The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 25, 1901, Image 8

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Absolute cy Ihjre
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
mttx. auaxQ roKpu co., new toil
AB : J l
tlx I hlMren Bntrhrrrd amd Their
Father Left For Dead.
Chartres, Fthcp, April H. Thil
town has been horrified by the brutal
murder f five children and the at
tempted murder of their father, a far
mer named Brlere, residing In the
neighborhood of Chartres. Two tramps
entered the farmhouse In the absence
of Uriore. killed four girls, aged re
spectively 14, 11, 5 and 4, and a boy 7
years old with knives and cudgels
While they were In bed and apparently
asleep. Hriere returned while the
murderers were robbing the house.
Tl i j attacked him ami after a desper
ate struggle left him for dead with
four Mai wounds in the head. The
murderers then escaped with 1,600
francs and a number of objects of value
Inside the farm house there was a
ghastly spectacle, xhe bedrooms were
besj tittered with blood and brains. The
murderers had battered nut the chil
dren's brains and then cut their
throats, Tl e little girl of 5 years of
A bad evidently waked up. for she
was found in her col with her arms
outstreti lied as though appealing fur
The watch 'log was killed with a
bludgeon, Hriere, when he wns at
i: hj the two murderers, shouted
for help ilurlng his struggle, but the
n iresl neighbor was stone deaf and
did not hear his cries, The gendarmes
ai tiring the country for the mur
Pupil li it Icrhlll Siirccrtl til Getting
the t'onple Together,
Paris. April 22. The Puke of Marl
borough, after traveling for a month
it Ihi nth i f Spain, came to. Paris a
Week ngo atid stopped at the lintel
Br I, i n the Place Vendome. While
the dol e w is in Spain the duchess had
been in Paris, and for 1 1 1 pa t three
wet ka she has 1 1 on staying at her
father's mansion In the Avenue des
Chi' nips Elysees. After the duke re
tun. . from Spain he went to the house
of hi father-in-law, when he saw the
tl i : In is, The duchess drove to the
Hotel Dristol, whi te she was joined by
Up duk . and together the Marlbor
oughs pr ii eedt d to London, This
would Indicate if discord existed be
tween the Duke and Duchess of Marl
borough that her father had succeeded
in Bmotbcrlng it. Thi couple had Seen
"Tactically separated since Christmas.
alio lin i.u OHIclnln Commit Snlelde
Vancouver, Wash., April -2. Charles
rown and E, L, Canby, president and
cashier, n pectlvely, of the First Na
tional bank, of Vancouver, which was
closed on Saturday by the controller of
the currency, committed suicide Sat
urday nighl two miles from this city
by shooting. Their bodies were found
yesterdi y mi n In;; lying together In a
small clump of hushes Both used the
same weapon. They confessed to Bank
Extimlm i Mnxwell on Friday tluit they
were responsible for the $81,000 short
age In the bunk's cash, They had been
Bpccul lf it:g.
t.iri sirlkiN I nil iMmn yeil,
W'ill-.esbarre, Pa . April 23. The 400
employes of Goldsmith Brothers, who
opi ... c u large silk mill in this city,
ni l who vvt n( out on strike early in
Jumif ry, held a meeting yesterday nf
tci o in lo discuss a proposition re
ceived from the firm looking to a set
t! n f the strike, The mill owners
; .. concessions and agreed to
recognize the union, but they said
nothing about i lie reinstatement of the
four I i" :'. ;ers who"' suspension was
.... ,
ttle Luke Uimlncer' Strike.
It wis h I
y 111 ely be Borne important do
. . , f wo
lakes has "i i ni d negot Inl Ions v ll '.i i he
engineers' association with n v!ew to
.a ng :,s men return to work.
Diuil ,ii-.i eil iiiul Four Drown.',!.
Erie, Pa., April 23.- Four men bc
longli : lo the Rockefeller fleet, laid
up here in the upper bay, wenl ashore
in a yawl b lat Sunday afternoon. Th y
were drowned on their return, the first
kn fledge of the accident being the
finding of the boat upside down yes
terday. Those lost were: Percy U.
Durand, of Florence, o., agi d 17 yi irs;
Thomas On r and Charles Carmer, of
Buffalo, and Ouy Lapham, of Paim s
ville, O., the last three heiu,; engineers.
The Ex-Rebel Chieftain Talks to a
Newspaper Representative.
Declare That Brery Word of ilia
Address tt. III i , Ir men 1 Hinr
From Ilia llenrt lloiiea Americana
Will Mate Faith In Ilia llnnritr.
Manila. April 2'i. A press represent-1
stive visited Em I Ho Aguinaldo yester-l
day afternoon at r5 Solano street,
whither he was removed from tin
Malacannn, and found him In a large
room upstairs, furnished With a table,
a typewriting machine, three settees
and 20 chairs, His wife, who was en
tertaining a number of Filipino W0
nii n friends, sat at one end of the I
room, while Aguinaldo. smoking a
cigar ami chatting with Benito Le
garo, occupied the opposite corner.
Aguinaldo. whose bearing was cour- I
teous and dignified, was dressed in
white, looked well and altogether made
an excellent impression. Legardo, who
but recently returned from the United
States, was telling him about the trip,
and he seemed intensely interested,
smiling frequently and asking numer
ous questions, lie ituiuired particu
larly as to what President McKinle)
said and seemed anxious to know what
was thought of h::u In tho United
H' was tather reluctant to talk for
publication, and considered every
question before answering. He Bald
he was doing all be could to assist in
the pacification of the Philippines and
expn ssed himself as surprised at what
(he Americans had accomplished.
When he was first captured, he went
on to say, be was greatly astonished to
find thai i majority of the Filipinos
entertained the opinion that American
. V relgnty was preferable to inde
t denei . but now he was Inclined to
l , eve that way himself.
e explained thai since the dissolu
tion of the insurgent congress and the
declaration of guerrilla warfare the
chiefs had operated to all intents and
purposes independent' recog
nized him ascommam end
ing him reports occ: d he
issued some orders. last
seven months COmmtll been
difficult, and he had . dis
He expressed the opinion that Tlnlo,
Luoban, Malvar and other representa
tive Insurgents will surrender as soon
as they come to understand the na
ture i if the amnesty offered them. He
said h" hoped that when the work of
pacification was complete and condi
tions were settled the prisoners in
Guam would be released.
After referring in grateftil terms to
the courteous treatment accorded him
by the milll iry authorities, he declared
his conviction that the civil govern
ment which would follow pacification
would realise the highest hopes of the
Filipino people.
When qttestloned regarding the re
porl that hi would visit the United
States he replied that ho would like
to do so. but had mole no plans as
yet, placing himself entirely at the dis
position of the t'nited States govern
ment. In concluding the interview hf
obscrvi A:
"Every word of my address to mj
countrymen, the Filipinos, came fron
: y heart. I hope the Americans be
ie me thoroughly sincere in my c
fi to secure peace and. under Amerl
e ! auspices, to promote the wi Ifart
and prosperity of the Philippines."
JirMi9 Central Bniployra'tJrlcvuucea
.v .v Yoi k. April 2;!.- A conference
was held yesterday between represent
atives of tii" trainmen and telegraph
ers employed by the Central Railroad
o:' Ni w Jersey and Superintendent 01
hnusen, of tiie company. The train
nn n's grievances were taken up first.
After these have been ad.'i: cd the
telegraphers will be considered. The
meeting lasted several hours and pro
gressed satisfactorily. Another con
fi ; ence is 1 elng held today. The agree
ment reached by the engineers and
tin men with the company has not been
signed as yet, and will not be until the
troubles of the trainmen and the tele
graphers have been adjusted.
Bepi liter MiiKiiru Fall.
Niagara Falls. April 23. Men at
work on a new factory on the bank of
the Niagara yesterday report thnt they
saw a man in a rowboat sw pi nv r
the falls. They say the man i vl I v
tried to cross the river, but fot nd the
current too strong. He turned his boat
and tried to get hack to shore. 1
awful current was too much foi 1 iu
and he w;as sucked Into the upper
tabids and carried over.
Perhaps a Fatal Prise riicM.
London, April 23. At the National
Sporting club last night "Jack" Rob
erts, of England, knocked out "Billy"
Smith, the American, In the eighth
round. During the lirst three rounds
everything was in favor of Smith, but
for the remainder of the contest Rob
erts had his own way, and he dealt out
a lot of severe body punishment. In
the eighth round Smith made no at
tempt hatever 1
was tv ice kno .-n
coun I out. U'j
was removed 'i 1?
wes still uncoa do
morning .'t I l.
juric- will prrv
Mrdal of Honor For Those Who Rllk
Life la Saving Others and Two
Thonaand Dollar For the Faaalllra
f Men Who Die la the Attempt.
Hsrrlsburg, April 23 There was a
very slim attendance of senators In the
senate last night, and In consequence
little business was transacted. Three
bills were Introduced and the calendar
was cleared of bills on first reading, af
ter which adjournment was taken un
til today.
A bill was Introduced by Mr. Drury,
of Luzerne, providing for the reward
ing of miners or other persons for
brave or heroic deeds in saving life and
valuable property Inside and around
the mines of the state. The bill pro
vides for a gold medal of honor, to cost
not less than $100. If a life be sacri
ficed in the performance of such deeds
$".000. in addition to the medal, shall
ho awarded to the family or legal heirs
of such person. The awards are to 1)0
made by the department of Internal af
fairs on the recommendation of any
district Inspector of mines.
A short session of the house was held
lrst night, at which the appropriation
hills for the state and seml-stato In
stitutions were read the first time.
Among bills read in place were: Ry
Mr. McCandless, of Allegheny, provid
ing that in suits to recover damages
for any injury causing death it may be
competent for the jury In assessing
damages to allow compensation for the
mental sufferings of the plaintiff and
plaintiffs; by Mr. Voorhees, of Phila
delphia, providing that at the next gen
eral election the question of changing
the location of the capltol from Harris
burg to Philadelphia shall be submit
ted to a vote of the people.
A bill introduced In the house Tues
day of last week by Mr. Fox. of Ches
ter, requires all shippers of milk from
other states Into Pennsylvania to ac
company such shipments With B veter
inarian's certificate that the cows
from which such milk had been drawn
had been found to be in a healthy con
dition. Among bills passed finally by the
house Tuesday of last week were: Pro
hibiting employment of women under
21 years old. without the consent of theii
parents or guardians, for theatrical or
athletic performances, singing exhibi
tions or for playing upon musical In
struments; providing that the district
attorneys in all counties whose popu
lation does not exceed 150,000 shall lie
paid a salary in lieu of fees; licensing
the manufacture of "boiled"
cess" butter, and requiring
was one
judges c
on plea:
lently d
ical or mem...
grand spring
to be
Lipa Tabu1
(1 177.1. iO
to perform their functions and duties
with half pay for their unexpired term,
and the filling by the governor of va
cancies caused by ruch removal.
The Fox bill providing for the con
struction and completion of the state
capitol building and appropriating
(6,000,000 therefor and creating a
commission consisting of the gov
ernor. State Treasurer Harnett. Au
ditor Oeneral Hardenbergh, Presi
dent Pro Tern. Snyder and Speaker
Marshall to carryon the work wasagain
taken up In the senate last Wednesday
and defeated. "1 to JO, but was subse
quently considered.
Mr. Went., of Montgomery, offered
a concurrent resolution providing for
final adjournment on May 1(1. Refer
red to committee by a vote of 21 to IV
Mr. Stiles, of Lehigh, offered a 1 ill
making it a misdemeanor to sell, ex
change, advertise, et lottery tickets
or policy writing and providing a pun
ishment of imprisonment not exceed
ing two years and a fine not exceeding
1,000, or both: also a bill making it
a misdemeanor for any telephone or'
telegraph company to transmit any
numbers of policy or lottery drawing,
and providing a tine of not less than
3,000 nor more than $a,000.
In the house on Thursday last
the Kennedy capltol building bill was
reported from committee. The bill ap
propriates (6,000,000 for the comple
tion of the capitol by a commission
composed Of the governor, auditor gen
era), state treasurer, president pro tem,
of the senate and the speaker of the
luiiis;'. The work Is to be done by Jan.
1, 1905.
Among bills passed finally by the
house last Thursday were: Amending
the renovated butter act of May t, 1S90,
to provide that nothing except the
words "renovated butter" shall be
printed on the wrappers of such ar
ticle. A bill was introduced by Mr. Ken
nedy, of Beaver, making It unlawful
to employ any laborer, mechanic, fore
man, expert architect, contractor or
other person who is not a citizen of the
United States in the construction, al
ter, tion or repairs to any public bulld
ii It also p liiblts the use of any
material, exec each raw material as
cr.r not b& obtained In the United
S: n the co . ruction or decoration
Oi si. building. ' '-
A I r. W." ;i!duced in the house
Prld ' k l-y Mr. , P-ow
I nf vl 'in? ' '
I f P.a
I er 'el, t
ill Is Mil
ll,,. ' , I'UClpil.f . aw
a bill ti ing liquor dealers from
selling iiquoi in females to be taken
from the prinU8.
We nave just returned from the east
ern cities where we bought out a well
known clothing manufacturer of his en
tire stock consisting of the finest line ol
clothing ever bought in this county and
amounting about $6000.
We are going to offer this to
the people of Snyder County at
about to off the regular price.
Here are the prices to convince
you that we speak the truth.
ill oh e. i mod 91 Suits at $2 50 Up-to-datb Children's Suits.
lilack ( U Worsted $L0 Suits ut ."00 ciiihl's Fiuo Suits, 3 pieces with
Itluu Merge Wool Suits $10 at .00 pancy Veats at 1.25
Fim-stall Wool $14 ;it $9.00 and vp pne all Wool Suits, S pieces with
Big Bargains in Youths' Suits. Fancy Vests at 2.00
Wool Suits with long pants i Tho very latest Suite, 3 pieces with
worth $5 at $2.00 Fancy Vests at .$2.50 ami tip
lns' Fine Suits with long pants . Child's good Suits in 2 pieces at !)8o
w. nli ( ;t 3.50 Child's good -all Wool Suits in
Fine Dross Suits worth $9 at 5.00 2 pieces 81.50
v v l.ave the largest line ol Youths' Child's Fine Dress Suits, very
Suits ever rhown. I Pty, fflOOamlup
You etui mivu uU per ixat, by buying your suits of us. We "ill sill you the regular ."VOn and 7"c
Overalls al :18c, extra heavy. Meu'sg I Hose, 5o u pair, 10c kind, Ladies' Good Hose, 5o a pair,
I Or kind: Men's gml 8usiidera, 10c a pair, 20o kind. DON'T bX)RGET TO LOOK AT OUB
HATS s XI) ( Al'S. we have the largcsl line at half price. Men's Ties, all styles tha regular 50o
kind ni liar. Knee J'mhIs, 2 pairs for 25c. One lot of Umbrellas at 40c, tho 75c kind tor Men and
I Mrli,- mMKunl 'IKK us Ivifurn vim mirehase. We have many BARGAIN'S which are too many
iu met lion, which n ought to see.
Clothier, Middleburg, Penosi
H. Katz, 5
ext door to Court House.
I arrived home
from ihe eastern cities, April with the largest
nest line of Clothing and dents' Fur
g Goods ever known inSunhurv or Cen
'nnsylvania. I picked the goods myself
.....ii ihe very best steck in the market.
I extend a'cordial invitation to you, all Snyder Co. people
Come and examine
my beautiful stock which is arriving daily.
c occupy the finest rooiu and location in the
city f Sunlmry. If )oncouie to Sunbury,
do not forget to pay ine a visit whether you .
buy or not. All the stock we sell, if not satis- I
factory, we refund the money. 2
n m
r i i i
I t
! Wc pay half fare
from every direction of Snyder County from
a liftecn-dollar purchase up. INly stock is X
marked in plain figures and strictly our one
iie' to all. 1 hope to see you personally
sunn in my store.
ais b. imi !,,-i si.
(rieb'aOli) Stand)
;'-w-x-"i"'-'"! ''-w-iw-i
or I
LEflSTIWi. - - -.
Marked attractivenese in design and color and excellent iiiality
of fabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
nfttterni of the well-known Wilton's. Axniinsters and Tapestry
t - t
Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains. Uag Carpets in all styles t
and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es- ::
oleasing. We also have a fine jj
by Carriages.
W. H. FELIX, .
t Vallev StTeet, Lewistown, Pa. I
1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i
mil in. i inn i i3rtriA