(JO lJL powDCU Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oyu ium Powtif CO.. ar on. MeMiinwTn 0 - ny th itts tioa of aitari. LANDS OF T - 2 I :OKWEA . TH. Jopablican Standms Caaaiittee. Ada C. Ti Blna-ainan. . D. Mix-. R-,-i (littrltM DrOOBO, Kliner VVfliel. . i-rr V -Tbna HhMW, -lae.ou linker. tVi.tr.- W A. Naap. K II situ.. 04 nvi IVIt -t-i ,iT.-r. t ' II. l7KlagTove F liii-.luhn llackenburg;, (Jco I1. sietl,,. J . I. Harvey Wover, A.'Broue. M I lie i iric--K W, SKch. Prank Keita. J I lim-mak -D K How. Geo. i' Siuok lf.oa L. Young, D I" Killer P i i - I irrv I. Knlr. (o M itmer. f- - 9 K Borer VII 'n Valentine I . -.1-,-, ah W iiM, 5 l 'iril' ..nurrove J. A. I um-ant, J. F.Keller. 1 . haa It K e l II rlnook. I' 'aoob sunt, . .1 stiiili lA 14 hi -,,-r i i loyer, IV P BaoWB. la .:u Vm-v;. 'li nr nan ..i.HK l : V -. a "irv. e nu S.Vl... f o 1 S.x r v ii So InaerteJ fr i I 1 1 m 'ia bllla are irttll-J 'lien the tilU urt n-jl nrilltod I aulf aill ' ergod Para n e I to aa.1 aho ill a alojt s 1 it - id i tin a il i on. it VY. V.pril -.') nl Hp .in I 3 aho How l-:V t v i imi noiiaa i ii i a hi 0 i Vpril f , al Port rreverl hi Tr intm in. a. I nlulatrete-r ! Oev .1 w I Ht-ii 2 horaea, I ooe4 I 'i is'a, f.i i up! nanlaa i-l nouaebold nooila ATI) : vv April r it Hi- homeol v'itt -ii iiv t in ''vrinofor I. In m li er. eseoutor of 'ohn . Ii"--I h i leahal I i - (TH6 CAPITAL CITY LIHj lit 'I i. -i I'lr -in rhrouxli marl I, 4xtMI mi if S"rii' llfla - il till . .n ,l itiiil Month null N un iih nil; SEABOARD AIR I, INK HAIL W Y U .ml.' I I'HE CAPl PAL' I P) LINE, h hiiihi' it cutnra tit h dtpiii iI til" nix States wiliotl it fi iv.'i'S" - Il laiVD "! tllH N .tlomil Ciipitu thr itiiil wrllio'i its trttluN run aoii f'" ' ii N"W V ir In JaCi(Nonviili, ,tn i T'l.ti,)!, Plljrldti t rilH llirmli li u uo iii I. V . t ilniirh, V 1 !.. Uolu bi it S ! , Vtlitntii, G-i., M iit'jouitir) Aa uml I'.ill ili iaee, I'i.i. v 'lu pond will oontinii in ru i t'i I a iih FLORIDA AND METROPOLI TAN LIMITED, . .1 THE FLORIDA 1 AND ATLANTA PAST kUll, 1'RAiNsl nil inline tliu ul'ly (liruuth limitiil rvii'e ! my, mciimiiu o imiuy, i !. i N -v- V iril ftnd Ploil la. mi i f li:,. nbrr)8t line between tbetie poiutn, Ta. m' eplelllillv llioderil tniiiiH .. the SEABOARD Ala LI S E RAIL WAV arrive, mill depart from Pr?on vIvHuin Rttil'Wriy rfiHtions nt WhsIi laijl in. Bitltiiuore, I'liilmJelplnn and New V nk. oirryinjt 1' ilim i i'm tuon improved eqaipmeut, wita uaexeellen iiiiiuiK ivir Mcrvioe, oonipurtiueiit. ilr iwiiiix-room and obwrvatlon o:, ll mi- I'ulliii hi hi rviO'l live tiuie i. k- uli .way iVoih Witsbloirto.i t . Hint tMrlebrated reeort, Piueiiura , c. I' hat I lie short line to mi. I fr nn Riebiuniid, Norfolk. PurtH'iioutii, H i lelru, Southern Pines, Coluinbia, Sn rannah, Jaokaonville, Tinipn an. I Atlanta, and the prinoipal eltletbe twenn the S.inth and Batt. It in alio t i.' .li troii'.' to Athene, Auusttt and Maoou, I "Atlanta rllr-'ot oonnuotiona lire in. uli' :n i i L'.ii. in Station for('bat lauoosa, Niinhville and Men) pi lis, hImo lor No' Oi'le.iu-i and 'I' p lutn in T i ";.! if i n' i hi I 'I iiloo, I . additio i . It i- the only In nr l in ; i iiimii ;'i I ciin-, and plllliU-tll ,, i.t,veen v laiita mi l N -no ... .v , 'i'' I iiiiietiouK ire in df a ii li i i . i I n i hi S " i nis'iii i 1 1 pa 1 1 '. i r mi N Y ir'rt t'l" M, A M r. l! itiipany, from Bomton and Fr.ivtdi' . ! . N irfolk and W i h ' t in S i a it C nnpatlV, from lVntiiiiiituu, i he Baltimore Steam H i r i in. niv frmii li i It i in e. i mi tim N. V, P. N. lt'ii .viy, from N mi fork an I Philadelphia, : hrouif i Pn mi in oar aUo iprat mi i iv - , In Inn hrttween Jaiik ium, yiHe mill 41 L nil -i, via Montieelln, nal iiwt'-i J lUKA'iuville and N -w Oil.- ma, in a I li'iou til I ll r iillth iral r n ii Inif.-f I '.i iir CaM bel wemi S t THE 0ATNS10R'ri;a ITRA1T. ft. Marrlind Aanrn If. I Ba i ' don With Rla Catvbrai : Pll pa, London, April 9 C. : , !! Ak new, who arrived at I erp on the steamer Etmi.i it! :i the Gainsliorouph pA .. ci . !ie.i of Devonshire, csi. e it onc o L nlon, and on bis arrive! he.e he ! nilc.! over the picture to the cltl'kt :U deter tlvos. who dtpoalted it in u u.j ,a the office. Mr. Ajme-.v snys the ltattnentt to the effect that P:it Shelly had any- tiiinc to do with the r very of lie picture are not tnie, and that' he (Mr. Agnvw) did not pay any money in America The hill for the detective work in the United States will be paid thrniich Scotland Yard. "The papers are filled with many mis leading .statements conccrnin.' the Gainsborough," added Mr. Agnew. "j went to America with many mic;iv Insrs. after CO many years of search When I reached New York I found i; necessary to proceed to Chicago, where 1 tret the Plnkertons. Hy the most nniiin:) process in the world the por trait was turned over to me by them The history of the picture during Its detention for a quarter of a century is as much a mystery to me as it is to the real of the world. The portrait Is In as perfect a state of preservation as any Gainsborough I ever saw." PHILIPPINES GOVERNMENT. Jndse Tafl Will Probably nr o eraoi of tin- Ialamla. Washington, April 9. The news from Manila regarding the establishment ol ciil government Is in accord with information already made public hen that the new Philippine government will be established about July 1. One of the most Interesting features is the question as to who will be in supreme authority under the president. The law gives the president power to njiue ome one to have supreme command. Judge Tuft , it Is understood. Is to be tin- governor of the islands, but It Will be necessary to have some one in Washington to act as the medium of communication between the president and i lie governor, and some cabinet of ficer will be selected to have charge of tin- Philippines as well as other in sular affairs. Authority over the islands probably Will be exerc'.3cd by the president I.! ugh Secretary Root, as the secre ta . is familiar with the governmental machinery of the islands. Geaeral rinr ii,-iii, -rmt. Lexington, Ky., April 6. Sheriff rplyer and two deputies went to White Hall, the palatial residence of Gen. Crssius M. Clay, ex-minister to Kussia. to serve papers in a civil suit Insti tute! by the general's daughter, Mrs. Mary B. Clay' The old general, how ever, refused to receive the papers and opened fire on the officers, who return ed the fire from behind trees. Then he barricaded himself in his room and is sued orders that no one should be ad mitted to the house. Subsequently the daughter withdrew the suit, which was for possession of some furniture. lllork Coal Mlnrra on Strike. rtrazil, Ind., April 9 - The block coal miners, by a unanimous rote, yester d ly rejected the proposition made by the operators Saturday, which was practically the same as the settlement in the bituminous field. The hitch cniiies on the powder question. The operators insist upon the miners pur ch: sing powder from the company at $1.76 a keg. and the miners refused to sign the contract unless the powder clausi shall be eliminated. The miners arc slil! Idle and tin work will be done until a settlement shall be reached. i . il train 'rvi'i' in IIM c'.iss with most c myeiiieut sehednle. In i ! tin- SEABOARD AIR LINE l; !., '. ,Y I r ,'ii..' ,i isnmin-rn fo ; iuts, nfTordi'iff tl e qui !; i ' . s, I'm.' t triliub Itllli uiusl U in ' nervice. It- Plod mile book , ,.i ii j .' i.tji i, nr if.o l fro a VV i -li i i. ( ' . v ! lh" "iitir" HVHtem ll id en iuolud iiu Plorid '. Ill i f a ccnturj- of it tin' R-asotis why i;ooiis stamped 1847 Rogers Bros." the product of this long xperience arc best. They are sold by leading deal ers, For catalogue No. 191 explaining points of in terest to buyers, address the makers Inlcrnatlnnul Silver Compaaj, Mi rlil. 11, I una. Votings strike Qneatlsn, Wilkesbarre, Pa., April 9. It Is said tl .-t a vote is now in progress among ' hi employes of the Central Railroad of New Jersey as to whether of not a itrike shall be ordered. After the vote .1 taken the result will be submitted I 1 t'i" chief officers of the various 1 'Otherboods, who can either sanction 1 Btrike or veto it. Two-thirds of mployes must vote in favor of a itrike I" fore one can be declared. Out if 1 he ii.tliiu men in the employ of the Central railroad It Is said that 2,(100 ..: 1 brotherhood men. "'"ii 8-nillente Si 1 1 1 RcachlngOnl Si. Louis, April 9 The Post-Dls- patch says: John Arthur Rice, said to be 1 n : ntative of J. p. Morgan, h lefl for the east, after a visit here, tor (he purpose, It is said, of furthering l ili ai Involving the purchase, by a yndlcate said to be headed by Mr, I . Ron, of the entire output of spelter, r ;' : i:ie. of the Missouri-Kansas dis trict, which produces seven-eighths of iv zinc in the entire country. The Intlepi Pittsburg he'd here yi furnace opt forming a with a cnpl is said the go through t.ory progr venture. Bl wanted for optioned bj i-iiilent Pomace ComblBO, . A pril 9. A conference was Bterday by the independent rutors for the purpose of .mblne of all these plants, talizatlon of $12,000,000. it combine will undoubtedly In a short time. Satisfae ss has been made in the id nearlv nil the nlanta the new company have been lie promo'rs. MILES' ADMINISTRATORS' NOTlK tera of Atlmlnlntratlon In the IVvi,l Weaver, late ol Union townhln iarOonntV, Pa., dnceaie-1. hnvlnelieen -lothe iinileraisnml. all peraona know'"--elvea Indebted to aald eatate are rnonea' make immediate pavment, while tho" 1 "lalm aeoinat Hie aaiil eatale will , , , luly aulhenticnted to the underalirne.l A. H. TKOUTSf AN, a-lminl--' Aprlll.tMI. Portrmi" nf nv to Grip brines wetlcntn. ertatuHftn, oroitration.- Dr. Miles Nervine cures Id m. Intorm: tlon 1' I .1 aa to Wt:. .her RlaTbla Harr Booa -rantaS to I'rl ralr I irtlea -iteaolotlooo Cooatlaa Two Vor- t nimlaaloao. Hair burg, April I A resotatior was c ' ed In the house last night by Mr. Cor. y, of Lur.erne, requesting At torney i eneral Klkln and Secretary of Internal Affni:s Latta to inform the house not later than April 17 whether any ap: lirations were filed In or war rants granted by the interna af fairs department since Jan. 1, 1901, for any pn! !c lands of the commonwealth in la of rivers or minerals there under, and if so whether any such warrants were authorized or Issued by direction of the board of property, and it so by what authority and what act of assembly, 'i he resolution lies over one day under the rules. Mr. Palm, of Crawford, offered a concurrent resolution that a commis sion of five be appointed, two from the senate and three from the house, to . Inquire i::!" the subject of capital pun ' Ishmcnl with a view to ascertaining I its i .ici toward the repression of i crime. Mr. Harris, cf Clearfield, offered a I concurrent resolution, which was adopted, that a commission consisting , of nine persons learned in the law be , appointed by the governor to report to the in xt legislature a general and com prehensive law regulating the Incor poration and management of corpora tions. Mr. Oixon, of Elk, made a formal an nouncement of the death of Repre sentative P. R. Cotter, of McKean, whose funeral took place this after noon at his late home at Eldred. A committee was appointed to attend the funeral. These bills were read In place: Ap propriating $5,000 to the Fredonla in stitute, at Fredonla, Mercer county; appropriating $25,000 for the erection of a hospital for Injured miners in the anthracite region at Taylor, Lacka wanna county. The bill providing for the election of members of the board of revision of taxes in Philadelphia was recommitted. A legislative apportionment bill was Introduced in the house on Tues day of last week by Mr. Patterson, ol Blair. The bill Increases the num ber of memhers of the house of repre sentatives from 204 to 267. Mr. Reynolds, of Lackawanna, Intro duced a bill prohibiting the employ ment of children under 13 years in and around mines, breakers and washerie. under a penalty ranging from $20 to $250 and 30 days' imprisonment. Mr. Colville, of Philadelphia, pre sented a bill for the establishment ol a state naval militia The Laird local option bill was de feated on final passage by 78 to 73. The Willard fox hunting bill was also de feated on final passage. The bill providing for the election ol mine inspectors in the anthracite re gion, instead of appointment by the governor, passed finally by M2 to 32. The bill taxing store orders, etc., waa reconsidered and passed finally, as wai the bill requiring coal to be mined by weight only, the bill providing for the appointment of cherkweighmen and re quiring all coal to be weighed before screening. In the senate Wednesday of last week the amended Guffey ballot reform bill passed second reading. Among the bills read in place In the house Wednesday of last week was one to prevent the acceptance by public of ficers and employes of free transporta tion on railroads, railways and othri transportation companies and provid ing a penalty of $100 and forfeiture ol office for violation of the act. Among bills passed finally by the house were: Making it willful tres pass to hunt, trap and take oik. deer or fawn from enclosed lands; increasing the number of factory inspectors fion. 20 to 25. The Fox enpltol building bill cam, In for considerable discussion when il came up in the senate on third read ing on Thursday of last week Mr. Fllnn, of Allegheny, offered an amendment that the names of State Treasurer Barnett, Auditor General elect Hardenberg, President Pro Tem. Snyder and Speaker Marshall be strick en out as members of the commission and those of J. li. Jackson and Willi:-n: M :C inwny of Pittsburg, John C. Bullitt of Philadelphia and William Hasson ol Vcn ngo be substituted. The amend : I v. i defeated by a vote of 23 till and the bill postponed for the present. Among bills introduced in the sen ate Thursday lastlwere: Hy Mr. Orady, I 'I Iphla, providing for submitting to the people at 'the next general elec tion a proposed constitutional amend menl which will permit the use of vot ing machines at elections; by Mr. Fox, of Dauphin, allowing legitimate and ilb' Itlmal children born from the same mother dying without children to inherit real and personal property from each other, in exclusion to the grandmother of the Illegitimate chil dren, as though they had been boru in lawful wedlock (the Banie bill was in troduced in the housoJ. In the house last Thursday Mr. Ken dall, Somerset, presented a bill provid ing for the appointment by the chief of he bureau of mines for four sealers of weights and measures for the bitumin ous coal mines, who shall be paid a salary of $1,000 annually. To falsify scales, cars or other vessels is pun ishable by a fine of $500 and six months' imprisonment. Among bills passed finally In the house were: Providing that there shall be kept at the bottom of every slope ind shaft in the anthracite region a best containing surgical appliances for ise in case of accident; repealing the ct of April 28, 1899, exempting pianos, melodeons and orgens leased or hired 'rom levy or sale on execution or dls- ess for rest; providing a pension if 2 a month for Philip L. Braaington, te of Sixteenth regiment. N. O. P. GRAND SPRING OPENING We have just returned from the east, ern cities where we bought out a well known clothing manufacturer of his en tire stock consisting of the finest line ol clothing ever bought in this county and amounting about $6000. We are going to offer this to the people of Snyder County at about V to off the regular price. Here are the prices to convince you that we speak the truth. uitsat $2 . 0 Up-to-date Ohildrbn'8 Suits H.a, h C . or,.! 8L0 Suite at 6,00 (;llil(Vs Fine Silit 3 iecus , Blur tool smu ft.O at 6.00 Fancy Veste at ai -, blnuM " s""1 14 ;lt 900andwP Fine all Wool Suits, 3 pieoes with " big Bai ins in Youths' Suits. Fancy Vests at 2.00 "Xn1 ml Suits with long pants The very latest Suits, 3 pieces with worth $o at $2,001 Fancy Vests at $2.50 and n .s' Fine nits with long pants Child's good Suits in 2 pieces at Worth rli .1. 3.50 Uhild'S good all Wool Suits in Fine Dress Suits worth $9 at 5.00 2 pieces ftl.50 We have the largest line of Youths Child's Fine Dress Suils, very UitS ever hhoWII pretty. 92.00 an, nn j mi 'i 11 m km &0 iter 1 1 iii. by buyiug your suits of us. We will se ll you the regular 6O0 anil 7". Ove. ru I Ii- u Ne, extra ht uvy. Men's good Hose, 5c a pair, lOo kind, Ladies' Gojd H ise, 5j a pair lOo kind; MeirVgmid Suspenders, 10c a pair, 20o kind. DON'T FORGET TO LOOK AT OUR HATS A M CAPS, we have the largest line tit half price. Men's Tics, all styles, the regular fi lj kind at 2oe. Knee Punts, 2 pairs for 25c. One lot of Umbrellas at 40c, the 75j kind fir Mm ml Ladiei. I OMEand EE us betore you purchase. We have many BARGAINS wiiL-li uiv t nn iy in Dieutiou, wliitli ti iiiijiit to Bee. H. Katz, Clothier, MidllebiW2, Pen 1 1 'ext il 1 r t O.mrt U kiss, I arrived home from the eastern cities, April 2, with the largest and finest line of Clothing and Gents' Fur nishing Goods ever known inSunhury or Oen traf Pennsylvania. 1 picked the goods myself from the very best stock in the market. I, I extend a cordial invitation to you, all Snyder Co. people Come and examine my beautiful stock which is arriving daily. Y e occupy the linest room and iocation in the city of Sunhury. If you come to Sunbury, do not forget to pay me a visit whether you buy or not. All the stock we sell, if not satis factory, we refund the money. We pay half fare from every direction of Snyder County from 11 fifteen-dollar purchase up. My slock is marked in plain figures and strictly our one price to all. I hope to see you personally soon in my stoic. X WOLF FREEDM AN, ;iih K, Miirhci si. (IgetgaOld siiuiil) m .ii HTTi'AT -e-c-09'; to 0 o p. a c O W 0 trJ o O ssTTfewaj J3 m X r m sat CO O) o '..-- rn fiiiiiiliiiitiiaiiaaiiiiiiiiaaaiiiiiiatiiliiatilii)aiiiiiiiiii 9 CARPETS, rvlRTTIMG RUGS and FURNITURE. m 1 A . 1 ci cia i X xo maivc room lor a larger spring chock 01 t Carpets and Mattings than has ever been dis- f played in Lewistown, I will sell all my pres ent stock of Furniture and Carpets until JVIaRCH 15, 1901, at the following reduction: 4 Furniture,25 per cent; Carpets, 20 per cent. I I REMEMBER I Guarantee vou the above reduction on X EVERY DOLLAR. This sale is positive. Be among the first for best selections. W. H. FELIX, Valley Street, LEWISTOWN, PA. X w CD O O a S5 CQ a P Hi in 1 in inn tin timi it till ii iii mini in m in ih
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers