The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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    v that Stuart was tlilnkitiR hi n
m there. It was about his relations 1
wltii these nien with whom he was '
,,- ISSOClatsd as a member of the
lK,,lv of Christ If he had been grow-
lag more and more to believe that he
was liis brother! keeper ever since the
ditto of his father, much more BOW,
ajpcclally since his conversion and this
Amr'a mmUBJon. Andrew's prayer
touched on tbttt. 'Hie service was very
At Its close Btuart asked Andrew If
l,e might say a Word, Uld very simply
put strongly he stated his Christian .
(S I th and asked for the prayers of the
church that strength and wisdom j
niigh' be given him to live the true life
0f a disciple, ills words as ue stood
there in all the strength and glory of l
1,1s young manhood touched the
i .. fPI 11.1 ..... I
uiiU o'opi.N. auej uni uui uun ii
BUCh, but they felt it nnd talked of It
DP their way home. Such a scene had
net been known in Champion In their
In spite "f all lids and the tremen
dous bold that Stuart was obtaining
over the men the union held for Its
original ternit and showed no signs of
erenbening. The Salvation Army still
continued to exercise Its rest mining
Iniluetiee over the majority, although
tl. drinking was Increasing. Almost
the only li"l"' Stuart had now was that
ii,,. Cleveland owners would be com
pelled to yield before the winter was
ov.r owing to the demand for ore
which fur the last weeks had been In
creasing, He had little expectation
tiiut the full demand of the miners
would lie granted, for lie remembered
that lii the history of strikes very few 1
Inrge strikes had ever been successful.
But lie hoped the owners might make
such concessions that the union would
agree to buck on a large rise iti lire- I
viniis w ages.
go the week following communion
Sunday opened with special meaning
to Smart. It was a memorable week
for Champion. The fever epidemic had
reached its height Most of lis victims
were children. The number of deaths
dully was appalling. Andrew, Eric,
the doctor, the nurses, Rbena and Stu
art, with all the available help from
the Christian people in the town, were
battling with the enemy with all the
mllit of skill and the exercise of all
that money and wutchfuluess could
Stuart and Uhcna had met several
times that week. Nearly nlwuys it
was by the side of some dead or dying
child. They said little. Each seemed
to he Mailing for something. Ithena
was worn and thin, but there had come
lato her eyes a look she dared not let
Stuart see. The winter hnd Its Influ
ence in addition to all this to repreas
and hear down the hearts of the peo
ple. Never had such Bnowdrlfts been
known In Champion or such severe
cold. The nights set In with bitter
winds sweeping down the hills, nnd
after the evening train had plowed Its
way out of the station on Its dreary
trip westward Champion seemed to be
abandoned by God nnd man. All con
Section with the outer world seemed
cut off. the Iron hills shut down hard
and close about the town, and the long,
terrible night began, a night of agony
to those who lived uiul those who died.
The dale of the great strike nnd the
great fever will uever be forgotten by
the children who were left untouched
to the grim death.
One night that week Stuart had come
Ihomeverv late. thoroiiL-hlv exhausted.
Willi the frost chill in his bones, the
I benumbing sense of his responsibility
weighing Idm down nnd his heart cry
ing out. "O Lord, how long, how long!"
He had gone up to bis room nnd had
sunk Into a heavy sleep. He wakened
Between 2 and 3 o'clock with a feeling
of something wrong. It was so press
in8 that he rose nnd dressed and went
to the window that looked out on the
town. The night was one of the bitter
est ever known. The wind was blow
ing an icy gale through the valley.
Even the Duncan mansion, wanned as
It was with the best and most expen
se apparatus, felt the shock of the
almost solid cold that struck through
.Suddenly Stunrt ttnw a. llelit In the
'wer end of Cornlshtown. The niln
fs' houses or cabins there were built
'or the most part of logs or slabs from
the mm. They were crowded very
close together at the lower part of the
'wn. As he looked the llirbt flamed
UP higher, nnd his heart bounded as be
realized that one of the cabins was on
"re. The horror of it as bo considered
wiiat such an nccldent meant on such
& Uglit Stupefied him, but only for a
wond. The next Instant he was down
"airs, had flung himself Into his over
Jt, was out of the house and 6peed
I down the road.
When he reached the square, lights
ere springing up in the windows nil
The alarm hnd reached the
TOle, nnd they were rising. Hy the
"tie be reached Cornlshtown half n
"Men bouses were blazing. The min
J had turned out in a body nnd were
uting the (Ire like fiends, but the In
PM cold, the high wind and the uear-
MSJ Of the enhln. n iitw. n mtt It or at
. " iUW OClUCUll'll L UIUUV L lit
QSUt II Inn) hnnnlnao nna
tUart nnlntvwt nil tlw, atslatafc nnd n r.nA
, - w vv uu (uc rMi iv nun ii' u
. be carried out of the bouses nearest
Pare, nnd he hlmaelf worked like ten
P Tere was no water available.
PJ engine and bote companies hnd
We a desperate effort to reach the
"lill, I,,,, tho li-.,,.,i,,l,,,,u ,1,-lflo
P the Condition nt Mia rnmla inn.lo I
i08Slble. Th annnr .., !,
b' Wennnn i. t .
OVer tho ln 1... Ik.
C"ed inlnera Dhn an
'he edges by this novel method. But
wina swept everything before It lu
1 nter of im r,. o.i . .. .n
g the men tried to do wtt to rescue
LtUart WAS holnfne anmA Ann am mm m
child . V 1 '
eoua oat of t cabin when
tolng timber wu caught op r-'"
- W'"m m vuv uu; n
giant hand right over the couch on
which the child was lying and struck
Stuart, knocking him off his feet aud
causing the man who was carrying the
other cud of the burden to stagger and
(wL Stuart did not rise. At that mo- j
uicnt Dr. Saxon was coming out of the
adjoining cabin. The man who had '
been helping Stuart rose and yelled fur
the doctor He came over and picked (
.... " , M ... . I.... I 1 llul- 1. I
l'V -'iwi s i oe mm mi'ii n nine uov
nnd carried him clear down the path
to Eric's cottage. The miners said
afterward that Saxon's face, as it
blazed in t)ii light of that horrible fire,
was the face of one who looked both
death and hell in the countenance and
uelleil them to steal away his beloved. ;
Eric's cottage was out of the line of I
the wind and tire that night The
.1 - l : i l i,i
uuviur uuu Diu&n uuwu. .s ne ma
so a woman rushed Into the cottage
ud Bong herself down by the side of
the body. It was Kheua, and the
"Stuart! Stunrt! Do you know met"
cried .is the kneeled there: "Stuart!
Btuart! Do you know me'.' I love
you! Oh, doctor, he is not dead! lie
is not. Is lie? (Hi, how I love him!
1 love him!"
"At this rate." quoth Dr. Saxon
grimly, "we shiill have to put up an
other band stand in the square." Hut
he looked at Stuart as he lay there,
deaf to all those words of love from
the woman whose heart was now his.
nnd the doctor's look was very stern
and grave.
(TO be continued next week.)
That's the morning call of Chanticleer.
It's a welcome crv to a well man. But
to a man whose sleep
seems to have been
only an unrefreshing
stupor ; who wakes
with burning eyes,
throbbing head, and
a bad taste in the
mouth, it means
only a new day's
In such a physical
condition health is
most surely and
swiftly restored by
the use of Doctor
Pierca'sOolden Med
ical Discovery. It
cures diseases of the
stomach and organs
of digestion and nu
trition, and it cures
through the stomach
diseases of liver,
lungs, kidneys, etc.,
which have their
origin in a diseased condition of the
stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition. It increases the activity
of the blood-making glands, and every
organ is benefited by the resulting in
crease of rich, mire blood.
"Golden Medical Discovery" contains
o alcohol and is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and other narcotics.
"Your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and t)r.
Sage'w Catarrh Remedy have tteeti of jrent
benefit to me." writea (Prof.) l'leasaut A. Oliver,
of Viola. Fulton Co., Ark. "Before I ud the
above mentioned remedies my sleep was not
sound ; digestion bad : a continual feeling of
miaery, I now feel like a new man. Anv one.
In need of medical treatment for nnial catarrh
enuld dn no better than to take treatment of
Dr. R. V. Merce. I know hia medicines are all
rht in thia class of diaeaaea."
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
cloth binding, sent free by the author,
on receipt of ,jt one-cent stamps, to pay
expense of mailing only. In paper covers
21 one-cent stamps. Address Dr. K. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
produces the. above result a In-30 days. It act!
powerfully and quickly Cure when all others fall
Xonnc men will regain their lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVITO. It quickly and suraly restores Mnrous
oeas. Lost Vitality, 1m potency. Nightly Emissions,
Ut Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, snd
til effects of eel! abuse or excess and Indiscretion,
Khlch unfits one for study, business or marriage. R
not only cures by start ing st the seat of disease, but
Is sgreat nerve tonic snd blood builder, bring.
Ing back the pink (low to pale, cheeks snd re
storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanlt)
and Consumption. Insist on having REVITO, no
other. It can be carried In vast pocket. By mall
1.0O per package, or six tor SJfS.OO. with a poel
tlvo written guarantee to core or refund
the money. Circular free. Address
Royal Medicine Co.,
Bor H'lle in Middlebtirqh, Pa., b j
Reliable man fur Manager of
BrancbOffiee we wish to open in
tliis viciuity. If your record is O. K.
bere is an opportunity. Kindly
give good reference when writing.
A. T- Morris Wholesale Home
U. . . , . . . .
V catalogue 4 cte stamps
Nearly Ready to Elect Officers of
the Big Trust.
TIip Tv ; -four Men Slut. d For 1)1
rrctora uf the Uinaler t uriiuratloai
Itrpreaont Mnn tluuilri-da of Hill
Ions of Dollars.
New York. April 2. A circular Issued
from the OlBct of J. Tierpont Morgan
& Co., addressed to tho stockholders
of the American Bridge company and
the Lake Superior Consolidated Iron
mines announces that the offer of the
syndicate made on March 2, 1901, has
heen accepted hy more than 9S per cent
of the holders of tho stock, and the
plan proposed has heroine operative.
Morgan & Co. offered for the account
of the United States Steel corporation
In exchange for the preferred and com
mon stock of the American Bridge
company, and for the stock of the Lake
Superior Consolidated Iron mines cer
tificates for preferred stock and com
mon stock of the United States Steal
The circular snys:
"The authorized capital stock of the
United States Steel corporation has
heen Increased to 1550,000,000 of pre
ferred stock and vu50,0u0,0U0 of com-
mon stock. The corporation has ap
propriated and has agreed to issue
$425,000,000 of such preferred Itock and
$42ii,O00,O00 of such common Btock
under the contract referred to In the
circular of March 2, 1901. and It pro-!
poses to issue the remainder of such
authorized capital stock for future
acquirements and acquisitions, Includ
ing the acquisition of the stocks de
posited under this circular. All de-
posits must be madu on of before 1
April 15, 1901. After that date no de- I
posit will be received except In our
discretion and on such terms as we
Bay prescribe."
Charles Steele gave out a statement
last night In which he said the direc
tors of the United States Steel cor
poration had not been elected yet, hut
would be in a day or two. The or
ganization and management of the cor
poratlon will he constituted as follows:
Directors, J. I'lerpont Morgan, John :
D. Rockefeller, Francis H. Peabody,
Henry H. RodgerB, Charles M. Schwab,
Elbert H. Gary, Robert Bacon. Charles
Steele. Marshall Field, Norman B. j
Ream, 1'. A. B. Widener. William H.
Moore, James H. Reed, Henry C. Frick.
Daniel Q. Reid. K. C. Converse. Per- J
rival Roberts. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
Alfred Clifford. William E. Dodge,
Nathaniel Thayer, William Edenborn,
Abram S. Hewitt and Clement A. Gris
com. President, Charles M. Schwab: treas
urer, Arthur F. Lake: secretary, Rich
ard Trimble; executive committee, E.
H. Gary (chairman), Daniel G. Reid,
William Edenborn, E. C. Converse.
Perclval Roberts and Charles Steele;
financial (ommittee, Robert Bacon
(chairman), Henry H. Rogers. Nor
man B. Ream and 1'. A. 11. Widener.
IMttxhnm DUtrlet Minora Olrhrnte
PlttBburg, April 2. All the mines in
the Pittsburg district were closed yes
terday and the day was celebrated as
the fourth anniversary of the establish
ment of the eight hour workday. The
new mining scale went Into effect to
day, and It Is believed it will give satis
faction, although there is some dis
satisfaction In some parts of the dis
trict. All fears of a strike in the Irwin
district for the enforcement of the
Pittsburg scale were dissipated by the
action of the men themselves. Instead
of taking the customary holiday, all
but about 500 of the 20.000 miners in
the district were at work.
The Prohibition lasne In Kanaaa.
Topeka, April 2. The prohibitory
issue forms the principal bone of con
tention in the fight over the various
municipal elections In Kansas today.
Since Mrs. Nation's crusade and the
temperance upheaval that followed
both sides have become convinced that
the outcome of the municipal elections
this spring meant much for or against
the prohibitory law. The opinion is
current in some quarters that the mat
ter of re-submitting the prohibitory
amendment to the people will depend
In a large measure upon the result of
today's elections. Hence the Interest
In the outcome It great.
H-M'M"H"H I I -I d' l-l-l
mm m m i-t w tavv mm I fj-fa ,r
-xm- -o
Denier In Nnrble nn1
Nee ten Urnnlte . . .
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
Prices as Low at the Lowest.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. A. J1NXINS. igt,
Robblna; the in r n ear nt by the Aid
of Commlaanry OIHerra.
Mnnila, April 1. -Interest in the cap
ture and fate of Aguinaldo Is well nigh
overshadowed in Manila hy sensational
developments, present and prospective,
of frauds in the rommlttary depart
ment. How widely these extend has
not yet heen ascertained, hut enough
la already known to justify the belief
that they are far reaching.
Capt. Frederick J. Barrows, of the
Thirtieth volunteer Infantry, quarter
master of the department of southern
Luzon, together with seven commis
sary sergeants, several civilian clerks,
a prominent government contractor,
the assistant manager of the Hotel
Orlente, the proprietors of three of the
largest hakeries in Manila, a number
of storekeepers and other persons have
been arrested.
The Investigation has scarcely be
gun, but thousands of sacks of flour
t quantity of bacon and fragonloads ol
other giKids, all bearing government
marks, have been found In the pos
session of unauthorized persons.
Will Rat n- Foreed into latnlns the
Mnnfltiirluii on i en t Ion.
London, April 2. Br. Morrison, wir
ing to The Times from Pekln, says
"The Yang-Tse viceroys have carried
the day. LI Hung Chang, who wireil
urging Emperor Kwang Su to rerou
aider his decision, received an nnswe
that the throne's decision, In thi pres
ence of the unanimous advi i tli
chief provincial officials, wan Irri
vocable, and that the Manehurlan con
vention could not he signil. 1 . ; . .
of her threats, ltussia m
to slam the door. Negot hit I'll
Li Hung Chang and M. De i. r wen
certainly proceeding lasi Wedn sdaj
when M, De Oiera agreed to several
formal amendment! of the iext. Kus
sla's cynical and bold diplomacy ap
pears for once to have over reached
Forty learn In tho Navy.
Washington, April 2. Medical Direc
tor William T. Hord, of the navy, died
here last night. He held the relative
rank of captain on the retired list. His
naval service covered a period of near
ly 40 years. He was born in Kentucky,
and was about 70 years old. He was a
volunteer aid on the staff of Gen. Nel
son from the battle of Pittsburg Land
ing to the evacuation of Corinth. Miss,,
by Gen. Beuuregard. On the steam
sloop Pawnee he participated in all the
operations against Charleston under
Admirals Dupont and Dahlgren and
Gen. Gllmore. He was commissioned
medical director May 1, 1879, and was
retired on account of age in 1893.
Connt llnulalied From Huaala
St. Petersburg, April 2. It was ru
mored several days ago. but generally
disbelieved, that Count Leo Tolstoi had
been banlBhed from Russia because ol
the attempted assassination of Privy
CenoclllOT Pobledonost.eff, chief pro
curator of the holy synod, the attempt
being attributed to a desire for revenge
growing out of the excommunication of
Count TobltOl. A press correspondent
has received a private letter from u
usually trustworthy source In Vllna,
capital of the government of that name
saying that Count Tolstoi was reported
to have passed through Vllna March
26, being escorted to the frontier by
two gendarmes.
dare m Life Vow a xniior.
Cavite, April 1. At 7 o'clock yester
day morning fire was discovered In tin
sail room of the United States gun
boat Petrel, Lieutenant Commandet
Jesse Minis Roper commanding. The
sail room is a small compartment ad
Joining the magazine. The heat was
intense, the smoke suffocating and Hit
(lames difficult to extinguish. Lieu
tenant Commander Roper, In endeav
oring to rescue Seaman Patrick Toner
was himself suffocated, Toner wa
Anthracite Mine strike Averted.
Wllkesbarre, March 30.- The threat
ened strike of 143,000 miners In the
hard coal region will not take place
At meeting of the executive commit
tee of the United Mine Workers ol
three districts held In this dty yester
day it was decided that the men should
continue at work. In the opinion of th(
committee, in a lengthy address issued
last evening, and which was prepared
by President Mitchell, the circum
stances do not warrant a strike at
this time.
llavaaa's Mayor ItealKiie.
Havana, April 2. Senor Alejandro
Rodriguez, who was elected mayor ui
Havana June 16, 1900, has resigned the
Office, and the ayuntamlento will elect
his successor today. At yesterday's
seS3ii D i.n attempt was mad.' to elect
Senur Bayas, but the action of thi
ayun' imlento was declared null and
void owing to the fad that the resig
nation of Senor Rodriguei h id not
been formally filed. Si nor Zayas and
Dr. Luis Utovez, secretary of justice
are the rival candidates.
Polish Wotiimi Bealded n Cottstaaie,
Buffalo, N. Y., April 2 Philip Kai
ser, a constable in Checktowago, wa
scalded so badly by an infuriated
Polish woman yesterday that it is
feared he may die. A warrant has been
issued and a posse of six men Is
searching for the woman. Kaiser was
searching her house for stolen prop
erty. Three .Mnrylnnd Mlnera Killed.
Cumberland. Md., April 2. Three
coal miners were killed in Allegheny
rounty yesterday, John Clupp and John
Kirkpatrlck, of Uuiaeoning. by a fall
of roof coal In Pine Hill mine, near
that place, and Thomas Oracle, of Kck
hart. by a similar accident at the Hoff
man mine.
Minn Worklna; Half Time.
Wilkesbarre. Pa., April 2. Notices
were posted at all the mines of the
Delaware and Hudson company yester
day that until further notice the col
lieries would work only half time. In
the Wyoming region about 4,000 men
tad boy are affected.
AllraVd Attempt to Kill the ( aar
Londhn. April 2. A dispatch to The
Mornlnk Leader from Keif taya it it
reporteu that an officer of the house
hold attempted to assassinate the csar.
He fireJ tt his malttty, but missed. He
for Infai s
The Kind You Have Al nys Him;; lit bus borne tho siien.t
tttre of Chan. tl. Pletc icrtand has been math under his
personal supervision I r en :tO years. Allow no ono
to deceive yon in this. Counterfeits, lmitiitions ami
'.Tii.s(-as-jfool are but Experiments, and endanger the
hoaiih of CLildren Experience against Experiments
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
t NTann cdmpsn
One of the medical journals tells
of a recent fuucral tt K.i-i llulti-
more, Md. A rhi Id
lafei'l iua In li.l h -
bad died iru m
diphtheria, and the
mother, having no mourning i- .
of her own, borrowed from a uiiyh
bor. A few days after tin' (ruruii nls
were returned diphtheria hrok u
in the. other family. Such cases lire
not unusual. Too great pains can
not li taken to amid infection where
there ia a case of this disease. The
germs of diphtheria, scarlet fev r .md
aoine other diseases are readily con
veyed by clothing, Hi re is another
illustration. of the fuct: An infant of
tender nge died of scarlet fever.
Some of its Ion-,' eh.t hi s, which re
handsomely embroidered, weir laid
aside. A year or two later another
infant WHS horn to I he j-ame parents,
and was dressed in the sa clothes,
ibis chilil, too, was ttrickeu with
scarlet fever and died. To the par
ents the event was a mystery, but
many other people understood the af
fair. In all such cases, though, one
cannot but wish that the attending
physician had warned the families in
which these illnesses occurred against
tho danger of infection.
A few months ago a lady visitor nt
the farm of a citicn of Willimantic, 1
t onn,, w hue scat
ti ring corn for the
ehiokens and young
Title One Takes
the Wreath,
turkeys, lost from her linger a valua
ble diamond rintr. A faithful search foi
the gem proved without avail, aud it
wtt naturally concluded that the ring
had been swallowed by tome one of the
fowls In its eagerness to partake ol
the corn. A day or to befure Thank
giving one of the turkeys of the flock
fed by the lady when the gem was lost
waa killed, that it might adorn the
festive Thanksgiving board. By a pe
culiar coincidence the sum lad) "at
again visiting at the house. The crop
of the turkey was unusually large and
distended, und when Opened was found
to contain a handful of torn, two sus
pender buttons somewhat the worse
for wear, half a dozen shingle nails, j
two Hker ch i ps. a piece of second-hand ,
corn plaster, two canceled stamps,
even toothpicks and a parti) digested i
spool of thread.
Trained nurses are not welcome
guests, iu New York hole!. The hotel
keepers objici to their pretence iu j
their working drese because an) in
dication of the existence of disease in
a hotel is disadvantageous. Lnd
these circumstances they are coni'
pi lied to ;. ) through as much prelimi
nary labor before they go to meals at'
If they hl been invited under formal
circumstances. Yet the wisdom of the
rule on the part of the hotel proprie
tors is admitted, as in somsof the largl
hotels up town, occupied chief!) by
families, there are frequently ten 01
twelve trained nurses employed. The
Bight of so many would not be n as
suring to guests.
A recent Illustration of the passion
for litigation U furnished b) a citizen
of New York, who was a guest at one
of the Mills hotels there, and whose un
dershirt was lost In the wash. What
was deemed compensation for the lost
garment wa offered him. but he pre
ferret! to carry the Cttt to the courts,
where he sued Mr, Mills to recover 75
cents. He was nonsuited, and then he
carried t.he case up to the higher
courts, snd now the appellate term of
the supreme court has affirmed the!
judgment of the lower court. It has
cost the litlgOUi plaintiff the price oi
several ilozen undershirts.
A remarkable test of cut-flower I
preservation was made by a Philadel
phia man whose fiancee was going to
Europe, lie promised her that she
should have a fresh bouquet every day i
she was on shipboard. So he had six1
boxes made and each labeled for the!
day it was to be opened. These he
confided to the steward of the steam- j
er, who placed the boxes in cold stor
age and opened one each morning for
the recipient. After she arrived at
Liverpool the wrote home that the
freah aa.lh.rm-
end Children.
Signature of
trUH'HA v IT H T HI W T . Hits, i
Early in Jul) n Chicago man named
Mockler unit t" Colorado, and then
to Wyoming, in search of work. Ho
drifted back Into tin- mining regions
of olorndo, at e! t In re mc( a hi ij I il
friend, who hnd prospi red. When thin
man learned Mockler wtt with
out money, he l; him a good mining
outfit. Mockler struck n gold lead
near Crested llutte, ami wot recently
offered .? .''. i 00 for It.
In (he "missing book" kepi b) the
Philadelphia police department the
mysterious disappearances for tho
year 1900 fool up 1,710, The large ma
jority of misbing persona return borne
in a short ( ime.
As illustrating the cumulative furct
of the live-cent piece, ii i.-, shiTa
that the total income of the '.'i street
railway companies operating in Penn
sylvania durng the fiscal year ended
June 30, 1'JOO, was $24,447, 1 -1 .
The New York city post office was
so overwhelmed With Christmas mat
ter in the registered department that
many thousands of presents reached
their destination two weeks behind
Thai Kind.
"Answer the question, witness.
What kind of fence was il?"
"It was a spite fence, your honor."
"A spile fence'.' What kind is that,
ma da in V"
"The kind that spiteful folks luiiUr
in back yards, your honor, just to
keep other folks froto looking into
thiair kitchens "- Chicago Tribune.
inn. i . m PolsSS ef View.
Dirt Crtmiw itlil chid" hit lnry snn, 'cause
he In tie, I illi! I.iy.
Instead of getting up to work Wltl the
dawning of the day;
He told him how a laborer oi i st
In the Meld
Had found a leather I'Urst whl 1.
th'ii)..iril dollars yield.
"Oh, that s all right," the youth n
"An esrly blnl was he.
But the man who lost tin m il j
ller. don't you see."
Chicago Dally News,
1 1 a
7 Yx.
Woman (asking alms) Pletse, sir,
pl'v a poor woman the mot her of tea
Man Pit.v you! Mother of ten chil
dren! Why. woman, in this tge that
is something to be proud of. Harlem
An Orator's Impression,
A sense f pride my soul en: olds,
1 untie with kindling '
To ihlt-k m oaf small lari.x n 4
The whole vox popull!
Washington st.i r
nert for Love,
"Congratulations, old man!"
"What for?"
"Oh, don't be hypocritical. Joak
ley tellt me your rich old uncle Jid
last week."
"Joakley thinks he's funny. A pret
ty young widow moved in next door
to my uncle, and lie's dyed his hair
and mustache." Philadelphia Press.
Where It Kadea
" The man who wrote 'Home, Sweet
Home.' was a bachelor, 1 believe,'' the
"Yet," he replied, "what a beattlful
thing would have been lost to the
world if he had married before ha
wrote it."
Then they came out from b..dn41
the palms. Chicago Times-Herald.
He Had Soae.
"What is your opinion of his repu
tation for truth and veracity?"
"1 havt none."
"No opinion ?"
"None. An opinion presupposes the,