The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 09, 1901, Image 1

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    t-. ., . i , Li
i o.C
MumtMioneip, I i o.t
W 1 agtaielKT, Fditor aad Proprietor.
A Family jouraal, Dtvottd to Htwt, Science. Art, Political Econemy and Current literature.
Hatei: One Dollar Per Annam, in Advance
Hellcfoute, May ti, A double tragedy
vn enacted al Millhcim, this county,
early tliis morning! as result of wb 1 1
Jeaw King, aged 86, is dead and Ins
bride of only a few months Ilea In a
tlatng for June Court, very critical condition. King fits) shot
bli wife and later, when 1 1 a - officers
came to arrest him, turned the pistol
upon himself with fatal remits.
King married in February to
Miss Jennie Mowry, f Aaronsbunt,
and the couple wen! t housekeeping
I the Kerormeti church at Texas n suburl
, Court adv
ch owns June 3rd will be found In
unexpected I but the repairs al the
iklin Roller Mills will be coraplet-
bbi week.
Charles Marks of Swineford made
h ip to Selinsgrove Sunday.
Lord's sup-
,e nienber
,li place celebrated tin
ftimlny morningi
lie Juniata Conference of Central
nsvlvnntn Synod of the Lutheran
rvhwas held at Beavertown May
., Presbyterian congregation at
Hintown has extended n iinnn'
is cull to Rev. J. B. Rendell of At
i Chester county
timers who want to be sure of got-1
I hend of Hie cnterplllars should '
liter them at once. There Is a hiir
inpaln this year and Iftheyarc not
mved al once, vour trees will be
itwly injured.
n to At E. Soles for a smooth easy
re or up-to-date hair cut and head
nsed with a refreshing shampoo or
draff removed with bis tonic. A
n towel to each patron. Parlor In
k building, one door 'ast of Post-1
v Satisfaction guaranteed, it'. ,
Issnldtkc post office at Shlndle
I be discontinued fur want ofn g o-t
iter It pays fifty-dollars per year.
Ix-SherhT Samuel Lapp of Mifflin
u Iims been appointed n deputy
Ited States Marshal at Hnrrlsburg
ennectlou with the new Middle
trict I'nited States court.
re dislike to send duns, but n i tc a
iber of accounts on our books need
btion so we were compelled to send
a number of statement! during the
week. Kindly give the mailer
r pt 1 1 1 t Attention, If you rceeivrd
ill. It always entails considerable
ir and expense to send out these bills
we would much prefer to use that
eandmoney In getting out a bet
paper, in-lead of using it to gel
it belongs to us. If your account is
paid by June 1st, we must go (o
Jitiniial expense in sending another
Do not mnki us do that.
rest in pencil growing in this lo
lly won tne Icrease, Within three
- of fc'reebttrg the following persons
planted lives: Prof. ;. W. Wal
i, 1700; Dr. E. V. Tool, 1400; H. M.
ig, 1000; E. Fensterbush, 1000; Geo.
(Joy, 1000; Uriah Bailey, Henry
tie, and Wm. Eisenhauer, each 700;
Strayer, Robert Pachnlke, J. B.
tigninn, Wm. Oemberling, W. J.
ler, F. Blngamnn, and Joseph
h, each 100; Henry Nagle, Jacob
fer, John Freed, and John Dreese
1 200; John F.BoyerwllI plant sev
thousnnd. Frttburg Courii r.
vi rm not the poor of Washing-
twp. reut( d a bouse on the first of
II for those who wanted support
i the township. This house was
1 1 nough to accomodate all thai
led support and they w ere notified
tefaet that if they continued to be
rnshlp charge they must abide by
new rule, thai said, all paupers un
tie roof and get ready for the move,
so tbe overseers of the poor w ent
1 teams to move their cares to the
nship r bouse all refused to go.
1 result those whom the township
are now supporting themselves
m Is certainly a great relief to the
payers of Washington township.
feep your eye on the list of tomb
"e inscriptions now being published
the inside pages of the Post. The
aasslnger cemetery la the new one
' wnted. We will comple that next
. Then we w ill take up Jackson
''hi-lnn. Ali,l.ll..l,iin, l,....,.,,.,i, m;.i
' MitwugU '-
Wek township and so on through
WUnty alphabetically. We have
a'ly publuhed the lists from Ad
h Beaver, Reaver West, Centre,
iwnan and Faanklin townships.
WW some one with a little leisure
"licet the inscriptions in and
)Ul Selinsgrove and all of Washing-
wp, except Evergreen Cemctrev.
PW us for terms.
Miss llertit Erdley went to Buruham
Monday to visit her hrothers.
Calvin St roup of Swineford visited
friends at Paxtouville Sunday.
O. 1'. McAfee of Paxlou ville was a
fMillhcini. Their culler at this office Saturday morning.
Thanks, Bro. Hill.
Iit Thursday afternoon we received
Pat aluminum case containing sev-
-eeuent cigars and a note: "Have
pw with Sunbury's new Postmas-
' , o k. nui. We congratulate
m Hill on this most excellent
"Mntment and trust he may be hon
wlth a long term of service.
married life, however, was of shorl
duration, as King had no w ork and
his genoial shifihssnesa ended in the
wife going liotnu to her mother. Sun
day afternoon King succcc1ihI in per
stindiiig her tn return, bul sin- did not
promise to stay, saying she was going
to her sister -1 hi- iiiornimt,
W hen she arose she found her shoes
had been hidden, whereupon a quarrel
eusued, which ended in King's shoot-1
Ing her in the bowels above the leu hip.
He then ran to his father'- house, a
mile away, telling them that he had
shot his wife and that he Intended to
return, finish the job and kill him-' if.
Though weak from the loss of blood,
Mis. King staggered to the home i.f
Justice Mussvr, where she inuiinged to
toll In r story, ai'u r which s1 e swtsmed
away. The justice and Constable P.
F. Lietzel started In u buggy lo capture
King, and meeting him Informed him
or their business. ltilcKasii -h lie
drew bis revolver and shot himself he-
low the heart. The officers Usik him
in their buggy, bul liMdonlj priweeded
a short distance when he requested to
he allowed to w alk. Jusl t;s he got olil
he dropped over dead.
Mrs. King Is only 20 yea. I
very pretty. Her recovery .- consider
ed Impossible.
Tells n Story Shonini! Compensation in
Btlog Deaf and Dumb.
Washington, !).', May 1. Minister
Wu Ting Fang told a story at the ex
ercises at ( lallaudet College for the Deaf
this afternoon, afterassuring the young
people that w hile it was unfortunate,
of course, lo be deaf and dumb, thele
were compensations.
Twelve hundred years ago. he said, a
great general restored the Emperor of
China to his throne. The Emperor, in
his gratitude, gave his daughter In mar
riage to the son of the general, Things
went well for a time, as w ith all young
married people, said Mr. Wu, and luen
came the falling out.
The young husband told his wife that
she must nut assume too much haughti
ness of spirit, for his father had put her
father on the throne and sustained him
there in the exercise of his despotic
The young wife replied that her fath
er, the Emperor, could behead the gen
eral, who, uftcr all, was not of much
uccount, and o followed much strife,
into which the parents of the young
couple themselves wolvdrawn.
Finally all concerned appealed to the
Emperor fora decision of the vexatious
questions that hail brought so much
misery Into the young lives.
The Emperor, who was a wise and
good man, replied : "There are time s
when it is best for fathers-in-law and
mothers-in-law to he deaf and dumb."
Mr. Wu told the young students that
w hile it seemed very hard now to be
deaf and dumb, they might find it a
very useful affliction when they gol
older and bad to deal with the troubles
of matrimony. He added also, amid
amusement, that the sign languuge was
very advantageous in the prosecution
of a courtship. Nobody could hear or
understand t h e loving expressions
which might thereby bo exchanged
without embarrassment in the presence
of others.
Pennsylvania Railroad Summer Excur
sion Tickets to Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, and other Summer Resorts.
On April 80, 1001, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will place on sale
Summer excursion tickets to Buffalo
on account of Fan-American Exposi
tion and to Niagara Falls.
On May 1, 1001, the regular Summer
excursion tickets to all the principal
Hummer resorts east ot Pittsburg and
Buffalo will be placed on sale at ticket
offices of Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany. These tickets wiU hear the usual
Bummer excursion limit of October 31,
1901, except that the Niagara Falls
tickets will be good to return until
November 30, 1901.
Mrs. Li stcr E., wife of the
station agent, is visiting friends at Mc-
.1 E. Miller of t'alawissa spent Sun
dav in this place, attracted by the fair
M. L Potter and wife spent Sunday
at Selinsgrove with J. A. Lumhaid and
Wile. . J
I . W. Snyder, insurance n nt and
w i S liiigrvc, wore in tins pac e
Alvin 11. Mover of Kissilulliee was
an tally caller at ibis office Monday
UK ruiiig.
I'' rank S. It lass, Esq., mid J. .
Uoiish of Ereehurg were at ilie county
seat Monday.
Mis. W. it. (ioi'doB, MUf lzoi'a Smith
and oii ot kn ameiy wer' county sea:
visitors Saturday. "
Many 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 left Monday for l.ew -
i- -tow u w here Ic has Secured ay I ,.,
in a -adiiirr -hop..
.Mi - M allele rimtn, who had heeii
slay in- w ith C. Ct Beeholdat Sunl.iiry ,
I . d hwllie liust Week.
.lames Avers is Vy ill al bis lemie
At 0. Baaboar purchased a hone last
Harrison Mover the butcher was a
Builbury visitor Saturday.
Amnion Steese of New Berlin wns
in Middleburg last Thursday.
Reno Waller and family visited
friends out of town Sunday .
Mrs. John W. Haunt of Mlffllnburg
is viglting Mrs. John W. Ruukle.
A. (i. Bnshoar and wife visited
friuds at Peuiis creek Sunday.
Gabriel Beaver and wife visited friends
at New Berlin over Sunday.
Rob. I'oiter and a friend of Selins
grove drove to this place Sunday.
Mis. .lam s Fislu r of Fremont visited
John Moyerand family at :: point.-.
Ceo I,. Russel cashier of Lewistown
spent last Thursday in Middleburg,
II. W. Kuhus of ( enter township
was a culler nt this office last Friday.
1. A. Kern has put upa stone wall
for a SOx.'H) fwt addition to his barn.
Mrs. Preston Erdley and three chil
dren are the guests of .lames Erdlcy's
'BqUire A. A. linn I ofOlobe Mill-
was transacting hiisi
Tin si lay.
H. I). ScllUUre and
of Selinsgrove n ere al
last Friday.
Hon Peter Rl itlc -
i in low n
larvoy Seho
he i 'ounty si
Spring tow n
at 'ii official
ship was at tie llllty h
blishiess Monday .
J, I!. Row of Millersbiirg has been
visiting friends in this place several
days during the past wi ek.
Percey Kinney who had been night
operator ai Creasy, Colunibin county
returned hoinu!asl Saturday.
Mrs Howell of Paxtouville Sunday
spent Hie day with her sister, Mrs.
.lames Detrick of Swinetord.
Frank Spechl nnd Elmer Wetzel of
Beavertown attended a masonic meet
Ing kt this place Thursday eveulng.
Earl and Harrison Winey drove to
Lewisburg Sunday to pay a visit
to their brother who is attending
school there.
w . W. Witteiimycrund family Mon
day attended the funeral of Mr, Lilley,
his brother-in-law, which took place at
New Berlin, 1 1 'used committed
suicide at his home near ( atasailojia.
Samuel Bpitler ahd Jesse Shelley
spent several days in Sllllbliry last
week the former to visll Ills daughter,
Mrs. '. E. I 'orkins, and the latter to
viit his son, W. I' Shelly.
Dr. Pulaski F. Hyatt, ex-Consul lo
Santiago dcCuba and John c. Smith,
grain dca er, both of Lewisburg, were
I in town Monday night. Dr. Hyatt was
in Santiago seven year-, until war was
declared hy the I'. S. agaillst Spain.
John I.'. Krcoger, u ho hail I n in
New Mexico all winter for the benefit
of his health, left there several weeks
ago, wcnl to the Pacific coast, and
returned lionn on Friday evening of
last week much to delight of his many
friends, Helooks well and we trust
i has received permanent
Ttxt ot lilt BCD law rccciill) passed.
Below we puhlisb iii full an act relat
ing to tax collectors which wns passed
hy the Legislature and received Lhe ap
proval of the Governor on March JTlh.
It will be se n that the time of
Report of the ef tin- rirst National
Bank ot Mlddlebuivli. al Miitiliei.Mrk.-ii. in tba
siate of PtonnsylvaulA. al taacloeeol buatnsaa
Apr. :a. ivoi
lr- ,.,.,, ln
im; duplicates have been extended one uvenlmriH, N-eureit unit noseciirisl,
....... e r i t). 8. Bonds to SBCUre cueulallon
yeal ll.Hii the date ol passage, and t in- i . s ,,, Utina
lift! I'
IMS l- J s
tor- w hose warrants have ITi'iiiluiiis v. 8. Bonds...
expired I . limitation to no ahead and si. k-.
II. . . -,, ., r , ... . d iin i ir -iiei ii . i . ami nxiuies
Heel Willi I he satin loree and I Heel , ,., ,,, , ,,.,....
a- said warrants had not cx-
I Net
liiieir..iii Nullonal Bunks inol Rvsen
Al:cIi1s ...
piled and also empowers them t" col- nuefi stain Bunks nnd bankers
I ... I',...,,, ,.. i . ,. i "" "I-I" ' ti o-s. i it ncu
j.'i-.'n- n ii" ii. iii iiii..iiii
front their district. This incisure will,
if it Is strictly enforced, tend to reduce
largely the amount of exoneration
which otherw t-e would iirevall.
The net i- as follows :
Section I. lie it enacted, etc., Thai
k- .in. ni Oer i .i.-h tt.-iii-
sofothor Nutliinul Banks
1 1. mi. 1 1 imukt I'lirreuej .nleklos, and
Lawki l Mnsfc la itm t is iiask
Specie Si'
LeKUl'teliiler notes 1,000.00
KtHli'inpilixt i nnd nun r. s. Troasun r
(S percent, "i circulation)
I s a na
m m
: 17 13
1,1 IN
t J7
I r.tio
". i.oi
I. 10
in this piaee. His son,.' William
I axiom ille, is at home-
I'etcr 1 1 ai l man and son. Monday
returned from a visit to friends nt
lion. ;. Alfred Spliorb nnd wife
spent Sunday at Seti"vgr.Ac vi.dting
L E. PawUng and wife.
Milton 1 lei rold of Sw ineford left this
week for MitHinburg where be will be
employ ed on the Bchroyei farm.
Mrs, Dr. J. W.Orwig la spending the
week iii Sunbury the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Harry H. Barter.
(no. Helser of Lewisburg, a mute,
called at the POST ollice Monday morn
ing to see his friend, Ceo. F. Grlmill.
J. i. Lesheraud A. B. Keek of Se
linsgrove walked Into our village Mon
day afternoon with their aims linked.
W. W. Wlttenmyerandaon, Samuel,
during the past week were in West
Virginia looking up some timber mat
ters. David Kcrstetter has returned from
Milton, where hi paid a visit to his
daughter, Jennie, the wife of J, W,
Charles ilicgle and wife and Miss
Ella Urlmm, of Frceburg, Sunday
were the guests of F. S. Biegleand wife
at this place.
W. P. shelly of Sunbury Evening
Ih i,i and Miss Lizzie Rtpka of the
same place drove to this place Sunday
to visit friends.
The pleasant day Sunday brought
quite a great many bicyclers to town. L
I ins tow n seems to be a niecca ror the
Knights of the road.
Mi-, .luiia Dienlnger, who bad been
at Mlllheirn, Centre Co., for several
uiontua reiurneo w inispiace ami will i bablc persons who mi
again maae ner uome whii a. b. Bear uue Inseriotion
t. H. Boworsox of this place opened
a room on tin-second floor of bis con
fectionery building, fitted it up very
tastetull.v for an Ice cream parlor and it for the first Saturday cvciiitur. i;":',:",'is!l' West Leaver tw
W. W. Rlpka, Railroad mail agent,
spent Sunday at home villi bis par
ents on the French Flats Mr. Rlpka
is now serving an appointment on a
train on the Beech ( reek Railroad
running from Will amspert to Mahal
fey. W. If. Bower of Klkins, W. Vn.,
sends in a cheek for his subscription.
Mr. 15. is the purchasing agent of the
West Virginia Central & 1'ittsburg Hy.
Co. He formerly lived nt this place
and we are glad to note this evidence
of his success in the business world.
J. J. Mitchell of K reamer was at
Middleburg Monday and paid his sub
scription to the Post. Mr. Mitchell is
a buggv maker and has several good
buggies on hand which he oilers for
sale. Any one in need of an excellent
article of that kind should call on Mr.
Mitchell and learn particulars and
his Ii. : l 1 1
Hon. (.
Alfred Schoch found :i land
tiirte- Monday afternoon hack of i..u n
irlng this inscription,". B., l-l'1.
July ..d." What "L B." stands for i
a matter of conjecture. The names
Laae Ulctt, Isaac Bowcrsox and Israel
Itaelimaii have ueeil BUggesteil as pr.i-
it have carved
Deeds Entered tm Record.
J. M. Itaker and wife to Sarah E.
Heirs of Mary Baumgardner, de
ceased to .lames 11. Peter, 0 acres in
West Beaver twp. for(100.
Sam'l P. Sampaell and wife to Wm.
Auraud, 5 acres in Middlecreek twp.
for J175.
G. S. Bine and wife to Jennie Peck,
.'acres in Chapman twp. for $11.
Augustus Strouh ami Levi M. Ba-
mer, administrators of Tobias Ratner,
to Wm. A. Meiser, lil acres in Chapman
twp. for fs4;i.
H. J. W. Boyer, atty.-iii-fnet, to
Henry A. Leister 44 acres in Perry twp.
for ifhoO.
Marriage Licenses.
i Thomas H. Bogar, Port Trevorton.
Lynne F. Aucker, "
I Amnion E. Moyer, Middleswarth.
Ida Knouse, "
f Win. H. Willow, West Perry twp.
Manda MUler, Pfoute Valley, Pa.
in all cases in w hleh t he peri
years, tbe limitation of the warrant
the duplicate of COtlllty, 1', city.
township, ward, school, mid lioroiigli
tax collectors, have ex pin d, and in all
cases where the power and nutliorlty
ofsaldtax collectors has expired, or
shnll expire during the year one Ihoiis
alld nine hundred and one. by v irtue
of the ex pirn Hi 'ii of i heir term of ollice,
and said collector or collectors have or
shall become litible for the un nl of
tax on said duplicates without hnviii
collect nl the same, the said duplicates
ami warrants, and the powi rs mid au
thority of said lax collectors in all such
eases, ure hereby revived and extended
for a i mi her period of one year from the
passage off his act; nnd said collector
or collectors arc hereby authorized mid
empowered to proceed and c Heel said
taxes from all persons who have uol
paid tuxes assessed to I belli, residing
hi said district within which it may
have been assessed, as well as from al'
persons who remove from -ad city,
ward, township or townships, or
boroughs and have neglected to pay
taxes, so as aforesaid assessed, with like
eH'cel as if -aid Warrants had uol expir
ed by t he limltat Ion of t wo years afore
said, or the term of oillee of said col
lector had uol expired: Provided,
That provisions of this act shall not ap
ply to warrants Issued prior to the y ear
thousand eight hundred and ninety-two,
ami thai nothing contained in
this act shall release any bondsman or
security, Provided, Thai ihis acl
shall uol apply to cities having special
laws upon this subject: Provided, fur
ther, that no collector, nor the sureties
thereof, wlm take- advantage of thi
net -hall be permitted to plead tin
statute of limitations in any action
brought to reeovi r the amount of said
duplicate so extended nnd renewed.
Approved the J7th day of March A.
D. III01.
Summer Scl I- forSundaj School Workers.
Sunday school teachers also demand
training in principles of teaching ami
Intesl methods of Biblu study. The
Penn-y lvania State Association is pro
viding four Summer Schools and two
special departments of Instruction at
Mt. Gretna and William- IS rove. Foi
Primary and Junior teachers there are
Eagles Mere, July 1(1 to U!l al Eagles
Mere, Sullivan County, ahoul fifty
miles north of Wiliiuuisport, and at
Ensl End Ladies Academy, Pittsburg,
,1 UIIC - i lO -. -M o.l II II, e-e senmiis
Mrs. M. '. Kennedy, Mrs. J. W.
Barnes, Miss 1 (arm II and Prof. Van
Ormer give courses in Bible Analysis,
Lessi n Construction and Presentation,
Blackboard and Child study. These
well known specialists will be assisted
hy other able lecturers and teachers.
At Heart Lake, mar Montrose, in Sus-
quehannn County June 24 to and
at Hinging leeks, n,ar Pottstown,
August HI to u' ",. The summer schools
are for all teachers, superintendent
ami pastors, ami the instruction in
Bible Analysis, Pedagogics, Education
al Organization, Business Plans ami
better Bible Work will be given by the
State workers, so well know n to Sun
day school people, 1 r. Loads, Lev. C.
A. Oliver, Hugh Cork ami Mrs. Bar
nes, with others of abUity. Tuition is
to all camera and rates of boarding very
low. The departments at ML Gretna
Assembly, July 14 to 21, and at Wil
liams (i rove, July 1 to 8, will be con
ducted by Dr. Koads ami Mr. Oliver.
For programs and particular! write to
General Ollice, ill.'! Crozer Building,
A bill was passed by the late legisla
ture and signed by the Governor to pro
tect children, making it n niisdeamor to
laee free trial samples of medicine,
yes, ink, coloring or Hlishing com
pound in any form where children can
secure the same.
I i v i i I rru.v
J I V , l 1.1. ,111. I 1 1 l.i'.
i capital stork nald in
in i HnrpltiH Knnd
I'mllvtiliil proms, l xpenseannd
National Ii ink notes nulsttindlUk ....
One toother Sallnnnl Panics
Due si. ,ie UunkH an. I Hanker-
IMvldflidn nnpai-l
I lull'. ilei.islls HObJOOt
i . . lick 210,877.00 i
Delimnd cerl tncules of ilc
l t 1 1 I9,05.18j
NotuHund mil i roll counted
j-,.i .i ...iki
- i. m.oo
211 . I.'..7
i ! O 91
I'liTM ...
I, .1 I IIOM . . . i
.t o. W'KISER, ' ,i
w.u.wi rTENSI i Kit
v. l.i;! I o I'll.
ii. M i ni n siiio ii
I.M ottlrnnd lurors drawn f..r tins i irl ol
Iyer und TcriiilniT and (lenerol .lull . . ,
luUConri ei (iiinrior sessionsol tlie d ol
snyder count) Hold nt Juno Term, euiniii ,i.-
Monday, Juue, ii, 1901.
.N.uni" Ocoiipnllon. Rmiilance,
Beaver, Asapb. lurmer, Mlddli cn-ek
L'alley, Hurl " H. ior
UuniH, .i enea k. merchant, Bellnrovo
I ultch, Wm, tnrnier, vi mroa
Dollar. Wm. Isborer, Cliupuian
Uordon, Allan), f r n-r, Wmbliuzioo
ii itnmel, Cbua. " e,.,,,,
in Ten. tjaoob, " Waabibgton
Kelsor.c. U Ice dealer, Heiinsnrore
Kreatnei, Jobn, farmer, Mlddlwroek
Looir, James II, inorobabt. Weal U iver
i.i'itet, R. J. maaon, Jackaon
I. wa, wm. furinor, mre
Mover, Harvej " Jnckson
Itliler, Joo J. idk Hellnsu-ntve
Moyer, Josepbi farmer, Washington
Mlortleswartli, Ner v. . luou
lllecblley, Wllluro, Icurer, Si"Tiu:
I lu'e. .1 neob. farmer, Perry
llousli, Klljahi luooror, WaslihiKlou
llennlnicr, J no w. farmer, Pruoklln
Snyder, 0. H, laborer, Wesl llouver
s unpstd, s iin'i. farmor, I'enn
Hrcnrlat, Tobias, laborer, Center
I'KTIT I l imits.
hint of I'etll drawn lor tie' I ' url of
I'ninmoii I'leiiH. Court ol uuartor Seiwtotis ii I lie
p. ;. . court ..f over and terminer and uuni
lull Delivery if Snvder r.nint.v. pi., liold as
June 1' rni. cominen InirJunes, lout.
Name. Oveuputlon.
Aluler Jacob, leacber
Aiuig. I'nllip, iron,
iii. am. in Krankilu, farmer
Ill-Mi r, Oii,.
Ilollg II. p.
lilnKiiman, J. I.
Uuver, Jeromr W. 1.1k.
Itliiffnmun, lioawLdli t iborer,
Uoyer, w I, farmer,
oorad, Aaron, (fen.
i' ileinnn, Jarm, farmer,
Coleman, Win. ll, wairoiiinttker,
t:rii. i i,. , farmer,
Kwiitff, v in. fanuui ,
KolU, U in. i n in r,
Uarmun, .1. w.
1 ; mbnrlluir, in. farmer,
lloriitu ri;i r, ll. s- icin r,
Hendricks, .1. s. 1 ih irer,
llurrold, M. 1;.
II ire. Mel in. V..11, I inn 1,
KllllKll :, 11.
lira 1 l ' ' ' .
Kn. in, 1 fanner,
Km ler, .1. I'. i" 1 her,
Koch, Jereml ill. farmer,
I. -nt.'. .lo.. pa, mason.
.1 1
. I.
P rlillne, Wle. N. "
.1 : 'i
Kun'.ae, .1. W, merchaut,
.i : .
- ml y
S-, mi . ;n , lain n r,
Suiilll, I M
Scliarl, in. p. m ill a,-eni,
1 1 -li, H i,, v.i.i trio, r,
W hitmor. Amiuou. "
waiter, r. s. It
Wolf, Wm. luborer,
Resldi nee.
1 1 iiiklin
I' llll
Ii. aver
1'. na
'a-. . ton
Wash .''nil
I'm. ei
l'i 1 ....In
h 1
V 'Mill
.1 1
r .1.111
( autre
s dimtifrove
An Offer Which Will be of Great Intci 10
Ail Preab) teriaaa.
The bcsl news of the Presbyterian
General Assembly, which will b i laid
in Philadelphia beginning May hi ami
contanlng about ten days, will appear
from day to day in '"The Philadelphia
Rev. Dr. S. 8. Gibson, of Pittsburg,
will have charge of the reports and the
paper will he mailed to any address
postpaid throughout the assembly ses
sions (from May 18 to May 25 inclu
sive i lor ii cents.
A Hit; Sum.
ll cost a little ovei two million dol
lars a days to pay the running ex
penses of the United states Govern
ment. We are able to stand this enor
mous exjiense without any resort to
extraordinary means of taxation. In
other words, the country is rich and
can afford It.