lvL FRSFARSD EXPRESSLY FOR THp r3&J&fy BY C0153 op CORRB3PONDENTS )l HUMMEL'S WHARF. IN DBPEN DKNCK. Tin' rain last week raised the riv J IIaI it toil gooo railing rommiuu. William Moyer feels elatel over ! thf arrival ol u buoy boy. i ii Miss Minnie Trutt, Mrs. Kling- te and J. H. Bailey are on the siek , o list. Mrs. Newton Jarrett and daugh ter, Katie, visited the former's par .,nts in this place Saturday. Harry Trexler, wife and ehildren , f ui .kin IV..., ulmitaA ,.,. ' Klingler's Sunday Wm. llohhach and Chester Sny der were at this place Sunday. Chas. Sassaman has gone to Chil" uuaqua to work for Mr. Dagvb where lie has liet'n employed for the past few summers. The sale at Peter Klingler's was well attended, T. P. and Robert Hummel purchased three splendid llirin horses and Samuel 'fruit pur chased a three-year old colt. Among the visitors at J. II. Rai- 'g Sunday, were Miss Emma Kes ler, Wesley Bailey, Henry Leister and Win. Bailey all from Shreiner's and J. P. Bailey wife and son, Eu gene, of Fisher's school house. Peter Railey and wife attended the funeral of their grandchild Tuesday at Shreiner's. Since our last writing there were m mini wiP lit'l ll.rL'- I I . ""lll..t' i i j i-ii berger from Union twp. to J. 8. Miller's tenant house; P. H. Mar tin from Union twp. to J. Schoch's L T !1 C T e nuuse, j'anici uuoottwun, nr. mini t f l V . :n . QUI ii VI i "ii i iivwcti i i s i . .v i i oi I ' 1 l llll 111)111 .1. I j. I IH 1 S I i. c I I m . T farm to his own house; Adam Insch i ar ..ii t i . i v. irum iiuui .mm 1 1 1 ii ii 1 1 M-i i. inn ui via) a'i farm: J. H. Railey from near Newport to John Railey's house. pnrv iviwer irfini .iiiiui u wit s ioiiseto- Selinsgrove; Charles Her- Hn Tmm ni-ir i .ni nwinnniiii th n . fti . raer Klinorlpr's. . . 1 a. - o - - KKEAMEK. Prof. F. C- Fisher of Salem was talltr in town Saturday evening. Mrs. Thompson Hilhish and .he ill m liwirrnen -ui ni I i i- 11 1 in v. M. E. Erdley purchased a nice ... ... . .Ml. B " l"s- ' 's- ..... Mrs. Frank Row is seriously ill Ml .... . . I"V " A. C, Smith is in the city buying uu i ii iiiiiit i ninth. mi i 'i lit' i v, Bl i T i it ruir.tiipvi I ia nrronni ncr IK ll'nlir it ,.(,.,. in ml V.i. il l .1 LI ""-"W"V 1'ltIVV III I'll ' lllllll t raanruiA John Rennintrer, who lived west ...unit ii iv m w vii... iiiiui. (I MM Frank Musser movetl to Union t v UUNDORE. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Flitting is over for another year '1 there was a Etneral shaking up Wllh l... "111 Ill' ..fill. (HI ITIII. Eliza Mears of Hnzleton i j is miiiig wun Maria w . uunuore. Gcorire Camnbell savs clover seed Ihiirh n knakol -'ur merchant is pa-ing I4cts for IT mrifLi 66"' March is past and c only oats N vet is wild oat. "ehad an unusually large crop Aprii tools this year. 0r farmers have been planning ' winter, now they are ready to The Penna. canal is closed and " VVIV UL Villi I I I I I t 1111 ttIC vavjia tv in luun at iiil ii xi iio C I. - l i. l iL. ''oatman will sine: "In God we 'wi int. iunu nun uiiu iiil o in boating we busted." The robin is here to remind us of BniIVnil ,t' ............. ri" vav,n in ouiuuici. ucks on the river are plentiful. ,Tlie Susquehanna river bad been ail last week. p. S. E. Davis of Aline called T. Dundore and family, and enjoying their hospitality the talked freely of his former re work and success. The Rev. AL 1 j mm us snauv Biae oi me. Hurvey Stahlnevker and wife spent Sunday with V. J. Fisher. Our young nprto-date barber, S. IX Shatter, will leave ns Monday Miss Toysie Fisher and Miss Am If. it ... t I 1 . i' I rroiu spent me mm tew .lavs m .-Minimi n . The Independenee college closed April 1st. Qeo. Brown and Miss Mamrie ,,ri'ilw'r "fot Monday evening at me 1 IldeilCIXII'lHV I toll W. P. Moyer moved to Suuhurv Monday. Miss Maude Shatter spent a lew days with her grandfather at this place. X. T. Dundore was seen on our streets Sunday. The Xeitz Roys made a flying trip to the Independence Hotel Fri day evening. Dr. H. M. Krebs is the chief doctor in our town. The easter-rabbil was seen in our town the last few days. Austin Zerbe our baker, will go to Harrisburg. William Heintzelman of Lewis burg moved to this place last week. Henry Hoover was seen in town last week. SALEM. C. F. Moyer of Freehurg visited his sister, Mrs. Geo. M. Witmer. Thursday. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Seip of Erie is Ik ing entertained at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary D. Moyer. Ira Luck and wife left for Potts town Tuesday, where thev will lie- gin housekeeping. Hon. Chas. Miller was to Wil lianisport last week. G. A. Haines and, wife began housekeeping in their home in East Salem. Miss Lillie Row is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Koutz in Frack ville. Miss Fannie Watt of Freehurg is visiting H. V . Maurerand family Mrs. (i. W. Row, after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. John Gearbart, accompanied tin Sheriff home Sunday O. N. Kaltriter, who for the past year hud been slaying with Wm. .1. Rover ami family, returned to his home in Fremont Saturday. (i. M. Witmer made a business trip to Slumokin Monday. Miss Ada Bomlg is sjM'iiding some time with her sister, Mrs. I. E. Maurer. SHADEL. Graham aud Spotts moved thier shingle mill on the timber tract of A. G. Hornborger and R. R. Weav, er which they purchased from T. T. lieichenbach and commenced saw ing shingles last Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Royer and her son. Clark, of Paxtonville, visited T. T. lieichenbach and Mrs. Edward Sny der Sunday. The Sunday school at the Aline church will be organized next Sun day. PAXTONILLE Mrs. A. A. Attig and children, after spending a week among friends here, returned to their home in Reno va. Michael Hackenberg after having had sale and disposing of all bis personal property, left this place to make his home with his son, John, at Reedsvil le. Mrs. Budd of Beavertown was a visitor in town Monday. Wm. Swartz of Swineford spent a few days in town visiting his grandparents, John Ernest's. Miss Hattie Shambach left for Kantz, where she is employed at present with her aunt, Mrs. Erdley. Emery Ernest made a trip to Sunbury last week. B. F. Heimbach, wife and Mrs. Lincoln Erdley of New Berlin were in town Wednesday. Miss Hattie Howell of Beaver town visited her grandmother Mrs. Mary Howell, Wednesday. Thomas Middles warth and son of Reavcrtown paid a short visit to H. A. U. turner last week. j ,,. Hoot! of Freeburg was in Win. Qill, who had been working tow timlay. for bis brother, returned home again. John Brower, Jr. of Herndon Chas. Emery is on the siek list transacted business in our town Sat and is receiving mediosl attendance: url from Dr. Miller of Beavcrtown. I Prof. Conundrum of Chapman, Dr. Hermann of Middlehnrg made several professional calls to town last week. Wm. and O. P. McAfee, wl in arc employed at Greenwood ITuruace, spent a lew tlavs with their families last week. El- Mrs. Wm. McAfee and son, mer, sK'iit a tew days with her iar- cuts helping them most Irwin Graybill left for Harris burg to-day. Emery Ernest is leaving for Pitts burg this week where h" intends to secure employment. Rev. Warner of Selinsgrove made a trip to our town Satuiday on pro (bssional business. Following are the persons who moved last week, most of them oil Thursday! Grant Yoder to Mifflin burg; Wilson Gift to Bluomsburg; Irwin Graybill into house vacated by Thomas Rathlon; Amnion (iill into Wm. Beaoh leis house; Thomas Shemorry into house vacated by Michael Hackenberg; Daniel Kepler into house vacated by Shemorry; Davis (lift of Middlehnrg into his own house vacated by Grant Yoder. SELlNSliUOVE. Three of the members of the Cen tral Synod, Revs. Kearick of Centre Hall. Spangler of Yeagertown and MoConuel of Mifflinburg, were here on business connected with the Syn od. Mrs. Harry Royer spent several days with her sister at Sunbury. Rev. Fetterolf and family of Mer- cersburg are visiting among friends in town and vicinity. L. E. Iseman ofLaFavette Co! lege, a former student here, was in town I bursday. Dr. Yoclkler moved Monday to Miltoii. Miss Mabel Moyer of Bloom, is being entertained by friends. The horse sale Thursday was well attended and the stock brought good prices. M. Ii. Smith ol Drifton spent sev eral days with his wife's parents, J. ('. McFall and wife. Miss Wingard of Millorsburg was entertained by Miss Laura Het- trick at the .National Hotel. M. L. Wagenseller left on Moil lay for i lula., wncre he expects to remain during April attending to Ins trade as they get to the city. A musical entertainment was giv en in the chapel of the University Thursday evening by the students of the University. The audience was large. Tailor Phillips and wife were at Fhila. last week to make spring purchases. H. B. Moyer of the Freehurg Courier, was in town on several oc casions last week. Mrs. Reliecca Waters of Milton, formerly of this place, sjcnt Sunday with her brother, P. S. Alliert. Mis Mary Hess of Hiighcsville is being entertained by Dr. Heisler and wife. Mrs. G. W. Fortney is visiting her aged mother before going to New York state to join her husband, who is preaching there. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contains Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the wbole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except prescriptions from reputable Shysicians. as the damage they will o is ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from tLem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 , con taine no mercury, and ia Uken in ternally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buvine Hall's Catarrh Cure be aure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Tole do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. (Hall's Family Pius are the best. PORT 1'HKVK I'RON was a welcome caller in town last week. i vev Stahlnecker and wile of the i t untv scat paid the hitter's mother, Mary 0neit, a visit Sunday. The four Lenig brothers, Harvey. Charles, Clarence and James left for Milton Mondav, where they will work for the American Car Manu- f icttiiiiig Co Rev S. E. Davis, of Aline, made a bUHliiest call in town last week. Matter Russell Knigths, after Spending several weeks with his grand parents, returned to his home in Sunbury Saturday. ni. Reidle was home to see his best girl Sunday. II. F. Charles spent several days with his daughter, Mrs. Wm Rru haker at Suuhurv. Prof. Bowersox our worthy Sup erintendent, was in town Thursday ami Friday. E. D. Swineford and wile spent Sunday, at Oriental. Dr. Krebbe, wife and daugther sjK'tit Sunday with the former's par ents at Dundore. Chas. Krebbs and Miss. Carrie Wolf, of Dundore were in town Saturday. Harry Shaffer and wife of Chap- man passed through town Sunday enroute tt Dundore. Cal. Forry anil wife and Mr. Holtapple and wife of Kantz, were in town Tuesday. a. M. Shatter, Undertaker Sny der's ass't was to Selinsgrove last Wednesday. Gant Daubert made a business trip to Kantz last week. Jerre Snyder and family visited his parents at Selinsgrove Sunday. The boys who went west a few weeks ago report that they have se cured good positions. N. T. Dundore and wife and Mrs. Isaac Kembel of Dundore and Mr-. Minnie Kyer of Selinsgrove passed through town Sunday. Geo. Houser was to Shamokin Dam Saturday night to bring A.W. Aucker home to see his better half. Harry Boyer and wife of Selins grove ami Rev. Oohsenford and wife of Vlleiifown were theguests of Win. Rover and wife SlimdaV. Mrs. ( i. C. Faust and son Robert of Sunbury are visiting hei parents, Wm. Boyer and wife. Geo. D;iiibert and wife visited rel atives at Kantz Sunday. Jacob Lenig and wile of Milmont Wash Lenig, .lack Lenig and wife and Miss Mva Rice of Sunbury at tenet! the funeral of James Lenig Sr. last week. scoirs Emulsion .if Cod Liver Oil is the mearu f life, and enjoyment of life ti thousands: men women an children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food is ; burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose brin the plumpness of health. When work is hard am duty is heavy, it makes lit. bright. It is the thin edge of thi wedge; the thick end is food But what is the use of food when you hate it, and can't d: gest it? Scott's Emulsion of Co Liver Oil is thefood that make you forget your stomach. If you have not triad It, send fc rrea sample. Its agreeable taste wi boo. and 91.00 1 all druaaiata. h HOLIDAY PRESENTS For EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of I ,u- ianiiiiai iiookii i nun up op SBMSB. or onus., voti to mm bkid buMpiaga ; Um lamp thai good arlwa TOO t-. t it and Mavs k-"- ; Hi'1 lump you m-ver ill-uii-'l' gjl iUl, nnoa v.mi hav ii ; that Zbc Vcw Rochester. Other lamp innv U i.fT.'nsl v.u "Jual Mgood " tli.-y may in oina raniecta. but for til around load. la. UMrea ouIt one, )'.',. ffrw Bocknttr. To make nr.-the hunpoffori I you U 'nulne, look for Uic wuue on it : ev, i v lamp oai it. mo Varfctfca.) oii Inmpaj IHade TV-v. Sr oan flU every lai p want RomattrrwhaUMr vnu M:mta new lamp or atom, an old ens repaired or refln Ma, a vase niouiite.t,or oilier make of lamp transform- maa mu literature on Imaahjatt ' are 5PECI AI.IST.s In the trratmrnt nf diseases f Lamps. Conaultatlon I'm I:. ou ono u new Kocncster '" io it. m "Mum THERDDHESTEH LAMP BUILDERS' HARDWARE Is an absolately necessity if you intend to build. You will need many things on which I cun stivo you money MY Stock is ALWAYS LARGE AND COMPLETE IN CLUDING A COMPLETE LINK of Reading Hardware Companies CELEBRATED LOCKS and INSIDE TRIMM INGS. Send me your specifications, and I will gladly quoteW you the price. JOTAI-I. GOODS (iUARANTEHI) AS RIIPKIISKNTni).' I S I V III ISHI II In IM70. W. H. B I Before Your Buying m YOU CAN YOURSELF SEE THE SUPERIOR POINTS. a Reno H- Walter,- MIDDLEBURGH, PENNA. 8 IMMENSE Call to see them. SWINEFORD. EaRter is drawing near. April ahowers bring Mayflowera. MiagAnna Beaver left Saturday for her Dew home at Berwick. Lewis A mig and wife of Selins- Uroveapent Wedoeedayamong friend here. Miss Jt unit Fox left for her home in Ottawiasa Saturday. Mrs. Joe Musser is visiting a mong friends at Freehurg. Miss Lillian (.iffin of OatawisM was the gui-st of Mrs. Clias.Kathfbn. If Irdibhd ly a ak rligrstioD Iohb of appetite, or rrnBtipation, try a few doi-f s of Cbambeilain'e Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Erery box wan ant ed. For Bale by the Middle burg drui store. Steady Habits 4" aBBi CB., Vl Ha U lUrrlaj St.. Im York Helm, in- I., ii. in. ftllllMl, SUNBURY, PENNA. I . a x a a a . a Some Silver-Tongued Talker $ j a a iimv try to iiink.' u Itrllrvr thr 'moon hgrrni rlii fNc," nml dM not mnller innrh whihrr It In or not. hnl when yon roittr to BUYING FARM TOOLS 3 I Don't truRt him too far. a Do tome thinking before you huy. ; I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU $ the OSBORNE LINE i ROCKER SALE AT SHIPMAN'S fihtoi wm 439 Market t, SUNBURY, PA . I I in BHIl Id iiiki for KliriimatUm. QUIOB BKLIKF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Ba'm for rheumatism are delisjbtad with the quick relief from pain which it afforda, When speakioff "f thin Mr U N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, savs : "Some time I had severe at tack of rheumatism io my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous rem edies, but trot no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. (Jeo. F. Parsons A CO., diugsists of this place, to try t'hamberlnin's Pain Balm, Thev rooommanded it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all oaiu. I have since recommended this liuiment to many of my friends, who agree with me, that it is the bt st remedy for nius cular rhemuatism in the market." For sale by the Middlehurg drug store. Began Sept.lE 3 9
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