TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A ( MtBOtim Made Jrom ail the liury ing Groundt in Snyder County for the Mtddltbwrqh "Pod" Fra N K I.I.N Towkshi P, habsixqer's sew cemetery. Gerhart, Michael, b June 29, 1700; .1 Jan 28, 1872, aged 81 y 0 in .1. ierli: iabetl), w of Michael, l Oct 21, 1786; 1 Feb 20, 1855, :; in 29 d. Uerhart, Elizabeth, w f Michael, bOc( 12, 1799; l July 1, ! Sl'.ti, iijfd titi v 8 in l i d. Gi'tz, William II., 8 of Joseph an I Snali K., .1 31, lssi), aged 5 ) 28 d. (id!. Mi-! ;.!!, Ii May 18, 1834; d 1834, aged 1 m 2 d. Gill, 1 1' u.rieli William. 1 Juue 4, 111; d June s, 1842, oged 1 y I d. Gill, Sepbures, h of John ard Ann, ki Dec 7, I847;d A pr L871, aged 23 y 4 m 22 d. Oill, John, h Oct I. 1812; .1 Det !, 1 S88, agwl 7'i y 2 in. (Jeo. ' iultriel, s of .1 no. ( i. ami Sir ih, (I St-pt 18, 189(5, agi d I y 2 m 12 d. Grosz, 1 aniel, Jan 20, 1 750; d )! 5, 1804, aged 12 v 8 ni 15 d. Gilbert, Mugdalena, l July 20, .1 Jan 13, 1870, aged 88 y . " in 23 d. Gilbert, Jacob, d Sep 19, I Sol, aged 73 y S in 2-2 d. Gilbert, Margaret, il Apr 2, I860, aged 18 y m 20 d. d. Gilbert, lleiurieh, d Sp 2, IS22, Hassinger aged I 5 y 7 m 1 d. Gilbert, lleiurieh, b !'. 28, 1858; y 10 ai 7 d HahYy, James Jacob. llctlley, . Jonathan, l Aug i), 1853; d Aug 18, 1888, agwl 36 y 9 d. Haffley, Levi, aof Jcoobaml J. I. d Apr 17, 180-1, aged 7 v 7 m 1 d. Hartley, Katie, d of Jacob and Ju dith, b May 20, 1 SCO; .1 Mar I, 1888, aged 27 y 9 m 1 1 d. Haclcenberg, John, b Feb 14, 1828, d Dec 29, 1877, aged 49 v 10 m 15 d. Haclcenberg, Geo. R s of Jacob and H. d Mar 14, 186 1, aged 6 m 15 d. Uackenburg, Sarah A. l of J. ami li. (1 ( tot 1, 1861, aged 1 v ; in 28 d. Uackenburg, Lewis, s of Jacob ami II. 1 Oct 9, 1862, aged 2 v 3 m 2 d. Uackenburg, ' lly, d of Juitob and Hannah, l June ii, 18.V: d Aug lit, 1875.aired 20 v 2 ml "' 1 '' 13 d. Howell, Katie Lueel la, d of Win., Henry, d Oct 0, 1884, a"d Barbara, d Sep 6, 1883. aired 80 y 8m 1 d. I Howell, L-ster F. s ..(' Aimer and HasMiu'ei, t Hthmiiin I Kirn Phimes Meyer, Susanna, 1793. wnsn.urriedto Geo. Hanger Mever, Johuun, 1792. ami lived 10 is 2 m 14 days ( afterhadSdaMshterseiKLisous. Mover Jessie, h Oct 15, 1S39; d. OV 18, 18JG, 57 v 1 m 3d. sssF aw asssssssssstaw JNeves that Die 14 d. Hoainircr, Bliaibctb. w i f Jacob, b Vf urn " I For lack of nourishment are iuat as dead a thnntrh tr..,, , a m of ' ' I June 2, 1873, aKl 1 v 3 ml ?em1 kmfc- In eithcr base of supplies has aged 84 y 11 oi 24d. , ,, ' bn !nrrfri 7k M.r J liT -vtm a. v.4 t uiai uwvu HWI HHlini 114K.C thu. wants known through headache, backache, loss of appetite, in4 gestion, fluttering of the heart, irritability, sleeplessness, and gen eral weakness. Feed the hungry nerves, build them up and make them strong and vigorous, full of vim, vitality and power with the great nerve food and tonic, Dr. Miles' Nervine. Htttiiiger, Jacob, d J.. Ij 25, 1802,1 Meyer, Archibald, b June 10, 1833; d Apr 21, 1861, aged 27 y 10m ;lj;el (10 . Haaaingir, Jonah, k t Frederich and Maria, d Mai II. 183S, Hged ( in 2 d. Hoysii iger, wa ink !l years, dOwt 27, 17'.h;. ... d 30 y 7 m 4 d. Mover, nizaheth, w of Archibald, bJan 11, 1842; d Aug 12, 1864, Mover. Henry, h Sep 2, 1816; d Mar 26, 18S5, aged 68 v 6 m Howell, .1 lekaon, h A, r :5, 1822; d : " Jau 3, 1881, agtsl 6Sy 9m. Mover, Erwin Tomas, b of Allen Howell, Mwllie, grand daughter of ! H -ii a id Mn I May 25, 1 x "7. tipl 8 y ' ii 7 d. Howell, K eanor, d of .1 lekaon and M ii v, i) Jan 18, i 851: d Sai 25, 1859, aged 8 v 8 ni 7 d. Mover, Samuel, d Apr 20, 1881, and Rlisabeth, d July 21, 1894 aged 1 y 5 in 5 d. i Meyer, Jennie Arfie, d of Zaohariaa and Ellen, d S-p 26, 1890, aged 10 in 20 d. "Although an old pensioner, I scarcely knew a sick day all my life till two years ago. I had La Grippe, it aeCtled in my back and I was bedfast for four months. I was so nervous and restless that I could not sleep at all. A neighbor art vis.-1 Dr. Miles' Nervine, and after taking the second dose I slept naturally. After that I grew better fast until I was well. " w. O. Mathews, Springdale, Ark. D. KBIes' Neffvf Howell, i lenrii ita, w i f ICphraim, Heiinbauh, Elizabeth, w "f Henry, Ii Aug 25, 1809; d Feb 12, i860, aged 50 y 5 ni 18 d. 1 leiinliaeh, John r . s id A. S. am ( latlianne, d July 16, 1878, aged I y 5 m 18 d. Howell, L'lyda M. d of J. mid ('. d Aug 13, 1866, aged 2 d. ni B. F. d Mar 2 2, 1881, aged Howell, Ada, d of J. and C. d Ju 2(, 1808, aged 20 d. Howell, Eve, d of J. and ( '. d Feb 2::, 1 .still, aged I y 17 d. Stone marked l. K. 1 782. 13 y 1 in 10 d. I leiml.aeli, W in. II. s of I',. K am! A Ida, d Dec 13, 187 I, aged r. m 1 3 d. Hiter, Elizabeth, vv "I' Johannes, Kaenifer, Johunv, 8 of 8. O. and A. aged 62 y 7 m 1 5 d. S. Hook, John, b May 13, L821; d Keister, Mary Ellen, w of Win. I. Jan 2 1, 1879, aged 57 v 8 mi iged i'8 v 8 m 18 d d May 31, 18M a-ed 14 V 4 Mover, Sophia, w ofSatDUel, b Feb 15, 1813; d Oct 28, 1892, aged 79 y 8 ml3d. Mover, (Meier) Michael, b Mar 7. 1794; d Dec 28, 1851, Hged 77 y ' in 25 d. Mover, Henrv D. a of Allen and Sarah, d Oct 17, 1879, aged y 2 in 24 d. Moyer, Levi, sofT. and L. b May 1 3, 1843; d Mar 0, 1849,aged 5 y !m 19 d. Moyer, Joseph, S of T. and L. b June 27, 1840; d May Hi, 1853, aged 12 y 10 in li") d. Mitchell, b Sep Ki, 1835; 1 Nov 14, 1886, ai;ed 51 v 1 m 28 d. Home!, Margaret M. d of Mary A. d Jiilv I, I860, aired 5 in 25 h May 26, 1864; d Apr 27, 1888, aged 23 y 11ml d. Klose, Mary F. d ..I' I Iriah ami A. S. bOcI 17. I87i); d .l,.lv .-. I urn ......... .. ..... . - 'j liagcr Susan ' 1 . UKl-TJ 1 0 III O 1. Johancs, b Nov 14, Klose, Solon I Mar 12, 1780; d Auj.r io; 1852, aged HO y 2 m. Ramer, Isaac, b Sep 20, 1829; .1 May 13, 18G9, aged 30 y 0 m 1 t l. rU4; 'I .May I J, 181U, aged j v 5 m 28 d. I Vug 15, 1840, ngeil 82 y . I Hassinger, Eva Catharine, w of Klose, Catharine, w of Solomon, .1 Grimm, Jacob, l May 1 829; 1 I . 11,1 888, aged 511 y 7 m 2d. John lies, b Nov 1 7t;0: d ( ),-t 2 1 82(1, aged 50 y 10 m 20 .1. Hassinger, Jacob, b Aug lo, 1762; Klose, Daniel, s of Isaac and Fliz. M ... . 1 ..-.I I iuny w, iooz, aged i.i v a in l.s'd. Nov 1. 1821, aged 59 y Grimm, Louisa, b Sep 26, is 17; dl - "i 21 d. Oct 1891, aged 1 I y 7 d. Grimm, Eilward J. s of Jacob and Ijouisa, b ( 't 18, 1870; d Nov !:'., 1879, aged '' y 26 d. Grimm, Reuben, s of Jacob and Lucy, b Feb 17, 1872; d Mar 17, 1870, aged 7 v 1 m Hassinger, George, b Mar 2!, 1773; d Mar 11, 1850, aired 6 v 13 d. Lechner, Ann, d Nov 22, 1821, aged 12 y 8 in 2 d. Feb 3, 1855, aged 81 y lo Lose, Mamie, d of Jas. and He m lo d Hassinger, Elizabeth, a born Flower, w ol George, b Oct 5, 1700; d May 24, 1830, aged 30 v 7 m l'.t'd. nri- Grimm, Wm. V. s ol Jacob and Hassinger, Anna Maria, w of Hein- rich, b July 31, 1793; d Aug lti, 1832, aged 39 y !' d. Lucy, .1 Dec 1 l87o, aged 2 y 8 in 15 d. Grimm, Lucy, w of Jacob, b Dec Hassinger, Abel, s of Heinrich and 1838; b Oct 12, 1874, ug. j Anna Maria, b Apr 27, 1821; 35 v !l in -1 d. d Apr 20, 1831, aged ii y I 1 Grimm, Reuben, I. Dec 7, 1707: 1 ( M I 1, 1 S7:;, age I 75 v 0 in 7d. liar.-. Man J. w of Perry, b Feb I;', I vJ7: d May 22, 1 . aged 57 y 3 m ' .1. Hartley, M itildu, b May 5, 1804;d 111 -4 IV Hassinger, Magdalena, w of Jacob 1 1 May 27, 1771; d Dec 22, 1 837, aged 00 v ii in 25 d. Hassinger, Leah, d ol Conrad and fiiicy Ann, I. Sep 20, 1822; d Vrr2s. 1841, aged is v 6 d. Hassinger, L ctta. d May 5, 1890, aged 0 y 8 in 7 d. Fainter. Eliza, d of Jos. and Naooy, d Oct 0, 1850, aged 10 y 6 m 13 d. Painter, Jeremiah, s of Jos. and Nancy, b Dee 31, 1847; d July 3, 1848, aged 7 m. Rearick, Henrv M. b Feb 10, 182.!; dSep 12, 1805, aged 72 v 7 m 2 d. Rearick, Eliza, w of Henrv, b May 25, 1818; ,1 Apr 21, 1893, aged 74 y 10 in 20 d. Rehrlg, Zaohariata A. a of Henry and Eliza, b June 13, 1851; .1 Dec 20, 1873, aged 22 y 11 m 7 d. Rehrlg, Heinrich, s of Christian and Susan, 1840 aged 3 d. Reicheubaoh, Emma Jane, d of Mil ton and Kate, .1 Any-28, 1804. Belts, Catharine, w of Johannes, d May 8, 1840, aged 43 y. Reltz, Anna Margreth, wof Andreas b Apr 15, 1708; d Apr 10, 1840, aged 71 v 11 m 25 d. lieigle, John H. s of Jno and Catb quiets the nervous Irritation, stimulates the discs; i,,., and nils the blood with lust the nourishment needed f." weak and run-down conditions. Give it a trial. Soldbyvirugglsts on guarantee. Da. Miles Medical Co., Eiihart, ma. The People's National Family Newspaper Publlshrd M n .1 n y. WednewlAy nn.l Krldny, i in r. i.liiy it line, f r. Bn, every.01 her .lay Da i I y. giving the liilcst iny .in luy of iHsm-, And cover il.K IMW1 of .III- ..tll.T three. It eontiil.iH ull lire portent foreign o b I . porwni o it tt i new which um.eari. in V flTlI" r K DAILY TKIBUNB I III K .f wine .litir. nlffo llomee. A tic it. 1. 1 Ki.r. .mi i pondenoe. Short Btnrlee, Klogant ii .if i IIIuh- trAtloni. llunioroUH tetnn, n.lUfltrlAl inf.. r. nut. mi, Kahlon Notes, Agrioul tnntl Vattera .in. I lom prehennive nnd Helmble and Market lie ports. li jf n I it Mihucrlption price, 91.5(1 per year. We it will, the I'...-,, for 11.76 per year. Pabliihed .... I ,rv a. i.l known fur i..;,r, ?.i jly y,-itr in overt J of the United ki,h,V.K National kamilj nape, of thehiKh . .... for farmen nnd v r. It containi itli t . P,,. important t.-.. . ,i h,.. of run uaii.y mift UNK up to hour of to press, an Agri. ultursl liepartmenl ,.f , est order, has . nt. ruin Ing reading f... over, member of tltv family ol.l nn.l young, MsrM Reports whivli . ed it authority l.v fsn ts it ii .1 eounti v m ons an. i is . I,..,,, ,, to date Interesting sad i astruoti ve Kpku lit r subw ripttoi price. t 00 per year We furnish it n :ti. thr Post ( per your. Send all orders to the "PostT. Middleburgh Pa, Painter, Jas. M. s of Job. and Nancy I arine. d Oct 2(1, 1831, aged d Sep ';, 1850, aged 6 y Kid'. 1 m 1 d. .Miller, George, s of Lewis and Sarah Regle Infant .1 of Jno and Cathar- d Dee 22, 1862. aged 'J7 d. ine, d Mar 111, 1839,aged lOd. 1820, d Aug 20, I860, aged 42 v Ki m 5 d. . - .... .. , . 1 1 a: oilier, i.i.iiim onnuiiua, u 01 1 ieiiry ami ( 'utharine, b Sep J7, I S 15; .1 Auec 30, 1850, agetl I y 1 1 m .1. Hassinger, Henry, l July 13,1796; d I m:e 20, 1861, aged 6 I y 1 1 m.7d. H. C, - 1850. Hassinger, Elizabeth, w of Daniel, Hallley, Joseph, bAug 15, I814;d d Mar 10, 1840, aged 80 y 2 Sep 1 1 8'17, aged 5:1 y 1 tu m. Ilassiiiger, Daniel, a of Jacob, b Hart, fina, (probably Christeua) d Aug I:; 1832, aged is v 8 in 28 d. 11. i. (probably Mai l i 1835. II. E. 1830. McClellan, Benjamin, b Oct 'JJ, Hi igle, .I.ihn L. I Mar 7, 1831; d Jan !s7, I860, aged 23 y 1 m 20 d. McClellan, Mary, w of Benjamin, b I K'gle. John, b May 11, 1796; d Sep 18, 1822; d Dee 15, 1890, ! aged (is v - in 27 d. Mert, Wm. D. d Sep 27, 1 860, Uciglc, Charles, .1 July 26, 1874, J'eralAdjustments Prompt Payme - R E rVJ E IV! B E R " Iaa"D H. HARVEY aCHDCH. GENERAL INSTANCE AGENCY Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, l ire, Life, Aecident and Tornado. ,iJ(!5!ime5s No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,U.88 " Home 41 " 853 44 9,83 ,628.4 44 American 44 " " 1810 44 2.40!) ,84.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. M 1 tic. 1 ... , luuy i, i nun, afeu UW v 1 I in 21 d. igetl 15 aged liii y !) in 2 d. Mertz, Catharine, wife of Nicholas. Riggkj Catharine, w of John, .1 July 2V, 1X86, aged NX v 5 m .1. Merls, aae, s of Isaac, (1812.) Marshall. Nancv. d t Johnn nnd Sally, 1. A n.- 13, 181 1: d July Renninger, Chnrles, b of Aaron and 1'.', 1813, aged ly 11 m ii .1. Meier. Maria, b 28, 1815: .1 Harriet, b Oct !, 1861; d An- I, 1879, aged 17 y 1() til 2 d. Feb 6, 1818, aged 2 y 11 m 'er) (Iteyer) Johannes, b Nov 2'-) (id. 17'dli; d Apr 20, 1S;J7. aged 10 v .. in ti d. Heallev, i'eter, - of Joseiih and -Inly 2S, 1760; d Mar 1, 1825, Mever. Mi.-lmel. b Feb 13. 17!ll d I h, d Feb 1, 1S67, aired 16 a etl 64 y 7 m 3 d. Dec 22, 1 793, agetl 2 y 8 ni. ,J,)'l'r (B'ycr) Carolina, dofJohan- Frank S. Riegle, DEALEU IN PIANOS ORGANS -AND- Sewing Machines i nes, Uiddleburs: Pa. A'J From Monday to Saturday at every turn in the kitchen work a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor, time and expense and keep the cook comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare or carry, no waiting for the fire to come up or die down; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A Wickless BLUB FLAME Oil Stove will boil, bake, broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy, can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes, from one burner to five. If your dealer does not have them, write to nearest agency of ATLANTIC REFININC COMPANY. m HI I 1 1! llfllrTITI ilirNM I Rover, Aaron, b Oct 'Jo, 1829; dl Nov 2:5, 1865, aged 36 y 27 d. An immense cattle tra.le is being built ii) between tbfl United States j and Cuba. Since May 1, 1000, over 150,000 cattle have been (hipped to I Cuba from Florida alone, and oilier hlpmtnta have been made from grulf ports. The famous little steamer Dauntless, which came into promi nence through its filibustering expe ditions, is now engaged in the cat tle carrying business. Carrying beef to the Cubans is much better than carrying cartridges. asWsssssWB ! f s Inquire for . Terms and Prices UJ.TiV.1Llfllf.VI On a recent Friday Martin Sciron and Miss Kruma Colin met nnd fe'l in love at Pittston, Pa. Next morning the' were mnrried, had quarreled be fore noon and by sundown had agreed to separate. Mutual friends smoothed matters over and the young couple are reunited and happy. A Georgia paper thus sums up legis lative work done at the session of 1000: "One solon blew out the gas, another stuck a knife into a fellow member and the entire aggregation succeeded in repealing a dog law." The country, according to Hetty Green, is just fairly beginning to de velop. The twenUeth century will far surpass all the achievements of the nineteenth, is her prophecy. 3-2S-26t. There, is no better Investment for people of small or large menus than tbo shares of the Union Consolidat ed Mining Co., which are now being offered at one cent ii share, full paid, non-assessable, and without pursou- al liability. Inteiiest Dividends at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable half yearly for two years, are ocarantk ed, in addition to the regularly earn ed dividends. We also call attention to the "Smelter Shares" of the "Kkttlk Curlkw." "Boundary Camp" and "Qtjbkn Bkb" companies; now sell ing at three cents, with same inter est dividend guarantee All shares sold on the installment plan, or all cash. Send for illustrated circulars, maps, terms, prices, etc. National HiuluK Promotion Company, i AS. O. CROTJBE, i 0 ATTORN KY AT LAW, ttlDDLEBt H. All busin.. entrusted tohisM will receive attention. Fourth Floor, Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. K. 1 Pottic, Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSOROVE. PA. All professlenal business entrusted 1 my " will receive prompt and careful attention. A DMINISTKATOR'H NOTICE Ut ters of Administration m tlif estate of Wm. Lesoh, late of ObspoiM tP Snyder county. Pa., dee'd, having oej" k fiH-m-to tho undersigned, all persons k" 'n ". V, selves indebted to aald estate are JWtfSiiZ make Immediate payment, while InoSJ "V7 claims will present them duly authentKa" the undersirned. , ,r m. i. pottIr, qkouok Attorney. Adnnnira" Middleburg-h, Pa., Jan. -1 1901. WANTED. Capahle, relisbls person inj ery county to represent large corops' 01 " flnanc al reputation; IMe salary per yesr. par able weakly; tt par day absolutely ure sndsi espeases; straight, bona-flda. ".'imi owmmlsslao; salary paid each S'rdIiJ?P zpense money adraDOad aasb wsek. A KD H 0 U 3 E, I4S Dsaraara 8s,, Cb iasgs.