The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 04, 1901, Image 7

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    , few about the expenditure
1 000,000. Humanity was full of re-
to be helped. It was the tame
Jesus made, "They will not
unto me that they might have
si life." And these saloons! He
ted past a dosen on the main street
never had thrust themselves so
Iptcuously . into his senses before.
I as he was going oy one 01 mem, a
rd of miners noisily burst out and
tered over the sidewalk. One or
I of them noticed Stuart and seemed
kmed as they slunk by. He went on
t the Salvation Army hall and could
help thinking of Rhena, living her
life lu such surroundings, work-
rith this rough, turbulent element.
UJItl lllc iuie ynu ui mv uiiuni
M far kept n way from the saloon,
lingered n little as be walked by,
log to gat a glimpse of Rhena, but
si i' her nuil went on home.
L next few days were days of
Lt anxiety to Stuart. The doctor's
fictions an to the typhoid fever
led correct. It broke out and swept
Comlsh town with great fury. No
I could remember when such an opl
lc had raged there. Stuart sent
u to Chicago and had several train-
burses MOM up and begin duly at
expense. He blessed God for the
les that money could do lu cases
j tliis. He also relieved Dr. Snxon
hiriu two assistants aud of course
le the doctor himself understand
all the work be did while the
ps were shut down would be rcck-
tbe same as if the men were be-
Lt all this was nothing to what he
to do. He went himself into the
its' cabins and acquainted himself
nil their rough and meager IUr-
lillngs. Several times during these
Is he met Kheua, but sho was ni
ls busy with her duties and hardly
langed word. Stuart fancied she
to avoid meeting lilui. Her man
rai uitrerent. tie wouuoreti vague-
she knew, if she had been told.
he had found her that night n:nl
lied her down through the upper
I this time he was also working at
roblem of the men in Idleness, and
Btort) he thought it over the less
ident he grew of his ability to
the difficulty. Champion was a
nj town, with nothing else of an
trial character to occupy labor of
Uud. There had once been an at-
t to pot In smelting furnaces, but
d failed owing to the expense o(
Stuart confronted a condition of
Heal ignorance on the part of the
rs concerning any kind of manual
xcept that to which they had been
lt Is of course hardly necessary
y that he daily used Ills Influence
the men to persuade them to
I to ills terms, aud yet even while
aril urging he could not avoid
ling of great unrest, and with it all
a certain admiration for the men
,-e as their reason for not com-
ack to the Champion mines ou
s terms. "It don't belong to In
to take the dollars while all the
De Mott men be shut out at the
ages by other companies." The
le situation was a deadlock so fat
ie union was concerned, and the
e problem was a complication of
U and conditions in the commer
world which Stuart faced ns a
thing, especially when he found
elf attempting to apply the teach
of Jesus to his part of it. lie was
ng to act on those teachings as
as he discovered them, but other
Connected with the strike on botl
were not willing. Aud be was,
Sly or unwillingly, n part of the
lerclal system, and as far as lie
one yet he saw little relief for tin
n men or little opportunity foi
se of the money he was ready tc
or use except to help lessen tht
ulate sufferings regardless ol
other people might cull its cause
id not been enough in the habit ol
money for other people to kuow
to do lt either wisely or In n way
e permanent results.
the week weut by, and It was tin
of Aunt Royal's aud Louise's
Stuart dreaded the occasion
se his heart was not lu It at all
imed to bin like a cruel thiujj
W to be havlug a gav, expen
dressy gathering, as he knew this
would be, at a tir e when llttlt
fen were dying am rugged mer
romen in thOM wn died miners
I were tossing Iv ho fever ol
scourge which i.r d its bonj
les of death agal t nearly et
loor lu Cornlshto? and crimh
i one by one out the burulns
Within to the coli brace of the
agar outside. St t insnt tht
11 a round of visitt At different
r m found Ajukrei and Bbeu
wlc. All of them were woru aui!
"Ii the burdens of all they had
mm carried. Rh a esooolull.
M to show the strs of her great
Jl'CS. St 1111 it ........
----- vll VCIJf ill-ill
"K to her once a tit lior over
W lie had. It Is ibtful If lu
""e kept from tig his lovt
"nine breath, f ..ow he did
f It- And late i ho pvpnlim
nt homo with a f. -ling as nesi
nnnrne as he ov kuew. II,
I to have thought must snem
9 In ns sacrltlcla ad helpful s
Pr us possible In onomeut foi
eumg he was to ad, Rut cer
" ever man was ii nnnr hami
'I t) t'tllov fp.MvO i ,.r .- e..i.
- - ' ,1 ' luv Hinn
0ft Stuart was that man. Jim
' ad died that afternoon, and
I lind been tin, . in tin,, t
kneel by the tl and pray
-i Tii went back in the rough
do lo Uotl who ,vo It. The
"t mo prayer and the great sobs
miserable wlf.. till m nthna t
u - -- -- iiiviuvi , tail'
g the children, the wretched hut
" row broken pieces f furnl
now patches on the floor,
windows the
In so commonplace and
ted a manner-all this filled
M be came down Into
the brilliant rooms, decorated with
their garlands and bouqueta of ex
pensive dowers and perfumed with
that refinement which wealth cun
ningly spent knows so well how to pro
duce. The guests came, dressed In the lat
est and best that money can afford.
The conversation was charming and
agreeable. To hear these men and wo
men talk a stranger never could have
guessed that there was such a thlug us
sufferiug In all the world. The music
was about love and flowers and beauty
aud sentimental phrases that bad no
meaning or a double one. The whole
thing filled Stuart for the first time In
his life with unspeakable loathing. It
seemed to him like a dance In a came
tery, where the dancers might Imagine
they were waltzing over fragruiit
meadows dotted with white blossoms
when lu reality It was on human
graves they danced, black with the
freshly laid earth of new made burials.
He never knew bow he jmssed the
evening. Ho sang with Miss Vas
plalne when Louise requested It. He
heard n great appluuse when they bad
Unlshed. L'nu was dressed beautifully.
She was handsome, with great black
eyes and much color, of the type of
English girls, bo different from Rhe
na, Stuart remembered thinking at one
time duriug the eveulng. He found
greut difficulty lu conversation, tie
hnd never been very apt at the slight
nothings society knows so well bow u
exchange. Tonight be wondered if the
world was so happy and satisfied et
erywhere that men and women, made
In the Image of (iod, bad no better w ay
to spend t heir time than to meet for
hours every week dressed lu their best
clothes, eating expensive nnd Indigesti
ble food, singing songs that did not
contain one noble aspiration higher
than a sickly sentiment, excliang'iig
idiotic words thrown Into sentences
that bad no throb of sacrifice or hero
lam or humanity in them, sitting at lit
tle tallies and playing cards by the
hour with n per.-Isteuce and repetition
never shown for any enduring needs of
human suffering and then going home
to sleep late next day ami get up to
prepare for another ulug lu the was
of new ways of arranging dowers, card
tables, menus and decorations ad Inliul
turn ad nauseam after t he manner of
what pleased to call itself the "lirst so
ciety." Yes, the world must be getting oil
very smoothly. There la no real suffer
lug, no Inequality, no need of heroism
or sacrifice, no call for using human
speech lu any better way than to ex
change compliments, no use In trying
to use time except to make money and
enjoy spending it, where women smile
and slug, and flowers give out their
perfume, and dancing r et strike the
polished floor to the m'.'sJe of the
strings behind the palms lu the alcove.
For the world Is society. What other
world Is there that calls for tears and
groans, and sacrifices nud crosses, and
bloody sweat and agony? Strike up 1 he
music faster, faster: "Let us eat,
drink and be merry, for tomorrow we
die." Surely society must ha right. Tlic
Aunt Royals and the Louises are cer
tainly very proper and correct lu their
estimates of what constitutes the right
thing to do. lt cannot be that they are
mistaken In this matter. Yet if they
ore It Is possible the great judgment
day will reveal it to them. After all,
death nnd the judgment are two disa
greeable facts. We beg society's pur
don for mentioning them. Strike up the
music faster, faster! Let us not think
too much. Thinking leads to action,
and action leads to sacrifice, aud sacri
fice Is not agreeable.
At 11 o'clock most of the guests bad
gone. The hour hud been fixed nt 11 by
Aunt Royal out of deference to the re
cent deatb in the family. The Vas
plaines had frequently, when at the
Duncans', sent their coachman borne
nud walked back themselves. They had
been trained to the English constitu
tional habit of walking.
"It's an elegant night. Won't you
walk over with us?" asked young Vas
plalne as they stood In the ball looking
OUt at the snow covered hills, a vision
of loveliness In the moonlight
"Yes, let's go. Stuart!" cried Louise.
Aunt Royal gave her consent, so lie
fore Stuart knew It he wns serving as
escort to l"na, as he could not very well
hjMl mm.
Jificiui ci)))i-urcl on On thrcuhoUi .
have reftmotl to tlo without making
more of the refusal than It wns worth.
And Vn8)lHlne went with LonlSS lit
tle wny heblodw
As they reached (ho town tintv nnd
began to cross It they hemtl the Salva
tion Army slnitltiK n hymn. The hall
war lighted up, nnd the mooting was
still going ou.
Tea, Jeaua UN lilt heme on high.
Out of love, out ol love;
To antler death tor MS ami I,
Out of love, out ot love.
Our alntul tint were on htm rolled;
Oh, look, Mior tinner, tnd Iwholdl
lit ahed thia inn loin ll,.,.,l, we're told.
Out ol lave, out ol love.
He had now here Mi held to ley.
Out ot lore, out of lev;
He Silked the itreeta by night tnd day,
0l it am, Ml at lore.
Oh, SjSnaSj will you bow bcglii.
Take up your croa ud follow bimt
He' a proaniatd ht will take you In,
Out ol love, out of lot.
Oh, tinner, will you stop ud think
Of hit love, ol hit lore.
To htve hit hindt tnd t.-rt to torn.
Out of love, out of lovcT
Oh. will you come to him todty
And gvl your tint til waahed away
And walk with us the narrow way
Filled with love, filled with lovef
The hymn was sung to the tnnc
"What's the News?" It gave ubuuduul
opportunity for criticism as to its
grammar, meter and literary charac
ter, but It struck Into Stuart's heart
like a blazing contrast with the whole
evening spent with society in Its self
ishness. Just as be snd Una reached the end
of the diagonal in front of the bull the
door opened, and some people came
out. And as ho stepped his foot on
the curb with Una by his side, re
splendent lu all her healthful beauty.
Rhena appeared on the threshold. They
were but a few feet apart, and lthe
nn's eyes caught Stuart's for one brief
glance and tlieu rested on Vna. Then
the door was shut, uud Stuart and Una
weut on.
Looks more attractive than housework
for a woman, but it is also even more
exhausting. The work is often dune
under high pressure, and the brightness
of tile eyes and tin
flushed cheeks of
tlie attentive clerk
indicate nervous
Uesa rather than
health. If this is
true under most
favorable condi
tions, what shall be
aid of those who
sutler from woman
ly diseases, ami who
endure headache,
backache, and
I other pains day
after day ?
I No sick woman
j should neglect the
meant of cure for
womanly diseases
offered in Doctor
Pierce s Favorite
Prescription, it
regulates the peri
ods, dries enfeebl
ing drains, heals
inflammation am
ulceration, am
cures female weakness. It makes weak
women strong and su k women well,
"A hcHrt overflowing with KOltltudc a. well
nt a sense of duty, tiroes mc tn write tj you nud
trti you of my wonderful recovery, savs Mia
Corhsflc C. Hook. Orangeburg, Orangeburg Co .
South Carolina " Iiy the use of fir Pierce'l
Favorite Prescription I am entirely t new tieinic
Compared with the jsxir nneratiie auftVTrr who
wrote you four months sgo. I remark t" my
parents almost everv day that it neetiis nlmoftt
an Impossibility lor medicine to do a ietaon ao
much frood. llurillR the whole rammer I could
scarcely keep up to walk about the houae aud
veaterilay I walked four miles and felt tietter
from the exercise I now weish jji pounds.
Mine waa a complicated caae of female d:eaae
in ha worst form.
Doctor Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
prodacestheahoveregultaln'SOdaTS. Itt.ti
powerfully tnd quickly. Curat when all other tail
Young men will rufc-ain their lost manhood, tnd old
men will recover their youthful vigor by rating
111. VIVO. It quickly tnd nurely reatoret Narrout
nest, Lott Vitality, Impotvocy. Mghlly Emlationi,
Li ft Tower, Failing Memory, Wttine DtSaSMS, tnd
all effect! of aelf-abuso or ciccftand Inditcrttion
t-hicb unfltt ono for etody, bur tnrse cr marriage. II
Dot only curet by attrting tt the rett ot disetae.bul
Is a great nerve tonic tnd ..too,! builder, bring
tn( back the pink frlnw to rale rherkt SSdlS
storing the Ore of youth. It ward off Inntnita
tnd Consumption. lnlst on baring REVIVO, np
other. It can be carried in vt pocket. By mill
1.00 per; Sue. or u for fi.OO. with potl
tlve written aroanntee to core or refund
the monev. Circular free. Add met
Royal Medicine Co., '1
Fortt in iTMleburqh, '.;., 6
-x - j
K. H. LANCE, t
1 tl. rin f trlilr timl
Srisivli QnuilM ... 4
Old Stones Cicin.! .trui Repatrsd T
I Prices .is Low .vs tho Lowest I
Satisfaction GusranSMd, !ji
Crosscrsro. Pa.
l-HH-l-l-l-I il-l-H-I-;. ! l -i-I-l-t-l ; us.
13 Weeks For 25 Cts.
l.r U I: (.l.l. Btifsl
ftstt n. I I - i i. '.at lMiitmatt
inoritni pvtr rutltt)is4
K.v inte.1 M ' rt
ajitlh.Mits .n luteri )u.r s( a
Has H I Lrtf. (th.tlKS. H a-r
an,) .'n.1r i srvM t Vis VH ptpsrtf
it k Muk4, rr tw r'r"
ft iBlrsslttrtsf it is itvthits,
iU rM it iKtn ks f
Sporllna I He. TS DaaSa nida. rhtla
aaaaw rwnar.pkej
FAT F-"s A 9
tS'tr It KM a w (tea trt T
Measures That Occupy the Atten
tion of the Lawmakers.
A Bill to That Bad Intend. o.d la th.
Honte Hill to Emrtatit lewltf Ma
chine, and Typewriter From Levy
r Sale oa Kseeatlon or Dlatre.e.
Hsrrlsburg, March 28. A bill wai
Introduced In the houie laat night by
Mr. Ulrlcb, of Dauphin, eitsndlng tbe
provisions of the act of June 26. 1895.
exempting sewing machines snd type
writing machines from levy or sale on
execution or distress.
A bill was Introduced by Mr. Wlllsrd,
of Philadelphia, for the prevention of
Idlo -y by operation.
Mr. Palm, of Crawford, presented s
bill punishing by a fine of not leu than
$500 nor more than $1,000 or imprison
ment from three months to one year
for violation of the section of the state
constitution which provides that a
member who has a personal or private
interest in any measure or bill pro
posed or ponding before the general
assembly shall disclose the fact to the
house of which he is a member and
shall not vote thereon.
Mr, Roth, of Lehigh, arose to a ques
tion of personal privilege and created
much amusement by explaining that
on Friday he was given a bachel rs'
bill by his friends on the Repttl
side of tho house and that hi t
duced lt as a Joke. Some persons have
taken the bill seriously, and, thtn
he would ask unanimous t . ' t
withdraw It. Mr. Slater, of Phil; del
phla, chairman of the law and ord r
committee, to which the I. Ill was in
ferred, said the committee hud a right
to act upon It and objected to permis
sion being given to withdraw it.
Mr. Creasy, of Columbia, offered a
resolution that the house bespeak tho
courtesy of the senate and respectful
ly asks early action upon the house
resolution to adjourn tlnally April 25,
nnd that the failure of the senate to act
leaves the house In a position where it
cannot safely regulate Its sessions
Hllss, of Delaware, moved that the
resolution lie on tho table. The inn
tlon prevailed.
The senate h-ld a short session hist
night and cleared the calendar of bills
on first and second reading. The nr.-:
Important lulls to pass second reading
were those relating to the Philadelphia
board of revision of taxes.
There was a little storm in the sen-,
ate on Wednesday of last week
over the resolution presented by
Mr. Weller, of Bedford county. In
structing tho committee on elections to
report to the senate un or before next
Monday all primary or general elec-j
tlon bills now before the committee
The resolution was defeated, IS to 21.
iMirlng the debate Mr. Kocht. (hair
man of the elections committee, de-!
clared that a proper bill would he pre-!
sented in due time, "without the aid.
Of fake reformers."
Mr. Johnson, of I'nlon. Introduced a'
bill making the open season for killing
wild turkeys, pheasants, grouse, quail,'
partridges, woodcock, prairie chicken,
English, Mongolian or Chinese pheas
ant from Nov. 1 to Dec. 15. and mak
ing It unlawful to kill Mongolian, En-1
glish or Chinese pheasant for five
years after the hill becomes a law; j
hIso making it lawful to kill woodcock
during the month of July.
The bill creating the office of assist
ant district attorney in counties hav
ing a population of less than 160,000,
and where the court is of the opinion
that such an officer is necessary, he
shall be paid out of the county funds,
was defeated.
Tt Ft'.: -rrner" bills were
rspcrtes to the fcouse on Thurs
Sty tt l?.st vr?;t with an nnniiJ
BMit vrev.ding tor tbe election
St aaae) "r j ex rsTlaie of taxes at t:.
SSIt i'i.. . - iieS ifca, UJ -. foMS-
beii lo serve SBttl their r .cyr-z. : : are
sleeted sad lastalled. "Hie bill rrlc
teaUy J!rtr4 for the appointment
OsfSIBSI jtons of the members of the
board s-fen tbe proposed law went into
In the senate on Thursday of last
week Mr. Berkelbacb, of Philadelphia
introduced a bill providing for .in en
tire c hange in the present ballot law of
the state. The new bill provides for a
law similar in many respects to the
present New Jersey law It also pro
vides for slot voting machines.
The senate refused to concur in'
house amendments to the Philadelphia
fee bill, and so notified tbe house. The
house amended the bill so as to deny
sti.te ofhi -?rs the right to accept fees
By request, Mr. Roth, of Lehigh I
county, introduced a bill In the house
cn Friday of last wck to encourage
marrLigs. The bill provides that a'
mnle cttircn of Pennsylvania over toj
years oM tnakina application for a!
marrisge iicsnse shall pay to the clerk i
of courts :. license fee of which,
is tn 1 1 turned Into the state treasury I
fcr tbe puruoss of autiautlntng homes I
for i ... over 0 years old who'
have not had a suitable orp.irtur.lty orl
offer of marriage snd have not means
sufficient to k;ep themselves in clothes'
and spending money. Any bachelor I
over to years who shall go outside of I
fhe state tor a wife shall pay $100 into
the state treasury.
a lull was Introduced by Mr Qod
oharies. of North smbsrlaas, fixir.s a
penalty of $U0 or three months' Im
prisonment for trespassing to hunt
deer or fawn from lands enclosed for
the preservation and p-.-oriaetation of
the same, one-half of the fine to go to
the informant and the other hAlf to be
applied to the improvement of publlc
Mr. OaWir, of Oauphin. (ntrcxiuced a
bill appropriating It.MV to continue
the publication of the laws of the prov
ince of Pennsylvania prior to 18(K
Beaahlleaaa Saaparl iaey Bill.
Harrlshurg. March H At a oonfer
sace of the Kepubllcan lesdera held at
the governor mansion last nt(ht tt
waa decider! i toques', th Republi
can senator and member sf th
houae to support the tiuffey ballot re
form bill, with the underetaadtac
however, that the circle at the head
sf the party column should be allowed
to rsmala. lt was also decided ts
support the ameadmeat to the oca
solution providing for personal tvgie-
for Infants
Caatorla la a harmless substitute' for Castor Oil, Pare
yorlr. Drops and Soothing Hymns. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nun-otic;
suhstance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness.
It cures Diurrhtua and Wind Co)c. lt relieves Teeth
ing Troubles uud cures Constipation. It regulates tho
N to much and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean the
In Use For
thi ctwTaue CQMeawt. tt
la BraSleate'a Lateet Arqniaitlon.
New York. March jc. The announce
ment that Messrs. J. P. Morgan cv- Co
have purchased what Is known as the
Rockefeller interests In the ships, rail
ways and mines of the northwest was
confirmed yesterday by Mr Rockefell
er's representative, K. T. ;ntes. who
said that the terms of sale have been
fully agreed upon and duly signed. Ho
waH nut at liberty, he Bald, to state
the exact terniK of tfip deal.
Aaarchltla Dlaanlaed Honka,
l)iulon. March 18.- -"Si veral sus
pected anarchists, disguised as monks,
were arrested," says a dispatch to Th"
Dally Mall from Malta, "while the pro
cession escorting the !uk,. Duch
ess of Cornwall and V -k was .',
fhrouu'li flu- s'.tc.ts yestcrd "
RATHER nil l it II. T FOB HIM.
Jones I am never at a lc in con
versation. His Fair Hostess Hut sure'y. Mr.
Jones, there iniist 1- some kubjectl
yon don't understand. What do you
do then?
Jones Oh. then I ray nothing, and
look Intelligent. Punch.
The Phllaaopher,
He bad no luck, however small,
And therefore he was clad
" TIs bent." said he. "no luik at all
Than always have it had '
Catholic fJtanJard and T.rms.
Vlntherlr Ad, Ice.
"Johnny.'' said the .t. l.uis mother,
"I want you to quit using low,
ulcar lar.puapr."
"Why. mother." replied J bnny,
"Shakespeare a:c what I Juil said."
"Then you rr.iist fj-,;it .io. ating
with him." sa;,' the coo.: woman.
"He's not a fit 'companion
Chicago !.,:. N ws.
V II "
Hi Pa ryot e.
"What makes ou keep declaring
that you will ne,-r again be a candi
date for public office?"
"Wei;." ar.swered the rtat, sn ar.
Tve pot to k,-. ;' earing something ;r.
order to preer: n.y fron
oierlooiirc me st a jissiMe callj
date." Washington St,,r.
A ior w::h the title "Thrre'a a
Slph :c the Hear;" was scr.: by a
jour.p mar. t.i his sweetheart, but Um
paper ic'.'. intc the ha::.: the pirl's
father, a very unsentimental th.'.
cian. who e'.aimee':
"What wretched, unsciestiSc rv.b
bish i this? Who ever hetrc ol such
a easef
He wrote or. the on t side:
"Mistaken diagaosls; no ia the
heart possible Sighs re'tte 'mo
entirely to the larrs and A Anhracrr.?"
N. r. Wceklv.
Oar l ntnlns Hnlera.
"ThesT boya," said the school irus
lee. who was called on to sjvak to
the Scholars, "may l.te to Ire our
presidents." And then realizing that
it would nccr do to slight the pir'.s.
he turncil 1o the other side of the
room and said, with t-ome embarrass
ment: "And these girls 'd mc sec -these
gSr'.s may '..r to be our cooks "
Vir.kcrs Statesman.
A Sfcoaear, V leilm
Vtobhs What makes you so nerv
ous? DobbS' Coffee.
lVlTTee- I didn't know ron drank it
lVbhss- 1 do nols Vttit Nobbs ha
jnst Mopped drinking it, and he in
sist on detailing his scns1ins to n.e
cery time 1 see him UnHISsaM
"TV SS beltevr in tbe poa er of mind
over matter ?" asked the mystiea1. man.
"Xo," answered the practtcal ftiesd.
"I believe in the power of matter over
mind. 1 have known a dnll, ;t w:r
tsck hammer, by one awvft raj on the
thumb, to make a man aty thief that
he had noA thought at tor years."
and Children.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
auwwa, utt,. w
He M..
"Yutir htiviittncl leema to be making
larpe and un!cin- collection of
books." rc-markec! the caller, lookiuo
With interest at the costly array of
rare volumes on the library shelves,
"Yes."' replied Mrs GaswelL, witJi
well-bred Indifference. "1 believe bo
becomes more bibulous every clay be
Uvea." Ch cage Iril ui e.
Toauh Lack.
The Doctor Here 1 can led tl at pa
tient through a ci-.sjierate sickness,
only to
ll! Wife Have him object to your
"Xoj drop dead !.c-n he saw n;y
bilir Life.
c.oitfi Toale,
Mrs. Yuri:wife (feebly, from the
bee1) Oh. dear! if I i'ie what wi:i be
come of ihc chile ret. '.'
Sister Maria - Don't worry abou.
that. William will jet married aain
in a little while.
Mrs, Vusfwife (briskly) Well, 1
ain't e'ead yet! Judge,
Rataarkable I'rirre.
Miss Paytrone- L'nder the head "of
"Remarkable Prices" ou advertised
sealskin ccjats at i. ; now you a.-lc
me $100.
Clerk Exsctly; the prices were re
markable hiicI we le marked them
up. Ohio State .lour:. til.
Their I'eeullarlty.
Mr. Dorcas You n.ay tay w!:it
ynu like about the rational dref. but
you never f-aw a pair of b.ixia,e.- that
barpc-d at the
Dorcas Why, n.y dear, they bbp all
o cr. Judge,
I Jhrt an trrnw '.r. the a'.r.
Nor mnrke-i the course cn Which
Then .'jmt-ir.g cat. Hoa 1 c.-S ftrrfl
The tiame.l -.htr.t; Ut apt D rr.y hei.
hn:iaiit i;.h: I're
j "Y, t to. T-..rt !,: d.i Cog"
I "T w , i.; . - ... -rs
"My goodaessl Has dec pr ce of
sausage- gone up?" Chicago Asaer-
DlaaailaSeS Hfritn
Vrs. Ben ham You haven't i i to
chur. h rises the est aeit
Rcattsa W'w't enough to
rrake s a.-:. : thi place? Brooklyn
v kale-sale trupk. Captare,
"Adelaide baa more lovelv
chins and strvet than an woman Z
know ."
"Of course, she bek rs to seven
euchre clubs and s. mr: mef plaa
tw;cc a day." Indianapolis Journal
Kla taaaal Krtrir
"My wife asst rts thai sat?$ zt t
'..'.t at least once eer er."
"How's that?"
"She won't let ate go hv.nt.rp.' ChtV
osm Record .
arr Tkins
He Wi'.'i you s.r.g for mt "Wl.ea I
Am Kar Asii ?"
She Yes; gooi;. Baste Jour
nal Trei r-att, e.
"Don't tell me that USSii c tassBl no
any good!" exclaimed Mrs, KreU "I
kr.ow better. The th rgs 1 worry
about dor.'t happen."- Puck.
XA Sere tke Hirra Oe-rre.
"1 am sot going to try mi more t
ettp'.sin ill the intricacies of finance
said theery '.earned man.
"1 don't blame you." report 1h
superfical. "There no use of tryitj
to explain them."
"Yon are ejnlte wrong there. Then
is nothing easier in the acrid than t
explain them. The only difficulty it
that the explanation can't b uteri
stood." Wsshiaton Star.