezzling city funds.
Mrs. Mary Sankey, mother of Ira D.
Sankey, the world famous evangelist
and singer, died at her home In New
Castle, Pa., yesterday, aged 90.
Sntnrdny. Mnj 4.
London's population Is 4.536,034, nn
Increase of 308,717 since 1891.
W. S. Coursey, private secretary to
War Secretary Root, has resigned.
The Illinois Central has announced
a liberal system of pensions for super
annuated employes.
Forty thousand Italian emigrants, ac
cording to a Rome newspaper, are
booked to leave for the United States
this month.
Mrs. Fenton, widow of ex-Governor
and United States Senator Reuben Fen
ton, died at her home In Jamestown, N.
Y., aged 75 years.
Mrs. Rathbun, who poisoned her hus
band with coffee intended for her par
amour, John Hart, was sentenced, at
New Haven, to life imprisonment.
.Monday. May tt.
The army in the Philippines Is to be
reduced to 40,000 men.
The wife of Gen. Cronje. the Impris
oned Boer leader, has become Insane.
Sir Thomas Upton Is confident that
Shamrock II will capture the Ameri
ca's cup.
The national federal committee has
voted against a general strike of the
miners in Franre.
President MeKinley arrived at Kl
Pnso, Tex., yesterday and received
Gen. Hernandez, of Mexico, the repre
sentatlve of President Diaz.
The finance committee of the city
council of Colorado Springs, Colo., re
ports a shortage of $30,000 In the ac.
counts of City Treasurer Moses T. Male
Tiiendny, May T.
Operations have been Ix'gun In the
zinc mines near Fall Branch, Tenn.
On and after May 16 all port charges
in Colombia will be payable in gold.
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
and York landed at Melbourne, Aus
tralia, yesterday.
Specials from nil over Iowa and
neighboring portions of Illinois report
groat damage to property by heavy
rainstorms Sunday and Monday.
Forty-six cases of smallpox now exist
In Metropolis, Ills., and the mayor has
Issued a proclamation forbidding pub
11c gatherings. Schools are closed.
Grace Dletzel, aged 10 years, was
burned to death while assisting her
mother prepare breakfast on a gasoline
stove yesterday at her home In Har
Philadelphia. May 8.Flotir In light de
mnnd. winter Hiii-rftnc. $2.10if2.25; Penn
sylvania roller, clear, Ji!ii3.:iu; city mills
xlru, $2.402.60. Rye flour steady ut fc!.!n;
per barrel for choice Pennsylvania,
wheat qulel and steady; No. 2 red, niot,
78Mi4i 9V4c. Corn weak; No. 2 mixed, spot.
ttftOtfKc; No. 2 yellow, for local trade.
62lir2',ic. Oats slow; No. 2 white, clipped.
34c; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, ii24i
WtC Hay steady; choice timothy, ttffj
J17.W for large bales. Beef steady; beel
hams, $tt,5M920. Pork quiet; family, f 1 7 .
17.50. Lard steady; western steamed. SX.&'i
tfi8.40. lave poultry quoted at UVsc for
hens, 7H498C, for old roosters, 13516c. for
winter chickens. 234i28c. for sprint; chick
ens and ltlc. fur ducks. Dressed poultry
(fresh killed) at 11c. for choice fowls, 7c.
for old roosters. KffSSc. for nearby broil
ers, l(v313c. for frozen chickens and Wit
12c. for frozen turkeys. Butter strong;
creamery, 15(6 19c; factory, lltil3c. ; Imita
tion creamery, 1317c. ; New York dairy,
ISiyisc. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing
at 234i26c. ; do. extra, 23c. Cheese steady;
fancy large colored. lOtyc. ; do. do., white.
IOMOIOVsC.i fancy small, colored. HVsc;
no. do., whits, ll4c. Eggs Arm; New
Yeik and Pennsylvania, He; southern.
1IUI2V-. western, storage, 14c; western,
regular packed. M,ii:;.c. Potatoes steady;
Jerseys, Wc.iy'1.374; New York, ll.lSei.7B;
Long Island, 1805; Jersey sweets, W.imt
2.50. Cabbages steady; New York, Ill'ii'lti
per ton.
Bast Liberty. Pa., May 9. Cattle slow
and lower; extra, !S.4O!f5.)0; prime, 15. lo
6.30; good, f4.9(KI!5.10. Hogs slow and low
er; prime mediums. S5.85; best Yorkers,
BflS.K5; light, do.. $6.7595.80; heavy hogs,
l6.IKKjj.Wl: good pigs. S.7Sji5.75; skips, $4.60
36.2S; roughs, $4 5. 40. Sheep lower; best
wethers, $4.3(K4.40: common, $2J60;
choice lambs, $6(16.16; common to good,
$3.60tj4.30; veal calves, $6,600$.
Just a
Not worth paying attention
to, you say. Perhaps you
have had it for weeks.
It's annoying because you
have a constant desire to
cough. It annoys you also
becsu6e you remember that
weak langs is a family falling.
At first it is a slight cough.
At last It is a hemorrhare.
At first it is easy to cure.
At last, extramtly difficalt
even Den ! Three Kn tolly la.
J red A Faltk Healer's Kolly.
Chicago, May 6. Seven persons v.ero
burned to death, three fatally Injured
and several others slightly burned and
otherwise Injured in a Are that de
stroyed a throe story apart!! ent build
ing at 93lt; Marquette aveuue, South
Chicago, early yesterday.
The deiid: Mrs. Josephine Oonley:
Matol Cooley, awed c yoars, daughtor
of Mrs. Cooley; Annie Canity. 15
mnntha old, daughter of Mrs. C$oley;
Peter Zoolt. owner of tbo building;
Mrs. Peter Zook, Victoria Zook and
Nicholaa Zook.
The lire was fraught with an Inci
dent of the most distressing character.
The little 2-year-old daughtor of
Christiansen, who lived on the third
tloor, was terribly burned, her left arm
and her face being roasted. Her father,
a follower of Dr. Dowle, refused to al
low the little one to have medical at
tention, and fought desperately when
she was taken from him. He clung to
the burned arm of the child, and part
of the flesh was torn from the member.
When Anally the police forced him to
give up the little one he cursed them
and prayed that they might be punish
ed for subjecting his child to the world
ly science of medicine. The father was
knocked down by some person in the
crrfwd and barely escaped lynching.
frasa aer'ee
Par over
Avar's Cherry
been curing colds and coughs
and preventing consumption.
It cures Consumption also
If taken in time.
let ne f lr. mart Clerri
Pccitni Plasters tier .sir
tats li ii coflgl.
Shall we send you a
book ea this subject, freer
Oaw AfWfea Ommmrtmm.
If job hv 7 Sean Mat what
ever ul 4Mtr lta hut medltal
drlee you ut ponlbl t kuln. write
the doctor freely. Too will reoeire
prompt reply, without eoit.
adieu. DH. J. a. A Y in.
Murderess Applies For m Pension.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y.( May 7. Lizzie
Halllday, of Montlcello, a murderess
now in the Mattewan asylum for life,
has employed a lawyer to prosecute a
claim for a widow's pension, her hus
band, whom she killed, having been a
soldier. The novel question Is raised:
"Can a widow receive a pension when
she became a widow through her own
act of murder?" Her attorney says
there Is nothing in the law to exclude
Dispute Over a Presentation Finn.
LuusiuB, may i. A dispute has arisen
M js the e?.tasc3iir o ths flag which
QMsB Ytetorta presented to the hos
pital ship Maine. Mrs. George Corn
wallls West (Lady Randolph Church
111) asserts that it belongs to her an
Mr. Bernard Baker, owner of the ves
sel, declares that K is his property.
Tbs Has; Is bow la Lady Randolph's
possession, and Mr. Baker's efforts to
secure it have proved futile. Lady
Randolph, while claiming the flag as
her own, has intimated her willingness
to send it to the United States govern
ment to be placed as a relic in some
national museum.
Cnnirer Applauds Mlnlater Wu.
Chicago, May 7. "Minister Wu is a
hero, and is entitled to the lasting
gratitude of every American citizen.
The statement now being circulated
that I ever challenged his truthfulness
r his honesty of Intention is abso
lutely false." In these words MaJ. E
H. Conger, United States minister to
China, disposes of the charge that he
Is at enmity with Wu Ting Fang. Min
ister Conger arrived here last night on
his way to Washington.
A Noteuorthr Settling- Season.
St. Johns, N. F., May 7. The sea
son's seal fishery came to a close last
night with the arrival at this port of
the sealer Virginia Lake. The total
catch was 350,000 seals, valued at $600,
000. There waa not a single fatality
or serious accident among the 6,000
men engaged, and only on vessel, the
Hope, was lost.
II Ills Beiritwstar is
sot as ducrlaMl
For S
We will this (Ut
Freight PrtM"
Eastof tht-MlsttssippI
Hiver points wntirt
:i f! freight to the
Hivrr. It is made of
solid oak, nn r y pol
ished, measures 50
im i.e- hlfh. '24 inrhea
93 J)3 Freight prepaid, lous. 1H Inchea deep.
la lined with heavy
zinc, galvanized Iron ehelvea, and la Insulated
wtth watr-proof fibre felting, ltd retail value it
$16.00 i7.05 saved In buying of the maker.
ur Furntttifs? ! rtm-nt cnnttint ttv .ml of tlmllar
tw(tain. Our Mammoth Caoalemi of 0 ptrei, tit 14b
I"1-, inches., tr lit all about Furniture olto obout F.Tcrr
thlng to Eol, Use od Woor runiatns over 11.000 Illustra
tion tod quotes wholoaalo prlt et t muwrn on oor
i ..-! Tr.ftit article. It costs us ft a mailed to root
it 10 rents. ., h 10 ants j.- dtdtut ram yur jfrtt
... 047.00.
r lllaoerapaatl CaUlee skosn MF4VOri HIT
L4SiM I srp.ii. Baa, Draperies, Wall Caper, tUstsg
a Mar, fasafbrts, frm-see rtetaraa, sad
barta1lle la t aaobtoesjd Fai-altara, la ttelr real wloea,
tarpeU sewatt rra, Llaiaf raralaa wllkoat oouvf ae4
Pet Cstalatraa T s's atU-U-Oedee Clalalaf aao
lores BjaH sam.kas Bttaek4. WB PBBPAT IlPaJH
Pree PrM (.. ds (stalaf ao eaatalas samples free. 11
Why v letatl pHcesfor anyihlas We sell ahsnhttelf
evet)thln)r. Whkh haell do uu waatr Address tills wty 1
JULIUS HINTS ft SON, Baltlsnrt, Md. IVpt.
urt Prnclamatina,
iSTHaRICfta the Has tlHr,.i, m ..
nl II... n I . '
im mi. 1 lvvr T. Ussita hi.. 1 if 5.'" '
Mag, K-as. aawrlsle JiMtinrols md , '"
r rountv. t ivstaS ipiI ikati iitMrnd -
f lht 47th .. Im I I. . '
sstru kM it kaMlas 1 irtik , m
ut in 1 "11.11. m PtwM, suuri mi ""r.
.e- it 11 lit in1 ml t'.iiirl ..III. .
IV st Ml nbHUuk fnf 1 (
'ST. tfc drit . i.l .v (Im,,.'. ,
1 ..1 .'mil' I'.mll. .11.. I 1.. ft,... 1
V; t 1 l.i n li.rr hrtn y ultra t.. iL',"-
- k. ' " , ,, . . in,.
tthi aosntj nl Snjil.i. 1 iiibn? 11"
ir usntin alth thslr mils, rsourdi ' '
S-, MsmlnsttODI nun nthei r. 1 1 1 .-1 , , J' 1 -
Hi tiiiim. i!,i. ul i,.r 1
sir Misli uartsln tti h ilnus snd iJ
, -.1 ; r..-. .11: ; .- , . l( ((
rsslib asalaM mi psrseam Doram
in-.l t . i.i-tin- sadthsr iiirndlu- sli S
"irj with. .in Ivnvi a tlial Mrli j :''
njqVMts tohtpssetnsl i thslrstt,,.u5!
ins iwlntd Urns turrer i. tnnui
Mr, nn. . run hsnit sonlst tlir si .
-r in MMilltl uruli. Ih 4t, , " I
11. .in., taotisaad nlns huudmt '
" N
I You'll li i siirpriSui
W li h n V ( 11
read thai we
a r e Relling
H we It Itl j-(u bow we arc f
a .11.
Z li) f III (In n it iv.iii I.l 11, .t a
" "' li n ' 1 1 1 1 1 inn j
be so surprising, but let it X
f oe Bumcient that we are
4 M'lliiii' thpni nl.
Don't worry alwut liow we
Call and see our
Fine Dlsplayof
Fancy Rockers
Furniture Dealers and
Funeral Directors
4th St., SUNBURY, PA.
For 60 cents postpaid
KORA HHORT TIME ONLY, New .mil up-to-dsta
Onskstotilan March by Itnthi'mirl.
Piisuills Shi ircli by Rotbermel.
Msrch- Os Planting Papulation by Johnson, 11 r
ranged ly RotbarnMl,
Thll Msrcb ready April . It Is tha tlneit
Ix-eifchtll March ol the Wtb Century, silo ready
(nr band 50o, small Orobettni 40c. l lano aivonii.
K l Mandolin t-ulii ISO, Manilolln .v Hiiltar, !Kc,
2 Hscdollns ft Qaltar Ue, Msudolln ami piano
Hani! ami Orchestra I.eailcr, a iicmtol can! will
hrini; jrou our latrst Catalogue, Address,
t-iMi. BUNBURY, pa.
(irmoWH' IPPRAIRBMRNTS Notlr i ,
byalvra taai to roHowins wiitn.. 1. lu iiinl,.r II... tii ., 1....- 1
Ith the flarii ..t tho Arm ibmb
'iiii 1.1: 1. nun nun ion .11111,. ,rii ., .
spprslacmeni ol Mrs Lllltn a nam 1 .
r Daniel HerroM. is oriAnmsii inWfi
vdr County. Ps., rt .., ,,j ,', ! ; ' II
.ken diT tin. 3i(i i Xl. in, rim, i,w '"
Appraisement nl Mrs. kh, ,!,,,,,, ,
widow nf Bonjsoiln Hresholli 1,1,. ,.'.,'
township Bi ytterOotintv p,, ,,, '
dinb-tskfo under tbi swo-S ,
nprnlmni .1' Mrs Amsndt Kin .
nfLovl Kline Isto ,.f w.n b.vmi
8 vdr county, pa. (l IIW' 1 " I
aven under the WOO ex piinn'isw
tpprnlwrni-nt nl Mrs. BH.nhsn .. , ,
widow ol Henrr Osrman, h, , , , ' . 5
h p Snyder conntv. p,, ,.,,,', , "
sven under hetanoMemptinn law!
tonrsisementofH's. MaMM-i k
f Wilson Klnnev, late nf oeiiKstrmvi s .
rviiintv, p 11 ((. elected to bet . '
the no exemntion law.
O, M BHINDEl row.
Middlebnnr, Ps May 4, 11.
wr."iBi im' M'TI'-KS - Nnii,.,.s,.r,,. ,.
en that the fnltnwln? Darned ppnmn.
fed their Admtnlst.rslor', nnrndtan nnd J5
ctltors' aivniinls Intlic K"t'lsf."-sOni'centIm!
tor rvinntv snd the s un., win 1 .. nr. .
.intlrmntlnn uml nllowanre nt thecmiri 11 ;1
First nnd flnnl account f I! p. HumniPl
1 I ne miliums, rmnrs or Mi PSrste (,f sin.
ttl..W.I I..... ... Hf...- . L... . HlJtS
i""l'ir "iwi'Mlip, 111 ..,(
w"" una nnrn arennni of i. ,.rn .
1: m Moult, dmtntKtrntnr ft the eststs it
(ionrtrn Kern, lute of Mlddleburir, deceased
Areniin' nf It. Harvey Sr-horh and 11. .r.i n
Hehnure, executors of the Inst win and iml
meet of Ma'y Kiltcra Snyder, late of Hlhl
irrove. dereased
Pint and final noroiint of Bnnlvei Wnlte
admlnls'ra'or of Hie estate ol Join Britww
latent Adams township, deep. sed.
First and final account of fienrirc ;rtn.iiiiu
and Isaac ftnodllnfr. admln'strators nf ihia
tat" nf Charles (looillinir, latp of Perrv town
ship, deceased.
First and final accoun' nf Y H. Wsrner n
editor nf the estate of Lewis Hitter, lateot'ca
tre township, deceased.
First nnd final account of Mart- n anil nm
A. Mo er. administrators of the este nf 11
Mover, late nf penn township, deceased,
First and final account of R. r. Fins Slid DIM
J. .tarrett. executor of the estate of Daniel fir
rett, late of Monroe township, deceased.
First and final account nf Irvin 11 ni"li
(Tuardlan of Palsy M. and James T Rsflev rhii
dren and heirs of Uriah P. Haflley Isle of k
Unsirroye, Pa deceased.
First and final account of Rnherf nnd Mm
Hacltenhurr, expeutors of the uum wm 4
testament nf Sarah A. Hacltenbiiri:, late rf rZ
tre township, decreased.
First and final accnunf. of James p miin a
mlnstra'nr of the estate of Vlolettig Rowan
late of Middleburg, Pa., deceased.
Firs' end final account ofSnmnci ir vmst
executor of the last will nnd testament nr Th
ine, iniev.i 'ii. .. i.iw nsnip, QSOSSSeu,
rirr.1 huh niiiii Hi ennui nr Annle 1 j sti.r .x
ecnirlx of the estste of Susan RIsber, latect
nnsgroxe, ro., aeceasea.
Vlrst .mil Mnfil neeotm nf . ...
eciitor of the inst win nn testament of Rebtcei
ipiey, late or west Beaver township, de east
First and final account of v g Swart; B
p-illor of Ihe last will snrl testament rf jnts
M. BWSrtti late of t'hnpnian towniilp, dec'i
First nnd tlnal account of Harrison Miller 1
mlnlsirntorr T. A. of the estate or Samuel C
miner, line m rerr.v inwnship, deceased.
rirsi and una' account of Augustus x't"
and l.evi U imer. ndmlnlstralors of tlie elated
Tobias Ramer, late of Chapman township, dwi
First and tlnal account of ::, ,u striuh own
lor Of the last win and tes'amenl or Paul wil
ier, late of t'entre township, deceased,
J. . WILLIS, Reslattf.
Mlddtplinrir, Pa., May B, 1801.
For linilrnoil ami
JUllalUl t'limmercial Ser
vice. I ypswriUBg Course I ree. Paying Posi
tions Quarsntsad. tatalosue Free. I'lak Tele
trriili Mshaol, Lebanan. Pa. 3-7-2m.
Dentil of Rx-Prraldrnt Prado.
Paris, May 7. Mariano Ignacio Pra
do. ex-presidont of Peru, died In Paris
yesterday, aged 75. He participated in
(len. Castllla's revolution against
Echenlque's government In 1854. He
marched against Lima In 1865 and en
tered the capital Nov. 6 at the head of
a victorious army. On Nov. 26 he de
clared himself dictator and was sub
sequently elected constitutional presi
dent by the Peruvian congress. He wus
Igain electod president In 1876.
Te Rsnrsaiilw Colombian Work.
Baltimore, May 7. The announce
ment was made yesterday that all the
money neaded for the reorganization of
th Columbian Iron works had been
pledged. Notice has been sent to the
navy department that a responsible
company is ready now to guarantee the
completion of the torpedo boat T'ngey.
Una In nil's War Casualties.
London, May 7. Tho war office of
ficially gives out the total number of
deaths in the South African war at
714 officers and 14,264 men. Four of
ficers and 314 men have been invalided
home and subsequently died, and 2,493
non-commissioned officers and men
have left the service unfit tor duty.
Suicide of Profligate German i .nun
Hoboken, N. J., May 7. Joseph
Joerge, who committed luictde litre
Sunday night by taking carbolic add.
Is said to be a member of the German
nobility, rightfully entitled to call hlnv
self a count. A sister lives in Maioi
Qsrmany, and his brothcr-ta-la )
Count von Zurllch. said to be a prirj
councillor to the kaiser. Josrgs cao
to this country seven years ago, since
which time he has been in receipt ot
quarterly remittances, the Inst to tbi
amount of $700 having come to him tWH
weeks aco. This sum he is nail
have squandered in less than a west
nallot Iteform I .inference.
Harrisburg, May 7. A conference
tween the Republican and Dcmmratic
leaders of Pennsylvania on ballot re
form legislation, headed by Senator
Quay and Col. Guffey, was held W
night at the executive mansion. The
conference came to a close a((
midnight without reaching a dedoltt
agreement. Uoth parties agreed that
the party circle should be dropped as!
that the party columns should remain
as they are on the present ballot. Tin
difference of opinion Is over assistant
to Illiterate voters.
Heavy Claims Por Maine Victims.
Waahlngton.May 7. A claim was filed
with the Spanish claims commission
yesterday In behalf of Harry McCann,
a seaman on the 111 fated Maine when
she was blown up In Havana harbor,
asking $10,000 for injuries sustained
by him in consequence of the explo
sion. A claim of $20,000 was filed in
behalf of Catharine Burns, whose son,
a corporal of marines, was killed by
the same explosion. Butler and Har
wood, of New York elty, who filed the
claims, base them on the ground that
Spain directly or by reason of negli
gence was responsible for the explosion.
Brave Knglneer Killed, TbtrtT
Ottumwa, la., May 7 A Burlingt
passenger train, while passing Thayt'i
a small town 18 miles east of CH
struck an engine attached to a freight
train which was endeavoring to p
out of the way by backing on the si
track and was derailed, killing En
gineer 8. D. Brown, of Burlington, ah
injuring 30 people. All but the t
rear cars of the passenger train left tin
rails and rolled down a 20 foot em
bankment. Engineer Brown stuck to
his engine in the face of certain death.
A Novel Beiineat.
Paris, May 7. The late Count St
Ouen de Plerrecourt, whose fslsw
dates back to William the Conqueror,
bequeatehd to the city of Rouen nil
fortune of 10,000,000 francs on the not
el condition that the city annually gl"
marriage gift of 100,000 francs to
couple of giants, In order to regn
Kthe human species. The candidal
to be medically examined and tt
hsaJthisst couple wlU be chosen.
. .