L0GAL.HAmHIMG8 IN WMImKBMh tirr PREPARKD EXPRESSLY FOR THE lull VW " LjX ui i J i 1 i - I. i - WElsT BEAVEK. Tlie good wife says I will soon have to commence digging garden. S. H. Phillips is now a citizeu of Lcwalli l a. i J. Irvm Howell of Alfarata WM here Saturday buying cattle at the sale ot Kmautiel Wagner. James Steely is home from Cian ister, Blair Couuty where he had been working the past winter. The farmers are all anxious to commence plowing for oats sowing as none has been done here yet. The sale of Emanuel Wagner Sat urday was well attended. Horses brought from $70 to$80, cows from $ 15 to $25, chickens 9 cents per pound and turkeys $1.50 each. We are glad to hear ot T. F. Swincford improving after the acci dent he had in being caught between a log and a tree. HCHNfi J. L. Vanner and wife" were vis iting Henry Swineford few days la.it week. Communion services were held in tSe St. John's Lutheran Church Sun day forenoon. Grant Mangle was visiting his friend Benton Rothermel Sunday. The sale of Frank Walter was well attended last Thursday. The sale amounted to $1263.60. The Red l?ank School held their entertainment Friday evening and was wel 1 attended. David Hoover and his son How ard were to Richfield last week. Allen Valentine .vill have sale next Tuesday April 2nd. Amnion F. Sclmoe and family were guests of John Shnee last Sun day. V" "Adam. Kepler and wife were the quests o W. H. Wendt Sunday. David Hcover was to Midd!eburg hurf Thi c.-vlay. Peter Garman is going to Philadel phia in three weeks to buy Ids spring kind summer goods. State or Ohio, City of To j ledo, Lucas County, S Frank J. Cheney makes oatli Unit he is eenior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cu... doim business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that sulci firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ERANK F. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, tins (ith day of December, A. 1). 188ti. , , A. W. QLEASON, BBAL Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken in ternally, aud acts directly on th blood aud mucous surfaces of the Bysttem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ct CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hull's Family Pills are the best. PAXTONVTLLB Miss Bessie Haekenberg left for Snnbury where she has secured em ployment at the City Hotel. Michael Hackenberg had sale on Thursday to dispose of his personal property. He has decided to ipiit house-keeping for a while. Mrs. Addison Attig and children of Benoyo visited a few days here last week. Miss Jessie Attig after spending a few weeks with her sister iu Lewis town, and returned home last week. John Hackenberg wife and child of Reeds vi lie spent several days in town the guest of Mr. Hackenberg's father. Wm. B. and Uriah Howell of Beav ertown visited their Mother, Mrs. Mary Howell, Sunday. M. C. Harner of New Berlin and E. F. Harner of Aline visited their parents over Sunday. Ed. Keefer and wife of Sunbury accompanied by Wm. Snyder and wife of Shamokin Dam visited H .H. Attig's over Sunday. HARRISBURG.PA ChmsallOmnnamoDru AdomtioimJ wrw.f Fupwwmco New Manacihimt, Mi RICHFIELD C. M. Renner spent aliout a week with friends in Plymouth rectiitlv. Postmaster Shelley is very much elated over the arrival of a little girl baby. The masons are engaged in put ting up the walls for M.S.Grayhill's new store building. Threechildren of Amos Knouseof near Knousctowu have died of diph theria within the last few weeks. M. J. Snyder will preach on the Juniata charge in the United Kvan gelical church during this conference year. The protracted meeting in the D. I?, church is still in progess and pen itents are still bowing at the altar. S. (i. Snyder intends to leave for Johnsonsburg, Klk couty, where he has secured a position with Clement Smith. Rev. E, C. Basom is spending a short tune with his parents ami friends. He will preach on the Kin igsville circuit, York county, during this conference year, i HELTNSGBOVE. A number of our citizens attend ed the funeral of Mrs. W aldo Wit tenmyer. Mrs. Lou. Wenrich, who spent the winter among friends in the est, returned nome a rew uavs iilto well pleased with her trip. Howard Hoeh of Lebanon was in town Thursday of last week. He visited his cousin, Mrs. M. L. Wag enseller. Rev. S. N. Carpenter and wife spent several days in town before going to his charge at Pittsburg, Rev. H- 0. Michael of Wil r- ding was also a visitor. He attended the wedding of Rev. Carpenter at Berwick. Joseph Walter and wife of Com ing were the guests of J. J. Miller and wife last week. Dr. Yutzy preached for Rev. S. X. Carpenter Sunday. Misses Mildred and Bessie Focht arc spending a week among friends in Baltimore. A number of our citizens took in flic concert of the Glee Club at your place Saturday. J. K. Davis of Swarthmore Col lege was at home a few days last week. The verdict of the iury in tin- case of the Halifax hank robbery seems to give satisfaction to the peoplegeuerally as a just retribution. Miss Lizzie Rohbach of Harris burg is visiting her parents. The repairs at Trinity Lutheran church are about completed; they make quite an improvement. Workmen are busy getting the building iu shape for the new shoe factory. J. A. Carey and wife of Sunbury passed through hereon their way to Huntingdon for a visit with iiisjar ents. Prof. Seip of Belleville delivered an interesting lecture Friday even ing iu the chattel of the University Subject: "The Germans of Pennsyl vania. Miss Carrie Strickler of Lewis- town speut a day in town last week renewing old acquaintances. Dr. Barb of Hughes vi lie siient t nday and mrt of Saturday with his daughters. Rev. George Scholl of Baltimore preached Sunday morning in Trini ty Lutheran church on thesuhjectof Foreign Missions. PORT TREVETRON Hiitclier Keller sjieut Sunday in town. Our young and up-to-date Iwr- ber, W. G. Neitz, went to Trevor- ton to finish his trade. Geo. Kine and wife of Milton spent Sunday in our midst. Harvey Bogar, student of Buck- nell University, Lewisburg, spent a few days at home last week. Miss Jennie Charles is spending a few days at Selinsgrove. , , . q i , ILUCE8 IF BY ITS CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS jflfl lMj lfl''al'M'8s'g'a'svl?'r2'a'2fl'l:'A'i;i;i'.'iig18Blllj Misses com and Lena I inganiHii, S. I. Stitleii a il wife, Rev, K ranees and Ernest Neita attended the 1'. B, S. S. convention :it Sunburv Satur- ' day and Sundav. 1?. F. Arnold of Milton spent Sunday in town. Miss Nora Shambaiigh of Phila., I spent a few days with her patents ! last week. F. A. Bingaiuan was to Shamokin last week. Mrs. (i. , Flanders was to Sun bury last Thursday. The funeral of J. B. Leoig, w ho was killed by lulling derrick at Milton, Friday, took (place Monday afternoon at St. John's church. Ho leavis a wife and eleven children ranging from two years of agi . Evan, choir- d nn Rev. Frances official d. UNION TO S. J . Stroiib and l niels Wharf spent Sti , mini .Ii J. Stahl. Martin Staid of Sluiui'kiu Da sM'iit a few days of I week with his cousin, K. R. Zimmerman, Li..ie Shrey w.is staving with friends at Verdi I la last week. Mrs. J. S. Reichenbach of Sham okin Dam is staving with her sick mother here. P. H. Martin ami J.fi. Shotzber ger with their families moved to Hummels Wharf last week. B. Q. Stahl moved to near Ix vyis burg Thursday. C. W. Seohrist and Geo. Foltz each got a new Swab wagon last week. C. U. Seohrist has taken to him self a wife in the person of Annie J. Ueintsieman of Pallas, Ceremonies were performed by Rev. C. C. Mil ler March 23rd at Freeburg, Pa. At a recent meeting of our Con gress "in town" the members by B Unanimous vote have agreed to hold a grand 'banquet at the end of the present session which is very near, and donate the proceeds to the Stand ard Oil Co. Xobodv knows all about it ml nothing, now known, wil ways cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emu' ion of Cod Liver Oil, whe liey think it is caused by in effect digestion of foot, 'oil can do the same. It may or may not be causci y the failure of stomach aru oveIs to do their work. 1 t is, you will cure it; if not ou will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil docs that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, i 40Q Pearl St., N. Y. 50c, and $1.00; all druggists. The plicae of 'go 1 Grippe. The dettrorer ofUGTippt-MJei' Ncrriao, Rheumatism. 8MV0ER MUMP KUEAMER. Wm. Bickel of Paxinos spent sev eral days with friends at this place last week. Frank Thomas shipiicd a carload of cattle from this place last week. Harvey Kramer made a business trip to Sunburv Saturday. A. C. Smith and George Cordon drove to Sclinsgrove Friday evening. Win. Snyder spent Sundav with friends at tierndon, Chas. Landis and family moved to York Tuesday. John Saner and family and Jacob Row and wife left for Nebraska last week where they intend to make their future home. Grover Smith, who is a student of Keller's Business College, Lewis bnrg, is enjoying a few weeks with his many friends. A. 1 . K reamer is tearing down he old kirn he purchased from Thompson Hilbish, known as the old Smith barn. It was built in 1822 and is one of the oldest barns around here, it was in a remarkably good state of' preservation consider ing the number of years it stood. Communion services were held in the Evangelical church Saturday evening. The presiding cider deliv ered a very interesting sermon. The small child of Frank Mitchell was seriously ill last week, but is on the road to recovery. Mis. John Mitchell of Renovo is visiting her parents at this place. M iss Krma Magec visited the ed itor of the Post Monday. Prof. F. C. Fisher of Susquehan Da University and D. N. Geraber ling of Selinsgrove were in town Friday evening. Jacob Lamer visited friends at Wagner last week. C rH CQ T3 S3 LU DC O co CO PS oc LU to Pi PQ to rH 69- o O to 0 X LU or forJHQLIDAY PRESENTS Fcr EVERY PAY US I The Lamp of Steady Habits P Th temp tluitdoMntfiMvupornookn. crn too "TA I XlPW rn '' 1 ,anif"W S tlw lump that 1 i a ,v W I .; -rK ?'! c -t it anil Ktayt pond : Iht) lamp tlmt you Mmf villi ff 'H r . ,f ! ,r! uh. tin you nav H ; ihnt f - v - ' ' . S.V T OI'i.t 1 nn I. tl-v nm Wk e, t ' i "... i . iu M 1 1 : WH w.-i il a i-.I ml. I W art THE BOCHESTEBUSiPCB., , j ; 4 BUILDERS' HARDWARE Is an absolutely necessity if you intend to bnild. You will need many thinjs m which I can save you money My Stock is always labor and complete in cluding A COMPLETE LINK of Heading Hardware Companies' CELEBRATED LOCKS and JKS1DE TRIMM INGS. Send me your nnvifiixitionit and I will ilmlhi tptate you tin price, Bejy ALL GOODS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. I M I II I Ml I II III IH70. W. H. ALUS DO TOBI THINKING I m Before Tour Buying il s ft ft I s I I m YOU CAN YOURSELF SEE Reno H. Walter, MIDDLBBURGH, PE1N1NA. UUNDOHE P. A. Slmfer f''l one Henry SCH tu ( '. Hoover's Rue driving Shamokin to sell. Flitting will be all the rage lhi mill more 1 week and next; les In good fellowship would improve these occasions. N. T. I hmdore's smoke-liOtise was visited the other nilit and re 1 lieved of a few smoked shoulders Mmf as luck would have it a few davs before he removed the hams to a more secure place for future use. M. P. Arnold and wife will sup erintend the Poor House of Union township which is located one mile west of 1'ort Trevorton. A. E. WUmer took a load of fine potatoes to Bunbury. Ed. Rambo is keeping bachleor's hall. Our debating school is making its mi rk, and who can tell but that I some of the orators ot tne age win j owe their success to this small be gining. The bridge bill at Harrisburg lias passed the second reading and it takes no prophet to see that we will have a bridge at Tort 1 revorton. Six or eight townships in the low er end of this county are entirely cut oil from market, their land has depreciated in value, and our people like Moses of old, casta wistful eye across the river where markets are good, money plenty and prosperity leigns supreme, and are waiting for their deliverer to come, the bridge at Tort Trevorton. Samuel High of Phila., was in town selling hardware. Maria W. Duodore made a trip to Selinsgrove and called on her sis ter, Minnie E. Eyer. Jerome Moycr sjient last week at Shamokin looking around for a good opening. 1 .. ..... I I DM . -. but l.r -i'! iin:itil .V. .,- A', h -.'. r. To moktf Luuplm It. likU VarMiM.) V A'-t rj U. ;.wm,t. Notaattrr h;-l ,r M CV. . Jfi) &2 or ..,-iv. . ..tin ri .in-.i ,.r r.'i.u -if. r -i- m mit.l,or ' -r mal nf Uiup t run 3lfHnv(r- j. t New Rochester. .I., it. ' :--1 " ;v M II ln-mlnn- ...i ili,.w ,,.t. rH.' iM SPECIALISTS In tin- trmtmmt ( irasr IVc ' . ' KJ ' atnp. Cinsiiltatmn FkbB. ark Place it S3 ll-fTsr t., SW tor. i I i Helm, flic ni I II. IM, MiiimI. SUNBURY, PENNA. t 5 nine Sil rer-Toniroed Talker 3 - 5 limy try t inka lii-lli'vc llir q 'moon hirwi rhnw,"anil Itrtooa ml irtiiio-r iniirli Hni'imrii is or 1101, Iml tthpii yon fomir lo BUYING FARiH TOOLS Don't tniKt hiiu too for. Do tome thinking before jrou buy. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU the OSBORNE LINE THE SUPERIOR FOIHTS. Isaac Campbell has moved across the river w ith liU family; he will in' missed as he is a gnl carpenter, shoemaker, and handy all around. . K. Shambach and wife of Port Trevorton spent an evening with N. T. Dnndore and wife; they are full if g I humor, Henrv lieiehenbaeh of Tne Hill has hired himself to a farmer in Pent) township, and il is hoped that lie will nut forget his many friends. A contented man is always rich. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Nn Dcecll About Tbla. "Yon told me," Bald the infuriated purchaser, "that that brook on the farm you !! me neveT ran ilry." "I muss I diil," Mid tin' rral estate man. "It lins been dry nil mi miner." "When it waa dry it didn't run, did it? Therefore, it could not run dry. We never deceive." Philadc hia I'rvss. Drmurrrr l-'nlrrrd. "My niece," said the doctor, "hn joined an organization they call the the strange I can't think of the name. I had it at my longue'a end a moment apo O, yes, I remember it now. They coll It the Thimble club." "Then you didn't have tt nt yonr tongue's end." objected the professor. "You had it at ,our finger's end." Chieago Tribune. I'nriprrlnl Kneoornrmeiit. "Bo this Is the end," he In bitterness erlefl.. Displaying the note she hinl written. "Just now It's the end,'' she with cau tion replied. Tlegretting to see him thus smitten. "And yet," she went on in her femlnln way, "Don't deem the world barren and hol low. Whate'er woman writes, juat remember, I pray, A postscript Is likely to follow." -Chicago Paat. f r